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We were graduating in grade six when the pandemic happened.

Covid-19 had frightened all of us, as the

world grappled with the sudden and unprecedented challenges posed by this global health crisis.
Community lock down occurred. As someone so young, I am afraid of being stuck inside the walls for a
long period of time, I was led down to the abyss of darkness. It was so deep that I thought I could never go
out again. So, I let myself adapt to the change, but I also let darkness devoured me. I was no longer the
enthusiastic kid, as I lost in touch outside the world. I lost myself amid chaos—when we were facing a
Two years had passed, and everything was slowly going back to normal except me. Face-to-face classes
resumed and my parents decided to let me continue my high school journey in Nueva Estrella National
High School which turned out to be a life-changing decision for me. Zig Ziglar once said, "Fear has two
meanings: 'Forget everything and run' or 'Face anything and rise.' The choice is yours." As for me, I chose
to face anything and rise. In the face of the overwhelming challenges posed by the pandemic, I made a
conscious decision to confront my fears head-on and emerge stronger on the other side.
Before I launch into my speech, allow me to extend my sincerest greetings to the distinguished guests
seated at the head table, as mentioned earlier. Your presence here today is a testament to the importance of
this occasion, and we are honored by your attendance.
As I walked through the familiar school gate, a wave of excitement and anticipation washed over me. It had
been far too long since I last set foot on these grounds, and the feeling of returning to a sense of normalcy
was both exhilarating and comforting. The once-empty hallways were now bustling with the lively chatter
and laughter of my fellow classmates, a symphony of voices I had dearly missed.
Many of us found ourselves struggling to catch up academically, having fallen behind due to the
disruptions caused by the pandemic. The sudden shift to modular learning, the uncertainty, and the
emotional toll of the situation made it incredibly difficult to maintain our focus and excel in our studies.
I vividly remember the experiences I went through during that school year, the ups and downs, the
moments of triumph and despair. But one particular moment stands out in my mind, etching itself into my
memory forever – the disappointment I felt when I received my first-quarter grade in one certain subject.
I started questioning myself. What happened to me? Where did I go wrong? I let myself burst into tears and
ponder about it. It took me time to accept it. Later, I decided to force myself to keep going and do better &
harder this time. I can't let a grade discourage me. I was already facing a battle within me, a struggle
between disappointment and determination. Despite the setback of those low grades, I knew deep down
that this was not the end of my academic journey but merely a beginning of a challenging chapter in the
larger story of my education. The grades do not define my capabilities or potential; they were simply a
reflection of a moment in time, a snapshot of where I stood academically.
It was a harsh reality check, a wake-up call that the pandemic had taken a toll on my academic
performance. I had worked hard, but the challenges of adapting to a new learning environment and coping
with the stress of the situation had taken their toll.
Thanks to my mother who comforted me with words, "Pastilan ikamatay man tahay nimo ng grado. Okay
raman kaajo namo bisan pag pilay imong average. Ajaw pugsa imong kaugalingon, kutob ras makaya." But
as their first-born child, it's not okay for me. I thought that it was the least I could do for them to be proud
of me. So, I strived for more and declined to let my body rest. I dedicated myself to studying harder and
approaching my academics with renewed focus and dedication. I refused to let those grades define me or
dictate my future success. Instead, I used them as a stepping stone towards greater achievements, a
reminder that setbacks are not failures but opportunities for growth and learning. In the end, I attained the
award "with high honors" and it continued until now. To my Grade 9 adviser ma’am Galai, please know
that you are appreciated by all of us. Thank you for being an extraordinary educator and an even more
remarkable second mother. Your guidance has been invaluable, and I am forever grateful for the impact you
have had on my life.
Now in grade 10, is another chapter in my academic journey, a chapter marked by resilience,
determination, and a renewed sense of purpose. I carry with me the lessons learned from the challenges of
the past, the strength gained from overcoming obstacles, and the unwavering belief in my ability to
A whole chapter dedicated to our current second nanay, Ma'am Dazel Guma Laugo. If I were to give title to
it, it would be, "Dazel in Distress: A Mother of Devils and Angels. With you, our school year turned out to
be fun and joyously chaotic. Your dedication to your students is truly inspiring. I have heard countless
stories of the impact you have made on the lives of those who have had the privilege of being in your class.
Your unwavering commitment to helping us grow, both academically and personally, is a testament to your
passion for education and your genuine care for your students. We've created fun memories together. All
those food trips and beach outings was wonderful and will forever be cherished in our memories, especially
because most of them turned into disastrous events yet very unforgettable. The wisdom you have shared
will undoubtedly serve as a guiding light as we continue our educational journey. We know that we caused
you so much trouble, so, in behalf of the whole Einstein class, I'm here to say thank you and
congratulations for surviving from us.
To my friends, without you all, my junior high school journey would have been boring. For those who'll
transfer out from our school, I just want to give you a piece of my thoughts. If I were given a chance to do
