Diary Journal 2

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Journal 2

February 26, 2024 and this is the 1st day of my work immersion that's
why I woke up 4:40 early in the morning because I'm very excited to deploy at
the department trade and industry( DTI), but we must attend first to the flag
ceremony even our time to go to our assigned office is 8:00 am in the
morning, we prepared ourselves and when the time of 8:00 am, we walk from
smit to the DTI because it is not too far from our school, and when we arrived,
we wait for a minutes to orient and we are so glad to know that the office
environment of the DTI is very approachable and kind so we go to the office of
PD to introduced ourselves first to the head of DTI and after that ma'am Che
the chairwoman of DTI take us to the office of CDD to finally orient what is the
DTI and they assigned us to each department of the DTI where Yasmin,
Mustapha and I are assigned to the office of CPD. Ma'am Che took us to the
department where we belong and introduced our head, which is Ma'am Nelia
Roche. She's been so humble and kind since the first time I saw her, and we
also met our senior Intern, whose name is Ate Jenevieve, and they gave us
space or an area where we could stay while we were at work, and after a few
minutes of waiting, the intern gave us work where Yasmin and I arranged all
the files that she had given us, and yes, only the two of us, because
Mustapha is temporarily assigned to the capitol to be observed. While I am
writing this, I have this feeling or dream that someday I want to apply to this
kind of work, and I feel like I'm working like in reality, but I know it is not what I
think because, as I observed, the employees are too busy to encode what
they are doing, but I was amazed at how they are dedicated to their work.
Since it's already 11:20 am, I am so hungry, but I have to consider that 12:00
pm is our lunch time, that's why we should wait for that time. It's already 12:00
p.m. My classmates and I are going to a restaurant where we eat for lunch,
and at 12:46 pm, Yasmin and I log in and take a rest for a few minutes. After a
while, the intern gave us work, where it was our second time to arrange some
files, and after we finished, we arranged another file until it was already 5:00
pm and went home. This was our first day of experience working.
And the next day, it’s my second day of my work immersion, February
27, 2024. I went to the DTI office at 6:47 a.m., and my mouth has not healed
yet, but I took some medicine to be able to go to work. While waiting for my
classmates, I saw the senior intern starting to arrange the files. That's why I
immediately went to her and helped her. After a while, my classmates finally
arrived, and we arranged another paper that the intern had given us, and until
8:30 of doing the task, while working, Mustapha broke the puncher because
she wanted to make us fast to finish, but it was a lesson learned to us that
everything cannot make it faster because it can lead to applause or damage.
And around 9:30 o'clock, we started feeling hungry, but we continued working.
At 10:40 a.m., the employee starts to cook in their kitchen since the kitchen is
in front of our desk. We smell closely the aroma of their cook and easily get
hungry, but Mustapha cannot wait for lunch; she gets her biscuit and eats
secretly. It’s already 11:14 o’clock and I'm done with my task, and I felt so
hungry, but I have to wait until 12:00 for lunch. When it's already 12:00 p.m.
We went outside to eat lunch at the same restaurant where we took our lunch
yesterday. After we are done eating, we go back to the office, but they decide
to go to the NCCC to buy some food, and since I want to drink c2 and bring it
to the office, I tell Alang to buy me a c2 but the NCCC is closed. That's why I
decided to go back to the office. We log in at exactly 12:40 pm, and I
immediately take my medicine for my sore mouth. and we take a rest for a
while in the office and wait for our intern. When the intern arrived, we asked
her what else we could do, and she gave us papers again. She said we
should use a puncher and fastener to make the papers look clean and totally
arranged, and after we finished doing the jobs, we sat down for a while and
were also told by my senior intern that we would separate folders and arrange
them on the table so that when we were looking for them, we could find them
more easily. And after we finished arranging, we realized that it was already
4:50 p.m., so we prepared ourselves and waited for 5:00 p.m. to go home.
After a few minutes of waiting, we said goodbye to ma’am Nelia and said we
would go home. At the same time, our classmates from another office took us
to the office so we could all go out and log out at the same time.
On my third day of work immersion I went to DTI office at exactly 11:37
am because I had to absent for half day for my check because I can't take the
pain in my mouth anymore so I had to consult from doctor to have the best
medicine for my mouth sore and when I go to DTI, I change my outfit first and
I see Mustapha, ate intern and Yasmin finishing eating and I waited them for
we log in together and after that, started filling and even I'm working I cannot
open my mouth because of mouth sore, we continue filling and photocopies
the documents and label them at the same time until 4:30 pm and we take a
rest and wait for out and when it's already 5:00pm, we decided to say
goodbye to ma'am Nelia and other employees before log out and go home.

