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"The 100
most beautiful"
Regional Antioquia Chocó
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The 100 most beautiful
songs of
Carlos Vieco Ortiz

Medellin 1990
Reprint 1990

Publication sponsored by National Learning Service


Regional Antioquia Chocó

All rights reserved

Printed in Colombia Printed in Colombia

Laographic Preparation: Graphic Circle - Medellin

The SENA observes with pleasure and admiration that There is a
compilation like the one that the teacher Miguel Cuenca Quintero
made about another great teacher: Carlos Vieco Ortiz. And that is
why the Entity did not hesitate for a moment. mento in supporting
this publication that aims to disseminate a value, an artist and a
This print titled "The 100 most beautiful songs by Carlos Vieco Ortiz"
is an example for everyone, because it reflects jan the dedication
and love that we must always put into our work: the work that is one
of the founding reasons mental aspects of our lives and for which
SENA has provided permanent training for more than 32 years with
the purpose day by day Colombia is a better country.
Consequently, this publication then becomes a tribute to Carlos
Vieco and a recognition of the investigative work of Miguel Cuenca.
Likewise, I buy 1 goal for all of us so that we can take back what is
ours, love it and value it in its proper measure today and always.
It is also worth pointing out that this is only a selection tion among
the large number of works that the master composed tro Vieco and
like any selection the criteria is very personal and for many people
there may be extra or missing songs. However, the purpose was to
begin a work that over time can be refined and reach a position. ably
to edit a publication that covers all the fruitful and excellent quality
work of a person like Vieco Ortiz.
It only remains to say that SENA and the compiler hope that this
volume contributes to a better knowledge of the work of that great
artist whose work crossed the borders not only of Antioquia but of
Colombia itself to transcend other countries.

The editor.

The modest man, but great character of Colombian music, who was
Maestro Carlos Vieco Ortiz, truly requires no introduction because the
magnitude of his work denounces the dimensions human and artistic
nes of the most inspired and prolific American composer of all time.

This distinguished man from Antioquia dedicated his life to teaching

music and the composition of simple works in all airs, meters and forms.
Thousands of sonatas and songs emerged from his fingers and his
piano. tatas, in almost sixty years of creative activity.

He left three thousand works written as a magnificent spiritual

inheritance, not only for his widow and children, for his family, students,
friends. gos and countrymen of Antioquia; not only for every Colombian,
but also for every Spanish-speaking American and even from other

His music is like he was: Restful, defined and transparent.

He musicalized every verse that came into his hands with no other
purpose than to give inspiration to his muse. And he was always able to
find the appropriate scale, the precise stroke and the exact cadence for
the sum that gives victory. Because all his published works "hit", that is,
they had were successful, as is now the case with the ones we are
"dusting off" do" ten years after his transition to immortality.

Our countryman won competitions and received trophies and

decorations tions; He also saw his music requested by the most
important di melters with an impact on the large international public; He
put his songs in all the fashion catalogs of several decades and
reached children and young people in the educational world in songs of
al its pedagogical value.
Don Carlos Vieco's musical achievements were not limited to folkloric
themes. No!. The collection of his compositions has tsar zuelas,
overtures, romanzas, drawers and everything else of style in Three
Masters of cultured music, the learned, what common people call

His popular vein was an inexhaustible quarry; not only the telluric airs;
Not only all that that would have already meant too much: Maestro
Vieco also made very good boleros, waltzes and tangos, with a lot of
flavor, as witnessed by the success achieved by those he achieved. rum
be recorded.

Recently some critic, one of those who talk about music without being a
musician, cos, he wanted to harm the memory of the Master by calling
him, in misfortune gives journalistic interview, failed genius and
repetitive, but the reality is very far from the previous ones with
concepts. A discography that dates back more than five decades, and
disseminated given widely, allows any scholar to controvert the an later

Jaime, Lía, Alvaro and María Eugenia Vieco Montoya have spent many
nights organizing this monumental work in the archive.
Any musical director, any music teacher, will find there an inexhaustible
quarry, a lavish vein of musical nationalism. lime to support the fight that
some of us quixotes maintain against the avalanche of foreign sounds
that seek to destroy music. Colombian ca.

We want to give to the singers who did not use the sheet music, that is
to say , who do not play music, and to the general public, some of the
most popular songs due to the Inspiration of Maestro Car the Vieco

It hurts us that due to lack of space we cannot publish here the

biographies of so many dear people who wrote lyrics to sing to the
country and that's how it led to! Maestro Vieco so that the waxes worn
by the music ca: Pedro Pablo Restrepo uopez, León caer, ^ísarou Parra
, uro, Tartarin Moreira, among those who signed with pseudonyms; In
addition, Father Tomás Viílarraga, Bernardo Palacio Mejía, Mrs.
Patrocinia Perilla, widow of Dueñas, the mother of the composer and
tenor Luis Dueñas Perilla; Adolfo León Gómez; Jesús María
Trespalacios; Heriberto Zapata Cuencar; Antonio Osorio Isaza:
Albertina Pala cio; Eugenia Agudelo and many, many others who made
songs with Vieco and who should be introduced to the new audience
that, surely, has not heard them mentioned.

Among us there is no healthy custom of disseminating, along with the

title of the song, the rhythm in which it is made and the identification of
the group or soloist who performs it, the name of the composer and the
lyricist or author. For this reason, many people, leafing through this
book, will be pleasantly surprised to find that many of its songs favorite
songs, those who enjoyed his favor for so many years, those who heard
him sing and themselves sang with so much affection so many times,
came from the inspiration and prolific hands of the Master. Carlos Vieco

All of Colombia, America itself, the entire artistic world, owe a lot to the
good and simple Maestro who taught so many people to sing. nerations
of free men.

Peace to his grave and congratulations to his magnificent inspiration.


THE VIOLENT, party hallway. Colombian Tobacco Contest, in 1935.
This hallway premiered at the inauguration of the La Voz de Antioquia
radio station.

MAGNOLIAS, hallway. In the Colombian composers contest us of

Indulana and Roussillon, in 1941.

ON THE BANKS OF THE RIVER, bambuco. Awarded in the same

competition, in 1942.

HYMN OF THE CAVALRY WEAPON, of the Colombian Army, contest

of the Ministry of War, in 1950.

CLAIM, bamboo. National Folk Festival Competition, in the city of Man

Ízales, in 1955.

SUGAR CANE, bambuco. Colombia Song Festival na, from

Villavicencio, 1965.

FEAR OF LOVE, hallway with lyrics by Rosario Sansores. UNEDITED

on August 13, 1987 at the Teatro de la Universi city of Medellin.

CULTIVATING ROSES, in the General Electric and RCA contest Victor in




Argentine Government and ODEON record company .

NOW WITHOUT YOU, hallway song, lyrics by Francisco Rodríguez Moya.


BOY ACA CROSS in the rank of Knight, National Government.
ESTRELLA DE ANTIOQUIA, on two occasions, Departmental Government
SYMBOLIC AX, the Municipal Government of Medellin.
MEDAL OF MERIT, from Colcultura.
CULTURE WORKER, from the Cultu Integration Institute ral.
THE ORDER OF THE MULLETER, in the rank of Knight of Honor.
GERMAN SALDARRIAGA AWARD, from the Foundation of the same
BUNDE MEDAL, in Espinal, Tolima.
HONOR TO MERIT, from the Dieciocro cultural group.
THE ORDER OF THE NAIL, gold category, for a radio program.
SILVER PLATE, tribute from Radio Santafé de Bogotá.
THE ORDER OF MEMORIES, by the statesman Idem.
SAYCO PLATE. which was placed in his residence on August 16 1971.

Large number of plaques, scrolls and trophies awarded by diver These

institutions that promote the culture of Medeilín and several cities
Colombian figures that adorn the music room: the one on which he worked
for so many years and that his family preserves just as it looked before his
death. cer the Master.
His biography was included in the VI ENCYCLOPEDIA OF WORLD
MUSIC , with editions in German, Spanish, Italian, French and Russian.

THE PAN AMERICAN SONGBOOK included his song "Adiós Casita

Blanca" with lyrics by Father Tomás Villarraga.

SCHOOL SHOUTER, from Los Angeles, California, did the same thing.

He is also cited in WORLD BIOGRAPHY, from SA KAYE Publishing

House in New York.

He was also included in IMPORTANT CHARACTERS OF THE

WORLD, a Latin American edition , from an important German
publishing house.


—The legacy of Maestro Vieco's compositions, "is barely being
uncovered." We are going to give an idea of the magnitude of his work,
resorting to what has been cataloged so far:

400 bambucos, between party-goers and singers.

280 corridors, between party people, singable and brilliant or studios.
55 guabinas.
85 dances.
15 whirlwinds.
10 bundles.
20 creoles
10 Inca fantasies
50 Christmas carols in Colombian airs.
25 children's songs.
15 school- themed songs for Colombian children.
100 brilliant works , such as watercolors, choral songs, piano overtures,
gavottes, piano studies in various airs, etc.
15 religious works, such as masses, salves, prayers, motets, etc.
150 waltzes, between slow, classic and brilliant.
75 marches between happy and funeral.
60 fox trot.

30 pasodobles.
20 tangos, some recorded by Magaldi, Héctor Aro and Juan Carlos Godoy.
10 boleros.
3 zarzuelas: "Las Vacaciones", "San Agustín" and "Romance Escla" vo",
this work, composed of 26 songs for tenor, bass, soprano and contralto,
lasting one and a half hours on Antioquian themes, premiered at the Junín
theater on December 12, 1947.
10 fantasies, with diverse themes, among which "La Mazorca de Oro"
stands out with lyrics by Robledo Ortiz, musicalization that covers all two
mestizo Colombian rhythms or airs.

There are also countless songs and musical works such as Ja vas,
Shotises, black songs, gypsy songs, oriental themes, etc.

This monumental list closes, three hundred institutional hymns in among

which are emblematic songs of some municipalities pios, political entities,
educational institutions and etc., etc., etc.

The Vieco-Montoya family wants to make the work of Maestro Carlos Vieco
available to musical directors, concert masters, student and choir
directors , music teachers, musical arrangers , and record recording
programmers. etc For which interested parties should go to Calle 48
(Pichin cha) No. 38-39, phone: 2492323.

Extract from the archive owned by the Vieco
Montoya family.
TO THE HEAT OF YOUR AFFECTION. Aisle. Santiago VélezE. 1928. T. 1 H.28
AYURA. Tomás Viilarraga children's song. T.2H.61 GOODBYE WHITE HOUSE.
Tomas Villarraga. T. 2 hours 63.
LOVES OF MY MOUNTAINS. Bambuco. Alfredo Diez. T 2 H. 107
ABSENT. Aisle. Roberto Muñoz. T.2 H. 114.
REGRET. Aisle. Tartar in Moreira. 1929. T.3 H. 130
COWARDED. Fox. Elena Agudelo. T.3 H. 131
WANTS. Aisle. Bernardo Palacio Mejia. 1945. T. 5 hours 187.
MOTHER'S LOVE. Romance. Sponsorship Perilla vda. of Dueñas. 1945. T.5
TRAVELING BIRDS. Waltz. Adolfo León Gómez. T.6 H.233
GOODBYE TO SCHOOL. Barcarole. Rafael Guerrero. 1939. T.6 H. 252.
BY THE RIVER . Bambuco. Jesús María Trespalacios. 1940. T.6 H.260.
INDIGENOUS SOUL. Solo from Zarzuela Romance Esclavo. T. 7 H.274.
ABSENCE. Aisle. Carlos Botero Herrera. 1945. T.8 H.316 DAWN. Bambuco.
Bernardo Palacio Mejía. 1952. T.9 H.381. TO THE HEAT OF MY BRUNETTE.
Bambuco. Jaime Fernandez. 1956. T. 10 H.452.
IN THE DISTANCE. Bambuco. Efrén Ríos. 1959. T.2 H.481
PEASANT LOVES. Bambuco. Elena Vélez de Smith. 1957.
T.12 H.508
THIS IS YOUR PEASANT WOMAN. Bambuco. Jaime Trespalacios. 1958. T. 12
TO A BRUNETTE. Bambuco. Albertina Palacio. 1959. T.13 H.569
1959 T.13 H.593.
DAWN. Bambuco. Francisco Gómez Correa. 1959. T.13 H.602..
ANGUSTIAS. Aisle. Adolfo León Gómez. 1960. T.14 H.619.
TO THE CHRIST OF MAY. Anthem. Leon Zafir. 1960. T.14 H.623.
AT THE FOOT OF YOUR WINDOW. Bambuco. Alvaro Z. 1960. T.14 HI649
ABSENCE. Aisle. Carlos Botero Herrera. 1961. T.14 H.681. ANTIOCH. Bambuco.
Arnulfo Agudelo. 1961. T.14 H.686.
GOODBYE PERJURY. Roberto Muñoz Londono. Aisle. 1961. T.15 H.688 THOSE
EYES. Bolero. Braulio Zaravia. 1962. T.15 H.704.
THAT AFTERNOON. Bambuco. Antonio Osorio Is aza. 1963. T.15 H.641

ALAVIRGENDECHIQUINQUIRA. Anthem. Heriberto Zapata Cuencar. 1963.
T.15 H.745.
LOVED. Aisle. Eugenia Agudelo. 1963. T.15 H. 752
THAT KISS. Bambuco. Bernardo Saidarriaga. 1963. T.15 H. 765 AMBITION.
Bambuco. Fernando Calle Garcés. 1963. T.15 H.773 ANSINASI. Guabina.
Antonio Osorio Isaza. 1963. T.15 H. 784.
AFFIRMATIVE. March. Jorge Tobón Restrepo. 1963. T.16 H.839. ANCESTOR.
Whirlwind. Jorge Robledo Ortiz. 1963. T.16 H.841.
EARLY AURAS. Bambuco. Germán Isaza. 1964. T.17 H.854 TO THE
COMPASS OF THIS BAMBUCO. Inés Londono Toro. 1964. T.17 H.861
AMBITION. Guabina. Fernando Calle Garcés. 1964. T.17 H.862.
GOODBYE IN THE AFTERNOON. Dance. Albertina Palacio de M. 1965. T.18
H.925 EVEN IF I WANT TO HATE YOU. Creole. Eugenia Agudelo. 1964.
T.18 H.946
MOUNTAIN ROLL. Bambuco. Mara Agudelo. 1965. T.18 H.950 LLANERO
LOVE. Joropo. Fernando Calle Garcés. 1965. T.19 H.954.
YESTERDAY'S LOVE. Aisle. Fernando Calle Garcés. 1965. T.19 H.958.
PILGRIM LOVE. Bambuco. Roberto Escobar Sanín. 1965.
T.19 H.966
THOSE EYES. Waltz. Braulio Zaravia. 1966. T.20 H.993.
BITTERNESS. Bambuco. Mara Agudelo. 1966. T.20 H.994.
VILLAGER. Bambuco. Mara Agudelo. 1966. T.20 H.1010
THANKSGIVING. Aisle. Delfin Acevedo. 1967. T.20 H. 1045
FIRM LOVE. Aisle. Oliva Longas. 1968. T.21 H.1100
THERE ON THE BEACH. Danzón. Alberto Cuervo González. 1970. T.24 H.
GOODBYE LOVE. March. Braulio Zaravia. 1970. T.24 H.1278.
SECRET LOVE. Bambuco. N. isaza. 1970. T.24 H.1288
SECRET LOVE. Bambuco. Rosa Lopera by Isaza. 1970. T.24 H.1312.
LARKS. Waltz. Roberto Mejía. 1971. T.24 H.1335
ABANDONMENT. Tango. Bernardo Londono. 1972. T.26 H.1440.
LOVE AND WILL. Aisle. J. Isaza Maya. 1972. T.26 H.1 472.
THERE AT THE RANCH. Bambuco. Libarao Garces. 1973. T.26 H.1 492
THERE AT THE RANCH. Bambuco. Libardo Garces. 1973. T.27 H. 1514.
FRIENDSHIP. Miguel Peláez. 1974. T.28 H.1568
TO THE MEMORY OF JOSEFINA. Waltz. Guillermo Valencia. 1974. T.28
NOTE ABOUT THE PREVIOUS WORK: Dr. Alvaro Pío Valencia brought these
lyrics composed by his brother, Dr. Guillermo Valencia, expressi dente of
Colombia, in memory of his sister Josefina Valencia de Jubach.
BEFORE MY MOTHER'S GRAVE. Aisle. Juan Caballero. 1974. T.28 H.1 575.
LOVE OF A DAY. Bambuco. Elias Duque. 1975. T.28 H.1600 THIS IS Ml
MEDELLIN. Bambuco. Francisco Gómez Correa. 1975. T.28 H.1631

