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PFAM – 2 0 2 2 By: AEGV




















PFAM –2 0 2 2 By: AEGV

1 .- HISTORICAL BACKGROUND. 14. Larger ships that between June and July 1824 were acquired by
Mariano Michelena in England and Sweden, joining the fleet of the
(FIRST PART) National Navy.
Frigate Libertad and the brigs Bravo and Victoria.
1. Date on which Mexico consummated its independence, when the
Trigarante army triumphantly entered Mexico City. 15. He was appointed general commander of the Navy Department of
September 27, 1821. Veracruz on July 27, 1825, who was given the task of reorganizing
the national squadron to establish the naval blockade of the island
2. On November 14, 1821, he was appointed president of the of San Juan de Ulúa.
Sovereign Provisional Government Board and the Regency, which Captain Pedro Sainz de Baranda y Borreyro.
were the two organizations that supported the Mexican empire
while awaiting the arrival of the European monarch. 16. Date on which Frigate Captain Pedro Sainz de Baranda y Borreyro
Agustín de Iturbide. was appointed general commander of the Navy Department of
Veracruz, who took on the task of reorganizing the national
3. He was appointed as Supreme Chief of the Sea and Land Arms, squadron to establish the naval blockade of the island of San Juan
with the rank of admiral generalissimo by the Sovereign de Ulúa .
Provisional Government Board and the Regency due to the July 27, 1825.
absence of the European prince.
Agustín de Iturbide. 17. Military man who was in command of the fortress, and had to
negotiate the capitulation of San Juan de Ulúa, as a result of the
4. Date on which 4 Executive ministries were established: Foreign aforementioned naval blockade.
and Interior Relations, Justice and Ecclesiastical Affairs, Treasury Brigadier José Coppinger.
and War and Navy.
October 4, 1821. 18. Date on which the last Spanish redoubt set sail for Havana, the
Spanish flag was lowered and the national flag was raised, as a
5. He was the first Minister of War and Navy. symbol of the consolidation of national Independence,
Antonio de Medina. corresponding to the Navy.
November 23, 1825.
6. General who took the fortress of San Juan de Ulúa in command of
200 soldiers on October 26, 1821, with the purpose of having 19. Number of times that Mexico, as an independent country, has been
control of the city and port of Veracruz because Spain did not invaded by foreign forces, moments in which sailors with great
recognize the independence of Mexico. pride bravely defended sovereignty, even at the cost of their lives.
José María Dávila. 4 occasions.

7. Number of soldiers that the fortress of San Juan de Ulúa had under 20. Mishap due to which the French demanded a payment of 600
the command of General José Ma. Dávila, because he received thousand pesos from the government of Mexico, asking for the
artillery pieces sent from Spain and Cuba. ratification of the Provisional Declarations of 1827, where they
2,000 soldiers. sought special treatment and protection for their economic
interests, and in the face of the refusal, diplomatic relations were
8. It was sent in 1822 by the Mexican government to the United broken, imposing a naval blockade of the Port of Veracruz.
States with the purpose of acquiring the ships that would make up Unsettled account in a pastry shop in Tacubaya in Mexico City, by
Mexico's first naval squadron. some Santa Anna officials.
Captain Eugenio Cortés.
21. Date of the first French intervention called the "Cake War",
9. They were the ships that made up the first naval squadron of beginning with the bombing of the castle of San Juan de Ulúa at
Mexico, brought from the United States by Captain Eugenio Cortés 02:30 in the afternoon.
in 1822. November 27, 1838.
Schooners: Iguala and Anáhuac and the gun sloops: Chalco,
Chapala, Texcoco, Orizaba, Campechana, Zumpango, Tampico, 22. Sailors who brought a letter as a last attempt by the Mexican
Papaloapan and Tlaxcalteca. government to reach an agreement with the French ship Nereida,
prior to hostilities within the first French intervention.
10. It was the first ship to officially hoist the national flag, having arrived Luis Valle and Pedro Díaz Mirón.
in Mexico on April 17, 1822.
Schooner Iguala. 23. Marino stood out for his bravery and tenacity, who commanded the
defense line of the San Miguel bastion of the San Juan de Ulúa
11. A soldier who, on September 25, 1823, in command of the fortress fortress against the French attack, where he lost his left hand and
of San Juan de Ulúa, ordered the bombardment of Veracruz leg.
because the dock was closed so that they could not get supplies. Frigate Captain Blas Godínez Brito.
General Francisco Lemaur. 2. UNOFFICIAL DOCUMENT
12. Date on which the naval blockade of the San Juan de Ulúa
Fortress was declared, after the bombing of the port of Veracruz.
October 8, 1823.

13. General who on November 13, 1823, rose to the highest platform
in the country to present his report on the situation with respect to
Ulúa, highlighting that: "having changed the aspect of the war, the
Navy only has to complete this great work and
consolidate forever the independence
General José Joaquín de Herrera.
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24. Date on which the “Cake War” came to an end with the signing By: AEGV

of the Peace Treaty, after the intervention of Minister Richard Second Lieutenant Francisco A. Velez.
Pakenham who mediated between both nations since English
interests were affected due to the naval blockade. 36. Place and date on which a Treaty of Peace, Friendship, Limits
March 9, 1839. and Definitive Agreement was signed between Mexico and the
United States known as the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which
25. War that resulted in the loss of 55% of its national territory, after established the border line between both countries, with Mexico
7 years since the signing of the Peace Treaty with France. losing a large part of its territories, which They would be paid for
Mexican-United States War of 1846-1848. a sum of 15 million pesos.
In Villa de Guadalupe Hidalgo, Mexico City, on February 2,
26. He was tasked with the mission of implementing a more solid 1848.
fortification of the port of Alvarado, Veracruz, due to the North
American strategy that included the landing of its troops. 37. Date on which the tripartite troops made up of France, England
Captain Tomas Marín. and Spain landed in the port of Veracruz, after the suspension of
payment of the foreign debt issued by President Benito Juárez.
27. Sailors who were ordered by Captain Tomás Marín to fortify and January 9, 1861.
arm the batteries on the banks of the Papaloapan River, after
the North American strategy that included the landing of their 38. Date on which France declared war on Mexico after the
troops in Alvarado, Veracruz. suspension of payment of the foreign debt issued by President
Frigate Captain Pedro Díaz Mirón and Second Lieutenant Juan Benito Juárez.
Lainé. April 16, 1861.

28. Military man who on October 15, 1846, in command of the North 39. He was crowned emperor after the French victory against
American naval force, ordered the occupation of the port of Mexico in the war of 1861.
Alvarado by opening fire on the coast. Maximilian of Habsburg.
Commodore Conner.
40. During his administration as emperor, he showed great interest
29. He directed the fort's batteries on the American ship Vixen, in the development of an efficient navy since it was in total
causing considerable damage. abandonment, issuing documents that included strategic
Lieutenant Juan Lainé. studies, creation of ports, construction of ships, enlistment of
crews, organization of these, security social, relays, uniforms,
30. Ships that descended on the Papaloapan River to confront the among others.
North American forces which undertook the withdrawal, a battle Maximilian of Habsburg.
that was one of the few military successes of Mexico against the
United States and was carried out by the Mexican Navy. 41. During his government, the Navy had a significant development:
Vessels Veracruzano Libre, Zempoalteca and Águila. The presence on both coasts was increased with the acquisition
of 4 war steamers and 4 gunboats, the Naval Military School
31. It joined Commodore Conner's naval fleet on March 9, 1847, was founded, two training ships were acquired; Yucatán and
after the defeat at Alvarado and the change in strategy by Zaragoza, opened teaching schools and the Guaymas shipyard,
transferring its landing to the port of Veracruz, integrating an Salina Cruz and Veracruz dams and the National Arsenal were
invasion fleet with 100 vessels of different types and about built.
13,000 troops. Porfirio Diaz.
General Winfield Scott.
42. Date of the Foundation of the Naval Military School.
32. Date on which General Winfield Scott urged General Morales to 1 July 1897.
surrender the plaza of Veracruz, a request that was denied so at
43. He was the first director of the Naval Military School founded on
04:00 pm, the American bombardment of the port of Veracruz
July 1, 1897.
Captain Manuel Estanislao Izaguirre.
March 22, 1847.
44. Training ship that made the first circumnavigation trip.
33. Date on which the port of Veracruz surrendered, after the
bombardment of the naval fleet of Commodore Conner and
General Winfield Scott.
45. His participation during the territorial problems that occurred with
March 27, 1847.
Belize in the Porfirista government was highlighted.
Ángel Ortiz Monasterio and Miguel Rebolledo.
34. His patriotism was evident during the bombardment of March
24, 1847, who, in command of the defense of the Santa Bárbara 46. He directed the founding of Chetumal and surveillance on the
bastion, did not stop firing on the enemy batteries, destroying river and maritime border in the region.
some of them, after the enemy fire caused the national flag to Othón P. White.
fall. , picked it up and tied it to the merlon, falling again with it,
an action praised by the Americans and by General Winfield
Scott. Lieutenant Sebastián Holzinger.

35. He helped Lieutenant Sebastián Holzinger to place the flag back

on the flagpole under enemy fire during the American
bombardment of the Santa Bárbara stronghold on March 24,

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47. He formed the constitutionalist army with which he intended to Secretary of the Navy "capture the customs, do not allow the
restore the constitutional order, after having taken up arms war supplies to reach Huerta or any other shipment." Rear
against President Victoriano Huerta and his federalist army. Admiral Frank Friday Fletcher.
Venustiano Carranza.
59. He was the Military Commander of the Plaza de Veracruz during
48. Date on which Second Lieutenant Hilario Rodríguez Malpica the landing of the North American troops on April 21, 1914.
Sáliba, accompanied by a part of the gunboat Tampico, joined General Gustavo Mass.
the cause of fighting the federalists and their naval fleet.
February 22, 1914. 60. Instructions given by General Mass upon receiving the message
of the landing of North American troops in the port of Veracruz,
49. Date on which the revolutionary Sonora biplane, piloted by preparing to defend the homeland since he considered it an
Captain Gustavo Salinas Camiña, attacked from the air with offensive action.
rudimentary bombs launched by the naval machinist Teodoro That the military train engines be put to safety, part of the 19th
Madariaga to the General Guerrero transport ship in Infantry Regiment should go to the terminal dock to repel the
Topolobampo, a military action considered one of the first air- foreign troops and prevent the disembarkation from continuing,
naval combats in the world . and that the citizen volunteers and soldiers should be armed.
April 15, 1914. prisoners in the military prison to defend the country.

50. Pilot and Naval Machinist aboard the revolutionary Sonora 61. He was the Commander of the San Juan de Ulúa arsenal during
biplane, which attacked the General Guerrero transport ship the invasion of Veracruz on April 21, 1914, a fortress that
from the air with rudimentary bombs, a military action Admiral Fletcher considered as an obstacle to the landing force.
considered one of the first air-naval combats in the world. Captain Alejandro Cerizola.
Gustavo Salinas Camiña and Teodoro Madariaga.
62. Time and date of the beginning of the landing of North American
51. Very marked ideology during the Porfiriato, which affected the troops under the command of Admiral Fletcher at the Porfirio
bilateral relationship between Mexico and the United States Días docks, terminal and fiscal, during the invasion of the port of
especially at the end of the Porfirian era, due to economic Veracruz.
interests and rivalry between the neighboring country to the 11:20 a.m. on April 21, 1914.
north and the European powers.
French. 63. He was in charge of providing training in the handling of
weapons and in the execution of simple military maneuvers to
52. North American president who did not recognize the the civilians who made up the Society of Defenders of the Port
government of Victoriano Huerta, who had come to power of Veracruz, which armed the civilian population and freed all
through a coup d'état, which was frowned upon for American the inmates and distributed the rest of the weapons during the
interests, so he looked for some excuse to intervene in the North American invasion.
affairs of Mexico. Lieutenant Colonel Manuel Contreras.
Woodrow Wilson.
64. Ships that counterattacked the Naval Academy cadets who
53. Prohibition violated by 10 North American sailors from the crew attacked the marines who disembarked from the ship Utah
of the ship USS Dolphin, who, under the excuse of the need to during the events of April 21, 1914.
buy gasoline, sailed upriver, being apprehended and taken to Prairie and Chester.
the military command in Tampico.
Robbery of national and foreign vessels due to the political- 65. Director of the Naval School during the invasion of the port of
social conflicts that occurred in the country. Veracruz on April 21, 1914, which was informed by English
professor Antonio Espinoza that at 11 in the morning the North
54. General who ordered the immediate release of the sailors of the American troops had planned to disembark.
USS Dolphin after being detained in the port of Tampico during Frigate Captain Rafael Carrión.
the political-social conflicts that were taking place in the country.
General Ignacio Morelos Zaragoza. 66. He was the Deputy Director of the Naval School during the
invasion of the port of Veracruz on April 21, 1914, the same who
55. He held a vigorous protest demanding a public apology, as well the Director, Frigate Captain Rafael Carrión, ordered to go to
as the raising of his country's flag and a 21-gun salute in the the Military Command to receive instructions, however, upon his
central plaza of Tampico, after the arrest of 10 American sailors return He reported that the military facilities were empty.
from the USS Dolphin. Senior Lieutenant Ángel Corzo.
Rear Admiral Henry T. May.

56. Pretext that President Wilson used to intervene in national

The refusal of the Mexican government not to salute and raise
the American flag.

57. German steamship that had on board an important shipment of

weapons for Huerta's army, which would be landed in the port of
Veracruz, a fact that led the president of the United States
Woodrow Wilson to change the landing of North American
troops from Tampico to Veracruz. Ypiranga.

58. On the morning of April 21, 1914, he received the order from his

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67. Colonel who, along with his men and some officers and troop 78. Cadet who witnessed the act of patriotism of Lieutenant José
personnel belonging to the 23rd Regiment of Azueta Abad, who upon seeing him wounded in both legs came
Infantry, in addition to the group of volunteers and prisoners of to his aid to transfer him to a place where he could be protected
Colonel Manuel Contreras, had begun the defense of the from the enemy's bullets, being transferred to the White Cross
homeland, after General Gustavo Mass abandoned the plaza aid station. at the Fire Station.
along with his troops. Juan Castañón.
Albino Rodríguez Cerillo.
79. Admiral who learned of the patriotic action of José Azueta, who
68. During the invasion of the port of Veracruz on April 21, 1914, he sent some doctors from his fleet to intervene in the cures, but
arrived at the campus shouting at his entrance in the patio when he saw them enter he ordered them to immediately leave
"Long live Mexico! Long live Mexico! Long live Mexico!" Being his home, so that they would not desecrate his house or his
answered enthusiastically by the cadets, he delivered the body, preferring to die rather than be cured by an enemy of his
harangue “To arms, boys, the country is in danger!”; and the country.
young cadets ran to arm themselves and take shelter in defense Fletcher.
of the homeland.
Commodore Manuel Azueta Perillos. 80. Date on which Lieutenant José Azueta Abad died, at whose
funeral approximately 10 thousand people from all social strata
69. Characters who were in charge of supplying weapons and of the port of Veracruz attended.
ammunition at the Naval Academy during the invasion of the May 11, 1914.
port of Veracruz on April 21, 1914, soon coming to an end
because the aforementioned supplies were not sufficient. 81. Place to which the Naval Academy personnel first retired, after
David Coello and Juan de Dios Bonilla. Commodore Manuel Azueta and Captain Aurelio Aguilar
determined not to expose the lives of the students, in search of
70. He went to the barracks and artillery warehouses of the federal forces.
Command to take the weapons and ammunition necessary to Cocos Station.
supply the cadets and staff of the Naval Academy.
Second Lieutenant Antonio Gómez Maqueo. 82. Surgeon who reported that Cadet Uribe had died.
Marcelino D. Mendoza.
71. State of strength of the Naval Academy between management
personnel, services and students during the invasion of the port 83. Date and time in which the personnel of the Naval Academy
of Veracruz on April 21, 1914, which proceeded to carry out the under the Command of Commodore Manuel Azuela arrived in
organization for the defense. Mexico City, after receiving the order to join the capital by train,
128 elements. shortly after arriving in Tejería.
April 26 at 12:30.
72. Ships that targeted the Naval Academy with their 80” guns
during the invasion of the port of Veracruz on April 21, 1914. 84. He was questioned by cadet Uribe's parents if they brought any
Prairie and Chester. souvenir of their son, showing a blood stain impregnated on his
jacket, to which Virgilio Uribe's father, with tears in his eyes,
73. He died during the hostilities a few days before turning 18 years leaned down and kissed his son's blood several times.
old. He was on one of the balconies shooting at the invading exclaiming “He died for his country.”
enemy. However, during the rifle reloading procedure, he was Commodore Manuel Azueta.
hit by an expansive bullet which pierced his skull. .
Virgilio Uribe. 85. Date on which the occupation of the port of Veracruz was
completed after the invasion of April 21, 1914.
74. He provided first aid in the Naval Academy infirmary to cadet April 22 at 11 in the morning.
Virgilio Uribe.
Luis Moya. 86. Date on which it was decreed to place the adjective “HEROIC”
before the Naval Military School for the glorious deeds of its
75. Cadet who, during his guard service, when a projectile hit the children, becoming known from that date as HEROIC NAVAL
guard, reducing it to rubble and causing said cadet to fall, got MILITARY SCHOOL.
up, dusted himself off and resumed his position, the guard December 20, 1949.
officer asked if he was alright to which he responded “There is
nothing new, my lieutenant”, this gesture of bravery earned him 87. Date of the promulgation of the Magna Carta by President
a promotion to corporal by Commodore Azueta. Venustiano Carranza.
Eduardo Colina. February 5, 1917.

76. He requested to be assigned to the Army as an artillery officer,

and was discharged on December 9 in the Fixed Battery of
Veracruz with the office of tactical artillery lieutenant.
José Azueta.

77. Character who, upon learning of the events that were happening
at the dock, went to the Naval Academy. On his way, on the
corner of Landero and Coss streets and Esteban Morales, he
found an abandoned machine gun that he nicknamed “the
skinny one”; From there he began shooting at the invaders,
causing numerous casualties.
José Azueta.

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88. Requirement established in article 32 of the Magna Carta of Carlos Castillo Bretón.
1917, to belong to the Navy and occupy the positions of captain,
skipper and first engineer in the Merchant Navy. Being Mexican 103. Date on which the First Aeronaval Squadron was created in
by birth. Mexico. February 23, 1943.

89. Date on which the Tabasco ship sailed from the port of Veracruz 104. He was the Commander of the First Naval Air Squadron in
bound for Progreso, Yucatán, with a completely Mexican crew, a Mexico, made up of 6 Sykorsky aircraft, with the port of
fact that since then every June 1st has been commemorated as Tampico, Tamaulipas, being designated as the Naval Air Base.
National Navy Day. June 1, 1942. Rafael Santibáñez Fernández.

90. Captain who was in command of the ship Tabasco when it set 105. It has remained at the forefront of its aircraft, which have
sail from the port of Veracruz bound for Progreso, Yucatán, with performed both for the protection of the Mexican coasts, high-
the first completely Mexican crew. impact operations and search and rescue, with the objective of
Captain Rafael Izaguirre Castañares. safeguarding national sovereignty.
Naval Aviation.
91. President who established in 1942 that National Navy Day will
be celebrated every June 1.
Manuel Ávila Camacho. 2.- IN THE SEA, IN THE AIR AND ON LAND.
92. President who visualized the strategic importance of developing
the naval power of the federation, in the international context of
106. By 2040, it aims to consolidate itself as an institution that
the Second World War three months after the war began.
contributes to achieving conditions of peace and security in the
Lazaro Cardenas.
Mexican Marine Zones, to promote the prosperity and well-being
93. Date on which the Law of Secretariats and Departments of State of the nation.
was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation, in which Vision of the Secretary of the Navy.
the Department of the National Navy was created in order to be
107. It is to consolidate an agile, dynamic, efficient and effective
in charge of the country's maritime affairs.
Institution, valued for its service to the country, by guaranteeing
December 30, 1939.
the protection of maritime interests and the necessary security
94. He was appointed as the first head of the National Navy conditions in marine areas, coasts and national ports for the
Department. development of the country.
Naval Machinist Commodore Roberto Gómez Maqueo. Goal of the Secretary of the Navy.

95. Date on which the Secretary of the Navy is created. 108. They are the fundamental values of the Secretary of the Navy -
December 31, 1940. Navy of Mexico.
Honor, duty, loyalty and patriotism.
96. He was the first Secretary of the Navy.
General Heriberto Jara Corona. 109. It is a bi-oceanic country that has ____________ kilometers of
coasts, with more than _____________of square kilometers
97. In the first years of its creation, the military and administrative Exclusive Economic Zone and with __________ ports that
structure of the institution was developed and consolidated, They connect the world.
several Corps and services were created: Naval General Staff, 11,122 km, 3,000,000 km 2 and 102 ports.
Naval Council, Military School of Training and Seamanship,
Corps of Naval Mechanical Engineers, Infantry Corps Naval, 110. It is the agency of the Federal Public Administration, responsible
Naval Health Corps, Naval Aviation School, Gulf Naval School for exercising the Naval Power of the Federation through its
and Pacific Naval School. operational component The Mexican Navy.
Marine Secretary. Marine Secretary.

98. He was the Commander of the first Marine Infantry Battalion 111. It is a permanent National Military Institution that seeks to
created in September 1823, whose objective was to recruit and contribute at all times to the maritime development of the
organize the Marine Battalions. Among his war actions, the country, by ensuring security in our seas.
taking of Sacrifice Island in 1824 stood out. Navy of mexico.
John Davis Bradburn.
112. Mexico is an eminently maritime country, since it has direct
access to two large oceans, as well as their resources. It has
99. During his government, the Pacific Marine Infantry Battalion was
islands, islets, reefs and shoals.
created in 1916, with headquarters in Mazatlán, Sinaloa.
Venustiano Carranza.
113. It is the maritime surface of Mexico, equivalent to one and a half
100. He was the Commander of the Pacific Marine Infantry Battalion times the land surface of the country.
created in 1916, based in Mazatlán, Sinaloa. 3,000,000 km 2 .
Hiram Hernandez.
114. It is the width of the Territorial Sea.
101. He was the first Commander of the Gulf Marine Infantry 12 nautical miles from the coast.
Battalion created in 1920, with its headquarters in the port of
Veracruz. 115. It is the width of the Contiguous Zone.
Alfonso Calcaneo Díaz. 24 nautical miles from the coast.

102. Precursor of the Mexican Naval Aviation, he was the first air-
naval pilot of the Mexican Navy who was part of the veteran foot
of the Seaplane Corps.

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116. It is the width of the Exclusive Economic Zone. Command and Control Center (CC2).
200 nautical miles from the coast.
128. It is the area responsible for generating the information required
117. World place that Mexico occupies due to its territorial extension. by the different levels of command, to develop their decision-
Fourteenth (14). making processes in the conception, preparation and conduct of
naval operations, it is empowered to establish coordination and
118. World place that Mexico occupies due to its endowment in
cooperation in the matter, with dependencies and national and
natural resources due to its geographical location between two
international organizations. Naval Intelligence Unit (UIN).
oceanic slopes: that of the Mexican Pacific, including the Gulfs
of California and Gulf of Tehuantepec; and that of the Atlantic, 129. To comply with the regulations regarding maritime surveillance,
with the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. the Mexican Navy, through the Command and Control Center
Twelfth (12). and the Naval Intelligence Unit, distributes the common
panorama to its operational units, to strengthen the surveillance
119. They are the States of the Republic (Federal Entities) that have and interception of suspicious vessels.
a maritime coast, where more than 57 million people live, Maritime Operational Component.
contributing 41% of the country's gross domestic product (GDP).
17 States. 130. They are the surface, air and land means used by naval
personnel to fulfill the mission of the Mexican Navy. They have
120. Mexico has 102 ports and 15 offshore maritime terminals: _____ the appropriate equipment and capabilities to perform in the
in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea, and ___________ various scenarios and conditions where the country requires
in the Pacific Ocean. them.
59 in the Gulf and 58 in the Pacific. Operational Units.

121. It is a Secretary of State of the Federal Public Administration, 131. They are interceptor, coastal and oceanic patrols, used to fulfill
whose mission is to "Exercise National Maritime Power, protect the mission of the Secretary of the Navy. Mexican Navy
maritime interests, maintain the rule of law in Mexican marine increased its operational capabilities in the maritime field.
areas, coasts, rivers, lake areas and port areas, as well as apply Surface Units.
the National Maritime authority, to guarantee sovereignty and
132. These units are designed to fulfill the missions entrusted to the
promote the development of the country." READ THE 22 COMPETENCIES
Navy, by carrying out foreign defense operations and
OF THE SEMAR (PP. 24 AND 25). Marine Secretary.
safeguarding the nation's maritime interests. They are classified
into ships of the line, amphibious warfare and logistical support.
122. It is made up of two Naval Forces, which constitute the first
line defense maritime in high seas in both
coastlines, with capacity to execute various types of 133. They are represented by the POLA, a multipurpose frigate
amphibious, surface and naval air operations. whose function is surveillance and protection to safeguard
Navy. national sovereignty, beyond the Exclusive Economic Zone, in
addition to carrying out search and rescue operations, national
123. Date on which the reform to the Organic Laws of the Federal and international humanitarian aid and multinational exercises.
Public Administration and the Mexican Navy was published in Line Vessels.
the DOF, replacing the function of the Maritime Police with that
of the Coast Guard; term recognized in the field of International 134. They are designed for the transport of Marine Corps personnel
Law, to carry out operations other than war. and material by sea. One of its main characteristics is the ability
May 19, 2017. to disembark troops and vehicles on the beach.
Amphibious Warfare Ships.
124. They perform Coast Guard functions, carrying out permanent
operations in the Coastal Zone (10 kilometers inland from the 135. They are ships used to transport cargo, supplies and personnel,
coast) and in the Territorial Sea, in order to maintain greater as well as in support operations for the civilian population in
presence, control and surveillance of the maritime and port disaster zones and international humanitarian aid.
activities of our country. Logistics Support Vessels.
Naval Regions.
136. Vessels used in Coast Guard functions, responsible for
125. They carry out operations in the Exclusive Economic Zone with maintaining the rule of law in the EEZ and MT, as well as
highly autonomous maritime patrol aircraft, ships, helicopters protecting natural resources, preventing marine pollution and
and embarked patrols, in order to safeguard human life at sea, safeguarding human life at sea, are divided into: oceanic and
maintain surveillance of maritime traffic and protect our natural coastal patrols and interceptors.
resources. Vessels for the maintenance of the rule of law.
Naval Regions.

126. They operate on the high seas (beyond 200 nautical miles)
when necessary, primarily on search and rescue missions, as
well as to provide international humanitarian aid. Naval Forces.

127. It is the operational body of the Mexican Navy, equipped with

infrastructure, equipment and systems informative and
communications, for the transfer of information, as well as
personnel trained to integrate, process and analyze information
from both internal and external sources that influences naval
operations or affects the civilian population.

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137. They have the mission of carrying out patrol and surveillance 150. Date on which all the elite groups of Special Forces were
operations in the Exclusive Economic Zone, to maintain the Rule concentrated in a single unit with the objective of strengthening
of Law at sea, in addition to carrying out search and rescue their operational capacity and contributing to guaranteeing
operations to safeguard human life. national security and protection of the marine environment,
Ocean Patrols. through the execution of high-level special operations. strategic
value, directly under the orders of the High Command.
138. With them, patrol and surveillance operations are carried out in October 1, 2014.
the Territorial Sea, where most maritime activities are carried
out. 151. These are activities that are carried out in the event of any threat
Coastal Patrols. to the maintenance of the rule of law or internal or external
security of the country, in coordination with the Navy commands
139. High-speed boat, whose main function is maritime interception, or independently.
that is, carrying out the pursuit and arrest of fast boats violating Special operations.
the law.
Interceptor Patrols. 152. High mobility multipurpose vehicle, it has mounting for the
placement of different weapons, level V armor capable of
140. They are used to safeguard human life at sea, they are withstanding impacts from .50 caliber weapons, its design allows
specialized vessels to carry out search and rescue operations it to travel any type of road and cross-country terrain, even
expeditiously, they are assigned to the ENSAR on both coasts. under extreme weather conditions, without sacrificing its
Vessels for Maritime Search and Rescue. mobility, reliability or performance.
Humvee type vehicle.
141. They are self-righting vessels, with the capacity to carry out
search and rescue operations in adverse weather conditions. 153. It is a fully armored, all-terrain vehicle, with the ability to travel
MLB boat. long distances without refueling. Its design allows it to be
equipped with high-caliber machine guns. The personnel
142. They are high-speed vessels with rapid deployment to carry out operating on board are fully protected, even against explosive
search and rescue operations, they are also used for the devices.
inspection and surveillance of protected natural areas. Sherpa type vehicle.
Defender FC-33 boat.
154. It has multi-layer ballistic glass, 360° exterior viewing cameras, a
143. They are used to fulfill support functions for the Navy and Coast water tank with a capacity of 10,000 liters, a water pump with a
Guard, as well as other functions related to national maritime capacity of 500 gallons per minute, and a fire extinguisher
development. They are mainly divided into tankers, dredgers, system around it.
tugboats and research vessels. Auxiliary Vessels. Anti-riot type vehicle.

144. They are used to supply water or fuel to ships or establishments. 155. They are operational units in charge of carrying out, in Coast
Tanker. Guard functions, surveillance, inspection and control actions
inside port areas. They depend on the commands of the
145. They have the function of extracting materials from the seabed Regions, Zones and Naval Sectors where they are established.
in maneuver areas, channels and access to ports, to maintain Naval Port Protection Unit (UNAPROP).
sufficient depth to allow ships to navigate safely.

146. They are used for maneuvers on the high seas, and in port for
maneuvers in the bay.

147. They are vessels designated for oceanographic, hydrographic

and meteorological tasks; They support environmental programs
and contingencies in coastal areas on both coasts of the
country, in coordination with different federal government
entities, educational institutions and research centers.

148. It is mainly made up of IM personnel, performing functions as

diverse as ranging from combat to defend the national territory,
to maintaining the rule of law in the coastal strip, or supporting
the population in disaster zones and humanitarian aid. , as well
as assisting the authorities of the three levels of government in
the internal security of the country.
Land Operational Component.

149. It is a unit equipped and trained to carry out special operations

of strategic value, capable of operating in diverse geographical
environments: jungle, desert, mountains, beaches, urban areas,
seas and rivers.
Special Operations Unit (UNOPES).

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(SECOND PART) flotillas, squadrons, units, establishments and attached,

incorporated or deployed forces. The Commander will be of the
Admiral Category subordinate to the Zone Commander.
3.- NAVAL COMMANDS. Naval Sectors.

156. It is the level of command exercised by the President of the 168. It is the location of the Pacific Naval Force.
Republic. Supreme Command. Manzanillo, Col.
157. It is the command level exercised by the Secretary of the Navy,
169. It is the location of the Gulf Naval Force.
who in turn is responsible to the Supreme Command.
Tuxpan, Ver.
High Command.
170. It is the location of the General Cartel of the High Command.
158. Command that, to fulfill its powers, will have: General Staff of Mexico City.
the Navy, Naval Forces, Regions, Naval Zones and Sectors,
High Command Headquarters, Collegiate Bodies, Disciplinary 171. It is the location of First Naval Region (RN-1).
Bodies and Naval Board, Establishments and Operational Veracruz, Ver.
Units .
High Command. 172. It is the location of Second Naval Region (RN-2).
Ensenada, BC
159. It is the level of command exercised by the heads of the Naval
Regions, Naval Forces and the High Command Headquarters. 173. It is the location of Third Naval Region (RN-3).
Senior Commanders in Chief. Lerma, Camp.

160. It is the command level exercised by the heads of the Naval 174. It is the location of Fourth Naval Region (RN-4).
Zones and others designated by the High Command. Guaymas, Son.
Higher Commands.
175. It is the location of Fifth Naval Region (RN-5).
161. It is the command level exercised by the heads of Sectors,
Isla Mujeres, Q. Roo.
flotillas, squadrons, surface units, naval air units, Marine Infantry
Battalions, and others designated by the High Command.
176. It is the location of Sixth Naval Region (RN-6).
Subordinate Commands. Manzanillo, Col.

162. It is the advisory body of the High Command that assists in the 177. It is the location of Eighth Naval Region (RN-8).
planning, coordination and supervision of the operations Acapulco, Gro.
required for the fulfillment of the powers assigned to the Navy,
transforming its decisions into directives, orders and 178. It is the location of the First Naval Zone (ZN-1).
instructions, supervising their compliance. CD. Madero, Tamps.
General Staff of the Navy.
179. It is the location of the Second Naval Zone (ZN-2).
163. They are the organized group of women and men, ships, aircraft La Paz, BC
and Marine Infantry Units trained to fulfill the mission and
powers assigned to the Mexican Navy, the Commander will be
180. It is the location of the Third Naval Zone (ZN-3). Coatzacoalcos,
of the Admiral Category, currently there are 2.
Naval Forces.
181. It is the location of the Fourth Naval Zone (ZN-4).
164. They are geostrategic areas, determined by the Supreme
Mazatlán, Sin.
Command, which group together Zones, Sectors, flotillas,
squadrons and other units and establishments. The
182. It is the location of the Fifth Naval Zone (ZN-5).
Commanders will be of the Admiral Category subordinate to the
Two Mouths, Tab.
High Command, currently there are 7.
Naval Regions.
183. It is the location of the Sixth Naval Zone (ZN-6).
San Blas, Nay.
165. It is integrated with the operational units and naval
establishments of the Capital of the United Mexican States, the
184. It is the location of the Seventh Naval Zone (ZN-7).
Commander will be of the Admiral Category subordinate to the
CD. del Carmen, Camp.
High Command.
High Command Headquarters.
185. It is the location of the Eighth Naval Zone (ZN-8).
Pt. Vallarta, Jal.
166. They are the geographic-maritime areas determined by the
Supreme Command, which group together naval sectors,
186. It is the location of the Ninth Naval Zone (ZN-9).
flotillas, squadrons and other units and establishments
Yucalpetén, Yuc.
determined by the High Command. The Commander will be of
the Admiral Category subordinate to the Region Commander.
187. It is the location of the Tenth Naval Zone (ZN-10).
Naval Zones.
Lázaro Cárdenas, Mich.
167. They are the geographic-maritime subdivisions determined by
the High Command, which have under their command the

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188. It is the location of the Eleventh Naval Zone (ZN-11). Chetumal,

Marine Amphibious Brigade (BRIGAIM).
Q. Roo.
209. Its mission is to organize, train, prepare and enlist its component
189. It is the location of the Twelfth Naval Zone (ZN-12). Salina Cruz,
units, forming a specialized force capable of executing
amphibious operations either in isolation or as part of the
maneuver scheme of a higher unit, as well as developing Naval
190. It is the location of the Fourteenth Naval Zone (ZN-14). Pt.
Operations and immediate reaction wherever the Brigade
Chiapas, Chis.
orders. Marine Corps Amphibious Vehicle, to contribute to the
191. It is the location of NAVMAT. external defense and contribute to the internal security of the
Matamoros, Tamps. country.
Marine Amphibious Battalion (BATAIM).
192. It is the location of NAVPES.
Fishing, Tamps. 210. Its mission is to organize, train, prepare and enlist its component
units, forming a support and transportation force capable of
193. It is the location of NAVTUX. executing operations to support the amphibious assault and
Tuxpan, Ver. reconnaissance with boats, amphibious and mechanized
vehicles for the Maneuver Units, either in isolation or as part of
194. It is the location of NAVFRONT. the maneuver scheme of a higher unit, also develop Naval
Border, Tab. Operations where ordered by the BRIGAIM, to contribute to the
external defense and contribute to the internal security of the
195. It is the location of NAVCHAMP. country.
Champotón, Camp. Amphibious Assault Support Battalion (BATAPAN).

196. It is the location of NAVCOZ. 211. Its mission is to organize, train, prepare and enlist its component
Cozumel, Q. Roo. units, forming a specialized force capable of providing indirect
support fires to maneuver units in amphibious operations and
197. It is the location of NAVCORT. subsequent operations, as well as developing Naval Operations
Puerto Cortes, BCS where ordered by BRIGAIM, to contribute with the external
defense and contribute to the internal security of the country.
198. It is the location of NAVCAB. Marine Infantry Artillery Battalion (BATARTIM).
Cabo San Lucas, BCS
212. Its mission is to organize, train, prepare and enlist its component
199. It is the location of NAVROS. units, forming a specialized force capable of providing the
Santa Rosalia, BCS necessary logistical support before, during and after the
development of amphibious operations and subsequent
200. It is the location of NAVFEL. operations, as well as developing Naval Operations where
San Felipe, BC ordered by the BRIGAIM, to contribute with the external defense
and contribute to the internal security of the country. Marine
201. It is the location of NAVISMAR.
Corps Services Battalion (BATSERIM).
Marías Islands, Nay.
213. Its mission is to organize, train and enlist the IM units assigned
202. It is the location of NAVTOP.
within the Theater of Operations, applying the corresponding
Topolobampo, Sin.
legislation, in order to contribute to the maintenance of the rule
203. It is the location of NAVPEÑ. of law and the internal security of the country.
Puerto Peñasco, Son. Marine Infantry Brigade (BRIGIM).

204. It is the location of NAVCHILA. 214. Its mission is to execute Naval Operations within the jurisdiction
Boca de Chila, Nay. of the Naval Command and in Mexican marine areas, coasts,
ports and strategic installations, in order to contribute to the
205. It is the location of NAVSOC. maintenance of the rule of law and the internal security of the
Socorro Island, Col. country.
Marine Infantry Battalion (BIM).
206. It is the location of NAVHUAT.
Huatulco, Oax.

207. It is the location of NAVIXT.

Ixtapa, Gro.



208. Its mission is to organize, train, prepare and enlist a specialized

Marine Corps Force capable of projecting naval power, through
the execution of amphibious operations for external defense and
carrying out actions to assist in the internal security of the
country, as well as developing Operations immediate response
wherever the Naval Force orders.

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215. Its mission is to carry out Naval Operations in the Mexican 233. Location of the Marine Infantry Battalion No. 10 (BIM-10).
marine zones, coasts, ports and strategic installations and Topolobampo, Son.
others that are ordered within the areas of responsibility of the
Naval Commands where they are assigned, in order to 234. Location of the Marine Infantry Battalion No. 11 (BIM-11).
contribute to the maintenance of the state of law and the Border, Tab.
internal security of the country.
Independent Marine Infantry Company (CIIM). 235. Location of the Mazatlán Marine Corps No. 12 (BIM-12)
Battalion, Sin.
216. It is the location of the Marine Infantry Brigade No.1 (BRIGIM-1).
Veracruz, Ver. 236. Location of the Battalion Marine Corps No. 13 (BIM-13)
Ciudad del Carmen, Camp.

217. It is the location of the Brigade Marine Corps No. 2 237. Location of the San Blas Marine Corps No. 14 (BIM-14)
(BRIGIM-2). Battalion, Nay.
Ensenada, BC
238. Location of the ChampotónMarine Corps No. 15 (BIM-15)
218. It is the location of the Marine Infantry Brigade No. 3 (BRIGIM- Battalion, Camp.
Lerma, Capm. 239. Location of the Puerto Marine Corps No. 16 (BIM-16)
Vallarta Battalion, Jal.
219. It is the location of the Brigade Marine Corps No. 4
(BRIGIM-4). 240. Location of the Lerma Marine Corps No. 17 (BIM-17)
Guaymas, Son. Battalion, Camp.

220. It is the location of the Brigade Marine Corps No. 5 241. Location of the Manzanillo Marine Corps No. 18 (BIM-18)
(BRIGIM-5). Battalion, Col.
Isla Mujeres, Q Roo.
242. Location of the YucalpeténMarine Corps No. 19 (BIM-19)
221. It is the location of the (BRIGIM-6) Marine Corps No. 6 Battalion, Yuc.
243. Location of the Lázaro Marine Corps No. 20 (BIM-20)
Manzanillo, Col.
Cárdenas Battalion, Mich.
222. It is the location of the Marine Infantry Brigade No. 7 (BRIGIM-
244. Location of the Isla MujeresMarine Corps No. 21 (BIM-21)
7). Battalion, Q. Roo.
Mexico City.
245. Location of the Acapulco Marine Corps No. 22 (BIM-22)
223. It is the location of the Marine Infantry Brigade No. 8 (BRIGIM- Battalion, Gro.
Puerto Chiapas, Chis. 246. Location of the Cozumel Marine Corps No. 23 (BIM-23)
Battalion, Q. Roo.
224. Location of the Marine Infantry Battalion No. 1 (BIM-1).
Matamoros, Tam. 247. Location of the Mexico CityMarine Corps No. 24 (BIM-24)
225. Location of Marine Infantry Battalion No. 2 (BIM-2).
Ensenada, BC
232. Location of the Chetumal Marine Corps No. 25 (BIM-25).
226. Location of the Marine Infantry Battalion No. 3 (BIM-3). CD. Battalion, Q. Roo.
Madero, Tam.
233. Location of the Huatulco Marine Corps No. 26 (BIM-26).
227. Location of the Marine Infantry Battalion No. 4 (BIM-4). La Battalion, Oax.
Paz, BC
234. Location of the Mexico Marine Corps No. 27 (BIM-27).
228. Location of the Marine Infantry Battalion No. 5 (BIM-5). City Battalion.
Veracruz, Ver.
235. Location of the Salina Marine Corps No. 28 (BIM-28).
229. Location of the Marine Infantry Battalion No. 6 (BIM-6). Cruz Battalion, Oax.
Puerto Peñasco, Son.
236. Location of the Mexico Marine Corps No. 29 (BIM-29).
230. Location of the Marine Infantry Battalion No. 7 (BIM-7). City Battalion.
Veracruz, Ver.
231. Location of the Marine Infantry Battalion No. 8 (BIM-8). 237. Location of the Puerto Marine Corps No. 30 (BIM-30).
Guaymas, Son. Chiapas Battalion, Chis.

232. Location of the Marine Infantry Battalion No. 9 (BIM-9). 254. Location of the Tuxpan Marine Corps No. 31 (BIM-31).
Coatzacoalcos, Ver. Battalion, Ver.

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255. Location of the Marine Infantry Battalion No. 32 (BIM-32). Puerto 274. Where UNOPES, BIMFUSPAR and BATCOMAN 1 and 2 are
Chiapas, Chis. located. Donato Guerra, Mex.
256. Location of the Marine Infantry Battalion No. 33 (BIM-33).
Two Mouths, Tab.
257. Location of the Marine Infantry Battalion No. 34 (BIM-34). Boca de
Chila, Nay.
275. They are fixed facilities to logistically support Marine Infantry units
258. Location of the Marine Infantry Battalion No. 35 (BIM-35). Two that carry out special operations in strategic areas of both
Mouths, Tab. coastlines and along the northern and southern borders of Mexico.
Advanced Naval Stations (ENA).
259. Where is the Independent Marine Corps Company No located? 11
276. They have their background in the IM Operation Bases, for their
Fishing, Tam.
operation, among other things, they have tactical and radio
260. Where is the Independent Marine Corps Company No. located? 21 communications equipment, in addition to having the capacity to
(CIIM-21)? house more than a hundred IM elements. Advanced Naval Stations
San Felipe, BC (ENA).

261. Where is the Independent Marine Corps Company No. located? 22 277. Since 2000, they have carried out their work in multiple points of
(CIIM-22)? the coastal states and extended even further along the border with
Santa Rosalia, BCS Belize and Guatemala with the aim of combating drug trafficking
and stopping the transfer of illegal and undocumented weapons.
262. Where is the Independent Marine Corps Company No. located? 23 Advanced Naval Stations (ENA).
Cabo San Lucas, BCS 278. It is the number of Advanced Naval Stations (ENA) that currently
exist, being a rapid reaction force, with adequate material and
263. Where is the Independent Marine Corps Company No. located? 41 highly trained human resources.
(CIIM-41)? 69 ENA's.
Marias Islands. Nay.

264. Where is the Marine Amphibious Brigade (BRIGAIM) located? 6.- AIRNAVAL SQUADRONS AND AIRCRAFT.
Tuxpan, Ver.

265. Where is the Marine Amphibious Battalion No. located? 1 279. They are operational tactical units made up of aircraft, with the
(BATAIM-1). mission of maritime patrol and surveillance, as well as
Tuxpan, Ver. transportation. Aeronaval Stations and Squadrons.

266. Where is the Marine Amphibious Battalion No. located? 2 280. They have the mission of carrying out "Air-Naval Warfare
(BATAIM-2). Operations", as well as "Naval Aeronautics Operations other than
Manzanillo, Col. War", in order to preserve National Sovereignty and Integrity,
contributing to the maintenance of the rule of law and safeguarding
267. Where is the Marine Infantry Artillery Battalion (BATARTIM) human life. Naval Air Squadrons.
Tuxpan, Ver. 281. It is the meaning of the first digit that serves to identify the Naval Air
Squadrons of the Mexican Navy.
268. Where the Marine Corps Services Battalion (BATSERIM) is
Naval region in which the squadron is geographically assigned.
Tuxpan, Ver.
282. It is the meaning of the second digit that serves to identify the
269. Where the Amphibious Assault Support Battalion (BATAPAN) is Naval Air Squadrons of the Mexican Navy.
located. Type of aircraft that comprises it, assigning the numeral “1” for
Tuxpan, Ver. fixed-wing aircraft and the numeral “2” for mobile-wing aircraft.

270. Where the Naval Police Brigade (BRIGPOLNAV) is located. 283. It is the meaning of the third digit that serves to identify the Naval
Veracruz, Ver. Air Squadrons of the Mexican Navy.
Naval Air Squadron number to which it corresponds.
271 Where is the Naval Police Battalion No. 1
. (BATPOLNAV-1). 284. Currently there is ____________ Naval Air Squadrons,
Veracruz, Ver. which _________ They are Fixed Wing, __ of Mobile Wing and __
High Command Air Naval Squadron.
272 21 squadrons: 09 fixed wing, 12 mobile wing and 01 AM squadron.
Where is the Naval Police Battalion No. 2 (BATPOLNAV-2).
Veracruz, Ver.

. Where is the Naval Police Battalion No. 3 (BATPOLNAV-3).
Veracruz, Ver.

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285. They are a symbol of the naval power of the State, they represent 299. Type of ENSAR that has 02 Defender class rescue vessels.
the Institution, its tradition and history, and due to the complexity of Bravo.
the defense and safeguarding of the maritime interests of the
Mexican State. 300. The Mexican Navy provides the Search and Rescue service
The Aircraft. through its ___________________ Search Stations,
Maritime Rescue and Surveillance; _ of the “ALFA” type and
286. Refers to the Mexican Naval Aeronautics in the aircraft of the of the
Mexican Navy. “BRAVO” type.
"ANX" designator. 34 ENSAR: 10 "Alfa" type and 24 "Bravo" type.

287. It is the chronological numbering according to the type and class of 301. It was done with the purpose of covering the 2 coastlines that
aircraft, with 1 corresponding to Fixed Wing aircraft, 2 for mobile Mexico has, covering the Mexican coasts to respond to all
wing and 3 Unmanned aircraft. emergency calls, providing extensive and efficient coordination
Tuition. between each of them and fulfilling their mission of saving lives that
are in danger at sea.
288. It is the grouping of aircraft that carry out similar missions and Strategic distribution of the ENSAR.
operational employment, both in naval warfare and in those derived
from the functions of the State. (THIRD PART)

289. They are aircraft with the same or similar characteristics, designed 8.- SHIPYARDS AND REPAIR CENTERS
with the same tactical purpose and their classification will be THE MEXICO NAVY.
according to the name conferred by the manufacturing company.
302. They have the necessary infrastructure for the construction, repair
290. Type of mission of the Mexican Navy aircraft that corresponds to and maintenance of warships, as well as to provide service to
the 100 series. parastatal vessels.
Maritime Patrol and Surveillance. Shipyards and Repair Centers of the Mexican Navy.
291. Type of mission of the Mexican Navy aircraft that corresponds to
303. Its mission is to build and repair ships, to satisfy the requirements
the 200 series.
of the Secretariat of the Navy-Mexican Navy and the public and
private sector.
Navy Shipyards (ASTIMAR).
292. Type of mission of the Mexican Navy aircraft that corresponds to
the 300 series.
304. It is the number of Shipyards that the Secretary of the Navy has.
Close Air Support.
5 Shipyards.
293. Type of mission of the Mexican Navy aircraft that corresponds to
the 400 series. 305. It is the location of Navy Shipyard No. 1 (ASTIMAR-1). Tampico,
Training. Tamps.

294. Type of mission of the Mexican Navy aircraft that corresponds to 306. It is the location of Marina Shipyard No. 3 (ASTIMAR-3).
the 500 series. Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz.
307. It is the location of Marina Shipyard No. 6 (ASTIMAR-6). Guaymas
295. Type of mission of the Mexican Navy aircraft that corresponds to sonora.
the 600 series.
Combat. 308. It is the location of Navy Shipyard No. 18 (ASTIMAR-18). Acapulco

7.- NAVAL SEARCH STATIONS, 309. It is the location of Navy Shipyard No. 20 (ASTIMAR-20). Salina

310. Its mission is to meet the repair and maintenance requirements of

the surface units of the Mexican Navy, according to the installed
296. Their mission is to “carry out search, rescue and relief operations
capacity, in order to maintain their operability.
and those assigned by the Command, in order to safeguard human
Marine Repair Centers (CENREP).
life at sea and assist in surveillance activities in fisheries and
311. It is the number of Repair Centers (CENREP) that the Secretary of
protected natural areas of Mexican maritime zones.
the Navy has.
Naval Search, Rescue and Maritime Surveillance Stations
4 Repair Centers (CENREP).
312. It is the location of CENREPFRONT - 5.
297. It is defined as the performance of the functions of supervision, Border, Tabasco.
communication, coordination, search and rescue of people in
danger, including the provision of medical advice, initial medical
assistance or medical evacuation.
Search and Rescue Service.

298. Type of ENSAR that has 02 Defender class rescue boats and 01
MLB (Motor Life Boat) type boat. Alpha.

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313. It is the location of CENREPCARM - 7. 329. He teaches a Doctorate in Defense and National Security, as well
Ciudad del Carmen, Camp. as one in Maritime and Port Administration; the Master's Degrees in
National Security, Naval Administration, Information Security,
314. It is the location of CENREPCHET - 11.
Political Science, Geopolitics; and Specialties in Naval Command,
Chetumal, Quintana Roo.
Weapons Systems, Operations Analysis, Computer Science,
315. It is the location of CENREPMANZ - 14. Intelligence, Naval Communications, Naval Electronics, Law of the
Manzanillo, Colima. Sea and Maritime, and Logistics.
Center for Higher Naval Studies (CESNAV).
316. Its mission is to provide preventive, corrective maintenance,
technical and logistical support to the surface units that require it, in 330. Trains leading naval officers and future Navy commanders. In this
order to maintain their machinery and equipment in optimal establishment, Engineering is taught: Naval Systems (General
operating conditions, which will also support the Naval Commands Corps) and Hydrography (Marine Infantry).
and establishments as necessary. . Support Group for Surface Heroic Naval Military School (HENM).
331. Its mission is to instill nautical knowledge and the seafaring spirit
317. It is the number of Support Groups for Surface Units (GRAUFLOT) inherent to the naval career, and as one of its objectives, to bring
that the Secretary of the Navy has. the message of peace and goodwill of the people and government
6 GRAUFLOT. of Mexico to the five continents.
Training Ship “Cuauhtémoc”.
318. Location of the Surface Unit Support Group No. 1 (GRAUFLOT-1).
Tampico, Tamps. 332. It is the length of the BE Cuauhtémoc.
90.50 m.
319. Location of the Surface Unit Support Group No. 2 (GRAUFLOT-2).
Ensenada, BC 333. It is the sleeve of the BE Cuauhtémoc.
12.00 m.
320. Location of the Surface Unit Support Group No. 3 (GRAUFLOT-3).
Coatzacoalcos, Ver. 334. It is the draft of the BE Cuauhtémoc.
5.20 m.
321. Location of the Surface Unit Support Group No. 4 (GRAUFLOT-4).
Lázaro Cárdenas, Mich. 335. It is the displacement of the BE Cuauhtémoc.
1,800 t.
322. Location of the Surface Unit Support Group No. 5 (GRAUFLOT-5).
Tuxpan, Ver. 336. It is the autonomy of the BE Cuauhtémoc.
45 days.
323. Location of the Surface Unit Support Group No. 6 (GRAUFLOT-6).
Manzanillo, Col. 337. It is the maximum sailing speed of the BE Cuauhtémoc.
14 knots.
324. It is located in Veracruz next to San Juan de Ulúa, it represents a
long tradition in naval repair for the country, its mission is to provide 338. It is the maximum engine speed of the BE Cuauhtémoc.
repair and maintenance requirements, as well as various 6 knots.
manufacturing to the surface units, to strengthen the Naval Power
of the Federation, ensuring quality in the work carried out through 339. Trains and specializes naval aviator pilots, with the knowledge,
the installed capacity and available resources of the establishment. skills and aptitudes for the operation of the Mexican Navy aircraft.
National Arsenal. Naval Aviation School.

340. Trains Officers with solid knowledge in the field of prevention and
9.- NAVAL UNIVERSITY. health care for naval personnel and their beneficiaries. Likewise, it
prepares them to provide medical services in the timely diagnosis
and treatment of diseases.
325. It constitutes the most important asset of the Secretary of the Navy Naval Medical School.
and as such, its proper performance is essential in the operations it
carries out daily to fulfill its mission.
Human resource.
326. It is considered the main means for the development and evolution
of naval personnel, which makes it the guiding axis of the
Naval Education.

327. It is constituted by the set of human, financial, infrastructure and

educational processes, through which the Secretary of the Navy
offers comprehensive naval education, through the development of
skills and values.
Naval Educational System.

328. It is responsible for implementing the System Naval

in addition to efficiently integrating, regulating and coordinating in a
single entity all the study centers at the postgraduate, professional,
professional technical, training and training levels of the SEMAR.
Naval University.

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341. It trains competent professionals in the field of Naval Nursing,

with a solid disciplinary preparation, for the health care of the Navy.
military and their beneficiaries, from a humanistic and ethical
philosophy. 353. Navy that adopted uniforms only for its Officers in 1748, sailors
Naval Nursing School. continued to wear their usual clothing.
British Royal Navy.
342. Trains naval quartermasters with theoretical and practical
knowledge in administration, accounting and logistics, to support 354. Year in which the sailor uniform of black and white hat, blue cloth
the Naval Command in the administrative areas of naval units jacket and white pants was introduced into the naval forces of
and establishments. most Western countries as an “orderly” uniform.
Naval Quartermaster School. 1857.

355. He established the dark blue and white colors for Officers and
343. Trains personnel in the area of operation and maintenance of
Seamen and the sailors' pants (Blue Parade Suit). King George
electronic equipment and systems of ships and facilities of the
Secretariat of the Navy-Navy of Mexico.
Naval Electronics School.
356. The sailors held their hair with a piece of cloth; Officers with the
rank of knights wore hats, with the passage of time the hat
344. Trains personnel in the area of operation and maintenance of
became the cap of Officers and Sub-Officers, and the piece of
equipment and systems of the surface units and dependencies of
cloth became the sailor's hat.
the Mexican Navy.
Sailor Headdress.
Naval Machinery School.
357. It was a scarf with which sailors covered their shoulders and
345. Trains personnel with the technical knowledge and skills to carry backs to avoid large stains on their clothes as a result of the
out the maintenance, conservation and operation of aircraft both whale or turtle oil in their hair. Lapel or Collar.
on the ground and in flight, in order to guarantee the safety of air
operations. 358. It surrounds the Sailors' tie, it is the inheritance of the one that
Naval Aviation Mechanics School. formerly held the sailor's whistle.
346. Trains personnel with the technical knowledge, skills and abilities
to manage underwater communications systems.
359. It was worn in ancient times on the neck to dry sweat, it is also
Search, Rescue and Diving School.
attributed to when sailors wore a cloth on their heads during
combat, then it was removed from the head and lowered to the
(UNICAPAM). Bandana or Tie.