It is my 4th of immersion and I log in before 8:00 am and we clean first

the office and we wait for what will be our next task for this day and 8:57
senior intern ask us if we know how to use Canva and we said we have a little
bit of knowledge in Canva, and she told us that this will be our task for today
because we should edit some quotes in Canva because DTI have daily
posting in their page and example of these are quotes so we start editing but
since we don't have a lot of knowledge in editing we got slowly to finish our
first quotes and we decided to taking turns of editing in Canva because we
only have 1 laptop and since we log in from account of senior intern, we
cannot use the other templates which has pro, but sir Ben told us that we can
use the account of DTI for able that we can use the pro templates and he told
us that we have to make or edit more than 30 quotes and it's already time for
lunch and we only edit almost 10 quotes and have to stop for a while to eat for
lunch and so we decided to log out for morning and we took a lunch at the
same restaurant because from day 1 up until now, we choose to the
restaurant where we eat every day. 12:00 o'clock we finish our lunch and we
decided to go back at the office and have to log in for afternoon and continue
to edit the quotes. While editing, Sir Ben told us to take a picture for a while
because the CPD department is assigned to post for Flex Friday, so he used
us to model the Calamansi juice for Flex Friday. After that, we continued again
to edit the quotes until 4:55 pm, and we finished editing for the exact 37
quotes. We decided to stop and close the laptop and fix ourselves. Until it's
already 5:00pm, the employees said that we could go home. As part of our
routine, we said goodbye to Ma'am Nelia and other employees before leaving,
and after that, we logged out and time to go home.

Its another day and this is my 5th day of immersion, and yes, it is
Friday, the flex Friday of the DTI, and they assigned us to take a picture of
any products of the DTI. We made a caption for it, and it is individual. Even if
I'm not feeling well, I choose to go to duty, but this day I go to the office at
8:07 am because my mouth is hurting, and we started to take a picture for us
to pass it as early as possible, but it doesn't mean that we are required to
pass it early. As an excited immersionist, we found a spot where we could
take a picture, and after so many shots, I chose only one. Our head told us to
take a picture with them to have a memorable picture because our senior
intern had to change where she was assigned again. And yes, I have met our
newly hired senior intern, and I know it is awkward, and she was shy at first,
but I approach her and tell her what I can do to help, and I help her a little bit
by separating the files. Next, sir, Jr. It took us to have a photocopy of papers
and 20 copies of them, and of course it is our first time using another model of
Epson printer, and we don't yet know how to use it. It took us too long before
we knew it but we asked for help from our senior intern, and finally we had 20
copies of each paper. While waiting for what will be our next task, my mouth is
hurting, and I cannot talk or eat properly. We arrange a little bit of files and
punch the papers until it is our lunch time, since I can't eat so much. After we
ate lunch, we went immediately to the office, and it was 12:30 o'clock, and the
interns and employees were still eating because they had a farewell party and
they had lechon, etc. I started to put medicine in my mouth, and while waiting
for the program, they told us to get the food outside. At 3 o'clock, the program
started, and the master of ceremonies was Fortez. We had our intermission
number with my classmates. Even though my mouth was hurting, I chose to
go in, and we sang "hawak kamay" until 5:00 p.m., and finally, it was time to
go home and take a rest because I couldn't take the pain anymore.

it's Monday, and this is my 6th day of immersion. I went to the office at
6:48 a.m., and yes, it's too early. I asked Juna where the broom was because
I was going to clean the office, but she said she's done cleaning. I am waiting
for my other immersion classmates while fixing for myself, and the intern said
that we will go inside the conference room because we will have our flag
ceremony. When we entered the conference room, the ceremony started, and
it was our first ever to attend this kind of flag ceremony with the employees,
and it looked so formal. When the Tacurong hymn started, ma’am Nelia asked
if we knew the action of the Tacurong hymn, and they wanted to go us in the
front, but we were shy, so we stayed in the area, but we also sang the
Tacurong hymn with action. After the flag ceremony, we proceeded to our
respective offices, and since the employees had their meeting, we sat down
for a while since there was no work to do. Around 9:00 o'clock, Sir Jimmy
arrived from the market because he bought snacks for the employees, and he
told us to distribute the snacks to the employees inside the conference room.
While we were giving the snacks, it was my first embarrassing moment in DTI
because the bottles of Minute Maid collapsed and the employees got
distracted because of me. After we finished distributing the snacks, we went
outside the conference room, and Sir Jimmy also gave us the snacks. Since I
have a sore mouth, I only drank the Minute Maid and a little bit of a sandwich.
Around 11:40 am, the food caterer arrived on the order of the employees, and
since I was saving my money, we were so happy because we had a free
lunch because the food was provided by them. Before we eat, we log out to
the log book, and we start to eat lunch. Since my mouth is getting better, I
enjoy eating foods because they're so delicious. After we ate, we cleaned the
area, and we took a rest for a while. It's 12:30 pm; we log in, and since we
don't have something else to do yet, we sit down and label the documents.
Until 5:00, we decide to ask permission from Ma'am Nelia if we can go home,
and when she says yes, we go to the log book area and log out our