WHITE CABIN. Bambuco. Tomas Villarraga. 1942. T.7 H. 262.
KISSES OF THE SUN Bambuco. Leon Zafir. 1942. T.7 H. 269 BUMANGUESA.
Bambuco. Leon Correa. 1963. T.15 H.736 KISS THAT KILLS. Guabina. Fernando
Calle Garcés. 1964. T.16 H.865. EMOTIONAL MOUTH. Ruth Correa. 1970. T.24
TOAST TO THE MACARENA. Two-step. Doctor Ramirez. 1971.
T.25 H. 1394
KISSES AND CARESSINGS. Ranchera. MeriluzMejía. 1973. T.26 H.1 496
BORINQUEÑA. Tango. Braulio Zaravia. 1974. T.28 H.1564.
WHEN THE AFTERNOON DIES . Dance. Miguel Angel del Rio. T.1 H.16.
ROSES. Waltz. Leon Zafir. T.3 H.142.
COLOMBIANITE. Bambuco. Alejandro Muñera Tobón. 1943. T.4 H.163. CHOIR OF
THE ANTIOQUEÑAS. Waltz. Tartarín Moreira. 1938. T.6 H.241.
PEASANT. Bambuco. Eladio Espinosa. 1942. T.7 H.281.
LLANERA SINGING . Galeron. Tomas Villarraga. T.8 H.310
WHEN YOU CRY. Romance. Juan de Dios Pezza. 1945. T.8 H.312
I SING TO MY CRADLE. Romance. Francisco de Paula Castrillón. 1945.
Dedicated to Copacabana. T.8 H.321.
LIKE AN ECHO IN THE NIGHT. Black song. "Buñuelito", Roberto Ocampo. 1952.
T.9 H.331
FISHERMEN 'S CHOIR. Pouporri. Isabel Pardo Hurtado. 1952.
T.9 H.343.
LIKE THE WATERS OF THE RIVER. Bambuco. Gabriel Obregon. 1952.
T.9 H.353
CONFESSION. Bambuco. José Solís Monedada. 1952. T.9 H.368.
SO MUCH SADNESS. Song. Juan de Dios Pezza. 1952. T.9 H. 376 HEAVEN AND
YOU. Bambuco song. Jorge Robledo Ortiz. 1953.
T.10 H.390
COLOMBIAN. Bambuco. TO. Zuluaga. Gutierrez. 1953. T.1 0 H.393
FATIGUE. Bambuco. Ines Tamayo. 1954. T.10 H.410
SONG OF HOPE. BAMBOO. Leon Zafir. 1955. T.10 H. 418 BELLS OF MY
VILLAGE. Coral. Antonio Alvarez Restrepo. 1955. T.10 H.423.
SONG TO ANTIOQUIA. MaraAgudelo. 1956. Anthem. T.10 H.453.
CABIN OF MY LOVES. Bambuco. Elias Trejos. 1958. T.1 0 H. 455.
SONG OF THE FOG. Coral No. 3. Tito Gallego Rojas. 1956. T.11H.472
WHAT YOUR EYES SHOULD BE LIKE . Aisle. Francisco Rodríguez Moya. 1959. T.
12 H.565.
BEAUTIFUL COLOMBIA. Aisle. Francisco Betancur. 1959. T.13 H.573.
COLOMBIAN COFFEE. Bambuco. Leon Zafir. 1959. T.13 H.574.
COLOMBIA ON BOARD. Bambuco. Leon Zafir. 1959. T.13 H.576. PUNISHMENT
OF LOVE. Aisle. Francisco Gómez Correa. 1959. T13 H.585

1960. T.1 H.622.
HUILENSE PEASANT. Bambuco. Bernardo Palacio Mejia. 1960.
T.14 H.629.
CANDELITE. BAMBOO. Couple. 1960. T.14 H.657.
QUINDIAN PEASANT. Bambuco. Carlos Botero Herrera. 1961.
T.14 H.678.
COLOMBIAN. Bambuco. Alfredo Zuluaga. 1961. T.15 H.687
SUGAR CANE. Bambuco. Carlos Botero Herrera. 1961. T.15 H.692 BELLS.
Bambuco. Dr. Carlos Flórez. 1961. T.15 H.697 COLOMBIA. Bambuco. Carlos
Agudelo.' 1962. T.15 H.717 SONG TO ANTIOQUIA. Anthem. Mara Agudelo.
1962. T.15 H.720 CANDELITA. BAMBOO. Arturo Jaramillo. 1963. T.15 H. 748
THINGS OF LOVE. Bambuco. Carlos Botero Herrera. 1963. T.15 H.750
WHEN I WAS YOUNG. Bambuco. Fernando Calle Garcés. 1963. T. 16 H.828
SONGS OF THE HEART. Bambuco. Manglio Bedoya. 1963.
T.16 H.832.
CONSOLATION OF LOVE. Bambuco. Francisco Gomez. 1965. T.18 H.912
MOONLIGHT. Bambuco. Albertina Palacio de M. 1965. T.18 H.915 EJEÑITA.
Bambuco. Esteban Zuluaga. 1965. T.18 H.930 CONDITION. Creole. Fernando
Calle Garcés. 1965. T.18 H.932 COLOMBIAN HEART. Fray Francisco Ríos.
1965. T.19 H.962.
JEALOUSY. Aisle. Pepa Vargas de Cadavid. 1966. T.20 H. 1033 NOTE:
Pepa Cadavid is Dora Cadavid 's mother.
JEALOUSY. Aisle. Pepa Vargas de Cadavid. 1967. T.20 H. 1038.
SENTINEL. Waltz. Inés Sepúlveda. 1967. T.20 H. 1052
PEASANT. Bambuco. Antonio González. 1967. T.20 H.1071.
PEASANT. Bambuco. Eladio Pizarro. 1968. T.21 H.1138
SONG OF SWEETNESS. Waltz. Adalberto Ayala. 1970. T.23 H.1254. WHEN
I WAS. YOUR LOVE. Aisle. Adalberto Ayala. 1970. T.23 H. 1256 SLEEPING
CITY. Bambuco. Father Morales. 1970. T.23 H. 1274 WHEN YOU SMILE AT
ME. Aisle. Alberto Cuervo González. 1970.
T.24 H. 1294
INDIGENOUS SONG. Gonzalo Rendon. 1972. T.26 H. 1462 BIRTHDAY.
Bambuco. Germán Isaza Gómez. 1973. T.27 H. 1564. WHEN THE SUN
MARCHES. Arizmendy. 1976. T.29 H.1674
SONG OF YOUTH. Martial anthem. Libardo Bedoya Céspedes. 1977. T.29
ABSENT SONG. Aisle. Gonzalo Rendon. 1977. T.29 H.1816. CHINITA WITH
BLUE EYES. Bambuco. Sponsorship Perilla vda. of Dueñas. 1945. T.5 H.210
CHAPOLERITE. Bambuco. Alejandro MúneraTobón. 1945. T.8 H.244
CHIQUITIN BREAKS THE BREAD. Fidel Cano's anthem. T.6 H.248.
CHAPOLERA. Bambuco. Antonio Osorio Isaza. 1961. T.15 H.691. CATIA
DANCE. Dance. Tomas Villarraga. T.2 H.59.
DISILLUSION. Bambuco. José Solís Monedada. 1940. T.6 H.261

OF Ml COLOMBIA. Guabina. Matilde Ceballos de Posada. 1952.
T.9 H.350
TWO HEARTS. Bambuco. Francisco Gomez. 1952. T.9 H.363
TELL ME GIRL. Bambuco. Carlos Mejia Saldarriaga. 1956. T.10 H.459.
DELUSIONS. Bambuco. Alfredo Alzate. 1960. T.14. H.616.
SWEET TO LOOK. Bambuco. Aicardo Uribe. 1960. T.14 H.643.
DESOLATION. Bambuco. Luis Carlos Florez. 1961. T.15 H.698.
WAKE UP MY WELL BELOVED. Bambuco. Eugenia Agudelo. 1963.
T.15 H.776
TELL ME MORENA. Bambuco. Rafael Naranjo Balcázar. 1963. T.16 H.791.
WHERE ARE YOU. Aisle. Marga Lopez. 1965. T.18 H.940
DESIRE. Aisle. Alberto Cuervo González. 1967. T.21 H.1081.
DILEMMA OF LOVE. March. Adalberto Ayala. 1970. T.23 H. 1255
TELL ME LITTLE. Bambuco. Carlos Mejía Saldarriaga. 1970.
T.24 H. 1295.
TELL ME. Bambuco. Ofelia Muñoz de N. 1971. T.24 H.1354.
TELL ME LITTLE. Bambuco. Carlos Mejía Saldarriaga. 1971.
T.25 H.1361.
OF THE UNITED CHURCH. Bambuco. Alberto Cuervo González. 1971.
H. 1397.
SWEET CHERISH. You go. Jorge Robledo Ortiz . 1972. T.26 H.1470.
MAIDEN AND REPENTANT. Creole. Alberto Cuervo González. 1973.
T.27 H.1510.
UNFORTUNATE. Aisle. Alberto Cuervo González. 1974. T.27 H.1550.
HE LEFT AWAY FROM ME. Tango. Lucia N. 1975. T.28 H.1605.
SAY GOODBYE. Waltz. Alberto Cuervo González. 1975. T.28 H.1606.
SAY GOODBYE. Alberto Cuervo González. 1975. T.28 H.1 61 9.
SWEET LOVE. Guabina. Horacio Fernandez. 1955. T.10 H.440.
THE ANTIOQUEÑO COFFEE. School song. Tomas Villarraga. T.2 H.60
THE WALK. Bambuco. Tomas Villarraga. 1943. T.2 H.81.
THE NIGHTINGALE. Song. Gustavo Ferrer. 1948. T.2 H.1 15.
ENCHANTMENT. Bambuco. Francisco Gómez Correa. T.5 H.203.
THE RETURN. Romance. Adolfo León Gómez. 1950. T.6 H.223.
ENVIGADEÑA. Danzón. Miguel Agudelo. 1922. T.6 H.250.
BETWEEN ORANGE TREES. Bambuco. Leon Zafir. 1942. T.7 H.267
BEING SO ABSENT. Aisle. Matilde Ceballos de Posada. 1952.
T.9 H.351.
NURSE. Bambuco. Francisco Moreno Rendón. 1952. T.9 H.365.
IN THE DISTANCE. Aisle. Francisco Moreno Rendón. 1952. T.9 H.373.
AT THE SOURCE. Bambuco. Angel Trujillo. 1953. T.10 H.385.
THE COUNTRY. Bambuco. Jorge Robledo Ortiz. 1953. T.10 H.397
EVOKING. Bambuco. Hector Garcia. 1956. T.10 H.451.
THE GARDEN OF YOUR HOUSE. Whirlwind. Lieutenant Zuluaga. 1957.
T.11 H.492. NOTE: This is Esteban Zuluaga.
THE CARRIEL ANTIOQUEÑO. Bambuco. Hernán Escobar Escobar. 1958.
T.12 H.523.

THE OLD TRAPICHE. Bambuco. Jorge Robledo Ortiz. 1959.
T. 13 H.559.
IN YOUR PARTY AIR. GUABINA. Enrique Echavarría. 1959.
T. 13 H.580
STOICISM. Aisle. Luis Carrasquilla. 1959. T.13 H.588.
BE NEXT TO YOU. Aisle. Juan de Dios Pezza. 1959. T.13 H.598.
THE SAILOR'S GOODBYE. Dance. Bernardo Palacio Mejía. 1960.
T.14 H.630
IT'S ALREADY LATE. Aisle.' Eugenia Agudelo. 1962. T.15 H.724.
EXPECTING. Bambuco. Eugenia Agudelo. 1963. T.15 H.739.
THE WALKER. Bambuco. Arturo Jaramillo. 1963. T.15 H.749.
THE CURTAIN OF THE BROAD SKY. Bambuco. Antonio González.
T.16 H.822.
IT'S USELESS Hallway. Fernando Calle Garcés. 1964. T.17 H.866.
THOSE EYES. Creole. Albertina Palacio de M. 1965. T.18 H. 916.
ESSAY OF WHIM. Efraín Arce Aragón. 1965. T.18 H.923.
WHIRLPOOL TEST. Efraín Arce Aragón. 1965. T.18 H. 924.
IN YOUR WINDOW. Albertina Palacio de Moreno. 1966. T.19 H.922. AMONG
THE LEAVES. Bambuco. Rafael Bernier. 1966. T.20 H.1029. THIS IS THE
SERENE NIGHT. Bambuco. Albertina Palacio de Moreno. 1967. T.20 H.1040.
THE ORCHID GARDEN. Bambuco. Esteban Zuluaga. 1967. T.20 H.1049.
ON SERENATE NIGHTS. Bambuco. Manlio Bedena. 1967.
T.20 H.1059.
NURSE. Bambuco Song. Francisco Moreno Correa. 1967.
T.20 H.1064.
THE ABANDONED SON. Tango. Juan José Cobo. 1969. T.23 H.1245.
EVOCATION. Waltz. Ruth Correa. 1970. T.24 H.1318.
EVOCATION ESSAY. Waltz. Ruth Correa. 1970. T.24 H.1319 TONIGHT MY
LITTLE. Guabina. Ruth Correada R. 1970. T.24 H.1327. THE GAMIN. Fox Trot.
Ruth Correa de R. 1971. T.24 H.1338.
AT THE FAIR. Two-step. Enrique Villegas. 1971. T.25 H.1388 EVOCATION.
Waltz. Ruth Correa de R. 1972. T.26 H.1415
THE BLACKBOARD OF THE TABLAZO. Bambuco. Hernando Montoya
Montoya. 1973. T.27 H.1498.
THE SNAIL. Fox Trot. Guido Restrepo. 1973. T.27 H.1503.
THE SUN OF COLOMBIA. Bambuco. Hernando Montoya. 1973. T.27 H. 1506.
GRINDING DAY. Guabina. Libardo Garces. 1973. T.27 H.1515 THIS IS LOVE.
Bambuco. Lucia N. 1973. T.27 H. 1526 YOU ARE KILLING MY LOVE.
Bambuco. Elias Sarmiento. 1975.
T. 28 hours 1593.
LOVE WAS A LIE. Song Hallway. Lucia N. 1975. H. 1620.
THE BEAGGER. Romance. Carmen de Barath. 1975. T.28 H. 1624.
EVOCATION OF THE MULLETER. Bambuco. Miguel Peláez. 1977.