something to stop you, I would not take that chance. Why? because I saw you all aiming for greater things.
I was there with you when you talked about your dreams. So, I can't be selfish to just keep you by my side
and hinder you guys from stepping into bigger schools with bigger opportunities. Even though we may be
physically apart, know that you will always hold a special place in my heart. The moments we shared, the
lessons we learned, and the laughter we enjoyed will forever be cherished. As we move forward, let's carry
with us the spirit of friendship, the values we have learned, and the support we have given each other. But I
know that this is a necessary step for all of us to grow and reach our full potential. To everyone, I hope to
see us all together achieving the life we always talked about someday.
As for me, I'll continue my high school journey in NENHS as for my parents' wish. I know that my parents
have sacrificed so much to provide me with the opportunity to study and I am determined to make them
proud. They're my greatest inspiration to keep me going every single day. I remembered them saying,
"bahala sieg dili dako og grado basta kay di manundog anang uban nga magkamatay-matay og tumuon."
hearing those words, realizations poured into me. So recently I questioned myself. am I satisfied enough?
After all the sacrifices I made, the sleepless nights and tiring days. I pondered. My answer is no. I'm not
happy enough. The happiness and satisfaction I felt every moment I received an award is short-lived. That's
because I still crave for more, only to get disappointed for I couldn't do much and achieve higher things.
Hearing them say those words, I realized that I was the only enemy I have. Why would I need to beat
myself if my parents only wanted me to be healthy and happy. I forced myself too hard. And what do I get?
Only an eyebags and dark circles. For I have now truly realized that there's no need for an award in order
for my parents to be proud of me because they are already the coolest. I'd go home from a contest empty-
handed with an unhappy face, and they'd still congratulate me and express their proudness. No matter the
outcome, my parents have always been there to support and encourage me. Their unwavering belief in my
abilities has been a constant source of strength, even in the face of disappointment.
When I return home dejected after a competition, having fallen short of my goals, my parents' first instinct
is not to criticize or scold, but to offer comfort and reassurance. They understand that setbacks are a natural
part of the journey, and that true growth comes from learning from these experiences. So now allow me to
thank them.
Daddy, Mommy, no words can explain how much I love and respect both of you. Thank you for
everything. Your unwavering support, unconditional love, and constant encouragement have been the
foundation upon which I have built my dreams and aspirations. I promise to you and to me that I'll let
myself free from my own ambitious mind that caused me so many disappointments. I love you with all my
life and I hope someday, I'll be able to repay you. I am here standing today because of you. I will still do
my best next school year but this time, without a heavy heart.
let's take this moment to show our gratitude to our loving families. This is a moment we've been wanting to
happen. To make them proud. Thank you for supporting each one of us. You've witnessed our ups and
downs and was always there to bring comforts in us. We love you all and again thank you, for everything.
To all the teachers of Nueva Estrella National High School, thank you for shaping and helping every
student's potential. Your love, efforts and sacrifices have brought us here and we are very much grateful for
that. Even during the lock down, you still managed to transcend the barriers hindering us from learning. As
we can't go to school, you sacrificed yourself in bringing modules to our home. As the saying goes, "A
good teacher, explains; A superior teacher, demonstrates; and a great teacher, inspires." And you truly
inspire us all.
To my fellow completers, with or without honors, let's be proud to ourselves. Receiving high grades is very
fulfilling, it carries our stories, those sleepless nights and walks to school while trying to remember the
lessons. But let's not be too harsh on ourselves. Remember to take a break. As an overly grade conscious, I
know I may sound hypocrite by saying this, but I'd still say it, our grades now won't define our tomorrow.
So, I encourage you to chill and relax while studying, always remember to live your life fearlessly and
meaningfully, do whatever you think is best for you and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. As they said,
life is short so let's enjoy it.
We are now finally moving soon to another level, which is senior high school. As we stand on the threshold
of this new chapter in our academic journey, I am filled with a mix of excitement, anticipation, and a touch
of nostalgia for the familiar halls of our junior high school. The prospect of senior high school brings with
it a sense of both challenge and opportunity, a chance to further explore our interests, expand our horizons,
and continue our quest for knowledge and personal growth.
After facing different hardships, here we are gathered together in this gymnasium with big smiles and teary
eyes, celebrating the success in our Junior High School journey. The road has been long and winding, filled
with challenges and obstacles that have tested our resilience and determination. But through it all, we have
persevered, supporting one another every step of the way. Let's continue winning. The choice is ours so
let's face anything and rise. We have faced hardships and emerged stronger, and now it is time to take on
the world. Let us go forth with confidence, courage, and a commitment to making a difference. And let us
always remember the bonds we have forged and the memories we have created together.
Once again congratulations to all of us.
Thank you.