360. They are the 3 historical battles of Admiral Nelson. Abukir,

347. Date on which the General Directorate of Port Captaincies and Copenhagen and Trafalgar.
Maritime Affairs is created, organically, operationally and
administratively dependent on the Undersecretariat of the Navy. 361. English ship, whose sailors paraded for the first time with black
March 1, 2017. cloth (scarf or bowtie) at the funeral of Admiral Nelson, a color
adopted since then by all the navies of the world.
348. Date on which the Port Captaincies and Maritime Affairs Unit Warmick.
(UNICAPAM) came into operation, replacing the General
Directorate of Port Captaincies and Maritime Affairs. December 362. Garment established in 1858, during the Second French Empire
1, 2017. as the official uniform of sailors: wide-legged pants, a white shirt
with blue collars, a short wool coat and a striped sweater that
349. It is responsible for planning, organizing, directing, controlling allowed sailors to be better visualized and located during
and conducting the exercise of the National Maritime Authority in maneuvers. in high sea. Striped shirt.
the Mexican marine zones, coasts and port areas; as well as
direct, coordinate and supervise the Port Captaincies, among 363. It has its possible origin in the life of Admiral Nelson during one
other duties. of his battles, when he was wounded in action in the right arm by
Port Captaincy and Maritime Affairs Unit (UNICAPAM). unstitching one of the stripes on his cuff and pinning it to the
upper right button of his jacket.
350. Number of Port Captaincies belonging to SEMAR, distributed on Coca or Return of Gallon.
both coasts and in the interior of the national territory, which
administratively depend on UNICAPAM.
104 Port Captaincies.

351. It is responsible for exercising the National Maritime Authority

and the Maritime Administration in Mexico, as well as the
protection of the marine environment.
Marine Secretary.


352. It was the first navy to use naval uniforms in 1665. French Royal

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364. It was a piece of leather that the corsairs placed on their 377. It means navigating through the Territorial Sea of a coastal State
shoulders to prevent their clothes from getting dirty by the parrot in order to cross said sea without entering internal waters or
or parrot that they used to keep as pets. It also arose from the stopping at a roadstead or port facility, as well as heading
need to have something that would prevent the plywood from towards or leaving the Inland Waters, or stopping at a of those
falling off. shoulders. roadsteads or port facilities or leaving them. Passed.
378. It will be quick and uninterrupted, however, it includes detention
365. They are worn on the left side of all uniforms. This custom comes due to normal navigation incidents, due to force majeure or to
from the times of the Crusades, when knights wore the metal assist people, ships or aircraft in danger or in serious difficulty.
insignia of their order to protect their hearts. Innocent step.
Decorations and Medals.
379. This shall be done as long as it is not prejudicial to the peace,
good order or security of the coastal State.

380. Activities considered harmful to the peace and security of a

366. Its use continues today as a symbol of distinction of the Officers coastal State, in which the use of innocent passage does not
of the Armed Forces, the delivery of this weapon by an Officer apply.
has always been a sign of submission. Read the 12 prohibited activities, pp. 62 and 63. (1)
The Saber.
381. Activities considered harmful to the peace and security of a
367. At funerals, it is placed along with the cap in the coffins until the coastal State, in which the use of innocent passage does not
moment of burial, it is worn during the services of arms by those apply.
in command, it can be worn by an Officer during his wedding and Read the 12 prohibited activities, pp. 62 and 63. (2)
retirement ceremony, inaugurations and change of command .
The Saber. 382. Activities considered harmful to the peace and security of a
coastal State, in which the use of innocent passage does not
368. It is a tradition that is believed to come from the crusaders, the apply.
crucifix, symbol of the cross, was represented on the hilt, it was Read the 12 prohibited activities, pp. 62 and 63. (3)
customary to kiss it before going into battle. Salute with the
383. While using innocent passage in the territorial sea of a coastal
State, they must navigate on the surface and fly their flag.
Submarines and submersible vehicles.
369. If it is released during the greeting, it is the worst violation of the
etiquette of its use, it should never be drawn without reason 384. It is any ship belonging to the FF. AA. of a State that bears the
(tradition says "take me out with courage, save me with honor"), distinctive external signs of the warships of its nationality, that is
neither in churches nor sanctuaries, its use is always with gloves, under the command of an officer duly appointed by the
a guarantor and a sash. The Saber. government of that State whose name appears in the
corresponding rank of officers or its equivalent, and whose staff
is subject to the discipline of the regular Armed Forces.
385. This name is designated to the area contiguous to the Territorial
Sea of a coastal State, in which it may take the necessary control
370. It is the area where the sovereignty of a coastal State extends measures to prevent violations of customs, fiscal, migration and
beyond its territory and its Inland Waters, including its airspace, health laws, as well as punish violations of those laws. laws
bed and subsoil. committed in the MT. Contiguous Zone.
Territorial sea. 386. It is the extension of the Contiguous Zone, counted from the
baselines from which the width of the Territorial Sea is
371. It is the width of the Territorial Sea. measured.
12 Nautical Miles. 24 Nautical Miles.

372. It is the line that joins the closest point of the baseline, at a 387. It is an area located beyond the Territorial Sea and adjacent to it,
distance equal to the width of the Territorial Sea. subject to the legal regime, rights and jurisdiction of the coastal
Outer limit of the Territorial Sea. State. The rights and freedoms of other States in that area are
governed by the relevant provisions of this Convention.
373. It is used to measure the width of the Territorial Sea. It is the line Exclusive economic zone.
that is formed when there is low tide along the coast.
Normal baseline.

374. They are the waters located inside the baseline of the Territorial
Sea of a coastal State.
Inland Waters.

375. Permanent port constructions will not be considered for the

purposes of the delimitation of the Territorial Sea.
Offshore facilities and artificial islands.

376. Right that ships of all States, whether coastal or landlocked, have
to navigate through a Territorial Sea. Right of innocent passage.

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388. Area in which the coastal State exercises sovereign rights for the that give said ship or aircraft the character of a pirate.
purposes of exploration and exploitation, conservation and Piracy.
administration of living and non-living resources, of the waters
overlying the bed and of the bed and subsoil of the sea, and the 401. It is that ship or aircraft destined by the people under whose
production of energy derived from water, currents and winds. effective command they are to commit illegal acts of violence,
Exclusive economic zone. detention or predation against the crew or passengers of a
private ship or a private aircraft, acts for which they will lose
389. It is the marine area in which the coastal State has jurisdiction for their nationality.
the establishment and use of artificial islands, facilities and Pirate ship or aircraft.
structures, marine scientific research and the protection and
preservation of the marine environment. 402. Any State can arrest or capture as a result of acts of piracy,
Exclusive economic zone. detain people and seize their property, the courts of the
arresting state may decide the penalties to be imposed.
390. It is the extension of the Exclusive Economic Zone.
Seizure of a pirate ship or aircraft.
200 Nautical Miles.

391. It is the marine zone in which the coastal State has the exclusive 403. They will cooperate to suppress illicit trafficking in narcotic
right to build, authorize and regulate the construction, operation drugs and psychotropic substances carried out by ships on the
and use of artificial islands and facilities and structures that may high seas in violation of international conventions.
interfere with the exercise of the rights of the coastal State in the All the states.
404. It may be carried out when the competent authorities of the
Exclusive economic zone.
coastal State have reasonable grounds to believe that the ship
392. It includes the bed and subsoil of the underwater areas that has committed an infringement of the laws and regulations of
extend beyond its Territorial Sea and throughout the natural that State.
extension of its territory to the outer edge of the continental Right to persecute.
margin, or up to a distance of 200 nautical miles counted from
405. It will cease at the moment the pursued vessel enters the
the baselines from which the width of the Territorial Sea is
territorial sea of its flag State or that of a third State, and may
only be exercised by warships or military aircraft.
Continental platform.
Right to persecute.
393. Marine area in which the coastal State exercises sovereign rights
406. It will not be considered to have begun until the pursuing vessel
for the exploration and exploitation of its natural resources
has verified that the pursued vessel is within the limits of the
(minerals), if it does not exploit or explore them, no one will be
Territorial Sea or, where appropriate, in the contiguous zone, in
able to undertake these activities without the consent of said
the exclusive economic zone or on the continental shelf.
state, these rights are independent of its real or fictitious
Continental platform. 407. Actions to be taken when a ship is detained or seized outside
the Territorial Sea in circumstances that do not justify the
394. It will be used by all States exclusively for peaceful purposes.
exercise of the right of pursuit.
High seas.
The damage will be compensated.
395. Each State will establish the necessary requirements to grant it,
the registration of ships in a registry in its territory will give them
the right to fly its flag. 14.- INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE
Nationality of the vessels. SAFETY OF HUMAN LIFE AT SEA (SOLAS).
396. Vessels will sail under the flag of a single State and will be
408. It is the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea.
subject, on the high seas, to the exclusive jurisdiction of that
ALONE. ( Safety Of L ife At Sea )
State. A ship may not change its flag during a voyage or during a
stopover, except in the case of an effective transfer of ownership
409. It is the scope of application of the International Convention for
or a change of registration.
the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS).
Legal status of ships.
To the ships of the Contracting States of the Convention.
397. Ships that enjoy complete immunity from jurisdiction with respect
to any State other than that of their flag. Warships and non- 410. It refers to the fact that the Contracting Governments will
commercial Official Service Vessels. provide the Secretary General of the Intergovernmental
Maritime Consultative Organization with a list of NGOs with
398. They are obliged to cooperate to the fullest extent possible in the authority to act on their behalf and the text of the laws, decrees,
suppression of piracy on the high seas or in any other place not orders and regulations that they have promulgated governed by
under the jurisdiction of any State. the SOLAS Convention.
All the states. Obligations of Contracting Governments.

399. It is any illegal act of violence, detention or depredation

committed for personal purpose by the crew or passengers of a
private ship or private aircraft on the high seas or in a place not
subject to the jurisdiction of any State.

400. It is any act of voluntary participation in the use of a ship or

aircraft, when the person carrying it out has knowledge of facts

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411. Ships not subject to the provisions of the SOLAS Convention 423. It will be a square flag that will have four white stars on the green
when embarking on a specific voyage will not be subject to them stripe.
if, due to bad weather, they are forced to deviate from the Insignia flag to honor the High Command.
planned route.
Cases of force majeure. 424. There must be 17 shots, if they are made with a sailor's whistle
the first stanza of the flag call and 2 long whistles will be played,
412. When it comes to evacuating people to avoid a danger to the with a bugle the first stanza of the honor march and 2 honor calls
safety of their lives, the transport on their ships of a greater will be played.
number of people than would otherwise be permitted by the Honors to the Undersecretary of the Navy.
SOLAS Convention may be authorized. Transportation of people
in case of emergency. 425. It will be a square flag with two diagonal white stripes that cross it
in the shape of an “X”.
413. Rule that dictates that they will be carried out by officials of the Flag insignia for honors to the Undersecretary of the Navy.
country in which the ship is registered, the Government of each
country may assign inspectors and organizations recognized by 426. There must be 15 shots, if they are made with a sailor's whistle
it, guaranteeing its integrity and effectiveness. the first stanza of the flag call and a long whistle will be played,
Inspection and Recognition. with a bugle the first stanza of the honor march and a call of
honor will be played.
414. SOLAS rule that life-saving appliances shall be subject to initial
Honors to the Chief Navy Officer.
and subsequent survey, including plans of the fire-fighting
system on new ships, and pilot ladders, mechanical pilot ladders, 427. It will be a square flag with a white admiralty-type trap anchor
lights, markings and the means of giving acoustic signals. centered in the green stripe.
Recognition of lifesaving devices. Insignia flag to honor the Chief Officer.
415. Rule of the SOLAS Convention that dictates that the hull,
428. There should be 13 shots, with a sailor's whistle the first verse of
machinery and equipment of every cargo ship shall be
the flag call and a short whistle will be played, with a bugle the
recognized upon completion of its construction and satisfactory in
first verse of the honor march and a long call will be played.
all respects for the service for which the ship is intended.
Honors to the Chief of General Staff of the Navy.
Reconnaissance of the hull, machines and equipment of cargo
ships. 429. It will be a square flag that bears the shield of the General Staff
of the Navy on the green stripe.
Insignia flag to honor the Chief of General Staff of the Navy.
430. They will be carried out according to their hierarchy with
command. Honors to the Inspector and Comptroller General of
416. They are acts that are carried out as a manifestation of respect
the Navy.
that is offered to a person due to their position or hierarchy.
Military Honors.
431. There will be 11 shots, with a sailor whistle there will be three
417. They will perform military honors by firing cannon, by voice or long blasts, three honor calls will be played at the bugle.
with a sailor's whistle while the National Flag is raised and until Honors for Admirals in Command.
sunset, as long as there is no superior in position or hierarchy.
432. There will be 9 shots, with a sailor whistle there will be two long
blasts, two honor calls will be played at the bugle.
418. They will perform military honors with cannon shots, marching Honors for Vice Admirals with Command.
band, war band, bugle or sailor's whistle while the National Flag
433. They will be 7 shots, with a sailor's whistle they will be a long
is raised and until sunset, as long as there is no superior in
blast, a call of honor will be played at the bugle.
position or hierarchy.
Honors for Rear Admirals with Command.

419. It consists of 21 cannon shots at intervals of 6 seconds, with the 434. It is a square flag with 3 diagonal stripes of equal width with the
sailor's whistle the first, second and third stanza of the flag call colors of the National Flag, in the upper left part white, the central
will be played, with the bugle the complete honor march will be part green and in the lower right part red, in the center of the
played only once. green stripe there is a trap-type anchor. silver-colored admiralty,
Honors to the President of the Republic. which is hoisted on the halyard of the torrotito on Sundays,
holidays and ceremonies, and in foreign ports.
420. It will be a National Flag that will have five white stars on the Torrotito de Proa Flag.
green stripe.
Insignia flag to honor the Supreme Command in ceremonies. 435. It is the representative flag of a unit or establishment whose staff
is larger than a company and is used to participate in parades or
421. It will be white in color, it will have a National Flag inscribed in its ceremonies.
upper left quarter; In its lower left quarter it will carry five gold Dash flag.
stars, assuming that the personnel is armed it will be with
presented weapons. Insignia flag to honor the Supreme
Command on visits.

422. There must be 19 shots, if they are made with a sailor's whistle
the first and second stanza of the flag call will be played, with a
bugle the complete honor march will be played only once.
Honors to the Secretary of the Navy.

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436. It is the representative flag used in place of the War Flag 445. Plan Phase Marina which is a process oriented to
during military training and routine activities in units and reconstruction and improvement of the affected system
establishments. (the population and its environment), as well as the
Banner. reduction of the risk of alert and danger, support is
provided to the agencies that must rebuild.
446. Scope of the Marine Plan that is executed using all
437. Date on which the Naval Civil Protection Unit available means of the Secretary of the Navy, in
(UNAPROCIV) of the Secretary of the Navy was created. coordination with the National Protection System.
November 1, 2021. National.

438. Its mission is to serve as a responsible body and liaison 447. Scope of the Navy Plan where the means available to a
with agencies and authorities of the 3 levels of Naval Region and/or assigned Commands are used, here
Government to develop and direct the institution's actions the command is exercised by the Commander of the
regarding Civil Protection, for prevention, assistance, Region.
recovery and support to the population in emergency Regional.
situations. emergency.
448. Scope of the Navy Plan where it is executed with the
Naval Civil Protection Unit (UNAPROCIV).
means assigned to a Region, Zone or Naval Sector
439. It was created in accordance with the National affected by a destructive agent, the command it
Development Plan 2019-2024 and the Navy Sector exercises the Commander
Program, to “assist the population in cases and areas of correspondent.
disaster and humanitarian aid, through individual or joint Local.
naval operations in support of the affected sectors. ”.
Naval Civil Protection Unit (UNAPROCIV).

440. Its responsibilities are: Prepare, update, operate and

monitor the SEMAR Civil Protection Program, Coordinate
the support that the mobile brigades will provide in
emergency cases. and areas of
disaster and Coordinate with the
corresponding agencies the training and training of
personnel on Civil Protection issues.
Naval Civil Protection Unit (UNAPROCIV).


441. It assists the civilian population in cases and areas of disaster or emergencies, acting alone or jointly with the Army, Air Force and
federal, state, municipal, social and private sector agencies.
Navy Plan Mission.

442. It is to contribute to the protection of the physical integrity of people, their property, the production plant and its environment, as
well as maintaining the confidence of the population in the response capacity of the Mexican Navy.
Operational Purpose of the Marine Plan.

443. Phase of the Marine Plan that is activated upon knowledge that an incident will affect a jurisdiction, carrying out the set of actions
and mechanisms aimed at reducing risks.

444. Phase of the Marine Plan that is activated at the time that naval personnel and/or ships, vehicles and aircraft are deployed, to
provide any support to the affected population, will end when there is no longer a trapped, isolated or endangered population, or,
after 8 days after the passage of the disturbing phenomenon.

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NAVAL LEGISLATION 2022 only Mexican citizens may do so to take part in the
political affairs of the country.
(FIRST PART) Right of Association.

1.- POLITICAL CONSTITUTION OF 12. Right that the inhabitants of the United Mexican
States have, for their security and legitimate
defense, with the exception of those prohibited by
1. Rights that all people in the United Mexican States Law.
will enjoy, recognized in the Constitution and in Possess weapons in your home.
the international treaties to which the Mexican
13. The right that every person has under the
State is a party.
recognition of refugee status will be carried out in
Human rights.
accordance with international treaties and the law
2. They have the obligation to promote, respect, will regulate its origins and exceptions.
protect and guarantee human rights in accordance Right to Political Asylum.
with the principles of universality,
14. Right of every person granted by courts that will be
interdependence, indivisibility and progressivity.
expeditious to impart it within the deadlines and
terms established by law, issuing their resolutions
3. An act prohibited in the United Mexican States, promptly, complete and impartial.
those who enter the national territory will achieve, Right to Justice.
by this fact alone, their freedom and the protection
of the laws. 15. Period after the arrest of an accused before
Slavery. judicial authority, starting from his being made
available for justification with an order linking him
4. Prohibited action that is motivated by ethnic or to the process of the crime for which he is
national origin, gender, age, disabilities, social charged.
condition, health conditions, religion, opinions, 72 hours.
sexual preferences, marital status or any other
16. Authority that may request preventive detention
action that violates dignity human.
from the judge when other precautionary
measures are not sufficient to guarantee the
5. Right that every person in Mexico has, the State appearance of the accused at trial, the
will impart and guarantee it, it will be universal, development of the investigation and the
inclusive, public, free and secular. protection of the victim, witnesses or the
Education. community.
Public ministry.
6. They make up basic education in Mexico.
Initial, preschool, primary and secondary 17. Crimes in which the judge will order informal
education. preventive detention. Read page 8 art. 19.
paragraph 2.
7. It will not be the subject of any judicial or
administrative inquisition, except in the event that 18. Authorities responsible for investigating crimes,
it attacks the morals, private life or rights of third which will act under the direction and command of
parties, causes a crime, or disturbs public order. the former in the exercise of this function.
Freedom of expression (manifestation of ideas). Public Ministry and Police.

8. All information in possession of any Government 19. Authority that is responsible for the exercise of
agency that uses public resources will be public criminal action before the courts, the law will
and may only be temporarily reserved for these determine the cases in which individuals may
reasons. exercise criminal action before the judicial
Public interest and National Security. authority.
Public ministry.
9. It has jurisdiction to hear matters related to access
to public information and the protection of 20. Authority that will execute the action of domain
personal data of any authority, entity, body or forfeiture through a jurisdictional procedure of a
organization. Guarantor Agency. civil nature and autonomous from the criminal one.
Public ministry.
10. Right that public officials and employees will
respect, as long as it is formulated in writing, in a 21. Number of instances that no criminal trial should
peaceful and respectful manner. In political exceed. No one can be tried twice for the same
matters, only citizens of the Republic may make crime, whether he is acquitted or convicted at trial.
use of this right. 3 instances.
Right of petition.
22. It is responsible for the ownership and control of
11. Right that cannot be curtailed (restricted) as long the lands and waters included within the limits of
as it is done peacefully for any lawful purpose, the national territory, the natural resources of the

continental shelf, the underwater bases of the
islands, the waters of the territorial seas, inland
marine waters and any other waters not included
are considered as an integral part.
The nation.

23. It extends to 200 NM, measured from the baseline

from which the territorial sea is measured, where
the Nation exercises sovereignty rights and the
jurisdictions determined by the laws of Congress.
Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

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24. Authority empowered to restrict or suspend Read the 17 attributions art. 2, pp. 13 and 14. (1)
individual rights and guarantees in case of
invasion, serious disturbance of public peace, or 35. They are powers of the Mexican Navy.
any other that puts society in serious danger or Read the 17 attributions art. 2, pp. 13 and 14. (2)
conflict, prior approval of the Congress of the
Union or the Permanent Commission . 36. They are powers of the Mexican Navy.
Republic President. Read the 17 attributions art. 2, pp. 13 and 14. (3)

25. Number of States that make up the constituent 37. It exercises its powers on its own or jointly with the
parts of the Federation. Mexican Army and Air Force, or in conjunction
32 States and Mexico City. with the agencies of the Federal Executive when
so ordered by the Supreme Command.
26. It is the federative entity, headquarters of the Navy of mexico.
Powers of the Union and Capital of the United
38. They are the resources that make up the Mexican
Mexican States.
Mexico City.
Human, material, financial and animals.
27. It is the Division of the Supreme Power of the
39. They are made up of naval personnel who provide
Federation for the exercise of its functions.
their services in the Mexican Navy, as well as
Legislative, Executive and Judicial.
those assigned or commissioned in the
28. Supreme Power of the Federation that is Secretariat. of Marine
deposited in a single individual who will be called and in others
"President of the United Mexican States." Dependencies, are subject to the laws and
Executive power. regulations of naval and military order.
Human Resources.
29. It directs foreign policy and celebrates international 40. They are made up of surface, air-naval, marine
treaties, as well as terminates, denounces, infantry and other operational units, as well as the
suspends, modifies, amends, withdraws movable and immovable property required by the
reservations and formulates interpretative Mexican Navy.
declarations on them, submitting them to the Material resources.
approval of the Senate.
Federal Executive. 41. They are those assigned in the Federation
Expenditure Budget to the Secretary of the Navy.
30. They will establish human rights protection Financial resources.
organizations, which will hear complaints against
acts or omissions of an administrative nature 42. They are made up of elements of different animal
coming from any authority or public servant. species, trained to perform specific tasks in
Congress of the Union and the legislatures of the support of the fulfillment of the mission and
federal entities. powers.
Animal Resources.
31. They will make public, non-binding
43. It is exercised by the President of the United
recommendations, complaints and complaints to
Mexican States. Supreme Command.
the respective authorities when they fall into
alleged violations of Human Rights. 44. It is the command exercised by the Secretary of
Congress of the Union and the legislatures of the the Navy.
federal entities. High Command.

32. Organizations that may call the responsible 45. It is the command carried out by the heads of:
authorities or public servants to appear to explain Naval Forces; Naval Regions and the High
the refusal when the recommendations issued are Command Headquarters.
not accepted due to alleged violations of Human Senior Commanders in Chief.
Rights. Chamber of Senators or Permanent
46. These are the commands carried out by the heads
Commission and the Legislatures of the Federal
of: Naval Zones and others named by the High
Higher Commands.
2.- ORGANIC LAW OF THE MEXICO 47. These are the commands held by the heads of:
NAVY. Sectors, Bases, Battalions, Squadrons,
Squadrons, Ships, Aircraft, CIIM, UNAPROP,
33. It is a national military institution, of a permanent ENSAR and others designated by the High
nature, whose mission is to use the naval power of Command. Subordinate Commands.
the Federation for external defense and protect 48. The powers of this Command are: To have all the
the sovereignty of the Nation. resources that constitute the AM, to appoint the
Navy of mexico. High Command, to appoint the Higher Commands
in Chief and to allow the operational organic units
34. They are powers of the Mexican Navy.
of the Mexican Navy to leave the country.

Supreme Command.
49. It is responsible to the Supreme Command and its
powers are: Propose, develop and conduct naval
policy and strategy, operate and administer the
naval power of the Federation, participate in
national security policy and plans.
High Command.
50. The powers of this Command are: Creation,
organization and maritime, air and territorial
deployment of the Naval Regions, Forces, Zones
and Sectors, V. create

establishments and operational units of the AM,
propose to the MS the Superior Commands in
Chief, designate the JEMGA, Superior Commands
and Subordinate Commands.
High Command.

9/ -thearrany OF HARIMA PFAM – 2 0 2 2 By: AEGV

51. They are the commanders designated with this character by the 64. They are the geographic-maritime areas determined by the
Supreme Command or High Command and those who exercise Supreme Command, which group Naval Sectors, operational
it will be from the permanent militia. units, and establishments that are determined. The
Main Commands. Commanders will be of the Admiral category subordinated to the
Commander of the corresponding Naval Region.
52. They are the commands designated with this character by the Naval Zones.
corresponding command, while the holder is appointed and
those who exercise it will be from the permanent militia. 65. They are the geographic-maritime subdivisions determined by
Interim Commands. the High Command, which have under their command
53. These are the commands that are exercised due to the operational units and establishments that are determined. The
temporary absence of the incumbent or interim that prevents Commanders will be of the Admiral category subordinated to the
him from carrying out his duties, in case of illness, leave, Command of the corresponding Naval Region or Zone.
vacation, out-of-position commissions or other reasons. Naval Sectors.
Accidental Controls.
66. They are those with maritime, air and land capabilities, which will
54. It is the command carried out in unforeseen cases due to the have the necessary naval personnel from the Corps and
momentary absence of the holder, acting or accidental, as well Services, through which the powers of the Mexican Navy are
as that exercised by the most senior Commander in a meeting materialized.
of forces, units or naval personnel, when there is no previously Operational Units.
designated Command.
Incidental Controls. 67. It is an operational organization composed of 2 or more naval
squadrons, which are responsible for supervising the activities
55. He will be replaced by the Undersecretary and, in his absence, of the attached surface units. Naval Flotilla.
by the Chief Officer or by the Admiral designated by the High
Command. High Command. 68. They are made up of naval personnel and surface units, the
Commanders will be of the category of Admiral of the CG and
56. He will be supplied by the Chief of Staff. will be subordinate to the corresponding Force, Region, Zone or
Naval Forces Commands and High Command Headquarters. Naval Sector Commander.
Naval Flotilla.
57. He will be replaced by the most senior Zone Commander in his
jurisdiction. 69. It is an operational organization made up of 2 to 4 surface units
Naval Region Commands. of the same type or class that fulfill the same mission.
Naval Squadron.
58. He will be replaced by his Chief of Staff and in his absence by
whomever the Higher Command in Chief designates. 70. They are made up of naval personnel and surface units, the
Higher Commands. Commanders will be of the Captain category and will be
subordinate to the corresponding Force, Region, Zone or Naval
59. They will be replaced by the Command Group Leaders, Second Sector Commander.
Commanders or their equivalents, in their absence, by whoever Naval Squadron.
is designated by the corresponding Higher Command.
Subordinate Commands. 71. They are ships of different types and classes, intended to carry
out maritime, coastal or lake operations that are required to fulfill
60. They are made up of naval personnel, surface units, air forces the mission and powers of the Mexican Navy.
and Marine Corps, organized to fulfill the mission and powers Surface Units.
assigned to the Mexican Navy.
Naval Forces. 72. They are specialized operational units to carry out operations to
safeguard human life at sea, as well as proximity maritime
61. They are formed temporarily, with the necessary means to fulfill surveillance in ports and coasts. subordinated to the
a specific mission; The Command of these will be designated by corresponding Force, Region, Zone or Naval Sector
the High Command, Superior Command in Chief or Superior Commander.
Command. Naval Search, Rescue and Maritime Surveillance Stations
Task Forces. (ENSAR).

62. They are geostrategic areas, determined by the Supreme 73. They are responsible for the planning, execution and supervision
Command, which group together Zones and Sectors, of naval operations, as well as the logistical support of the
operational units, establishments and naval personnel. The aircraft assigned to the Forces, Regions, Headquarters and
Commanders will be of the Admiral category subordinated to the Naval Zones. The Commanders will be of the Admiral Category
High Command. Naval Regions. and are subordinate to the Naval Command. correspondent.
Naval Air Bases.
63. It is integrated with the naval personnel, operational units and
naval establishments in the territorial scope determined by the
High Command, the Commander will be of the category of
Admiral subordinate to the High Command.
High Command Headquarters.

PFAM – 2 0 2 2 By: AEGV

74. They are operational units responsible for provide studies to level technical,
supervising operations as well as controlling the technical-professional, superior and
maintenance of the attached Naval Air Units and postgraduate courses for personnel of the
the training of their crews. The Commanders will Mexican Navy and scholarship recipients under
be of the Captain category subordinated to the the terms of the General Naval Education Plan.
Commander of the corresponding Naval Air Base. Naval Educational Establishments.
Naval Air Squadrons.
84. They are all those real estate, built and built to
75. They are aircraft of different types, intended to house and concentrate the human and material
carry out operations aeronavals that are resources necessary for the fulfillment and
required for the development of their powers and functions, as well
compliance with the mission and powers of the as land, shooting and training ranges intended for
Mexican Navy. the training of naval personnel.
Aeronaval Operational Units. Installations of the Mexican Navy.

76. They are independent brigade type units made up 85. They house the headquarters of the Commands,
of 5 or more Battalions, reinforced by a Field their staffs, operational units and administrative
Artillery Battalion, an Amphibious Assault areas of Commands of Regions, Zones, Naval
Battalion, a Group of Services and necessary Sectors, Marine Infantry Units and Air-Naval
support, assigned to the Naval Forces and their Bases.
Commander will be of the Admiral category. . General Headquarters.
Marine Amphibious Brigades.
86. Fixed facilities established in strategic locations
77. They are regimental type units, they are made up within the jurisdiction of the Naval Regions to
of 2 or more Marine Infantry Battalions and a support operations.
Service Group, attached to the Naval Regions and Naval Stations.
the High Command Headquarters and their
Commander will be of the Admiral category. 87. They are the schools, study centers, institutes,
The Marine Infantry Brigades. training centers, training centers and the
administrative headquarters of the Naval
78. They are the basic tactical units that the Region, University.
Zone or Naval Sector Commands must have, to Naval Educational Establishments.
fulfill the mission and powers of the Mexican Navy.
The Commanders will be of the Admiral category. 88. They are hospital centers, hospitals, sanatoriums
Marine Infantry Battalions. and clinics. Health Establishments.

79. They are the basic maneuver units of a Marine 89. It is the infrastructure specialized and equipped to
Infantry Battalion, they may be independent when provide maintenance to units, material and
they depend on the Naval Command to which they equipment of the Mexican Navy, as well as for the
are attached, their Commander will be of the construction of ships.
Captain category. Establishments for Maintenance and Repairs.
Marine Infantry Companies.
90. It is that material that is in operational conditions,
80. It is an independent brigade-type unit made up of determined by the regulatory provisions.
a group of special forces, 2 commando battalions, Active.
a parachute battalion, a group of necessary
services and supports, it is responsible for the 91. It is that material that can be activated for service.
development of strategic plans for external In reserve.
defense and to contribute to security. inside the
country. 92. It is that material that is in this process to be
Special Operations Unit. incorporated into active service, and that in
process to recover or update operating standards.
81. It is the specialized operational unit to carry out In manufacturing, construction or modernization.
support operations for public security institutions.
The Naval Police brigade will be under its charge 93. It is that material that is not susceptible to
and will assume administrative control of the naval recovery.
personnel commissioned in the National Guard. In the process of being discharged.
The Chief will be of the rank of Admiral and will
94. They are the advisory bodies of the High
depend on organically from the High Command.
Naval Police Unit. Command, which provide elements of judgment
for decision-making.
82. They are the specialized operational units to carry EMGA, Admiralty Council, UIN and others that in
out port protection operations, on their own or in the opinion of the High Command are necessary.
support of the competent authorities, in
95. Titled persons who will assist the High Command
accordance with current legal systems.
in fulfilling its duties.
Naval Port Protection Units (UNAPROP).
Undersecretariat, Chief Officer's Office, Inspection
83. Their purpose is to train, train, educate and and Comptroller General of the Navy, the General

Coordination of Ports and Merchant Navy, Naval
Attaché Offices and other public servants.

96. It is the operational advisory body of the High

Command responsible for the preparation,
planning, coordination and supervision of the
naval operations that are established, required for
the fulfillment of the mission and powers of the
Mexican Navy.
General Staff of the Navy.

PFAM – 2 0 2 2 By: AEGV

97. It is the analysis body for consultation, agreement 108. They will provide their services for the time
and decision-making on matters of importance to established in their contract and in accordance
the Mexican Navy, chaired by the High Command. with what is stipulated in its clauses. Auxiliary
Admiralty Council. Militia.

98. It is the advisory body in charge of generating the 109. Degree that can be obtained by naval personnel of
intelligence information necessary for the the Auxiliary Militia with professional technical
formulation of National Security Plans in which the level studies.
Mexican Navy participates. Naval Intelligence Unit. Third Master.

99. They will form and integrate the reduced Admiralty 110. Degree that can be obtained by naval personnel of
Council, which will hear about non-conformities the Auxiliary Militia with professional technical
with the resolutions issued by the Disciplinary level studies with a specialty. Second Master.
Bodies and the Naval Board.
111. Degree that can be obtained by naval personnel of
Secretary, Undersecretary, Chief Officer,
Inspector, JEMGA and Commands of the Naval the Auxiliary Militia with higher technical university
Forces. level studies.
First Master.
100. They will form and integrate the expanded
112. Degree that can be obtained by naval personnel of
Admiralty Council, whose powers are: Advise the
the Auxiliary and Permanent Militia with bachelor's
High Command on strategic matters, provide
elements of judgment on matters of development
Lieutenant of Lieutenant.
of naval power and propose policies related to the
113. Degree that can be obtained by naval personnel of
maritime field.
the Auxiliary and Permanent Militia with a specialty
Secretary, Undersecretary, Chief Officer, or master's degree.
Inspector, JEMGA and Commands of the Naval Frigate Lieutenant.
Forces and Regions.
114. Degree that can be obtained by naval personnel of
101. They are in charge of sanctioning serious offenses the Auxiliary and Permanent Militia with a related
against naval discipline, and they will not be able second specialty or doctorate. Ship lieutenant.
to hear matters in which a person who is not a
military officer is involved. 115. You may be promoted by degree adaptation by
Disciplinary Bodies. having completed studies on your own in
accordance with your profession without prejudice
102. They make up the Disciplinary Bodies of the to the service and that are useful for the Mexican
Mexican Navy. Board of Admirals, Councils of Navy, provided that your studies have official
Superior Honor, Councils of Ordinary Honor and recognition of validity by the Ministry of Public
Councils of Discipline. Education.
Auxiliary Militia.
103. It is the permanent administrative body, it will be
competent to hear the disagreement expressed by 116. They are those people of foreign nationality who
naval personnel, giving a resolution within a period are studying in naval educational establishments,
of no more than 90 days, regarding: Ladder they will not be considered as personnel of the
situations, Seniority in the rank, exclusion for Mexican Navy.
promotion, postponements, adaptation rank and Fellows.
move into the permanent militia.
Naval Board. 117. It is the classification of the Corps in the Mexican
Navy. General Corps, Marine Infantry and Naval
104. These are the essential requirements to be
discharged into active service in the Mexican
118. It is the core personnel of the different Corps and
Read the 6 requirements page. 23 art. 44. Services. Professional Staff.
105. These are the methods to register for active 119. It is the scale personnel of the different Corps and
service in the Mexican Navy. Services. Professional and non-professional
By voluntary contract and by admission to naval technical personnel.
educational establishments.
120. They are made up of personnel who have
106. It is characterized by its stability in service. completed their studies at the HENM and for the
Permanent Militia. cadets of this establishment who complete their
studies in higher education institutions abroad.
107. They may obtain the different degrees in
Nuclei of the Bodies.
accordance with the procedures established in the
Law or by carrying out studies in accordance with 121. They are made up of personnel who have
the needs of the authorized organic payrolls and in completed studies in naval educational
accordance with their profession, on their own and establishments of upper secondary or professional
without prejudice to the service. technical level, recognized by the Ministry of
Permanent Militia Personnel. Public Education.

Scales of professional technical bodies.

122. It is made up of personnel who have completed

training studies in naval educational
establishments in accordance with applicable
Scales of non-professional technical bodies.

123. They are made up of personnel who have

completed their studies at naval educational
establishments at the bachelor's level or those
who have registered in the Mexican Navy. Cores
of the Services.

124. They are made up of personnel who have

completed upper secondary or professional
technical level studies recognized by the Ministry
of Public Education.
Scales of professional technical services.

PFAM – 2 0 2 2 By: AEGV

125. They are made up of personnel who have Naval Personnel who took courses on behalf of
received training in naval educational the Mexican Navy in national educational centers
establishments or who, upon entering the SAAM, outside of it.
have skills in a particular trade. Scales of non- A time equivalent to 2 times the duration of your
professional technical services. studies.

126. Situations in which Mexican Navy personnel may 135. Time committed to providing their services by
be changed Corps, Service, Core or Scale. Naval Personnel who took courses on behalf of
Needs of the service, recommendation of a the Mexican Navy in foreign educational centers
Medical Council and request of the interested outside of it.
party. A time equivalent to 3 times the duration of your
127. Situation of change of Corps or Service, in which studies.
the soldier will not lose his rank or seniority.
136. The personnel selected to take courses in naval
For service needs or recommendation of a
educational establishments must sign a contract
Medical Council.
that establishes the obligation to serve:
128. Situation of change of Corps or Service, in which A time equivalent to the duration of your studies.
the soldier will occupy the last place in the rank he
holds in the Corps or Service of the rank to which 137. Within naval personnel, their purpose is the
he will belong from the date of the change. exercise of authority, granting its holder the rights,
At the request of the interested party or obligations and duties inherent to the situation in
recommendation of a Medical Council for injuries which he or she finds himself, established in the
in acts not attributable to the service. respective laws and regulations.
Hierarchical grades.
129. It is the personnel that is responsible for exercising
the levels and types of Command established by 138. Are from its use exclusive of the
law, operating and maintaining the air-naval, Navy of Mexico, so not
surface and marine infantry units, as well as would be used by staff civil,
carrying out the Commands, positions and corporations,
commissions that are required for compliance with dependencies or entities that are outside the
the mission and powers of the Mexican Navy. institution. Hierarchical grades.
Corps Personnel.
139. Personnel who are studying Higher Level courses
130. It is the personnel that is responsible for exercising in the different naval educational establishments
the positions and commissions inherent to their are called.
service or specialty, carrying out the activities Cadets.
corresponding to their profession, specialty or
trade, and carrying out the positions and 140. Personnel who are studying Higher Secondary
commissions conferred on them in the Mexican Level courses in the different naval educational
Navy. establishments are called.
Services Personnel. Students.

131. Agency that manages the Naval 141. Period that must remain who reaches the
Education, with the maximum grade, in order to receive a monthly
purpose of providing capabilities and skills to naval allowance equal to the next higher grade, each
personnel, covering the different educational said term the receipts will be increased to the next
levels and higher grade of those received. 5 years.
naval doctrinal principles, oriented to knowledge,
dissemination, application of science and culture 142. It is the highest grade of the Corps' Core
to fulfill their functions. personnel. Admiral.
Naval University.
143. It is the highest grade of the Professional
132. These are the levels of education provided in Technical Scale personnel of the Corps and
naval educational establishments, operational and Services.
administrative units and in national or foreign Lieutenant Commander.
educational centers.
Training, Training, Higher Secondary Education 144. It is the highest grade of Non-Professional Scale
and Higher Education. personnel of the Corps and Services.
Ship lieutenant.
133. It will issue the titles, certificates, certificates or
diplomas corresponding to personnel who 145. It is the highest grade of the Core Services
complete studies in naval educational personnel. Vice Admiral.
Naval University. 146. It is integrated by grouping personnel by Corps
and Services, nuclei and scales in descending
134. Time committed to providing their services by

order, based on the category, grade and seniority
in the grade, of each element, indicating the
specialties they hold.

147. These are the situations of the personnel of the

Mexican Navy related to the service.
Active, Retirement and Reserve.

148. Situation of personnel who are providing their

services in naval units and establishments of the
Ministry of the Navy.

149. Situation of personnel in active service when they

are awaiting orders to be assigned a position or
commission, or by resolution of a disciplinary

PFAM – 2 0 2 2 By: AEGV

150. Situation of personnel in active service in the 164. He will communicate the dismissal of Admirals
category of Admirals and Ship Captains, who, at personnel.
their own request and authorized by the High Senior Navy Officer.
Command, do not temporarily hold a position or
165. It will communicate the dismissal of the Captains,
Officers, Cadets and Students personnel.
On deposit.
General Director of Human Resources.
151. Situation of personnel in active service when they
are linked to a process, serving a sentence and 166. He will communicate the dismissal of the Classes
who have not been dismissed by an enforceable and Seamanship personnel. Commanders of
sentence or suspended by a final resolution of the Region, Force, Naval Zone and High Command
competent administrative body. Headquarters.
In special situation.
167. Transfer to deposit, extraordinary or unlimited
152. Leave granted to naval personnel to resolve license, or withdrawal will not be authorized at the
immediate personal matters. request of the interested party, when the country is
Minor License. in this situation.
153. Leave granted to naval personnel to resolve Emergency, invasion, serious disturbance of the
personal matters that require more time than that peace or any other that puts society in serious
granted for minor leave, but without separating danger.
from active service. Ordinary License.
168. It is made up of Admirals, captains and officers
154. License granted to naval personnel to temporarily who are retired or on leave upon request, Classes
separate from active service for the period and Sailors on leave upon request until they are
indicated in the respective regulations. 36 years old, Officers, Classes and Sailors of the
Extraordinary License. SMN until they are 36, 33 and 30 years old
155. Leave granted to naval personnel when they respectively, Captains and Officers of the
require medical treatment or time to recover their Merchant Navy, civilian employees of the SEMAR,
health due to an illness that prevents them from civilian personnel with a profession or trade related
performing their service. to marinas and ports and by Mexican citizens who
Sick Leave. request it up to 30 years of age.
First Reservation.
156. License granted to naval personnel about to be
retired due to age limits. 169. It is made up of Classes and Sailors on leave upon
Age Limit License. request until the age of 45, Officers, Classes and
Sailors of the SMN until the age of 50, 45 and 40
157. Leave granted to naval personnel to separate from respectively, Captains and Officers of the
active service for an indefinite period. Merchant Navy up to the age of 50, and by
Unlimited License. Mexican citizens who They request it up to 40
years of age.
158. It has the power to grant, modify or cancel the Territorial Army.
licenses established in the Organic Law of the
Mexican Navy, in accordance with the provisions 170. You may call the first or second reserve of the
of the applicable regulations. High Command. Mexican Navy, in its entirety, in part or jointly to
carry out exercises or verify its existence.
159. It has the power to retain in the active personnel High Command.
the personnel who are considered in the cause of
retirement due to age limit and their services are 3.- CODE OF CONDUCT OF THE
necessary, as long as the orders for dismissal
from active service and registration in a retirement
situation have not been issued. Secretary of the
171. It is a serious administrative offense incurred by a
160. It is the definitive separation from active service of public servant when he or she intervenes, due to
the Mexican Navy. his or her duties, in the attention, processing or
Low. resolution of a matter in which he or she has a
conflict of interest or a legal impediment.
161. They are grounds for dismissal from active service
Performance under Conflict of Interest.
of the Mexican Navy.
Read the 13 causes art. 87 pages 31 and 32. (1) 172. It is the possible impact on the impartial and
objective performance of the functions of public
162. They are grounds for dismissal from active service
servants, due to personal, family or business
of the Mexican Navy.
Read the 13 causes art. 87 pages 31 and 32. (2)
Conflict of interests.
163. They are grounds for dismissal from active service
173. Principle that encourages compliance with legal
of the Mexican Navy.
regulations, with a strict sense of service to
Read the 13 causes art. 87 pages 31 and 32. (3)
society, guaranteeing professionalism, as well as

the values of respect for human rights and

174. Principle that promotes rectitude in the exercise of

employment, position or commission, promoting
an open government that promotes maximum
publicity and public scrutiny of its functions before
society, guaranteeing transparency and
accountability, as well as the value of respect.

PFAM – 2 0 2 2 By: AEGV

175. Principle that seeks that public servants 184. It states that human rights make up a totality in
correspond to the trust that the State has such a way that they are complementary and
conferred on them, in order to satisfy the best inseparable.
interest of collective needs and generate full Indivisibility.
certainty of their conduct before all people,
guaranteeing integrity; the values of public interest 185. It foresees that human rights are constantly
and cultural and ecological environment. evolving and under no circumstances is a setback
Loyalty. in their protection justified.
176. Principle that seeks to promote neutral and non-
discriminatory access of all people to the same 186. It refers to the fact that public servants provide
institutional and governmental conditions, their services to all people without distinction,
opportunities and benefits, thus guaranteeing exclusion, restriction or preference based on
equity, objectivity and competition on merit; the ethnic or national origin, skin color, culture, sex,
values of gender equity and equality and non- gender, age, disabilities, social, economic, health
discrimination, and the rule of integrity of dignified or legal status, religion, and physical appearance.
behavior. Equality and non-discrimination.
187. It refers to the fact that public servants, within the
177. Principle that seeks to consolidate government scope of their powers and powers, guarantee that
objectives through a culture of austere public both women and men have access to public goods
service, oriented to results and based on the and services with the same conditions, possibilities
optimization of resources, guaranteeing and opportunities; to institutional programs and
effectiveness, economy and discipline, as well as benefits, and to government jobs, positions and
the value of cooperation. commissions.
Efficiency. Gender equality.

178. It refers to the fact that public servants act at all 188. It refers to the fact that public servants in the
times seeking maximum attention to the needs development of their activities will at all times
and demands of society above particular interests avoid affecting the cultural heritage of any nation
and benefits, unrelated to collective satisfaction. and the ecosystems of the planet; They assume a
Public interest. strong will to respect, defend and preserve culture
and the environment.
179. It refers to the fact that public servants conduct Cultural and ecological environment.
themselves with austerity and without ostentation,
and provide dignified and cordial treatment to 189. It refers to the fact that public servants will act in a
people in general, their co-workers, superiors, manner consistent with the principles that they
equals and subordinates, considering at all times must observe in their performance. of a
their rights, in such a way. way that encourages employment, position, commission or function,
courteous dialogue and the harmonious convinced in the commitment to subject their
application of instruments that lead to conduct so that ethics prevails in their
understanding, through effectiveness and public performance that responds to the public interest
interest. I respect. and generates full certainty of their conduct.
180. It is understood as the exercise of power, in a
relationship of real subordination of the victim to 190. Public Servants will collaborate with each other
the aggressor in the workplace and/or school. It is and promote teamwork to achieve the common
expressed in verbal, physical or both behaviors objectives provided for in government plans and
related to sexuality with a lascivious connotation. programs, thus generating a full vocation for public
Sexual harassment. service for the benefit of the community and the
common good.
181. It is defined as a form of violence with a lascivious Cooperation.
connotation in which, although there is no
subordination, there is an abusive exercise of 191. Public Servants are guides, examples and
power that leads to a state of helplessness and promoters of the Code of Ethics and the Rules of
risk for the victim, regardless of whether it is Integrity; They promote and apply in the
carried out in one or several events. performance of their functions the principles that
Sexual harassment. the Constitution and the law impose on them, as
well as those additional values that, due to their
182. It establishes that human rights correspond to importance, are intrinsic to the public function.
every person simply by virtue of being one. Leadership.
192. Public Servants protect the personal data that is in
183. It implies that human rights are closely linked to their custody; They privilege the principle of
each other. maximum publicity of public information, diligently
Interdependence. responding to requests for access to information
and providing the documentation they generate,

obtain, acquire, transform or preserve.

193. Public Servants fully assume before society and

its authorities the responsibility that derives from
the exercise of their employment, position or
commission, for which they inform, explain and
justify their decisions and actions, and are subject
to a system of sanctions, as well as the evaluation
and public scrutiny of their functions by citizens.

PFAM – 2 0 2 2 By: AEGV

(SECOND PART) evaluation process.


4.- PROTOCOL OF THE ETHICS AND 201. It refers to the form of communication that must be
PREVENTION OF CONFLICTS OF adopted with the alleged victim, without adopting
INTEREST COMMITTEE OF THE gender prejudices that could re-victimize or attack
SECRETARY OF THE NAVY, FOR THE them in a discriminatory manner, particularly if
Assertive communication.
OF CONDUCT. 202. The possible impairment of the impartial and
objective performance of the functions of public
194. Behavior that occurs systemically at a similar level servants due to personal, family or business
in the occupational hierarchy, based on a series of interests.
hostile acts or behaviors towards one of the Conflict of interests.
members of the employment relationship, with the
objective of intimidating, overshadowing, 203. It is the abuse of power or position for personal
flattening, intimidating or emotionally or gain that can be classified as large-scale, petty
intellectually consuming to the victim. and political corruption, depending on the amount
Workplace Harassment. of funds lost and the sector in which it occurs.
195. It is a form of violence with a lascivious
connotation in which, although there is no 204. It involves respecting the procedural rights of the
subordination, there is an abusive exercise of parties, such as the presumption of innocence, in
power that leads to a state of helplessness and accordance with applicable laws.
risk for the victim, regardless of whether it is Due process.
carried out in one or several events.
Sexual harassment. 205. It is the manifestation of allegedly irregular events
that are made known to the authority by the
196. It is the authority in the Secretariats, the internal
complainant (alleged victim) or by a third party in
control bodies, the Superior Audit of the
which public servants are involved in the exercise
Federation and the superior oversight entities of
of their functions. Includes the written statement.
the federal entities, as well as the units of
responsibilities of the State's productive
companies, in charge of investigating
206. It is any distinction, exclusion, restriction or
administrative offenses. . Investigative authority.
preference that, by action or omission, with or
without intention, is not objective, rational or
197. It is the authority in the Secretariats, the internal
proportional and has the object or result of
control bodies, the Superior Audit and its
hindering, restricting, preventing, impairing or
counterparts in the federal entities, as well as the
annulling the recognition, enjoyment or exercise of
responsibilities units of the State productive
human rights and freedoms.
companies that direct and conduct the
administrative responsibilities procedure from the
admission of the Report of alleged administrative
207. They are those attributes that are related to the
responsibility and until the conclusion of the initial
characteristics that have been socially and
culturally assigned to men and women based on
Substantiating authority.
physical, biological, sexual and social differences
198. In the case of non-serious administrative offenses, based mainly on their sex.
this will be done by the administrative Gender stereotypes.
responsibilities unit or the public servant assigned
to the internal control bodies. For serious 208. It is workplace harassment that occurs in a
administrative offenses, as well as for private vertically descending manner, when
offenses, the competent Court will be. aggressiveness or workplace harassment is
Resolution authority. carried out among those who occupy positions of
superior hierarchy with respect to the victim. It is
199. It is the process by which public servants are comparable to abuse of authority.
induced, prepared and updated for the efficient Workplace Harassment.
performance of their functions and their
professional development and, when appropriate, 209. It is the exercise of power, in a relationship of real
to contribute to the certification of professional subordination of the victim to the aggressor in the
capabilities or competencies. workplace and/or school. It is expressed in
Training. verbal, physical, or both behaviors
related to sexuality with a lascivious connotation.
200. It is the process of formal validation of capabilities Sexual Harassment.
or competencies acquired by a person through an

210. Single-person body whose mission is to intervene
and manage the necessary measures to
consolidate a work environment free of
mistreatment, inequalities, violence, segregation
or discrimination and promote the exercise of
human rights of the personnel who provide their
services in the Secretariat of the Navy. Mediator of
the Secretary of the Navy.

211. It is the administrative unit in charge of promoting,

evaluating and strengthening the proper
functioning of internal control in public entities, as
well as those other instances of the autonomous
constitutional bodies that, in accordance with their
respective laws, are competent to apply the laws
on matters of responsibilities of public servants.
Internal control organ.

PFAM – 2 0 2 2 By: AEGV

212. It is the designated person or persons who guide Inspection and Comptroller General of the Navy
and accompany the complainant (alleged victim), in and the Human Rights Promotion and Protection
the prevention of conflict of interest, during the Unit, Citizen Attention Unit.
presentation and monitoring of complaints for Administrative Units.
alleged acts of discrimination.
Advisory Person. 222. It is any action or omission, based on their gender,
that causes psychological, physical, property,
213. He is the person designated for the Prevention, economic, sexual harm or suffering, or death, both
Attention and Punishment of Sexual Harassment in the private and public spheres.
and Sexual Harassment who will guide and Violence against women.
accompany the complainant (alleged victim) during
the presentation and follow-up of complaints for 5.- NATIONAL CODE OF CRIMINAL
alleged acts of Sexual Harassment and Sexual PROCEDURES.
Advisory Person.
223. Its purpose is to establish the rules that must be
214. It is the natural or legal person, or the public
observed in the investigation, prosecution and
servant who goes before the SM in order to report
punishment of crimes, to clarify the facts, protect
acts or omissions that could constitute or be linked
the innocent, ensure that the guilty do not go
to breaches of Naval or Administrative Discipline.
unpunished and that the damage is repaired.
Complainant Person.
National Code of Criminal Procedures.
215. It is the methodology and mechanisms that allow us
to identify, question and value discrimination, 224. It is the jurisdictional body of the federal jurisdiction
inequality and exclusion of women, which is or the common jurisdiction that intervenes from the
intended to be justified based on the biological beginning of the procedure and until the issuance
differences between women and men. of the order to open a trial, whether local or
Gender Perspective. federal. Control judge.