T.29 H.1708.
FRUIT AND SEA. Bambuco. Leon Zafir. 1959. T.13 H.571.
FLOWERS AND EAGS. Bambuco. Adalberto Ayala. 1970. T.23 H. 1253.
FLOWER OF COLOMBIA. Bambuco. Hernando Montoya Montoya. 1972.
T.26 H.1438.
DEAD FLOWERS. Aisle. Alberto Cuervo González. 1972.
T.26 H. 1444.
FLOWERS AT HOME. Aisle. Alberto Cuervo González. 1973.
T.26 H. 1485.
BULL FESTIVAL. Two-step. Alfredo Acosta. 1974. T.28 H.1586.
GUABINA ANTIOQUEÑA. Rafael pigeon. 1944. T.2 H.91.
GARDEL. Tango. Eduardo Correa Bernal. 1975. T.28 H.1637.
HONDA PENA OR LA FRUTERITA. Bambuco. Roberto Muñoz Londono. T.1
TOWARDS CALVARY. Aisle. Leon Zafir. 1933. T.1 H.45.
HYMN TO CHIVALRY. General Pioquinto Rengifo. T.5 H.215.
TODAY WE LIVE FROM THE MEMORY. Bambuco. Alfredo Ochoa. 1942.
T.7 H.289.
ICE AND FIRE. Juan N. Vieco. 1945. T.8 H.301.
YOU HAVE TO LEAVE. Aisle. Jorge Robledo Ortiz. 1954. T.10 H.409.
THE TROUBADOR HAS DIED. Aisle. Ramon Giraldo. 1961. T.14 H.670
Dedicated to Julián Restrepo, member of the duet Obdulio y Julián.
HURT HEART. Dance. Eugenia Agudelo. 1965. T.18 H. 947.
THERE ARE TEARS. Aisle. Alberto Cuervo González. 1971. T.25 H.1374.
LIT bonfire. Cumbia. Gabriel Mejía. 1973. T.27 H. 1502.
WINTER AND SPRING. Carlos Villafañe. 1925. T.1 H.31.
Gloomy WINTER. Bambuco. Chava Rubio. T.5 H.173.
PEASANT IDYL. Guabina. Jorge Gartner. 1953. T.10 H.402. IMPRECATION.
Song. Antonio Gomez. 1955. T.10 H.421.
INFINITE PAINTY. Bambuco. Samuel A. Table. 1957. T.12 H.501.
INTRODUCTION TO THE GOLDEN COB. Operetta. Jorge Robledo Ortiz.
1959. T.13 H.570.
INGRATITUDE. Aisle. Bernardo Saldarriaga. 1962. T.1 5 H.713.
INCOMPREHENSION. Dance. Braulio Zaravia. 1970. T.24 H.1272.
UNCERTAINTY. Tango. J. Jimenez. 1974. T.28 H. 1589.
TRAVELING INDIA. Indian song. Gonzalo Rendon. 1976. T.29 H.1646.
OATH OF LOVE. Carlos Mejía Saldarriaga. 1956. T.10 H.457. I'LL NEVER
FORGET YOU. Bambuco. Carlos Mejía Saldarriaga. 1956.
T. 10 H.458.
I COULD NEVER DREAM. Bolero. BraulioZaravia. 1962. T.15 H.705.
GARDEN OF LOVES. Bambuco. Mara Agudelo 1966.
T. 20. H. 1009.
THE NIGHTS OF AGUADEDIOS. Dance. Adolfo ^eo- Gómez. 1924.
T.1 H.1
FAR AWAY. Aisle. Eleázar Arango. T.4 H.153.
PEASANT LAMENT. Bambuco. Jose Bedoya. 1945. T.5 H.208.
I LOVE HER IN SILENCE. Aisle. Patroclnia Perilla vda. of Dueñas. 1945. T.5
THE WAITING. Leon Zafir. 1945. T.5 H.189.
JANUARY MOON . Bambuco. Tartarin Moreira. 1950. T.5 H.219.
FAR. Bambuco. Alfonso Arango. 1951. T.6 H.230.
CRAZY PASSION. Bambuco. Carlos Villegas. 1952. T.9 H.328.
THE GYPSIES. Gypsy song. Bernardo Palacio Mejia. T.9 H.330.
THE SONG OF LOVE. Bambuco. Auro de Lollón. 1952. T.9 H.344.
THE NIGHTS THAT I HAVE SPENT. Bambuco. Francisco Gomez. 1952. T.9
SERENATE CRY. Aisle. Horacio Fernandez. 1952. T.10 H.384.
LINDA JERICOANITA. Bambuco. Antonio Saldarriaga. 1957. T.11 H.483.
THE WHITE CITY . Bambuco. Leon Zafir. 1957. T.11 H.484
Now it is called Primavera in Medellin.
SILVER RAIN. Aisle. Enriqueta Agudelo. 1956. T.11 H.471.
JANUARY MOON. Bambuco. Tartarin Moreira. 1959. T.13 H.599.
RIDE ME. Bambuco. Eugenia Agudelo. 1962. T.15 H.701.
CUTE BLACK. Bambuco. Antonio Osorio Isaza. 1963. T.15 H. 759.
LA FONDA .ANTIOQUEÑA. Bambuco. Francisco Gómez Correa. 1964.
THE SCHOOLGIRL. March. Fernando Calle Garcés. 1964. T.17 H.586.
HAS ALREADY SUFFERED. Aisle. Fernando Calle Garcés. 1964. T.17 H.
THE LAKES OF YOUR EYES. Bambuco. Albertina Palacio de M. 1965. T.18
LLANERA. Joropo. Fernando Calle Garcés. 1965. T.19 H.955.
CRY OF LOVE. Bambuco. Francisco Gómez Correa. 1965.
T.19 H.970.
MY MOTHER 'S GRAY GRAY . Aisle. Carlos Mazo. 1966. T.19 H..987.
CRY OF LOVE. Dance. Francisco Gómez Correa. 1966. T.20 H.966.
THE LAST SONG. Tango. Alejandro Muñera Tobón. 1968. T.21 H.1102.
THE SONG OF MY PRAYERS. Aisle. Alberto Cuervo. 1968.
T.21 H.1117.
MY BLACK. Guabina. Alfonso Saldarriaga. 1968. T.21. H.1135.
THE KISSES YOU GAVE ME. Aisle. Mariluz Mejía. 1968. T.21 H.1154.
THE CHOLE GIRL . Bambuco. Luis Carlos Flórez. 1969. T.23 H. 1249.
THE SCHOOLGIRL. March. Braulio Zaravia. 1970. T.24 H.1279.
MINE PLOT. Aisle. Alberto Cuervo González. 1970. T.24 H. 1273.
LIZARD. Waltz. BraulioZaravia. 1970. T.24 H. 1275.
THE PEN. March. Braulio Zaravia. 1970. T.24 H.1277.
JOYFUL YOUTH SINGS. Poetic composition by Sister Aída García Márquez
of the María Auxiliadora National Normal School of Copaca bana 1970. T.24
THE WOMEN OF MY TOWN. March. Alberto Cuervo González.
1970. T.24 H.1325.
THE SHIP OF MY LIFE. Aisle. Alberto Cuervo González. 1970. T.24 H. 1326.

AWAY FROM YOU. Dance. Arturo Calderon. 1972. T.26 H.1425.
THE SONG OF YOUR HANDS. Aisle. Dr. Emilio Duque. 1973.
T.27 H.1521 '
LINA MARIA. Francisco Gómez Correa. 1975. T.28 H. 1634.
THE TWO UNITED. March. Alberto Cuervo González. 1972. H.1460.
THE CHOLE GIRL . Bambuco. Luis Carlos Flórez. 1972. T.26. H.1471.
MY DARK FOREST . Bambuco. Carlos Villafañe. T.1 H.8
LITTLE MOTHER. Tango. José Bohórquez González. T.1 H.37 MESSAGE
OF LOVE. Dance. Aide mar Arango. T.2 H.96.
MOTHER HELP ME DIE. Waltz. Miguel Angel del Rio. T.2 H.68 MOTHER
HELP ME TO LIVE. Waltz. Miguel Angel del Rio. T.2 H.72.
MORNING. Bambuco. Eléazar Arango. T.2 H.73.
MOTHER 'S HANDS . Bambuco. Leon Zafir. 1929. T.3 H.129.
MY MOTHER. Aisle. Roberto Muñoz Londono. 1941. T.4 H. 149
SAILOR. March. Bernardo Toro. T.4 H.166
LITTLE BRUNETTE. Bambuco. Leon Zafir. 1940. T.6 H.235
MY HOUSE IS WAITING FOR YOU. Aisle. Oscar Alonso Villegas. 1942.
T.7 H.263.
MOUNTAIN. Bambuco. Francisco Romero Rendón. 1952. T.9 H.332
ETERNAL MINUTES . Aisle. Luis Gutierrez. 1952. T.9 H.360.
MY RIVER. Bambuco. Francisco Gómez Correa. 1952. T.9 H.362.
Perilla de Dueñas sponsorship. T.10 H. 395.
LITTLE BRUNETTE. Bambuco. Sponsorship Perilla vda. of Dueñas. 1953.
T. 10 H.398.
BUTTERFLY. Bambuco. Francisco Moreno Rendón. 1955. T.10 H.433.
LOOK AT ME BELOW. Guabina. Horacio Fernandez. 1957.
T. 1 1 H.478.
BRUNETTE WITH BLACK EYES. Bambuco. Dr. Bernardo Toro. 1957. T. 11
MY WOUNDED HEART. Aisle. Samuel A. Table. 1957. T.12 H.500
MANIZALEÑA. Bambuco. Jorge Gutierrez. 1957. T.12 H.506.
MONTAÑERITA THAT YOU KEEP. Bambuco. Francisco Gómez Correa.
1958. T.12 H.541.
MY CORN. Guabina. Germán Isaza Gómez. 1958. T.12 H. 544.
MY GUITAR. Bambuco. Sponsorship Perilla vda. of Dueñas. 1959.
T.13 H.566.
BLESSED HANDS . Sponsorship Perilla vda. of Dueñas. 1959.
T. 13 H.567.
MIRACLE. Guabina. Francisco Gómez Correa. 1959. T.13 H.592.
DAISY FLOWER. Bambuco. Leon Zafir. 1959. T.13 H.606.
MEDELLIN. Bambuco. Sofia Ospina de Navarro. 1960. T.14 H.625.
MY RUANA. Bambuco. Eladio Pizarro. 1960. T.14 H.656.
MEDELLIN. Bambuco. Antonio González. 1961. T.14 H.675.
MELANCHOLIA. Aisle. Cecilia de Calle. 1962. T.15 H.707
BUNCH OF ROSES. Bambuco. Bernardo Saldarriaga. 1962.

T.15 H.712.
FEAR OF LOVE. Aisle. Rosario de Anzores. 1962. T.15. H.718..
BRUNETTE OF MY DREAM. Bambuco. Jaime Fernandez. 1962.
T.15 H. 729
MY SERENATE. Bambuco. Arnulfo Baena. 1963. T.15 H.769
MY UNIVERSE. Aisle. Antonio Osorio Isaza. 1963. T.15 H.785
REASONS. Aisle. Rafael Naranjo Balcázar. 1963. T.16 H.794.
MEDELLIN GARDEN OF AMERICA. Bambuco. Leon Zafir. 1963.
T.16 H.796.
MY CORN. Guabina. Choral arrangement for four voices. Germán Isaza. 1963.
T.16 H.801.
MIRACLE. Guabina. Francisco Gómez Correa. 1963. T.16 H.803.
MY SERENATE. Bambuco. Manglio Bedoya. 1963. T.16 H.835.
MELANCHOLIA. Aisle. Cecilia de Calle. 1965. T.18 H.939.
MY DAUGHTERS. Dance. Juan Hurtado. 1966. T.20 H. 1020.
SEAS OF LA GUAJIRA. Bambuco. Rafael Bernier. 1966. T.20 H. 1023.
DAISY FLOWER. Creole. Rafael Bernier. 1966. T.20 H.1024.
MARY VICTORIA. Creole. Delfin Acevedo. 1967. T.20 H. 1046.
MARIA CRISTINA. Bambuco. Fabio Arango Mejia. 1967. T.20 H.1035.
MARCELA. Bambuco. Alberto Cuervo González. 1968. T.21 H.1103.
MACARENA. Two-step. Luis Ramirez. 1968. T.22. H.1171.
MARIALINDA. Bambuco. Alberto Cuervo González. 1969. T.22 H.1192.
MY ONLY LOVE. Fox Trot. Blanca Rocío Roldán. 1969. T.23. H.1238.
FLATTERING GIRL. Alberto Cuervo González. 1969.
T.23 H. 1239.
MY CRUEL BELOVED. Bambuco. Alberto Cuervo González. 1971.
T.24 H. 1343.
MY AMBITION. Aisle. Enrique Villegas. 1972. T.25 H.1408.
MY CABIN. Bambuco. Manuel Jaramillo. 1972. T.26 H. 1497.
MANIZALES. Two-step. Luis Ramirez. 1973. T.27 H. 1534.
MY LITTLE TOWN. Bambuco. Libardo Garces. 1974. T.27 H. 1547.
MY PROPERTY. Bambuco. Libardo Garces. 1974. T.27 H. 1548.
MY CITY. Bambuco. Francisco Gómez Correa. 1974. T.28 H.1571.
MY CITY. Bambuco. Francisco Gómez Correa. 1974. T.28 H.1560.
MY LITTLE RANCH. Guabina. Gonzalo Rendon. 1976. T.26 H. 1665.
MY GLORIOUS CITY. Bambuco. Francisco Gómez Correa. 1975.
T.28 H. 1630.
NOSTALGIA. Waltz. Luis Biana Echeverrí. T.1 H.30
GOLD AND BLUE NIGHTS. Bambuco. Leon Zafir. T.2 H. 123.
DON'T WANT ANY MORE HEART. Bambuco. Santiago Vélez Escobar.
T.3 H. 138
NOCTURNAL OF NIGHTINGALE. Song. Francisco Villaespesa. T.4 H.15S.
DO NOT SAY GOODBYE. Aisle. Sponsorship Perilla vda. of Dueñas. 1945.
T.5 H.211.
CLOUD OF PEARLS. Song. Epifanio Mejía. 1939. T.6 H.236.
NEVER. Aisle. Miguel Angel del Río. 1940. T.6 H.256.

I DON'T WANT YOU TO COME BACK. Aisle. Libardo Parra. 1945. T.8 H.295.
DON'T LEAVE THE TOWN. Bambuco. Gabriel Casas. 1952. T9 H.352. QUIET
NIGHT . Bambuco. Hector Garcia. 1955. T.10 H.424.
MOON NIGHTS. Bambuco. Francisco Gómez Correa. 1957.
T.12 H.518.
DON'T CRY HEART. Aisle. Roberto Muñoz Londono. 1959.
T.13 H.605.
NIGHT OF CHARMS. Bambuco. Fernando Calle Garcés. 1962.
T.15 H.730.
DO NOT LEAVE ME WAITING. Bambuco. Eugenia Agudelo. 1962.
T.15 H.733.
I CAN'T FORGET YOU. Aisle. Oliva Longas. 1964. T.18 H.908. ANTIOQUEÑA
BRIDE. Bambuco. Albertina Palacio de M. 1965. T.18 H.918.
DON'T SLEEP ANY MORE PEASANT. Bambuco. Rafael Bernier. 1966.
T.20 H.1022.
CHRISTMAS. Waltz. Fabio Arango Mejia. 1967. T.20 H. 1056.
DON'T SAY WE LOVE EACH OTHER . Bambuco. Inés Sepúlveda.
T.20 H. 1057.
DO NOT PRETEND. Tango. Ofelia Muñoz de Murillo. 1967. T.20 H. 1069
NEWS. Guabina. Berta Arias 1967. T.21 H.1087.
MY GIRLFRIEND. Danzón. BraulioZaravia. 1970. T.24 H 1270.
I DO NOT FORGIVE YOU. Aisle. Arturo Calderón 101 T 25 H. 1392.
FATAL NIGHT. Waltz. Roberto Escobar Sm -u" t.25 H.1399 NYMPH OF THE
CORNFIELDS. Bambuco. Libardo Garces. 1974.
T.27 H. 1546.
DON'T EVER COME BACK. Lucia Hoyos. 1974. H.1553.
NATALIE. Bambuco. Eladio Pizarro. 1974. T.28 H.1572.
INDIGENOUS NOSTALGIA . Gonzalo Rendon. 1974. T.28 H. 1580.
NOT NOR THE STARS. Dance. Arturo Escobar Sanín. 1972. T.26 H.1436.
I DO NOT FORGIVE YOU . Aisle. Alberto González. T.26 H. 1445.
INDIGENOUS NOSTALGIA . Inca theme . Gonzalo Rendón Sánchez. 1972.
T.26 H. 1455.
NOSTALGIA OF FISHERMEN. March. Jorge Robledo Ortiz. 1972. T.26 H.
I DO NOT FORGIVE YOU. Aisle. Enrique Calderon. 1972. T.26 H. 1459.
COLD NIGHT . Bambuco. Roberto Escobar Sanín. 1973.
T.26 H. 1482.
DO NOT SAY GOODBYE. Carmen de Barath Hall . 1975. T.28 H. 1625.
BEAUTIFUL GIRL. Bambuco. Aquileo Street. 1975. T.28 H.1626. NOSTALGIA.
Aisle. Gonzalo Rendón Sánchez. 1977. T.29 H.1699. OFFERING. Aisle.
Carlos Londono. T.1 H.23.
PRAYER. Aisle. Francisco Gómez Correa. T.5 H.218.
AUTUMN. Bambuco. Julio C. Maple. 1945. T.8 H.302.
FORGET YOU. Aisle. Jorge Robledo Ortiz. 1955. T.10 H.437.
OH CUTE LITTLE PEASANT. Bambuco. Arturo Restrepo. 1961.

T.14 H.659.
OLIVE GREEN EYES. Bambuco. Fernando Calle Garcés. 1964.
T.17 H.845.
SMELL OF COFFEE FARMS. Bambuco. Albertina Palacio de M. 1965.
T.18 H.913.
ORCHID. Bambuco. MaraAgudelo. 1966. T.20 H.1008.
TRAVELING WAVES. Bambuco. Alberto Cuervo González. 1968.
T.21. H.1116
WAVES OVER THE RIVER. Bambuco. Alberto Cuervo González. 1968. T.22
OH BLESSED MACARENA. Two-step. Luis Rodríguez. 1968. T.22 H.1196.
LOVE OBSESSION. Dance. Alberto Castaneda. 1970. T.24 H.1301.
SUCH BEAUTIFUL EYES. Waltz. Francisco Taborda. 1973. T.26 H.1476.
BIG BLACK EYES. Song. Dr. Emilio Duque. 1973. T.27 H. 1522.
BIG BLACK EYES. J. J. Emilio Duke. 1973. T.27 H.1530.
OPHELIA. Waltz. Dr. Ortiz González. 1973. T.27 H.1531.
ONOMASTIC. Aisle. Eladio Pizarro. 1974. T.28 H.1583.
PRAYER. Aisle. Bernardo Palacio Mejía. 1944. T.2 H.84.
PROMISES. Creole. Alfredo Mejía. 1945. T.5 H.197.
FOR YOUR FORGOTTENNESS. Bambuco. Maria Upegui. T.9 H.339.
PRAYER OF THE MACARENA. Two-step. Lázaro Matís. 1952.
T9 H.340.
SORRY SIR. Aisle. Francisco Gómez Correa. 1952. T.9 H.346.
SORRY SIR. Aisle. Francisco Gómez Correa. 1953. T.10 H.386.
PEARLS OF THE NAZARENE. Aisle. Enrique Escobar. 1954. T.10 H.411.
PRAYER TO THE SUN. Inca song. Germán Isaza Gómez. 1955.
T.10 H.435.
YOU MIGHT LOVE ME. Bambuco. Alberto Cuervo. 1956. T.10 H.444.
SMALL. Bambuco. Carlos Mejía Saldarriaga. 1957. T.11 H.494.
TO FORGET YOU LUCERO. Jorge Robledo Ortiz. 1957. T.12 H.498.
BUT WHAT A GREAT LOVE. Aisle. Jorge Marulanda. 1960. T.13 H.614.
PAINTS. Aisle. Bernardo Palacio Mejía. 1961. T.14 H.663.
ON THE ROADS OF MY PEOPLE. Bambuco. Fernando Calle Garcés. 1962.
T.15 H.715.
THINKING OF YOU. Aisle. Eugenia Agudelo. 1962. T.15 H.727.
FEELING. Aisle. Fernando Calle Garcés. 1963. T.15 H.742.
PROMISES. Bambuco. Sponsorship Perilla vda. of Dueñas. 1963. T.16
PRIMOROSA. Fernando Calle Garcés. 1965. T.18 H. 919.
BIT OF MY LIFE. Bambuco. Gabriela Gomez. 1965. T.18 H. 927.
FEELING. Dance. Fernando Calle Garcés. 1965. T.18 H.931.
ASKING FOR A LOOK. Albertina Palacio de M. 1965. T.18 H.942.
THROUGH THE SEAS OF COLOMBIA. March. Inés Londono Toro. 1965.
T.19 H.951.

