Philosophy of Education

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Education should be inclusive. Meaning all children have the right to education, whether
disabled or not. As a special education teacher, through my 4 years working with special needs
students (LSEN), I have learned that educating students with special needs in general classrooms
requires instructional approaches that promote student achievement and positive social
psychological outcomes. Meaning as teachers we need to work on individual kid according to
their different needs. The practice of mainstreaming in one of the key concepts to use in helping
the students who are in particular slow in a general classroom.

Individual lesson plans also play the most paramount role in helping learning with special
educational needs. Though all students are taught in a general classroom, they are different in
getting the information at hand, hence individual lesson plans in a general classroom setting is
very important. That way, every learner is able to be reached and helped well.

There is a huge challenge regarding early childhood education as the children’s minds are still
empty. It is very important to help children at their early years to be well familiar with every
concept of education and no mistake done as their minds absorb every new information given to
them. According to Vygotsky, in his philosophy of education (Remedial and Special Education,
(1999). Vol.20, No. 6, pp. 32-64, education should be for all. So do I believe that education
should be for all and learner centred.

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