216. It is the person who has filed a complaint regarding 225. It is the control judge, the trial court or the appeal
DH by being directly or indirectly affected in their court, whether of federal or common jurisdiction.
legal sphere by being the subject of alleged Sexual Jurisdictional body.
Harassment or Sexual Harassment, Workplace
Harassment, Workplace Harassment or 226. They are the bodies specialized in the investigation
Discrimination. Alleged Victim. of crimes of the federal or common jurisdiction, as
well as the public security bodies of the federal or
217. It is the moment before the Counseling Person, in common jurisdiction, which all act under the
which the complainant, when the SEMAR Code of command and direction of the Public Ministry for
Conduct is not complied with regarding Sexual the purposes of the investigation.
Harassment or Sexual Harassment, receives Police.
precise guidance and free of prejudices, on the
ways or instances in which their complaint will be 227. He is the head of the Public Ministry of the
attended to. case. Federation or the Public Ministry of the federal
First contact. entities or the Attorney Generals in the federal
218. It is the deepening of damage inflicted on the Attorney.
alleged victim or complainant derived from
inadequate institutional care. 228. It is the jurisdictional body of the federal jurisdiction
Revictimization. or the common jurisdiction made up of one or
three judges, which intervenes after the order to
219. It is the first stage of Training on the prevention, open an oral trial, until the issuance and
attention and punishment of sexual harassment and explanation of the sentence.
sexual harassment, which includes general and Trial court.
regulatory knowledge and its relationship with the
Gender Perspective. 229. It is the jurisdictional body made up of one or three
Sensitization. judges, which resolves the appeal, federal or
federal entities.
220. They are the instruments of permanent or Court of appeal.
temporary integration to address complaints against
Sexual Harassment, Sexual Harassment; 230. It will be accusatory and oral, in which the
Workplace Harassment and Workplace principles of publicity, contradiction, concentration,
Harassment; Discrimination, Corruption and continuity and immediacy and those provided for
Conflicts of interest by Naval and Civil Personnel. in the Constitution, Treaties and other laws will be
Subcommittee. observed.
Criminal process.
221. They are the Units or Establishments of the SM
with powers to deal with administrative, disciplinary 231. Principle where the hearings will be public, so that
and human rights matters: Commander of the they can be accessed not only by the parties
Naval Command, Board of Admirals, Naval Board, involved in the procedure but also by the general

public, with the exceptions provided for in this
Advertising principle.

232. Principle that refers to that the parties will be

able to know,
dispute or confront the evidence, as well as
oppose the requests and allegations of the other
party, except as provided in this Code.
Principle of contradiction.

233. Principle that dictates that hearings will be carried

out continuously, successively and sequentially,
except in the exceptional cases provided for in this
Continuity principle.

PFAM – 2 0 2 2 By: AEGV

234. Principle where the hearings will preferably take principles.

place on the same day or on consecutive days Immediacy, concentration and speed.
until their conclusion, in the terms provided in this
Code, except for the exceptional cases 244. You may report alleged human rights violations
established in this order. and go to the offices of the National Commission
Principle of concentration. to present, either directly or through a
representative, complaints against said violations.
235. Principle where every hearing will take place in the Anyone.
presence of the jurisdictional body, as well as the
parties that must intervene in it. 245. When the interested parties are in this condition,
Principle of immediacy. the facts may be reported by relatives or
neighbors of those affected, even by minors.
236. Principle where all people involved in the criminal Deprived of their freedom or unaware of their
procedure will receive the same treatment and will whereabouts.
have the same opportunities to support the
accusation or defense. Principle of equality before 246. They may go before the National Human Rights
the law. Commission to report human rights violations
regarding people who, due to their physical,
237. Principle where the parties are guaranteed, under mental, economic and cultural conditions, do not
conditions of equality, the full and unrestricted have the effective capacity to present complaints
exercise of the rights provided for in the directly.
Constitution, the Treaties and the laws that The NGOs.
emanate from them. Principle of equality between
247. Deadline for submitting the complaint to the CNDH
the parties.
from the moment the execution of the acts that are
238. Principle where no person may be sentenced to a considered violative had begun, or the
sentence or subjected to a security measure, complainant had knowledge of them; in
except by virtue of a resolution issued by an exceptional cases, the Commission may extend
established jurisdictional body, in accordance with the deadline.
laws issued to the event, in a process carried out 1 year.
in an impartial manner and with strict adherence to 248. Deadline to file a complaint with the CNDH when
the human rights. dealing with events that, due to their severity, may
Principle of prior trial and due process. be considered violations against humanity.
No deadline will count.
239. Principle where every person is presumed
innocent and will be treated as such in all stages 249. They are those involved in matters within the
of the procedure, until their responsibility is jurisdiction of the CNDH, or who by reason of their
declared by a sentence issued by the jurisdictional functions or activities can provide pertinent
body. information, must comply in their terms with the
Presumption of innocence. Commission's requests in this regard.
The authorities and public servants.
240. Principle where the person convicted, acquitted or
whose trial has been dismissed may not be 250. They must provide the National Human Rights
subjected to another criminal trial for the same Commission with the information and data it
facts. requests, in accordance with the law.
Principle of prohibition of double jeopardy. Local and Municipal Authorities.

6.- LAW OF THE NATIONAL COMMISSION OF 251. They will be criminally and administratively
responsible for the acts or omissions they incur
during and as a result of the processing of
HUMAN RIGHTS. complaints and disagreements before the CNDH,
in accordance with the applicable constitutional
241. It will have jurisdiction throughout the national and legal provisions.
territory to hear complaints related to alleged The authorities and public servants.
violations of human rights by federal authorities
and public servants, with the exception of those of
the Judicial Branch of the Federation.
National Human Rights Commission (CNDH).
252. Activity carried out by a boat, to move through
242. Principles that will be observed for the defense
navigable waterways from one point to another,
and promotion of human rights.
Universality, interdependence, indivisibility and with specific direction and purposes.
progressivity. Navigation.

253. Activities carried out through the commercial and

243. The Commission's procedures must be brief and
maritime exploitation of vessels and naval devices
simple, and will be subject only to essential
in order to transport people, goods or things by
formalities required by the documentation of the
water, or to carry out an activity of exploration,
respective files; They will also follow these
exploitation or capture of natural resources,

construction or recreation in the aquatic
Maritime trade.

254. It is the group formed by natural or legal persons,

vessels and naval devices that, in accordance with
the applicable Legislation, exercise or intervene in
maritime commerce.
Merchant navy.

255. It is the introduction by man, directly or indirectly,

of substances or energy into the marine
environment that produce or may produce harmful
effects on marine life and resources, human
health, or the legitimate use of general water
communication routes. .
Marine contamination.

9/ -thearrany OF HARIMA PFAM – 2 0 2 2 By: AEGV

256. It is the set of measures and actions designed to safeguard Large and small ship or vessel.
against any threat that may affect the port, port area, terminals,
marinas and port facilities, as well as vessels, naval devices, 270. It is any vessel or vessel equal to or greater than 500 gross
people and cargo. tonnage units, which meets the necessary conditions for
Maritime and Port Protection navigation.
Ship or larger vessel.
257. It is the Unified Center for Maritime and Port Protection.
CUMAR. 271. It is any vessel or vessel less than 500 gross tonnage units, or
less than 15 m. of length, when the tonnage measurement is not
258. They are the General Communication Routes by Water or applicable.
Navigable Routes. Ship or smaller vessel.
MT, EEZ and internal marine waters.
272. At the request of the owner or shipowner, he will flag vessels as
259. It exercises the National Maritime Authority through the Mexican, after compliance with the corresponding inspection
Secretary of the Navy, for the exercise of maritime and port and certification standards, and will also issue a navigation pass
sovereignty, protection and security, as well as the maintenance while the Mexican registration is being processed.
of the rule of law in Mexican marine zones and port areas. Marine Secretary.
Federal Executive (President of the Republic).
273. Vessels of Mexican nationality will be considered.
260. They will be Authorities in matters of Merchant Marine in Flagged and registered in Mexico, abandoned in national
accordance with the Law of Navigation and Maritime waters, confiscated, captured from enemies and those owned by
Commerce. the Mexican State.
SEMAR, by itself or through the Port Captaincies.
274. He will be in charge of the National Maritime Public Registry.
Marine Secretary.
261. They are powers of the Secretary of the Navy, without prejudice
to those that correspond to other agencies of the Federal Public
275. It is the natural or legal person who is authorized to, on behalf of
the shipowner or operator, under the capacity of agent or
Read the 30 attributions on page. 46. (1)
commercial commission agent, act on its behalf or on its behalf.
Shipping agent.
262. They are powers of the Secretary of the Navy, without prejudice
to those that correspond to other agencies of the Federal Public 276. He will have the power to represent his principal or client in
Administration. contracts for the transportation of goods, leasing and chartering;
Read the 30 attributions on page. 46. (2) appoint a shipping agent as consignee of ships and carry out
other commercial acts entrusted to him by his principal or client.
263. They are powers of the Secretary of the Navy, without prejudice General shipping agent.
to those that correspond to other agencies of the Federal Public
Administration. 277. It will have the power to carry out administrative acts and
Read the 30 attributions on page. 46. (3) procedures in relation to the vessel at the port of consignment in
accordance with the Maritime Navigation and Commerce Law.
264. Each port or space adjacent to national waters where activities Shipping agent and consignee of ships.
are carried out will be subject to the jurisdiction of the National
Maritime Authority, which will depend on the SM, with a 278. They are the people who provide a service on board Mexican
delimited territorial and maritime jurisdiction. vessels and naval artifacts.
Port Captaincy. Crew members.

265. They are the powers of the Port Captaincies dependent on the 279. It is the technical personnel that performs the functions of
Secretary of the Navy. instruction, training, supervision and administration of naval
Authorize arrivals and dispatches, flag and register vessels, vessels and artifacts.
certify voyages and act as an assistant to the Public Ministry. Non-crew.

266. They will assist the port captains when required, within their 280. Fundamental requirement to be: captains, naval pilots, skippers,
respective areas of competence. machinists, mechanics and in general all personnel who man a
Federal, state and municipal public security institutions. vessel or work on a Mexican naval device.
Being Mexican by birth.
267. Activity carried out by the Port Captaincy on Mexican vessels
and naval artifacts, at the request of their owner or shipowner, 281. They must have a captain and corresponding officers, according
after verification of their safety conditions and presentation of to the International Treaties, of this Maritime Navigation and
the resignation of the flag of the country of origin. Commerce Law and its respective regulations.
Flagging and Registration. Boat crews.

268. Classification of vessels and naval artifacts by their use for

Passenger transportation, Cargo, Fishing, Recreation and
sports, Mixed Cargo and Passenger and Dredging.

269. Classification of vessels and naval artifacts by their dimensions

for registration.

PFAM – 2 0 2 2 By: AEGV

282. He must remain in his position until he is relieved other marine areas.
and for security reasons he must remain in his Rescue.
Captain or skipper. 294. It will be understood as any activity carried out with
the purpose of tracking and releasing people who
283. He will be the first authority on board. Every are in any dangerous situation at sea or in other
person on board will be under his command, and waters.
in foreign waters and on the high seas he will be Search and rescue.
considered a representative of the Mexican
authorities and the owner or shipowner, and must 8.- PORT LAW.
have the legal and technical capacity to exercise
command. 295. It is the place on the coast or riverbank authorized
Captain or skipper. as such by the Federal Executive for the reception,
shelter and care of vessels, composed of the port
284. Navigation in Mexican marine zones and arrival at area and development area, as well as accesses
Mexican ports will be open, in times of peace, to and areas of common use for internal navigation
the vessels of all States, in accordance with the and affects to its operation.
principle of international reciprocity, however, this Port.
Authority may deny navigation in Mexican marine
zones for reasons of National security. 296. It is the federal zone delimited and determined by
Marine Secretary. SEMAR and by the Ministry of Welfare in ports,
terminals and marinas, which includes water areas
285. They must observe the obligation to obey the and public domain lands intended for the
signs to stop or provide the information requested establishment of facilities and the provision of port
by any unit of the Mexican Navy. Any vessel that services.
navigates in Mexican marine areas. Port area.

286. It may declare, at any time, provisionally or 297. It is the unit established in a port or outside it,
permanently, partially or totally closed to made up of works, facilities and surfaces, including
navigation certain ports, in order to preserve the its water area, that allows the complete
integrity of people and the safety of vessels, as implementation of the port operation for which it is
well as property in general. intended.
Marine Secretary. Terminal.
287. The types of navigation carried out by boats are 298. It is the set of port facilities and their water or land
classified as: areas, intended for the organization specialized in
Interior, Cabotage and Altitude. providing services to recreational or sports
vessels. Marine.
288. Type of navigation that is carried out within the
limits of ports or Mexican inland waters: lakes, 299. These are infrastructure works and buildings or
lagoons, dams, rivers and other bodies of the superstructures, built in a port or outside of it,
Territorial Sea. intended for the care of vessels, the provision of
Inside. port services or the construction or repair of
289. Type of navigation carried out by sea between Port facilities.
ports or points located in Mexican marine areas
and Mexican coastlines. 300. They are those provided in ports, terminals,
Cabotage. marinas and port facilities, to serve vessels, as
well as for the transfer of cargo and transshipment
290. Type of navigation carried out by sea between of people between vessels, land or other modes of
ports or points located in Mexican territory or in transportation.
Mexican marine zones and ports or points located Docking services.
abroad, as well as between foreign ports or points.
Height. 301. It is the area constituted with lands of private
property or private domain of the Federation, the
291. It is the authorization for a vessel to go to sea for federal entities or the municipalities, for the
the purpose of carrying out fishing activities. establishment of industrial facilities and port
Shipping via fishing. services.
Port development zone.
292. It will be obliged to issue a fishing dispatch for
each vessel; its validity period will be the same as 302. It is the holder of a concession for comprehensive
that established for the validity of the concessions port administration.
or permits issued by SAGARPA for the fishing Port administrator.
activity requested in said dispatch.
Port captaincy. 303. It is the Unified Center for Maritime and Port
Protection. CUMAR.
293. It is any activity carried out with the purpose of
assisting a vessel, or to safeguard other assets 304. It is the set of measures and actions designed to
that are in danger in navigable waterways or in safeguard against any threat that may affect the

port, port area, terminals, marinas and port
facilities, as well as vessels, naval devices,
people, cargo, transport units and supplies.
Maritime and Port Protection.

305. It is the classification of ports by their navigation.

High altitude and Cabotage.

PFAM – 2 0 2 2 By: AEGV

306. Type of navigation in ports and terminals when exercised through SEMAR in matters of ports:
they serve vessels, people and goods in Read the 14 powers (pages 54 and 55). (1)
navigation between national and international
ports or points. 320. These are the powers of the Federal Executive
Tall. exercised through SEMAR in matters of ports:
Read the 14 powers (pages 54 and 55). (2)
307. Type of navigation in ports and terminals when
they only serve vessels, people and goods in 321. They will assist in the maintenance of order and
navigation between ports or national points. security in the port area, at the request of the port
Coasting. captain.
The Mexican Navy and the Federal, State and
308. It is the classification of ports and terminals by Municipal Police Corporations.
their facilities and services.
Commercial, Industrial, Fishing and Tourist. 322. It is the authority on maritime and port security and
will serve as the designated authority for the
309. Types of ports and terminals when they are purposes of the International Code for the Security
predominantly dedicated to the handling of goods of Ships and Port Facilities.
or passengers in maritime traffic. Marine Secretary.
310. Types of ports and terminals when they are
predominantly dedicated to the management of
323. It is of federal jurisdiction, it governs the marine
goods related to industries established in the port
areas that are part of the national territory and, as
or terminal area. Industrial.
applicable, beyond this in the marine areas where
the Nation exercises sovereignty rights,
311. Types of ports and terminals when they are
jurisdictions and other rights.
predominantly dedicated to the handling of
Federal Law of the Sea.
vessels and specific products of the capture and
process of the fishing industry. Fishing boats. 324. They are the Mexican Marine Zones.
Territorial Sea, Inland Waters, Contiguous Zone,
312. Types of ports and terminals when they are Exclusive Economic Zone, Continental and Insular
predominantly dedicated to the activity of tourist Shelf and any other area permitted by International
cruises and marinas. Law.
325. In the Mexican marine zones, it will exercise the
313. It is the classification of terminals, marinas and powers, rights, jurisdictions and competencies that
port facilities by their use. this same Law establishes, in accordance with the
Public and Private. Political Constitution of the United Mexican States
and with international law. The Mexican Nation.
314. Type of terminals, marinas and port facilities when 326. It exercises the economic use of the sea, the use
they are container and general cargo terminals or of minerals dissolved in its waters, the production
there is an obligation to make them available to of electrical or thermal energy derived from them,
any applicant. Public. currents and winds, the capture of solar energy in
the sea, the development of the area. coastal
315. Type of terminals, marinas and port facilities when areas, mariculture, the establishment of national
the owner uses them for his own purposes, or for marine parks, the promotion of recreation and
those of third parties by contract. tourism.
Private. The Mexican Nation.

316. It may declare the partial or total closure of certain 327. They do not have their own Territorial Sea and
ports to navigation in unforeseen circumstances, their presence does not affect the delimitation of
force majeure or for national security or public the Territorial Sea, the Exclusive Economic Zone
interest. or the Continental Shelf.
Marine Secretary. Artificial islands, facilities and structures.

317. In ports, terminals and marinas, the land and 328. It has exclusive jurisdiction over artificial islands,
waters that are part of the port areas and the facilities and structures in the Exclusive Economic
works and facilities acquired or built by the federal Zone and on the Continental Shelf and Island
government will be of this nature. Shelves, including jurisdiction over customs, tax,
Public Domain Assets. health, security and immigration regulations.
The Mexican Nation.
318. It is the authority in matters of ports, which is 329. It has the exclusive right in Mexican marine zones
exercised through SEMAR, without prejudice to to build, as well as to authorize and regulate the
the powers of other agencies of the Federal Public construction, operation and use of artificial islands,
Administration. facilities and structures.
Federal Executive. The Mexican Nation.

319. These are the powers of the Federal Executive 330. The Nation exercises sovereignty in a strip of the

sea, called __, adjacent to both the national
coasts, whether continental or insular, as well as
the Inland Marine Waters. Territorial sea.

331. The width of the Mexican Territorial Sea, in

accordance with the provisions of the Federal Sea
Law and its Regulations.
12 NM (22,224 m).

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332. They are measured from baselines, whether not carried out, no one can undertake these
normal or straight, or a combination thereof, activities without express consent of the
determined in accordance with the provisions of competent national authorities. Exploration and
the Regulations of the Federal Law of the Sea. exploitation.
Limits of the Territorial Sea.
345. These enjoy an Island Platform, but not the rocks
333. They enjoy the right of innocent passage through that are not suitable for maintaining human
the Mexican Territorial Sea. habitation or economic life of their own.
The vessels of all States. The islands.

334. When a foreign warship does not comply with the 10.- GENERAL LAW OF RESPONSIBILITIES
rules of this Law, its Regulations and other
national legal provisions relating to passage
through the Territorial Sea, and does not comply
346. This Law is of public order and of general
with the invitation made to it to comply, it may:
observance throughout the Republic, its purpose is
Invite it to to comply with them or leave Mexican
to distribute powers between the levels of
government to establish the administrative
335. They are those included between the coast and responsibilities of Public Servants.
the baselines, normal or straight, from which the General Law of Administrative Responsibilities.
Territorial Sea is measured.
Inland Marine Waters. 347. They are subject to the General Law of
Administrative Responsibilities.
336. It is an example of Inland Marine waters. Read the 5 circumstances (page 60).
The northern part of the Gulf of California, those of
internal bays, those of the Ports, those inside the 348. It is the authority in the Secretariats, the internal
reefs and the mouths or deltas of rivers, lagoons control bodies, the Superior Audit of the
and estuaries. Federation and the superior inspection entities of
the federal entities, as well as the units of
337. It is an area adjacent to the MT, to take the
responsibilities of the State's productive
necessary control measures in order to prevent
companies, in charge of investigating
infractions, control, immigration and health
administrative offenses. . Investigative authority.
Contiguous Zone.
349. It is the authority in the Secretariats, the internal
338. The Contiguous Zone of Mexico extends to control bodies, the Superior Audit and its
, counterparts in the federal entities, as well as the
counted from the baselines from which the width responsibilities units of the State productive
of the Mexican Territorial Sea is measured. companies that direct and conduct the
24 NM (44,448 m). administrative responsibilities procedure from the
admission of the Report of alleged administrative
339. In this area, the Mexican Nation exercises responsibility and until the conclusion of the initial
sovereign rights for the purposes of exploration hearing.
and exploitation, conservation and administration Substantiating authority.
of natural resources, both living and non-living,
whether renewable or non-renewable. 350. In the case of non-serious administrative offenses,
Exclusive economic zone. this will be done by the administrative
responsibilities unit or the public servant assigned
340. In this area, the Mexican Nation exercises rights to the internal control bodies. For serious
over the establishment and use of artificial islands, administrative offenses, as well as for private
facilities and structures, marine scientific research offenses, the competent Court will be responsible.
and the protection and preservation of the marine Resolution authority.
Exclusive economic zone.
351. It is the body in charge of the coordination and
effectiveness of the National Anti-Corruption
341. It is the extension of the Mexican Exclusive System.
Economic Zone, counted from the baselines from Coordinating Committee.
which the width of the Territorial Sea is measured.
200 NM (370,400 m). 352. It is the possible impairment of the impartial and
objective performance of the functions of Public
342. These enjoy an Exclusive Economic Zone but not Servants due to personal, family or business
the rocks that are not suitable for maintaining interests.
human habitation or economic life of their own. Interest conflict.
The islands.
353. The Public Servant is obliged to present a
343. In this area, the Nation exercises rights to explore declaration of financial, interest and fiscal
and exploit its natural resources. situation, in the terms of the General Law of
Continental Shelf and Island Shelves. Administrative Responsibilities.
344. Exclusive rights of the Mexican Nation, if they are Declarant.

354. It is the natural or legal person, or the Public
Servant who goes before the investigating
Authorities, in order to report acts or omissions
that could constitute or be linked to administrative

355. They are the Legislative and Judicial Branches,

the autonomous constitutional bodies, the
agencies and entities of the Federal Public
Administration, and their counterparts in the
federal entities, the municipalities and mayors of
Mexico City, the Prosecutor's Office, the Attorney
General's Offices and state companies.
Public body.

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356. They are decentralized public organizations, proper functioning of internal control in public
companies with majority state participation and entities, as well as those other instances of the
public trusts that have the character of parastatal autonomous constitutional bodies, in charge of
entity. applying the laws regarding the responsibilities of
Entities. Public Servants. Internal control bodies.

357. It is the file derivative of the research 366. It is the platform referred to in the General Law of
that the National Anti-Corruption System, which will
Investigative Authorities carry out at the have the systems established by the
administrative headquarters, upon having aforementioned law, as well as the contents
knowledge of a act u omission provided for in the General Law of Administrative
possibly Responsibilities.
constituting administrative offenses. National digital platform.
File of alleged administrative responsibility.
367. They are people who hold a job, position or
358. They are serious administrative offenses, non- commission in public entities, at the federal and
serious administrative offenses; as well as the local levels.
Misdemeanors of individuals, in accordance with Public servers.
the provisions of the General Law of
Administrative Responsibilities. 368. It is the coordination body between the authorities
Administrative faults. of all levels of government competent in the
prevention, detection and punishment of
359. They are the administrative offenses of Public administrative responsibilities and acts of
Servants in the terms of the General Law of corruption.
Administrative Responsibilities, whose sanction National Anticorruption System.
corresponds to the Secretariats and the internal
control bodies. 369. It is the Section competent in matters of
Non-serious administrative offense. administrative responsibilities, of the Superior
Chamber of the Federal Court of Administrative
360. These are the administrative offenses of Public Justice or the specialized chambers, as well as its
Servants classified as serious, the sanction of counterparts in the federal entities.
which corresponds to the Federal Court of Court.
Administrative Justice and its counterparts in the
federal entities. 370. They are obliged to create and maintain structural
Serious administrative misconduct. and regulatory conditions that allow the proper
functioning of the State as a whole, and the ethical
361. These are the acts of private individuals or legal and responsible actions of each public servant.
entities that are linked to serious administrative Public Entities.
offenses, the sanction of which corresponds to the
Court in its terms. 371. In the performance of their job, position or
Individual faults. commission, they will observe the principles of
discipline, legality, objectivity, professionalism,
362. It is the instrument in which the investigating honesty, loyalty, impartiality, integrity,
authorities describe the facts related to any of the accountability, effectiveness and efficiency that
offenses indicated in the General Law of govern public service.
Administrative Responsibilities, exposing in Public servers.
documented form the evidence and foundations,
the reasons and alleged responsibility of the 372. These are the guidelines that Public Servants will
Public Servant or an individual in the commission observe for the effective application of principles
of administrative offenses. that govern them in the performance of their
Report of Alleged Administrative Responsibility. functions.
Read the 13 guidelines on p. 62 and 63. (1)
363. He is the head or member of the section
responsible for administrative responsibilities, of
373. These are the guidelines that Public Servants will
the Superior Chamber of the Federal Court of
observe for the effective application of principles
Administrative Justice or of the specialized
that govern them in the performance of their
chambers, as well as his counterparts in the functions.
federal entities. Read the 13 guidelines on p. 62 and 63. (2)
374. These are the guidelines that Public Servants will
364. Organizations to which the Constitution expressly
observe for the effective application of principles
grants technical and management autonomy, legal
that govern them in the performance of their
personality and own assets, including those
created with such character in the constitutions of
Read the 13 guidelines on p. 62 and 63. (3)
the federal entities.
Autonomous constitutional bodies.
375. Validity of the separation of a Public Servant from
the assets and economic interests that directly
365. They are the administrative units in charge of
affect the exercise of his responsibilities in the
promoting, evaluating and strengthening the

public service.
During the term of office and 1 year after

376. They are the Authorities empowered to apply the

General Law of Administrative Responsibilities.
Read the 6 authorities on p. 64.



377. It is responsible for exercising sovereignty over

the MT, its airspace and coasts, as well as
surveillance, visits, inspections or other actions
provided for in the legal provisions applicable in
the ZMM and the measures and powers in the ZC
and the EEZ. Marine Secretary.

PFAM – 2 0 2 2 By: AEGV

378. It is responsible for exercising the National from them.

Maritime Authority in the Mexican marine zones,
coasts, ports, port areas, terminals, marinas and 389. It will be communicated in writing by the EMGA to
national port facilities; as well as in national waters the core personnel of the Corps and by the
where activities within its jurisdiction are carried Administrative Unit corresponding to the core
out. personnel of the services and scales of the Corps
Marine Secretary. and Services.
Top grade.
379. The Secretary of the Navy is responsible for
exercising National Maritime Authority in the 390. To advance to this grade, your requirements are:
Mexican Marine Zones, in the following matters: to have been in the grade for at least 1 year, to
Read the 04 interferences (page 65). have performed at least one year in the Navy, the
functions inherent to your body or service, and to
380. It is responsible for maintaining the rule of law in obtain a passing grade.
Mexican marine areas, coasts and port areas, Cape.
exercising coast guard functions through the
Navy. 391. To advance to this grade, your requirements are:
Marine Secretary. have at least 2 years of seniority in the grade, 3
years of continuous service in the Navy, have
381. It is responsible for establishing and directing the performed for at least 1 year the functions inherent
Search and Rescue Service for the safeguarding to your body or service and obtain a passing
of human life at sea. Marine Secretary. grade.
382. It is responsible for regulating and monitoring the Third Master.
safety of navigation and human life at sea and
supervising the merchant navy. Marine Secretary. 392. To advance to this grade, your requirements are:
to have at least 1 year of seniority in the grade, 4
383. It is responsible for managing and operating years of continuous service in the Navy, to have
maritime signaling, as well as providing performed for at least 1 year the functions inherent
information and security services for maritime to your body or service and obtain a passing
navigation. grade.
Marine Secretary. Second Master.

384. It is responsible for intervening, within the scope of 393. To advance to this grade, your requirements are:
its responsibility, in the protection and have at least 1 year of seniority in the grade, 5
conservation of the marine environment without years of continuous service in the Navy, have
prejudice to the powers that correspond to other performed for at least 1 year the functions inherent
agencies. to your body or service and obtain a passing
Marine Secretary. grade.
First Master.
394. To advance to this grade, your requirements are:
12.- LAW OF PROMOTIONS OF THE NAVY OF to have held the grade for at least 3 years, to have
performed the functions inherent to your body or
service for at least 2 years and to obtain a passing
grade that places you among the number of
385. Their objective is to cover vacancies in the
existing vacancies.
Mexican Navy with qualified and suitable
Lieutenant of Lieutenant, Lieutenant of Frigate,
personnel to perform the tasks of the next higher
Lieutenant of Ship and Captain of Frigate.
395. To advance to this grade, your requirements are:
386. Command that confers promotions to the ranks of to have been in the grade for at least 3 years, to
Captain, Rear Admiral, Vice Admiral and Admiral, have performed the functions inherent to your
preferably taking into account merit, aptitude, body or service for at least 2 years, to present a
professional competence and military and civil thesis-type research work and obtain a passing
conduct, as well as seniority in the rank. grade.
Supreme Command. Lieutenant Commander.

387. Circumstance in which a member of the Navy is 396. To advance to this grade, your requirements are:
excluded because he is unable to participate in There must be vacancies in the grade, not falling
the selection contest, and is summoned again to within the assumptions of art. 51 (License,
determine his right to promotion, once the causes withdrawal procedure, age limit, subject to
that motivated him disappear. Due to illness or process, in deposit, etc.) whose list will be
other proven causes of force majeure. integrated in accordance with the criteria of art. 18
(Merit, aptitude, professional competence, civil
388. Case in which a member of the Mexican Navy will
and military conduct) prepared by
be considered the highest rank
Having been summoned three times to the
selection competition for promotion and resigning

397. Its purpose is to determine the order of priority of
those summoned.
Selection competition for promotion.

398. It will be determined according to the results of the

selection exams (art. 35) and in accordance with
the Rules and Procedures Manual of the
corresponding Coordinating Commission.
Promotion for Classes and Seamanship.

399. HE will be carried in accordance with the Manual

of standards and
Procedures of the corresponding Coordinating
Commission. In establishing the order of priority in
each grade, nucleus and scale, the concepts of
merit, aptitude, professional competence, military
and civil conduct, as well as the results of the
exams, will be taken into account.
Promotion of Officers up to Frigate Captain.

9/ -thearrany OF HARIMA PFAM – 2 0 2 2 By: AEGV

400. These are the types of exams in the selection contest for 412. He will fulfill his duty with dignity and will avoid acting carelessly
promotion. and lukewarmly or in conflict with the true spirit of the profession
Medical, physical ability, theoretical and practical knowledge, which involves loyalty, obedience, courage, audacity,
foreign language and thesis-type research work. selflessness and selflessness.
Naval Personnel.
401. These are the situations in which promotions will not be granted
to personnel of the Mexican Navy. 413. Those carried out by naval personnel, isolated or collectively, in
Read the 10 causes (Page. 71). (1) compliance with orders they receive or in the performance of the
functions that correspond to them according to their hierarchy,
402. These are the situations in which promotions will not be granted position or commission.
to personnel of the Mexican Navy. Acts of service.
Read the 10 causes (Page. 71). (2)
414. Demands that naval personnel fulfill their duty in defense of the
403. It is the action that the soldier exercises before the Naval Board sovereignty of the State, the institutions and the prestige and
for feeling affected in his rights by exclusion from the selection public image of the Mexican Navy.
contest for promotion or by postponement. The service.
415. Their duty is to encourage those who excel in the fulfillment of
404. It is the period that the staff has from the date of receipt of the their obligations, as well as to prevent subordinates from
document by which they are informed of the exclusion or violating this regulation and, only as a last resort, to sanction
postponement, to express their disagreement. them. The Superior
30 calendar days.
416. He will be responsible for maintaining discipline in proportion to
405. It is the action carried out by the High Command in case of his hierarchy, position or commission.
disagreement of a soldier due to EXCLUSION in his right to Naval Personnel.
It will order the evaluation of the interested party, placing it in 417. It defines the duties corresponding to the performance of the
the order of priority that corresponds to it. If the promotion has different services and commissions assigned to them in the
already been carried out and you have obtained a place with the naval units and establishments.
right to any of the existing vacancies, it will be considered a Hierarchy.
418. It requires and imposes compliance with the duties and
406. It is the action carried out by the High Command in the event of functions established by the regulations of the Discipline Law for
a military member's disagreement due to POSTPONEMENT of AM Personnel, the organization manuals, systematic operating
his or her right to promotion. procedures and other applicable provisions.
He will order the promotion while preserving his rights of Position or Commission.
seniority and place in the ranking, and he must be compensated
for the differences in salaries and other benefits that he has 419. It will be firm and reasoned, and all unnecessary rigor, demands
stopped receiving. that exceed needs and any excess on the part of the superior
towards his subordinates will be sanctioned. The maintenance
407. Entity in charge of issuing the opinion of NO PRECEDENCE of of discipline.
a non-conformity, duly founded and motivated communication
will be made to the non-conformist. 420. It is based on mutual respect. Shows of respect will be observed
Naval Board. even when wearing civilian clothes.
The relationship between superiors and subordinates.
408. Entity in charge of analyzing the disagreement if it persists, after
the resolution issued by the Naval Board, without subsequent 421. It will be rigorously respected between rank and file of the naval
appeal being appropriate in this case. hierarchy, in order to keep each person within the limit of their
Admiralty Council. duties and rights.
The subordination.
THE MEXICO NAVY. 422. You are obliged to comply with the orders you receive in writing
or verbally. If you receive others that contradict those received
409. This ordinance establishes the guidelines of conduct that, based previously, you must respectfully explain this to the person who
on the principles of obedience, justice, ethics and a high sense gives you the new order.
of honor, must guide the personnel of the Mexican Navy in the Navy personnel.
fulfillment of their duties; as well as incentives and sanctions.
423. They must be completed within the time indicated by the
Discipline Law for the Personnel of the Mexican Navy.
superior, except in cases where force majeure circumstances
410. Vital principle that Navy personnel will observe as a duty of occur that modify the time scheduled for their execution. In this
obedience that qualifies them for command. situation, part of the decision made will be given, as soon as
Discipline. possible, to the superior who gave it.
411. It is the set of obligations that the service imposes on Navy
personnel by virtue of the hierarchy they hold or the position or
commission they perform, and its compliance is the means by
which discipline is obtained.

PFAM – 2 0 2 2 By: AEGV

424. Whoever receives an order and notices that its 436. Navy personnel who distinguish themselves for
execution may clearly result in the commission of their timely and efficient performance in fulfilling
a punishable act or a disciplinary infraction, must their obligations will be awarded , which will be
explain this to the superior who gave it and if the stated by
order persists: written, seeking with this, that the rest of the staff
You will request it in writing to safeguard your imitate this behavior for their own benefit and that
responsibility. of the Institution. Stimulus.

425. It must inspire satisfaction with compliance with 437. They may be granted to all naval personnel who
laws and regulations, as well as the orders of merit it in the opinion of their commanders, who
superiority; being obliged to prevent the spread of will be the ones empowered to evaluate the
ideas and rumors that prevent compliance with actions carried out by their subordinates, and a
obligations. copy must be consigned to the military's file. In the
Whoever commands a Unit. case of Admirals, Captains and Officers, it will be
sent also to EMGA. Stimulus.
426. In case of aggression, it will repel the attacks with
all available means; He will instill in his 438. They are the means to channel discipline, they are
subordinates the necessary encouragement and used to preserve, maintain and invigorate it, and
enthusiasm, and will avoid or repress acts that restore it when it has been broken.
may cause demoralization. Preventive and Corrective Disciplinary Measures.
Who exercises command.
439. It is the sanction imposed on Navy personnel as a
427. Navy personnel will not intervene in matters within result of having violated a legal or regulatory
the jurisdiction of civil authorities, nor will they precept, and the violation does not constitute a
hinder their functions without the authorization of crime. Its purpose is to correct conduct contrary to
this Command. naval discipline and prevent recidivism.
High Command. Disciplinary corrective.

428. Circumstance in which Navy personnel must arrest 440. Approval of an infraction committed by Navy
the lawbreaker, immediately placing him or her at personnel, when it constitutes a crime, in
the disposal of the competent authorities. accordance with military criminal legislation or the
Flagrancy. Federal or Common Jurisdiction.
Criminal Process.
429. Circumstance in which Navy personnel must
observe dignified behavior and respect for 441. They are violations of the Disciplinary Law for
people's rights. Mexican Navy Personnel, and will be disciplinary
In dealing with the civilian population. sanctions depending on the severity of the
430. It is the last instance to which Navy personnel may Read the 08 violations of the Law, page. 77, art.
submit their requests through regular channels in 45. (1).
case they have a complaint for not having received
442. They are violations of the Disciplinary Law for
a response to their request or for having been the
Mexican Navy Personnel, and will be disciplinary
subject of a grievance.
sanctions depending on the severity of the
Supreme Command.
Read the 08 violations of the Law, page. 77, art.
431. Commands that may provide any information,
45. (2).
unless it is classified, on personnel, material,
facilities, operations and other matters related to
443. It is the classification of violations of naval
the Navy.
discipline in the Discipline Law for the Personnel of
Chief Senior Officers and Senior Managers.
the Mexican Navy.
Mild and Serious.
432. These are the rights of Naval Personnel.
Read page 75. Art. 36 444. They are those offenses that are committed by
action or omission against the provisions of this
433. These are the prohibitions for personnel of the Law, its regulations and other naval and military
Mexican Navy. regulations, which affect the discipline of the Navy.
Read the 13 prohibitions page. 76 art. 37. (1) Slight faults.

434. These are the prohibitions for personnel of the 445. The sanction for these offenses will be the
Mexican Navy. responsibility of the heads of the units and
Read the 13 prohibitions page. 76 art. 37. (2) establishments of the Navy, as well as personnel
designated by the command.
435. These are the prohibitions for personnel of the Slight faults.
Mexican Navy. Read the 13 prohibitions page. 76
art. 37. (3) 446. They are those offenses that are committed by

action or omission against this Law, its regulations
and other regulations, which affect, in addition to
discipline, the prestige and public image of the
Serious misconduct.

447. The sanction for these offenses will be the

responsibility of the disciplinary bodies.
Serious misconduct.

448. Faculty of the Naval Personnel (from Corporals to

Admirals), the Commands and the Disciplinary
Bodies. Imposition of Disciplinary Correctives.

449. They are the types of Disciplinary Corrective in the

Mexican Navy. Read the 6 types page. 78 art. 50.

PFAM – 2 0 2 2 By: AEGV

450. It is the act by which the superior warns the Suspension of ladder rights.
subordinate of the omission or defect in the
fulfillment of his duties, urging him to correct 462. It consists of the definitive separation of the
himself so that he does not incur the fault again offender with the total loss of the rights that
and becomes eligible for greater punishment, it correspond to the offender's hierarchy and his or
can be verbal or written. . Admonition. her time of service.
Discharge from Active Service.
451. It is the retention suffered by a member of the
Navy for a period of 24 hours or up to 15 days with 463. It has the power to issue the discharge from active
or without prejudice to the service in their official service to Auxiliary Militia personnel.
accommodation, preventive guard compound or Disciplinary bodies and Jurisdictional Bodies.
prison, as the case may be, they will be
communicated in writing. or verbally, in the latter 464. It has the power to dictate the discharge of active
case, they must be ratified in writing within the service to the personnel of the Permanent Militia.
following 24 hours. Jurisdictional Bodies.
465. It may not be a matter of disagreement on the part
452. It is the power of the MS, AM, Undersecretary, of military sailors regarding the various disciplinary
Senior Officer, Inspector and JEMGA, Higher corrective measures. Graduation of Disciplinary
Commands in Chief, Superiors and Subordinates, Correctives.
Heads of Units, Directors, Presidents of
Disciplinary Organizations and Admirals, Captains 466. They are mitigating circumstances for the
and Officers designated by the Command. graduation of arrests. Read the 07 mitigating
Graduation of Disciplinary Correctives. circumstances page. 81 art. 72.

453. It has the power to impose and grade arrests for 467. They are aggravating circumstances for the
up to 08 days. graduation of arrests.
High Command. Read the 12 aggravating circumstances page. 81
art. 73. (1)
454. It has the power to impose and grade arrests for
up to 15 days. 468. They are aggravating circumstances for the
Disciplinary Bodies. graduation of arrests.
Read the 12 aggravating circumstances page. 81
455. It is the highest ranking of arrests for Admirals. art. 73. (2)
24 hours.
469. They are aggravating circumstances for the
456. It is the highest level of arrests for Captains. graduation of arrests. Read the 12 aggravating
48 hours. circumstances page. 81 art. 73. (3)
457. It is the highest ranking of arrests for Officers.
470. He will be aware of serious offenses committed by
96 hours.
officers without command, classes and sailors;
This Council will function in units and
458. It is the highest level of arrests for Classes and
establishments with subordinate command,
superior command and superior command in
08 days.
Ordinary Honor Council.
459. It will be in proportion to the offense committed,
the hierarchy and background of the offenders, as
well as the existence of mitigating or aggravating 471. It will be aware of serious offenses committed by
circumstances. captains without command in any situation they
Graduation of Disciplinary Correctives. find themselves in, as well as those incurred by
officers with command and members of the
460. It consists of assigning the sanctioned person a Ordinary Council of Honor. It will function in units
minor position in another unit or establishment, for with superior command in chief.
up to six months. Once the sanction has Superior Honor Council.
concluded, the corresponding command must
inform the EMGA about the conduct and actions of 472. He will hear about serious misconduct committed
the sanctioned person. by admirals in any situation in which they find
Change of assignment in observation of their themselves, captains with command and members
behavior. of the Councils of Superior Honor, he will do so at
the headquarters of the High Command.
461. It consists of the offender cannot be considered for Board of Admirals.
promotion to the next higher grade during the
period determined by the respective disciplinary 473. Resolution of the competent Body, where the
body, which may be up to one year. accused will be restored to his position and should

not be prejudiced in obtaining future positions and
promotions for said cause.

474. Resolution of the competent Body, where the

accused will be sanctioned as determined and
once the sanction has been fulfilled, he will be
restored to effective service, subject to what is
established by the corresponding legal precepts.

475. When a member of the Navy is not satisfied with

the resolutions of the disciplinary body that tried
him, he may appeal to:
Disciplinary body higher than the one that issued
the ruling.

476. Council that will analyze the resolutions issued by

the Board of Admirals, when the military member
does not agree with said resolution.
Reduced Admiralty Council.

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14.- ISSFAM LAW. the place where they provide their services.
477. Its functions are: Grant loans, manage your
assets, manage the resources of the housing fund 489. These are the benefits provided by ISSFAM.
for the Armed Forces. that allows them to obtain Read the 27 benefits art. 84 pages 84 and 85.
credit for the acquisition of a home, construction,
repair, expansion or improvement, as well as 490. They will process before the Institute,
coordinate and finance with resources from the the affiliation of your respective
Housing Fund and construction programs for personnel in situation of active and
rooms intended to be acquired in. retirement, and their
ISSFAM. beneficiaries.
478. They are members of the Army, Air Force and
Navy of Mexico; and, when hierarchies are 491. They have the power to affiliate their heirs and
indicated, the provisions are applicable to the designate their beneficiaries, and it is their
equivalent ranks in the Armed Forces. obligation to keep said affiliation and designation
Military. updated.
479. They are the direct line relatives (wife, husband,
492. It will enroll the minor children of the soldier, with
common-law wife, common-law partner, children,
the sole presentation of a certified copy of the birth
mother, father and, in some cases, siblings) who
certificate of the child in question, or by court
are entitled to the benefits stipulated in the Law.
480. It is the person in whose favor an economic
benefit has been designated by the express will of 15.- GENERAL REGULATION OF DUTIES
the soldier. NAVALS.
493. 493.- It is the Unit or establishment where naval
481. They are the relatives or family members of the personnel perform their functions.
deceased soldier. Bereaved. Membership.

494. It is the area of responsibility within a unit or

482. It is the document issued to the soldier by the
Navy establishment that is assigned to an
Secretariat of origin, for the withdrawal process,
individual to manage, operate
so that the Board of Directors determines the
and maintain resources
origin, nature and amount of the benefit.
Declaration of Origin of Withdrawal.
material and financial.
483. It is the base perception established in the
tabulator issued by the Ministry of Finance and 495. It is the destination given to naval personnel
Public Credit. according to their hierarchy, to deal with specific
Assets or assets. matters of interest to the service.
484. It is the perception referred to in articles 51 of the
Law on Promotions and Rewards of the National 496. Standard to which naval personnel subject their
Army and Air Force and 55 of the Law on conduct, is based on obedience and a high
Rewards of the Mexican Navy. concept of honor, justice and morality and as its
Perseverance bonus. object, the faithful and exact fulfillment of the
duties dictated by naval laws and regulations.
485. It is the perception that active military personnel Discipline.
are covered for having a bachelor's degree and
performing specific functions of their profession. 497. It is the set of principles, standards and
Technician assignment. procedures that guide the actions of naval
personnel to fulfill their assigned functions.
486. It is the perception that military personnel are Naval Doctrine.
covered by the active ranks of Colonel to Division
498. They are the elements that provide service in the
General and their equivalents in the Navy.
Navy. Naval Personnel.
Special technician assignment.
499. Act in which every citizen who enters the service
487. These are the remunerations that are paid to of the Navy is made aware of the commitment he
members of the Army, Air Force and Navy, who makes to the country, as well as his obligations
usually carry out this type of activities. and acquired rights according to naval legislation.
Flight and jump assignment. Flag Pledge.
488. It is the additional remuneration that is covered to 500. It has all the obligations, prerogatives and rights
active military personnel in response to the that the laws establish for citizens, without any
increase in the cost of living or unhealthiness of limitations other than those indicated by them and

without prejudice to what is established in naval
laws and regulations.
Naval Personnel.

501. They will vote freely in all electoral processes

without allowing or exerting moral or material
pressure on their subordinates for the benefit of
any political party or candidate.
Naval Personnel.

502. Moment in which every citizen, upon joining the

Navy, will be assigned to a unit or establishment
and will have the right to receive clothing and
equipment, as well as the full amount assigned to
him by the current expenditure budget.
Since his entry.

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503. You must have loyalty, security and confidence in will be complete, presentable, well cut and clean.
the leadership of your Command. With this and Male Staff.
with the fulfillment of its obligations, it will
contribute to the success of the entrusted mission. 514. You can wear rings, earrings and bangles in
Every man of the sea. moderation and long hair without being excessive,
allowing you to wear the headdress in an aesthetic
504. He is responsible for his unit or establishment and way. In ceremonies and formal events you must
will ensure that orders and provisions are fully wear your hair up and discreet makeup: Female
complied with, using the means available to fulfill Personnel.
his mission.
Whoever exercises Command or Direction. 515. These are the personnel who may request a
change of assignment, as long as the service is
505. He will be responsible for the preparation of his not harmed, there is a vacancy and reasons
unit or establishment for the maritime defense of justifying it.
the territory and the exercise of State functions at From Sailor to Lieutenant of Ship.
sea, through permanent training and individual
and collective instruction of his subordinates. 516. He must know his subordinates, particularly their
All Superior. capacity, mentality, aptitudes, qualities and
limitations; in order to obtain maximum use of the
506. Modality in which the Superior will exercise his service.
authority, promoting an environment of The Superior
responsibility and harmony to achieve among his
personnel a feeling of satisfaction and pride of 517. He will respect the exercise of the right to petition
belonging to the Navy. by his subordinates, as long as they exercise it
Firmness, circumspection, justice and individually, in writing, in a respectful manner and
righteousness. through regular channels.
The Superior
507. Personnel who are appointed, in the national
territory or abroad, have the obligation to obtain 518. He must instill in his subordinates a discipline
extensive and detailed information on all aspects based on conviction, to reason orders to facilitate
related to it, mainly those matters of interest to the their understanding and acceptance.
country and the Navy, informing superiors thereof. The Superior
519. The responsibility will fall upon him when an order
is received in any unit or establishment of the
508. It will manage with honesty and integrity the
Navy and the Commander or Director is not
means and resources placed at its disposal,
present, who will take the necessary measures to
avoiding waste, misuse, waste and unnecessary
comply with it.
expense in the consumption of Navy assets.
Second Commander or equivalent.
Naval Personnel.
520. In units and establishments or in a group of
509. He must respect and not perform police functions;
elements from different units, the person who
It will assist the civil authority at its request and
must assume accidental or incidental Command in
with the express authorization of the High
the absence of the Commander or Director will be:
Command and will only intervene in cases of
Military officer of higher rank or seniority.
flagrante delicto, placing the offender at the
disposal of the competent authority without delay.
510. Authority empowered to authorize Naval
Personnel to assist civil authorities at their 521. They are the fundamental prerogatives and
request. freedoms that all people have, related to their
High Command. dignity as human beings.
Human rights.
511. It constitutes the expression of mutual respect,
discipline and union between all members of the 522. They are protected by the Constitution,
Armed Forces. international treaties and national laws.
Military greeting. Human rights.

512. It must be firm, but at the same time reasoned; It 523. It is an autonomous body that investigates alleged
will be practiced and required as a standard of human rights violations. If it determines that there
action, having as its expression compliance with was a violation, it may issue a recommendation to
the laws, regulations and the exact and punctual the Institution so that the damage to those
observance of orders, as a fundamental basis of affected is repaired and those responsible are
the service. punished.
Discipline. CDNH.

513. He will wear his hair short, his mustache trimmed 524. They are any act or omission carried out by state
to the corner of his mouth; If you wear a beard, it agents, which violates the dignity of people, they
can be committed at the time of the arrest of a

person, in the execution of some action to support
public security or during interaction with the
Violations of Human Rights.

525. It is the act intentionally carried out by any

authority or public servant to cause physical,
psychological or sexual pain or suffering to a
person for the purposes of criminal investigation,
as a means of intimidating the victim.
Torture and Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading

526. It occurs when, by any authority, a legal or illegal

detention of one or more people is carried out,
from which their concealment is encouraged or
Forced Disappearance.

PFAM – 2 0 2 2 By: AEGV

527. It is intentionally causing the death of a person. disabilities, social condition, living conditions.
Arbitrary deprivation of life. health, religion, opinions, sexual preferences,
marital status or any other.
528. It is any act that degrades or damages the body Discrimination.
and/or sexuality of people and that, therefore,
threatens their freedom, dignity and physical 539. It is to intervene without judicial authorization in
integrity through coercion, it also occurs when the private communications, by telephone, radio,
person is not in a position to give your consent: written or digital correspondence, reviewing cell
drunk, drugged, asleep or disabled. phones, mobile technological devices and
Sexual Violence. computer equipment:
Communications Intervention.
529. It consists of forced nudity, verbal threats, sexual
insults and ridicule, touching of a sexual nature, 540. Is carried out When First the presence
taking photographs or videos of a sexual nature of people
and inserting the aggressor's penis into the sick, injured or injured, No are taken
vagina, mouth or anus. the Actions
Sexual Violence. necessary to provide your medical care and your
right to health protection.
530. It is the introduction of authorities into a home, Violations of the Right to Health Protection.
apartment, home or any other private property,
without the corresponding order issued by a 541. They are the consequences of a Human Rights
Judge. Violation.
Illegal searches. Criminal, administrative and/or disciplinary liability.
531. It is the detention of a person without there being:
542. When does the arrest proceed?
an order from a judge, an order from an Agent of When there is a written order from a judge, a
the Public Ministry or flagrancy. written order issued by a MP in an urgent case
Arbitrary detention . and in flagrante delicto.
532. It is when the detained person is transferred to
543. How to act when arresting a person?
places other than the headquarters of the
Identify yourself as naval personnel, show the
ministerial or judicial authority.
arrest warrant to the person, communicate your
Illegal Retention.
rights, protect your physical integrity, make
533. It refers to preventing a detainee from contact or yourself available without delay to the authority, do
not commit unjustified violence with the detained
communication with any person.
person, inform the MP and follow instructions,
report immediately to your superiors.
534. It is letting a person know that harm will be caused
to their physical or psychological integrity, their 544. These are the rights that you must make known at
property, their honor, their rights or those of the time of a person's arrest.
someone with whom they are related. Be informed of the reason for the arrest, remain
Threats. silent, testify, be assisted by a defense attorney,
inform the person you wish of your arrest, be
535. Type of physical or psychological violence innocent until it is determined otherwise, notify the
committed by an authority with the aim of causing consulate of your country if foreigner, translator or
fear to any person who has suffered a crime or interpreter, be presented before the MP.
violation of Human Rights, or who knows about
them, to prevent them from informing the authority 545. These are your duties in an arrest.
about them. Inform the detainee of his rights, video record
Intimidation. and/or photograph the moment in which you read
the rights to the detainee to leave a proper record.
536. These are the acts that affect people who present
a complaint or information, are witnesses or have 546. How to protect girls, boys and adolescents, sick
some connection with the person who has people, older adults, people with disabilities and
suffered a violation of their human rights. pregnant women, during detention?
Intimidation. Safeguard the minor and protect them, gather
them in a safe place away from violent scenarios,
537. It is the seizure of a foreign object, without right disarm adolescents and protect them with respect,
and without consent of its possessor or owner. seek medical attention, protect them and protect
Heist. them from any risk.

538. They are acts or omissions that violate human 547. How to preserve the place of the events?
dignity and that have the objective of nullifying or Inform the superior, coordinate perimeter security,
reducing the rights and freedoms of people due to preserve the place intact, do not touch or move
their ethnic or national origin, gender, age, objects, take photographs and/or video, treat the

media respectfully.

548. What are the principles of the use of force?

Opportunity, proportionality, rationality and

549. Principle of the Use of Force when it is used when

it is required, in situations that endanger or risk the
lives of civilians, the physical integrity of the
people involved and their property must be

PFAM – 2 0 2 2 By: AEGV

550. Principle of the Use of Force when it is used in the magnitude, intensity and duration necessary to achieve control of the situation, taking into
account the level of resistance or aggression faced.

551. Principle of the Use of Force when its use is the product of a decision that assesses the objective being pursued, the circumstances of the attack,
the personal characteristics and capabilities of both the subject to be controlled and you. Rationality.

552. Principle of the Use of Force when its use is developed in

accordance with current regulations and with respect for Human

553. It is the gradualness of the use of force that, after evaluating the
situation, you must adopt in a manner proportional to the person's
behavior and/or the resistance they offer.
Levels of use of Force.

554. Level of use of force that refers to the act of presence. Deterrence.

555. Level of use of force when visual contact and verbal instructions are
established, so that the alleged transgressor of the law desists.

556. Level of use of force when controlling a person in cases of non-

aggressive and aggressive resistance.
Non-lethal force.

557. Level of use of force when lethal means (firearms, blunt and
improvised weapons) are used to protect one's own life or that of
third parties.
Lethal force.

558. It involves repelling an attack in protection of life, one's own or

another's legal property, whenever there is a need for defense,
where there is: aggression by the real, current or imminent attacker,
rational need for defense and that there is no provocation on your
Legitimate defense.

559. He is responsible for the transgressions of his staff, if he knew about

them and did not take action, he should have known about them, or if he should have foreseen them, he did not foresee them and avoided them.

560. It is the specialized unit of the Secretary of the Navy in charge of proposing strategies and directing actions to strengthen the culture of promotion,
respect, protection and guarantee of Human Rights.
The Unit for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (UPRODEHU).

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Bulb bow and Maier bow.
1. How is any floating vessel, symmetrical with respect to the plane
directed in the direction of its length, generally designated? 18. Type of bow that produces two positive effects: increased ship
Ship or ship. speed and improved ship behavior at sea?
Bulbous bow.
2. What are the essential qualities that a ship must have as a
floating vehicle for navigation? 19. Type of bow that is a type of launched bow, also called spoon
Solidity, buoyancy, stability, speed and ease of steering. bow with very open "V" shapes that has good seaworthy
3. Is it the essential quality of a ship, which requires a robust hull Bow Maier.
structure to resist the stresses to which the ship is subjected
during its life by the action of the different states of the sea and 20. This name is designated to the rear termination of the ship's
the weights it carries? structure, it is the rear part of a ship.
The solidity. Stern.

4. Is it the essential quality of a ship that allows it to stay afloat 21. It is the line that marks the surface of the sea water in the case
even though some of its parts are flooded? of the ship and varies according to its state of load.
Buoyancy. Waterline.