ON THE PRAIRIE. Whirlwind. Inés Londono Toro. 1965. T.19 H.953.
PRISONER. Creole. Fernando Calle Garcés. 1967. T.20 H.1041. EXCUSE
ME SIR. Aisle. Antonio Cuervo. 1967. T.21 H.1090. DEPARTURE. Aisle.
Oliva Longas. 1968. T.21 H.1099.
SONG HALLWAY. Roberto Muñoz Londono. 1968. T.21 H.1120.
PRELUDES OF LOVE. Aisle. Alberto Cuervo González. 1970.
T.24 H.1289. •
THROUGH THE FAR MOUNTAINS. March. Margarita Jaramillo. 1971. T.24
LITTLE PIECE OF MY COUNTRY. Fox Trot. Manuel Gomez. 1971. T.25 H.
136 FOR YOU. Bambuco. Enrique Villegas. 1972. T.26 H.1422.
LANDSCAPE. Bambuco. Ruben Gomez. 1973. T.27 H.1511.
POOR INDIAN. Inca fox. Gonzalo Rendón Sánchez. 1975.
T.28 H.1641.
WHY DO YOU DENY ME YOUR LOVE. Bambuco. Jesus Correa. 1976.
T.29 H.1645.
FOR YOU. Bambuco. Enrique Villegas. 1977. T.29 H.1719.
WANTS TO DAWN. Bambuco. Lucia Merino. 1941. T.5 H.173.
WHAT A HORRIBLE THING. Aisle. Alberto Cuervo González. 1970. T.24
HOW BEAUTIFUL MY HOUSE IS. Bambuco. Gonzalo Rendón Sánchez.
1977. T.29 H.1724.
SPRING MEMORIES. Bambuco. Don F. Gomez. 1952.
T.2 H.120 .
I BEG. Aisle. Alejandro MúneraTobon. 1943. T.4 H.160.
PILGRIMAGE. Guabina. Emilio Yepes. T.5 H. 177.
REMEMBRANCE. Bambuco. Leon Zafir. 1945. T.5 H.190.
ROSE OF LOVE. Bambuco. Alberto Gil Sánchez. 1942. T.7 H.279.
SURROUNDED BY CORNFIELDS. Bambuco. Eladio Espinosa. 1942. T.7
RACE. Bambuco. Germán Isaza Gómez. 1945. T.8 H.306.
QUEEN DORIS. Bambuco. Leon Zafir. 1945. T.12 H.515.
RENAISSANCE. Aisle. Antonio Osorio Isaza. 1963. T.15 H.771.
PEASANT MEMORY. Guabina. Fernando Calle Garcés. 1963.
T.16 H.792.
REDEMPTION. Hallway song. Fernando Calle Garcés. 1963.
T.16 H.827.
LABOR ROMANCE. Bambuco. JuanCadavid. 1966. T.20 H.1019.
CLAIM OF LOVE. Bolero. Pepa Vargas. 1966. T.20 H.1031.
LABOR ROMANCE. Bambuco. Antonio González. 1968.
T.21 H.1115.
COME BACK HEART. Waltz. Francisco Taborda. 1970. T.24 H. 1284.
RETURN. Song Dance. Braulio Zaravia. 1970. T.24 H.1306.
SHELTER OF LOVE. Tango. Ruth Correa. 1970. T.24 H. 1322.
REFUGE ME IN YOUR ARMS. Aisle. Alberto Cuervo González. 1971. T.25

^OSANGEL. Bambuco. Pedro Arango. 1973. T.27 H.1502.
MEMORIES. Bambuco. Roberto Muñoz Londono. 1974. T.28 H.1562.
WITHOUT YOU DOING NOTHING TO ME . Libardo Parra Toro. 1928. T.1
SERENADE. Dance. Juan Clímaco Vélez. 1923. S1 H.13
YOUR SOUL IS ALWAYS COLD . Santiago Vélez Escobar. T. 1 H.20
SINIFANA. Song. Father Tomás Villarraga. T.2 H.55.
ON THE WATERS OF MAGDALENE. March. Q. Tomas Villarraga.
SONNET IN LOVE. Dance. Bernárdez, Argentine poet . T.2 H. 75.
THIRST. Aisle. Francisco Rodríguez Moya. T.3 H.136.
THEY ARE BELLS . Tango. Tartarin Moreira. 1940. T.6 H.249.
WALTZ GONE. Enrique Restrepo Gómez. 1945. T.8 H.303.
SERENADE. Bambuco. Leon Zafir. 1952. T9 H.348.
SERENADE AT DAWN. Bambuco. Germán Isaza Gómez. 1952.
T.9 H.359.
APPEAL. Aisle. Mario Zabala. 1952. T9 H.364.
APPEAL. Bambuco. Antonio Tamayo. 1952. T.9 H.369.
SAINT CECILIA. Bambuco. Alfonso Correa Bernal. 1952. T.9 H. 372.
SILENTLY. Federico Montoya. 1953. T.10 H.396.
DREAMS. Bambuco. Germán Isaza Gómez. 1955. T.1 0 H.466.
ONLY SADNESS. Bambuco. Horacio Fernandez. 1959. T.11 H.482.
SERRANITA. Bambuco. Francisco Gómez Correa. 1957. T.12 H.519.
SILENTLY. Bambuco. Federico Montoya. 1958. T.12 H.559.
SERENADE. Bambuco. Albertina Palacio de M. 1959. T.1 3 H.568.
THIRST FOR LOVE. Aisle. Roberto Muñoz Londono. 1963. T.15 H.756.
THE SOUL DREAMS . Bambuco. Miguel Angel del Río. 1962. T.1 5 H. 770.
SOWING KISSES. Bambuco. Alejandro Múnera Tobón. 1963.
T.1 5 H.777
YES IN YOUR EYES. Bambuco. Antonio González. 1963. T.16 H. 807.
STAR SOWER . Waltz. Fernando Calle Garcés. 1964.
T.1 7 H.863.
PLEA FOR LOVE. Dance. DoraCadavid. 1966. T.20 H.1033.
WITHOUT THINKING. Aisle. Berta Arias. 1967. T.20 H.1042.
SERENADE. Bambuco. Fabio Arango Mejia. 1967. T.20 H. 1058.
I JUST COME TO SING TO YOU. Aisle. Jose Gomez. 1968. T22H.1158.
IF NOT RETURN. Aisle. Alberto Cuervo González. 1969. T.23 H.1236.
SEPARATION. Danzón. Braulio Zaravia. 1970. T.24 H.1276.
SUN OF COLOMBIA. Bambuco. Hernando Montoya. 1970. T.24 H.1302.
BURYING FORGOTTEN. Bambuco. Alberto Cuervo González. 1970. T.24
HEALTH AND WELCOME. Bambuco. Roberto Mejía. 1971. T.24 H.1333.
SOBS OF LOVE. Aisle. Antonio Cuervo González. 1971. T.24
LOVE SECRETS. Aisle. Alberto Cuervo González. 1971. T.25 H. 1373.

IF YOU WANTED ME. Bambuco. Manuel Jaramillo. 1972. T.26 H.1474.

CHILDHOOD DREAMS. Waltz. Inés Sepúlveda. 1973. T.26 H. 1495.
COUNTRYSIDE SILHOUETTE . Bambuco. Germán Isaza Gómez. 1974.
T.27 H. 1544.
SIMPLY. Dance. Braulio Zaravia. 1974. T. 28 H. 1559.
SMILES AGAIN. Dance. Alberto Cuervo González. 1975. T.28 H.1616.
IF YOU CAME WITH ME. Bambuco. Gonzalo Rendón Sánchez. 1976. T.29
SAD AND FAR. Aisle. Enrique Alvarez Henao. 1924. T.1 H.17
YOUR EYES. Bambuco. Rafael Cabral. T.2 H.111
TRAPICHERA. Bambuco. Aldemar Arango. 1943. T.4 H.164.
YOUR LAUGHTER. Bambuco. Leon Cardona. 1945. T.5 H. 193.
YOUR CHARMS. Bambuco. Alfredo Perez. 1945. T.5 H.194.
FARMLAND. Aisle. Leon Zafir. 1942. T.7 H.257.
YOUR LAUGHTER. Leon Correa. 1954. T.9 H.333
YOUR VOICE. Aisle. Maria Upegui. 1952. T.9 H.335.
TERESA. Bambuco. Leon Zafir. 1952. T.9 H.355.
Gloomy afternoon. Guabina. N. Múnera. 1953. T.10 H.404.
Gloomy afternoon. Coral guabina. TO. Múnera. 1955. T.10 H.422.
JANUARY AFTERNOONS. Bambuco. Tartarin Moreira. 1958. T.12 H.533.
I LOVE YOU. Bambuco. Francisco Gomez. 1958. T.12 H.542.
BEHIND THE MOUNTAINS. Bambuco. Lucia Merino. 1959. T.13 H.596.
YOUR MOUTH. Oscar Agudelo. 1961 T.15 H. 699.
SAD MEMORY. Aisle. Roberto Muñoz Londono. 1961.
T.15 H.690.
I ADORE YOU. Creole. Bernardo Saldarriaga. 1963. T.15 H.766.
SAD EVENING. Bambuco. Sponsorship Perilla vda. of Dueñas. 1963. T.16
H. 813.
YOUR MOTES. Guabina. Fernando Calle Garcés. 1963. T.16 H.820.
GOOD LAND. Aisle. Leon Zafir. 1963. T.16 H. 829.
PARTY AFTERNOON. Bamboo. Antonio González. 1963. T.16 H.840.
YOUR BIG EYES. Bambuco. Fernando Calle Garcés. 1964.
T.17 H..847.
I REMEMBER YOU . Aisle. Fernando Calle Garcés. 1964. T.17 H.857.
SAD LONELINESS Bambuco. Fernando Calle Garcés. 1964.
T.17 H.859.
SO FAR. Bambuco. Carlos Mejia Saldarriaga. 1964. T.17 H.881.
YOUR GAME. Creole. Fernando Calle Garcés. 1965. T.18 H.944.
AFTERNOON. Creole. Gonzalo Rendón Sánchez. 1966. T.20 H.997.
EVERYTHING HAS DIED. Aisle. Efrén Lopera. 1967. T.20 H.1066.
YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO LOVE. Aisle. Julio Flórez. 1967. T.21 H.1077.
YOU WENT. Aisle. Berta Arias. 1967. T.21 H.1085.
SAD MEMORY. Alberto Cuervo González. 1969. T.23 H. 1235.
I LOVE YOU SO. Dance. Alberto Cuervo González. T.23 H.1241.
I LOVE YOU. Bolero. Braulio Zaravia. 1970. T.24 H.1271.
YOUR EYES. Aisle. Francisco Taborda. 1970. T.24 H.1282.

AS SWEET AS PINEAPPLE. Bambuco. N. Duke. 1970. T.24 H.1286.

I LOVE YOU . Dance. Francisco Gomez. 1970. T.24 H. 1298.
YOUR LOVE AND MY LITTLE PEOPLE. Dance. Libardo Garces. 1971. T.24
SAD TO REMEMBER. Waltz. Fernando Calle Garcés. 1972. T.26 H.1424. I
WILL LOVE YOU UNTIL YOU DIE. Bambuco. Alberto Cuervo González. 1973.
T.26 H.1424.
FORGETTING TIME. Creole. J. Emilio Duke. 1973. T.27 H.1516.
ANTIOCHEÑA LAND. Bambuco. Miguel Posada. 1974. T.28 H.1572.
SAD MEMORY. Aisle. Roberto Muñoz. 1974. T.28 H.1 581.
YOUR LIPS AND YOUR EYES. Aisle. Diego Calle Restrepo. 1977.
T.29 H.1 682.
LAST WILL. Waltz. Miguel Angel del Río. T.2 H.71.
LAST LETTER. Roberto Muñoz. 1940. T.6 H.258.
AN ILLUSION. Waltz. Jorge Marulanda. 1960. T.13 H.613.
LAST BREATH OF MY LIFE. Aisle. Enrique Echavarría. 1960.
T.14 H.626.
LAST FORGIVENESS. Creole. Alejandro Muñera Tobón. 1963. T.15 H.781.
LAST LONGING. Aisle. Roberto Muñoz Londono. 1968. T.21 H.1134.
A MIRACLE OF LOVE. Bambuco. Gonzalo Pendón. 1976.
T.29 H.1 677.
REVENGE. Aisle. Miguel Angel del Río. 1946. T.2 H.106.
PAIN FLIES. Bambuco. Gabriel Obregon. 1945. T.5 H.184.
COME I'M WAITING FOR YOU MORENA. Bambuco. Perilla de Dueñas
sponsorship. 1952 T9 H.336.
TRAVEL THROUGH WATERS. Aisle. Leon Zafir. 1959. T.13 H.575.
COME. Bambuco. Eugenia Agudelo. 1962. T.15 H.725.
BECOME MINE AGAIN. Aisle. Alejandro Múnera Tobón. 1963.
T.15 H.780.
I LIVE SAD. Aisle. Alberto Cuervo González. 1968. T.21 H.1142.
OLD TIPLE. Bambuco. Elias Londono. 1975. T.28 H.1 536.
VILLA OF CANDELARIA. Bambuco. Teresita de Múnera. 1975.
T.28 H.1 638.
I WILL COVER YOUR DREAMS. Aisle. TO. Gamboa. 1977. T.29. H.1711.
GO TO THE NEST. Aisle. Gonzalo Rendon. 1978. T.29 H.1729.
NOW WITHOUT YOU. Aisle. Francisco Rodríguez Moya. 1943. T.2 H. 82.
YOU'RE LEAVING NOW . Bambuco. Libardo Parra Toro. 1945. T.8 H.305.
Cuervo. 1957. T.12 H.502.
YARUMALEÑA. Bambuco. Eladio Pizarro. 196C. T.14 H.654.
YOU WILL NEVER COME BACK. Creole. Germán Isaza Gómez. 1965.
T. 19 H.952.
NOW WHY . Creole. Lucia de Rojas. 1966. T.20 H.1002.
I LIVE SAD YOU. Aisle. Alberto Cuervo González. T.28 H. 1607.
I AM A DOG WITHOUT A MASTER. Bambuco. Luis Betancur. 1975.
T.28 H.1609.
ZALAMERITE. Guabina. Germán Isaza Gómez. 1961. T.14 H. 664.
ZAIDA. Danzón. Arthur Street. 1971. T.25 H.1368.

We do not write down religious songs (masses, motets, salves, plega
rias, etc.) nor the institutional anthems, nor the songs that make up the
zarzuelas, the romanzas, the petit pieces, etc.

All of this, including the works of music without lyrics, adds up to more
than three thousand compositions, which gives an idea of the
magnitude of the contribution. from Maestro Carlos Vieco Ortiz to the
Colombian songbook.

Doña Raquel Montoya, widow of Vieco, and her children have come to
work Since the death of the Master, ten years ago, in the realization tion
of the general catalog of the works to be able to put them at the service
cio of musical art. That is the idea when publishing part of that catalog:
that it serves musical directors and arrangers, who can den will direct
the Vieco-Montoya house in its lawsuit.


Lyrics: León Zafir.

Music: Carlos Vieco O.

Opened by blows from my hand I have in the fullness of the mountain A

strip of arable land And raised in the background my cabin.

Under the eaves the pigeons coo, friendly birds chirp in the wind: And
the family property is filled with aromas by the orange trees in bloom
and the rose bushes.