On March 5, it was my 7th day of immersion, and I woke up early and

went to the DTI. I started filling, and did the task that they gave us until 12:00
pm. We logged out for lunch break and ate at the same restaurant, and after
we were done eating, we immediately went to the office and logged in. Sir Jr.
took us to the NCCC to experience his job, we took a pricing or checked the
price of every product, since it is our first time, we have a hard time finishing
the task, but even this, we are so grateful that we have experience this kind of
job even though we are student. After we finish pricing, we went back to the
office and prepared to go home.

On my 8th day of work immersion, I went to the DTI office and logged in
first before I entered the office because the log book is in the guard area, and
since my classmates were already cleaning the office, I just fixed myself.
Since we don't have work this day, we just sat until there was something to do
until lunch time, and before we went out, we logged out and ate at the same
restaurant as usual, then went back to the office and logged in again for the
afternoon. Since there was no task to work on, I felt sleepy that time, but I
stopped it, and until 5:00 pm, we fixed ourselves, said goodbye to Ma'am
Nelia, took a logout for the afternoon, and went home.

It's my 9th day of immersion, and I went early to the DTI office. We
started cutting the printed design to decorate the office. Until our lunch break,
we took a log-out and ate at the same restaurant. When we went to the office,
we took a log-in first and finished decorating the office. Ma'am Nelia checked
the files, but since there's something that needs to change, she told us to add
another file, so we need to arrange again from the first documents until 5:00
pm, and we didn't finish filling, but Ma'am Nelia said that we will continue it
tomorrow. That's why we log out and go home.

It is my 10th day of immersion, and it's March 8, 2024, the last day of
work immersion. We have a program for our retrieval, and it is also the
Women's Day celebration. That's why we wear purple shirts. When I went to
the DTI, we logged in and continued our task filling until 2:00 pm because we
started the program at 3:00 pm, so we needed to finish the task because
Ma'am Nelia told us that she wouldn't give our grades if we didn't finish the
work. When the program started, we enjoyed it until the distribution of
certificates, and we didn't expect that the other employees would give us
souvenirs or remembrances. And we eat the small foods that we prepare and
go home.

On the next week, Monday, March 11, 2024, and this is my last duty in
DTI, and yes, I had to extend 7–12 o’clock because last week I went to the
health center to have a checkup because of my mouth. I am now the one who
takes on duty, and I am alone because my classmates have completed their
80 hours, and I have 5 hours remaining for this work immersion, so I decided
to stay here until 12:00 pm. Because of that, I went to the office at 6:27 a.m.,
and it was too early for 8:00 a.m. to come in, and for my daily routine, I got the
broom to clean the office first. Its 7:33 and I was so sleepy this time because I
don’t have classmates to talk or what because I think I was alone. Meanwhile,
ma'am Nelia told me to print the name of documents and label it and add to
files, and after that, she told me again to have photocopies of documents and
separate it into another folder to label and file again, and after that, I sat down
for a while and she asked me again for the second time to encode and print
the documents. While I was working, the daughter of Ma'am Hazel, whose
name is Ava, was so naughty. She wanted to play with me and use my phone
to play the games, and even though she's like that, I was so happy with her,
and I will miss her after I finish my work immersion. After a while, I realized
that it was already 12:15 pm and I didn't have a plan to leave because I enjoy
DTI and I will miss them, but since I'm only the immersion student, I had to
accept the reality that staying or working here at DTI is only temporary for
now, so I asked permission and said goodbye to Ma'am Nelia, Sir Ben, Sir Jr.,
and other employees. I log out, and since I'm alone, I choose to eat lunch first
with my senior interns before I go to school. As I complete my 80 hours, I give
myself rewards by buying milk tea and decide to go to school.

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