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G r o u p 8

ritual of the people in

the old english period
member :
M. Iqbal Arla Putra 23111013
Sultan Nabil Alfayed 23111024
Anggun Febrianti 23111011
najunda essya hardini 23111008
Uut Melinda 23111014
what is...
The Old English period refers to the
period from the late 5th to 12th century
in Britain. During this period, the
people of England practiced a variety
of religious rituals as part of their
Anglo-Saxon culture. Here are some of
the important rituals:
1. Blood sacrifice
Blood sacrifice was an important
ritual in the Anglo-Saxon
religion, and it was believed that
blood had the power to appease
the gods. Animals, such as
chickens, pigs, and horses, were
typically sacrificed.
2. Fire ceremony
The fire ceremony was a ritual used to sanctify and bless
a person or place. It involved the burning of a fire on a
high platform, and the smoke was believed to carry
prayers and blessings to the gods.
3. Funeral rituals
Funeral rituals were an important part of Anglo-
Saxon culture, and they involved a series of rituals
to honor the dead and help them transition to the
next world. These rituals included the burial of the
dead, the construction of a memorial, and the
offering of food and drink to the deceased
4. Religious festivals
The Anglo-Saxons celebrated several
religious festivals throughout the year,
including Easter, Whitsuntide, and the
summer and winter solstices. These
festivals involved prayers, feasting,
and ritual gatherings
5. Magic
Magic was also an important part of
Anglo-Saxon culture, and it involved
rituals to harness the power of the
supernatural to influence the physical
Overall, these rituals reflect the religious and
Spiritual beliefs of the Anglo-Saxons during the
Old English period, and they played an important
role in their lives and culture.

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