5. Essential quality that allows the ship to return to its equilibrium 22. The part of the hull of a ship submerged in water, that is, below
position by itself when it has been displaced from it by an the waterline, is called the livework or also.
external agent? Carena.
23. Part of the hull of a ship, from the waterline to the gunwale.
6. Essential quality of a ship that is required because of the need Dead work.
for movement of the ship in all directions?
The ease of government. 24. Set of hull elements that, in a uniform and continuous manner,
contribute to obtaining, to an acceptable degree, the essential
7. It is a function of the shape of the ship and the power of the qualities for sailing.
propeller it has. Ship structure.
25. What are the three basic types of structures considered in
8. Do they essentially contribute to the good economic operation of current shipbuilding?
the ship? Transverse, longitudinal and mixed.
The means for handling and good stowage of the cargo.
26. Type of structure that was classic in wooden ships and is still
9. Part of the ship's body in a thread, that is, without counting its used.
mast? Cross.
27. Type of structure that has emerged with the development of
10. Is this the name given to the front part of the ship that cuts shipbuilding?
through the waters of the sea, the front third of the ship? Longitudinal.
28. Where the mixed structure is used more frequently, which
11. Type of bow that was almost universal in the past and frequently provides greater continuity of the structure.
used today on large ships, combining it with the launched bow? On warships.
Straight bow.
29. Piece of the ship's structure, located in the lower part of the hull
12. Type of bow widely used today? in a longitudinal direction, built from horizontal steel plates, on
Launched Bow . which the beams and frames rest.
13. Type of bow frequently used by deep-sea fishing vessels? Bow
trawler. 30. What is the name of the vertical reinforcement plate that is fixed
or welded to the keel by two steel angles.
14. Type of bow also called “yacht” or “clipper”? Keelson.
Violin bow.
31. What was the name of the keel that in wooden construction
15. Type of bow ready to mount and break the ice layer with its ships was made up of long planks joined together at one end.
weight? Solid keel.
Icebreaker Bow.

16. Type of bow that has the characteristic of facilitating the task of
laying submarine cables?
Cablero Bow.

17. What are the two types of bow that have become more widely
used due to their hydrodynamic characteristics that result in a
notable reduction in resistance to the movement of wave

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32. Cavity, groove or longitudinal channel of the solid keel where the 50. The opening made in the vault above the sternpost for the
edges or heads of the lining planks fit. Alefriz. passage of the rudder head and play of its tiller is called:
33. Piece of wood that supplemented the solid keel to protect its
underside. 51. Element of the transverse structure of the ship that gives shape,
Zapata. support and gives strength to the outer lining, they are lateral
pieces that join the curvature of the bilge to the varengas.
34. The construction of this type of keel is the most widespread Notebooks.
Flat keel. 52. Frame corresponding to the cross section with the largest
surface area, located in the center of the vessel.
35. Type of keel that is made up of a flat keel, two symmetrical Master notebook.
beams with respect to the bay and the central strake of the inner
lining of the double bottom. 53. Reinforced frames with a greater depth than ordinary ones
Box keel. which reinforce the structure and give it greater solidity.
36. Piece of steel or wood that extends the keel in a vertical or
inclined direction along its bow side. 54. Elements of the transverse structure of the ship's bottom,
Stem. consisting of vertical plates that extend from one side of the
bilge to the other, are placed along the entire length of the ship
37. Roda is synonymous with what term in current shipbuilding was in each cross section that is framed.
used on wooden ships. Varengas.
55. They have been used in naval construction, now in disuse and
38. To consolidate and reinforce the stem at the bottom, some were made up of the frame, a transverse profile, consoles and
horizontal pieces are placed. counters.
Buzardas. False Varengas.

39. It was applied on sailing ships, currently out of use, protruding 56. Transverse pieces with a certain curvature called sharp or
from the upper part of the stem and well adapted to it, they turned, which are fixed to the frames, contributing to the support
supported the figurehead. of the hull and which rest on the struts. They serve to support
Cutwater. the deck plates.
40. It is the vertical piece with little drop, where the ship ends on its
stern side and which joins this end of the keel. Codaste. 57. It is the longest beam, that is, the one corresponding to the main
frame on the upper deck.
41. Rotating blade around a vertical axis that allows the ship to vary Master bath.
its direction at will, moving forward or backward.
Rudder. 58. Bao that is placed in the hold to give more support to the sides,
forming a cover over it.
42. Its main function is to support the weight of the rudder, propeller Air bath
and axles, as well as the forces transmitted by them.
Codaste. 59. Beams located in the hatches and other deck openings, which
do not go from side to side, rest one end on the frame console
43. The stern frame has a vacuum for housing the propeller, called: and the other on the length of the hatch.
Vain. Half baths.
44. Type of sternpost that has a hole for the placement of the
60. It is one that is higher than the common ones and generally
propeller horn.
corresponds to a bularcama.
Proel elbow.
Reinforced bathroom.
45. Stern that serves as support and rudder axis.
61. Longitudinal pieces of the ship's bottom structure, of the same
Rear sternpost.
height as the beams, serve to increase the resistance of the hull
to bending effects.
46. Upper piece that joins the two sternposts.
You wander.
Arch or bridge.
62. Vertical pieces or steel columns, on which the baths rest.
47. Part of the sternpost that closes the frame on the inside is
extended to join the keel.
Foot of sternpost. 63. Longitudinal pieces of reinforcement of the sides that run along
48. Type of sternpost widely used in ships with a single propeller the interior, spaced from the bilge curvature to the upper deck
and lacking an external sternpost or sternpost, replaced by the gunnel.
rudder shaft. Palmejares.
Open elbow.

49. Type of sternpost that is reinforced with beams and beams to

support both dynamic and static loads transmitted to the hull by
the rudder.
False Codaste.

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64. Steel plates placed in parallel courses that, starting from the 81. Curvature that some decks have towards the sides and whose
keel and fixing to the frames and beams, reach the top of the purpose is the rapid evacuation of rainwater shipped in bad
sides. weather.
Cover. Brusque

65. The flat part of the bottom of the ship is called, currently it is 82. Cover that, together with the outer lining, forms the envelope
applied to the curve or curvature joining the flat bottom with the that ensures the perfect watertightness of the boat, is also
sides of the ship. known as the main or first cover.
Bilgewater. Top deck.

66. The parts of the hull, at the ends of the vessel, where the flat 83. They are the covers below the main one. Second, third or low .
bottom ceases to be flat and adopts more or less closed "V"
84. Decks that, below the main deck, are not continuous and cover
shapes, are called: Bow or stern fins or Rasales.
only part of the ship, such as engine rooms, holds to make
better use of space.
67. The rows of plates on a ship are called:
85. It is the plank strake of the decks adjacent to the sides.
68. Course of plates that is placed immediately to the keel, that is,
the first strake of plates.
Apparel strake. 86. Constructions above the main strong deck, having the same
width as the beam of the ship and its port and starboard
69. Course of plates that goes over the curvature of the bilge, that
bulkheads of the outer skin.
is, over the part with the greatest curvature of the frame.
Bilge strake.
87. It is the space that is included between two consecutive covers.
70. It is the course of plates that are thicker than the others, placed Steering.
at the height of the main or upper deck.
Tape strake. 88. Name given to the superstructure located at the bow of the ship.
71. Fenders fitted to ships performing port maneuvers to protect the
ship's skin along the side. Belts. 89. Name given to the superstructure located in the center of the
72. Appendages perpendicular to the lining, whose purpose is to Citadel.
reduce the amplitude of the balances caused by the surge.
Side hulls or balance keels. 90. Name given to the superstructure located at the stern of the
ship. Toldilla or Alcázar.
73. It is the last row of plates whose finishing is the gunwale cover, it
has reinforcements that are attached to the deck. 91. The intermediate spaces between the superstructures of the
Barraganetes. ship are called:
74. Elements of the structure of ships built of steel and placed in a
vertical or inclined position, divide the interior of the ship, 92. Superstructure that provides the ship with greater props in the
forming compartments. bow to reinforce it and make it difficult for water to board due to
Bulkheads. the effect of the slats.
75. They prevent the loss of buoyancy in cases of flooding due to
93. Superstructure that provides general space for the
accommodation of the crew, is synonymous with the
Watertight bulkheads.
76. Bulkhead located at the bow and that allows limiting a leak of Poop deck.
water produced in the bow, due to a collision.
94. Construction that is located above the upper deck and in the
Collision bulkhead. direction of the beam, from which all the structures are
77. Located close to the stern, they enclose the engine and boiler
Command booth.
Aft peak bulkhead. 95. Rectangular openings made in the covers to establish
communication between them.
78. Space in the bottom of the ship, between the outer shell and the Hatches.
interior, emerged as a development of ballast tanks. False
bottom. 96. The hatches are fitted with vertical frames called:
79. It is considerably more effective than the transverse structure in
the double bottom in resisting the buckling effect of the plates
caused by compression loads.

80. Horizontal surfaces or floors that join the sides and rest on the

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97. The hatch closing procedure for many years has been based on 116. Ladder that is assembled on the starboard side, provided with
transverse beams called: Galeotas. stanchions and their corresponding handrails and that go from
98. What are the names of the planks that the galleys and coaming the gate to the surface of the water.
served as support and closed the hatch? Real scale.
117. Which is the scale with less presentation than the real scale,
99. They are openings in the ship that connect two decks and are because it is not intended for higher category people to climb it.
generally small in size, sufficient for the passage of people and Port scale.
non-bulky objects.
Hatches. 118. Scale that goes on the side of the ship from the gunwale to the
100. They are rectangular openings that are made in the ship's Tojino scale .
underside or in any of its interior divisions. Portas.
119. A type of grille or lattice formed of bars and slats crossed at
101. Ports whose purpose is to facilitate the rapid drainage of the squares.
deck flooded by sea waves. grated.
120. Mobile elements that are placed outside the side of the ship
102. Circular opening made in the side or deck of the ship to provide
when it is going to dock at the dock or another ship, to cushion
light and ventilation.
the shock.
Portillo. Defenses.
103. What is the name of the metal security cover on the gate? Blind. 121. It is a simple wooden or steel frame cover, which serves to
104. They are circular cutouts made in different parts of the ship for protect from the elements and more particularly from rain.
the passage of mooring lines, spies, etc. Tambuchos.
Cat flaps. 122. Hatches with glass covers to provide light and ventilation to the
105. Clear passages established on the sides of a ship for the chambers, machines and, in general, the lower deck. Louvres.
embarkation and disembarkation of people and portable effects. 123. Open round hole in the covers, which is covered with a strong
Gate. glass called "porthole".
106. Openings in the gunnels and sides of a ship, which are intended Patent louver.
to provide an outlet for the waters of the respective deck, are
124. These are the hatches and ventilation ducts that do not extend
also holes left in the lower part of the beams. completely longitudinally between the main transverse
Scuppers. bulkheads.
107. What else are the various holes that run through the bottom of Logs.
the varengas called? 125. Light construction that rises in the median of the ship and in
Groeras, regola, regatta or drain. general, is any difference in height that forms a step on a deck.
108. They are tubes that, starting from the highest roofs, collect the Saltillo.
water that is in them for any reason. 126. It is the place on the ship where the frame of the same name is
Scuppers. located, it is the most curved area of the hull near the bow.
Amura .
109. They are circular openings through which the decks of a ship,
the masts and the winch pass through, until they reach their 127. Piece that forms the last stern frame, it is the most curved part
respective seats. of the side near the stern.
Partners. Fin.

110. Frame formed by one or several pieces on which the end of a 128. It is the highest part of the stern gunwale, where the boom
stick, called a wick, rests. rested on ancient sailing ships.
Cockpit. Crowning.

111. Steel tube of different diameters, welded to the deck, used to

make turns with chains, cables or moorings.

112. Name given to the bitt when it is larger. Biton.

113. It is a piece of wood or metal with an arched shape that,

attached at its center to the deck or side, is used to tie ropes.

114. Pieces of iron, generally circular in section, which are fixed

vertically at one end on the deck, ending in a fork shape, serve
to support the awnings.
115. Thin metal bars or wooden railings, which run on both sides of
the ladders, the poop, the castle, a bridge, to serve as support.

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129. They are the compartments intended for carrying cargo, they are 16. It is the measurement counted from the skin board, adjacent to
numbered starting from the bow. the keel, to the center of the upper edge of the main deck beam.
Store. Bowing strut.

130. What Spanishized word is used on small ships to designate the 17. It is the vertical distance measured in the longitudinal plane of
hold. symmetry of the vessel and in the middle of the registration
Creek. length.
Registration Prop.
18. It is the vertical distance, from the bottom of the keel to the
1. The parallel planes that at small intervals cut the hull up to the waterline.
waterline, form at their intersection with the outer shell the so- Draft.
Water Lines. 19. They are the portions of the extreme perpendiculars between
the flotation and the keel.
2. It corresponds to a certain state of charge. Bow and stern draft.
20. What draft should be the half-sum of the bow and stern drafts,
3. It is the longitudinal plane that divides the ship into two and should be the draft at half the length.
symmetrical parts. Medium draft.
Bay plan.
21. It is the one that exists between the bow and stern drafts.
4. They are the plans or layout forms of the ship. Longitudinal, Difference in drafts.
Transverse and Horizontal.
22. It is the graduation in decimeters and indicates the draft relative
5. It is the length of the ship.
to the flotation.
Draft Scale.
6. It is the length of the ship measured in the longitudinal plane,
23. It is the longitudinal floating state in which a ship is and is
between the perpendiculars that pass through the intersection of
determined by its drafts at any given time.
the floatation in normal load, it is the length that appears as the
Official in most nations.
Length between perpendiculars.
24. They indicate the draft of the ship, counting from the lower edge
of the most protruding appendage.
7. It is the measurement of floatation under normal load, which in
Navigation marks.
warships usually coincides with the length between
perpendiculars. Length in the Waterline. 25. They facilitate the draft of the vessel from the lower edge of the
keel and serve to determine the displacement and trim of the
8. It is the distance between the perpendiculars drawn tangentially
vessel. The displacement marks.
to the external contour of the ship's projection on the longitudinal
plane, important for dock entrances. Maximum or total length 26. It is the curvature that occurs in a longitudinal direction to the
from outside to outside. straps, chevrons, gunnels and decks of a ship, raising its
extremities, produced by the effect of the various loads it
9. It is the length measured from the bow face of the upper end of
the stem to the aft face of the upper end of the sternpost.
Registration Length.
27. Curvature of the longitudinal structure of the ship produced by
10. It is the greatest width of a ship outside of members, a
loads that operate opposite to the sheer, the bow and stern are
dimension found in the master frame at the height of the fort
in the trough of the wave and the center in the crest.
28. It is the weight of the ship equal to the weight of the water
11. It is the sleeve that includes the distance between two tangents
displaced. Displacement.
to the flotation, parallel to its symmetry axis.
Maximum flotation sleeve. 29. This is the name given to the weight of the ship completely
unloaded, without fuel, water, oil, equipment or any
12. It is the distance between two parallels to the longitudinal axis
consumption effects; it is known as construction displacement.
that comprise the submerged part of the hull in normal flotation.
Thread displacement.
Maximum beam of the live work.
30. It is only used in merchant ships, it is the thread displacement
13. It is the maximum beam of the vessel, measured outside of the
that increases in all fluids circulating through pipes, machines
skins, but not including the belts or fenders.
and boilers.
Registration sleeve.
Displacement in ballast.
14. It is the height of a ship or vertical distance counted from the
plan to the main deck.

15. It is the vertical height measured at half the length from the top
of the upper deck beam on the side to the horizontal plane that
passes above the keel.
Construction Prop.
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31. It is a tonnage that is not defined, it corresponds to a particular Nuclear powered ship.
state of load that the shipowner and the builder agree on in the
specifications of their contract, to carry out the ship reception 6. It is that ship that is moved by the action of a gas turbine. Gas
tests. turbine propulsion vessel.
Displacement of evidence.
7. This type of vessel is one whose propulsion force is produced by
32. It is the displacement that corresponds to the situation of expelling water at high speed through a nozzle. Water jet
complete displacement, with the maximum load and the filling of propulsion vessel.
fuel, oil, water, provisions, supplies and ammunition, if
applicable, it is known as total displacement. 8. Ship has fins under the hull so that when sailing at speed they
Maximum Displacement. raise it above the sea surface.
Hydrofoil vessel.
33. Type of displacement that is only used by warships and is also
called Washington displacement, it is when the ship is 9. It is that ship that has the ability to remain above the sea surface
completely ready to sail. due to the effect of an air cushion created under the hull, that is,
Standard displacement. it floats in the air close to the sea surface.
Air Cushion Vessel.
34. Type of displacement that is only used in submarines, they
always remain at the same value. 10. It is that ship that belongs to the Navy of a Nation, is registered
Surface displacement. in its official list of ships, flies the flag and insignia of the Navy
and is commanded and crewed by an officer and a Navy crew.
35. Its value is the surface displacement increased by the weight of of war.
the water that the main ballast tanks may contain, the flooding Warship.
of which serves to allow the submarine to gain depth.
Dive displacement. 11. It is the most important ship in a fleet, it has a clear and wide
deck for takeoff and landing of planes.
36. It is used only on merchant ships and gives a perfect idea of the Aircraft carrier ship.
ship's capacity as it represents the maximum weight of payload
that it can carry. 12. It is the ship that transports, supports and operates helicopters.
Dead weight. Helicopter carrier.

37. Also called deadweight or maximum load, it includes cargo, fuel, 13. It is the warship whose displacement ranges between 5,000 and
food reserve water, oil reserve, weight of provisions, crew, 15,000 TON, with high speed, great autonomy and strong anti-
passage and luggage. aircraft, surface, and anti-submarine weapons. Cruise.
Dead weight.
14. This type of ship has a displacement of around 3,000 TONS with
38. It is the difference that exists between the maximum high-speed anti-submarine, anti-surface and anti-aircraft
displacement and the ballast displacement. weapons.
Dead weight. Destroyer.

39. It is the maximum weight of commercial cargo that the ship can 15. It is the warship that has a displacement between 1,100 and
transport, fully loaded with fuel, oil and reserve water tanks, 3,000 TONS, slower than the destroyer and has anti-submarine,
food stores and other items of normal consumption. anti-surface and anti-aircraft weapons.
Bearing. Frigate.

40. It is the distance measured on the side of the ship, at half the 16. Warship smaller in size and speed than the frigate, between 500
loaded waterline length, from the top of the deck line to the top and 1000 TONS, has anti-submarine, anti-surface and anti-
of the corresponding load line. Free board. aircraft weapons.
17. Ship with a displacement between 100 and 500 TONS, has a
USED FOR THEIR CONSTRUCTION. sustained speed of more than 25 knots, and has powerful
1. This name is designated to those vessels that use the action of Fast boats.
the wind on the sails for propulsion.
Sailing ship.

2. This vessel moves by means of a propeller powered by the

expansive driving force of water vapor acting on a reciprocating
machine or a turbine.

3. It is a ship that uses combustion engines for propulsion.

Motor ship.

4. It is a ship whose propeller is moved by an electric motor.

Electric propulsion vessel.

5. It uses a nuclear reactor as a source of energy and is mainly

used in submarines.

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18. It is the warship that, thanks to the flooding of the ballast tanks, Barge Carrier Ship.
can navigate below the surface of the sea.
Submarine. 35. It does not usually dock at the docks, but in the roadstead, it is
called SEA-BEE, which has a large lifting platform at the stern,
19. The range of this type of special ships used for this type of with a lifting force of 2000 tons.
warfare is wide, it can basically be grouped into attack transport, LASH ship.
landing ship and landing craft.
Ship for amphibious warfare. 36. They can also be called rolling cargo, they correspond to the
term roll-on roll-of, they manipulate the cargo in the horizontal
20. This type of ship has led to the development of a series of direction, shipping the merchandise directly from the dock on
special ships for this type of war, basically the minelayer, the wheels.
minesweeper and the minesweeper. Vessel for roll-on cargo.
Mine warfare vessel.
37. It is a type of vessel currently very widespread that covers a
21. It is the ship prepared for anchoring a minefield. Minelayer. regular service between ports, designed for general cargo, liquid
and solid bulk and containers.
22. It is the ship that has a series of devices that enable it to track Multipurpose general cargo ship.
and destroy mines.
Minesweeper. 38. Type of ship that is equipped for the transportation of
23. It is that ship that has a series of underwater detection Passenger ship.
equipment for the location of mines and subsequent destruction.
Mine hunter. 39. Vessel that does not cover a regular service and only sails on an
adventure in search of cargo wherever there is it.
24. They are those Navy ships that have logistical support functions Trap ship
for the Naval Force or are used in traditional scientific missions.
Auxiliary Vessels. 40. Vessel built to tow other vessels or devices characterized by its
high machine power and excessive draft in relation to its small
25. They are those vessels whose specific mission is the coast size.
guard service. Tugboat.
41. Vessel that has facilities for laying, tracking and repairing
26. Privately owned vessel used in maritime transportation. submarine telegraph cables.
Merchat vessel. Cable ship.

27. It is one that has been built to transport liquid fuel in tanks, it is 42. A ship used to open channels in frozen seas to make navigation
also called a tanker or tanker. Petroleum ship. possible.
Icebreaker Ship.
28. What are oil tankers from 350,000 TONS deadweight known as?
Supertankers or supertanks. 43. This type of vessel is used in the extraction of fish, the variety of
existing classes being wide, as many as the fishing procedures
29. They require less free board than the rest of the cargo, it is or gear used.
intended for the transport of refined petroleum products. Fishing vessels.
Petroleum ship.
44. Type of fishing vessel used to capture bonito, conger eel, cod,
30. Type of ship that resembles an oil tanker, it is used for liquid pomfret and usually has tanks for live bait.
cargo and in merchant fleets it appears in a very varied range, Fishing with rods and lines.
including ships transporting liquefied gases.
Ship for the transportation of liquid cargo. 45. Type of small fishing vessel dedicated to the coastal capture of
sardines and herring.
31. It is a ship that transports solid bulk and has emerged as a Fishing boat equipped with steering wheel.
derivative of the traditional mineral ship.
Vessel for bulk cargo or bulkcarrier. 46. Fishing vessel dedicated to catching tuna, bonito, sardine,
herring, anchovy and others.
32. It is a ship that makes the most of its transportation possibilities Fishing vessel with purse seine art.
and has been designed so that it always undertakes trips with
some type of cargo.
Combined cargo ship.

33. They are large vessels specialized for the transport of

containers, which are provided in their holds with vertical guides
that form cells, into which containers of universal measurements
Container ship.

34. It is a large transport or mother ship, made of barges like

containers, but larger than these, it can transport 300 to 400
tons of cargo.

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47. This vessel is towing a net called a codend, at a depth close to Dredge.
the bottom, this type being the most widespread. 66. Vessel that transports the product extracted from dredgers out
Fishing trawler. of ports.
48. This fishing vessel is used for deep-sea fishing that picks up,
picks up and drags the gear over the side. 67. Boat that handles weights on a pontoon.
Fishing bou or trawler. Floating crane.

49. This type of fishing vessel carries and drags the gear from the 68. This boat has a davit at the bow and a windlass on deck for
stern and collects it from the side. anchor, chain and deadlift work.
The cow. Seagull.

50. Fishing vessel prepared to drag the gear between two. 69. Type of float with a flat bottom and deck, characterized by its
The couple. parallelepiped structure and no marine shapes.
51. Type of fishing vessel that has a stern ramp that performs all the
work with the stern maneuver and through the ramp. 70. Tugboat that has a displacement of more than 400 tons.
The modern one. High altitude tugboat.

52. It is used for fishing crustaceans, among this type are lobsters. 71. Tugboat that has a displacement between 200 and 400 Ton.
Fishing with creel. Roadstead tugboat.

53. This type of vessel carries out fishing by harpooning the 72. Tugboat that has a displacement of more than 50 tons and less
cetacean using a harpoon launcher cannon located on the bow than 200 tons.
of the vessel. Port Tugboat.
73. Tug with a displacement equal to or less than 50 Ton. Towing
54. This vessel contributes greatly to the industrialization of fishing, Boat.
receiving the catches from a series of smaller fishing vessels
and preparing them for marketing. 74. Water tank vessel, with its own propulsion and a displacement
Mother ship. of more than 400 Ton.
55. This vessel is prepared for trawling and purse seining, and is
equipped with a facility for freezing the catch and using the by- 75. Vessel analogous to the Aljibe, but with machine power equal to
products. or less than 400 hp.
Fishing-Factory. Port cistern.

56. It is the set of ships, boats and devices intended for traffic and 76. When having its own propulsion its displacement is less than
work in ports and arsenals. 400 Ton.
Naval train. Cistern barge.

57. Depending on its power of machines and elements available, it 77. Water tank boat, without its own propulsion.
is called a roadstead or a port. Cistern barge.
78. Oil tank vessel, with its own propulsion, with power greater than
58. Vessel of more than 50 tons intended for the transshipment of 400 HP and displacement greater than 400 TON.
cargo that has its own propulsion and generally with a cover. Oil tanker.
79. When its machine power is equal to or less than 400 HP and its
59. This ship lacks its own propulsion and is almost always a large displacement exceeds 400 TON.
boat without a deck. Port oil tanker.
80. When having its own propulsion its displacement is less than
60. Boat that has different uses. 400 TON.
Barge. Oil barge.

61. Self-propelled vessel of less than 50 TONS. Boat.

62. This flat-bottomed vessel is used in shallow ports for cargo


63. This vessel is used for drinking water and boiler service.

64. Vessel intended for the transportation of liquid fuels.

Oil tanker.

65. Vessel intended for the extraction of mud and sand.

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81. Boat with oil tank without its own propulsion. Oil barge. cabullería.

82. The one that has its own propulsion is intended for the transport 3. It is joining a handful of vegetable or synthetic fibers and twisting
of torpedoes. them on themselves.
Torpedo barge. Quilted.
4. Group of quilted fibers on the right.
83. It is the gang with its own propulsion. Philastic.
Gánguil barge.
84. It is a gangster without propulsion. 5. It is twisting or quilting several threads together on the left. Cord.
Barge gang.
6. Formation of 3 or 4 quilted cords on the right. Hawser.
85. They are the devices intended for handling anchors.
Seagull barge. 7. It is an internal cord quilted backwards, its objective is to occupy
the interior space left by the four cords, preventing it from
86. They make up the so-called sports marina that has experienced
flattening and deforming.
a notable increase in recent years.
Pleasure vessels.

87. Type of steel that comes in plates of a wide variety of 8. It is made up of 3 and 4 quilted hawsers on the left. Hawser.
dimensions ranging from thicknesses of 5 to 150 mm, being one
of the thicknesses used in the superstructure and the maximum 9. Quilted ropes are easy to get tangled up, caught in twists or
turns, to avoid this, ropes made by means of ropes are used.
in the hull areas.
Woven or braided.
Laminated steel.

88. Material with greater resistance and toughness than mild steel 10. Currently, what are most of the ropes used on board made of
and used to manufacture some types of solid keels, stems and due to the greater superiority in performance and price.
sternposts. Synthetic fibers.
Forged steel.
11. The Cabullería with vegetable fibers that is still manufactured is
89. It is a material that offers greater resistance than forged steel based on what materials?
and a special sand mold is required to make the piece. Sisal, abaca and cotton.
Cast steel.
12. When wet they can double their weight, due to the adsorption of
90. It is used in warships and merchant shipbuilding, its use is as water.
booms for lifting large weights, oil tankers, bulk carriers and Vegetal fibers.
container ships.
13. It is the most resistant synthetic fiber, light in weight and very
High resistance steel.
resistant to the elements and acids, it is known as polyamides,
91. They are nickel steel and stainless steel for the transport of but it does not serve as a lowering strip for a boat, it is very
abrasive materials, with high wear resistance: carbon, silicon slippery.
and manganese. Nylon.
Special steels.
14. It is a synthetic fiber, lighter than water and floats, it is special for
92. They are pieces of laminated steel that are used for the ropes and trailers, as it floats it reduces tangling in the
construction of the different elements of the ship's structure propellers.
(beams, frames, lengths, etc.). Polypropylene.
Steel profiles. 15. It is the synthetic fiber with intermediate qualities between
polypropylene and nylon, it adheres better than other fibers to
93. The construction of ships made of this material has practically
the bitts and cleats, it is known as dacron, terylene or tevira.
disappeared, it is only used for smaller vessels and some
specific types of ships such as minesweepers and small fishing
boats. 16. The ropes used on board for force maneuvers (rigging, mooring)
Wood. of ore greater than 12 mm are called:
The body rigging.
94. They are aluminum alloys, used in superstructures, chimneys,
galleys, hatch quarters, boats, ventilation trunks, frames and
ladders, the most used alloy is manganese.
Light alloys.

95. Material that in recent decades has shown great development,

being the substitute for wood in the construction of small ships
and minor recreational boats. Plastics.

1. Generic name of the ropes used on board. Capes.

2. The set of ropes and cables specific to a ship. Rigging or

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17. It is a rough hemp rigging made up of 3 or 4 threads quilted on 35. It is a widely used knot. To do it, the ends of both ropes are
the right, very useful for temporary work. Spun yarn. crossed twice consecutively.
Plain knot.
18. It is a rope made up of three threads of excellent fiber (cotton,
linen, nylon, etc.) quilted on the left in which its core is usually 8 36. Knot that is used when the ropes to be spliced have a lot of ore.
and 15 mm. Ordinary knot.
37. This type of sewing is used to join two quilted ends. Round
19. Cape formed by 3 cords quilted on the left, each cord composed seam.
of 6, 9 or 12 filaments depending on the thickness desired,
varying its core between 25 and 45 mm. 38. What is used instead of a round seam because this has the
Sway. disadvantage of being very thick and not useful in case the rope
20. It is a kind of thinner swing and good quality fiber, it is made up must work for a rig.
of 3 cords, its ore is usually about 10 mm. Spanish long seam.
39. It is the action of joining two ropes in any of their parts to each
21. It is always manufactured with top quality fibers, made up of 2 or other by means of a connection with another rope of lesser ore.
3 of these fibers, its ore is very small, 3.5 to 4.5 mm, it is used Torture
for sewing and ligatures.
Candle thread. 40. It is the simplest knot used to attach a rope to a hanger or ring.
22. It is the end of the cape that is free.
Chicote. 41. This knot is used to tie the rope quickly when the rope is very
23. This is the name given to any piece of intermediate rope existing Elusive quote.
between the two ends.
42. It is used to attach a rope to a hanger, it is attached to it with a
tie mounted on the rope itself.
24. It is the end of the rope that is attached to the firm structure of Crossbow turns.
the ship.
43. Knot that consists of a leaf lashing that has also been given a
tie, it is very simple and strong.
25. Action of collecting a rope or cable neatly, forming circles so that Gunner's knot.
it takes up little space and does not become tangled.
44. It is a variation of the leaf lash used in the case in which the
surface of the rope works in an oblique direction to the spar.
Bitten back.
26. If the adujas are taken counterclockwise, it is said to have been
adujad: 45. This knot is used to tie objects that need to be raised or lowered.
Argued against. Breaststroke return.

27. When the adujas are all the same size and are clear, it is said to 46. This is the name given to the turns that are made in the rods,
be adujado: cleats and thwarts of the boats with the halyards or sheets.
Affected alike. Maneuver turns.

28. If the tail that remains of a rig is of short length, it is said that it 47. It is taking turns on the bitt, it is a method widely used in
can be adducted. mooring maneuvers of the ship, a single man can hold the whip
Adducted to the Dutch. to let the rope go little by little.
29. With thick ore ropes and where it is desired to dispose of them Back to a bitt.
quickly, such as mooring ropes, the doweling is usually used.
Adducted to the Guacaresca. 48. It is tying a bollard to a noray, they are used when the bitt is
complete with another rope and you want to tie a new one.
30. They are operations with the splicing of two ropes or the joining Returns to a bollard.
of a rope to the ship's surface.
Knot. 49. It is used to ensure that a taut working rope is moved by bitt or
cleat without loosening.
31. It is achieved by making the cords of each guy pass between Boza or piece.
the cords of one of the ropes, it will be done when the union has
to be permanent. Sewing.

32. It consists of wrapping the rope with sail thread a few times,
which serves to improve the strength and appearance of the
knot or seam. Linked

33. It is the action of tightening a knot or lashing tightly.


34. It is joining two ropes together at their ends using knots or

Splice or splice.

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50. It is a loop in which a rope often ends, its application is as a Mostache.

support for the shackle, shackle ropes to bollards. Loop.
13. It is a type of temporary shroud that is given when the wind is
51. The loops made using knots are called. Rafts. strong to reinforce the shrouds.
Quinal .
52. Which is the most widespread knot among seafarers. Ace of
guide. 14. Cable that supports the topmasts or topmasts to the deck in a
transverse direction.
53. This knot is taken 2 or 3 ropes on the left hand, it is usually used Burda.
to suspend a man.
Balso for chicote or caulk. 15. It is a rope or tackle that works vertically and is used to hoist a
54. The gauze sewn by quilting is also called: yard, pickaxe or sail.
Screw Halyard.

55. When the rope must work around something hard (eyebolt, 16. It is the rope, cable or rigging that works in an oblique direction
shackles, etc.) it is convenient to insert a metal piece called: to keep a yard, boom or peak in position in the vertical plane.
Thimble. Amantillo.

56. It is a simple gauze that consists of unraveling the neck and 17. It is a rope, cable or tackle that keeps both the beak of a crab
and the tip of a feather in position in the horizontal plane.
making a seam on it and the surface of the rope.
Strip in beta woven.
18. It is the rope, cable or rigging that positions the boom of a gaff or
57. Operation that consists of tying with sail thread to the neck of a
other sail in the horizontal plane.
58. This is the name given to the braiding that is made with the 19. They move the yards in the horizontal plane in order to direct the
cords of a rope in its neck. sails to the wind.
Pineapples. Fathom.

20. When a ship had to be moored for a long time, coconut fiber
CHAPTER 6.- DISTRIBUTION OF CABLES AND CABLES hawsers were used, which are called when they are made of
ON BOARD. vegetable or synthetic fiber. Stachas.
1. What is the name of the set of ropes and cables used on board? 21. It is a thin and resistant rope used to lay mooring lines in the
Rigging. different maneuvers of docking, towing, mooring to a buoy, etc.
2. It is the set of ropes and cables that supported the mast. Firm
rigging. 22. It is the thickest guide rope that serves as a link between the fine
guide and the mooring.
3. It is the set of moving or working cables and cables. Work Delivery courier.
23. These mechanisms serve to make efforts with the ropes, help to
4. It is the set of ropes and cables used in mooring the ship. enter (strips) the moorings and collaborate in docking the ship.
Mooring rigging. Winch and winch.
5. It is a cable that supports the main mast or the topmast so that it 24. The action of entering a mooring by rotating the winch is called.
does not fall towards the stern. Tack.
25. It emerged as a new technique after the increase in the size of
6. What cable is similar to the forestay, but of lesser value, its ships, it maintains the tension of the cable constant, deviating
mission being to support a sail? when it tends to increase and turning when the tension
Nerve. subsides, representing a significant saving in personnel during
7. Short cable that supports the bowsprit mucus longitudinally. the maneuver. Windlass.

8. It is a cable that acts as a forestay for the bowsprit.


9. It is any of the cables that hold the mast to the deck or the
topmast to its topmast in a transverse direction.
10. They are short ropes that are tied horizontally to the shrouds.
You arrowed.

11. It is used to climb the masts to carry out the maneuvers of

holding on or launching the rig, it is made up of the arrows
together with the shrouds.
Rigging table.
12. This is the name given to each of the shrouds that support the

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CHAPTER 9.- ANCHORS AND CHAINS. Pitch over the anchor.

1. What is the name of the action of keeping a ship subject to the 19. It is charging the chain to get closer to the anchor.
seabed. Tack about the anchor.
20. Give the ship direction towards the anchor when turning on it
2. Formerly it was the third anchor to appear in the order of using the rudder.
counting it. Rule over the anchor.
Sheet anchor.
3. Common nicknames given to anchors that are always ready to 21. Action of continuing to turn the chain when the anchor has left
anchor. the bottom.
Anchor of pendura and servitude. Raise anchor.

4. It is the action of lowering the anchor from its place by lowering 22. It is the action of the anchor at the moment of taking off from the
the chain. Lower the anchor. bottom. Set anchor.

5. It is unscrewing or removing the tensioner and loosening the 23. Action of removing the anchor from the bottom, bone, detaching
brake, dismounting and leaving an anchor ready to anchor. the nail or nails from it depending on the anchor in question.
Put the anchor to the pendura. Tear off the anchor.

6. It is the action of taking the anchor to the place where it is to be 24. It is securing the anchor so that it cannot come loose with the
located and giving it a bottom there. most violent movements of the ship.
Set an anchor. Set the anchor for a safe voyage.

7. It is when a ship goes backwards when anchoring or being 25. Action of being anchored.
already anchored, dragging the anchor due to any Stay at anchor.
Garrear. 26. It is the anchor that for centuries has been used to hold the ship
to the bottom and consists of two arms and their corresponding
8. It is when the anchor comes off the bottom and is grabbed nails, joined to the shaft, the joining point is called "cross".
again. Jump anchor. Traditional anchor or with stocks.

9. Bury it entirely at the bottom because it is very soft, like loose 27. In this type of anchor, the cross forms a body with the arms, it
mud. has an opening R where the rod enters, the cross and the rod
Swallow an anchor to the bottom. are joined together.
Anchor Hall.
10. It is raising the anchor to anchor it again, thus ensuring that it is
not swallowed by too much depth. 28. It is widely used on American Navy ships.
Refresh the anchor. Dunn or Norfolk Anchor.

11. It is placing the anchor further to windward in relation to the 29. It has, equal weight, greater ease of grip than other types
prevailing wind or the one most frequently experienced in the without stocks, although more voluminous, it is used only in
place. small vessels.
Tree the anchor. Danforth Anchor.

12. It is placing the anchor in a direction further away than it was 30. It is in the traditional anchor, the sharpest part of the anchor nail.
from the wind, tide or current. Parrot or parrot beak.
Lower the anchor.
31. Flat surface that limits the nail on its inside.
13. It is when the anchor breaks due to some of its parts or the Map, tab or ear.
Missing anchor. 32. Shackle of proportionate size by which the anchor is attached to
the chain.
14. Bring the ship closer to the anchor. Arganeo.
Go on the anchor.
33. Hole in the end of the cane where the arganeo plays. Eye.
15. It is turning the vessel while anchored until it is positioned with
the chain working in the desired direction, it is the same as 34. Anchor currently in disuse that had a metal but removable clamp
approaching. in order to be able to stow it better.
Do for the anchor. Admiralty anchor.

16. It is resisting a storm at anchor. 35. In this type of anchor, while the clamp has been eliminated, it is
Hold the anchor. manufactured in such a way that the arms can swing to both
sides. Anchor without stocks.
17. It is when the anchors or their moorings are missing and remain
on the bottom without being marked.
Lose anchors.

18. Halt the ship when it is sinking from the anchor or with very little
chain outside the hawse.
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36. It is a small steel anchor, provided with four arms ending in nails 15 fathoms.
similar to those of anchors, it is used to anchor small boats.
Grapnel. 53. How many meters are equivalent to 15 fathoms, a shackle.
27 meters.
37. What is the name of the iron device similar to the grapnel, which
has hooks instead of nails, it is used to track, that is, to drag it 54. To join the chain to the anchor or to the surface of the boat, a
along the bottom in order to recover an object that has been typical shackle is used to tie the anchor (Join the chain with the
lost. anchor).
Grappling. Entanglement grille.
55. It is the place on board where the chain is stowed below deck.
38. It is a lightweight anchor used for light work and is normally Chain box.
stowed on deck.
Kedge. 56. The final end of the chain, which is attached to the deck of the
39. It is a cast iron or concrete block, in the shape of a spherical boat in the chain box by means of a shackle called: Mesh.
culotte, provided at its base with a strong eyebolt where the
chain is shackled. 57. This is the name given to the hole in the cover that connects the
Mushroom anchor or submerger. chain box with the outside so that the chain can pass through it.
Cat flap.
40. What anchor is used to hold the dead, they have only one arm
so that it does not protrude from the bottom. 58. It is the steel tube that connects the deck with the bow, so that
Firm mooring anchor. the chain passes through it and in turn serves as
accommodation for the anchor during navigation.
41. They are the anchors that are used in normal times for Escoben.
anchoring, generally taking one on each tack housed directly in
the hawse. 59. It is one of the ways to mark the chain.
Bower. Turning the ends of some links with wire.

42. What is the name of the additional anchor that is used in case of 60. It is one of the ways to mark the chain.
need and even in case the cam anchor is lost. Painting the connecting shackles with colors.
Anchor of respect.
61. Chain marking procedure consisting of: the 1st. shackle (15
43. It is an anchor that goes to the stern, with a chain or cable, it is fathoms) is painted red, the 2nd. white, the 3rd. blue, the 4th.
usually carried by some special vessels, such as landing red again and the cycle is repeated.
vessels, which anchor it before beaching and then help them Painting the connecting shackles with colors.
when they get out of the beach. Anchor or elbow anchor.
62. It is the lifting machine in the maneuvering of vertical axis
44. They are called the relationship between the maximum anchors. Winches.
horizontal grip force and the weight of an anchor.
Anchor performance or efficiency. 63. It is the lifting machine for maneuvering horizontal axis anchors
in the Navy.
45. They are composed of links with concrete, cast steel. Chains. Windlasses.
46. They are used to link the chain strands to each other, to the
64. It is the lifting machine for maneuvering horizontal axis anchors
anchor and to the surface of the boat.
in the merchant navy.
Joint shackle. Clippers or windlass.
47. It is inserted between the chain and the anchor to prevent the
65. Piece that winches usually have instead of the steering wheel,
chain from twisting when anchoring the vessel.
which is a removable lever to engage and disengage the
Rotating branch.
48. Shackle that is hardly used today that consists of a four-leg Saber.
swivel and is intended to prevent the chains from twisting
around each other at the terminals when the two anchors are 66. It is a large bitt, which is solidly attached to the deck and is
anchored. located tangentially to the line of travel of the chains between
Swivel shackle. the broom and the cat flap.
49. When it comes to anchor grip strength, it is the best bottom for
anchoring. 67. It is an element that serves to hang the chain in order to secure
Sand. it and thus prevent it from working on the crown of the swing.
50. When it comes to anchor grip strength, it is the bottom that
follows sand as the second best.

51. It is the worst type of bottom because the anchor slides on it

without grabbing it and when it finally does, there is a risk of it
becoming castled.

52. It is the number of fathoms in which a chain branch comes from

the factory, which is commonly called a shackle.

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68. They are used in anchor work, they are chain branches, introduced into the interior of the ship through an opening in the
shackled on one side to the ship's surface and on the other side vault called:
are attached to the anchor chain to lash it. Lime.
6. It prevents water from entering while allowing the rudder to
69. It was an element that was inserted between the winch and the rotate freely.
broom, it had a simple mechanism based on a finger that Cable gland.
allowed the movement of the chain, only in the lifting direction. 7. They are ropes carried by the rudder that connect the blade to
This for. the mirror so that it is not lost in the event of a storm.
70. It is a small ore rope that connects the boyar to the anchor.
8. It is the horizontal lever to exert force and turn the rudder, it is
71. It serves to mark the anchor, it is an element that has a rope in the steering wheel.
its upper part that links it to the ship, each anchor has its own Cane.
Boyarin. 9. It is the individual who handles the rod.
72. It is a bar or iron rod with a handle or crutch to grip them at one
end, its purpose is to transfer the chain from one side to the 10. It is the force that is formed by two vectors and which causes a
other: Hand hook. rotation of the ship in the indicated direction.
Evolution pair.
73. It is a rope that has a hook at one end, it is used for the same
purpose as the hand hook. 11. It is the force that moves the ship towards the side opposite to
Hook rope. that into which the blade entered.
Transverse component.
74. It is an iron lever with hammer ears, it is used to lever the chain
and ensure that it engages well in the windlasses and jaws. 12. It is the Force in the opposite direction to the direction of travel,
Goat foot. resulting in a decrease in the speed of the ship.
Longitudinal force.
75. It is used to release trigger hooks at anchorages.
13. It is the rudder position with the least resistance to travel, in the
76. It is used to insert and remove the bolts from the connecting longitudinal direction.
shackles. Rudder to the track .
14. To get the rudder to acquire a certain angle, it is necessary to
77. When lifting, it is advisable to have several of these spare parts overcome a resistance and therefore generate a torque in the
in case they have to be replaced. Respect bolts and lead. opposite direction to the fall of the ship, called: Righting torque.

78. It is a cable of length proportional to the size of 15. It is when the axis of rotation is made to coincide with the center
the of thrust, the effort necessary to move the rudder will be zero.
installation of anchors, about 20 meters, with a hook at one end Offset rudder.
and a loop at the other.
Cable rod. 16. It is the relationship between the righting moment of a
compensated rudder and the same rudder without
79. It is used when the anchor is hauled, to introduce it through the compensation.
hawse from the inside out and hook the hawse that is presented Compensation relationship.
on the outside.
Boathook. 17. It is the relationship between the two surfaces into which the
blade is divided by the rudder axis.
80. In the past, winches had lateral slits to be able to insert hangers
Degree of compensation.
or bars for lifting by arm, called: Bocabarras.

CHAPTER 12.-RUDDERS AND STEERING APPARATUS. 18. Reducing this effect is achieved by designing the rudder with a
hydrodynamic profile and minimizing the space between the
1. It is the set of actions aimed at driving a ship in a certain blade and the axis of rotation.
direction. Turbulence.
Steering a ship.
19. It occurs due to poor design of the system or because the vessel
2. It is the set of elements used to alter or maintain the course of a is in ballast, a harmful effect is produced when the tiller is
ship. inserted into a band due to the depression produced by the rear
Government apparatus. face, air is absorbed from the atmosphere, reducing the force of
3. It is a wooden or metal paddle installed in the stern and rotating
around a vertical axis, which alters the direction of the boat.

4. Flat surface submerged in water, rounded on the back in order

to reduce friction.
Shovel or saffron.

5. The blade at its upper end ends in a shaft or shaft that is

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20. Effect that is due to the decrease in pressure on the rear face of ship, securing objects that may move and take a reading of the
the blade and is a source of rudder erosion. drafts.
Rudder operation near the surface. The Boatswain.
4. Preparation of the ship to go to sea where the winch or winch,
21. It is made up of the tiller, transmission, the machinery that machine telegraphs, telephones, the whistle or siren and the
moves the rudder and the latter. bilge and fire pumps will be tested.
Government apparatus. Device testing.
22. It is the handling of the rudder by manual effort, it is used only in
5. Preparation of the ship to go to sea, which refers to the refilling
very small vessels.
of fuel, lubricants, drinking and boiler water, replacement of all
Government at hand.
kinds of equipment and provisions, as well as all ship and cargo
23. In ships of a certain size or speed, it is necessary to insert a new documents.
element (engine) that helps move the rudder, it is called: Supply and bureaucratic procedure.
Servo system.
6. It is established as soon as the tasks inherent to the port
24. It is a set of mechanisms that, with the help of a machine, allow departure maneuver are finished when the ship is outside the
large powers to be moved and controlled by applying a small buoys:
amount of energy. Sea service.
7. Its missions are: to steer, relieve the helmsman if necessary and
25. They are the tiller and rudder angle indicators. Axiometers. monitor the horizon, air and sea surface, notifying the officer on
duty when ships, planes, floating objects or land are sighted.
26. It is the governance mode where the oil distribution valve can be Helmsman, assistant helmsman and serviola.
controlled directly from the servo, this is done in the event that
the electric transmission from the bridge fails. 8. It is located in the crow's nest, at night it has the obligation to
Auxiliary or local government. "sing the lights" when the hours and half hours are indicated, so
that if a situation light goes out it can be known shortly and
27. Government mode used when other mechanisms have failed, it turned on again.
acts by means of a wheel through a multiplier mechanism on Cathead.
the toothed sector of the rudder. Government at hand.
9. Before entering the guard, you will find out the direction you are
28. It is necessary to achieve a standard tactical diameter. Standard sailing, which must be written on a blackboard. Helmsman.
shank angle.
10. Among his many obligations, he must ensure compliance with
29. Expression that indicates the maximum angle that can be the Collision Regulations, as he will be responsible for any
entered without danger of damage to the steering, it is usually accident or damage that occurs if he has not applied said
35°, this should never be reached, as a general rule it is regulations well.
understood that it is 30°. Guard Officer.
The whole cane.
11. In this condition, as a first safety measure, close watertight
30. It is the expression that indicates gradually returning the rudder doors, in anticipation of an accident, the pace will be moderated
to its central position. and the regulatory sound signals will be made, increasing the
Raising the rod. number of serviolas, the radar must be used. Navigation in Fog.
31. It is putting the rudder in the central position (0°). 12. Navigation in low visibility should always be done at: Low speed.
To the road.
13. During this condition there is greater risk for the ship,
32. It is to put the rudder to the opposite side and the same angle precautions must be increased, greater security, close the
that it had. watertight doors, prepare the bilge and firefighting services and
Change the rod. check all the lashings.
Night navigation.
33. When the ship falls continuously towards one side due to the
effect of the rudder engaged, the helmsman must do this action 14. It represents a powerful assistant to the navigator, it neutralizes
every 10°. fog, darkness and unfavorable visibility conditions, with it the
Sing the directions. presence of a ship or the coast can be known with great
1. These are the three groups of preparations that must be made
on board before the ship goes to sea.
Sailor preparations, tests of devices and supplies and
bureaucratic procedures.

2. Type of preparation in which it is necessary to put the ship under

sea conditions, in a position to withstand any kind of weather
without experiencing breakdowns that endanger its safety or
cause significant material damage.
Sailor preparation.

3. In preparation for the ship to go out to sea, it will walk around the

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15. It requires skill from the operators, it can be handled by the to the nearest port.
officer on duty on the bridge, one of its applications is the
location of icebergs in the presence of fog. 8. Speed at which it must be navigated with water on board, since
Use of Radar. the resistance of the water to movement acts on the watertight
bulkheads that are not calculated to withstand such an
16. It produces a good view of the coast and the positions occupied enormous effort.
by ships and buoys. It is capable of spotting the proximity of bad Low speed.
weather in the form of showers. It is mandatory to carry it on 9. Part of the ship that must be exposed after the imminent
ships larger than 1600 tons. collision with another ship when maneuvering inside a port,
Radar. since it is where the ship has greater structural solidity.
17. You have the obligation to use the radar and its indications to Bow.
know at all times the speed and course of the vessels in sight,
and the minimum distance at which they will pass our vessel. 10. Its causes are: trying to anchor on a rough coast, dragging the
Guard Officer. anchors, missing the chain, existence of a shoal not located on
the chart and the certainty of the loss of a vessel.
18. In port it must be raised at 8:00 a.m. on the stern of warships
and merchant ships, and lowered at sunset. If there is a ship in
motion between sunrise and 8:00 a.m., all others must raise it.
11. It is used to avoid sinking and save the crew, the maneuver
to the peak as long as the movement lasts.
must be studied to facilitate subsequent rescue, the most
Use and salute of the national flag.
convenient place will be chosen to escape from the rock bottom.
19. At sea, these ships keep the national flag raised permanently. Voluntarily beaching on the coast.
12. It will be useless to go back with the machines, because if it was
20. They have the obligation to raise the national flag when entering in stone and there was a tear, the holds and compartments will
and leaving port, meeting one of the same nationality, be flooded. The first measure is to close the watertight doors,
encountering a warship in foreign waters and at the request of a locate the fault and put the bilge system into service, lower a
warship. boat and probe. the surroundings.
Merchant Ships. Measures to take after an involuntary stranding.

CHAPTER 25.- ACCIDENTS AT SEA AND 13. It is required to be carried on board by the International
SALVAGES. Regulations for the Safety of Life at Sea and consists of
pyrotechnic material.
Help Signs.
1. It is one of the most unfortunate accidents at sea that can occur
to a ship, with serious consequences, it increases if there is bad 14. They are carried out frequently due to the many accidents and
weather, it can be caused by fog or closure or having the lights accidents at sea, every seaman is obliged to do so even at risk .
off or by false maneuver due to breakdown. Rescues.
The boarding.

2. You must act calmly and calmly, take charge immediately, 15. It is one of the most dangerous maneuvers on board, it is easy
investigate the severity of the damage and make a decision to for confusion, panic and desperation to take over the personnel.
rescue the ship and the crew. Abandonment of Vessel.
Measures after boarding .
16. It establishes a series of precepts intended to ensure rescue
3. In no case should the vessels be separated by going and passengers in the event of an accident, requires that ships
backwards, it is advisable that they continue linked, the first have rescue material and carry out an abandonment exercise
measure is to close watertight doors and once the water leak is once a week.
known, start the bilge service. International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea.
Damage to the hull.

4. It is the first measure to be taken when a collision occurs. If it is TOTAL QUESTIONS: 497
carried out quickly, it can mean the rescue of the ship, a
measure that must be taken in advance when the risk
conditions for the ship increase.
Closing of watertight doors.

5. Action that will be carried out once the water leak is known and
located in the affected compartments, monitoring the water level
and shoring up the bulkheads.
Put the bilge service into operation.

6. Action to be taken in the event that there is little hope of saving

the ship in the event of a collision.
Put on life jackets and get the boats ready.

7. Action that will be carried out when the damage is controlled,

and if there is no possibility of reaching it, it will be necessary to
approach the nearest coast to try to beach it before it sinks. Go

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1.- DAM 1.1.1.- HUMAN RESOURCES . female) with studies at the Bachelor's level with a degree and
professional license. (Maximum age 35 years at the date of
1. It constitutes the most valuable asset that the Secretariat of the hiring). Lieutenant of Lieutenant .
Navy – Mexican Navy has and the most important to face current
and future challenges. 14. The requirements for this hierarchy are: Personnel (male or
Human resource. female) with studies at the Specialty or Master's level in order to
obtain professional training with a degree and professional
2. It is responsible for determining and authorizing the organic license. (Maximum age 40 years at the date of hiring).
payrolls of the Naval Units and Establishments, as well as for Frigate Lieutenant.
communicating the number of vacancies that must be filled
annually in the Institution. 15. The requirements for this hierarchy are: Personnel (male or
Administrative Office. female) with studies at the bachelor's level with a Subspecialty
and/or Doctorate in order to complete their professional training
3. System used to control naval personnel, where the general data of with a degree and professional license. (Maximum age 40 years
the military personnel are recorded during their stay in the Active at the date of hiring).
Service of the Mexican Navy. Ship lieutenant.
Mexican Navy Personnel Information System (SIPAM).
16. It is the duration of the service provision contracts for the
4. It is the application of a set of techniques and procedures to recruit personnel of the auxiliary militia for officers of the Naval Justice
qualified personnel capable of filling a vacancy within the Units service.
and Establishments. 06 months.
Obtaining Human Resources.
17. It is the duration of service provision contracts for auxiliary militia
5. It is the set of activities aimed at obtaining personnel from the personnel for officers who do not (negative) belong to the Naval
Institution itself to cover the needs of a specific position in a Naval Justice service.
Unit or Establishment. 01 year.
Internal Recruitment.
18. It is the duration of the service provision contracts for the Classes
6. It is a technical administrative process that consists of making
and Sailors personnel of the auxiliary militia.
individuals from the civil environment candidates to fill a vacancy
06 months.
within the Institution.
External Recruitment.
19. It is the duration of the service provision contracts for Marine
7. Process where personnel is selected to enter the SAAM, they will personnel assigned as Security and Support personnel.
sign a service provision contract in accordance with the 03 months.
requirements established in the Recruitment Manual and will
voluntarily register for the duration of their contract. Hiring of 20. It is the orientation and training process through which new
Personnel. elements of civil extraction are integrated as military sailors in the
established Training Centers.
8. He will be the one who carries out the process of recruitment, Induction to the Environment.
selection, recruitment and subsequent hiring of men and women
as cadets and students. 21. It is the legal act celebrated between the Secretary of the Navy
UNINAV Rectorate. and the personnel of the auxiliary militia, through which the
commitment to continuity in active service and the provision of
9. The requirements for this hierarchy are: Personnel (male or services on a voluntary basis is established.
female) with secondary or high school education, either as a Reengagement.
Marine or from the different services with a maximum age of 30
years at the date of hiring. 22. The requirements that personnel in this category must meet are:
Sailor. Be fit, accredited by a medical certificate, have good military and
civil conduct, have sufficient military and professional aptitude,
10. The requirements for this hierarchy are: Personnel (male or and register particular details in the Naval Health System.
female) with studies at a Professional Technical level with a Auxiliary Militia.
degree and professional license. (Maximum age 30 years at the
date of hiring). 23. It is characterized by its stability in service and those who belong
Third Master. to it cannot be removed from their hierarchy, except by an
enforceable sentence of the competent judicial body (Art. 36
11. The requirements for this hierarchy are: Personnel (male or LOAM).
female) with studies at the Technical Professional level with a Permanent Militia.
Specialty with a degree and professional license. (Maximum age
35 years at the date of hiring). 24. Process that may be carried out by naval personnel who have
Second Master. carried out studies on their own, in accordance with their
profession and without prejudice to the service, that are useful for
12. The requirements for this hierarchy are: Personnel (male or the Institution, obtaining a degree or diploma and professional
female) with studies at the Higher Technical Professional license.
University level with a degree and professional license. (Maximum Degree Adequacy.
age 35 years at the date of hiring).
First Master.