But you are needed, distant girlfriend.

To brighten up family gardens. Grow the rose bush in the morning
And in the afternoon take care of the apiaries.

Without your presence, in my inheritance there is no serene peace that

I pursue and want;
Come warm my lonely and sad life.
I've been waiting for you for a long time

RECORDED BY: Duet of Yesterday.

Gomez and Villegas.
Songs of Ce ibia Choirs.
Garzón and Collazos.
The doctors.
The Scale Brothers
Colombia Trio.
Cora! Coltabaco.

Slow Hallway.

Lyrics: Tomás Villarraga.

Music: Carlos Vieco O.

Goodbye little white house: goodbye my sweet land, Placed

in the mountains like a flake of cotton. In the poor eaves the
restless swallow, perhaps happy, trills its placid song.

Perhaps the mockingbird tired of singing goes along the

paths of the steep Mount Alegre; And from the bushy
mango, the turpial on the branch Perhaps it still proclaims
the joys of its home.

And I so sad and alone, I go with my cross loaded Carrying

from the past the inheritance that remained; Carrying the
memory of my little white house And of my sad mother who

RECORDED BY : Duet of Yesterday.

Song Choirs of Colombia.
Gomez and Villegas.
Garzón and Collazos.

Lyrics: Tomás Villarraga. Music: Carlos Vieco O.

There in the Andes, perched, I have a little ranch of light and

love, That the burning and loving sun bathes in its lights and

It is the nest of my loves

Where michatita is asleep;
And at her window the flowers chatter And the rising sun gives
her kisses.

My little angels run happily through the green and fertile

mountain, and their sweet, joyful cries are like messengers of
love and peace.

There in the Andes, perched, Heaven and earth are seen

together, My beloved is in my ranch, My children are there, my
Eden is there.

Indian theme.

Lyrics: Bernardo Jaramillo A. Music: Carlos Vieco O.

Soul of time! On the wings of mystery; That of the Inca empire

Forever lost.

The bravery of the Indian They saw jungles and rivers; But today in
their huts misfortune weighs.

That defeated race

He no longer wants or waits; It is the broken flag beaten by the wind.

Everything in his soul is desert;

Everything in his soul is brokenness; And his pained song Fuñera
what has died.

He still cries his pain And among the tangle Sing with love; Endlessly
fight, Never die.

RECORDED BY: Singers of Xócimos

This theme belongs to Vieco's zarzuela "ñomance Esclavo" which

describes the time of Juan del Corral, slavery and the independence of


Lyrics: León Zafir.

Music: Carlos Vieco O.

I ambition, without false selfishness, to resign myself to a serene life, in

a square of brown earth that I would care for and till myself.

Good land, lush in vegetables, With apple trees, orange trees and
spikes: And let the friendly birds go and steal the ripe fruits.

A house in the audacity of a hill Where humble and discreet I lived In
union with my faithful companion, From my books, a tiple and a dog.

In the field, safe haven,

Man's conscience is whiter; Friendship is nobler and more frank, And
love is simpler, and purer.

I want, finally, on the most beautiful nights, to seclude myself in the

peace of my oblivion and dream like a sleeping child, that I am a
millionaire of stars.

RECORDED BY: Pilar Arango de Peláez.


Lyrics: Francisco Gómez. Music: Carlos Vieco O.

To your pious, Lord, I come wounded To implore on my knees

your forgiveness;
My faults, oh! Lord, forget it;
Take pity on me, have comparison.

My sin was only that of loving her with all my heart and all my
soul; And it came to the moment of losing it; Lord, make me not
lose my cool.

She loved me with holy delirium

And I responded with great love;
I loved her Lord! I loved her so much that I patiently embraced
my pain.

From her bed, Lord, I did not leave Although she suffered so boldly,
That there alone with her, I dreamed; I dreamed Lord!, I dreamed of
loving her so much.

San Antonio Children's Choirs and Musical Ensemble.

RECORDED BY: Duet from the Past.

Children's Singing and Dancing.

Lyrics: Tomás Villarraga.

Music: Carlos Vieco O.

Let's dance friends the catía dance As the

Indians danced it here, As they danced it
when the day Iguana, the Indian, died,
with the Ctrlri.

All the roads that crossed the valley; All

the roads of beautiful Aburra were full of
Indian men and women because the
princess will finally sing.

And so the princess, with divine tone, So

the princess intoned her song: "O Sun, of
the heavens noble pilgrim! Iguana, the
Indian, loved you as a child.

He loved you because you are the

perennial source, For the poor Indian, of
light and heat.
What would the tribe do, if your august
forehead stained the offense, covered the

You are the minister of the Lord of

You give us the rains and the storm;
"You serve the Indian with pleasant
consolation. You give the lands fertility."


Letter I. Parra T.
Music: Carlos Vieco O.

Drink for that woman, Those bells order me; And

obedient to his will I drink as much as I can And I
never stop wanting.

My God, Lord, Lord; Make me able to forget, To

kill my pain, The trembling of her lips, When she
was going to kiss me.

If before you the supplications are vain, I ask that

That clamor of bells never reach my ear.

They make me remember

That cold morning When it rained and rained
When they were going to bury her.

If you worry for my soul, Lord, I pray until I die that

I never again hear that clamor of bells.

What the hell can I do, If it is impossible to forget;

Drink and drink and drink And the suffering kill.

RECORDED BY: Agustín Magaldi.

Juan Carlos Godoy.



Lyrics: Santiago Véiez E. the Caratejo.

Music: Carlos Vieco O.

You know how much I adore you,

But you are so ungrateful that despite my wishes,
your soul is always cold.

You know that my heart
He lives surrendered to your plants, But you open
wounds with your strange indifference. Your disdain
is a martyrdom that overwhelms me and kills me.

Your love is like a rose

Pure and perfumed, that sticks its thorns into me to
make my soul bleed.

You are a source for me

But you deny me water;
And yet you must be the idolized divine one.
Even if you deny me your light Beautiful distant star.

RECORDED BY: Moriche and Utrera.

Duet of Yesterday.
■ Obdulio and Julián.
Emilio Murillo Trio
Grancolombiano Trio
Posada y Calle.


Lyrics: Roberto Muñoz Londoño

Music: Carlos Vieco O.

The ether is misty, the branches are shady,

The paths are populated with ghosts; The
light of the stars is dying, the flowers are
dying, the river is sobbing.

Sad and distant the old hamlet;

The bastion is silent, the eaves are silent;
The old companions of the cemetery in
their cold place are also mute.

RECORDED BY: Moriche and

Obdulio and
Julián. Old Duet
The Doctors.


Lyrics: Eladio Espinosa

Music: Carlos Vieco Ortiz.

Peasant that you keep on your cheeks

Shadows that are drawn in the mountains, You
are like flowers, pure and simple.
And that's why you make my soul sick.

Your eyes are stars that in my farmhouse

Make the pure and serene night warm: Your
hair, cascades that slide like a lattice, covering
your dark face.

I want to make you the companion in my life:

Don't be shy, don't be sullen: Come, my
humble hut is always waiting for you And there
you will be the queen of the mountain.

RECORDED BY: Espinosa and

Bedoya Ríos and


Lyrics: Dr. Jorge Gartner Music: Carlos

Vieco O.

Pretty little peasant with rosy cheeks, who

gives sweet joy to the green mountains.

When you go along the roads covered with

coffee, to see you I stand up, bold with my

Do you remember that night Full of light and

stars, Under those oaks where I saw you so

With an elegant brooch And those huge

earrings And those eyes that shone Like two
big stars.


Lyrics: Tomás Villarraga.

Music: Carlos Vieco O.

Sings llanera of the soul, A Joyful Galerón Of those that only you
know And they gladden the heart.

Sing in your beautiful window, Sing in the cane field;

Release your beautiful arpeggios, Little Sister of the turpial.

That I. wandering on the plain.

I will follow my destiny;
And your song in love I will hear from afar.

POFI ENGRAVING: Prado Brothers.


Lyrics: Gustavo Ferrer. Music: Carlos Vieco O.

Sing tender nightingale I want to hear your singing Your chirping is a

beauty That makes me dream.

Like the song of the nightingale With its song another song Like the
jasmine or the carnation From that song honey flows Bird that makes
me laugh Bird that makes me cry

I always want to feel you May your singing never cease Sing, sing
nightingale From the dawn the glow Always makes the pain flee It is
like the sun in the shadow.

Sung by soprano Dolly Hubens with the José María Tena orchestra in
the stellar program "El mundo delcotto" on the Voz de Antioquia in


Lyrics: Tomás Villarraga.

Music: Carlos Vleco O.

Let us sing a hymn, a hymn of glory To the Indian warrior, to the

battler, Who in epic fights that tire history He defeated the pride of the

Nutibara, the hero of the indomitable tribe, the brave Indian hailed
with light
Who with poor arrows tirelessly humiliated the fierce centaur with the
black harquebus.

Climbing like a tiger through the hard bushes, Where the steeds will
not follow you, You were the hero of these Antiochian lands That the
enemies will never defeat.


Lyrics: Carlos Botero Herrera.

Music: Carlos Vieco O.

Cane, sugar cane From my land sweet fruit, That you are born
chained Between cane and cane.

Fragile, slender and poised, Body of an early girl, You look

splendidly Cañita Vallecaucana.

You sweeten the bitterness Of the sorrows that in life Leave

us crazy loves - That make a wound bleed.

Rich source without sunset, Of fortunate destiny, Gold you are

even in bagasse Cane, sugar cane.

Awarded at the Villavicencio Song Festival in 1965.


Lyrics: Margarita Vásquez.

Music: Carlos Vieco O.

Colombia of my loves I always carry you in my soul, With the fury

of your seas
And the greenery of your mountains. (Bis)

With the warm lullaby

Of distant music, The fervor of your bambucos
And the taste of sweet cane. (Bis)

RECORDED BY: San Antonio Children's Choirs and


Black song.

Lyrics: Roberto Campo Music: Carlos Vieco O.

Like an echo in the night

The groan of the drum is heard;
It's the black guy who's sad
Since his love left.

The jungle takes his cry, The sea sobs with him; The wind
carries the lament to the unknown end.

At night you hear the song of the black man with his drum;
Nobody is left in his life. Only the jungle and its God.

RECORDED BY: Alfonso Escobar.



Lyrics: Albertina Palacio.

Music: Carlos Vieco O.

With a look from your beautiful eyes you will remove the sorrows
of my soul from me. But you don't want to look at me with them.
You prefer that I continue suffering from my boredom.

I've been looking for you for a while, and you, indifferent.
With cruel selfishness you mock me. Perhaps you don't know that
a suffering soul feels like dying from love and sorrow.

If on moonlit nights the dawn finds me at the foot of your fence,

wanting to sing.
Do not miss my life, that the being who adores you cannot express
his love in words.

In vain I have always wanted to forget.

In vain I try to overcome your disdain;
The wound you opened was bleeding.
And I always call you, my life and my good.

RECORDED BY: Marco Alvarez.

Coltabaco Coral.


Lyrics: Carlos Villafañe.

Music: Carlos Vieco O.

When I am next to you, I look at life Running like a fountain of pure

water Because you are like a lit lamp In the silence of my dark

I see you smile, I hear your accent

Sweeter than the honey of the beehives And if your voice names
me, in the moment they let me rest all my sorrows.

You are the soft rhythm of my dreams,

You are the white star that announces the day, The blessed among
all women, Shadow, sweetness and my hope.

For you my heart only recovers .

The ancient light with which my faith shines; Well, far from your
love, I have plenty of everything And being with you, I lack nothing.

JuanPülido BriceñoyAñez Obdulio and Julián DuetodeAntaño.



Lyrics: Miguel Angel del Río Music: Carlos Vieco O.

When the afternoon dies And the west burns, When the happy birds go
looking for their nests, I think only of your twilight and burning mouth
And of my kisses that fly From their lost nest.

In the blue placidity of the dying afternoon When the distant stars shine
tearfully, I have dreamed hiding my forehead in your bosom; Tell you
what I think of your beautiful pupils.

GPABADG Obdulio Sánchez.

José Moriche and Luis Zamudio
The Muleteers.
DL river oe Yesterday.
Arturo Gómez (Strings and voices of Seguros

Ca tares oe uoíombia.

Lyrics: Braulio Zaravia.

Music: Carlos Vieco O.

When I return to my Puerto Rico I will

have my little house and a nice garden;
I will serenade beautiful women To the
sound of bagpipes and the old violin.

And if I find a pretty girl Who wants to

get married and be very happy, I will
make a home near the beach And I will
never leave my beautiful island.

Paradise on earth,
Which God has formed in the middle of
the sea. Where the palm trees sway
gracefully And the murmur of the wind
will make us dream.

RECORDED BY: Jorge Ochoa.


Lyrics: Santiago Vélez.

Music: Carlos Viecc O.

How pleasant my life would have been

In the heat of your affection, beautiful brunette If I had not
sown such deep sorrow in my cowardly chest, your

Your disdain for martyrdom still condemns me, And

cowardice has so much power in my soul, That I think that
my grief would calm down In the heat of your affection,
pretty brunette.

You made my existence sad and gloomy When you could

have made it sweet and serene.
Come... and let my life pass in the heat of your affection,
pretty brunette.

RECORDED BY: Duet of Yesterday.

Blanca Ascencio and Carlos
Mejía RíosyMacías.
Hernando and Yezid.
The doctors.
Lucho Ramirez.
Victor Hugo Ayala.


Lyrics: Matilde C. from Posada.

Music: Carlos Vieco O.

From my Colombia being absent Oh! how hearts

bleed; And these crying bambucos come out of the
guitars like hearts.

Without your plains, without your snowy mountains,

Without your two seas, without your mountains,
Alas! What nostalgia is felt without your guabinas in
a strange land.

My chest filled with your loves has told the world

how much it names you; What a fine orchid, the
most beautiful, Full of flowers, that is Colombia.

RECORDED BY: The Garavito Sisters.


Lyrics: Germán Isaza.

Music: Carlos Vieco O.

Wake up, enchanting girl, Sweet lovely girl;

The mountain and the mountain range, The forests and

the meadow Copy aurora clouds.

Wake up that on the roads, Villas, foliage and paths, In

the quiet backwaters There is an orchestration of trills And
a blinking of stars.

Wake up, beautiful sultana, Illusion of my soul;

- Just wait for the morning That you open the window To
burst the day.

RECORDED BY: Espinosa and Bedoya. Ríos

Macías The Doctors Duet of


Lyrics: León Zafir.

Music: Carlos Vieco O.

Sweet Nazarene hands That healed my wounds And

removed the thorns of sorrow from my path.

Hands of my mother, Who led me by the hand along

the slope of the road. When they feared, pious, That
the rose bushes would hurt Me early.

Hands that were so good When they wiped away my

love; Hands that caressed me Under the serene night.


Lyrics: Jorge Robledo Ortiz.

Music: Carlos Visco O.

The old mill of my elders is grinding goodbyes instead of cane Well,

the rustic farmers and lumberjacks have already said goodbye to
the mountain.

The old men of the mill have already left And that is why the mill
mourns their absence, While the river prays for the cornfield.

RECORDED BY: Lucho Ramírez.


Lyrics: Roberto Muñoz Londoño.

Music: Carlos Vieco O.

The heart tears out of my chest when I remember my mother, my
little white-headed old lady, who when I separated from her she told

Goodbye son of the soul, you are leaving

From the mother who loved you so much; Between anguish and
pain you leave me with this wounded heart of sorrow.

Cruel destiny with a sinister hand Today separates us for the first
But everything passes in this vain world, And those who suffer
today will enjoy later.

That's what my poor mother told me

With my soul filled with pain And her burning tears fell On my hands
a! say goodbye to me

RECORDED BY: E. Quezadas.

Armando Paredes.
Prado Brothers with Briceño y Añez
Colombian Orchestra, with the title "Mother".



Lyrics: Juan de Dios Pezza. Music: Carlos Vieco O.

In every heart a flame burns

If the illusion still lives and love reigns, But in my heart, since it
loves. Without Illusion living, a bonfire burns.

Hear this confession: I love you with fear: With the fear of the soul
of your beauty, And I bring you to my dreams and I cannot take you
beyond my bitterness.

You know what it is to live as I live; You know what it is to cry

without faith or calm, While the captive heart dies And on the cross
of pain the soul breathes.

You are to the heart, what to the ruins. The rays of the sun are
splendorous, Where the reptile wraps itself in the thorns And the
sun is ashamed for being beautiful.


Lyrics: Tomás Villarraga.

Music: Carlos Vieco O.

On the flowery slope of the mountain

It rises among red flowers
White cabin.

My girlfriend, Palomitas, lives busy there, taking care of him

night and day.

When the sun in your bed

Of fiery red
It's going to hide in the afternoon, Tired arrived.

But she consecrates me a sweet smile That the warm breeze

carries through the fields.

Half dead I arrive, dear bride, And a word from you

It gives me life.