My respect to the Schools Division Superintendent of Siargao, Dr. Karen L. Galanida, CESO V, to our
versatile Assistant Schools Division Superintendent, Dr. Roel T. Diamante, to our CID Chief, Dr. Gemna
G. Pobe, to our SGOD Chief, Dr. Harem L. Taruc, to the Public Schools District Supervisor of Socorro
West District, Dr. Girlie Joi Bamba C. Sanico, Vibrant Visitors, Ma'am Evelyn C. Coro, Education Program
Supervisor Division LRMDS, Ma'am Marissa L. Cuaresma, ALS EPS, to our very active School
Principal II of Nueva Estrella National High School, Sir Dante S. Dacera, School Heads from Different
schools in Socorro West District, our Barangay Officials, headed by our Barangay Captain, Hon. Jigger R.
Gultiano, to our GPTA Officials led by our GPTA President, Mr. Joel J. Dela Peña, esteemed faculty
members, proud parents, honored guests, and most importantly, my fellow completers batch 2023-2024, a
pleasant good afternoon to everyone.
My fellow completers, I invite you to take a moment and look around in this gymnasium . Gaze upon the
faces of our classmates, our friends, and our peers. Think about the journey that has brought us here today,
to this momentous occasion marking the completion of our Junior High School education.

As I look into your eyes, I see the determination, the resilience, and the passion that has fueled our
collective success. Each and every one of us has faced challenges, overcome obstacles, and pushed
ourselves to grow and evolve, not only as students but as individuals.

We have accomplished so much in such a short span of time, and I want you to know that this is merely the
beginning. The knowledge we have gained, the skills we have honed, and the character we have forged
during our time in Junior High School have prepared us for the next chapter of our lives.

So, let us take a moment to appreciate how far we have come, to celebrate our achievements, and to revel
in the knowledge that we have what it takes to conquer whatever challenges lie ahead. I am filled with a
sense of optimism and excitement for the future that awaits us. Let us move forward with unwavering
confidence, with courage in our hearts, and with the firm belief that we have the power to shape our
destinies and impact the world around us, one step at a time.

And now, I would like to leave a quote from someone I just heard somewhere. “Kaning atong mga puhon,
mahitabo ra ni sa unahang mga panahon. Maningkamot lang jod ta.” It captured my attention and it
reminded me of the quote I shared on Facebook but I actually deleted it now. The caption is “From saying
"soon" to "finally."

Imagine, we work so hard for something we want so badly to achieve and finally it happens. Have you ever
felt the feeling of success and accomplishment? Is it good, right? Yes, it really is.

Upon this profound realization, those quotes truly capture the spirit of our odyssey, characterized by
commitment, resilience, and resolute resolve. The numerous late-night study sessions, moments of struggle,
and the quiet intensity of preparation, all culminating in the long-awaited event, evoke a profound sense of
satisfaction and relief, underscoring our achievement.

I urge you, my fellow completers, to embrace the journey with open arms and trust in the process. Have
faith in your abilities, for they have been honed and refined through the challenges we have faced together.
Patience will be our constant companion as we navigate the path towards our goals, for true success is not
achieved overnight, but rather through a series of small, consistent steps. I hope this encourages us to keep
pushing forward, even the path ahead seems uncertain. Because I know God has plans for us.

We did it!

Our path has been paved with dreams, aspirations, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. We have dared to
dream big, to set our sights on lofty goals, and to never settle for anything less than our best. And now, as
we look towards the future, I believe that our "puhons," will continue to evolve and manifest into reality, or
"nahitabo ra jod."

Once again welcome to the Completion rites of Nueva Estrella National High School batch 2023 to 2024.
Thank You!

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