13. The requirements for this hierarchy are: Personnel (male or

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25. It will be determined according to the existence of vacancies in the 38. It is the document with legal validity, in which the actions of
organic payrolls of the Units and Establishments, by Service, Admirals, Captains and Officers are conceptualized, during a
Nucleus, Scale and Hierarchy; as well as, that said studies are certain period, evaluating the performanceprofessional
useful to the Institution. and
Degree Adequacy. military-civil conduct, having how to support documents
officers themselves who must appear in the military personnel's
26. Unit to which the Legal Unit will request an opinion when a career personal file.
is not considered in the Catalog of Bodies and Services, due to Action Sheet.
the names that each educational institution assigns to the careers
it teaches. 39. It is the document with legal validity, in which the performance of
Naval University. the Classes and Seamanship personnel is conceptualized, during
a certain period, its objective is to record biographical data,
27. Situation of change of Corps, Scale or Service where seniority in service data and notes of their activities.
the grade will not be lost. Service Memorial.
For service needs.
40. It is the act by which the official delivery of the Command of
28. Situation of change of Corps, Scale or Service where you will lose Weapons or Position in a Naval Unit or Establishment is carried
seniority in your grade, occupying the last place in the out, becoming official with the designation of a representative of
corresponding rank, the new seniority will count from the date of the Superiority for the taking of protest (protocol act) and of an
the change. auditor (administrative act). ).
By request of the interested party. Delivery-Reception of Command of Weapons or Charges.

29. Situation of change of Body, Scale or Service in accordance with 41. Through the EMGA, a representative will be designated at the
the first section of article 67 of the LOAM and will be conditional delivery-reception of the Chief Superior Commands for the taking
on the existence of vacancies in the requesting membership. of protest (protocol act).
By proposal of the Naval Command. High Command.

30. Situation of change of Corps, Scale or Service that contemplates 42. In the delivery-reception of the Chief Superior Commands, he will
application of the academic exam, if the condition was contracted act as intervener for the purposes of the administrative act.
in acts of service, you will not lose seniority in your grade, if it was Inspector of the corresponding Command.
outside, you will lose it, the Naval Health echelon will propose
43. It will function for the taking of protest (protocol act) or will
which service you can change according to your condition.
designate someone for this purpose, upon receiving
By medical prescription.
communication from the High Command regarding the movement
of the head of a subordinate Unit Command or Establishment.
31. It has the power to communicate the appointments of commands
Senior Command in Chief.
and authorize the movements of operational and service
personnel of the Mexican Navy (Art. 8 Fracc. III. RISM). 44. It will serve for the purposes of the administrative act in the case of
Administrative Office. Superior and Subordinate Commands regarding the movement of
the head of a Unit Command or subordinate Establishment.
32. Personnel who may request a change of assignment, as long as
Immediate Superior Command Inspector.
the service is not harmed, there is a vacancy and reasons
justifying it (Art. 42.RGDN). 45. He will be responsible for ensuring that the administrative act is
From Sailor to Navy Lieutenant. carried out in accordance with the official standards established
for this purpose and will inform the Naval Command that
33. Exchange requests may be submitted only by these personnel,
designated him of the developments that have arisen during the
even when there is a difference of one grade between them.
aforementioned act.
Sea Scale Officers, Classes and Seamanship.
34. It is the act through which the Command promotes the military on 46. Once the delivery-reception of the Naval Weapons Command or
active duty to the next higher rank in the hierarchical order within Position has been carried out, it will inform the High Command,
the body or service established by the LOAM. by Faculty of the via radiogram, of the date and time in which said act was carried
Supreme Command and by Faculty of the High Command. out, rank, name of the person who intervened and news.
Promotion of Personnel. Command that appointed the Comptroller.
35. It has the power to promote Vice Admirals, Rear Admirals, Ship 47. He is designated by the corresponding Naval Command as
Captains and Frigate Captains, as well as other officers of the intervener for the delivery-reception as an administrative act of the
Mexican Navy. Naval Flotilla Commands.
Supreme Command. Command Inspector.

36. It has the power to promote officers and lieutenant captains 48. It is the document that shows all the personnel assigned to a Unit
following agreement with the Supreme Command, as established or Establishment and is used to know both the state of force with
in the Promotion Law and other applicable regulatory provisions, the rank and name, with the heads of the Naval Units and
as well as Classes and Seamanship. Dependencies being responsible for its timely formulation.
High Command. Nominal Relationship.

37. Has the power to promote Classes and Seamanship by agreement

of the High Command, as established in the Promotion Law of the
Mexican Navy and the regulations derived from it. Senior
Command in Chief.

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49. It is the separation from the Active Service of the AM, in 10. The lack of strict adherence to the procedures to carry out the
accordance with the provisions of articles 85 of the LOAM. and 24 maintenance of the different systems of the propulsion machinery,
of the ISSFAM Law, and can be given by: withdrawal or and the lack of order and cleanliness in the compartments
withdrawal. intended for thestorage of substances flammable and
Low. fuels.
Causes of fires on board.
50. By death, sentence enforceable by the Justice Body, being
fugitives from the justice of the Permanent Militia, missing 3 days 11. Knowing the combustible materials, locating them in their initial
consecutively and by resolution of a Disciplinary Body in the case phase, suppressing the fire, confining the necessary prevention
of personnel of the Auxiliary Militia. and personnel inspections, are some examples of:
Circumstances that motivate the Discharge. Safety measures to prevent fires.

51. For absence of more than 2 months verified by official parties, at 12. It represents the essential elements for combustion to occur; all
the request of the interested party that is considered appropriate, three sides of the triangle must be present for and fight fire, carry
personnel of the Auxiliary Militia due to inability to fulfill their a fuel to start burning. Fire triangle. out familiarization
obligations such as: being in criminal proceedings and suffering of the
from an illness contracted in acts unrelated to the service. 13. It is any substance or matter that can burn
Dismissed by agreement of the High Command. within a gas, said substance can be in a liquid, solid or gaseous
state, an example of this is gasoline, paper and acetylene. Fuel.
52. At the request of the interested party, misconduct determined by 14. It is the gaseous agent capable of allowing the development of
the CH, not being able to fulfill their military obligations, combustion, the main one is the oxygen that is present in the
termination of contract and their services not being necessary, atmosphere, the environment has 21% oxygen, with at least 16%
detecting facts of falsehood in their statements or personal of this being necessary to start a fire.
documentation and beneficiaries. Oxidant or oxidizing agent.
Dismissal by agreement of the Chief Superior Commands and
Higher Commands. 15. It is the temperature or degree of heat that a substance or material
must acquire for its ignition and consequently combustion to take
53. It will not be granted at the request of the interested party when place.
the country is in a state of emergency or due to service needs.
Circumstances to deny the Discharge.
16. It replaced the theory of the fire triangle, since it only told us the
elements necessary for the combustion reaction to begin.
NAVAL ESTABLISHMENTS . However, it was discovered that for said combustion to be
maintained and the flame to be produced, a fourth element is
1. This is the name given to any substance that has the ability to set
necessary, the chain reaction.
another on fire, facilitating combustion and preventing fire fighting:
Fire Tetrahedron.
Oxygen, Potassium Nitrate, Hydrogen Peroxide, etc., normally it is
air that contains approximately 21% oxygen. 17. From this theory arises the tetrahedron of fire, the reason for using
Oxidant. a tetrahedron and not a square is that each of its four elements is
directly adjacent and in connection with each of the other
2. It is any material that is susceptible to burning when mixed with an
oxidizer when subjected to a heat source. Chain reaction.
18. Combustible materials are found in nature in solid, liquid and
3. It is the rapid oxidation of combustible materials with a strong gaseous states; Solid and liquid combustible materials are
release of energy in the form of light and heat. converted to vapors or gases before combustion.
Fire. Physicochemical properties of fuels.
4. It is the fire that develops without control in time and space. Fire. 19. It is the minimum temperature at which a combustible or
flammable material begins to give off vapors without these being
5. Process in which one or more substances (reagents) are
sufficient to sustain combustion; it allows the fuel vapors to reach
transformed into other different substances (reaction products).
their upper and lower explosive limits.
Chemical reaction.
Flash point or temperature.
6. Process of rapid oxidation of a substance accompanied by an
20. It is the relationship between the weight of a solid or liquid
increase in heat and often light.
Combustion. substance with respect to water.
Specific weight.
7. They are those liquids that have a flash point below 38°C (100°F)
and a vapor pressure that does not exceed 40 psi at 38°C.
Flammable liquids.

8. They are those liquids with a flash point equal to or greater than 38
Combustible Liquids.

9. Avoiding the accumulation of garbage and waste, avoiding oil or

liquid spills, not storing flammable materials, and keeping
machinery and tools tidy and clean are some examples of:
Recommendations for fire prevention.

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21. It is the relationship between the weight of fuel vapor and the 36. These can generate sparks with enough energy to start
weight of air. combustion. These types of sparks are produced when hitting or
Specific Vapor Density. rubbing metals when striking tools are used. Friction or Impact.

22. Indicates the tendency of one gas or vapor to disperse into 37. Electrical circuits are exposed to the flow of current according to
another or mix with another gas or vapor. the gauge of the cable, which when overloaded tends to heat up
Degree of Diffusion. and its protective sheath can catch fire.
Electric current.
23. It is the tendency of a liquid to evaporate; liquids such as alcohol
38. It is generated by the flow of liquids and gases through pipes and
and gasoline, due to their known tendency to evaporate quickly,
equipment, it is accumulates and when
are called volatile liquids.
are landed produce
electrical discharges that generate sparks of up to 350 °C, which
24. They are the maximum and minimum limits of the concentration of is why all equipment must be grounded. Static electricity.
a fuel within an oxidizing medium, so that the flame, once started, 39. Colorless and odorless non-flammable gas that promotes and
continues to spread at the specified pressure and temperature. accelerates combustion; important element of the fire triangle
Flammability Limits. without which there is no combustion.
The Oxigen.
25. It is defined as the maximum concentration of gas or vapor (% by
volume in air) that ignites if an ignition source is present at room 40. At atmospheric pressure the atmosphere contains ___% nitrogen,
temperature. ___% oxygen and ___% other gases.
Upper Flammability Limit. 78%, 21% and 1%.

26. It is defined as the minimum concentration of flammable gas or 41. Fire that is produced with common solid combustible materials
vapor (% by volume in air) that ignites if an ignition source is such as wood, paper, textiles, rubbers and thermostable plastics,
present at room temperature. its main extinguishing agent is water.
Lower Flammability Limit. A class".

27. It refers to those mixture proportions of air with some combustible 42. Fire produced by the mixture of a gas such as butane or propane
substance between which inflammation can occur; For with air, as well as the vapors of flammable and/or combustible
combustion to occur, there must be a mixture of fuel vapor and air liquids, greases and thermoplastic plastics. Its extinguishing agent
in adequate proportions. is: foams, water clouds, halogenated agents, carbon dioxide and
Flammability Range. dry chemicals.
Class B".
28. It is the minimum temperature at which a combustible material
43. Fire that occurs in electrical installations, engines, etc.; require an
releases enough vapor to initiate and sustain combustion; it is the
extinguishing substance that is not electrically conductive; Its main
minimum temperature required for the vapor of a fuel to catch fire.
extinguishing agent is dry chemical powder, carbon dioxide and
Ignition Temperature.
vaporizing liquids.
29. It is the critical temperature at which solid bodies become liquids. Class “C”.
Melting point.
44. Fire that occurs in relative metals, that is, those that have a
30. It is the temperature at which the continuous flow of vapor bubbles relatively low melting temperature, such as Magnesium, Sodium,
of a liquid that is being heated in an open container occurs; That Potassium, Zirconium, Titanium. The most recommended
is, the temperature at which the vapor tension of a liquid is equal extinguishing agents are MET LX (sodium chloride) and LITH-X.
to the external pressure exerted on it. Class “D”.
Boiling point. 45. Fire that is produced with vegetable oils, fats, filth, etc. commonly
found in industrial kitchens; Its main extinguishing agent is wet
31. It is the transfer of energy from one part of a body to another, or
potassium, carbon dioxide and chemical powders.
between different bodies in virtue of a difference of
Class “K”.
temperature, it is energy in transit and always flows from an area
of higher temperature to an area of lower temperature.
46. Fuels that burn from the outside in, leaving carbonaceous residues
in the form of embers that only require 4% oxygen to continue
32. It is the property of a body that determines whether or not it is in burning. In these fuels, pyrolysis in a vertical position will be faster
thermal equilibrium. than in a horizontal position.
Solid Fuels.

33. It occurs in burners, boiler hearths and in torches of oxyfuel cutting

Open Flame.

34. They are generated in electrical panels, contacts, switches,

electric welding arcs and in loose wiring terminals.
Electric Sparks.

35. It is the chemical reaction, fast or slow, that materials undergo

independently of any external heat source. Spontaneous

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47. Fuels where the gas existing on the surface is what burns, do not effort to think.
have a specific shape and only require 16% of oxygen contained 17%.
in the air to burn.
Liquid fuels. 62. Concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere that causes
interruption of breathing, fainting, dizziness, increased heart rate
48. The gases contained in sealed containers go from liquid to and loss of muscle coordination. 12%.
gaseous when escaping into the environment, they burn in a
similar way to the gases found on the surface of liquid fuels, 63. Concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere that causes nausea,
however, they are much more dangerous since they expand vomiting and paralysis.
quickly and widely. 10 - 12%.
Gaseous fuels.
64. Oxygen concentration in the atmosphere where the Collapse
49. It occurs when a fuel undergoes changes from a solid or liquid occurs.
state to a gaseous state due to heating or due to its specific 6 - 8%.
properties. In solid fuels this change of state occurs through
pyrolysis. 65. Oxygen concentration in the atmosphere where death occurs in 6
Combustion Process. to 8 minutes.
Less than 6%.
50. These are that the fuel is in the form of a gas and that a mixture of
the fuel gases with an oxidant (air - oxygen) is produced. 66. The gas responsible for most deaths in fires, producing poisoning,
Conditions for Combustion to exist. is more toxic than any other product of combustion, is colorless,
odorless and tasteless and is present in all types of fire.
51. They are smoke, flame, heat and gases. Carbon Monoxide (CO).
Products of Combustion.
67. Gas that is released from organic fuels in ventilated environments
52. It is composed of solid and liquid particles suspended in the is asphyxiating; fireproof, odorless and colorless, fire that occurs
environment, whose size ranges between 0.005 and 0.01 outdoors in general has higher concentrations of this gas.
millimeters; It has irritating effects on the mucous membranes that Carbon Dioxide (CO 2 ).
cause tearing of the eyes and difficulty in vision.
Smoke. 68. It is the result of the combustion of substances that contain
nitrogen: nylon, plastics and natural fibers, rubber, paper, etc.; It is
53. It is defined as the incandescent gas whose temperature varies a colorless gas with a weak odor similar to that of bitter almonds.
depending on factors such as the type of fuel and the The symptoms when inhaled are interference with respiration at
concentration of the oxidizer. the level of cells and tissues.
Calls. Hydrogen Cyanide (CHN).

54. It is a form of energy whose intensity is very difficult to measure 69. Better known as Phosgene, it is produced by the contact of flames
directly. on chlorinated materials such as PVC, electrical installation cables
Heat. and refrigerant materials. It is a very toxic, colorless, tasteless gas
with a smell similar to wet hay.
55. They are part of all combustion, their quantity depends on the Carbonyl Chloride (COCL 2 ).
materials, they can be toxic and cause physical disability, loss of
70. Product of the incomplete combustion of organic materials with
coordination, disorientation, poisoning and death, they constitute
sulfur, such as rubber, tires and wool, it is found in sewers and
80% of the victims of a fire, they are divided into asphyxiating,
organic waste treatment plants; It is a colorless gas with a strong
irritating and toxic .
odor similar to decomposing eggs.
Hydrogen Sulfide (SH 2 ).
56. Body temperature resulting from the heat of a fire where there is a 71. It is produced by the complete oxidation of organic materials with
danger of fainting, fainting or thermal shock. sulfur, it is immediately noticeable as it irritates the eyes and the
38º C. respiratory system; It is a colorless gas that when combined with
the humidity of the respiratory tract becomes corrosive.
57. Body temperature resulting from the heat of a fire where there is Sulfur Anhydride (SO 2 ).
loss of balance and thermal equilibrium.
43º C. 72. It is released when fuels containing nitrogen such as: wool, silk,
and some polymers; in
58. Body temperature resulting from the heat of a fire where there is 3 High concentrations irritate the throat, inflame the lungs, damage
to 5 hours of life tolerance. the respiratory tract and eyes, and can cause pulmonary edema
49º C. or death.
Ammonia (NH 3 ).
59. Body temperature resulting from the heat of a fire where there is a
life tolerance time of less than 4 hours, hyperthermia and
peripheral vascular collapse.
54º C.

60. Oxygen concentration in the atmosphere considered a normal

level, there is an absence of effects on the human organism. 21%.

61. Oxygen concentration in the atmosphere with low respiratory

volume causes decreased muscle coordination and considerable

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73. It appears in the combustion of cellulose nitrate, ammonium nitrate Extinguisher.

and when nitric acid comes into contact with other materials such
as wood and some metals, reddish brown and highly toxic. 86. It is the material contained inside the fire extinguisher.
Nitrogen Dioxide (NO 2 ). Extinguisher.

74. It is produced with the combustion of petroleum products such as 87. It is the extinguishing agent most commonly used to extinguish
lubricating oils, greases, and asphalt. It can appear in fires of fires and is used in its dry state as a propellant for other dry
common materials such as wood and paper. It is highly toxic and powder, water and foam extinguishing agents.
deadly. Carbon Dioxide (CO 2) .
Acrolein (C 3 H 4 O).

75. Fire extinguishing method that is based on the removal of heat to 88. It is sometimes used to replace dry CO 2 as a propellant for
prevent further combustion. An agent that absorbs a large amount powder, water, foam and halon extinguishers.
of heat and cools very efficiently is water, which when properly
applied is very useful. Cooling.
89. Agent only used to pressurize water extinguishers. Air.
76. Fire extinguishing method that is used when the percentage of
oxygen contained in the atmosphere where the fire develops is 90. They are steel cylinders designed to support and contain CO 2 at
eliminated or considerably reduced, it will go out; it is also high pressure and discharge it through flexible pipes and hoses
achieved by throwing earth or sand. when the discharge valve is opened. Some are portable with small
suffocation hoses and plastic proportioners that are used to spray the CO 2 .
Carbon Dioxide or CO 2 Extinguishers.
77. Fire extinguishing method that consists of removing fuel from a
fire, which is not always feasible, since sometimes it is a difficult, 91. Dry powders achieve extinction by breaking the chain reaction of
time-consuming and dangerous task, but in other cases it is as the burning fuel, they are mainly used to extinguish flammable
simple as closing a valve. liquid fires. Because they are not electrically conductive, they can
Fuel Disposal. also be used against fires where live electrical equipment is
involved. Dry Chemical Powder Extinguishers or PQS.
78. Fire extinguishing method that consists of interrupting the
transmission of heat from one fuel particle to another by
92. Normal review period for fire extinguishers. monthly.
interposing catalyst elements between them. Interruption of the
Chain Reaction.
93. Distance to the fire at which it must be placed when using PQS
79. In this phase of the fire, the air contains a large amount of oxygen extinguishers directing the nozzle at the base of the fire.
and the fire is producing Water Vapor (H 2 O), Carbon Dioxide 5 - 7 m.
(CO 2 ), Carbon Monoxide (CO), small amounts of Sulfur Dioxide.
(SO 2 ) as well as other gases. 94. Distance to the fire at which it should be placed when using CO 2

Incipient phase. extinguishers, directing the nozzle at the base of the fire.
3 - 5m.
80. In this phase of the fire, oxygen-rich air is pushed toward the flame
and as the hot gases expand laterally from the ceiling to the deck, 3.- DAM 1.10.- TRAINING OF THE AM
forcing the colder air toward the bottom of the compartment,
facilitating the ignition of combustible materials. 1. Considers the preparation and evaluation of personnel, demands
Free phase. professionalism, responsibility, dedication and effort in order to
train and prepare personnel, to achieve the knowledge and
81. It is the third phase of a fire in which the flame ceases to exist if instruction necessary to efficiently and effectively fulfill the
the compartment is closed, from this moment on the combustion missions.
is reduced to incandescent embers. latent phase. Training.

82. It occurs between two bodies by contact between them or, in the 2. Training level that will be given to new personnel, they will be
case of a single body, within itself; Although it occurs in liquid and provided with basic knowledge of naval doctrine, they will develop
gaseous materials, it is in solids where it is most clearly seen. skills by instilling in them values that allow their adaptation to
Driving. military life.
Level l.- Basic Individual.
83. It is the predominant heat transfer mechanism that produces the
horizontal spread of fires. Wave movements (electromagnetic
waves) propagate in all directions.

84. It is the heat transfer that is produced by the mixture of a liquid

fluid or gas, with another of lower temperature, there must be fluid
movement, it does not occur in solids.

85. It is a device composed of a cylindrical metal container that

contains the extinguishing agent, which can be: dry chemical
powder, liquid or gas, which is expelled under pressure in order to
extinguish or suppress the fire.

PFAM – 2 0 2 2. By: AEGV

3. Level of Training that is carried out in order to prepare and 9. Style of War that seeks victory by causing the enemy the loss of
train the element to perform tasks with a specific function within the personnel and material until he surrenders and psychological
institution, depending on its hierarchy, body, service and specialty. destruction through the destruction of his entire arsenal until he
Level ll. - Individual Specialized. has no means to continue his campaign.
War of Attrition.
4. Training level that aims to ensure that all component parts are
integrated as a single unit, under collective work, will depend on 10. War style that seeks to attack the enemy system to
discipline, cohesion, teamwork and esprit de corps. systematically incapacitate it; That is, some enemy components
Level III. - Basic Unit. may remain intact, but they will not be able to function as part of a
cohesive whole.
5. Level of Training that will be carried out between Units of a Naval Maneuver War.
Force or Command which will include ships, aircraft, battalions or
11. Type of War that uses the regular forces of a country; that
special forces teams and operate as a Task Group.
is, to the regular units of its land, air and naval armed forces.
Level IV.- Advanced Unit.
Regular War.
6. Level of Training that is carried out when different Units (Ships, 12. Type of War that uses the use of guerrillas in support of the
aircraft, battalions or special forces teams) are integrated as a operations of regular forces, when they are dispersed due to the
Task Force to act together with the Army, Air Force and superiority of the adversary.
multinational exercises. Level V.- Group tactician . Irregular War.
4.- DAM 1.3.- NAVAL OPERATIONS. 13. Level of conduct of war, which is the highest level, its
activities focus directly on the objectives of the nation's policy,
1. How does Mexico conceive a state of war? exercised by the President of the Republic.
A condition of armed confrontation between two countries. Strategic Level .

14. Level of war conduct that is the link between the Strategic
2. Given the possibility of a threat occurring, it is essential to have
and Tactical Level, some define it as “The Art and Science of
these types of plans, updated, feasible and applicable. Defense
winning campaigns”, it is applied by the Theater of Operations
Commands in times of war, and in times of war. Peace is
3. Its main mission is the maritime defense of the national territory and exercised by the Commanders of Forces and Regions.
preservation of sovereignty in the national seas. Operational Level.
Navy of mexico. 15. Level of conducting war that is the lowest level, some define
it as “The Art and Science of winning combats or confrontations
4. In a war situation, its obligation is to prepare to guarantee free
and battles” and is understood as the concepts and methods to
transit through the Mexican seas and combat the enemy in this
achieve a mission.
environment, as well as on Mexican coasts and islands; and when
Tactical Level.
required, support with its means the actions of the Mexican Army
and Air Force in the continental territory. Navy of mexico. 16. It focuses all elements of national power to achieve the
nation's political objectives.
5. Military territorial division in time of war that covers all political, civil
National Strategy.
and commercial activities that contribute to the war effort inside
and outside the country. Federal powers will continue to operate in 17. It is subordinated to the National Strategy, applying military
this area and it remains under the direct command of the force to achieve the political objectives of the nation. Military
President of the Republic. Strategy.
Interior Zone (ZI).
18. Principle of War where every successful military operation
6. Military territorial division in time of war that covers all military, naval and air must be directed towards an achievable, decisive and defined
operations. objective. The ultimate goal of war is to defeat enemy forces and
Zone of Operations (ZO). their will to fight.
Unity of Objective and Continuity in Action.
7. Military territorial division in time of war that is the limit between the
two large zones into which Mexico is divided. Demarcation Line 19. Principle of War, which is the decisive form of combat and is
(LD). necessary to capture, retain and exploit initiative and freedom of
action, allows the commander to exploit enemy vulnerabilities,
8. Military territorial division in time of war that, in turn, is divided into impose his will and determine the course of battle. Offensive
as many Theaters of Operations as necessary, for the Mexican Action.
Navy it is considered: Gulf of Mexico Theater and the Pacific
Ocean Theater. Zone of Operations (ZO). 20. Principle of War that means concentrating the effects of
combat power in the decisive place and moment to obtain
decisive results, includes combat fires and support services,
requires a strict decision to economize and use what each
objective requires, avoiding excesses .
Concentration and Economy of Force.

PFAM – 2 0 2 2. By: AEGV

21. Principle of War that is applied to place the enemy in a such as morale and determination.
disadvantageous position through the flexible application of Gravity center.
combat power, involves the movement of forces to achieve a
position of advantage with respect to the enemy. 33. They are those that allow the destruction of a capability without
Maneuver. which the enemy will not be able to function effectively, they
provide a point of aim for the application of one's own strengths.
22. Principle of War, which are all those measures to avoid surprise, Critical Vulnerabilities.
ensure freedom of action and deny the enemy information about
our forces, capabilities and plans, is essential to preserve combat 34. It is the control exercised by a command of all the
power. operational/tactical units in its area of responsibility for the
Security. development of operations, in time of war it is exercised by the
Commanders of the Theater of Operations.
23. Principle of War that applies to plans and orders, they must be as Operational control.
simple and direct as the situation dictates, reducing the risk of
misunderstanding and confusion. 35. It is the command authority over the assigned commands or
Simplicity. forces, for the direction and control of movements and maneuvers
to achieve a task or mission.
24. Principle of War that ensures unity of effort for each objective, Tactical Control.
through the designation of a single commander responsible for
directing and coordinating the efforts of all forces. 36. It is the control exercised by a command for administrative and
Command Unit. logistical purposes.
Administrative control.
25. Principle of War that consists of articulating, in time and space, all
the particular actions of the executing agencies that make up the 37. They are those in which, without direct subordination, one
action of the whole, it is the responsibility of the commanders and command supports another command with its forces. This is
is achieved by informing each element what they should know common in cases where two or more managers of the same level
about the situation. are involved in the same operation.
Coordination and Cooperation. Command Relations.

26. Principle of War which means foreseeing the means to adapt to 38. Provides what type of support is required, when and where,
new situations, foreseeing situations and anticipating maintaining mission control.
uncertainties. The commander must be prepared to modify his Supported command.
plan and redirect his effort.
Flexibility. 39. Provides its means to another command, as long as it has been
ordered or authorized by the Higher Echelon of both, the type of
27. Principle of War, which is to attack the enemy in the place, support can be: general, direct, mutual or close.
moment or in the way in which the enemy least expects it and is Command in support.
not prepared for it, the influencing factors are speed, use of
unexpected forces, intelligence, night and time. deception. 40. It is the means by which the commander realizes what needs to be
Surprise. done, and checks that the appropriate actions are being taken.
Command and Control (C2).
28. Who is responsible for military decisions of a national nature.
Republic President. 41. It is the authority that a commander exercises by law over his
subordinates, whether by rank or position. It involves the authority
29. He is in charge of advising on defense issues, the purpose of and responsibility for the effective use of the media.
which is to provide the President of the Republic with balanced, The Command.
coordinated and constant information on military affairs, taking
into account the political, economic and military considerations of 42. It can be centralized or decentralized. The ability to command and
the moment. control an organization improves when the commander
Security cabinet. decentralizes decision-making authority as much as the situation
30. Through the Chief of the General Staff, prepares the plans of the The control.
AM and the Senior Commanders in Chief prepare the operations
plans that will support the basic plan or the emergency plans as 43. It consists of organizing its components by assigning a specific
appropriate. role to each one, it is achieved by assigning forces into: main
Secretary of the Navy. effort, support efforts and reserves.
Distribution of forces.
31. It is described as the commander's personal expression of the
purpose of the operation, it must be clear, concise and easy to
Command Intent.

32. They are those characteristics, capabilities or locations from which

a military force derives its freedom of action, its psychological
strength or its will to fight, it may be an intangible characteristic

PFAM – 2 0 2 2. By: AEGV

44. It is the synchronized or simultaneous application of several and the Navy.

weapons: Infantry, Armor, Artillery, Fixed Wing and Mobile Wing
Aviation, Naval Fire Support, Anti-Aircraft Defense and Combat 57. It is a warship that constitutes the basic naval unit of a Ship
Engineers to achieve a much greater effect on the enemy than Squadron, it has the distinctive features that distinguish it as a
what would be achieved if each weapon will be used in sequence member of the Mexican Navy, and whose functions will be
against the enemy. according to its type.
Combined Arms. Vessel.

58. Administrative or tactical organization consisting of 2 or more

45. It is that activity or operation that is vital to achieving the general
vessels that have the same characteristics or perform the same
objective of the force. The EP has priority for fire and logistics
functions. It constitutes a maneuver or support element that is part
of a Flotilla.
The Main Effort (PE).
Ship Squadron.
46. They are all those activities or operations that contribute to 59. Naval unit that is part of a Fleet, which is made up of 2 or more
achieving the objective of the main effort. Ship Squadrons of the same type.
Support Efforts (EA). Flotilla.
47. It is the ace up the commander's sleeve. It is that part of the force 60. Large elemental naval unit that is a member of a Naval Force,
that is deliberately left so that at a certain moment it supports the which is made up of 2 or more Ship Flotillas, as well as naval
EP or one of the EA's, being used in the decisive place and aviation units and Marine Infantry troops that are necessary to
moment. fulfill its mission.
The reserve. Fleet.
48. It corresponds to the President of the Republic and has the 61. Large superior naval unit of the Mexican Navy, which is made up
responsibility of leading the Nation's war effort and has the power of 2 or more Fleets or a combination of these with other large
to order and create a Joint Chiefs of Staff that centralizes the elementary aero-naval and Marine Infantry units (Air-Naval Wing
Nation's military strategic planning. and IM Division).
The Supreme Command. Naval Force.
49. It corresponds to the Secretary of the Navy under the command of 62. In the Marine Corps, it is defined as the minimum administrative
the President of the Republic and may be appointed to direct the unit and the basic combat or service element, it is made up of 2 or
Joint Chiefs of Staff or as Deputy Chief, delegating the function to more sections, under the same command.
the Undersecretary of the Navy. Company / Battery.
The High Command.
63. It is defined as the set of pieces arranged to operate together, they
50. It may be created when ordered by the Supreme Command and are made up of 4 or 6 pieces of artillery.
will be the Coordinating Body of military actions at the strategic Artillery Batteries.
level. It will be integrated with the General Staff of the Army, Navy
and Air Force. 64. It is considered the fundamental unit of the battlefield and is
The Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Nation. defined as the basic tactical maneuver or support unit of a Marine
Infantry Brigade.
51. It will be part of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and will be directed by the Battalion.
JEMGA, it will act under the orders of the President of the
Republic, through the Chief of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and will be 65. It is a small regimental-type unit at the “Divisional Brigade” level
the conduit to deliver orders to the Naval Commands. composed of 2 or more Marine Infantry Battalions under the same
The General Staff of the Mexican Navy. Headquarters (Command and Command Group).
IM Brigade (BRIGIM).
52. They will be activated according to strategic needs, the President
will designate the area that includes each Theater of Operations 66. It is a large elemental unit of the Independent Brigade type that
and its Commander, they are responsible for conducting the groups together under the same Headquarters (Command and
Operational Level of the War. General Staff) a nucleus of 2 to 4 Marine Infantry Battalions.
The Theater of Operations Commands. IM Amphibious Brigade (BRIGAIM).

67. It is the large elemental unit that groups together under the same
53. It is the organization of the operational units of the Mexican Navy.
Headquarters (Command and General Staff) a nucleus of 2 or
Small units, large elementary units and large superior units.
more Marine Infantry Brigades (BRIGIM's).
54. They are considered Small Units within the Organization of
Operational Units of the Mexican Navy. 68. It is the large superior unit composed of 2 or more large
Flotillas, Divisional IM Brigades, Air-Naval Groups and all those elementary units (Divisions or Amphibious Brigades of IM) plus
units lower than these. reserves of the National Military Service (SMN), it is constituted to
materialize the land and amphibious effort of the Mexican Navy at
55. They are considered Large Elemental Units within the the national level.
Organization of Operational Units of the Mexican Navy. Marine Corps.
Fleets, the Naval Air Wings, the Amphibious Brigades and the
Marine Infantry Divisions.

56. They are considered Large Superior Units within the Organization
of Operational Units of the Mexican Navy.
The Naval Forces, the Marine Corps, the Naval Aviation Corps

PFAM – 2 0 2 2. By: AEGV

69. It is any vehicle that can stay in the air with or Outside area.
without engines (gliding).
Aircraft. 83. It is the geographical area where a campaign is
carried out. The geographical characteristics of
70. Air unit composed of 2 or more aircraft. said area determine the preponderance of
Air squadron. operations, whether naval, land or air or a
combination of them.
71. Subdivision air unit of an Air Group. It is the basic
Theater of Operations.
administrative air unit that integrates a command,
command group and three or four squadrons 84. The last time Mexico participated in operations of
made up of 2, 3 or 4 aircraft. Squadron. this type was during the 2nd. GM, where FAM
72. Subdivision air unit of an Air Wing, made up of 2 or Squadron 201 He fought in the Pacific Theater
more Squadrons under a single command, for alongside the American Forces. Today the
administrative and tactical control of operations. Nation's policy does not allow it. Combined
Cluster. operations.

73. Large air elemental unit consisting of 2 or more

Groups under a single command.
To the. 85. It is achieved by destroying or neutralizing enemy
ships, submarines, aircraft or mines, disabling the
74. It is the large superior unit composed of 2 or more enemy CC2 System, destroying its support
Wings. Naval Aviation Corps. structure, capturing islands or choke points and
conducting barrier operations that prevent enemy
75. It is the temporary organization that the Mexican mobility.
Navy uses to carry out combat operations. The Control of the Sea.
size and integration will depend on the mission to
be fulfilled, and can be small to a higher level. 86. It is achieved through an offensive and maritime
The Task Force (FT). transport capacity that allows the concentration of
combat and logistical power (Naval, Air and Land)
76. It is the Command and Control Element of the FT, in the decisive place and moment.
where the Commander of the Task Force resides, The Projection of Force.
assisted by his General Staff in his triple task of
conceiving, preparing and conducting the 87. They are carried out with the purpose of protecting
operations of the Force. the lines of communication, denying the enemy the
THE Command and General Staff of the FT. military and commercial use of the sea, protecting
logistical support to the battle forces deployed on
77. It is the Maritime Combat Component whose task the front and establishing an Objective Area (AO).
is to carry out all those missions that have the sea Maritime war operations.
as a battlefield.
THE Surface Task Group. 88. It integrates with surface units, provides the FT
commander with CC2, intelligence, Maneuver,
78. It is the Ground Combat Component whose main Firepower and Security capabilities, and is the only
task is the capture, neutralization or destruction of element of the AM capable of exercising effective
all those objectives that have a battlefield on land. control of the sea.
THE Ground Task Group. The Surface Task Group (GTS).

79. It is the Air Combat Component of the FT whose 89. They comprise the evolutions that take place in the
main task is to support the other Task Groups with transition from a cruising formation (or cruising
its air resources. THE Air Task Group. arrangement) to an intermediate phase called
"approach", and then towards and during the battle
80. This unit can be designated separately as a Task itself.
Group or as a GTT Task Unit whose main task is Battle maneuvers.
to carry out those operations that, due to certain
90. They are those naval operations whose purpose is
peculiarities, have a special character.
to carry out search, patrol, tracking or
Special Operations Component.
reconnaissance. Exploration operations.
81. The military strategy of the Nation will be directed
91. They are those operations aimed at countering
from this area where the Supreme Command and
enemy submarines, they are classified as either
its High Command will coordinate all the means at
offensive or protective.
the disposal of the nation, here the AM will carry
Anti-submarine operations.
out jointly with the Army and the Air Force, all
those planning and logistics. 92. It consists of a systematic survey of a sea area, in
Interior Zone. which it is suspected or known that the enemy
planted mines through localization (mines in an
82. It is where the war effort materializes where the area), identification (kind of mines) and Operation
battles take place. Due to the vastness of the (mine elimination).
national territory, the war effort is not considered Mine sweeping operations.
on a single front but on all those that the war

STUDY GUIDE 93. They are
⁃ SPECIFIC those surface operations that have the
M AKIN A purpose of protecting FROM:
a force or denying
PFAM – 2 0 2 2. enemy the use of the sea. Defensive maritime

94. They are tactical maneuvers of warships and

aircraft used to escort a convoy and that are
responsible for its protection.
Escort operations and convoy defense.



95. They are peripheral arrangements of units whose function is to 107. It is an offensive operation characterized by a coordinated
protect a main body, they can be used to provide a defense movement, supported by fire, conducted to defeat, destroy,
system around a compact formation or lines of defense against neutralize or capture the enemy, or to capture or secure terrain.
attack. Stroke.
Curtain or Barrier Operations.
108. It is an offensive operation that usually follows a successful attack
96. They are operations defined as the strategic and tactical use of and is designed to deeply disorganize the enemy.
the sea, which includes the preparation, planning and planting of Exploitation.
naval mines by aircraft (offensive), submarines (offensive-
defensive) and ships (defensive). 109. It is an offensive operation designed to capture or stop a hostile
Mining Operations. force trying to escape, with the purpose of destroying or capturing
97. They are used in prolonged operations when they need to Persecution.
resupply a force at sea in a designated area. Logistical
replenishment operations at sea. 110. It is the movement made to place forces in an advantageous
98. They are the set of strategic, tactical and technical military actions position with respect to the enemy, approach and defeat him, it is
aimed at determining, taking advantage of, preventing or divided into 6 forms: the frontal attack, the flank attack, the
hindering the use of electromagnetic energy by the enemy. penetration, the single and double envelopment, the detour
Electronic warfare operations. movement and the infiltration.
Offensive maneuver.
99. They include all actions aimed at determining the existence and
location of enemy equipment that radiates electromagnetic energy 111. It is organized into three large areas: deep, close and rear.
and thereby judging and estimating the disposition and threat Organization of the offensive battle space.
Measures to Support Electronic Warfare (MAGE). 112. Four types of forces normally act in these operations: Security
forces, main body, reserve and support forces.
100. It is the division of the GE that brings together all actions aimed at Organization of the offensive force.
preventing or making it difficult for the enemy to effectively use
electromagnetic waves. 113. They are conducted within the “Single Battle Concept”. The Air-
Electronic Countermeasures (CME). Ground Task Force (FTAT) conducts these operations in
combination with offensive operations to counter an enemy attack
101. It includes actions whose purpose is to control and guarantee to and defeat the attacker, its characteristics are: preparation,
one's own forces the effective use of this type of energy, despite security, fracture, concentration and mass, flexibility, maneuver
the enemy's use of GE. and operations in depth.
Counter-Electronic Countermeasures (CCME). Defensive ground operations.

102. It is the AM force whose function is to conduct all those operations 114. Can be carried out at any unit level, a commander can sectorize
that have the land battle space, they can integrate the land his Tactical Area of Responsibility (ATR) and assign said sectors
component of an Amphibious or Air-Land Task Force. to his subordinate units. Area Defense (Position Defense).
The Marine Corps.
115. This technique is normally used by company level units and
103. It is made up of IM units, it can provide the FT Commander with above.
CC2, Intelligence, Maneuver, Firepower and Security Capabilities. Sector defense.
It is the only element of the FT capable of retaining land such as
islands, beaches, ports, etc. The Ground Task Group (GTT). 116. This technique is normally used in section and company level
104. It is made up of three basic elements: The Command and General Defense in battle position.
Staff (MEM), the Ground Task Group (GTT) and the Aeronaval
Task Group (GTA), it is capable of carrying out inland operations, 117. It is a type of defense that can only be carried out by units of
in support of Army operations. or on its own for a limited time. Division size and larger since it requires the use of a large mobile
The Air-Ground Task Force (FTAT). reserve (air troops or heliborne troops).
Mobile defense.
105. Its purpose is to destroy the enemy and his desire to fight, it is
carried out to gain, maintain and exploit the initiative and is the
only means of gaining a decision over the enemy, accompanied
by fire, maneuver and shock action.
Offensive Ground Operations.

106. It is a type of offensive operation conducted to develop the

situation and establish or reestablish contact with the enemy, it
helps the commander understand the battle space, forces are
organized in such a way as to provide flexibility and rapid
exploitation of contact gained.
Movement on contact.

PFAM – 2 0 2 2. PFAM – 2 0 2 2. By: AEGV

118. It is the organization of the defensive battle space. 131. It is the AM Force whose function is to conduct all air
The Security Area, Main Battle Area and Rear Area. operations in support of surface and ground units
and provide exceptional mobility and close fire.
119. They are considered defensive operations, it is a Naval Aviation.
movement towards the rear or away from the enemy,
it can be a planned movement or forced by enemy 132. It is used to destroy or reduce the enemy's air,
action. surface, submarine or land threats, as well as
Retrograde operations. suppress their maritime trade. Additionally, they are
used to gain and maintain air superiority in maritime
120. It is a type of planned retrograde operation in which environments in order to protect vital areas of the
a force in combat breaks contact with the enemy, the sea.
intention is to put distance between its force and the Naval Aviation.
enemy as soon as possible and without the enemy 133. It is made up of fixed wing and mobile wing units,
knowing, it can be with or without enemy pressure. can provide the FT Commander with CC2,
The retreat. Intelligence, Maneuver and Firepower capabilities
and is the only element of the FT capable of
121. It is an operation in which a force that is not in conducting operations in both a maritime and land
contact moves away from the enemy, it is protected environment, with its corresponding airspace.
by another unit between it and the enemy, however, The Air Task Group (GTA).
the unit must also establish its security.
Retirement. 134. This air support is classified as Deep, Close,
Transport, Anti-submarine and Electronic Attack.
122. It is a retrograde operation in which a force under Offensive Air Support (AAO).
pressure gives up space to gain time, decreasing the
momentum of the enemy attack and inflicting 135. It is an aerial action against enemy targets located at
maximum damage without committing decisively. such a distance from friendly forces that it does not
The Retardant Action. require detailed integration of each mission into
friendly fire and movement.
123. It is an operation in which a force moves forward or Deep Air Support (AAP).
rearward through the fighting positions of another 136. It is an aerial action carried out by fixed or mobile
force, with the intention of entering or leaving contact wing aircraft against hostile targets that are in the
with the enemy. proximity of friendly forces, which requires close
Passage of lines. coordination of each mission with the movement of
friendly forces, in order to guarantee its effectiveness
124. It is a point or line on the ground where responsibility and avoiding fratricide. Close Air Support (CAC).
changes from a stationary force to a mobile force or
vice versa. 137. Provides mobility and logistical support to combat
Battle transfer. units. Air Transport Support (AAT).

125. It is an operation in which, by order of a Higher 138. These operations destroy, neutralize or delay enemy
Echelon, all or part of a unit is replaced in an area by military potential before it can achieve its objectives
another arriving unit. against friendly forces.
Relays in position. Air Interdiction.

126. Operations that are normally carried out through 139. These operations are aimed at searching for and
breaching operations and river crossing operations. attacking targets of opportunity in certain areas; they
Obstacle crossing. are carried out in response to targets that are not
known or informed in advance. Armed
127. It is a tactical operation where any of the available Reconnaissance.
means are employed to break through enemy
defenses, obstacles, minefields or fortifications. 140. It is that operation whose requests or missions are
Breach. planned in advance to be executed according to a
plan, they can be scheduled or upon request.
128. It is required before ground combat power can be Pre-planned Close Air Support.
projected and sustained through a water obstacle.
River crossing operation. 141. They are those that are executed according to a
request on targets of opportunity; that is, unplanned
129. It is one carried out to gain freedom of movement or and will be provided based on aircraft availability.
contact with friendly units. Immediate Close Air Support.
Breaking the fence. 142. It provides mobility through mobile wing units to
heliborne forces, and through fixed wing units to
130. It is the sending of a fraction or detachment that a parachute units, it is used to efficiently deploy forces,
larger unit sends to carry out a reconnaissance or avoid obstacles and to carry out rapid
combat mission. Reconnaissance missions are redeployments.
oriented toward obtaining information, while combat Combat transport air support.
missions are oriented toward preventing an enemy
attack. 143. It is the transportation of equipment and supplies to
Patrol Operations. advanced bases or remote areas. When the area
does not allow landing, delivery can be carried out by

helicopter or parachute drops.
Air delivery of supplies.

PFAM – 2 0 2 2. By: AEGV

144. These operations allow increasing the range and autonomy of air hydrographic reconnaissance prior to landing, direct action
missions through the use of tank aircraft. Air refueling. missions, combat search and rescue, as well as the ability to
degrade enemy lines of communication. .
145. These types of operations are carried out in coordination with a Special operations.
ground force, providing mutual support, they are different from a
search and rescue operation, since these are carried out in a 157. It is a military operation launched from the sea by an Amphibious
hostile environment. Task Force, from ships or boats, with the main purpose of
Tactical recovery operations for aircraft and personnel (ORTAP). introducing a Landing Force (FD), across the coast, to fulfill a
specific mission. Amphibious operation.
146. It is the transportation of personnel and equipment from remote 158. It conducts amphibious operations, involving land, air and sea
areas or advanced bases. These operations include force forces, carried out through five phases: Planning, Embarkation,
extractions, medical evacuations and non-combatant evacuations. Rehearsal, Movement to the Objective Area and Amphibious
Air evacuation. Action (assault).
Amphibious Task Force (FTA).
147. They are those that the air units carry out in support of the surface
units. These are classified into Close Air Support and Distant Air 159. This is distinguished from other types of amphibious operations in
Support. the implication of the establishment of a Landing Force (FD) on a
Anti-submarine warfare (GAS) operations. hostile coastline.
The amphibious assault.
148. It is the action against enemy surface forces that seek to achieve
either control of the sea or the denial of it to the adversary. 160. It is the withdrawal of forces by sea, by ships or naval vessels,
Anti-surface warfare operations. from a hostile coastline.
The amphibious retreat.
149. They are active and passive operations to defend the airspace
161. It is an operation carried out with the purpose of deceiving the
from the enemy and protect friendly forces, material and
enemy through a show of force, in the hope that he will decide on
infrastructure from attacks from enemy aircraft and missiles. Air
a course of action that is unfavorable to him.
interception operations.
Amphibious demonstration.
150. They are air operations whose purpose is to provide security 162. They are operations launched from the sea, on a hostile coast,
during flight to other types of aircraft whose defense capacity that involve rapid action on an objective or its occupation for a
it is limited; also supports the short time, followed by a planned withdrawal.
preparation and coverage of a Landing Zone (ZA) and in providing Amphibious raids.
Close Air Support Fire (FAAC).
Flight escort operations. 163. It is the temporary organization through which the AM conducts
amphibious operations, it is integrated with a Surface Force (FS),
151. They are operations that constitute direct defensive actions a Landing Force (FD) and a Naval Aviation Force (FAN).
carried out to neutralize or reduce the effectiveness of hostile air Amphibious Task Force (FTA).
action, including the use of aircraft, anti-aircraft weapons,
164. It consists of battle, transport and logistics ships, as well as other
electronic warfare and weapons not used primarily for anti-aircraft
types necessary for the conduct of amphibious operations.
Surface Force (FS).
Air defense operations.
165. It is defined as an organization of Marine Corps or Army troops,
152. They are those operations whose purpose is to carry out search, for the conduct of amphibious operations. Landing Force (FD).
patrol, tracking or reconnaissance.
Aerial exploration operations. 166. It is defined as a temporary organization of fixed-wing and mobile-
wing aircraft, as well as air defense units, for the conduct of air
153. These are those air operations aimed at responding in a timely operations, in support of the FS and FD.
manner to calls for help from own or friendly personnel to Naval Aviation Force (FAN).
safeguard their integrity.
Rescue Operations. 167. They are those operations conducted by military or paramilitary
units specially organized, trained and equipped to achieve
154. They are the set of actions aimed at determining, taking success in military, political or economic objectives by
advantage, prevent or hinder the employment of energy unconventional military means, in hostile, denied or politically
electromagnetic by the enemy, as well as those intended to sensitive areas.
ensure and achieve maximum effectiveness in the use of this Special war operations.
energy by one's own forces.
Anti-aircraft electronic warfare operations.

155. It is used to integrate the functions of anti-air warfare, offensive air

support, transportation support, electronic warfare and air
exploration, providing the commander with the means to exercise
Command and Control authority over air assets. Control of aircraft
and missiles.

156. They contribute to sea control and power projection, with the
ability to operate clandestinely, carrying out forward operations,

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168. They are short-duration attacks and other offensive actions carried of a continuous nature.
out to destroy, capture, recover or inflict damage on designated Fleet.
personnel or material.
Direct action. 5. An organized set of military, human and technological means that
are trained to operate offensively and defensively, it is the first line
169. They are special war operations that are carried out through of defense in the event of a conflict.
ambushes, raids and direct assaults. Naval Force.
Combat patrols.
6. It is the distribution of ships of the same type in flotillas,
170. They are special warfare operations that include terminal guidance squadrons, divisions and subdivisions.
operations of air, naval and ground weapons systems, including Type Organization (Administrative).
those guided by laser.
Far away attacks. 7. Administrative or tactical organization consisting of 2 or more ship
171. They are special war operations which include the evacuation of Squadron.
non-combatants and tactical operations for the recovery of
downed pilots and aircraft, recovery of oil and gas platforms 8. Administrative or tactical organization that consists of 2 or more
(PLATPG) as well as boarding, search and/or capture of ships. ships, which for tactical purposes can also be divided into
(AVBCB). subdivisions.
Recovery operations. Division.

172. They are special war operations which include sophisticated 9. Type of organization that provides the flexibility to address
demolition techniques. operational requirements while retaining a clear idea of the chain
Precision destruction operations. of command.
Task Organization (Operational).
173. They are special war operations which are carried out against
specific ships of interest. 10. Mobile command of 2 or more task forces consisting of ships and
Operations against ship in port. aircraft necessary for the fulfillment of specific tasks of a
continuous nature.
174. They are special war operations, which include the recognition of Task Fleet.
beach access, marking of landing beaches and firing of naval
support fire, locating and breaching mined areas. 11. It is part of the fleet organized by the Commander of a task fleet,
Support operations for amphibious operations. or higher authority for the accomplishment of a specific task or
175. They are special war operations that are aimed at searching for Task Force.
and attacking targets of opportunity in certain areas, carried out in
response to targets that are not known or informed in advance. 12. It is part of a task force organized by the Task Force Commander
Armed reconnaissance. or higher authority.
Task Group.
176. They are operations used to obtain, confirm or validate information
concerning the area of operations and the enemy, which include: 13. It is part of a task group organized by the Task Group Commander
terrain reconnaissance, target location and damage assessment. or higher authority.
Special recognition. Task Unit.

177. They are the type of operations that special operations units carry 14. It is part of a task unit organized by the Task Unit Commander or
out against threats of this nature, involving advanced Interior higher authority.
Close Combat Intervention (CCI) techniques. Task Element.
Counterterrorism operations.
15. They constitute the deterrent element of the Mexican Navy, whose
178. They are operations which capture, destroy, neutralize or delay capacity is derived from the logistical train that allows operations
enemy military potential before it can achieve its objectives to be carried out under the concept of interoperability to obtain
against friendly forces. This type of operation is carried out in control of the sea.
response to a known target informed in advance. Naval Regions.
Maritime Interdiction Operations.
16. It focuses its efforts on operations, whose objective is to increase
the combative capacity for the maritime defense and sovereignty
5.- DAM 1.3.1.- SURFACE OPERATIONS. of the national territory from external aggressions coming from the
Naval Force.
1. It is the minimum operational unit of the Mexican Navy that carries
out operations for foreign defense while preserving the rule of law.

2. Administrative or tactical organization that consists of 2 or more

ships with the same characteristics and roles.

3. Administrative or tactical organization of 2 or more squads. Flotilla.

4. Temporary mobile command of ships and aircraft for specific tasks

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17. They are units equipped with systems against enemy targets, their dredge docks, channels and port accesses for the safe navigation
primary function is external defense, as well as the detection, of surface units.
classification and neutralization of targets. Dredge.
Line ships.
33. They organize, train and operate with: surface, amphibious
18. They have the capacity to supply combat units on the high seas, reaction and special forces, as well as with air-naval, submarine,
designed to transport troops and material, as well as launch anti-submarine, mining, counter-mining and maritime surveillance
amphibious vehicles to the coast. units.
Auxiliary Vessels. The naval forces.