Lyrics: Oscar Villegas Giraldo.

Music: Carlos Vieco O.

Among myrtle trees, cherry trees, orange trees and lilies, At the foot
of a hill of unfaded greenery; Surrounded by fields and pious
fountains, I have what I love most of all things, A little white house
to carry my love. (Bis)

For you, my little black girl, who carries in your eyes

inextinguishable lights of my happiness;
That you give my companies feeling and courage, And to my little
white house a hint of eternity.

Mockingbirds and bluebirds in the dawn They praise the good God
throughout the banana plantation;
And they claim your name united with the sources that ask for your
presence with crystal voices .

RECORDED BY: San Antonio Children's Choirs and

Musical Ensemble.
Inn and Street.


Lyrics: Sofía Ospina by N. Music: Carlos Vieco O.

Among a chest of mountains Whose frond is a garden, Like a

rich jewel shines Noble and beautiful Medellin.

As a faithful daughter of Antioquia, you have had as your coat

of arms, The fruit of the coffee trees And the gold of the flood.

You adorn yourself with the plumes of factory chimneys. That

proclaim the effort and ideas of a race.

Villa de la Candelaria, Bastion of religion;

Your homes are the temples Where the heart serves.

RECORDED BY: Coros Cantares de Colombia.


Lyrics: Roberto Muñoz Londoño.

Music: Carlos Vleco O.

It is late night, and in my sad retreat I think crying of your fatal

You promised to love me eternally and today you break my heart,
ungrateful one.

As I am broken with grief; As cruel destiny does not depart from

On this night full of bitterness I am going to write you my last letter.

When you read it, if the pain hurts you, don't go to shed a tear;
Forget the unfortunate man who is dying. I forgive you your
betrayal, woman.

Maybe when you read it, a bullet will have broken my crazy skull
And in the dark back of a room With four candles I will be lying.

RECORDED BY: Juan Arvizu.

Duet of Yesterday.
Luciano v Conchuiór Gómez y Villegas.

Lyrics: Tomás Villarraga.
Music: Carlos Vieco O.

Colombia is my beloved homeland

And its banner the tricolor iris;
v ív¡r QUÍSIOÍQ po.^ opnc plena.
I would like to live , I would like to live .

But if it is necessary in his defense one day Go out joyfully to

the field, to the field of honor To die at the foot of his Pandera,
I would like to die, I would like to die.




Lyrics: Hernán Escobar Music: Car ¡os Vi eco O.

It is the Antioquia carriel

Shield, insignia and breastplate That were crossed on the chest by
the patriarchs of the race.

And inside it is hidden

Portraits, verses and flowers And that united to the heart The
farmers kept.

The rich and powerful

They wore the faithful emblem. With the barber and the dice, A
Christ and a novena.

With the tiple and with the ax They toured the continent, The trinity
that boasts of Antioquia, the strong race.

RECORDED BY: Hermanos Ramírez.


Lyrics: Albertina Palacio de M.

Music: Carlos Vi echo O.

Those eyes so large and deep, Dark as the bottom of the seas,
That portray the heavens and the worlds In the nights of black

Those eyes that look with tenderness, Mirror are of the goodness
of your soul; Of your candid and pure soul, And they are a haven
of peaceful calm.

RECORDED BY: Singers of Xócirnos.


Lyrics: Francisco Rodríguez Moya.

Music: Carlos Vieco O.

Winter was still very far away The afternoon we put our mouths
together, And our lives merged
In a seemingly eternal hug.

Pain, pleasure, as much as love reaches, I had them in you while

you were mine; There was never more eagerness in my joy, Nor
was my hope more anguished.

I don't even know how to pray; I don't know if any consolation will
embrace the pain I am left with. I only know that between my soul
and your memory Today I remain as I remain, sick at seeing

RECORDED BY: The Troubadours of America: Marta de

los Ríos and
Remberto Narváez sing.

Song Hallway.

Lyrics: Matilde Ceballos de P.
Music: Carlos Vieco O.

Being absent from my beloved Colombia

Our guitars cry arpeggios of pain; And the bamboo trees cry and
our souls cry For that beautiful orchid, pride of the Creator.

I feel deep nostalgia when I don't see your mountains, your seas
and plains, your glowing sky;
Thinking about your women my soul misses everything When
singing your bambucos my heart bleeds.

RECORDED BY: Jorge Ochoa.

Texaliados Ltda. Soloist: Darío Tobón G.


Lyrics: Carlos Botero Herrera.

Music: Carlos Vi echo O.

I evoke the shy and pure emotion

That in romance of love you offered me, When with crazy longing
you wanted me Delivered to the pleasure of your tenderness.

I live from your memories, oh my good.

With the nostalgia left by your absence, Lacerating my chest with
the harsh and acute inclemency of boredom.

And only my being is encouraged by hope

To return to your arms my life, What a well-deserved reward for the
persistence of the one who loves you, support of longing.

You know that for me everything is already sad:

Which is my wandering as a simple pilgrim: If you later crossed my
path, Without even a goodbye, you left me.

Tiscayá Duel Victor Hugo Ayala Lucho


Lyrics: Dr. Francisco Rodríguez Moya.

Music: Carlos Vieco O.

Tired of sterile efforts,

I am a traveler who yesterday on my way, In inns of pleasure I
broke my bread And in inns of love I toasted my wine.

I ask today for the thirst in which I embrace, When I take the
spoils from my saddlebag, That you let me happily fill my glass
In the wells of shadow of your eyes.

RECORDED BY: Dr. Alfonso Ortiz Tirado.

Duet of Yesterday. The doctors.



Lyrics: Eleázar Arango Music: Carlos Vieco O.

Traveling swallow, stop your flight, And in your happy notes, in your
window You tell her that I love her, that it is my desire to Make her
my goddess, my sovereign.

Don't you know his name? Tell a star to write it in gold in the
And you will see swallow, you will see how beautiful my beloved
sleeps in her room.


Lyrics: Antonio Osorio isaza. Music: Carlos Vleco O.

Make my life peaceful, Make yourself very close; Give me the

heat of your body And the honey of your little mouth.

Look how my master counts

He already declared us married;
We no longer offend God Because we are afraid to hug each

Let's go to my little ranch to kiss you all;

From head to toe. From the back to the face.

I have your little house prepared there with care, scented

with basil and smelling of rosemary.

GR A BA DO BY: Hermanos Ramírez.

Lyrics: Rufino Blanco, Venezuelan poet.
Music: Carlos Vieco O.

There are kisses that produce ravings Of loving, ardent

and crazy passion; You know them well, they are my
kisses Invented by me for your mouth.

Flame kisses, which leave the furrows of a forbidden

love on the face;
Storm kisses, wild kisses That only our lips have

You remember the first one, indefinable; It covered

your face with crimson blushes, And in the spasms of
terrible emotion your eyes filled with tears.

I taught you to kiss; cold kisses are from an impassive

heart of rock.
I taught you to kiss with my kisses Invented by me for
your mouth.

RECORDED BY: José Moriche and Luis

Zamudio Duet of Yesteryear.

Lyrics: Enriqueta Angulo.

Music: Carlos Vieco O.

The one pours its silver rain , The breezes kiss each
other with kisses of love;
I know that you sleep and my serenade comes to
wake you up with a soft rumor.

I want you to leave your divine eyes

Look behind the bars with vivid brilliance;
I want you to cure all my cravings by looking into my
eyes with immense love.

I want your shy lips to say Smiling lovingly, you will

see if it is love;
I want you to cure all my grievances by kissing my lips
with immense love.

I want the fairy to close your eyes that serves as a

beautiful witness to your dream;
I want my adored white vision. May you sleep again
dreaming of me.

RECORDED BY: Gomez and Villegas. Lucho

Ramírez Duet of Yesteryear.


Lyrics: Tomás Villarraga

Music: Carlos Vieco O.
The night is closing calm and silent;
The rose lifts its petals in prayer;
The little birds sing the hymn of the night, And in the orange
tree the foche sings its song.

Oh idolized land; Antioquia mountains!

I adore the glacial solitude of your bushes;
I adore your glens dressed in foliage
And the timid clothing that the coffee plantation displays.

The beautiful night closed the ground with darkness;

The sky was so pale how soon it was covered;
Over the immense mountain range with pale colors you can
see the glow of the sun that has already laughed.

Never Oh! my mountains, fate has removed me from here :

I will never let myself be taken away from your side;
And if harsh luck takes me to other regions, I will know how to
sing your magical songs there.

RECORDED BY: San Antonio Children's Choirs and


Lyrics: Patrocinia Perilla Vda. of Dueñas. Music: Carlos

Vieco O.

The strings of my guitar are like fibers of the soul; His notes
are feelings that are torn from my chest.

They make me forget With their sweet vibration, The fatigues

of work, The sorrows of the heart. (Bis)

They sweeten the hours of that blessed home, where I enjoy

the affection of my wife and my children.

When I recall the memories

From my beloved old lady, I am wetting the strings of my
guitar with my tears.

San Antonio Children's Choirs and Musical Ensemble.


Lyrics: Francisco Moreno Rondón

Music: Carlos Vieco O.

The stars twinkle in the silent night

While you sleep peacefully and I die of love; and the peaceful
thirst of its light is poured out On the open chalice of my
faithful heart.

I have looked for you during the day and also in the
I have looked for you in the night without being able to find
you: I have finally remembered that you have already
forgotten me And that you will never, ever come to my side.

RECORDED BY: Children's Choirs and Musical

of San Antonio.
René Loaizay tips.


Dance ■

Lyrics: Adolfo León Gómez Music: Carlos Vieco O.

Those who dream of love make a waste of laughter, who do

not know what the night is like in the city of pain.

If they knew they would cry

With such deep sadness
May the stars of the sky blink so as not to cry.

Sadness of the last goodbye With the air of a cemetery They

wrap the nights of Aguadediós in their mystery.

Disappointments and reproaches, And memories and

bitterness Fill with dark shadows The loneliness of those
ashes carrying van
Among its shadowy wings, Of the dead joys That will never

They come bringing the moan

From the distant and sad home
From where the sorrow erased The soft warmth of the nest.

RECORDED BY: Moriche - Utrera (José and Antonio)

José Moriche and Juan Pulido
Evelio Pérez and Gonzalo Rivera
Duet from Yesteryear Los Médicos

Lyrics: Jesús Maria Trespalacios Music: Carlos Vieco O.

Carry silver in your lymph

My deep evils, oh river And bury in your sands The echoes of
my sighs.

If that woman I adore And who causes my martyrdom Comes

to bathe in your waves Tell her how much I have suffered.

That just like the current with which you water the plants.
I pour out my tears in his absence for his dear memories.

The poplars that on the shore

They give the flowers shelter They are also my confidants
And of my sorrows, witness.

Side my grave one day You want to refresh the lilies, Look for
it there under the awning Of the willows of oblivion.

RECORDED BY: Obdulio and Julián.


Lyrics: Roberto Muñoz Londoño Music: Carlos Vieco O.

Crying curled up on the sidewalk She sells ripe and delicious

fruits Like her red lips a fruit bowl With cheeks as fresh as

Why does the fruit cry so much? Mortified people ask

themselves; It is because no one knows the immense worry
that wets his tormented pupils.

I do know that his pain is horrible and deep; His misfortune is

so deep and horrible, and that the tears that bathe his dark
face Make the sweet ripe fruits bitter.

And all for the boyfriend you loved so much. Resigned and
tearful, you carry your sorrow; Nobody buys their fruits full of
tears Because everyone claims they are bitter.

GRADED BY: Blanca Ascencio and Carlos

Mejía Duet of Yesteryear
Hernando and Yezid
Rivers and Twins
Trio Melodies of America
Teresa and Lucia

Lyrics: Germán Isaza G.

Music: Carlos Vieco O.

My pretty and pretty maicerita, How much I love you for your
grace, for your candor.
You are the soul of the mountain, freshness of the cabin's
fountain, Rhythm, air and flower.

My sweet little Antioquia, glory in your songs, source of

charms and illusion. .
For you I would give everything it contains
The talanquera;
Also, cornstarch, my heart.

When your eyes, black coals.

They stare at clear landscapes
Or the arbol,
Before the strength of your gaze
The harsh water of the stream
It is tame; the sun tilts

Letter H. Fernandez
Music: Carlos Vieco O.

Look at me underneath your embroidered scarf. That I sent

you a kiss from here on the other side. (Bis)

Even the river is passing

Slower when he looks at you And I'm getting angry Seeing
that he sighs for you. (Bis)

Look how the nightingales are singing. And it's because they
are watching Your dreamy eyes. (Bis)

From here on the other side I also sigh boldly, Don't leave
me angry Look at me again. (Bis)

San Antonio Children's Choirs and Musical Ensemble


Letter: F. Gomez
Music: Carlos Vieco O.

My little white and smiling virgin, Chiquinqulreña Queen of

heaven: I come to fulfill my bold Our promise Blessed Virgin.

Because in the beads of my rosarlo Give us the soul that is

your sanctuary: The afternoon wove its blushes Because you
shine brighter than the suns.

San Antonio Children's Choirs and Musical Ensemble.


Lyrics: Eleázar Arango Music: Carlos Vieco O.

Morning mountaineer, Taste of ripe strawberry, That you
live with the freshness of the water of the meadow.

If I could kiss you, I would give you all my being. Why,

without you, the morning Mountain life.

RECORDED BY: Evelio Pérez and Gonzalo

Luciano Concholón.


Lyrics: Maravel
Music: Carlos Vieco O.

Mountaineer, mountaineer With eyes like two stars, Beautiful

lips scented with Antioquian perfumes. (Bis)

Like a pretty strawberry, your mouth is formed by tender lips,

smiling like the soul and the heart of Antioquia. (Bis)

San Antonio Children's Choirs and Musical Ensemble



Lyrics: León Zafir

Music: Carlos Vieco O.

Morenita, the sweetness
Your laughter does not deceive me;
You smell like ripe poma And you preserve the
freshness of mountain water.

And when you go to wash your face at the clear fountain

that springs among the festivals, the fountain murmurs
so that you smile, dark.

When I look at you, the longing

I feel of a better time; And I think of my remembrance,
Who had the hope Of being the owner of your love.

And well, you are a rose button, what inspiration you

give to my heart, My song goes in your honor, Because
of how naive and how beautiful.

RECORDED BY: Obdulio Sánchez.

Orozco and Cáceres Duet of


Lyrics: Campo Elias Londoño Music: Carlos Vieco O.

The bamboos died;

You can't hear the muleteers;
The vines dried up in the road ranches.

The guabinas and joropos

In the inns they toured: Only the remains of those beautiful
melodies remain.

The bandolas and the trebles, the dances and whirlwinds,

expressing sad complaints Without consolation on the roads.

Let's go back to my inn

The Bambuco caminero Where the song rests Old tiple


Lyrics: Federico Rivas trade

Music: Carlos Vieco O.

He died without a tear in his eyes.

She was young, very beautiful and very sensitive,
And as she expired, her red lips Murmured: an
impossible thing kills me.

The cry that was missing in that agony was left

behind the pupils, however, the worms of the cold
grave did not drink it, it was very bitter.

Later, and upon opening the tomb That of the angel

kept the last sorrow, Of the frozen skull, among the
dark basin, A diamond was found by the gravedigger.

Since then I think sadly, When I contemplate the

most precious jewels, How many of those diamonds
must have been Tears, frozen in the grave.

RECORDED BY. Hernando González and Gerarda




Lyrics: León Zafir Music: Carlos Vieco O.

Night of gold and blue Silence through the prairie And the
mountain range pretends to be a tulle sash.

Dreamy and peaceful night And in the inky blue sky Like
breaking a ribbon The moon shows its face.

Above your window in a rain of scattered rays the moon

falls apart.

And I fulfill my cravings To imprison in my verses A ray for

your eyes.


Lyrics: Anonymous Author

Music: Carlos Vieco O.

I shouldn't love you, but I love you:

I shouldn't adore you, but I adore you;
I would like to be very far away, but I am looking for
And in hours of sadness how I long for you.

By the whims of fate, you will not be mine;

And although you are my sweet dream, other lips kiss
you my darling,
Well, the laws have said that that is your owner.


Lyrics: Juan Cíímaco Vélez Music: Carlos Vieco O.

Don't wake up love, keep dreaming As long as I lull you with

my songs, Like the little birds in their soft nest They lull their
rocks at this hour.

Leave me alone in the cold night Imagine you like this,

sublime and beautiful, Such a harmony on my guitar. Or just
like in the heavens a star.

Duet of Yesteryear Choral Coitabaco Songs of Colombia

RECORDED BY: Texai sides Ltd a.



Lyrics: Santiago Véiez E.

Music: Carlos Vieco O.

Don't want any more heart, you've been bleeding for
a while. Slowly agonizing Poruña disappointment.

If you dreamed of a heaven Believing in eternal love,

Today you are in hell Crying your grief.

Your love has long been gone

And it will never return:
You will no longer be able to love Because in your
love there will be no faith.

Heaven in love does not exist.

It's just an illusion:
Always live sad and sad. Heaven in love does not

RECORDED BY: Luis Alvarez

Old Duet


Lyrics: Diego Calle Restrepo

Music: Carlos Vieco O.

You don't remember the kisses you gave me, you don't
remember the time I loved you, Why then without love you
have left me And you have killed the little of my faith.

I would rather not have loved you

To then not have suffered like this the loves that move away
and take away the calm, the illusion, the future.

I do not hold a grudge against you, nor do I blame you
For how much you have made me sad; I ask God to forgive
you in heaven What I would not know how to forgive.

I will love you silently, madly

And in my sleepless nights I will cry Remembering the happy
times that you have given me a woman with your love.


Lyrics: Eugenia Agudelo

Music: Carlos Vieco

My thoughts do not depart from you

Since the last meeting we had And I will never forget
that moment And that happy moment when we saw
each other.

We have once again relived that past, Which is full of

many memories, And awakens the heart, which is
already tired, Sleeps happily its true dream.

We have once again felt what it feels like, When you

love with all your heart; And it is reborn again in our
mind, And that flame lights up voraciously.

And who was guilty? It was destiny That brought our

souls together for moments, To remember when we
met, Our two beating hearts.

Despite the abyss that opposes us, We will always

continue to remember together The loves of a past that
does not return, Our love, how great it was in the


Lyrics: Eleázar Arango

Music: Carlos Vieco O.

Far away girlfriend that you left Far from me who adored you
so much. If you knew how deep my brokenness is and how
immensely sad I am.

I know that you would return eagerly

With your strawberry-colored mouth; You would kiss the pain
of my sadness With the tenderness of a painful one.

and if it were a crime for men, what a horrible challenge, how

criminal it would be: Well, I would never and would never
forget you even if I died from grief and pain.

What do I care about calm? The one that comes when you
already forget;
If it comes when there is no longer life, Since the loves of life
the soul.

RECORDED BY: Duet of Yesteryear


Lyrics: Carlos Botero Herrera Music: Carlos Vieco


Immense eyes like the seas. Green like a valley of

Eyes that leave my sorrows The most romantic

And in soft song, the troubadours Who make their

guitars vibrate, Are heard like mystical nightingales
Imprisoned in your gaze.

RECORDED BY: The Doctors


Lyrics: Bernardo Palacio Mejia Music: Carlos Vieco O.

Forgetting her, Lord, is what I want, but in my tormented

heart Her blessed memory has been stuck like a dagger of
Florentine steel.

I know that I no longer expect anything from your love ,

And that because of your torn torment Under the black
cross that you have left me, To worship you, Lord, I finally

RECORDED BY: Alfonso Ortiz Tirado Duet ae

cucho Ramírez
Victor Hugo Aya/a Trio Emilio
Murillo Garzón y Collazos Trio
Songs of Colombia

Fox Trot

Lyrics: Elena Agudelo

Music: Carlos Vieco O.

I spent my happy life with you;

I never felt pain or sadness: But my cowed heart
believed your tenderness forever.

I never thought that treacherous luck would fill our

souls with bitterness, thus preparing me for a sad
departure to other ports where I cannot find calm.

RECORDED BY: Hernando Muñoz and Gerarda


Hallway - Song

Lyrics: Francisco Gómez Correa

Music: Carlos Vieco O.

Sorry Lord, sorry if I have offended you With the love that I
have always given you; That my mind, Lord, has become

confused And that is why, Lord, I have sinned.

She put her hope in my life

And I have my faith in them, all my love;
I followed her like a light that cannot be reached,
intoxicated, Lord, by the pain.

And I even went so far as to ask you, lonely, that you make
her come back here to my side.
And today I ask your forgiveness if I have sinned, to climb,
Lord, towards Calvary.

That is why I ask you with my soul Forgiveness, Lord,

forgiveness for my evils; Don't let me lose my cool And
forgive her for her cruelties.


Lyrics: Dr. Jaime Arango Music: Carlos Vieco O.

I beg your pardon, my darling. If by singing to you

with fervor In this night of love, Your sleeplessness

You are my only illusion

And only in your gaze can my soul in love calm its
immense passion.

Therefore with emotion.

To you adored woman In this silent night I give you
my heart.

In his field , beloved girl, I ask you with devotion, Let

my passion calm In your precious gaze.


Lyrics: Jorge Robledo Ortiz Music: Carlos Vieco O.

Along the coast and mountains, through jungles, rivers

and plains. We are looking for the homeland In that clay
that sings When the Ñermanos sing.

Coastal Ancestor
With maracas and drums: Nostalgia of fishermen
Throwing their love into the sea: Bandage of iodine and
salt That when rubbed against the skin Makes Its knots of
loneliness jump in the net.

Neighing of the fillies Galloping over the plain: Old sister

galley Of a storm without anchors: Green musical spur.

Andean land bambucos With fern and frailejón;

Pilgrimage of guabinas And almost hidden dances Where
the heart is bright.


Lyrics: Fernando Calle G. Music: Carlos Vieco O.

Through the fields of my land

My beautiful chapolera goes , brightening the roads, gathering
crops. Between coffee trees and guamos Between brambles
and wallflowers The beautiful chapolerita
He is piling up rubies. (Bis)

With her colorful skirt, With a red ribbon on her forehead, On

her lips a bamboo And in her heart a dream. And so life
passes in the fields of my land. Harvesting crops Between
bamboos and dreams. (Bis)

San Antonio Children's Choirs and Musical Ensemble.


Lyrics: Libardo Parra Toro
Music: Carlos Vieco O.

Because I love you so much I don't want you to come back;

I prefer the charm of not seeing you again;
Let me silently dream of your absence And go even further,

further from where you are.

With your distant love I will be happier;

Your memory is part of my dream;
Don't ever, ever come back, I implore you Because I'm afraid
of another disappointment.

Because of how sweetly you made me enjoy, the anguish of

seeing you leave was more cruel; And today when I look at
you as impossible I don't want you to make me suffer again.

Go even further, my goodness understands; You will have the

opportunity to find someone who loves you; But never come
back; I don't want to see you anymore Because I'm afraid of
another disappointment.


Lyrics: Fernando Calle Garcés Music: Carlos

Vieco O.

Port! I have suffered, for you I have cried, for you I

have felt pain of love;
I always look for you, I never find you And not even in
my dreams, I can find you .

Love, I live from your memory

And in every dream I have to look for you; Everywhere
I always wait for you with the hope of returning.

RECORDED BY: Inn and Street

Singers of Xócimos


Lyrics: Miguel Angel del Rio

Music: Carlos Vieco O.

Can the flowers climb the wall.

Enter through your balcony
And kiss your hair and your forehead Or expire in your

May the light of dawn, softly

To your stay arrive,
And kissing your eyes wake you up
And stay in your eyes.

Birds can with their own feathers Oh! make their nests,
And there you can calmly realize your dream without
stopping to sing.

And I can't even form a nest for you,

I won't even get to you ,
Neither can I give you comfort, nor joy, nor can I forget

RECORDED BY: Los Trovadores de Cuyo.



Lyrics: Albertina Palacio de M.
Music: Carlos Vieco O.

How beautiful the pink-tinted afternoon

With reddish clouds and a turquoise ground;
The boat on the beach, eagerly waiting for a being who feels
dying out of anguish.

Lovers say painful goodbyes;

A sigh of anguish and regret is heard; Floating handkerchiefs
are seen in the hands while the boat begins to move away.

How pale are the white cheeks;

His eyes don't want to stop crying;
The boat is taken to other shores
To the one who loves so much and will not forget.

He no longer contemplates his beloved bride;

The sweet girl with the sweet look;
The one who made her life so pleasant and joyful and hopes
to return very soon.

RECORDED BY: Xócimos Singers.


Lyrics: Germán Isaza G.

Music: Carlos Vieco O.

That you will never return, far away, My sad heart lived in
Sometimes I wonder if tomorrow And a voice answers... when
you die.

In hours of nostalgic sleeplessness You usually arrive in

fullness of cravings;
I want to look at your enchanted eyes And my desires are
clouded with shadows.

And in the eternal sleepless nights, In a wandering of

imprisoned thoughts, The accent of the springs sings When
you caressed me with your kisses.

Better not come back; you will find spoils.

The passion that I gave you, today is foreign... And in your
deep retinas and in my eyes there are only eclipses of
unfathomable sorrow.


Lyrics: Rosario Sansores

Music: Carlos Vieco O.

I want to love again, but I can't; That wound is still

It seems like his farewell was yesterday; I want to love
again, but I feel afraid.

The vineyard will no longer bear fruit

Which before enjoyed extreme exuberance; Today my
heart, immersed in mist, wants to love again, but it feels

The night has come my way; The joyful springs passed

And my path was covered with thorns.

The days and years are already moving away, And

despite such cruel disappointments I want to love again,
but I can't.

First place in the contest for the unreleased song from

"ASCUN" 1987.


Lyrics: Francisco Gómez Music: Carlos Vieco O.

River that you come bringing A song in the soul;

Rio that you come moaning Because you have lost your calm.

Tell me, old messenger, why did you hide the cry of the woman I love
and that you kissed so much ?

Tell me if you want her To leave you with her;

Tell me, Rio, if you love her Because she looks like a star.

I know well that you give freshness to her rosy body;

Instead I give him tenderness And my song in love.


Letter a. Múnera Tobón

Music: Carlos Vieco O.

Gone forever are those nights when you swore to me that you were
mine; Between kisses and cuddles and reproaches, trembling in my
arms you fell asleep.

Those nights of tropical enchantment, full of dreams, will never

return; Only the memory of your kisses remains to bitter the nectar of
my sorrows.

Those nights are gone forever, Nights of love, moonlight and joy;
Today without kisses, or cuddles, or reproaches I am dying of regret;
It's mine again.

Those nights of tropical enchantment, full of dreams, will never

return; Only the memory of your kisses remains to bitter the nectar of
my sorrows.

RECORDED BY: Obdulio and Julian

Evelio Pérez and Gonzalo Rivera
Gomez and Villegas
Lucho Ramirez
Choir of the Neiva School of Fine Arts
Espinosa and Bedoya
Carmi ña Gallo
Alberto Laverde
Colombia Trio
Eugenio Valderrama - Bass - (Strings and
voices by Seguros Bolívar)
Obdulio Sánchez.
Lyrics: Dr. Bernardo Toro Music: Carlos Vieco O.

Let's plant the tree, come companions; Our work will have fertile
emotion; Expand fragrant veins in life, The tree is a happy promise.

Let us take care of the tree with deep affection, With an intimate seal
of brotherly love;
Because he is the friend of the old man and the child And he shows
the young man the triumphant path.

The tree offers its branches and flowers:

He generously gives us his honey fruits;
It gives the landscape its beautiful colors. Confident birds perch on it.

Let us plant the tree with faith and hope: It is a present that the
Creator offers: The country requires the alliance of the tree, The
strongest force is formed by love.


Lyrics: León Zafir (Safir) Music: Carlos Vieco O.

Lord, while your Nazarene plants climb towards the summit of

Calvary, I too, crestfallen and lonely
I am rising towards the summit of my sorrows.

You, to redeem sinners, Carried with the cross, divine martyr; And
I, by a whim of fate, Loaded with the cross of my pains.

Even, in your silent agony, You have, oh unparalleled cricified, A

sweet woman close to your side: The Immaculate Sorrowful

I who lost since I was a child My holy mother who was so good,
Answer me Master, when I die.
Who will close my eyes with love?

RECORDED BY: Dr. Alfonso Ortiz Tirado

Las Dos Marías and Luis Alvarez.
Zoilita Suárez with the Grupo Cartagena
Jorge Monsalve 'Marfil" with Orq. by
Eduardo Armani
Old Duet
Lucho Ramirez
Songs of Colombia
Juan Arvizu
Garzón and Collazos
Colombia Trio
Choir of the Departmental School of Fine
Arts of Neiva.


Lyrics: Tartarin Moreira Music: Carlos Vieco O.

Lord, I place my prayers at your feet. Listen to me for mercy, I

want to be good;
I come like a weeping Magdalene to implore you, oh Lord, to
forgive me.

You who give hope to the worried And you know the pain of my
fall, Forgive me that I am sorry for the luxury that my sins offer me.

Tired of pleasure, I am afraid of becoming, my God, just anyone;

That man, oh Lord, despairs me And I cannot be just anyone.

I want to start my life again; Mercy, Lord, on my deep sorrow;

Forgive me, I am like Magdalene, a sinner of repentant love.

RECORDED BY: The Two Marys (María Luisa Serrano and

María del
Rosario Ortega)


Lyrics: Roberto Muñoz Londono Music: Carlos Vieco O.

I know that I love something impossible and I expect nothing.

Sad I will depart from your path And wandering the arid and
cruel path that destiny traced for me.

The infinite passion with which I love you must not disturb
your divine spirit. I will dream of your pilgrim face; No one will
know that I am dying of pain.

Only you have to find me in the world With my secret and my

deep regret;
You will feel a voice of sadness, My soul, how I adore you, No
one loved you, nor will ever love you.

RECORDED BY: José Moriche - Rodolfo de Hoyos


Lyrics: Tomás Viüarraga Music: Caries Vieco O.

Over the waters of the Magdalena The gentle heron takes flight: It
spreads its snow-white wings. He stretches out his neck of gold and

Over the waters, bitter waters, Of my desolate destiny, Lifts its flight,
its slow flight, A very white, white vision.

He carries on his wings, his great wings. The ambitions of the heart;
He carries on his neck, his ductile neck. My sweet and tender first


Lyrics: Jorge Robledo Ortiz

Music: Carlos Vieco O.

I'm from Antioquia, dressed in espadrilles. Carriel of otter and

mountain roan: I have for love the Yparq serenades, the rivals,
my barbera.

No bambuco on my guitar escapes, And on nights of revelry

and liquor I only respect what the Pope says And I even refer
to the President himself.

I look at life with deep disdain And the world is so small for me,
That I walk from Guarne to Japan.

I envy my father. I want a brunette. I get drunk when there is

any sorrow, And I carry Antioch on my heart.


Lyrics: Sponsorship Perilla de Dueñas Music: Carlos Vieco


I have a little white house on the banks of the Magdalena, where

the palms sway, where the sand is burning.

Little house among the rose bushes, Orange and lemon trees,
Where the turpiales sing And I dream of the one I love.

Come to experience them both;

Come, I'll wait for you, brunette;
With no other witnesses than God On the banks of the

In the evening sun

You will see my pretty brunette How the waters of the Magdalena
kiss your feet.

RECORDED BY: Garzón y Collazos.

Song - Waltz

Lyrics: León Zafir

Music: Carlos Vieco O.

I saw you cultivating roses One spring day, And your beautiful
hands were confused with the roses When cultivating the rose

I loved you and you promised

My love compensate;
You didn't keep the promise, And seeing me so alone and sad I
fulfilled my duty to forget.

I don't even remember if it was your sweet voice or not;

In the shadow in which I get lost, All hope or memory that
illuminated went out.

How different you seem to me, And although it is the same

thing, I have enjoyed many times, Watching you grow old, And
seeing the rose bush wither.

RECORDED BY: Victor Hugo Ayala

Sarita Herrera
Old Duet
Flamingo Warehouse Choir


Lyrics: Aurelio Agudelo Auro de Lollón

Music: Carlos Vieco O.

I would give everything for you, Because you are ship and song, Air,
goodness and beauty, Breath of the heart.

I would like to live in the shadow of your loving kiss, and be your
good knight and at the same time your faithful slave.

You are a bewitching virtue, You are the moon and you are the sun,
And you live stuck in me Calming my pain.

A tiredness devours me; What a bitter path: Only you calm my

sorrows On this long journey .


Lyrics: Diego Calle Restrepo

Music: Carlos Vieco O.

Your eyes did, your eyes did give me

The sweetest look of life;
Your lips yes, your lips offered me
The kiss that my lip never forgets.

Your eyes did not, your eyes did not say

What you keep from a lost passion: Not your lips, your lips did
not want to confess to me the pain hidden in you.


Lyrics: Libardo Parra Toro Music: Carlos Vieco O.

I have kept a secret from you And with it I have suffered so much
That today I am overwhelmed with sadness Only for you, my
beloved dream, I am going to whisper in your ear.

Do you remember beloved woman That everywhere when I saw

you Without you doing anything to me I would start offending you.

You silent crying

You did n't even answer anything. And so. sad and sighing, Why
are you killing me? Crying you asked me.

Do you remember beloved woman That everywhere when I saw

you Without you doing anything to me I would start offending you.

I confess that this is how you came to join me in another lawsuit,

to defeat me and you couldn't. Because you are prettier sad And
sighing more beautiful.

Forgive me, beloved garment, That everywhere when I saw you,

Without you doing anything to me, I started to offend you.

RECORDED BY: José Moriche and Antonio Utrera.



Lyrics: Jorge Robledo Ortiz Music: Carlos Vi eco O.