19. Its function is to preserve sovereignty in the territorial sea, EEZ, 34. They are those carried out by surface units integrated into an
islands, cays, reefs, basements and continental shelf, carry out operational organization within a theater of operations when there
search and rescue operations and support the civilian population is a state of war with another nation.
in cases of disasters. Naval warfare operations.
Naval Regions.
35. To achieve this, warships must: Destroy or neutralize enemy
20. They can carry out escort, exploration, rescue and rescue ships, submarines and aircraft, disable or fracture the enemy's
operations at sea, coordinated ship-helicopter operations and CC2, capture islands, straits, peninsulas and coastal bases, and
support the civilian population in disaster areas. Ocean Patrols. conduct barrier operations in straits.
Control of the sea.
21. They carry out patrol and surveillance operations in the MT and in
the EEZ to prevent smuggling, illicit fishing and drug trafficking, as 36. It is achieved by sustaining the offensive capacity and maritime
well as rescue, location and preservation of human life at sea. transport that allows the concentration of combat and logistical
Coastal Patrols. power (Naval, Air and Land) in the decisive place and moment.
The projection of force.
22. They carry out interception operations at sea to combat drug
trafficking, illegal fishing and violators of current legislation. 37. They are those in which ships of the line take the initiative in
Interceptor Patrols. combat, carrying out maneuvers and battle formations to locate
the enemy in order to neutralize or destroy it, using the maximum
23. They carry out surveillance in inland waters, navigable waterways combat power available.
and lakes, as well as the transportation of personnel in navigable Offensive Operations.
Riverside Patrols. 38. It is a military operation launched from the sea by an Amphibious
Task Force, from ships or boats, with the main purpose of
24. They are a fundamental part of the logistics train, they allow introducing a Landing Force (FD).
expanding autonomy, flexibility and operability by allowing supply, Amphibious Operations.
towing, hospitalization and evacuation at sea.
Auxiliary Vessels. 39. They are those naval operations that have the purpose of carrying
out a systematic investigation within a defined area, in which
25. They are designed to transport troops and material, as well as search, patrol, tracking or reconnaissance operations can be
launch amphibious vehicles to the coast as a landing force. carried out.
Landing ships. Exploration Operations.
26. This type of vessel (hospital, cargo and personnel transport) can
40. They are concerned with the location and destruction of enemy
be adapted to different functions according to the needs to
submarines. Anti-submarine operations.
respond to a national emergency; they can perform patrol, search
and reconnaissance functions. 41. It is integrated with a Force of Surface, a force of
Multipurpose vessels. Landing and an Air-Naval Force, which are organized, equipped
and trained to conduct amphibious operations.
27. Its main function is the transportation of fuel and water in order to
Amphibious Task Force (FTA).
provide logistical support to other surface units.
42. It is the systematic investigation of a defined area in order to
28. Its mission is to provide towing for larger draft vessels for docking, locate or confirm the absence of a target known or suspected to
undocking, port entries and exits. be located somewhere in that area.
Towing vessel. Search.

29. They can transport cargo and personnel, patrol, search, 43. It is the systematic and continuous investigation along a patrol line
reconnaissance, location, interdiction, interception, inspection, to prevent a target from crossing it undetected. Patrol.
detection or a combination of these.
Transport vessels.

30. Its function is to provide Educational Centers with naval means for
the cadets, students and students to carry out their practices.
Training Ship.

31. It supports the SM's oceanographic institutes and stations, as well

as educational centers to carry out research, bathymetric surveys,
as well as participate in hydrocarbon spill drills.
Research vessel.

32. There are 2 types, stationary and self-propelled, their function is to

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44. It is the monitoring of a target in order to regularly report on its 5. Offensive against enemy territory.
composition, location, movement and any other relevant 6. Defense of own territory.
information. It is often a consequence of positive results from a
search or patrol. 56. The objective of this action is the destruction or significant attrition
tracheo of the enemy naval forces, in order to be able to act on their
territory and their maritime transportation system, overcoming or
45. It is the operation undertaken to obtain information about the significantly reducing the need to protect their own.
activities and resources of a potential enemy; or to obtain data Naval battle (Wear).
regarding the meteorological, hydrographic or geographical
characteristics of a particular area. 57. It consists of the confinement of enemy naval forces in their bases,
Recognition. depriving them of acting on the high seas. It is used against an
inferior but potentially dangerous enemy, it can be close or far
46. Their purpose is to protect a force, deny the enemy the use of the away. Naval blockade (Immobilize the enemy).
sea, as well as protect national strategic interests. They must be
directed against existing threats, whether enemy ships, aircraft, 58. The enemy naval force can be subject to systematic attrition by
submarines or minefields. Defensive Operations. means of submarines and aircraft.
Wear with submarines and/or aircraft.
47. They can be used to provide a defense system around a compact
formation, or to provide lines of defense against attack in a 59. It constitutes a high-performance operation, not only because of
particular direction. the damage it can cause to the enemy, but also because of the
Curtain Operations. effort involved in its “Sweeping”, it is considered temporary and
economical attrition.
48. It is a number of merchant ships or naval auxiliaries or both, Offensive undermining.
ordinarily escorted by warships and/or aircraft, or a single
merchant ship or naval auxiliary under surface escort, assembled 60. It is the attack on naval forces in their bases, exploiting the
and organized for the purpose of sailing together. element of surprise, allowing important results.
Convoy. Attack on the bases.

49. They are one or more warships that sail with a convoy for 61. It is an operation that combines a defensive attitude, with the
protection during all or part of their navigation. intention of preserving one's own naval force, with another attitude
Surface escort. of an offensive nature, whose purpose is to harass the enemy
naval force.
50. They are one or more warships assigned to a local area command Non-decisive wear actions.
that sail with a convoy and are responsible for the protection of the
convoy while it passes through that command or its adjacent 62. It refers to an inferior fleet but which may constitute a concern due
waters. to its potential capacity; to destroy it, it will be necessary to resort
Local surface escort. to an action that can be very costly. Fleet in Power.

51. They are one or more warships sailing with a convoy, and whose 63. In the past it was developed by solitary surface ships. The
primary duty is to protect the convoy against submarine attack. submarine has been the great executioner of maritime transport.
Surface anti-submarine escort. Corsican War.

52. These operations are designed to support both offensive and 64. It is a less bloody alternative than the Corso war, it is imposed by
defensive operations; For its execution, the use of both line and presence and admits a gradual and flexible use of force.
auxiliary vessels is contemplated. Complementary Maritime Commercial Blockade.
Warfare operations.
65. It is the grouping of merchant ships protected by a common
53. These are operations carried out when other operations are escort, it represents the most effective response against
prolonged and require resupply of the force at sea in the submarines.
designated area. Convoy.
Logistical replenishment operations at sea.
66. It consists of distant or distant protection. It is intended to defend
54. They are the set of strategic, tactical and technical military actions one or more convoy routes with a conveniently stationed naval
aimed at determining, taking advantage of, preventing or hindering force, which can act by reinforcing the convoy escort.
the use of the electromagnetic spectrum by the enemy, they Coverage.
include: MAGE, CME and CCME.
Electronic Warfare Operations. 67. They are minefields planted as a protection measure against
enemy submarine attacks, thus protecting focal areas, access to
55. These are the 6 tactical situations that can arise in a theater of bases, straits, and other areas of strategic interest. Defensive
operations, with the application of offensive, defensive actions or a mine.
combination of both.
1. Offensive against enemy naval power.
2. Defensive-offensive against the threat of enemy naval power
over one's own.
3. Offensive against enemy shipping.

4. Defensive of own communications lines.

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68. It seeks the establishment of a beachhead, it is an operation in 80. Maritime interdiction operations carried out in support of the
which the sea overturns over the land, it is called an assault or National Migration Institute.
incursion. Against illegal human trafficking.
Amphibious projection.
81. Maritime interdiction operations carried out in the application of the
69. It is the other characteristic operation where the sea pours over Federal Firearms and Explosives Law. Against the smuggling of
the land, its objective is to constitute the complement of an weapons and explosives.
amphibious projection, the bombing may have the purpose of
distraction. 82. Maritime interdiction operations carried out in support of the
Firepower projection (Naval fire support). country's Security Institutions to capture criminals. Against
Organized Crime.
70. The defense of the coasts is considered the main and final goal of
naval warfare and the imperative and clearly delimited objective of 83. Their purpose is the physical protection of facilities with strategic
the maritime organization. The navy must ensure the inviolability value for the nation.
of its own coasts. Security operations at strategic facilities.
Naval forces.
84. They are carried out in the strip, river and lake to guarantee free
71. They use torpedo boats, and have been enhanced with the advent transit of vessels in commercial and tourist activities. Protection
of the missile. The possibility of installing four or more surface-to- operations for maritime, river and lake traffic.
surface missiles on small boats makes it possible for modest
85. These are operations aimed at responding to distress calls to
coastal navies to challenge much more powerful ones.
locate and safeguard human life at sea. Search and rescue.
Subtle forces.
86. These are Operations aimed at carrying out the movement of
72. Its purpose is to prevent entry into areas such as approaches,
personnel to and between medical facilities for treatment.
straits, passes, bays, gulfs, etc., and is limited to preventing
enemy naval forces, surface and submarine, from operating freely
in certain areas of its own coastline. 87. These are operations that are carried out at an international level
Defensive mine. to transport resources to support people in situations of risk or
73. Surface-to-surface and surface-to-air missiles are predominantly Humanitarian aid.
Coastal defenses. 88. These are operations aimed at combating and controlling
hydrocarbon spills and conservation of marine species.
74. It occurs in air-land operations, where own forces are committed Protection and Conservation of the Marine Environment.
to defending the territory, naval forces provide decisive support for
the projected effort. Naval support for land operations. 89. They are Operations that are carried out in order to evaluate the
training of Surface Units alone or in conjunction with special
75. It is defined as the strategic and tactical use of the sea, which forces, amphibious forces and aircraft.
includes the preparation, planning and planting of naval mines, Training operations.
due to its method they can be: planted by aircraft (offensive), by
submarines (offensive - defensive) and by ships (Defensive).
76. They are focused on contributing to the maintenance of the rule of
law, deterrence, conflict resolution and promotion of peace 1. He is responsible for the efficient functioning of all areas included
developed by the Naval Regions, Zones and Sectors, applying the in the Operations Department of a ship, and must have multiple
laws and combating illicit activities. qualities and knowledge.
Naval operations other than those of war. Operations Officer.

77. It is the classification of Naval Operations Other than War. 2. Its basic function is to establish and maintain controls for the
1. Operations to contribute to the maintenance of the rule of law. collection, evaluation, presentation and dissemination of tactical
2. Relief operations for the population and sustainability of the and operational information for the development of operations and
ecological environment. combat.
3. Training evaluation operations. Operations department.

78. Operations conducted to intercept cargo or items within or in the 3. They are the positions or divisions assigned to the Operations
vicinity of a specific area to determine whether it is complying with Department.
or violating laws and regulations, as well as gather intelligence on CIC, Navigation and Communications.
the vessel's itinerary.
Maritime interdiction operations.

79. Maritime interdiction operations carried out with the purpose of

intercepting and capturing drugs while patrolling in suspicious
Against illegal trafficking of narcotics and psychotropic drugs.

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4. He exercises Command Control and relies on the parallels appear as subtly curved lines, it is based
officers who occupy various control stations within on five independent spheroids that are
the combat fray to execute his orders. mathematically corrected to compensate for the
Commander. slight flattening of the land. (Read pages. 32 – 35).
Universal Transverse Mercator Grid (UTM).
5. They are the Control Stations in any operational
condition on which the Organization of a ship is 16. Also known as "Comanche" rose, it is used to
based. transform the sighting made with reference to a
Command, Direction, Operations, Weapons, true, magnetic or grid azimuth (observer's target
Propulsion and power, Breakdowns, Air and line) to corrections with reference to the cannon's
Landing. target line. (Read pages. 35 – 41).
Spout grating converter.
6. It is the general term used to designate those
activities under the responsibility of the Operations 17. This system originated for use by the Naval
Officer. Tactical Data System (NTDS), the computers used
Operations Control. by the NTDS calculate positions in XY coordinates
relative to a known reference point. (Read pages.
7. They are used in the CIC to locate a given position, 41 – 43).
they include grid systems; local tactical grid (LTG); Cartesian coordinate grid (XY).
global geographic reference system (GEOREF);
Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) and 18. Grid that is applied in both the Mexican Navy and
Cartesian coordinates. the Mexican Army during fire support operations.
Positioning methods. Universal Transverse Mercator Grid (UTM).

8. They are used to simplify the exchange of position 19. Its basic task in an amphibious operation is to
information between ships and/or aircraft. They are support the assault on the target area through
a grid drawn on a chart of numbers and letters, neutralization either by disabling or destruction.
where a position on the chart can be indicated by a Naval Fire Support Units (FNA).
code of letters and/or numbers.
(Read page 26) 20. It is an organization established to carry out an
Grid System. amphibious action. In addition to including the
landing force, it is divided into several task groups,
9. They are the type of grids for reporting positions. such as: transportation; naval fire support, anti-
Fixed and mobile grilles. submarine protection, etc.
Amphibious Task Force (FTA).
10. Any point on the Earth's surface can be located by
a given grid reference, it never indicates more than 21. These ships are not providing artillery action for the
one point and it never changes. benefit of the landing force, but are a mere reserve
Fixed grille. available to the Commander of the Amphibious
Task Force to be able to establish relief.
11. It is based on a reference point, and moves at a
Support Vessels in reserve.
course and speed that are a function of the effects
of current and wind. 22. Class of direct support ships that work with a
Mobile grid. battalion, remain linked to its command and
receive fire requests.
12. Intended to provide a quick and simple system for
reporting, aerial and surface plotting used within a
force, it is a mobile grid used in open waters with 23. They are general support ships, they remain linked
no geographical significance. (Read pages. 26 – to the commands of the regiments (brigade) and
28) Local Tactical Grid (LTG). carry out fires in support at their request, they
13. It is a system known as a grid, which is a simple carry out those missions for which the artillery of a
and fast method to express latitude and longitude, destroyer is not sufficient.
it allows locating any position on the Earth's Cruisers or superior ships.
surface over long distances and high speeds, it is
24. Class of ships that include naval fire support
mainly used in aerial operations. (Read pages. 28
groups or units, they are used almost exclusively
– 31).
during “H” hour firing. Sometimes they are ready to
World Geographic Reference System (GEOREF).
carry out general support (joint action), in case a
sector of enemy resistance has to be swept away
14. The purpose of this system is to simplify and
or for other missions requested by the troops.
increase the accuracy of reporting in military
Rocket launch boats.
operations (ground bombing, target positions,
etc.). It can be used for other purposes when small 25. It has the mission of: Organizing instant naval
areas of the Earth's surface are designated. (Read reaction, coordinating ships against enemy
page 31) attacks, logistical control of actions, relief of ships
Military Reference Grid System. in direct support and coordination of ship
movements in direct support.
15. In this projection, vertical and horizontal lines are Support Weapons Coordinator and Shooting
projected from the surface of the earth onto a Director.
cylinder, in this system, both meridians and

26. In an amphibious operation, he remains with the
Commander of the Landing Force Unit to which he
has been assigned and advises him on the
possibilities of such support.
Naval Fire Officer.

27. It refers to ordering a ship to put itself at the service

of a Unit supported on land to assist and support it,
and must carry out requested support fires such
as: Fire missions, Targets to be shot, Volume of
fire and shooting corrections.
Relations between Support Ships and Landing

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28. It is an organic entity of the naval forces, it is the agency through they become completely worn out. Days and hours of ammunition,
which the CFTA (Commander of the Advanced Task Force) quantities to be ammunition, types of ammunition, etc.
exercises global coordination of the support fires that it controls. It Ammunition resupply plan.
is located on the flagship next to the CFTA and never disembarks.
Support Arms Coordination Center (SACC) Support Arms 40. It refers to creating a table with the total ammunition necessary for
Coordinated Center. each action, indicating the type of ammunition to be used against
each of the targets.
29. With the advice of the Landing Force Support Fire Coordinator, Ammunition.
integrates the fire plans of the support weapons, to guarantee the
most effective use required by the maneuver scheme of the 41. Try to organize the Surface Units in different missions such as
Landing Force. destruction, neutralization, minesweeper protection, air defense,
Coordinator of Support Weapons. etc.
Distribution among ships of the various fire missions.
30. It is an organic entity of the Landing Force and is the agency
through which the Commander of the Landing Force or 42. Try to ensure that in the first phase of the operation there will be
Commander of the Landing Group, plans the integration of the no scouts on the ground, but spying from a plane or helicopter
fires of the support weapons, in order to favor the scheme of the may be possible.
maneuver. Study on shot shooting.
Fire Support Coordination Center (FSCC) Fire Support
43. It refers to the fact that there must be a schedule for the
Coordinated Center.
neutralization of the beach at “H” time, the schedule for
harassment fires, etc., all of this will lead to drawing up the table -
31. It is in charge of the Support Fire Coordination Center, it receives
fire distribution schedule.
requests from the subordinate echelons of the Landing Force and
Shooting schedule.
notifies the Support Weapons Coordinator what the Landing Force
requirements are in terms of support fire and reports on ground
44. It refers to the fact that the targets presented by the intelligence
artillery activities.
service must advise whether they should be hit by naval artillery
Support Fire Coordinator.
or by another weapon.
Designation of targets that must be destroyed or neutralized.
32. Fire Restrictions Plan that prohibits ships and artillery from firing
45. Establishes, if necessary, whether vessels should shoot while
with trajectories exceeding 1,100 feet in height within a circle of
sailing or at anchor in geographic, direct or indirect shooting, etc.
2,500 m. radio whose center is the target indicated.
Techniques for performing shots.
Victor Plan.
46. Recommendation that depends on the situation of the support
33. Fire Restrictions Plan where naval or land artillery cannot fire, so ships, their firing schedule, the lines of movement of airplanes and
that their trajectories penetrate a cylinder of unlimited height and helicopters, etc.
2,500 m. of radius around the designated target. The planes can Fire restrictions.
remain within that cylinder without fear of any artillery trajectory.
November Plan. 47. This section specifies the missions of each ship, its areas of
responsibility and support stations, the targets to be hit, the times
34. Fire Restrictions Plan where no artillery trajectory should penetrate at which they will do so, the ammunition to be used and reserved
a 1000 m parallelepiped. wide, centered on a reference line and of for self-defense or missions other than landing and
unlimited height. Planes can fly calmly through that airspace. It is communications.
widely used as a helicopter corridor. OO Naval Fire Annex
Whiskey Plan.
48. Its primary objective prior to "D" day is the physical destruction of
35. It is one of the important factors, since naval artillery cannot act vital ground installations for the enemy, in order to prepare the
effectively against all types of coasts. If the beach has many area for assault, as well as the destruction or interdiction of enemy
counterslope areas, these will be difficult to defeat and many communications routes.
enemy weapons may remain unharmed. Naval Fire Plan.
Landing place.
49. Types of Fire according to the desired effect.
36. They are extensions of land on which a ship can act Destruction, Neutralization, Harassment, Illumination and
independently, attacking the targets that appear based on the Interdiction.
power of the ship, the range of its artillery, its caliber and the
topography of the terrain. 50. It is carried out with the sole purpose of totally or partially
Areas of responsibility and assignment of support vessels for annihilating a target, it is carried out at short distance and at low
these areas. cadence, the largest caliber available is used.
Fire of destruction.
37. These are recommended points where the ship will be in good
condition to attack any target within the area.
Support stations for ships in areas of responsibility.

38. It is the plan for the replacement of ships taking into account the
consumption of ammunition and the fatigue of the crews.
Relief of support vessels.

39. This document establishes all the needs and even the fly rods, if

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51. It is used when the aim is to paralyze the enemy's movements for captured.
a certain time, prevent or interrupt the movement and/or firing of Protective fire.
their weapons.
Neutralization fire. 66. It uses smoke-producing projectiles to make it difficult for the
enemy to see its own or friendly units and its deployment,
52. It is designed to disturb the rest of enemy troops, hinder their movements and maneuvers are rarely used taking into account
movement, threaten casualties and affect their morale. Try to the wind.
unnerve the enemy, make the use of an area dangerous. It is a Concealment or masking fire.
very irregular rhythm shot.
Harassing fire. 67. They are the types of Naval Fire according to their degree of
Planning. Planned, Request and Incidental or Opportunity.
53. It is carried out with the aim of illuminating an enemy area,
observing hostile night operations, adjusting own fire by 68. These are the fires that are specified in a formal naval fire plan or
observation in hours of darkness and supporting friendly night annex. It is known what time they will be carried out, type and
operations. number of ammunition to be used, type of shooting, targets or
Lighting fire. areas involved, etc.
Planned fires.
54. It is perpetrated over an area or point to prevent the enemy from
effectively using that area or point. 69. They are carried out on specific targets and are requested by the
Interdiction fire. troops through their scouting equipment. The ship is in direct
support, the assisted unit specifies the types of targets,
55. They are the types of naval fire according to their Tactical use.
ammunition, etc.
Close, Immediate, Depth, Preparation, Counter Battery,
Fires on request.
Reconnaissance, Anti-Aircraft Battery Suppression, Defensive,
Isolation, Protection and Concealment and Masking. 70. They are those carried out on targets of opportunity or transition
discovered by the ship itself. Generally, the spying will be direct
56. It is carried out on enemy troops, weapons or positions that, due
from the vessel itself without planning. Incidental or opportunity
to their proximity to the supported unit, represent an immediate
and serious threat.
Close support fire.
71. They are the types of Naval Fire according to their Type.
57. It is carried out against targets close to the limit of the minimum Area or Zone, Precision, Defiling or Counterslope, Leading,
safety distance. You have to take into account the movements of Concentration, Barrier and Time.
your own troops, to protect advances or retreats, the best caliber
72. It is a fire of considerable volume carried out over a more or less
is 5”.
large prescribed area. Normally it is the type of fire used for
Immediate support fire.
58. It serves to neutralize and destroy the enemy's reserves and Area or zone fire.
weapons and interfere with its chain of command, supply lines
and observations. 73. Naval fire intended for the destruction of specific targets (small,
Support fire in depth. defined targets), direct impact is sought. Precision fire.

59. Fire that is fired on targets or specific areas as an initiating 74. Type of Naval Fire carried out against a target located behind a hill
measure for an assault. or hill. The trajectories of the projectiles may be intercepted by the
Preparation fire. terrain, making it necessary to increase the firing distance, use
reduced loads or shoot in the second sector.
60. It is perpetrated against active enemy weapons and/or arms Defiled or counterslope fire.
control stations. It is what the ship establishes in response to
enemy artillery attacks against friendly troops or the ship itself. 75. Naval fire perpetrated against a target in such a way that the
Fire against battery. range dispersal rose is oriented in the direction of the longitudinal
axis of the target.
61. It is executed over areas where the enemy is suspected of having Leading fire.
camouflaged positions.
Reconnaissance fire. 76. Naval Fire where several ships fire on the same target.
Concentration fire.
62. It is used to suppress enemy anti-aircraft fire before and during an
air attack on enemy positions. 77. Naval Fire that tries to put up a curtain of fire that prevents the
Suppression fire from anti-aircraft batteries. enemy from crossing it, it can be fixed or mobile.
Barrier fire.
63. It is committed by direct support and general support ships to
protect supported units from enemy counterattack. 78. Naval fire with a time fuse and trying to achieve explosions in the
Defensive fire. air about 20 meters from the ground, it involves casualties in
64. It is a planned fire, used to destroy or interdict roads or railways Fire of times.
and other lines of communication or approach: roads, roads,
bridges, etc.
Isolation fire.

65. It is carried out by support ships during the period of

reorganization of supported units after a position has been

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79. They are the types of Naval Fire according to aim. 92. Its objective is to ensure the free use of the sea by its own forces
Direct and Indirect Fire. by providing operational commanders the ability to adopt courses
of action using the electromagnetic spectrum, warning of hostile
80. Naval fire that is carried out on a target visible from the ship, intentions and protecting their own or friendly forces.
through the line of sight of either the cannon or firing director. Naval Electronic Warfare.
Direct fire.
93. Exercises general control of Electronic Warfare, complementing
81. It is executed on a target that cannot be used to aim the line of fleet policies and doctrine with specific instructions for MAGE,
sight of the guns or that of the director. CME and CCME that are necessary.
Indirect fire. Tactical Control Officer (OCT).

82. Every shot on the coast must be observed and corrected, it 6.- DAM OPERATIONS OFFICER.
represents a dependency for the ship, since it must be located at (SECOND PART)
a certain point in the sea from where it can see the target or it will
94. It is the Commander who has been assigned Electronic Warfare
have to be in communication with a land or air spotter.
control functions, he can coordinate the efforts of numerous ships
Fire Splash.
and aircraft, or only some surface units of the formation.
Electronic Warfare Coordinator (CGE).
83. It is used when the target is visible from the sea and you shoot at
it, the results are appreciated and the shot is corrected until it is
95. He is responsible for the general control of Electronic Warfare
centered and the target is destroyed.
actions on board, as well as for the conduct of GE operations that
Spoke from the ship itself.
have been assigned to the ship by higher authority.
Commander of the Ship.
84. Equipment of this type of spotting is essential when the target is
not visible from the ship and the shot must be executed with 96. Has the responsibility of conducting, coordinating and controlling
precision. The spotter may be forced to fix his location at a point Electronic Warfare operations before the Commander.
determined by factors such as the enemy, the security of not
Operations Officer.
receiving projectiles from one's own ship, the characteristics of the
terrain, etc. 97. He is responsible to the Operations Officer for coordinating
Terrestrial Spoke. Electronic Warfare information with combat information from other
85. It will be used when it comes to hitting targets that are not visible CIC officer.
from the ship or are difficult to see and there is no possibility of
locating spotters on land. 98. Organizes, supervises and coordinates the unit's Electronic
Aerial Splash. Warfare efforts, directly supervises the training of GE equipment
operators, as well as the maintenance, repair and calibration of
86. Must be thoroughly familiar with the functions and duties of the such equipment.
spotting network radio operator, plotting table plotters, and Electronic Warfare Officer.
spotting grid converter operator.
Armaments Liaison Officer (OAS). 99. Searches for signals in the assigned frequency band, analyzes
and determines the direction of any intercepted signal (passive),
87. Its main obligations are: Report the magnetic variation to the AEO, and keeps the equipment ready in the operating mode indicated
plot the battle area, locate the target on the chart, inform the AEO by the GE Officer or the CIC Officer. (active).
of the bearing and distance of the target, determine the course Counter Electronic Measures (CME) Operator.
and speed of itself and the target.
Plotters of the Meza plotter. 100. They constitute the division of Electronic Warfare that involves the
interception of electromagnetic emissions, their analysis and
88. It is the set of strategic, tactical and technical military actions evaluation, they provide GE's source of information for CME,
aimed at determining, taking advantage of, preventing or CCME, detection of potential threats, warning, evasion, target
hindering the use of electromagnetic energy by the enemy. acquisition and weapons engagement. guided.
Electronic Warfare (GE). Measures to Support Electronic Warfare (MAGE).

89. They include all actions aimed at determining the existence and 101. These are the Phases of Measures to Support Electronic Warfare
location of enemy equipment that radiates electromagnetic energy (MAGE).
and thereby judging and estimating the disposition and threat Exploration and detection, Location and tracking, Signal analysis
potential. and Evaluation.
Measures to Support GE (MAGE).

90. It is the division of the GE that brings together all actions aimed at
preventing or making it difficult for the enemy to effectively use
electromagnetic waves.
Electronic countermeasures (ECM).

91. It includes actions whose purpose is to control and guarantee to

one's own forces the effective use of this type of energy, despite
the enemy's use of GE.
Counter - electronic countermeasures (CCME).

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102. MAGE phase that is carried out by carrying out a search by 115. They can be fixed arrays or high-gain antennas, they rotate at
sweeping electromagnetic frequencies and bands suspected of speeds greater than 300 rpm. When used in conjunction with the
the enemy for detection and tracking by radar, communications, appropriate receiver and display, the direction from which the
navigation, IFF or missile control. signal arrived is indicated by a lobe that appears on the display
Exploration and detection. screen.
Goniometric Receiving Antennas.
103. Phase of the MAGE that is carried out by taking bearings of the
intercepted signals to obtain their position and plotting the sender 116. MAGE equipment whose purpose is to alert the operator to the
in the navigation plots. presence of a signal, provide a visual indication of the frequency
Location and tracking. range, and determine the bearing of the source. Presentation
104. MAGE phase that provides data on the technical characteristics of
the enemy's weapons and electronic devices and is read directly 117. Type of MAGE display that is used to indicate the presence of a
on the screens of the interception system. Signal analysis. signal in the frequency range being scanned, a bright dot appears
in the part that corresponds to the signal frequency within the
105. MAGE phase that is based on the data obtained during the first scanned band.
three phases of the MAGE and can provide the following Acquisition screen.
indications: Degree of threat, enemy position, course and speed of
the station and composition of the force. 118. Type of MAGE Screen that allows you to visually observe the
Assessment. intercepted part of the frequency spectrum, facilitates
simultaneous attention to the signals in the entire frequency range
106. MAGE interception scouts, who have more interception equipment and presents the characteristics of the receiver's operating band.
and more personnel, are better equipped for detailed analysis of Panoramic screen.
intercepted emissions. (Read page 71).
Surface Units. 119. Type of MAGE screen that allows electronic analysis of the
intercepted signal, it is used to determine: Pulse repetition
107. MAGE interception scouts that, due to their speed and antenna frequency, pulse width and shape, and scanning characteristics.
height, can carry out interception surveys over large areas and Pulse analyzer screen.
provide maximum early warning.
Air Units. 120. MAGE Screen Type where the top three lines are equivalent to the
analysis screen, lines 4 and 5 correspond to the goniometric
108. MAGE intercept scouts who, as pickets of a surface task force, screen and the bottom line is the panoramic screen.
may be assigned interception searches or other GE operations. Combined screens.
They are well suited to collecting tactical and strategic information
on enemy electronic activities. 121. Type of MAGE Screen that provides tactical information to the
Submarines. operator. The antenna rotation speed of the emitting bank is
determined by the period of time elapsed between the bursts of
109. It controls the interception guards (Countermeasure Guards) that pulses heard in the hearing aids.
a task force develops, assigning the frequency band that each Audio presentation.
vessel must specifically cover (monitor).
Tactical Control Officer (OCT). 122. They represent the active part of the GE, involving activities
whose purpose is to prevent or nullify the enemy's use of their
110. They are used to detect, locate, analyze and record electronic equipment, through Interference (or disturbance) and Deception
emissions in the EEM frequencies, they provide a force with the (or deception).
ability to obtain tactical and strategic intelligence of enemy Electronic Countermeasures (CME).
electronic activities of all types, while allowing them to remain
undetected by the enemy. 123. It consists of the intentional radiation, re-irradiation or reflection of
MAGE Systems. electromagnetic energy with the aim of reducing the effectiveness
of the enemy's use of their devices, equipment and/or electronic
111. They are the fundamental piece of any MAGE equipment, these systems. (Read page 77)
are classified according to the scanning method into 2 types: Interference from Counter Electronic Measures (CME).
broadband and narrow band. They are used to detect enemy
electromagnetic emissions. 124. They have the advantage of carrying more powerful jamming
Interception Receivers. equipment because they have fewer space, weight and available
energy restrictions, however, the short distance of their radar
112. Type of Interception Receivers that constitute the most common horizon limits their coverage capacity.
type used by MAGEs, they are superheterodyne receptors with Surface Units.
excellent selectivity, sensitivity and stability.
Narrow band receivers. 125. They have the advantage of speed, maneuverability and the ability
to reach positions not accessible to surface forces. The increase
113. Type of Interception Receivers that simultaneously intercept all in height allows for a much greater range of effective interference.
signals within coverage Air Units.
full on receiver frequency. These are untuned, open, video-to-
video receivers. crystal with relatively low
sensitivity and poor frequency selectivity.
Broadband receivers.
114. They have omnidirectional arrays for good initial detection and
efficiency, they should be placed in a field that is free of
obstructions and as high as possible to provide the greatest range
in their detection horizon.
Fixed Receiving Antennas.

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126. Their use of jamming is limited because their main advantage is the corresponding modulation to interfere with a particular type of
being able to remain undetected, however, their ability to remain system, they are named according to the audio sounds they
on station provides an advantage in some cases. produce: Noise, Saw, Variable Saw, Random Pulsation and
Submarines. Bagpipe.
Communications Countermeasures (COMCM).
127. It varies according to the type of equipment the enemy has and
whether the measures to be used are offensive or defensive in 141. A type of Communications Countermeasures Modulation
nature. It is used in relation to the following countermeasures: (COMCM) that is randomly modulated in amplitude and frequency
Radar, Communications, Missiles and Control and Navigation creating an extremely loud static sound.
devices. Noise.
CME jamming tactic.
142. A type of Communications Countermeasures Modulation
128. These are the types of Interference in Electronic Counter (COMCM) that is frequency modulated producing a characteristic
Measures. Electronics and Mechanics. warble in the audio.
Mountain range.
129. A type of jamming, referred to in some publications as On-Target
or Self-Screenning jamming, is used when a unit uses its jamming 143. A type of Communications Countermeasures Modulation
equipment to protect itself from enemy detection devices. (COMCM) that is similar to saw modulation except that the
Self-Protection Electronic Interference. modulating frequency varies in discontinuous steps.
Variable Saw.
130. Type of interference called Off-Target or Stand-Off interference, it 144. Type of Communications Countermeasures Modulation (COMCM)
is used to support or protect units (ships or aircraft) that are where the pulses are random and with a cadence similar to that
potential targets of enemy electronic detection devices. used in equivalent CW transmission from a few words to 30 or 40
Supporting Electronic Interference. per minute.
Random Press.
131. Type of jamming where chaff and other non-electronic jamming
methods are used to gain a tactical advantage, both by ships and 145. A type of Communications Countermeasures (COMCM) amplitude
aircraft. modulation by sinusoidal audio-frequency voltages which
Mechanical Interference. produces many different audio tones in rapid sequence. It is an
extremely effective method against phone circuits.
132. They are metal strips that come packaged in containers of various Bagpipes.
lengths and quantities, used generously, they must be thrown at
frequent intervals and at sufficient height, they reach their 146. These produce random noise or emissions similar to radar
maximum effectiveness in 1 min. after being launched and can signals. Jamming equipment that has the ability to obscure the
last up to 30 min. information on the screens is called masking jammers (they
Chaff. produce snow, scratches and noise spots) to differentiate them
from repeater transponders that modify radar echoes.
133. It consists of the deliberate radiation, irradiation, alteration, Radar Countermeasures (RADCM).
absorption or reflection of electromagnetic energy with the
intention of confusing the enemy in the interpretation and use of 147. These are the ones that present false targets to victim radars.
the information received through their electronic systems. They should be considered as interference or deception devices,
CME disappointment. depending on the intentions of their use. Devices of this type
include chaffs and lures.
134. These are the types of Deception in Electronic Counter Measures. Non-Electronic Devices.
Manipulative and Imitative.
148. They are the four basic techniques of electronic interference.
135. Type of CMEs Deception, which is the alteration or simulation of Localized Disturbance, Sweeping, Frequency Search and Locking
friendly electromagnetic radiation to deceive the enemy. and Barrier.
Manipulative deception.
149. Disturbance Electronic Interference that are narrow band, with
136. Type of CME Deception that consists of introducing radiation into manually tuned transmitters that can modulate in frequency or
enemy channels by imitating their own emissions. amplitude with random noise or a periodic signal.
imitative disappointment. Localized disturbance.

137. Its purpose is to confuse the enemy by electronic means and thus 150. Electronic Interference Disturbance are self-tuning narrowband
reduce the effectiveness of their electronic systems. The final transmitters that sweep from top to bottom across a frequency
result: minimize or nullify the destructive capacity of the enemy's band at a given speed, reaching several thousand sweeps per
systems. (Read. p. 83) second.
Concept of CME Disappointment. Sweep disturbance.

138. It consists of actions related to CME Deception, designed to

provide security and prevent the ability, readiness and intentions
of the force from being known by keeping the enemy in the dark.
Coverage and concealment of Electronic Warfare.

139. They are used to nullify the usefulness of enemy electronic

equipment, interfering with it to prevent it from receiving
information or by deception by providing false information; the
possibilities of its use are only limited by ingenuity and
imagination. CME Equipment and Devices.
140. They can be of special design or common equipment, they use

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151. Electronic Jamming uses a transmitter in which a narrowband efforts from being nullified or limited, it is frequently necessary to
jamming signal can be tuned over a wide band of frequencies by restrict radiation.
locking the signal at any particular frequency. Search disturbance Avoid interference.
and frequency lock.
164. They are those that support the implementation of emissions
152. Electronic Interference Disturbance, which are broadband control. They are used during the planning execution phase to
transmitters modulated by noise or frequency which prevent the authorize, control or prohibit the use of electronic emitting
use of frequencies of a wide portion of the electromagnetic equipment, revalidating, expanding or modifying the Emissions
spectrum. Control plan (EMCON).
Barrier disturbance. Emission Control Orders (EMCON).

153. It is the name used for light strips of aluminum and metallized 165. It states that, in a tactical emergency situation, the current
paper that function as resonant dipoles, which are launched from conditions of the EMCON plan, despite all restrictions, can be
aircraft or dispersed by launch in munition or rocket, acting as a broken by an isolated unit upon detecting an approaching threat.
reflector that returns an echo to the affected radar equipment. Emissions Control Breakdown (EMCON).
166. It is used to quickly and accurately carry out any change in the
154. Consisting of metal strips 400 to 700 feet long and ½” wide, each Emission Control conditions (EMCON) in accordance with the
tape has a piece of cardboard attached to each end to balance it dictates of the tactical situation to optimize the reaction, giving a
horizontally as it descends. Rope. quick and positive response to each vessel.
Emission Control Board (EMCON).
155. They are devices used to present false aerial or surface targets or
make a small target produce a large echo, making it difficult for 167. It consists of determining which equipment is affected and the new
the enemy to assess the threat. condition that must be communicated to the necessary stations
Lures. when an Emission Control order (EMCON) is received. The GE
Duty Officer must contact the responsible personnel for each
156. Type of decoy that consists of small metal strips placed
perpendicularly on a frame. They produce large echoes to any
Execution of the Emissions Control Plan (EMCON).
radar, appearing to echo from a large target.
Reflective meshes.
168. They are assigned to reduce to a minimum the amount of
equipment operating in a force, only the ship(s) in this condition
157. Type of decoy that consists of a reflective mesh installed on a
can use that equipment, it has the responsibility of carrying out
buoy, which drifts in the sea to simulate a ship. Reflector buoys.
360° coverage. (Read page 89) Radar Guards.
158. Type of decoy consisting of reflective material attached to a
helium balloon that is released to simulate aircraft. Its movement 169. They are based on the method used to counteract the effects of
depends on the intensity of the wind, which at high altitudes is interference or deception, they are circuits that prevent strong
high speed. interfering signals from overloading or saturating the radar
Kites. receiver and that prevent interfering signals from passing through
them, but allow the passage of the real echoes.
159. They optimize the capacity of electromagnetic equipment and Anti-Interference Circuit.
systems of their own forces, nullifying the GE actions of the
enemy, this is achieved through: Emissions control (EMCON), 170. It consists of each type of equipment working in a frequency range
Evasion, Anti-interference techniques, Agility and frequency as wide as possible, if the enemy tries
diversification, Training of operators and Tactical action. Counter- Interfering with them must disperse their interfering capacity
Counter Electronic Measures (CCME). (power and/or equipment) in direct proportion to that margin. If you
cannot cover the entire margin, some equipment will continue to
160. It is the effective management of all electromagnetic and operate effectively.
electroacoustic emissions of a force or unit with the aim of Frequency Diversity.
obtaining maximum tactical advantage.
Emissions Control (EMCON). 171. It is a technical design characteristic of CCME equipment, in which
the transmitter frequency is variable within a specific frequency
161. Use of Emissions Control (EMCON) which was from range. This reduces the enemy's ability to jam the equipment in
reconnaissance satellites, because it becomes increasingly question.
difficult to move a naval force without discovering its existence Frequency Agility.
and general location, which is why it usually requires electronic
silence on all bands.
Tactical evasion.

162. Use of Emissions Control (EMCON) when the enemy can be

warned of the existence and approximate location of a force.
Avoid obtaining intelligence to the enemy or providing false

163. Use of Emission Control (EMCON) in order to prevent one's own

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172. It is the most important aspect in preparing CCME activities, they Auxiliary Vessels.
must be able to: Recognize the presence of interference,
disturbance or deception, report and process information, obtain 185. It is the multipurpose auxiliary vessel that has sufficient
the best possible efficiency from their equipment, Integrate characteristics to carry out trinomial type operations. Huastesco.
combinations and Obtain information despite interference. (Read
pages. 92 and 93) Operator Training.
173. Since the Commander delegates his authority to carry out the RIGHT.
ship's evolutions and fire the weapon systems to two control
The Bridge Watch Officer and the Tactical Action Officer.
1. These types of operations are focused on maintaining the rule of
174. He is the officer responsible for controlling the ship and ensuring law and conclude with an inspection.
that the maneuvers ordered by the OAT are carried out safely. Interdiction Operations.
The bridge watch officer.
2. He is the person in command of the boarding team, and is
175. To handle this situation, the OAT announces with a loud voice that responsible for the visit and search on board the suspicious
it has lost it, those responsible for the CIC areas verbally report vessel, remaining in control of the boarded vessel until he is
the situation they face, what they recommend the ship do, and relieved or receives the order to return control to the master of the
what was the last order given by the OAT. vessel.
Loss of Image of the Situation. The inspection officer (IO).

176. It is responsible for ensuring that combat systems doctrine is up- 3. It is required that both the surface unit that carries out the
to-date and that control relationships are clearly established inspection, the Inspection Officer (OI), and the security cell have
before the ship goes into action. them, which will allow them to maintain continuous, safe and
The Operations Officer. reliable communication for coordination purposes.
177. They are all those in which the ship provides intelligence and
logistical support to the interceptor patrols with which it is 4. This phase provides the fundamental basis to carry out the
operating, in order to obtain better results in the development and inspection of a ship, maintain good judgment and extreme
fulfillment of a mission. security, be respectful, remain cautious, alert and control the
Ship-interceptor binomial operations. situation, it is an opportunity to obtain intelligence information.
Gathering of information, approach and boarding of the unit to be
178. They are based on the use of surface units that operate with a inspected.
helicopter on board, to which the interceptor patrol is integrated,
allowing a joint operation. 5. In this phase, the Surface Unit must be on inspection duty,
Trinomial ship-helicopter-interceptor operations. maintain communications, surveillance, report the situation, and a
recording of the conversations carried out must be made.
179. Its missions are to develop external defense operations and Requirements of the surface unit that passes inspection.
maintain internal security, protect convoys and landing forces, hit
and annihilate any force that attacks the state and transport 6. During this preparatory phase, the Commander will maneuver his
personnel, vehicles and equipment to the combat area. unit in order to minimize the threat of hostile acts, such as
Warships. shooting or launching of explosives, he will position himself on the
side of the sun with respect to the ship's bow at the effective range
180. They are the classes of Warships of the Mexican Navy. of the weapons.
Destroyers, Frigates, Corvettes and Amphibious Warfare. Positioning.

181. Its missions are: Carry out operations in the EEZ in order to avoid, 7. Preparatory phase in which the Inspection Team must get ready at
interdict and deter acts contrary to national legislation, search and the call of the day, before boarding, the ship's organization must
rescue operations, provide maritime support and conduct low ensure that all the inspection equipment is available.
intensity conflicts. Alert Condition.
Ocean Patrols.
182. They are the types of Ocean Patrols. 8. Preparatory phase in which the Unit must approach the quarter of
Oaxaca, Durango, Modified Durango, Sierra, Holzinguer, Uribe the suspect vessel (500 yards), the ice on the non-visible side with
and Valle. a security sweep, count the personnel gathered in the stern
looking for potential dangers.
183. Its Missions are: Carry out operations in the Pacific Ocean and Ship Maneuvers.
Gulf of Mexico for the defense of maritime interests, surface
operations with safety and efficiency, satisfy the need for assault
ships and transport an amphibious force, support in disaster zones
and support logistic.
Auxiliary Vessels.

184. They are divided into different types: Supply ships, tanks,
multipurpose ships, hospital ships, tugboats, transport ships,
workshop ships, dredgers and docks.

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9. This can be carried out by a surface unit or by an aircraft, its Security cell.
purpose is to obtain information about the suspicious vessel in
order to determine if it is necessary to carry out a boarding and 22. He is responsible for the equipment of the Inspection Group (IG)
inspection. and for receiving specific instructions and assignments for the
Initial information collection. operation to be carried out. He must ensure that the crew is
gathered and that the security cell is positioned around it at
10. It refers to the questioning about the name, nationality and strategic points.
institution to which it belongs, port of registration, flag, registration Inspection officer.
number, international call, cargo, last port visited and next port to
visit. 23. To recommend it, the Inspection Officer (IO) must know and
Initial information collection. correctly understand the legislation regarding prohibited and
permitted goods, the final decision is made higher up the chain of
command, the recommendation is critical for decision making.
11. Additional information that must be gathered if it is determined to
Assurance Decision.
carry out an inspection boarding of a suspicious vessel. Number
of personnel on board, if there are animals on board, information
24. It will be considered as the one in which the temporary meeting of
on weapons and their location and the positioning of the boarding
tactical elements (ship, helicopter, interceptor) that is organized is
presented, to make better use of the means, achieving an
operational synergy that repotentializes the results to be obtained.
12. It must be deliberate with a security posture considering evasion
Trinomial operations.
routes, it must be positioned aft of the beam of the windward
quarter of the vessel to be boarded, maintaining a safety distance. 25. When information about a suspicious target is received, a flight will
Approach procedure. be ordered and the rescue vessel will be ready and the
interceptor, in coordination with the helicopter pilot and the
13. Procedure where the rules of engagement (ROE) must be interceptor skipper, will design the search patterns.
considered, the vessel carrying out a collision is aware of the Commander.
limits to the magnitude and type of force that it can use.
Shutdown procedure for a suspicious vessel . 26. It will receive information about the probable area where the target
is located, issuing the necessary instructions to remove the
14. Number of designated members that make up the boarding team. helicopter from the hangar and prepare it to take off at the
10 members. moment ordered.
Helicopter pilot.
15. He must be of the officer category, a mature person, in good
physical condition, qualified in the use of small arms and have the 27. He will order the sniper and the underwater work element to board
full confidence of the ship's commander. the helicopter, the first armed with a long weapon and the second
Inspection officer. with a short weapon, and will instruct the Inspection Officer (IO) to
prepare to embark aboard the vessel. ship interceptor.
16. It is of the officer category, who must be in training or already Second Commander.
qualified as an inspection officer, in good physical condition,
28. Type of helicopter exploration search where the interceptor will be
qualified in the use of minor weapons and have the full confidence
ordered to go to the end of the pattern, continuing it according to
of the ship's commander.
its own sweep width and until the helicopter joins again.
Inspection officer assistant.
Rectangular search.
17. He must be of the category of second master at least, he must be
29. Type of helicopter exploration search where the interceptor will be
a mature person, in good physical condition, qualified in the use of
ordered to head towards the end of the pattern, continuing
minor and automatic repeating weapons.
according to the vessel's own sweep width, proceeding in the
Leader of the security cell.
same way when the helicopter returns.
18. It is a group of at least 5 members of mature people, in good Search for increasing square.
physical condition and qualified for the use of small arms and
automatic repeaters, in charge of securing machinery spaces, it 30. Type of helicopter exploration search where the interceptor unit
includes a machinery element. will be ordered to a heading that is the bisector of the angle that
Security cell. makes up the helicopter's round-trip heading, remaining on the
same until the helicopter flies back, proceeding to remain
19. It is a team made up of 2 of the most experienced people in hoisted. .
locating hidden material and inspecting containers. They are Sector search.
mature people, in good physical condition, and qualified for the
use of small arms.
Search team.

20. Element of the inspection team that must be in good physical

condition and qualified for the use of small arms and familiar with
low-light photography and video.

21. You must be the first to board the boat and secure the area
around the ladder for the rest of the team to board. If a member of
the crew approaches, you must inspect them first.

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31. Type of helicopter exploration search where the interceptor unit Maintains direct communication with the SMCs through the
will go to the center of the search area and when it arrives there it Command and Control Room.
will continue making figure eight patterns until the helicopter Search and Rescue Coordinator (SC).
finishes its journey.
Search for intercept. 12. Responsible for planning, coordinating and executing SAR
operations. It is performed by the Commander of the Region,
Zone or Naval Sector, and the functions are delegated to the
8.- DAM SEARCH AND RESCUE. Commander of the ENSAR or Head of the Third Section or 23.
Search and Rescue Mission Coordinator (SMC).

13. Responsible for executing the SAR operation, keeping the SMC
1. It is a systematized set of principles, theories and norms, which informed of the evolution of the operation and coordinating SAR
define the purpose of a discipline, activity or institutional operations at the scene of the incident when more than one unit is
organization. involved.
Doctrine. On Scene Coordinator (OSC) .
14. A measure of how well a given sensor can detect a certain object
2. These are functions of supervision, communication, coordination, under the prevailing environmental conditions. Sweep width (W).
search and rescue of people in danger, including the provision of
medical advice, initial assistance and/or medical evacuation. 15. Geographic area delimited through the Search and Rescue
Search and Rescue (SAR). Optimal Planning System (SAROPS), within which the various
actions aimed at the search and/or rescue of ships or people will
3. National maritime geographic area where the Mexican State has be carried out.
the responsibility of providing SAR services. It includes all Area of interest (AOI).
Mexican marine areas.
National Search and Rescue Region (NSRR). 16. An operation normally coordinated by an MRCC or MRSC, in
which available personnel and means are used to locate people in
4. Sub-division of the NSRR with delimited dimensions, associated
with a Regional Maritime Rescue Coordination Center (MRCC) in
which SAR services are provided. Its limits coincide with those of
each Naval Region. 17. It will be defined as when a SAR case cannot be closed and future
Search and Rescue Region (SRR). search efforts seem futile, in this case the search can be
5. Permanent body in the EMGA in charge of promoting the effective temporarily interrupted and resumed if new information is
organization of SAR services, facilitates the collection and received.
exchange of information with national and international Active Search Suspended (ACTSUS).
institutions, supervises the implementation of SAR operations
18. Initial acquisition of information, generally obtained from the
within the NSRR.
reporting source, related to the location and condition of a vessel
National Maritime Search and Rescue Coordination Center
or persons on board.
Preliminary Communications (PRECOM).
6. Coordinating center in each Naval Region, in charge of
19. Obtaining information related to the SAR case. It begins if, after
coordinating and directly supporting SAR services within its SRR,
completing the preliminary search, the minimum information
providing coordination with the NMRCC, Sub-centers and Naval
necessary to execute the operation was not obtained. Extended
Search and Rescue Stations of its Region.
Communications (EXCOM).
Regional Maritime Rescue Coordination Center (MRCC).
20. Last known position of the search object, corrected for drift. Point,
7. It is established in the Naval Zones or Sector to maintain close line or geographic area that is used as a basis in planning the
coordination of the SAR means with the MRCC when necessary search.
due to distance or lack of communication due to the size of the Datum.
SRR area.
Maritime Rescue Coordination Sub-centre (MRSC). 21. Movement on the surface of the sea, caused by the combined
effects of wind and current.
8. Operational unit equipped with personnel, units and specialized Drift.
equipment for the coordination and execution of SAR operations.
Naval Search and Rescue Station (ENSAR). 22. Condition of decreased mental and physical capacity that affects
the performance of the crew. It occurs due to being exposed to
9. Surface, air or land operational unit engaged in the development long periods of effort and stress, which reduces the individual's
of SAR operations. ability to respond to an external stimulus. Fatigue.
Search and Rescue Unit (SRU).
23. Ship or person that is lost or at risk and towards which the SRU's
10. Responsible for establishing and providing SAR services in the location efforts are directed.
NSRR and ensuring that the planning of such services is properly Search Object.
coordinated. It is carried out by the Chief of the General Staff of
the Navy.
National Search and Rescue Coordinator (NSC).

11. Responsible for coordinating, supervising and monitoring SAR

operations. It is carried out by the Head of the Sixth Section.

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24. Any act or activity undertaken to help or assist a ship or to 41. Radio frequency signal transmitter installed on board aircraft,
safeguard other property that is in danger in navigable waterways which allows its location when activated.
or other waters. Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT).
Rescue operation.
42. Dissemination of a request for support to the maritime community,
25. Document prepared by the SMC that contains the necessary in order to assist a ship or people who require it. This message
instructions for the execution of the SAR operation. contains the name of the transmitting station, geographic location
Search Action Plan (SAP). of the requester, and type of support required.
Transmission of Maritime Assistance Request (MARB).
26. Set of existing documents at all levels of the national and
international SAR structures, which detail the objectives,
43. Dissemination of the SMC to the maritime community to alert them
measures and procedures that support the provision of these
about a real or potential emergency situation, or to obtain more
information about it.
Search and Rescue Plan (SAR Plan) Marine Rescue Plan.
Transmission of Urgent Maritime Information (UMIB).
27. Probability that the search object is within the AOI.
44. Action of extracting or removing a person who requires medical
Probability of Containment (POC).
assistance from a healthcare level higher than that which can be
obtained in the place where they are located.
28. Probability that the search object will be detected, assuming it will
Medical Evacuation (MEDEVAC).
be within the AOI when the search is performed.
Probability of Detection (POD).
45. Action of providing remote medical assistance via radio. Request
for Medical support (MEDICO).
29. Probability of finding the search object, based on the POC and the
46. Due to Mexico's geostrategic position, it has a bioceanic coastline
Probability of Success (POS).
with more than.
30. Geographic location of the start of a search pattern. Search Start 11,000 km of coastline.
Point (CSP).
47. At this stage, some member of the SAR system is aware that a
31. Operation carried out to recover people in a dangerous situation, real or potential emergency exists. It is short-lived, but it is
including the provision of medical advice, initial assistance and/or important to recognize that you have a SAR case before you start
medical evacuation. acting on it. The report can come from the person who is in
Rescue. danger, from a third party or through an electronic signal.
32. Situation of a ship when it has not reached its destination and its
whereabouts are unknown. 48. Stage in that takes out the obtaining information
Delay. additional, evaluation of the incident, determination of the
emergency phasein That finds SMC designation,
33. Situation of a ship that has not reported its situation or status transmission of alert messages (UMIB and/or MARB) and the
when expected and its whereabouts are unknown. means to carry out the operation are alerted or deployed.
Not reported. Initial action.

34. Geo-referenced computer system, used to obtain, through 49. In this stage, an operations plan is developed that includes the
mathematical models, the behavior of a drifting object and an determination of the Datum, delimitation of the AOI, preparation of
optimal SAP to be carried out with the available means. Search the SAP, as well as ground support requirements. For this stage,
and Rescue Optimal Planning System (SAROPS). the SAROPS is available.
35. It is the term used to indicate the last position obtained or
observed. 50. Stage during which the SAP is provided to the SRU Commander
Last Known Position (LKP). or Master, the SRUs are coordinated and/or deployed to the
incident area, the OSC is designated, the rescue is carried out
36. Situation that must be monitored, which requires more information and the survivors are transported. This stage is the physical
in this regard, and the sending of resources is not required. execution of a SAR case.
Uncertainty phase. Operations.
37. Situation in which a ship and/or the people on board are facing 51. At this stage the SRU returns to port or continues with its assigned
difficulties and may need help, but are not in immediate danger. operations order, the crew prepares the material for the next SAR
Alert phase. case, a final critique is carried out, the case is documented, and
the SAR system is deactivated.
38. Situation in which there are justified reasons to believe that a ship
Conclusion of the mission.
and/or the people on board are threatened by serious and
imminent danger and need immediate assistance.
Danger phase.

39. Portable transmitter of radio frequency signals that allows the

location of the user.
Personal Location Radio Beacon (PLB).