Let's go heart, we have lost, Your illusions will never glean;

Collect your hope and your songs And let's set out in search of

Let's go heart, now your heartbeat

You can only count renunciations; Save his name with your
prayers And if you must bleed, bleed hidden.

RECORDED BY: Lucho Ramirez
Posada and Calle Los Médicos


Lyrics: Carlos Londono

Music: Carlos Vieco O.

The truth is you are not the same, you do not smile at the one who
loves you so much; your smile moved away from your ruby lips like
perfume stolen by the breeze.

You forgot me it's true, you don't look at me anymore; You deny
me your looks of consolation;
If you feel me cry you don't sigh;
If your heart is cold like ice.

RECORDED BY: Margarita Cueto and José Moriche

Old Time Duet Hernando and Yezid


Lyrics: Tomas Villarraga Music: Carlos Vieco O.

The warm and pink dawn is coming:
He comes to announce to us that the day is coming: The birds
sing in the bower.
The roosters crow in the farmhouse.

Crossing we go singing songs of flowers: Everything is happy,

everything is delight: Our engines creak loudly And the fresh
air caresses us.

Flying we go like a swift breeze:

Work stopped , long live the commotion: Only the chatter and
laughter of those who happily go for a walk can be heard.


Lyrics: León Zafir Music: Carlos Vieco O.

Villa Luz of Medellin

White and flowered city By miracle turned into an immense

Here by laws of love They meet romantic dates The most

beautiful women With orchids in bloom.

When plants bloom, they become more fragrant , and lilacs and
roses are named after women.

Today I raise my song To all your viewpoints Fertile land of

flowers White stellar city.

Here by laws of love They meet romantic dates The most

beautiful women With orchids in bloom.

When plants bloom, they become more fragrant , and lilacs and
roses are named after women.

RECORDED BY: Obdulio and Julian

Duet Remembrances.


Lyrics: Heriberto Zapata Cuéncar

Music: Carlos Vieco O.

Virgin of the Rosary, my Chiquinquireña, my Sweet

Queen, I give you my love;
To your sanctuary, tender and good mother, I carry this
little bamboo in your praise.

Virgin of the Rosary, Queen of the Star, Light of our

souls, Mother of the Lord;
To your holy temple, the abode of my God, prayers full
of fervor arrive .

Virgin of the Rosary, Virgin Antloque ña;

Please give us the peace of this land .
May we all, oh Chiquinquireña! Enjoy the joys of your

School Song

Lyrics: Tomás Villarraga Music: Carlos Vieco O.

Now the girls are dancing with their gloves inside out,
And the moon is flying, two and two and two are six.
And the moon goes without wings, goes without wings,
goes without feet, • •
And the moon goes without wings, two and two and two
are six.

Oh! Round-faced moon, where did you leave your feet?

Come dance in the round two and two and two are six,
And the moon goes without wings, goes without wings,
goes without feet, And the moon goes without wings, two
and two and two are six.

Oh! Moon of my mountains, that you see me from above;

When you look at me you deceive me, two and two and
two are six; And the moon goes without wings, goes
without wings, goes without feet;
And the moon goes without wings, two and two and two
are six.

Let's dance now, we'll rest later, Until the dawn appears,
two and two and two make six. And the moon goes
without wings, goes without wings, ca without feet, And
the moon goes without wings, two and two and two are

Inca Theme

Lyrics: Germán Isaza Gómez

Music: Carlos Vieco O.

There is no heart anymore, the illusion is over . But from

anguish it shines far from the sun.

Sun Father, shine

Our unknown pain;
Our sparkles shine In waves of red.

Father Sun, the pain,

The nostalgia of an Indian like me Raises to you this lament
That pours out the heart.

San Antonio Children's Choirs and Musical Ensemble.

RECORDED BY: Alba del Castillo Flamingo
Warehouse Choirs.


Lyrics: Julio FIórez

Lyrics: Carlos Vieco O.

Winter is approaching with its rigors, The leaves of the shady

forest are falling: The sun's radiance pales And the chilled
birds die of cold.

In the loving souls the illusions Wounded by the hand of

black boredom.
They agonize and die among afflictions that moisten the
drops of my tears.

The old winter has already passed with its blackness, And in
the spring the ice melts:
The nightingales are already singing in the forest And the
ground is covered with bright flowers.

In the heat of the kisses, the illusions

Sweet joy returns to the wounded chest: And in the loving
souls, the afflictions Die like the shadows that the day tears.

The Trio Marina Gómez and Villegas Juan Pulido Duet

RECORDED BY: of Yesteryear
Garzón and
Collazos RíosyMacías


Lyrics: Sponsorship Perilla de Dueñas

Music: Carlos Vieco O.

The lights are already hidden,

The dawn is coming, the promisers are already singing that
they are going to Chiquinquirá.

Bambucos and whirlwinds

In the trebles they are playing: How good is the brandy that
they carry as contraband.

What beautiful promises, what a pretty face.

Ah Malaya! who could propose marriage.

What beautiful promises, If they didn't go with her

boyfriend, Ah Malaya! who could propose marriage.


Lyrics: Anonymous Music: Carlos Vieco O.

I dream for you. beautiful virgin, A little white house

between the plantation, Rosales, and not far away, lilting,
The murmuring orchestration of the river.

A little white house in whose lares, When the dawn begins

to dawn, Happy the bird whispers its singing prayer under
warm palm trees.

RA BADO BY: Sarita Herrera and Federico

(The Colombian Twins)


Doctor Diego Calle Restrepo, as

Governor of the Department,
awards the ANTIOQUIA STAR to
Don Carlos Vieco.

The music room of the Vieco - Montoya house. The Maestro's piano "loaded" with the
decorations that profusely
adorn this sanctuary of
Antiochian music.

The Radiologist and Mexican singer Doctor Alfonso Ortiz Tirado, in one of his prolonged
visits to Medellin, photographed studying the musical work of Don Carlos Vieco,
personally guided by the Maestro. He left several of his recorded works on disk.

Doña Margarita Sánchez Cueto (Margarita Cueto), famous Mexican singer, who also
visited the city of Medellin on several occasions, photographed learn two repertoire with
Maestro Vieco.

The journalist César Pérez Berrio and the former governor Jaime Rudesindo Echavarría
Villegas decorating Maestro Carlos Vieco.

Maestro Vieco and Doña Raquel Montoya de Vieco in the company of Don Germán
Saldarriaga del Valle, creator of the cultural foundation that bears his name, an entity
• this one that rewarded the

The maestro Vieco performing
his music with ■ the flutist
Gabriel Uribe.

Maestro Carlos Vieco Ortiz in the company of Luis Uribe Bueno, Joaquín Fernán dez,
Aída and Gisela Fernández and the former mayor of Medellin Guillermo Hincapié Orozco,
among others.

The poet and radio man Carlos
Mejia Saldarriaga, presenting
an award to Maestro Carlos

Doctor Alfonso Núñez Lapeira, as Secretary of Education of Governor Octavio Arizmendi

Posada, imposes the ES decoration on Don Carlos Vieco Ortiz TRELLA DE ANTIOQUIA,
which the Departmental Government granted on two occasions nes. Presented by Doctor
Raul Aguilar, from A NDI, and from the newspaper El Mundo.

Mrs. Raque! Montoya, widow of
Vieco . With all his kindness,
but also with great energy, he
has dedicated himself to
keeping the death of her
husband, and cure by all licit
means the dissemination and
permanence of his
extraordinary musical work.

The children who still live in their father's house: standing, from left to right: Jaime,
Esther, Lía and Cecilia. Seated: The pianists María Eugenia and

The birthplace of Don Carlos Vieco Ortiz - today divided into two residences - where the
maestro came into the world on March 14, 1900. Located in the El Palo race, sec tor of
Mary Help of Christians.

The house where he died on September 13, 1979. SAYCO placed a commemorative
plaque there . Located on 48th Street (Pichincha) No. 38-39 Telephone No. 49 23 23 where
those interested in should go. the musical work of Maestro Vieco.

The Municipal Government imposed the name CARLOS VIECO ORTIZ SCHOOL on the
Educational Center located in San Javier, 40th Street No. 105-36.

The Municipal Government imposed the name CARLOS VIECO ORTIZ OPEN AIR
THEATER on the coliseum built on one of the slopes of Cerro Nutibara.

Surrounded by the members of

Maestro Vieco, already ill,

receives a distinction as a

the Conjunto Tejicóndor,

Maestro Carlos Vieco Ortiz
receives, on the La Voz de
Medellin radio station, the
trappings of the LA ORDEN


AUTHOR PRESENTATION....................................................7
COMPETITION WINNER.....................................................12
AWARD-WINNING SONGS.................................................10
AWARDS DECORATIONS...................................................10
AND TROPHIES....................................................................10
THE PROLIFIC COMPOSER................................................14
SONG INVENTORY..............................................................17
COMPOSED OF.....................................................................17
CARLOS VIECO ORTIZ.......................................................17
GOODBYE WHITE HOUSE.................................................36
THERE IN THE ANDES........................................................37
INDIGENOUS SOUL.............................................................38
GOOD LAND..........................................................................38
CATIA DANCE......................................................................41
THEY ARE BELLS................................................................42
YOUR SOUL IS ALWAYS COLD .......................................42
SAD AND FAR.......................................................................44
PEASANT IDYL.....................................................................46
LLANERA SINGING.............................................................42
SINGING NIGHTINGALE....................................................43
HYMN TO THE CACIQUE NUTIBARA.............................49
SUGAR CANE........................................................................50
COLOMBIA DEMISAMORES..............................................51
LIKE AN ECHO IN THE NIGHT..........................................51
ASKING FOR A LOOK.........................................................52
DARK MISELVA...................................................................54
WHEN THE EVENING DIES OR.........................................50
TO THE HEAT OF YOUR AFFECTION..............................57
OF Ml COLOMBIA................................................................58
MOTHER'S HANDS...............................................................60
THE GRANDPARENTS' TRAPICHE...................................61
LISTEN TO THIS CONFESSION..........................................62
WHITE CABIN.......................................................................64
MY HOUSE IS WAITING FOR YOU...................................65
LAST LETTER.......................................................................66
THE CARRIEL ANTIOQUEÑO............................................68
THOSE EYES.........................................................................69
NOW WITHOUT YOU..........................................................70
BEING ABSENT....................................................................70
MESSAGE FROM AMOfí.....................................................74
SILVER RAIN........................................................................78
THE NIGHT............................................................................78
MY GUITAR...........................................................................80
IN THE DISTANCE...............................................................80
THE NIGHTS OF AGUADEDIOS........................................81
ON THE BANKS OF THE RIVER........................................78
HONDA PENA.......................................................................84
Ml MAICERITE......................................................................84
FROM HERE ON THE OTHER SIDE...................................86
MORNING MOUNTAIN.......................................................87
MORENITA THE SWEETNESS...........................................89
OLD TIPLE.............................................................................91
GOLD AND BLUE NIGHT....................................................92
DON'T WANT MORE HEART.............................................95
THE KISSES YOU GAVE ME..............................................96
THINKING YOU....................................................................98
EYES OF TEMPTATION.......................................................99
SORRY SIR...........................................................................102
FOLKLORE ANTHEM........................................................105
THROUGH THE FIELDS OF MY LAND...........................106
I DON'T WANT YOU TO COME BACK...........................106
I REMEMBER YOU.............................................................108
GOODBYE IN THE AFTERNOON....................................109
YOU WILL NEVER COME BACK.....................................111
FEAR OF LOVE...................................................................112
I BEG.....................................................................................114
HYMN TO THE TREE.........................................................114
TOWARDS CALVARY.......................................................116
VAGUE DREAM..................................................................117
OVER THE WATERS OF MAGDALENE..........................118
THE COUNTRY...................................................................120
COME I'M WAITING FOR YOU MORENA......................121
CULTIVATING ROSES.......................................................122
THE SONG OF LOVE..........................................................123
YOUR LIPS AND YOUR EYES..........................................124
YOU HAVE TO LEAVE......................................................125
THE WALK..........................................................................126
PRIMA VERA IN MEDELLIN............................................128
THE NEW MOON................................................................130
PRAYER TO THE SUN.......................................................131
WINTER AND SPRING.......................................................132
THE PROMISERS................................................................133
HISTORY IN IMAGES........................................................137

Mother's hands (bambuco) ...................................... .. 60

AUTHOR PRESENTATION....................................................7
COMPETITION WINNER.....................................................12
AWARD-WINNING SONGS.................................................10
AWARDS DECORATIONS...................................................10
AND TROPHIES....................................................................10
THE PROLIFIC COMPOSER................................................14
SONG INVENTORY..............................................................17
COMPOSED OF.....................................................................17
CARLOS VIECO ORTIZ.......................................................17
GOODBYE WHITE HOUSE.................................................36
THERE IN THE ANDES........................................................37
INDIGENOUS SOUL.............................................................38
GOOD LAND..........................................................................38
CATIA DANCE......................................................................41
THEY ARE BELLS................................................................42
YOUR SOUL IS ALWAYS COLD .......................................42
SAD AND FAR.......................................................................44
PEASANT IDYL.....................................................................46
LLANERA SINGING.............................................................42
SINGING NIGHTINGALE....................................................43
HYMN TO THE CACIQUE NUTIBARA.............................49
SUGAR CANE........................................................................50
COLOMBIA DEMISAMORES..............................................51
LIKE AN ECHO IN THE NIGHT..........................................51
ASKING FOR A LOOK.........................................................52
DARK MISELVA...................................................................54
WHEN THE EVENING DIES OR.........................................50
TO THE HEAT OF YOUR AFFECTION..............................57
OF Ml COLOMBIA................................................................58
MOTHER'S HANDS...............................................................60
THE GRANDPARENTS' TRAPICHE...................................61
LISTEN TO THIS CONFESSION..........................................62
WHITE CABIN.......................................................................64
MY HOUSE IS WAITING FOR YOU...................................65
LAST LETTER.......................................................................66
THE CARRIEL ANTIOQUEÑO............................................68
THOSE EYES.........................................................................69
NOW WITHOUT YOU..........................................................70
BEING ABSENT....................................................................70
MESSAGE FROM AMOfí.....................................................74
SILVER RAIN........................................................................78
THE NIGHT............................................................................78
MY GUITAR...........................................................................80
IN THE DISTANCE...............................................................80
THE NIGHTS OF AGUADEDIOS........................................81
ON THE BANKS OF THE RIVER........................................78
HONDA PENA.......................................................................84
Ml MAICERITE......................................................................84
FROM HERE ON THE OTHER SIDE...................................86
MORNING MOUNTAIN.......................................................87
MORENITA THE SWEETNESS...........................................89
OLD TIPLE.............................................................................91
GOLD AND BLUE NIGHT....................................................92
DON'T WANT MORE HEART.............................................95
THE KISSES YOU GAVE ME..............................................96
THINKING YOU....................................................................98
EYES OF TEMPTATION.......................................................99
SORRY SIR...........................................................................102
FOLKLORE ANTHEM........................................................105
THROUGH THE FIELDS OF MY LAND...........................106
I DON'T WANT YOU TO COME BACK...........................106
I REMEMBER YOU.............................................................108
GOODBYE IN THE AFTERNOON....................................109
YOU WILL NEVER COME BACK.....................................111
FEAR OF LOVE...................................................................112
I BEG.....................................................................................114
HYMN TO THE TREE.........................................................114
TOWARDS CALVARY.......................................................116
VAGUE DREAM..................................................................117
OVER THE WATERS OF MAGDALENE..........................118
THE COUNTRY...................................................................120
COME I'M WAITING FOR YOU MORENA......................121
CULTIVATING ROSES.......................................................122
THE SONG OF LOVE..........................................................123
YOUR LIPS AND YOUR EYES..........................................124
YOU HAVE TO LEAVE......................................................125
THE WALK..........................................................................126
PRIMA VERA IN MEDELLIN............................................128
THE NEW MOON................................................................130
PRAYER TO THE SUN.......................................................131
WINTER AND SPRING.......................................................132
THE PROMISERS................................................................133
HISTORY IN IMAGES........................................................137
By Miguel Angel Cuenca Quintero.
Music and singing teacher for 30 years.
Former director and founder of: Popular Art School of the
Municipality of Medellin; of 12 students business offices in
Medellin; of the SENA, Everfit ■ Indulana and Leonisa
Internacional song festivals.
Currently, director of the students of the Colombian Industrial
Bank, Banco Central Hipo tecario, Servicio Uno A and Grupo
Polimusical del SENA. .
Pedagogical advisor to the COMFAMA recreational music
Author of another collection on this same topic:
Carlos Vieco Ortiz.
Research of the family archive carried out by the author with the
direct collaboration of Mrs. Raquel Montoya, widow of Vieco, and
Jaime and Lía Vieco Montoya.
Discography: Guillermo Hernández Cifuentes, Demetrio Chica
Garcés and Gustavo Escobar Vélez Photography: Ignacio Henao

5 years

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