40. Portable radio frequency signal transmitter to activate the SAR

system and allow its location.
Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB).

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52. The SAR case is in this phase when we are aware 64. A coded system of letters and numbers is used.
of a situation that must be monitored or that The first letter indicates the type of pattern to be
requires the collection of more information but that made, the second letter denotes the
does not imply the deployment of units. number/quantity of SRUs that will be used and the
Uncertainty. third letter, when it exists, indicates specific
instructions for the SRUs. Designation of search
53. This classification is assigned to the SAR case patterns.
when a vessel or person is experiencing difficulties
and may need assistance, but is not in imminent 65. They are used when the planned route of the
danger or does not require an immediate object to be searched is known. Route tracking is
response. the first action, it is presumed that the object is on
Alert. or near the planned route and can be easily
sighted or the survivors will signal.
54. This phase is established within the SAR case Route tracking patterns.-Tracking Line Pattern (T).
when a serious and imminent danger threatens a
ship or person and requires an immediate 66. They are most adaptable to rectangular and
response. square areas and have straight search legs that
Danger. align parallel to the long axis of the search area.
They are used in large, almost flat search areas,
55. A SAR case is closed when the ship or people who
where only the approximate initial position is
were in danger has been located, when it has
been determined that the ship or people who were
Parallel patterns. - Parallel Pattern (P).
reported in danger are not actually in danger, or
when a hoax has been confirmed. 67. They are a special type of parallel patterns where
Case closed. the direction of the sweep is along the long axis,
they are used to cover one end of an area in the
56. A SAR case remains pending when all search first instance, or to change the direction of the
efforts have been completed and the ship reported search legs when the reflection of the sun or the
in emergency or all of the people involved have not direction of the tide so require.
been located. Tracing patterns by transverse lines. - Creeping
Pending case. Line (C).
57. It is the temporary suspension of the SAR case 68. They are used for searching in small areas when
pending information that supports the initiation of there is any doubt about the location of the
new searches. emergency. These offer more uniform coverage
Active search suspended. than sector search and can be expanded, starting
58. It is the primary tool used by the SAR services in at the Datum and extending outwards. Square
Mexico to plan a search operation, developed by search patterns. - Square Pattern (S).
the United States Coast Guard and since 2009 it 69. They are used when the emergency position is
has been used in the AM reliable, or the search area is not very large, and a
Search and Rescue Operations Optimal Planning concentration of effort is desired in the Datum; the
System (SAROPS). aircraft sector search areas have a radius of less
than 30 miles, while Maritime vessels use a
59. Establishes, based on mathematical models maximum radius of 5 miles.
(Monte Carlo Model), the behavior of an object that Search patterns by sector. - sector pattern (VS).
is adrift. It has information to select various objects
considering that each of them derives: equipment 70. It is the essential document for the SRU to initiate
and accessories, people, or type, class, length and the SAR operation, which contains the necessary
beam of a boat. and sufficient information for the SRU to execute
Search and Rescue Operations Optimal Planning the operation and the OSC to coordinate with other
System (SAROPS). SRUs.
Search Action Plan (SAP – Search Action Plan).
60. It allows the SRU to effectively plan its route,
ensures that the SRU search patterns are 71. This document is in the form of sections containing
separated, and that they begin the search at the the information that is essential to know to
desired point and time. Search starting point correctly interpret and execute the operation.
(CSP). Search Pattern Summary.
72. Section of the Search Action Plan (SAP) that refers
61. Longest section of the track of any pattern. Search
to information about the case, description, people
on board, search object, weather forecast, and
62. Connection section between two search legs. additional information. Situation.
Cross leg (CRP). 73. Section of the Search Action Plan (SAP) that
indicates who the SAP is directed to, which SRU
63. Direction in which an SRU moves across a will execute it, as well as the assigned area and
rectangular or square area, usually in the same the start time of the search.
direction as legs crossed. Action.
74. Section of the Search Action Plan (SAP) that

contemplates area measurements in MN and
geographical location of the search area vertices.
Search Area.
75. Section of the Search Action Plan (SAP) that
indicates the corresponding area, responsible
SRU, SRU commander, search pattern, direction
of the search leg, height in feet, start coordinates
and search time.

76. Section of the Search Action Plan (SAP) that

contains the designation of the SMC, SRU,
instructions for the OSC and SRU, authorization
for the SRU to maneuver and instructions to insert
additional means of obtaining data.

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77. Section of the Search Action Plan (SAP) that indicates the 89. They stand out within the capabilities focused on Search and
communications medium to be used for surface-air links, Rescue operations, they are equipped with an aircraft and an on-
equipment and primary and secondary frequencies to be used. board interceptor, they make up the binomial and trinomial
Communications. concept, they allow SAR tasks to be carried out at more than 50
78. It is a model used to identify dangers, based on the following Ocean Patrols.
considerations: Planning, Complexity of the event,
Communications and Environmental Conditions, assigning certain
points in each section and the total determines the risk level: High, 9.- DAM NAVAL TRAFFIC CONTROL
Medium or Low.
PEACE model.

79. This model allows us in a simple way to consider all the factors
that are involved when evaluating risks and basically refers to 1. It is the key factor in the economies of the countries, its security
intrinsic issues of the crew, equipment, environmental factors and constitutes the basic antecedent and most important incentive for
complexity of the mission. the creation of the Navy.
GAR model (Green, Amber, Red). Maritime trade.

80. This model is used for risk analysis, it is considered when 2. Organization created after the 2nd. World War, which was
identifying options, namely: disseminate, transfer, accept, avoid dedicated to the task of studying the organization and defense of
and reduce. The common denominator is risk and assuming it will Maritime Traffic at the Inter-American level.
depend on the material, technological and human means. Inter-American Defense Board (IADB).
STAAR model.
3. Treaty signed by the American countries at the Inter-American
81. Surface units that, due to their characteristics, are used par Conference for the Maintenance of Peace and Security of the
excellence for SAR operations, are self-righting vessels for Continent, held in Rio de Janeiro on September 15, 1947.
adverse weather conditions. Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance (TIAR).
Textron Marine MLB (47') and Defender Safe Boat (33').
4. Year in which the Inter-American Defense Board (IADB)
82. Range of the Defender and MLB vessels in a specific search developed and entered into force the Plan for the Coordination for
operation from the coastline to respond to distress calls. the Defense of the International TM (PLANDEFTRAMI).
50 miles. 1959.
83. Scope of the Defender and MLB vessels to carry out a rescue 5. Year in which the Coordination for the Defense of Inter-American
operation, where the geographical location of the vessel or person Maritime Traffic (CODEFTRAMI) is approved and enters into
requiring support is known precisely. 100 miles. force, replacing the Plan for the Coordination for the Defense of
the International TM (PLANDEFTRAMI).
84. They make up the combat fleet, whose main mission is to become
the nation's first defense shield in the event of an offensive from
abroad. In peacetime, they carry out operations such as: 6. Date on which Mexico denounces the Inter-American Treaty of
Patrolling, surveillance, maritime traffic control and others ordered Reciprocal Assistance (TIAR), its effects ceasing as of September
by the High Court. Command. 9, 2004, in reference to art. 56 of the Vienna Convention.
Warships . September 6, 2002.

85. They are designed to maintain the rule of law and exercise State 7. Its mission is to coordinate the actions inherent to the
functions in jurisdictional maritime spaces, their weapons systems Management, Monitoring and Defense of the CM, fishing and
are flexible and have adequate means of data acquisition and other economic activities carried out in the waters of the American
communications, they carry out patrol and surveillance operations countries, in order to contribute to the Security of the TM.
with autonomy of up to 30 days, search and interception, maritime Coordination of Defense of Inter-American Maritime Traffic
traffic control, information collection and escort. (CODEFTRAMI).
Ocean Patrols.
8. The objective of this Plan is to ensure the freedom of navigation of
86. They are smaller surface units, most of which have reached the the TM, including its commercial and/or military cargoes, against
limit of their useful life and their capabilities are limited, they can any circumstance that represents a threat, in a way that allows
perform patrol and surveillance roles with autonomy of up to 7 safe arrival.
days, they have the capacity to operate as a mother ship for Coordination of Defense of Inter-American Maritime Traffic
patrols. interceptors. (CODEFTRAMI).
Coastal Patrols.
9. It is the Maritime Area of responsibility of the USA Mexico,
87. They are units that are characterized by their high speed and Venezuela and Colombia, according to the CODEFTRAMI Plan.
great maneuverability, they efficiently carry out interception and North Atlantic Maritime Area (NAMAN).
detention operations of vessels engaged in illicit activities.
Interceptor patrols.

88. They are Surface Units used for logistical missions of very diverse
characteristics and capable of developing support operations for
the civilian population in cases and disaster areas, including
search and rescue operations at the time.
Auxiliary Vessels.

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10. It is the Maritime Area of responsibility of the USA Mexico, El guidance and supervision) that are implemented when there are
Salvador and Honduras, according to the CODEFTRAMI Plan. traditional, non-traditional or emerging threats to TM, measures
North Pacific Maritime Area (AMPAN). are applied to neutralize and/or mitigate them.
CNTM Doctrine.
11. It is the Maritime Area of responsibility of Argentina, Brazil,
Paraguay and Uruguay, according to the CODEFTRAMI Plan. 24. Provides Military (Naval) Authorities with the development of
South Atlantic Maritime Area (AMAS). maritime transport events presented in the surface panorama.
Naval Cooperation and Guidance for Maritime Transport
12. It is the Maritime Area of responsibility of Chile, Ecuador and Peru, (NCAGS).
according to the CODEFTRAMI Plan.
South Pacific Maritime Area (AMPAS). 25. CNTM/NCAGS scenario where shipowners, owners and lessees
are responsible for directing and supervising the movement of
13. It is defined as the activity of monitoring and controlling the their vessels to comply with commercial requirements, CNTM/C
movements of the TM that contributes to its normal development (Cooperation) control is carried out.
as a basic passive measure to provide its safety and protection. Period of Peace.
Naval Control of Maritime Traffic (CNTM).
26. CNTM/NCAGS scenario where in certain maritime, river, lake or
14. Civil component of CODEFTRAMI that includes 3 main aspects:
land routes, there are areas where the TM has its security
Supervision of the national policy of the TM, Supervision of port
threatened, due to being at risk of suffering an attack, harassment
loading and unloading operations of the WB and Control over the
or interference, CNTM/O control (Guidance) is carried out.
employment of the BM, their loads and destinations.
Period of Tension or Crisis.
Organization of Civil Directorate of Marine transport
(ORGDCTM). 27. CNTM/NCAGS scenario where maritime communication routes
may be under threat of attack, CNTM/S (Supervision) control is
15. Component CODEFTRAMI civil which includes the
Supervision of the national fishing policy and Supervision and carried out. The ships will be controlled and protected by a Naval
control of fishing activities. Force, responsible for the safe navigation of the BMs.
Civil Fisheries Directorate Organization (ORGDCP). Conflict Period (armed/asymmetric).

16. Its mission is to promote safe, protected, ecologically rational, 28. Its objective is to provide channels that facilitate the transfer of
effective and sustainable Maritime Transport through Cooperation. data and the dissemination of information between participating
International Maritime Organization (IMO). organizations to achieve coordination between civil and military
authorities, as well as naval command and control when
17. Its mission is to support military commanders and TM activities in transferring data and disseminating information.
times of peace, tension, crisis and conflict through Cooperation, CNTM/NCAGS Communications.
Guidance, Advice, Assistance and Supervision, as well as
providing guidance, advice or support in military commercial 29. They are for use by CNTM authorities, they are used when
interests. . activating CNTM Organization and allow the exchange of various
Naval Cooperation and Guidance for Maritime Transport information and specific orders for CNTM, DCTM and DCP.
(NCAGS). CNTM/NCAGS messages.

18. Its objective is to develop and implement measures to facilitate the 30. Authority exercised by the National Maritime Administration for the
conduct of military activities at sea, either involving the TM or in exercise of sovereignty, protection and maritime security, as well
the presence of it. as the maintenance of the rule of law in the Mexican Marine
Naval Cooperation and Guidance Organization for Maritime Zones.
Transport (NCAGSORG). SEMAR.

19. Level of the CNTM that develops daily in a current normal 31. Where the Control of Maritime Traffic is carried out at the National
situation in which there are no threats to the TM. Level. CC2, SC2 and MC2.
Cooperation (CNTM/C).
32. It is responsible for controlling navigation in port areas and
20. Level of the CNTM that exists in threat situations where they may anchorage areas, through the Comprehensive Port
suffer attack, harassment or interference, a Risk Area is Administrations and the Maritime Traffic Control Centers (CCTM).
established, the naval authority is not responsible for the safe Ministry of Communications and Transportation (SCT).
transit of the TM.
Guidance (CNTM/O). 33. It is the responsible authority in Mexico for the CNTM/NCAGS.
Secretary of the Navy (SEMAR).
21. CNTM level where control of the TM passes into the hands of the
Naval Force, the naval authority is responsible for the safe transit
of the BM, the convoy system is used. 34. Component of the CNTM/NCAGS carried out by SEMAR through
Supervision (CNTM/S). the Port Captaincy and Maritime Affairs Unit (UNICAPAM) in
maritime sovereignty and security actions for the maintenance of
22. Doctrine where the type of activity generates the type of the rule of law.
appropriate response carried out by the Organization at any level National Shipping Authority (NSA).
of crisis, added to the contact with the maritime community, will
benefit Naval commanders to achieve their mission. NCAGS

23. Doctrine where there are three types of control (Cooperation,

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35. It is the National Fisheries Authority (NFA) which directs the operations in their subarea, TM monitoring, registration of BMs of
implementation of policies, programs and regulations that lead interest, sailing and routing authority, integrating coastal convoys,
and facilitate the competitive and sustainable development of the requesting protection measures, maintaining control of NCSOs,
Country's Fishing and Aquaculture Sector. updating the situation sea general and maintain coordination with
SAGARPA through CONAPESCA. NSA allies.
Operational Control Authority (OCA).
36. It is the Naval Authority responsible for applying CNTM/NCAGS
measures and employing TM protection and defense measures.
48. Conducts the port or anchorage phase, is established in an office
The Mexican Navy through JEMGA,
with personnel and material for its task, is responsible for: visiting
37. It will be designated by member countries of the CODEFTRAMI and indoctrinating each arriving BM, preparing sailing and routing
when the CNTM/NCAGS organization is established for the orders, preparing and organizing oceanic and coastal convoys,
protection of the TM of the American continent, it will have a distributing letters , warnings and alerts, issues sailing messages
General Staff of allied countries, in the event that Mexico is and maintains records of TM movements.
designated as such, the High Command will exercise the Naval Maritime Traffic Control Officers (NCSO).
Major Area Commander (MAC). 49. They serve in national or neutral ports, from peacetime or war
situations, in national ports they are Officers subordinate to a
38. It will be designated by the countries of the AMPAN (USA, Mexico, NCSO (CNTM Officer), in neutral ports they are Officers of
El Salvador and Honduras) and the AMAN (USA, Mexico, another Armed Force or civil state agents. Maritime Traffic
Venezuela and Colombia) upon establishing the CNTM/NCAGS Reporting Officers (REPTOF/UN).
organization at the Regional level, in case Mexico is designated
as such, the High Command will exercise Authority through the 50. They are authorities in neutral ports and of interest, from
JEMGA. peacetime to war situations, they are always undercover Naval
Area Commander (AC). Officers dressed in civilian clothes without showing military
hierarchy, their fusion is to report movements of the TM and
39. In Mexico, the JEMGA will designate one per coastline, it will be
instruct the arriving BMs of their flag.
exercised by a Higher Command in Chief and will perform
Consular Maritime Traffic Informants (CONSA).
functions as Operational Commander.
Operational Control Authority (OCA). 51. He is an Officer Naval commissioner on board of a BM, for
40. It will be subordinate to the OCA (Operational Control Authority) of provide link between the Captain of the ship with the
its coast, it will exercise functions through its S-2, S-3, UNAPROP, Naval Authorities.
SC2/MC2 and corresponding CEREGINA, it may designate a NCAGS Liaison Officer (NCAGS LO).
reporting officer (REPTOF/NU) under its orders to serve the 52. He is a Naval Officer appointed to serve in the General Staff or
secondary ports of their jurisdiction. office of an allied NCSO. He is the representative of the interests
Naval Maritime Traffic Control Officer (NCSO). of his country in matters pertinent to the CNTM.
41. It will be carried out by the UNAPROP Commanders, through their CNTM Liaison Officers (NCSLO's).
Head of the Traffic Control and Maritime Protection Section, and
53. Your responsibilities in the CNTM/NCAGS are: Having knowledge
must have course and experience in CNTM/NCAGS matters.
of the MDA through its Sections and CC2, coordinating with
Reporting Officer (REPTOF).
UNICAPAM and UIN to support the decision-making of the Naval
42. It will be proposed by the OCA (Operational Control Authority) to Commands regarding CNTM/NCAGS.
the JEMGA for the procedures before the corresponding Chief of the General Staff of the Navy (JEMGA).
diplomatic authority in both Mexican and foreign ports. Consular
Informant (CONSA). 54. Your responsibilities in the CNTM/NCAGS are: Carry out
monitoring and analysis of the TM under normal or conditions of
43. It will be exercised by an Officer designated by the NCAGS ORG
interest and share data with the CC2, UNICAPAM, S3 EMGA and
MEXICO, commissioned on board a BM.
NCAGS Liaison Officer/Liaison Officer (LO). UIN, in order to maintain control and dominance of the MDA.
Intelligence Section (S2 EMGA).
44. It will be exercised by a Naval Officer, designated by the General
Staff of the Navy to join a General Staff of an allied country. 55. His responsibilities in the CNTM/NCAGS are: Representative of
CNTM Liaison Officer (NCSLO). the JEMGA before international authorities, he is the Local
Commander of Operational Control, liaison and coordination in
45. Some of their responsibilities are: establishing policies for Port
civil-military operations (CIMIC), advise the JEMGA in the
Safety and Security operations of the TM and CNTM/NCAGS,
Planning and Execution of Operations and coordinate
establishing general guidance for the BMs, establishing the type
UNAPROP's activities.
of CNTM control in each situation, establishing policies for
Operations Section (S3 EMGA).
independent vessels, assigning auxiliary vessels to Naval
Commanders and establish ship-to-shore communications
56. Your responsibilities in the CNTM/NCAGS are: Keeps the MDA
updated, in order to support decision making and coordinate and
MAC's Major Area Commanders.
share the COP with the S2 EMGA and S3 EMGA. Command and
46. Some of their responsibilities are: conduct CNTM/NCAGS Control Center (CC2 AM).
operations in their area, issue control and routing instructions for
the OCA's, establish convoy programs, dictate fishing policies,
maintain liaison with TM civil authorities, promulgate limited route
systems and establish ship-to-shore communications policies.
Area Commanders (AC's).
47. Some of their responsibilities are: conducting CNTM/NCAGS

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57. Their responsibilities in the CNTM/NCAGS are: Coordinate and first 24 hours after the accident?
share information with the S2 EMGA, S3 EMGA and CC2 AM, 80%.
plan, organize, direct, control and conduct the exercise of the
AMN in the ZMM in matters of: Safeguarding of human life at sea, 4. It is the most up-to-date computer tool for establishing the DATÚM
maritime safety, traffic control and navigation safety. and determining a search pattern, considering sea currents and
Port Captaincy and Maritime Affairs Unit (UNICAPAM). winds in real time at the incident site.
Search and Rescue Optimal Planning System (SAROPS).
58. Your responsibilities in the CNTM/NCAGS are: Have knowledge of
the MDA through its Sections, UNAPROP's and REGINA's for 5. Stage of the SAR operation in which emergency information is
decision making. received from any person or agency and the Search and Rescue
Naval Commands (Forces, Regions, Zones and Sectors). system is activated.
Knowledge acquisition.
59. Their responsibilities in the CNTM/NCAGS are: monitoring and
analysis of the TM through the SC2, providing intelligence 6. Stage of the SAR operation where the incident is evaluated and
products to the S3 and UNAPROP and sharing and updating data the state of emergency is classified, the Mission Coordinator
with other Naval Commands for the control and domain of the (SMC) is designated, the means to carry out the operation are
MDA. alerted and the Alert messages are broadcast.
Intelligence Section (S2). Initial action.
60. His responsibilities in the CNTM/NCAGS are: representative of the 7. Stage of the SAR operation where the probable position of the
Naval Command before national and international organizations, incident is determined (DATÚM), the search area is delimited, a
advise the Naval Command in the Planning and Execution of Search Plan (Search Pattern) is defined, and ground support is
Maritime Operations and Exercises and share and update data determined.
with other Naval Commands for the control and domain of the Planning.
Operations Section (S3). 8. Stage of the SAR operation where the necessary information is
provided to the crews of the SAR units, the appropriate and
61. Your responsibilities in the CNTM/NCAGS are: Keep the MDA
necessary units are sent, the coordinator on scene is defined, the
updated, coordinate and share the COP with the S2 EMGA, S3
necessary support is provided at the scene, survivors are
EMGA and UNICAPAM, in order to maintain control and mastery
transported and presents the corresponding report.
of the MDA.
Command and Control Room and Module (SC2/MC2).

62. Their responsibilities in the CNTM/NCAGS are: Application of 9. Stage of the SAR operation where the Mission Coordinator
PMyP measures in effective response to maritime incidents, and deactivates the System, the operational units return or continue
executing their functions in accordance with the respective with their previously assigned mission, the material for the next
Regulations, Ports Law and Navigation and Maritime Commerce case is prepared and the case is documented.
Law. Conclusion of the Mission.
Unified Center for the Maritime Protection and Port
(CUMAR). 10. Some of the concepts to consider to determine the search area
are: time and position, size and type of object, drift, weather
63. Your responsibilities in the CNTM/NCAGS are: Perform conditions and means available to carry out the search.
surveillance, verification, visit, inspection and control actions in Uncertainty and probability.
Coast Guard functions within port areas, in support of the exercise
of authority in matters of PMyP. 11. It is the probability that the object to be searched is contained in
Naval Port Protection Unit (UNAPROP). an area.
Probability of Containment (POC) Probability of Containment.
64. His responsibilities in the CNTM/NCAGS are: Provide intelligence
to SEMAR for decision making in the conception, preparation and 12. It is the probability that the object will be detected; assuming it was
conduct of naval operations and share and update data with CC2- in the area when searched.
EMGA, S2-EMGA and Naval Commands for control and domain Probability of Detection (POD) Probability of Detection.
of the MDA.
Naval Intelligence Unit (UIN). 13. It is the probability of finding the object you are looking for, it is
based on the contact probabilities for the search areas, as well as
the detection probabilities when searching in those areas.
10.- DAM GRAL PLAN. SEARCH AND Probability of Success (POS) Probability of Success.
14. These depend on the severity of the situation in which a vessel or
1. According to statistics from the EMGA Operations Section, what is aircraft is immersed, so they are divided according to the case.
the range with respect to the coast where the highest percentage Phases of an emergency.
of search and rescue cases occur.
20 MN.

2. How many Search, Rescue and Maritime Surveillance stations

were created due to the need to guarantee the physical safety of
people in the Mexican seas and coastlines, their operational range
is limited to 50 NM radio.
29 stations.

3. What is the percentage by which life expectancy decreases in the

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15. Emergency phase that is activated when there are doubts about MATRIX FOR RISK ASSESSMENT” are followed, which are
the safety of a ship or aircraft, due to lack of information related to complemented by the PEACE, GAR and STAAR models, which
its route or position, or due to knowledge of possible difficulties. will facilitate the decision-making of the SMC (Mission
Uncertainty Phase (INCERFA). Coordinator).
Risk assessment.
16. Emergency phase that is activated when there is apprehension
regarding the safety of a ship or aircraft or its personnel, due to 27. It can be the greatest limitation in the performance and capabilities
lack of continuous information related to its position or route or of SAR units, more than the environment, it is a condition of
because information has been received that they presented mental and physical incapacity in the performance of the crew.
serious or unavoidable difficulties. Fatigue.
Alert Phase (ALERFA).
28. These are the 7 steps of the "DECISION MATRIX TO EVALUATE
17. Emergency phase where immediate help is necessary due to lack RISKS".
of continuous information related to the position or progress of the Define the mission or task, Identify Dangers, Risk Assessment,
ship or aircraft or because definitive information has been Identify options, Evaluate risks vs. gains, Execute the mission and
received that the unit or its personnel are in serious or imminent Monitor the situation.
Danger Phase (DISTREFA). 29. It is the model that is used to identify risks and its steps are:
Planning, Complexity of the event, Communications and
18. This phase is activated for Air Units when no communication has Environmental conditions.
been received from the aircraft within 30 min. following the PEACE model.
scheduled landing time, time scheduled by air traffic or after an 30. It is the model used to evaluate risks whose factors are:
unsuccessful attempt was made to establish communication with Supervision, Planning and preparation, Physical Condition,
it. Environment, Mission Complexity and Calculate risk. GAR model.
Uncertainty Phase (INCERFA).
31. It is the model that is used to identify options by making a
19. This phase is activated for Air Units when no news can be comparison of Gain vs. Risk.
obtained from the aircraft through new communication STAAR model.
verifications, it has been authorized to land and does not do so
within 5 min. following and when reports of abnormal aircraft 32. They are the most common risk factor that should be taken into
operating conditions are received. consideration, it is defined as the combination of seas or waves
Alert Phase (ALERFA). that exceed 8 feet and/or winds greater than 30 knots.
Adverse weather conditions.
20. This phase is activated for Air Units when new attempts to
establish communication are unsuccessful, fuel is considered 33. Element that will determine the adverse weather conditions in
exhausted, abnormal operating reports are received and loss of which your Unit can operate.
air contact at sea with probable ditching or forced landing. Pattern.
Danger Phase (DISTREFA).
34. Wave conditions of this type will be considered to exist at the
21. This phase is activated for Surface Units when after an hour they mouth of the breakwater when: The waves exceed 8 feet, in the
have not arrived at their destination point, or they have stopped opinion of the boat skipper there are difficult bar wave conditions
transmitting the notification that was expected from them in or there is doubt about the present conditions.
relation to their situation or security. Bar/surf wave.
Uncertainty Phase (INCERFA).
35. It is defined as when the sea breaks intensely on the beach or on
22. This phase is activated for Surface Units when attempts to the reefs, when there are difficult conditions of bar waves, a
establish contact with the ship have failed and have not given trained skipper called "Surfer Skipper" will be appointed. SURF.
results and when information has been received that operational
capacity is diminished. 36. Rescue personnel in a SAR incident could be exposed to this
Alert Phase (ALERFA). contagion of pathology that someone from the incident could
23. This phase is activated for Surface Units when undoubted have, so the corresponding protective measures must be taken.
information is received that they are in serious danger and need Blood Diseases.
help, new unsuccessful attempts to establish contact or when
information is received that operational capacity has decreased. 37. During a SAR incident, rescue personnel may encounter people
Danger Phase (DISTREFA). with this disease or some other virus of an epidemic or pandemic
nature, so they must be trained to recognize the symptoms and
24. It is the detailed and precise data of an emergency collected by provide first attention. Respiratory diseases.
the operator on duty, it is the most critical and relevant information
marked on the "SAR Incident Initial Verification Sheet" such as:
Position and description of the ship, nature of the emergency and
number of people on board.
Data from a SAR incident.

25. It contemplates all the foreseeable risks that the units may
encounter such as: sea conditions, limited visibility, sea conditions
in the bar and dangers in navigation. Mission information.

26. In this procedure, the 7 steps described in the “DECISION

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38. It depends on many factors such as: the DATUM, the size of the Search Action Plan (SAP).
search area, the number and capacity of the SRU (Search Unit),
the environmental conditions and size of the searched object. 52. Section of the Search Action Plan (SAP) that will include a brief
Search Pattern. description of the event, position, time, number of people on
board, search objects, including the amount and types of survival
39. It is the point/position in the search pattern where the SRU starts equipment, weather forecast and search means at the scene of
the scan. the accident.
Search starting point. Situation.
40. Extensive stretch along the path of any pattern.
Search leg. 53. Section of the Search Action Plan (SAP) that contains information
on size and delimitation using geographic coordinates.
41. Connection between two search legs. Search areas.
Cross leg.
54. Section of the Search Action Plan (SAP) that contemplates the
42. General direction in which an SRU travels through a rectangular or assignment of means to their corresponding zone within the
square area, usually in the same direction as the cross sections. search area, configuration of the search pattern, direction of
Swept. movement, search start points (CSP), and altitude in case of
aircraft employment.
43. Relationship between search effort (Z) and search area (Z/A). For
searches by parallel sweeps, it can be computed as the ratio
between the sweep width W and the separation between paths. 55. Section of the Search Action Plan (SAP) that contemplates the
Coverage factor (Coverage factor C). designation of the Mission Coordinator (SMC) and the On-Scene
Coordinator (OSC), time of the search means at the scene of the
44. A measure of the area in which a search facility can search emergency, separation between routes and factors of desired
effectively within the limits of the speed, duration and sweep width coverage, instructions to the OSC (On Scene Coordinator).
of the search. Coordination.
Search effort (Search effort Z).
56. Section of the Search Action Plan (SAP) that contemplates the
45. It is a 3-letter coded system, the first letter is the most significant corresponding communications plans.
characteristic of the pattern, the second the number of SRU's and Communications.
the third designates specialized patterns or specific instructions.
Designation of Search Patterns. 57. They are the backbone of the Search and Rescue Coordination
Centers (MRCC), and their effectiveness is a mandatory
46. They are used when the planned route of the wanted object is requirement for the success of SAR operations.
known, it is the first action, since it is presumed that the wanted SAR Communications.
object is close to the trajectory, and that it can be easily sighted or
the survivors will signal. 58. They have a legal obligation to respond to any distress call and
Route tracking patterns (Tracking Line Pattern T). provide coordination of assistance where needed, in order to
Safeguard human life at sea.
47. They are most adaptable to rectangular and square areas and All SEMAR Units and Establishments.
have straight search legs that are usually aligned parallel to the
long axis of the search area, they are generally used in large, 59. They are derived from the strategy of the Naval Commands to
almost flat search areas, where only the approximate initial fulfill their tasks and functions, there are the Regional (Naval
position is known. . Region) and the Local (Zones and Sectors), they must be
Parallel patterns. (Parallel Pattern P). prepared considering the most detailed requirements that allow
establishing reliable and fast communications in any operational
48. They are parallel patterns where the direction of the transverse
and climatological condition.
tracking is along the long axis, contrary to the usual parallel
Communications plan.
pattern and are used to cover one end of an area in the first
instance, or to change the direction of the search legs when the
60. International Distress and Call Frequency in Radiotelegraphy
reflection of the sun or the direction of the tide so requires.
Tracing patterns by transverse lines. (Creeping Line C).
500 KHZ (MF).
49. They are used for searching in small areas when there is any
61. International Distress and Radiotelephony Call Frequency, will be
doubt about the location of the emergency, they offer more
used for distress and safety traffic in radiotelephony using the J3E
uniform coverage than the search by sector and can be
emission class.
expanded, they start in the DATÚM and extend outwards. Square
2182 KHZ (HF).
search patterns. (Square pattern S).

50. They are used when the emergency position is reliable, or the
search area is not very large, and a concentration of effort in the
DATÚM is desired. Such a pattern resembles the spokes of a
bicycle wheel and is used to cover a circular search area.
Search patterns by sector. (Sector Pattern S).

51. Each Coordinating Center or Subcenter will prepare detailed plans

and instructions for SAR operations for its area of responsibility,
taking into account its own resources and available support. It is a
plan that consists of 5 parts: Situation, Search Area, Execution,
Coordination and Communications .

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62. It will be used for the Relief and Safety traffic Rescue Coordination Centers - Regions) and MRSC (Maritime
Radiotelephony can be used by aircraft to communicate with Rescue Sub-Coordination Centers - Zones and Sectors).
maritime mobile service stations for relief and safety purposes,
including search and rescue operations. Its use as a working - Keep Search and Rescue Plans updated,
frequency is not authorized. regional and local.
4125KHz (HF). - Have the necessary information on logistical facilities that may
be required in SAR operations.
63. It is used for Distress and Safety traffic in Radiotelephony, it is also - Coordinate with the Port Captaincy, if necessary
used in communications by coast stations and the stations of the necessary, of the Maritime Traffic Control in the area.
simplex sideband radiotelephony units. - Maintain constant link with ENSAR for the proper
6215.5KHz (HF). coordination of SAR operations.
64. It is used for Distress and Safety traffic in radiotelephony. 16420
77. These are specific activities for Naval Search and Rescue Stations
KHz (HF).
65. Frequency whose channel 13 is used in VHF ship-to-ship
communications related to Navigation Safety. 156.650 MHz (VHF). - Provide corresponding support when you receive a call
and inform the MRCC or MRSC.
66. Frequency whose channel 16 is used for Distress and Safety traffic - Maintain an updated directory of consignees of
in radiotelephony. Likewise, it can only be used by aircraft for safety ships, cooperatives, port authorities, fishing authorities,
purposes. consular authorities, international maritime search and rescue
156.8 MHz (VHF). organizations.
67. Emergency radiotelephony frequency for joint/combined military - Gather as much information as possible about
forces and international transmission frequency for radio direction an incident, requiring the corresponding forms.
finding of lifeboats, Emergency Locators (ELT) and emergency - When assigned as SAR Mission Coordinator, carry out the
situation indicating radio beacons (EPIRB). necessary actions for the planning, execution and monitoring
243.0 MHz (VHF). of operations.

68. Civil Band channel 9. The Mexican Navy is not required to monitor 78. It is when the search object(s) are located, assistance to the search
this frequency. objects is completed and no other SAR issue is apparent, in this
27.065 MHz (VHF). case no further action will be necessary or contemplated by the
69. It can be used for communication between mobile stations Case closed.
participating in coordinated Search and Rescue operations and
between such stations and ground stations participating in the 79. This term will refer to an open case in which the objects of the
operations. search have not yet been located and all search efforts have not yet
3023 KHz (HF) and 5680 KHz (HF). been completed.
Pending case.
70. It is the auxiliary frequency of the aeronautical emergency frequency
of 121.5 MHz, used by aeronautical mobile service stations and 80. It will be defined as when a SAR case cannot be closed and future
other mobile and land stations that participate in coordinated search search efforts appear futile, the search may be discontinued,
and rescue operations. however, the SAR case will remain open.
70.1 MHz (VHF). Active search suspended (ACTSUS).

71. Frequency whose channel 6 in the marine band is used for 81. It will be when another agency coordinates the SAR mission (P. e.g.
communication between the stations of surface and air units that USCG) and
participate in coordinated Search and Rescue operations. Navy units are participating in the efforts, all efforts will cease when
156.3MHz. (VHF). the Navy mission coordinator suspends the case.
Suspension by other SAR authorities.
72. It is the Marina band channel of “Digital Selective Call”.
Channel 70 (VHF). 82. They serve as support for decision making regarding the conclusion
of search missions and rescue and are the
73. They should be aimed at eliminating delays and errors in the survival at air and water temperatures.
transmission and retransmission of information that cause loss of Considerations for the suspension of OPSARs.
vital time for searching and locating people in danger.
Communications. 83. When the deadline to maintain the search has passed 96 hours,
when the EMGA order is received, when other state or municipal
74. It is used to collect incident information, they contain the minimum authorities participate and continue the search after 96 hours and
information that must be gathered for each situation and its mission when there is no information or reasons that justify continuing the
is to reduce the uncertainty of the location and status of survivors. search.
These sheets can only be modified with authorization from S-3 Criteria for changing the status of a SAR operation.
Checklist formats.
75. It consists of contacting various stations and organizations in order
to obtain information related to the location and status of a vessel or
aircraft for which arrival or position information has not been
Preliminary communications search (PRECOM).

76. These are specific activities for the MRCC (Regional Maritime

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84. The Mission Coordinator (SMC) will order the units to carry out the 96. International term for evacuating patients. It can be extremely
rescue or provide other assistance as necessary, notifying the dangerous for both (patient and crew) due to the severe
OSC or SMC: number and name of the environmental conditions at sea. MEDEVAC.
survivors, additional help and period of
destiny of the 97. It is called Marine Assistance Request Broadcast (MARB) and is
Units that carried out the rescue. carried out with the purpose of providing assistance to a vessel
Fruitful search. that requires support, but is not in danger.
Radio broadcast of request for maritime assistance.
85. It occurs when there is no longer a reasonable possibility of finding
survivors and it is considered that the application of additional
search efforts will not have a significant percentage of success 11.- DAM 1.4.- NAVAL LOGISTICS.
and the search will be ended. (FIRST PART)
Unsuccessful search.
1. It is the planning and execution process to provide the armed
86. The objectives are to establish the physical presence of a rescue forces with the means in adequate quantity, quality, time and
helicopter at any point in the sea within 25 NM from the Mexican place, to fulfill the mission.
coast in a maximum of 60 minutes. and Area units in 75 min. Logistics.
Response times.
2. They are the means on which logistics acts and those that are
87. The Operational Commander is the SMC (Mission Coordinator)
needed to sustain the forces.
who is usually in the best position to evaluate the circumstances of
Personnel, Material and Services.
a particular case and make the best decision to safeguard human
life at sea. 3. Logistical principle that must be provided to operational units and
Responsibility of the action. establishments according to the role they play and the importance
of their effort.
88. Situation in the one that must give an immediate response,
Adequate support.
provided by any unit of the Mexican Navy, coordinated by the
SMC (Mission Coordinator) who must use all available assistance 4. Logistical principle that ensures the existence and conservation of
resources. the means of logistical support, the tasks and the functioning of
Imminent danger. the system, preventing them from being destroyed, nullified or
89. Situation when there are volunteers available who can provide disorganized by enemy action.
support, however, if their experience is unknown the SMC Safety.
(Mission Coordinator) must closely monitor the support provided. 5. Logistical principle that states that logistical support must be
Worrying situation without conflict. provided from the top down and from the rear to the front.
The impetus of the rearguard.
90. It occurs when the safety of people is not at risk and the
assistance of a commercial firm is requested for rescue activities 6. Logistical principle that is the security that you will have the
and when an AM unit decides to tow a vessel in trouble. necessary support at the time, quantity, quality and place that your
Guide to principles in non-hazardous cases. plans require it.
The confiability.
91. The AM must emphasize it in maritime activities by coordinating
actions with all those institutions and organizations that make up 7. Logistical principle that states that support must be available at the
the maritime community in the areas of jurisdiction of the naval right time, in the right place and in the necessary quality and
commands, with information that allows a crew member to be well quantity.
prepared before setting sail. The opportunity.
8. Logistical principle that states that the resources for support must
92. In the development of SAR operations, it is possible that the crew be adapted to the needs of the operation and this in turn is
members refuse to abandon the vessel even when their life is in adjusted to the available resources.
danger. In the first instance, the personnel on the scene will try to The balance.
convince the crew members to abandon the vessel, subsequently
the decision to force a civilian crew member to abandon their 9. Logistics principle where support must be provided through
vessel is the responsibility of the SAR Mission Coordinator (SMC) centralized planning and decentralized execution, implies
and/or the On-Scene Coordinator (SC). delegating authority to subordinates in charge.
Forced ship evacuation. The authority.
93. The responsibility for these activities in port facilities will be that of
10. Logistics principle that means something not complex or
the Port Captaincy, the AM should not carry out these operations
entangled, it applies to the planning, direction and execution of
except to save life, nor will it carry them out alone on commercial
logistics activities, it involves the elimination of unnecessary steps.
ships or port facilities except in support.
The simplicity.
Firefighting activities.
94. Responsibility for the navigation and safety of the ship is the
responsibility of the ship's captain. The operational units of the AM
can pass information on navigation aids, tidal updates, warnings to
seafarers, lists of lighthouses, etc. Assistance to Seafarers
(Direction and Navigation).
95. It is an international term that means passing medical information
via radio to a requesting ship because it does not have medical
personnel on board.
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11. Logistical principle that seeks to ensure that the necessary CATEGORY III.- Fuels and Lubricants.
resources are used to support any operation, dosed to the extent
required to ensure the fulfillment of the mission. 25. Operational Classification of Material that are items not included in
The economy. another classification and do not appear as an organic provision
of a Unit.
12. They are the 7 Logistics Functional Elements. CATEGORY IV.- Respects.
Supply, Maintenance, Personnel, Health, Transportation, Facilities
and Evacuation. 26. Operational Classification of Material that refers to all types of
Ammunition and pyrotechnic elements.
13. It is responsible for solving the problems generated by logistics in CATEGORY V.- Ammunition.
the operational field, which must have infrastructure to carry out
logistics functions. Territorial Commands . 27. It is a structured set of bodies or areas that coordinately execute
the 8 Development Functions: Cataloging, Acquisition, Storage,
14. It is the basic function on which the efficiency of logistical support Material Accounting, Inventory Control, Transportation, Delivery
rests and consists of providing, equipping, sustaining and allowing and Disposal.
the Units and Establishments to operate with the necessary Supply System.
material, equipment and services.
28. It is the criterion of the Supply System that is to exercise inventory
control through a Central Body with the purpose of unifying the
general supply process.
15. Logistics Functional Element whose basic tasks are to consolidate
Centralization in management.
and process the established requirements program, calculate the
net acquisition and acquire material and equipment for
29. It is the criterion of the Supply System that consists of developing
consumption and fixed assets, scheduling their distribution.
the practical tasks of supplying the Units, that is, carrying out the
physical delivery of the materials for their use. Decentralization in
16. It is the Functional Classification of the Material.
Equipment, Spare Parts and Supplies and Consumer Goods. 30. It will adhere to the names integrated and organized in the Catalog
of Acquisition of Goods and Services (CABS).
17. It is the set of effects or items that are physical units that allow a Cataloging.
specific, technical or tactical function to be fulfilled (turbines,
engines, weapons, etc.) and that cannot be transformed by the 31. It is achieved through an inventory control system, verifying stocks
user. to determine needs and raise requirements.
Equipment. Forecasting of needs.

18. They are those effects integrated by parts of equipment, auxiliary 32. Establishes and organizes different storage levels or steps, in
elements or protective materials that are required as various geographical points to meet the requested requirements.
complement to keep equipment and systems in good condition Setting levels.
and They are: pieces of
33. Schedule and prioritize requirements in order of importance
respect, auxiliary devices,
considering their functionality.
tools and clothing and household items.
Acquisition management.
Spare parts and supplies.
34. It is to provide the Organization and Function Manuals, Directives
19. They are part of the Spare Parts and Equipment, they constitute and Guidelines to establish a Distribution System that allows the
the type of supply of the largest quantity of items, the most supply of the required materials and the effective and efficient
important and also the most complicated. administration of the supply, as well as creating steps that serve
Pieces of respect. as auxiliaries for timely delivery. Supply System Tasks.
35. Type of Supply that is to supply, without prior order, all the
20. They are those effects of rapid deterioration and frequent materials necessary to fulfill a mission.
replacement; Their useful life is fungible, they lose their original
properties with frequent use, their cost is low and they are easy
and quick to obtain. Consumer Items. 36. Type of Supply that is executed through a request submitted by
the user in accordance with the Manual of Procedures for the
21. It is the Operational Classification of the Material. Determination of Needs of Naval Units and Establishments.
Subsistence, Consumer Items, Equipment and Spare Parts, Fuels On request.
and Lubricants, Respects and Ammunition and Pyrotechnics.
37. Type of Supply where the supported forces or organizations
22. Operational Classification of the Material that are inputs or (consumers) must move to the resupply points.
consumer services within a constant periodic regime in all By distribution point.
circumstances (food, fresh, dry, frozen, water). CATEGORY I.-

23. Operational Classification of the Material that constitutes the

elements of the organic staff of the forces and organizations
(vehicles, weapons, household goods, clothing, equipment).
CATEGORY II.- Consumer items, equipment and spare parts.

24. Operational Classification of the Material which are gasoline,

Diesel, airplane gas, jet fuel, oils, greases, etc.

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38. Type of Supply where the upper echelon will deliver the required Operational.
support to the consumer wherever they are.
52. It is the set of tasks and logistical methods necessary to entertain,
Due to the location of the Unit.
repair, restore and recover equipment, weapons, materials and
39. They are the 8 Development Functions of the Logistics Supply supplies.
System. Maintenance Logistics Function.
Cataloging, Procurement, Warehousing, Material Accounting,
53. It is the set of management and execution bodies prepared to
Inventory Control, Transportation, Delivery and Disposal.
coordinate, direct, supervise and manage the resources
necessary for the development and execution of the directives,
40. Supply Development Function which is the description,
standards, techniques and procedures that Maintenance requires.
classification, nomination and numbering of each item, in order to
Maintenance Logistics Service.
be identified by a single name, a single number and a single
description. 54. Contribute to the operation of units and establishments, supervise
Cataloging. functions and levels of responsibility and coordinate, direct and
manage the necessary resources in terms of maintenance.
41. Supply Development Function, which is the executive action Functions of the Logistics Maintenance Service.
through which the material is obtained in quantities and
presentations that satisfy the user's needs. 55. It is the set of tasks and logistical methods for the development of
Acquisitions. actions aimed at preserving equipment, weapons, materials and
supplies in optimal conditions.
42. Supply Development Function which is the accumulation and Maintenance Activities.
protection of materials and supply items in the necessary quantity
for subsequent distribution. 56. Maintenance Echelon aimed at preserving materials, weapons and
Storage. equipment in serviceable conditions, through the necessary care,
to prevent and/or reduce failures such as: reviews, verifications,
43. Supply Development Function that constitutes the basis for diagnoses, cleaning and adjustments.
maintaining strict control of material stocks from the obtaining First Step (Preventive).
process to its storage.
Material Accounting. 57. Maintenance Echelon that handles repairs that correspond to
operating breakdowns and/or small wear that do not require
44. Supply Development Function, which is the most important, special tools or means, is the responsibility of the Units and
consists of the control of stocks, both actual and in the process of territorial commands, is synonymous with “first degree
obtaining. maintenance.”
Inventory Control. Second Step (Corrective).
45. Supply Development Function that represents moving the required
58. Maintenance Echelon that carries out repairs of breakdowns
material from the production or procurement centers to the
and/or deep material wear, the resolution of which requires
accumulation points (depots or warehouses) to make it reach the
technical operations carried out by technical or specialized
end user.
personnel, is the responsibility of the Support Groups,
Maintenance Centers and Naval Armament.
Third Step (Restorative or modifying).
46. Supply Development Function which is the link function between
storage and consumer units through the transfer of items from the 59. Maintenance Echelon that deals with serious breakdowns that
supplier to the consumer. affect operation and require reconstructions, restorations,
Delivery. modernization and/or modifications, it is the responsibility of the
Repair Centers and Shipyards, it is synonymous with “third
47. Supply Development Function that refers to the method used to degree maintenance”.
exclude that material that, due to irreparable breakdowns, Fourth Step (Recovery).
technological evolution, excess stock, wear, or any other cause, is
unusable. 60. This type of maintenance is provided by specialized factories or
Elimination. workshops of private initiative.
Fifth Step.
48. It is called the structured set of organs that coordinately develop 61. Type of Maintenance that consists of returning the operating and
each of the 8 Supply functions. service conditions to the equipment, weapons, materials and
Supply system. supplies resulting from accidental breakdowns or caused by
replacing parts, mechanisms and implements.
49. This supply level is the authorized quantity that must be found in Corrective maintenance.
the warehouses of the units or departments, which must be equal
to the minimum level plus the operational level. 62. Logistics Functional Element consisting of support organizations
Maximum. that are operated by high quality and well-trained personnel from
the active and reserve forces, together with the civil sector, its
50. This supply level is the authorized quantity that must be found in function is to provide administrative and personnel support to
the warehouses of the units or departments that must grow and keep combatant forces in functioning.
be considered a reserve and will be consumed in any unforeseen Staff.

51. This supply level is the amount necessary for the maintenance of
the units and is determined by the frequency and time of
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63. Personnel Development Function that consists of gathering 76. It occurs in all its scope in times of war or emergency, in times of
information that allows us to know the personnel needs to peace it is reduced to setting the quotas for each replacement.
maintain the operating capacity of the operational and Mobilization.
administrative organizations.
Maintenance of Cash. 77. It consists of the executive action of gathering the personnel that
must satisfy the human resources needs defined by the
64. Personnel Development Function which is the personnel command.
instructed or trained in a specialty intended to fill a vacancy Recruitment.
produced in a combat roll.
Replacement. 78. It consists of the transformation of recruited personnel into military
personnel, suitable for war.
65. Personnel Development Function that consists of organizing and Instruction.
using the available human resources seeking an adequate
balance between what is required of them and what they can 79. It is the provision of personnel to destinations, in accordance with
provide. Personnel Administration. quantitative and qualitative requirements, at the appropriate time
and place. This is the most logistically delicate phase, especially
66. Personnel Development Function that aims to regulate the in time of war.
conduct of military and civilian personnel in their rights and Staff distribution.
obligations as members of the Armed Forces and as individuals
exercising their citizenship. 80. They are the Organic functions of Personnel Distribution.
Discipline, Law and Order. Personnel classification, job assignment and personnel
67. Personnel Development Function that determines the logistical
responsibility for prisoners of war, corresponding to their 81. They are the Operational functions of Personnel Distribution.
collection, registration, maintenance, use and/or evacuation. Replacement of casualties and staff rotation.
Prisoners of war.
82. Linked to personnel reserves, it represents a numerical forecast
68. Personnel Development Function that consists of achieving and that must be carried out at the same time as the Determination of
preserving behavior that allows you to face the rigors of any Needs.
situation with a balanced mental attitude. Replacement of casualties.
Maintenance of Morale.
83. It is a consequence of the growing possibility of operational naval
69. Personnel Development Function which are those activities of units remaining at sea. A ship with great autonomy must have two
search, collection, identification, temporary disposal and/or sets of personnel.
evacuation of the remains of own and enemy personnel. Staff turnover.
84. Logistic Functional Element that consists of attending to the
70. Personnel Development Function that seeks to achieve maximum conservation and improvement of the state of physical and mental
performance of civilian personnel through compliance with legal efficiency of military human potential using medical techniques.
bases and general procedures. Health .
Civilian personnel. 85. They are the Organic Health functions of a static and conservation
nature that face problems of a preventive nature.
71. Personnel Development Function that includes the activities Preventive Medicine, Prophylaxis, Health Selection, Health
carried out by commanders to maintain relations between military Education, Research and Health Information.
forces, authorities and the population in their own, allied or
occupied territory. 86. They are the Health Operational functions of a dynamic and
Civil Affairs and Military Government. transformative nature that are aimed at solving problems caused
by the 2 disturbing agents: disease and enemy action.
72. Its basic function is to provide human resources to the structures Rehabilitation, Evacuation and Hospitalization.
of the Forces and Services, in sufficient quantity and adequate 87. It is a specialized body that is in charge of directing healthcare
quality, according to the corresponding activity as a whole and executing functional activities.
requirements. Health Service.
Functional Personnel Element.
88. They are the executive bodies of Health that are the "First step of
73. It consists of quantitatively and qualitatively specifying the rehabilitation", they are the ships' infirmaries and the first aid
personnel necessary to fulfill the assigned task. Determination of facilities adopted by the Internal Security organization of the ships.
Personnel requirements. Onboard organs.

74. It is the method to determine personnel needs. 89. It is the second level of the Organization of a Health Service, they
Organic Form. are located on land in the Naval Bases where the hospitalization
and recovery centers are located.
75. It is the transformation of requirements into suitable means, Organs on land.
quantitatively and qualitatively appropriate in the appropriate place
and time, carried out through: Mobilization, Recruitment and
Obtaining Personnel.

PFAM – 2 0 2 2. By: AEGV

90. Their primary mission is to care for active military personnel. In 103. Responsible for planning, organizing, directing and supervising
addition, they are assigned two missions in peacetime: "Social Health the medical care provided, execution of medical programs,
Care" for the families of military personnel and "Support for the manage and administer the assigned human, material and
Civilian Population in Cases of Disasters." financial resources, Assess cost-benefit to determine subrogation
Health Service and Technical Staff. and authorize medical care for the non-entitled population.
Medical Echelons (hospitals and sanatoriums).
91. Health Service Material that is made up of all the instruments
necessary for the execution of surgical operations, and may be light 104. Phase of the Health Logistics Cycle that are the means to be able
or high performance. perform their tasks, human, material and financial resources are
Surgical material. required, it is detected from medical care. Determination of
92. Health Service Material that is made up of medications, individual
impediments, bandages, tourniquets, medicines and materials used 105. Phase of the Health Logistics Cycle where the needs that
in the healing of patients. Healing material. have been identified as valid are transformed into media,
destined for the health stages.
93. Health Service material that includes the necessary means to
guarantee the movement of patients within the evacuation chain,
including individual material and vehicles. 106. Phase of the Health Logistics Cycle is where the
Evacuation material. resources to the end user, the sanitary echelons distribute them
between the sanitary sections, aid stations and nests for the
94. It has the responsibility of planning, coordinating and supervising the
logistics action, so that the subordinate echelons receive the
financial, human and material resources in the Health Logistics field.
Fourth Section (S-4) of the General Staff. 107. Characteristic of Naval Health Units which is speed
with which it can move with its elements from one point to
95. In the logistical field of Health, it transforms decisions into directives,
another, unfold, operate, fold its means and move again. Mobility.
instructions and orders, it proposes the core personnel of the health
bodies and services to cover the organic forms of the health 108. Characteristic of the Naval Health Units which is the
echelons. ability to adapt to sudden changes in the situation and is
First Section (S-1) of the General Staff. achieved by maintaining adequate reserves.
96. In the Health logistics field, it provides intelligence information, which
is necessary to determine health threats that affect the development 109. Characteristics of the Naval Health Units where the service
of operations. It should not establish a greater number of facilities than
Second Section (S-2) of the General Staff. necessary, but rather make adequate and balanced use of the
means of action.
97. In the logistical field of Health, it provides the elements of judgment to
Economy of Forces.
the Command for making decisions in the planning of naval
operations where it is necessary to provide medical support. 110. Characteristics of the Naval Health Units that should give you
Third Section (S-3) of the General Staff. to the service the precise reports on the needs, and the
appropriate authority to overcome the obstacles that arise,
98. Level of the Health Logistics Element where support is materialized
guaranteeing its proper functioning.
through coordination of the General Staff and the Chief Officer's
Command Support to the Service.
Office through the creation of health echelons and obtaining material
and human resources. 111. Characteristic of Naval Health Units that is not
Strategic Level. The technical preparation is not enough to estimate a situation
99. Level of the Health Logistics Element, where it is up to the Territorial and speed up the planning, but also to have a tactical preparation
Commands to solve the problem, they have the means to satisfy the that, together with the first, provides an adequate service.
needs generated by the operations. Technical and Tactical Preparation.
Operational Level. 112. Characteristic of the Naval Health Units that exist for
100. Level of the Health Logistics Element, where the health service units If you do not have more protection elements than international
are able to fulfill their mission fit satisfactory conventions, you must take advantage of masking so that you are
protected to the greatest extent possible.
based in: Mobility,
Flexibility, Economy of forces, Command Support, Technical and
tactical preparation, Vulnerability and Recovery. 113. Characteristics of the Naval Health Units that must
Tactical Level. To be based on a criterion of savings and care, specialized
personnel require long periods of preparation and their material is
101. It has the responsibility of managing human, financial and material
expensive and difficult to obtain.
resources, command appointments and authorizing movements,
naval education and health programs, draft Annual Budget and
exercising authorized budget.
Administrative Office.

102. Has the responsibility of determining health conditions

physical and mental health of military personnel, health
educational programs, promoting medical teaching and research,
health care measures, health advice. Deputy General Directorate
of Naval Health.

PFAM – 2 0 2 2. BY: AEGV
114. Health Development Functions that aim to maintain a high level of 127. It presents two conceptual and methodological aspects: Epidemic
health for naval personnel, are static functional in nature and have State and Methodological Aspect, every epidemiologist will give
a preventive purpose. the diagnosis of the epidemic with the greatest possible urgency.
Organic. Recognition of a Pandemic .

115. Organic Function of Health, which are techniques to prevent 128.

You must obtain the history of the disease, establish
disease and promote health, is not a specialty, it is an aspect of
expectations, study current cases and demonstrate the existence
general medicine: prevention, diagnosis,
of a monthly upward deviation in order to apply control measures.
treatment and rehabilitation.
Epidemiological surveillance system.
Preventive medicine.

116. Organic Health Function that is linked to preventive medicine, 129.

It is the common short-term geographically limited, prolonged and
consists of the application of the rules of preventive medicine and
geographically extensive mass exposure, followed by secondary
the control of the process in defined cases, it is of greater
cases and prolonged epidemic of multiple exposure.
importance in infectious diseases.
Epidemic outbreak mechanisms.

117. Organic Health Function whose objective is to ensure that military 130. It is the administrative-technical organization, clinical diagnosis,
personnel have the appropriate physical and mental conditions for verification of its existence, designation of the responsible team,
the activity that each one must perform, applies medical preliminary analysis of cases, distribution of the epidemic, search
examinations for entry and promotions. for cases, source of spread, etiology and analysis of the facts.
Health Selection. Stages of an emergency.
118. Organic Health Function that teaches people how to live in a 131. Health Selection whose purpose is to verify the fitness and
healthy state, is one of the pillars of preventive medicine and health physical-athletic condition according to the age of the individual,
promotion, tries to help individuals achieve health through their own to perform the activities required within the military environment.
behavior and effort . Health Education. Physical capacity exam.

132. Sanitary Selection, which is the set of methods and techniques

119. Organic Health Function that aims to develop, carry out evaluation psychological in order to know your personality profile, skills,
tests and surveillance to improve the operations and performance interests and personal resources for the performance of your
of naval personnel and the health of entitled personnel. activities.
Medical Investigation . Evaluation of the psychological profile.

133. Health Selection that determines if the individual is

120. Organic Health Function that must be reported to the command and clinically healthy to enter the Institution, participate in promotion,
disseminated to the lower health echelons, will be useful in the degree adaptation, annual newspapers and selection of personnel
planning processes and decision making. for courses.
Health Information. Medical evaluation.

121. They include periodic health examination, application of specific 134.

immunization, laboratory tests and dentistry. Physical capacity test that is defined as the maximum volume of
Common methods for disease prevention. oxygen that the body captures and uses during physical activity.
Aerobic capacity.
122. Notification of births anddeaths, statement of
communicable diseases, report detected sanitation and social 135. Physical capacity exam that promotes the learning and acquisition
health problems. of good postural habits, the correct alignment of the hips and the
Activities to help health programs. proper functioning of the lumbar spine.
Strength and resistance of the abdominal muscles.
123. They are the study, etiology and epidemiology of health and 136. Physical capacity test whose analysis allows the early detection of
disease, Educating the individual and the family and Medical control back problems, a factor that contributes to many disabilities and
of the health of the individual. discomforts.
Techniques of preventive medicine and health promotion. Strength and flexibility of the trunk extensor muscles.
They are variations in the population, conditions of the social 137.
environment, human interventions in the environment and the
existence of pathogenic agents. Physical ability test which is the push-up test (push-ups), modified
Factors that intervene in the evolution of a disease. push-up test and the suspended arm push-up test (pull-ups).
Strength and resistance of the muscles of the upper limbs.
In the recognition of a pandemic, it corresponds to a
moment in the social history of a disease in a community. 138. Physical capacity test that is applied through forward trunk flexion
Epidemic state. and shoulder extension tests. Flexibility.

126. In the recognition of a pandemic, it refers to the diagnosis of the 139. Evaluation that is carried out on all people that they
epidemic and the control measures to stop the emergency that request
always means an epidemic. enter the Mexican Navy.
Methodological aspect. External selection.

140. They are evaluations carried out on in-serviceSTUDY
GUIDEin order
Medical evaluation with the in order to determine
to know whether or not they meet the FROM: NAVY LIEUTENANT
requirements to enter TO: CORVETTE CAPTAIN.
structural balance apparatus. otorhinolaryngological, hearing
training and specialization courses. PFAM – 2 0 2 2. Otorhinolaryngology. and
Internal Selection.
Evaluation done according to the grade, the evaluation methods, 156. Medical evaluation in order to verify if there are conditions or
tests, activities that provide more information are added. injuries that require surgery or when these limit the capacity of the
Complementary evaluation. staff.
General Surgery.
142. They are clinical studies in order to know the emotional stability
157. Medical evaluation to establish problems in internal organs and
and the adaptive capacity to the military environment due to
pathological or physiological diseases.
having suffered some maladjustment.
Internal Medicine.
Special evaluations.
158. Medical evaluation to determine aspects of eye health, eye
143. Psychological characteristic that are skills and qualities that an
individual possesses to solve any type of problem. Intelligence diseases and visual disorders.
quotient (IQ). Ophthalmological.

144. Psychological characteristic that is the ability of an individual to 159. Medical evaluation to check for obvious congenital or acquired
face adverse situations that allow him or her to adequately malformations in the mouth, salivary glands and
achieve an activity or goal. temporomandibular joint.
Frustration tolerance. Dental.

145. 160.
Psychological personality disorder due to antisocial behavior. Medical evaluation to determine diseases specific to women.
Psychopathology. Gynecological.

146. Psychological disorder characterized by distortions of thinking and 161. Medical evaluation to observe structural, functional alterations
perception due to blunted effects and and in the electrical conduction system of the heart.
inappropriate. Cardiological.

Psychological disorder characterized by behaviors that 11.- DAM 1.4.- NAVAL LOGISTICS. (SECOND PART)
transgresses socially established norms and rules and includes Educational methods of Health Education where instruction is
criminal behavior. given directly to one or a group of individuals.
Sociopathy. Unilateral or didactic.
Psychological disorder that are severe alterations in the Educational method of Health Education where it is based on the
personality and behavioral tendencies of the individual. 163.
exchange of knowledge between two or more people.
Personality disorder. Bilateral or Socratic .
149. Disorder psychological characterized by behavior
164. They are the means to impart health education.
eccentric, cold or inappropriate affectivity, tendency to social Oral teaching, Written, Visual demonstrations, Competitions and
withdrawal, paranoid or strange ideas. contests and Group activities.
Schizotypal disorder.
Disorder psychologicalthat includes symptoms affective 165.
150. It is knowing and identifying health needs, studying motivations,
using methods, techniques and principles, starting activities with
schizophrenic, affective symptoms that precede pre-existing
the population and carrying out local research.
schizophrenia or delusional disorders.
Practical health education plan.
Schizoaffective disorder.
166. Medical research into methods of protecting naval personnel in
151. Psychological disorder that presents physical symptoms of a non-
the event of a biological attack and provides testing and analysis
existent disease without an organic basis, including hypochondria.
services to detect biological risks.
Somatoform disorder.
Biological Defense.
152. Psychological disorder that is harmful consumption resistant to
treatment and addiction with or without associated psychosis. 167.
Medical research on diseases that can incapacitate deployed
Alcoholism. forces, a community or in areas devastated by natural disasters.
Infectious diseases.
153. Psychological disorder that is the individual's dependence on the
use of drugs, psychotropic substances or narcotics. 168. Medical Research that focuses on how to improve the health,
Drug dependence. safety, performance and recovery of naval personnel. Care of
wounded in combat.
154. Medical evaluation of abnormalities in the lumbar and sacral
spine, shortening of the lower extremities or abnormalities of both Medical investigation of problems related to oral health, well-
feet. being, diseases and injuries.
Orthopedic. Dental and Biomedical Research.
PFAM – 2 0 2 2. By: AEGV

170. Medical research whose objective is to understand and manage hours.

the Priority THREE.
risks associated with human exposure to radiofrequency fields,
microwaves, lasers and low frequency sources. 185. Emergency Level who are ill or non-serious injured, who
Bioeffects due to exposure to energies. They are not included in the preceding categories whose
treatment could be deferred by 24 hours.
171. Medical Research on the Environmental Health Effects of Priority FOUR.
interest to naval personnel, to determine toxicity and define
appropriate exposure limits. 186. It is the set of health facilities and means of transportation
Enviromental health . dedicated to the gathering, transfer and emergency treatment of
the sick and injured.
172. Medical Research with spatial orientation of performance Evacuation Chain.
human, aeronautical standards and aviation medicine. Aerospace
Medicine. 187. It is the means to control that recovery patients
In the short term, they are not evacuated further to the rear than
173. Medical research focused on the physiology of personnel required, avoiding losses of personnel with combat experience.
underwater work, biological effects to which they are subjected Evacuation Rules and Policies.
Underwater Medicine. 188. Hospitalization step in wounded nests, emergency posts
relief and infirmaries.
174. Medical Research focuses on the study of virology, First Step.
bacteriology, epidemiology, immunology, parasitology,
189. Hospitalization step in collection and care posts
entomology in the areas where operations are carried out.
medical, clearance posts and mobile surgical hospitals. Second
Tropical Medicine.
175. Medical Research for the analysis and development of models for
190. Hospitalization step in mobile surgical hospital, hospital
support in making medical decisions to operational commanders,
semi-mobile Evacuation and Convalescence hospital.
medical logisticians and medical personnel in the field.
Simulations, Medical Models and Support Missions. Third Step.

176. Medical research in measurement, maintenance, restoration, 191. Hospitalization level that are General and Convalescent Hospitals.
improvement and training of human performance in military Fourth Step.
192. Hospitalization level that are Special, General and Convalescent
Fighter Performance.
177. Medical Research that includes epidemiological and Fifth Step.
health in active service personnel and their beneficiaries.
193. It is called curative medicine, it is based on the existence of
Epidemiology and human behavioral sciences.
trained doctors and establishments equipped with the human and
178. It consists of the return of the state of physical or mental material elements necessary to offer efficient and sufficient care.
effectiveness to the Medical attention.
personnel who have lost it due to injury or illness. Rehabilitation.
194. It is a company dedicated to the service of health through
179. It consists of the transfer of injured or sick people from the place of restoration, prevention and promotion, as well as educational and
accident to recovery centers using appropriate means of research activities.
transportation. Hospital.
195. Hospital function that is the diagnosis of services, curative and
180. It consists of inclusion in rehabilitation centers or hospitals palliative treatment, physical, mental and social rehabilitation and
(Afloat or ashore) of personnel discharged from their activities and assistance in emergency cases.
evacuated from the combat zone, they may be afloat or ashore. Restoration of health.
196. Hospital function that consists of monitoring pregnancy, childbirth
181. It is the return of discharged personnel to the state of activity, and child development, disease control, early diagnosis to prevent
where the personnel will return to provide their services in the death, hygiene, occupational medicine and health education.
same Unit in which they were assigned when they were Disease prevention.
Recovery. 197. Hospital function that involves students, doctors, specialists,
nurses, assistants and training of health personnel.
182. Level of Urgency that deals with those injured or sick in Teaching and personnel training functions.
imminent danger of death requiring immediate medical or surgical
treatment in less than 3 hours.
Priority ONE.

183. Level of Urgency that Corresponds to the sick and injured in

danger of death or loss of a limb or sense, the period is a
maximum of 6 hours.
Priority TWO.
184. Emergency Level who are sick or injured who are not in
danger of death, at least immediately, can be delayed 8 or 10

PFAM – 2 0 2 2. By: AEGV

198. Hospital function that deals with clinical, medical care, 24-hour care, 50 beds, complete
epidemiological, laboratory and social research, clinical laboratory, blood pool, operating room, OT,
psychological and cultural aspects of the patients dentistry, undergraduate internship and continuous
and technical administrative methods of the medical care.
hospital. Step type III (REGIONAL HOSPITALS).
210. Health Echelon of concentration and
199. Level of the National Health System characterized comprehensive medical care, outpatient
by smaller institutions where the general doctor consultation and general medicine, 80 to 120
and dentist assists for outpatient consultation, beds, specialized laboratory, blood bank, operating
emergencies and short-stay hospitalization. rooms, OT, specialized dentistry, undergraduate
First Level of Care. internship and residency of medical specialties.
200. Level of the National Health System made up of
larger hospitals with medical care: internal 211. Phase of the Organization in cases of Disasters
medicine, surgery, pediatrics, gynecology- that is aimed at avoiding and/or mitigating the
obstetrics, traumatology. destructive effects of a disturbing phenomenon,
Second Level of Care. before its effects impact a geographic area.
201. Level of the National Health System characterized
by dental services and supraspecialist doctors in 212. Phase of the Organization in cases of Disasters,
the area of internal medicine: cardiology, which is the set of response actions to protect
pulmonology, nephrology, people individually and society, in the face of the
dermatology, endocrinology, etc. threat or impact of destructive agents.
Third Level of Care. Help.

202. It is the classification of Hospitals based on their 213. In the event of disasters, its function is to integrate
degree of Complexity. mobile medical-surgical teams for immediate
General and Specialty. reaction, with the capacity to provide the
population with basic medical care, in their own
203. It is the second or third level establishment for
locations or wherever ordered.
patient care, in the four basic specialties: general
surgery, gynecology-obstetrics, internal medicine
and pediatrics.
214. Classification of health echelons in disaster cases
General Hospital.
that would be the highest level hospital center, with
human and physical resources for subspecialties:
204. It is a second and third level establishment for the
traumatology, burns, ophthalmology, etc.
care of patients, of one or more medical, surgical
National medical center.
or medical-surgical specialties that provides
emergency services, outpatient consultation and
215. Classification of the health echelons in cases of
disaster that would be the healthcare center that
Specialty Hospital.
would assume responsibility for care
205. Health Echelon, which is made up of health hospitable in a region, state,
sections in surface and land units, provides military province, or
care in health promotion, specific protection, 24- department.
hour care, transitional beds and general dentistry. Lead hospital or regional base hospital.
Type I step.
216. Classification of healthcare levels in disaster cases
206. Health Echelon that provides care to the military that would be minor healthcare centers, with
and their beneficiaries, 24-hour care h., hospital capacity, but with limited human and
hospitalization, 15 beds, material resources.
X-ray, laboratory and operating room. Satellite care units.
Type II A step.
217. Classification of health echelons in disaster cases
207. Health Echelon that provides care to the military that would be care centers with hospital capacity,
and their beneficiaries, outpatient consultation, action limited to specialties, used as satellite care
general medicine. and specialties, 25 beds, units or evacuation centers.
laboratory, operating room, surgical and dentistry. Special care centers.
Type II B step.
218. Classification of health care levels in disaster
208. Health Echelon that provides comprehensive cases that would be primary care centers without
medical care, 40 beds, X-rays, ultrasound, hospital capacity, located in rural areas or
laboratory, blood transfusion, operating room, OT, peripheral urban areas.
dentistry, medical education and undergraduate Assistance positions.
Step type III (HOSPITALS). 219. These groups are created and maintained
permanently, in order to guarantee the
209. Health Echelon that provides comprehensive conservation of troops and respond quickly to the

aid of the
STUDY GUIDE ⁃ SPECIFIC civilian population in cases and areas of
PFAM – 2 0 2 2. Immediate Reaction Surgical Medical Groups.

220. Phase of the Organization in cases of Disasters

where groups will be formed in each guard
headquarters 365 days a year, with available
personnel, the deputy director will be the
coordinator of the immediate reaction medical
surgical group, with 30 minutes to set sail when
ordered and You must carry out a scheduled
supervision program.



221. Logistics Functional Element that includes the set of activities 237. Characteristic of the Forms of Transportation that is the reach and
necessary to carry out the movement of means from one place to penetration of the road according to the degree of geographical
another using surface, air-naval and land units. limitation. Accessibility.
238. Characteristic of Forms of Transportation that is the possibility of
222. It is defined as the action of moving or the fact of being exercising control of movement.
transported, its basic function is to effectively move from one point Ease of Control.
to other logistical means within a given period and under certain
conditions. 239. Characteristic of the Forms of Transportation that is the guarantee
Transport. of operational performance.
Technical Security.
223. They are the means that are transported regardless of whether
they are personnel or material. 240. Characteristic of Forms of Transportation that is the degree of
Cargo. invulnerability against enemy action.
Tactical Security.
224. They are the points between which transportation takes place.
Terminals. 241. This is the name given to the route that connects two terminals
where regular transportation will take place.
225. They are the intermediate points of transportation. Transportation Lines.
242. It is the set of several "transport lines."
226. Phase of the transport action that consists of placing the cargo on Transport network.
the vehicle in the best conditions of safety and economy of space.
This action is carried out at the terminal of origin of the transport. 243. It is when two or more forms of transportation are used
Burden. simultaneously for the same shipment.
Mixed Transport.
227. Phase of the transportation action that consists of moving the
loaded vehicle to the destination terminal. 244. They are the Development Functions of transportation.
Motion. Discrimination, Priority, Evaluation, Exploitation, Integration,
Regulation and Traffic Control.
228. Phase of the transportation action that is the reverse operation of
loading and is carried out at the destination terminal. 245. Transport development function that consists of determining what
Download. is essential and what is accessory or superfluous within the
cargoes to be transported in order to establish priorities.
229. A form of transportation that consists of the surface of the sea or Discrimination.
the body of water, there are several vehicles to use: boats and
246. Transport development function that consists of determining the
vessels, submarines, gliders.
precedence of shipments according to the qualification assigned
Marine transport.
to them after the application of discrimination rules.
230. Form of transportation that will be carried out on the surface of the Priority.
earth, the vehicles used can be: railway, automobile, river, 247. Transport development function which is the calculation of the
pipeline, animals, porters. transport capacity of the means of infrastructure available at a
Ground transportation. given time.
231. Form of transportation where the route by which it is carried out is
atmospheric air or aerial surface and the vehicles used are: 248. Transportation development function that consists of obtaining the
airplane or helicopter. maximum performance of the infrastructure (vehicles, roads,
Air Transport. terminals) of a Line or transportation network.
232. Characteristic of the Forms of Transportation, which is the amount
of cargo per unit vehicle. 249. Transport development function that consists of harmoniously
Transport Capacity. bringing together the various forms of transport, coordinating them
so that they can support each other in time and space.
233. Characteristic of the Forms of Transportation that is the cost of the Integration.
unit of cargo per unit of distance.
Economy. 250. Transportation development function that consists of controlling
the pace of movement of various vehicles on the same road,
234. Characteristic of the Forms of Transportation which is the speed through: Retention, Storage, Deviation, Acceleration. Regulation.
of transfer (movement, loading, unloading).

235. Characteristic of the Forms of Transportation that is the ease of

admission of voluminous cargo.

236. Characteristic of Forms of Transport that is the ability to accept

various types of cargo.

PFAM – 2 0 2 2. PFAM – 2 0 2 2. By: AEGV

251. Transportation development function that consists 261. It is the Logistics Functional Element whose main
of planning, organizing, coordinating and activity is the release of material (vehicles,
controlling the movement of goods and personnel weapons, equipment, etc.), which is in poor
along transportation lines, networks and systems. condition or out of service and its recovery or
Traffic control. restoration is not affordable, it is developed by the
Chief Officer's Office.
252. Modality of Military Transport when the cargo is Evacuation.
not organized in military units, presents two
variants, in peacetime: the transport systems are 262. It consists of providing logistical means (personnel,
controlled by civil and military authorities, in material and services) to the Armed Forces in
wartime only military authorities, with civil transport adequate quantity, quality, time and place to
becoming part of the military transport. satisfy the demands of a strategic, operational
Military Cargo Transportation. and/or tactical activity (mission) in given
circumstances (situation).” .
253. Military Transport Modality when it comes to The Logistics Problem.
transporting a Military Force respecting its
263. It is the process of decisive action, a core concept
organization and simultaneously transporting its
in high-level and operational logistics, describing
personnel, weapons, equipment and supplies.
that every action, whatever its objective, nature or
Transportation of Organized Military Units.
level, begins from the existence of a need for
254. It constitutes one of the most outstanding activities means that must be satisfied.
in the effectiveness of any logistics process, it The Logistics Cycle.
intervenes in the development of all other logistical
Functional Elements, it is the activity that presents 264. These are the phases of the Logistics Cycle.
the greatest strategic content. Determination of needs, Procurement and
Transport. Distribution.

255. Management Body responsible for providing the 265. Phase of the Logistics Cycle that is defined as the
factors in quantity, quality, place and opportunity, positive and responsible action of calculating and
that allow the efficient development of the tasks defining the needs for logistical means that must
assigned to the operational and administrative be satisfied to carry out a strategic or operational
units of SEMAR. action.
YOU SAY. Determination of Needs.
256. Management Body directly linked to land
266. Phase of the Logistics Cycle where the needs that
transportation, which carries out transportation and
have been identified as valid are transformed into
delivery; with traffic integration, regulation and
means, "nothing should be obtained if it has not
control activities.
previously been defined as necessary by the
Transportation Subdirectorate.
257. Management Body that plans comprehensive
logistical support for naval operations, develops
and establishes the basic communications plan of 267. Phase of the Logistics Cycle that consists of
the AM and transforms the decisions of the High delivering it in the appropriate manner, time and
Command into orders related to logistical place to the units and facilities that require it.
functions. The distribution.
S-4 EMGA. 268. Factor for Obtaining the Logistics Cycle, which are
258. They are the Transport Bodies called “logistics the dimensional, qualitative, functional and
support bodies”, in charge of materializing the conditioning physical characteristics of its service.
application of the logistics effort, executing The specifications.
solutions at the operational level, they are provided
by the commands in the regions and naval zones. 269. Obtaining Factor, which is the uniformity or
Execution Bodies. discipline in the use of the same good for the same
service, is the regulation, organization and
259. Bodies Responsible for the Functional Element of unification of phenomena and object. The
Transportation constituted by DIGABAS, normalization.
Subdirectorate of Transportation and in S-4
270. Obtaining Factor that consists of the description,
coding and compilation of all the elements to which
Management Bodies.
we have given specifications within a query
260. It is the Logistics Functional Element that includes system.
the set of activities involved in the project, The cataloguing.
construction, adaptation and conservation of
271. Procurement Factor that is based on an analysis of
material works for all types of needs, and is
the cost-effectiveness of acquisitions.
developed by the Undersecretary of the Navy.
The cost inspection.
272. Procurement Factor that makes up a system that

is implemented when necessary, with the purpose
of determining which materials will be obtained.
The priorities.

273. Procurement Factor, which is the commercial

process of obtaining goods and services, which is
directly related to the availability of financial
The acquisition.

274. Procurement Factor, which is the way in which

materials or equipment must be prepared for
handling and conservation before being stored or
The conditioning.

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275 Procurement Factor, which is the storage or collection of the Verifies the integration of the “Determination of Needs of Units
elements or articles obtained to later be distributed in an and Establishments” evaluated by the Regional Logistics
appropriate manner to the destination places. The accumulation Committee
S-4 Naval Region
276 To carry out logistical support, the AM uses EDOMAYGRAL
through its S-4, which consolidates, controls and supervises the 289 Supervises that the logistics and communications needs are
logistical processes until the needs are satisfied through the covered, coordinates the updating of the logistics files of the units
General Directorates The Naval Logistics System and establishments and Verifies the Determination of Needs of
Units and Establishments of its jurisdiction, evaluated by the Local
277 It has the responsibility of organizing, managing and preparing the
Logistics Committee
Navy; manage assets and reserves, build, reconstruct and
S-4 Naval Zone
preserve port works, organize and provide Naval Health services;
and acquire, design and manufacture weapons, ammunition, 290 Implements plans and directives for the administration of
clothing and all types of naval resources Secretary of the Navy communications and logistics, supervises that personnel, logistics
278 He is responsible for directing, supervising and controlling the and naval communications needs are covered, coordinates
construction, repair, renovation and updating of naval matters related to personnel, logistics plans, communications,
infrastructure, equipment and units Undersecretary of the Navy proposals and directives to regulate logistics activity
S-4 Naval Sector
279 Its mission is to provide the logistical support required by naval, air-
naval, marine infantry and naval establishments and to coordinate 291 They are responsible for the conception, preparation, conduct and
and participate in port studies and dredging operations General logistical support of Naval operations in their area of responsibility.
Directorate of Services Naval Zones

280 Its mission is to carry out research and development in the 292 They are in charge of the conception, preparation and conduct of
oceanographic, hydrographic, meteorological, cartographic and Naval operations within their jurisdiction; Likewise, they provide
technological fields, as well as to provide logistical support, to logistical support to the attached, incorporated and deployed units
contribute to the growth of the national maritime sector General under their command.
Directorate of Research and Development Naval Sectors
281 Its mission is to build, repair, renew and update surface units, in 293 They carry out operations, logistics is the responsibility of the
order to keep the fleet operational, as well as rehabilitate and commanders, they must ensure the satisfaction of their own
recover vehicles, furniture and equipment and design and build operational needs, they are responsible for preparing the
naval units. determination of needs taking into account their maintenance
General Directorate of Naval Constructions plans and programs
Units and Establishments
282 Establishes the standards, systems and procedures for the
administration of human, financial and material resources,
294 It is understood as that part of the Logistics Doctrine that deals with
integrates the preliminary draft annual expenditure budget Senior
the resolution of logistical problems that arise at the level of the
Navy Officer
Armed Forces, it is a science of calculation rather than
283 Its mission is to manage the human resources of the Ministry of the
Operational Logistics
Navy, developing the skills and knowledge of naval personnel, in
accordance with the needs of the institution. 295 It is the creation and maintenance of the armed forces of
General Directorate of Human Resources Operational Logistics
284 Its mission is to carry out programming – budgeting, exercise, Objective of Operational logistics
control, evaluation and accounting of financial resources, carry out
296 Satisfy the needs of Naval Operations, which as such must be
the acquisition, control and distribution of material and real estate
carried out at sea, since they can begin at sea and some others
end on land
General Directorate of Administration and Finance
Purpose of Operational logistics
285 It is the advisory body of the High Command that assists in the
297 It consists of providing logistical means (personnel, material and
planning, coordination and supervision of operations, it is the body
services) to a specific operational force in adequate quantity,
responsible for the Determination of Needs General Staff of the
quality, time and place and in the circumstances imposed by the
fulfillment of a mission within a situation.
Operational Logistics Problem
286 Provides the elements of judgment on technical logistics aspects
for the planning of operations and information on the existence of
insured assets and their distribution, supervises the development
and operation of the Navy's logistics process

287 Must support the logistical effort towards operational units, provide
naval and logistical services to Establishments, Surface Units,
Marine Infantry Units, and Air-Naval Units
Naval Regions

288 Provides technical-logistical information, plans, coordinates and

supervises the logistical actions necessary to sustain operations,

PFAM – 2 0 2 2. By: AEGV

298. It is the set of the determination of the theoretical an end state and determines the most effective
solution (Logistics Technique) and the execution or ways by which to achieve that state.
practical realization of said solution (Logistics Naval Planning.
Operational Logistics Effort. 3. It is defined as the conception and construction of
the framework that underpins a plan for a
299. It is the system of obtaining solutions that marks campaign or major operation and its subsequent
the direction of the logistics effort. execution.
Management functions. Operational Design.

300. They are the elements on which action must be 4. It is defined as the application of creative
taken, which will define the magnitude of the imagination by commanders and staffs, supported
logistical effort. by their skills, knowledge and experience to design
Logistics Functional Elements. strategies, campaigns, major operations and
organize and employ military forces.
301. It is the resolution process that sets the direction of Operational Art.
the logistical effort.
Logistics Cycle. 5. Through this, a commander can plan and execute
operations effectively, ensure that the employment
302. They are the executing bodies, which indicate the of forces is linked to objectives, and integrate
point of application of the logistical effort. naval operations seamlessly with the actions of a
Logistics Support Bodies. joint force.
The Naval Planning process.
303. It is any effort to solve an operational logistics
problem and must consist of applying the 6. It is the order that the Naval Planning Process
Management Functions to the Logistics Functional (NPP) must follow.
Elements following the Logistics Cycle process Mission Analysis, Development of Courses of
and executing the solutions through the Logistics Action, Analysis of Courses of Action, Comparison
Support Bodies. of Courses of Action and Decision, Development
Operational Logistics Effort. of Orders and Transition Plans.

304. They are those that must be developed by every 7. As a first step of the NPP, its purpose is to review
Command body within a Military Organization and analyze orders, directives, intelligence and
applied to logistics activity: Information, Planning, other information, so that the commander, staff
Documentation, Inspection and Discipline, and planning team obtain an understanding of the
Coordination and Organization. situation to define the mission. Mission Analysis.
Management Functions.
8. NPP step where planners use the mission,
305. It is the grouping of technical logistics activities commander's intent, and planning directive to
that have a common basic function. Each one develop multiple courses of action. They then
represents a basic technical function, which is examine every possible COA, ensuring
common to all the activities included in it and are: his fitness, feasibility,
Supply, Maintenance, Personnel, Health, acceptability,
Transportation, Facilities and Evacuation. differentiability and completeness.
Logistics Functional Elements. Development of Courses of Action.

306. It is the ordered process of all complete logistical 9. It is a detailed evaluation of each COA with
action, this procedural organization is integrated reference to the enemy and operational area. Each
into three phases: Determination of needs, COA is confronted in the war game against the
obtaining and Distribution. selected ECOAs. This step helps planners identify
Logistics Cycle. strengths, weaknesses, and associated risks and
estimate gaps for each possible COA.
307. They are elements of operational action, in which Analysis of Courses of Action (War Game).
logistical activities to support the Forces are
developed, there are two classes: Static and 10. In this step, all retained COAs are evaluated
Dynamic. against each other based on the criteria
Support Bodies. established by the commander, so that the
decision is finally made by him.
Comparison of Courses of Action and Decision.
PLANNING. 11. They are the main means through which the
commander expresses his decision, intention and
1. It is a comprehensive and comprehensive process directive to govern the actions of subordinates,
that allows commanders and staffs at all levels and using his decision, mission, intention and directive.
in all arms to make informed decisions, solve Development of Order Plans.
complex problems and ultimately achieve assigned
missions. 12. It is the systematic delivery of the plan or order to
Military Planning. those in charge of executing the operation,
providing staff with the situational knowledge and
2. It is the process by which a commander visualizes reasoning for the key decisions necessary, to

STUDY GUIDE ⁃ SPECIFIC that there is a coherent transition from
PFAM – 2 0 2 2. Transition.

13. It must link the commanders, as well as their staffs,

with the Command at the highest level, laterally
with other commands of the components of other
arms and with subordinate commanders and their
Naval Operational Planning (NPP).

14. At this level of warfare, on which the NPP focuses,

the effects are typically associated with the direct
results of offensive and defensive tactical actions,
often involving the use of weapons.

PFAM – 2 0 2 2. By: AEGV

15. The NPP is a dynamic process that requires the cooperation and Identify the Source of the Mission, Determine Support
direct participation of these 3 elements, to ensure that time is used Relationships, Analyze the Superior Commander's Mission and
efficiently and that the most effective plan is developed that meets Determine Specific, Implicit and Essential Tasks, establish
the commander's intention. purpose and identify imposed limitations.
The commander, the general staff and the planning team.
29. They provide the initial information necessary for the analysis of
16. An integral element of the NPP that provides experience, the mission, it is normally contained OPLAN's, CONPLAN's,
knowledge, judgment, direction and direction, must be very aware WARNORD's and OPORD's. If they are confusing, the
of the current condition of the planning effort and make sound commander, staff or planning team should request clarification.
decisions. Plans, Orders and Directives of Higher Naval Commands.
30. It serves as a basis for the Naval Commander's intelligence,
17. They are the 3 main qualities of the Commander in the Naval
containing the IPOE results, intelligence summaries, identification
Planning Process.
and analysis of enemy objectives, critical strengths and
Personal experience, personal judgment and personal
weaknesses, centers of gravity, critical capabilities, requirements
and critical vulnerabilities.
18. They are functional organizations and are often focused between Intelligence Information from Higher Naval Commands.
planning current and future operations, and the daily support of
the naval force, must be properly organized. 31. They can provide a current status and an assessment of the ability
The General Staff. to meet the assigned mission requirements, identify gaps,
potential issues and weigh the different COAs, according to the
19. Personnel who are involved in the different areas of the staff, functions of the different sections of the staff.
capable of providing a complete and dedicated effort for the NPP. Estimates of the General Staff of Higher Naval Commands.
The Planning Team.
32. It will be the support for the analysis of the mission, the Naval
20. It is the link that unites the members and activities of an
Commander is responsible for its preparation where he evaluates
organization, improving operational success by allowing the
the situation, based on the directive of the senior naval commands
command to react more quickly and effectively than the enemy.
and his perspective, knowledge and personal experience.
The planning.
Preliminary Planning Directive.
21. It is what gives direction to the force in the absence of specific
33. Process consisting of several non-sequential activities adjusted to
the situation, the time available, and the commander's preliminary
The commander's intention.
directive. This process is neither rigid nor
22. They are intended to ensure that planning efforts are in the same static; It is continuous, immersive, interactive and dynamic.
direction as those of higher-ranking, subordinate and lateral Mission analysis process.
managers. Continuous and reliable communications are important;
they can be formal or informal. Links. 34. Mission Analysis Process normally found in the directive of senior
naval commands (OPLAN, OPORD or WARNORD).
23. It is a process where the commander and staff synchronize daily Identify the Source(s) of the Mission.
operational time within the planning, decision, execution and
evaluation cycle, to make timely decisions. 35. Mission Analysis Process that exists at the operational level
Battle rhythm. between the different weapons and/or component force
commanders and can also establish Support Relationships at the
24. Type of planning used when time is not a critical factor and there tactical level.
is sufficient time available so that each echelon can complete its
initial planning before information or orders are passed to 36. Mission Analysis Process that must be studied and draw
subordinates. conclusions regarding future military action, assumptions should
Non-Time Sensitive Planning. not be made about issues not addressed in the directive from
senior naval commands, if it is confusing, clarification should be
25. Type of planning used when time becomes a critical factor capable requested.
of responding to changing events, promoting a logical and rapid Analyze the Mission of the Superior Commander.
flow of information and the timely preparation of courses of action.
Time Sensitive Planning. 37. Mission Analysis Process that consists of two elements: the tasks
that the forces must perform and their purpose.
26. It governs the entire NPP, its purpose is to give the Naval Determine Specific, Implicit and Essential Tasks.
Commander, the staff and the team a general evaluation of the
situation, it begins with a review of orders, plans, intelligence
information and directives from the Command, in order to define
the mission and establish the necessary tasks.
Mission Analysis.

27. It is the input information needed in the MISSION ANALYSIS.

Plans, Orders and Directives, Intelligence Information, EDOMAY
Estimates and Preliminary Planning Directive.

28. These are some processes of MISSION ANALYSIS.

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38. Mission Analysis Process that follows after the term "In order to", subordinate commanders flexibility and freedom of action.
is found in the "EXECUTION" paragraph of the superior's Commander's Initial Intent.
directive, always masters the tasks and answers the question
"Why?" 50. Mission Analysis Process where their generation is necessary for
Establish the Purpose. the analysis of the mission, they have a great effect on actions
and decisions and can influence the direction of an operation.
39. These are the tasks that are assigned by higher naval commands They answer the question: What does the Commander need to
to a unit. They are indicated in the EXECUTION paragraph of an know and when does he require it?
OO, they can also be found in the mission, coordination Commander's Essential Information Elements (CCIRs).
instructions or annexes.
Specific. 51. Mission Analysis Process that focuses on the establishment of the
COA, must be specific and not so strict, depends on the
40. These are the tasks that become the central focus of operation leadership style of the Commander and can be general or
planning and define mission success and apply to the force as a specific.
whole. Commander's Planning Directive.
52. They are the results of the MISSION ANALYSIS.
41. These are tasks that are not specifically indicated in the order of Approved Mission, Directive and Intent of the Commander,
the Higher Naval Command, but must be developed in order to WARNORD and Information Requirements.
achieve the mission. They emerge from the analysis of the order
and the commander's preliminary directive. 53. It is done for subordinate units once the Naval Commander
Implicit. approves the Mission Analysis, it must include the Commander's
intention and directive, it consists of 5 paragraphs: Situation,
42. Mission Analysis Process that are established in the directive of Mission, Execution, Administration and Logistics and Command
the Higher Naval Command and are divided into two categories: and Control.
impediments and restrictions. They place limitations on the Preparatory Order (WARNORD).
commander's freedom of action.
54. It is prepared by the planning team after receiving the
Externally Imposed Limitations.
Commander's directive, it is a deliberate attempt to design
43. Mission Analysis Process that consists of reviewing forces, unpredictable alternatives for the enemy.
identifying their locations, establishing or modifying current task Development of COAs.
support relationships, and determining what and when reserve 55. It is the input information That need for him
forces will be available. DEVELOPMENT OF THE COA'S.
Analyze Available Units and Forces. WARNORD, OPORD, Mission and intention
of the Commander,
44. Mission Analysis Process that is aimed at identifying critical Planning Directive, IPOE and ECOA's.
strengths and weaknesses, this analysis must be done for both
own and enemy forces.
56. COA DEVELOPMENT process that is generated through a
Determine Critical Factors, Centers of Gravity (COGs) and
combination of maneuver capabilities, firepower, protection,
Decisive Points (DPs).
leadership and combat information directed against the enemy.
Relative Combat Power.
45. Mission Analysis Process that includes matters over which a
commander normally has no control, is done for own and enemy 57. It is based on the principle that a good COA must defeat all
situations and is used at any level of planning. ECOAs. The goal of the planning team is to develop as many
Development of Assumptions. COAs as possible; brainstorming is a preferred technique.
to generate Options and requires
46. Mission Analysis Process where the commander performs a of time,
personal evaluation, it is inherent to any use of military force or Imagination and creativity.
routine military activity, it has two categories: for the mission and Options for defining COAs.
for the forces.
Initial Risk Assessment. 58. COA Development Process where planners will establish the C2,
grouping forces for each COA and considering the types of units
47. Mission Analysis Process where the planning team makes an that are assigned to each component and the scope of control.
outline for the commander to review, edit and approve, it must be Relationships between Command, Control and Support.
clear and concise with the essential tasks and purpose.
Develop Your Own Mission. 59. COA Validity Test where you must achieve the mission and
comply with the commander's directive.
48. Mission Analysis Process where the specific results developed
and refined are reviewed before proceeding to the development of
the COA, the review of the IPOE, mission of the higher naval
60. COA Validity Test where the Force must have the capacity to
command, intention and preliminary directive of the commander
achieve the mission, in terms of available time, space and
are considered.
Presentation of the Mission Analysis.
49. Mission Analysis Process that is broad, concise and expresses the
purpose of the force's activities and the desired results. It is a
clear and brief vision of how to conduct action, allowing

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61. COA Validity Test where you must justify the cost of resources, 74. During this step, the equipment planning
especially in casualties. evaluate the
Acceptability. effectiveness of each COA against all ECOAs, wearing he
Commander's evaluation criteria, makes adjustments to the
62. Validity Test where each COA must differ substantially from the problems and weaknesses identified, each COA, is confronted
others. against each ECOA.
Differentiability. Analysis of the COA's.

63. COA Validity Test where it must include operations and tasks to 75. COA Analysis Process where the necessary tools, materials and
execute, forces required, deployment, time data must be gathered, the units carry out the game on maps,
estimated, criterion of success and desired end. cards, simulators by
Complete. computer and other tools, which accurately reflect the nature of the
64. COA Development Process that in a Joint Task Force includes the Organization for the War Game.
actions by each component arm in each phase of the operation,
contains "who", "what", "how", "when", "where " and because". 76. COA Analysis Process where the commander, staff and planning
Graphic Presentation and Writing of the Course of Action. team consider all units that may be involved in the operation, paying
special attention to support relationships and limitations.
65. At this stage of COA development, The team of Register of All Friendly Forces.
Planning may propose a briefing on the COAs developed and
retained, the purpose being to obtain approval from the 77. Within COA Analysis, they are essential tasks or a series of critical
Commander. tasks, performed over a period of time, that require detailed
Presentation of the Course of Action. analysis.
Critical Events.
66. At this point, the planning team recommends to the commander
additional analysis and evaluation criteria such as: established 78. Within the Analysis of the COA's, they are those criteria that the
success, comparison of the merits of the COA's, force objectives general staff uses after the War Game to measure the effectiveness
and being quantifiable and measurable. and efficiency of a COA with respect to that of other COAs.
Directives for Analysis and Evaluation of the Course of Action. Governing Factors.

67. Contains an illustration of the use of force and control measures, 79. They are the 4 methods of the Game of War.
such as: Unit and command limits, deployments, control charts, Sequence of essential tasks, Avenue of depth, Belts and From the
sequence of events, operation designations and location template. Box.
Graphic presentation of the Course of Action.
80. War Game Method that highlights the initial form of actions
68. It describes how forces will develop the commander's intent in a necessary to establish a sustainable capability and engage enemy
concise manner, directing the development of plans where planners units deep in the combat area.
develop a refined concept of the initial disposition of forces: Essential Task Sequence Method.
deployment, employment and support. Drafting the Course of 81. War Game Method that focuses on a timed path of approach,
Action. starting with the main effort, is good for offensive COAs or for
defensive situations, when the operational space does not allow
69. These are some processes of the DEVELOPMENT OF COURSES
mutual support.
Avenue in Depth Method.
Analysis of Combat Power, Definitions of the COA's, Validity Test,
Relationships between Command, Control and Support, Graphic 82. War Game Method that divides the operational space into areas
Presentation and Drafting of the COA. covering the width of the AO, is based on the sequential analysis of
events, the events are expected to occur more or less
70. They are the results of the DEVELOPMENT OF COURSES OF simultaneously.
ACTION. Belt Method.
Directives for the analysis and evaluation of the COA, approved
Intention of the Comdte, Directives of the JG, approved COA's and 83. War Game Method which is a detailed analysis of a critical area,
ECOA's and EDOMAY Estimates. such as a landing beach or attack on a target. Using it isolates the
area and focuses on critical events within it.
71. It is the input information for the ANALYSIS OF COURSES OF Box Method.
Intention of the Commander, JG Directives, approved COA's and 84. It is based on a Worksheet, and gives the General Staff a reference
ECOA's, EDOMAY Estimates and Directives for the analysis and to build task organizations, synchronize activities, prepare plans or
evaluation of the COA's. orders and analyze COAs based on identified strengths and
72. This step, which is the heart of the NPP, identifies which of the Registration and Display of Results.
COA's will best achieve the mission using the War Game, while
positioning the force for future operations.
Analysis of the COA's.

73. It is a disciplined process, with rules and steps that help visualize
the flow of the operation, it is a critical part of the planning process
and more time should be allocated to it than any other step.
War Game.

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85. During the War Game, this member acts as the controller of the game 99. NPP process where a decision comparison matrix is used to
and ensures that the staff stays within the set time and meets the facilitate the process.
goal of the game. Comparison of Courses of Action and decision.
The Chief of the General Staff or planning team .
100. It is the comparison matrix that represents subjectively selected
86. During the War Game, this member acts as the home force and governing factors, which are compared/evaluated on their
ensures that the War Game covers all operational aspects of the individual merits and treated equally.
mission. Without numerical weighting.
The Head of the Third Section.
101. It is the comparison matrix that represents balanced and
87. During the War Game, this member has a dual role: he takes the role subjectively selected governing factors, a numerical value is
of the enemy commander and provides requests for information. assigned to each COA.
The Head of the Second Section. Numerical weighting.
88. During the War Game, this member provides input variables as to
102. It is the comparison matrix used when quantitative results for
how personnel support will be given and how the operation may
each COA are not evident and qualitative comparisons must be
affect personnel condition.
The Head of the First Section.
More / Less / Neutral.
89. During the War Game, this member provides logistical feasibility
analysis; identifies potential supply, transportation and sustainment 103. It is the comparison matrix where the staff lists the
issues. advantages and disadvantages of each COA and should be
The Head of the Fourth Section. used with one or more previous matrices.
Advantages and disadvantages.
90. It is made up of specialist personnel in communications and electronic
warfare, the legal advisor, the public relations officer and the medical 104. COA Comparison Process that is carried out
officer. based on the results of the analysis of the previous step
Auxiliary staff of the general staff. comparing the possible COAs to identify the one with the highest
probability of success, against the most probable and dangerous
91. It consists of individuals of different operational knowledge and ECOAs.
specialties who combine their operational experience with enemy Final Feasibility and Acceptability Tests.
tactics, weapons and doctrine, providing enemy reactions to the
105. It is a clear and concise directive from the commander,
Red Cell.
By sticking to the selected COA, you make it what the force as a
92. It is the Objective of the Red Cell. whole is going to do.
Assistant in the development and testing of COAs. Commander's Decision.

93. These are the movements of each turn during the War Game. 2 from 106. It is used based on the final decision and directive of the
your own force and 1 from the enemy force. Commander, staff and planning team transition to operational
planning, refine the COA and prepare to issue the order,
94. The S-2 or Red Cell uses this method to describe enemy activities, converting it into CONOPS (Concept of Operations).
updating them as new intelligence and the outcome of the game are Synchronization Matrix.
Enemy timing matrix and event template. 107. Describe how the forces will achieve the intention of the
commander. It is the central expression of the commander's
95. It is a parallel and continuous process that is carried out during all
operational design and governs the development of support
stages of planning, updating, perfecting and preparing the results
plans or annexes. CONOPS (Concept of Operations).
reflecting the results of the COA game, facilitating the next step.
Intelligence preparation of the operational area (IPOE).
108. They are the results of the COMPARISON OF THE COA's.
96. They are the results of the Game of War. Commander's Decision, CONOPS, updated IPOE, updated
Decision support matrix, update of the task organization and EDOMAY and WARNORD estimates.
deployment of forces, Identification of Units and support, DP's, IO 109. NPP step clearly communicates the intent, directive and
tasks, worksheet and synchronization Matrix, IPOE, alternatives and
commander's decision, so that they are easily understood by
support consequences.
those who will execute the order.
Development of Plans and Orders.
97. NPP pass where Comdte. Each COA is evaluated for its advantages
and disadvantages, a final test of feasibility and acceptability is
110. It is prepared in advance of operations and is normally
carried out until the one that offers the greatest possibility of fulfilling
serves as the basis for an order.
the mission is selected.
A plan.
Comparison of COA's and decision.

98. It is the input information to perform the COA COMPARISON

JG Worksheet, IPOE Update, Decision Support Matrix,
Debugging Estimates and Governing Factors.

PFAM – 2 0 2 2. By: AEGV

111. It is an oral or written communication, which directs the actions and commander that was obtained during the analysis of the mission
focuses subordinate tasks and activities to achieve the mission. and contains those essential tasks estimated to achieve it.
An order. Mission.

112. Characteristic of a Directive where each commander 125. Paragraph of the Plans and Orders that expresses the intention of the
subordinate who will execute the operation must be able to commander for the operation, allowing subordinate commanders
understand it, it is written simply, understandable and with to exercise their initiative, keeping their actions aligned with the
appropriate military terms. overall purpose.
Clarity. Execution.

113. Characteristic of a Directive that avoids superfluous words and 126. Paragraph of the Plans and Orders that describes the concepts of
unnecessary details without sacrificing clarity and detail. support, logistics, personnel, public affairs, civil affairs and
Brevity. medical services.
Administration and Logistics.
114. Characteristic of a Directive that uses simplicity and clarity,
the affirmative form of expression throughout all combat orders 127. Paragraph of the Plans and Orders that specifies the relations of
and plans. command, succession of command and in general the
Authority. communications and control plan.
Command and Control.
115. Characteristic of a Directive that requires that all
elements be reduced to their simplest forms and all possibilities of 128. They are used to keep the directive as simple and comprehensive
misunderstanding must be eliminated. Simplicity. as possible and include plans for intelligence and operations,
instructions and complex information.
116. Characteristic of a Directive that leaves room for adjustments by Annexes, Appendices and Tables .
unexpected conditions.
Flexibility. 129. During this process the planning team compares the order
own, with the orders of higher commands and that of other
117. Characteristic of a Directive that allows dissemination over time weapons and/or components, in order to maximize
sufficient for adequate planning and preparation on the part of synchronization and unity of efforts, ensuring the intention of
subordinate commanders. higher command. Feedback Meetings and Information Crossing of
Prompt. Plans and Orders.

118. Characteristic of a Directive that tells us that it must contain 130. It is the final action in the DEVELOPMENT OF PLANS AND
all necessary information complete and understandable. ORDERS.
Complete. Approval of the plan or order by the commander.

119. Characteristic of a Directive that clearly establishes the 131. They are the results of the DEVELOPMENT OF PLANS AND
command and support relationships and establishes ORDERS.
responsibilities. OPORD, OPLAN, FRAGORD, updated IPOE and planning
Organization. support tools.

120. It is the input information required for the Development of 132. NPP step that guarantees a successful transformation of the
Plans and orders. planning to execution, improves the situational knowledge of those
Initial task organization, mission, commander's intent, CONOPS, who will execute the order, maintains the CONOPS, promotes
staff estimates, specific and implicit tasks . unity of effort and generates harmony in actions.
121. Process of Development of Plans and Orders where they are
prepared in 133. It is the input information that is required in the
a wide variety of forms, they can be: detailed written documents TRANSITION.
with many supporting annexes or simple verbal instructions from OPORD, OPLAN, refined IPOE, FRAGORDS for unforeseen
the commander. events, information for future missions and sequels.
Preparation of Plans and Orders.
134. He is the representative of current operations before the team of
122. Internal process of the Development of Plans and Orders in which the planning of the higher level designated by the commander, takes
planning team, performs a detailed review of the entire order and the approved plan or order to the staff of the higher command.
ensures that the basic order and all annexes or appendices are Exhibitor.
Reconciliation of Plans and Orders. 135. TRANSITION process that provides an overview
general of the mission, the commander's intention, the
123. Paragraph of the Plans and Orders that is the summary of the organization of the task and the situation of oneself and the
situation enemy.
commander's general and ensures that subordinates understand Transition Information Meeting.
the background.
Situation. 136. They are important techniques used during TRANSITION to
ensure the best understanding of the plan or order by those who
124. Paragraph of the Plans and Orders that carries the mission of the must execute it and improve the ability of the commander and

staff –to2supervise
0 2 2. operations.
Transition Exercises.

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137. TRANSITION process that is given by a The system.

Subordinate commander Once the planning has been completed,
in the presence of all force commanders, they confirm the plan to 5. It allows the Commander to control time and uncertainty in the
their subordinates, who will execute the mission, allowing development of operations, factors that affect operations, and
discrepancies to be identified. against which he will always have to fight to accomplish the
Confirmation of Plans and Orders. mission.
138. They lead the internal transition briefing, inform
detail about all the tools, assist the commander in the 6. Component of C2 understood as the authority of a Commander,
transition/execution exercise and coordinate with subordinate implies leadership, authority and responsibility for the effective
commanders, on confirmation of their plan to the superior use of available resources and operational forces. The Command.
Function of the Planning Team. 7. Component of C2, which is the action through which the
139. It is the result of TRANSITION. Commander conducts the development of operations,
That subordinate commanders and staff understand the CONOPS corroborating that the actions are being executed in accordance
and are prepared to execute the order and possible unforeseen with his plans and orders.
The control.
events and are also prepared for subsequent plans in order of
8. It is a continuous and cyclical process through which the
140. They are the key points of the MISSION ANALYSIS. Commander obtains information, makes decisions and executes
Analysis of the mission, Comdte. You must get involved from the actions, exercising authority over subordinate Commanders.
beginning, establish a program in time, EDOMAY estimates and The C2 Cycle.
prepare the team.
9. It is the essence of the C2 cycle.
141. They are the key points of the DEVELOPMENT OF THE COA's. Maintain quick decision and execution cycles and ensure that both
A COA is a concept of operation open to a commander, it must superiors and subordinates have a shared vision of what needs to
comply with: suitability, feasibility, acceptability, be done.
differentiability and completeness.
142. They are the key points of the ANALYSIS OF THE COA's. 10. It is the key objective of the C2 process and they must be sensible
War game is a process of actions, reactions and counter-actions, and timely, the enemy will do the same, the first gains the
pitting a COA against an ECOA, the game better illustrates the advantage. It requires intuition and analysis to recognize the
results and is only part of the analysis of the COA. problem and implement the solution.
Decision making.
143. These are the key points of the COA COMPARISON.
Keep the chain of command informed, members conducting the 11. This type of decision making tends to be complete, but it takes
COA comparison should be the same in the analysis and use time to compare multiple options simultaneously, under the same
guiding factors and judgment to choose the best COA. criteria, to select an optimal solution. It is appropriate when you
have the necessary time.
144. They are the key points of the DEVELOPMENT OF PLANS AND
Analytical decision making.
Hold meetings to share and exchange information, OPORD and
FRAGORD's must be the only authorized source of information. 12. This type of decision making depends on the ability and judgment
of an experienced Commander to recognize the key elements of a
145. They are the key points of the TRANSITION. problem, quickly integrate them, and make the appropriate
Designate a representative as presenter of the plan or order and decision. It is appropriate when time and uncertainty are critical
informative meetings, practical exercises or rehearsals. factors.
Intuitive decision making.

13.- DAM 1.6.- OPERATIONAL COMMAND AND 13. Control method when the Commander exercises control with a
CONTROL. “strong hand”, centralizes C2 with explicit orders and plans,
emphasizing the vertical flow, both of orders and information, in
1. It is the set of fundamental principles, concepts and guidelines that the chain of command.
guide the organization, preparation and use of the naval power of Detailed control.
the federation for the full fulfillment of the mission of the Mexican
Navy. 14. Control method when seeking to create a system capable of
Naval Doctrine. responding quickly to any situation, instead of waiting for
uncertainty to decrease before deciding and acting.
2. It is the platform on which the planning and execution of naval Flexible control.
operations is based, becoming the tool that allows a Commander
to understand the situation in the theater of operations. 15. Operations must be organized with authority structure and defined
Command and Control (C2) responsibilities; each Commander must have authority within his
or her scope of responsibility.
3. It is the functional element of C2 through which the Commander Organization.
exercises his functions: planning, direction, coordination and
control of forces and operations.
The process.

4. It is the structural element of C2 that includes the personnel,

equipment, communications, facilities and procedures used by a

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16. It is the raw material of decision making and execution, since it is 30. C2 Support Element that is defined as the set of technologies that
necessary to understand the situation and from there make the allow the acquisition, production, storage, treatment,
best decision. communication, registration and presentation of information, in the
Information. form of voice, images and data.
17. It covers the personnel, systems and resources that support the
flow and process of information, in order to improve the abilities of 31. They are the 3 general capabilities of the C2 System.
Commanders to make decisions and execute them.
Common Operational Overview (COP), Tools to support the Naval
Planning Process and Tools to support the conduct and
supervision of operations.
18. They integrate the tangible structure that supports the C2 process;
they are the information systems, equipment, software and
32. Capacity of the C2 System, which is the concentration of graphic
infrastructure with which the Commander collects, processes,
information of operations through the use of ICT, involves
protects and disseminates information.
monitoring, images, communications, language, symbology and
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs).
graphic display.
Common Operational Overview (COP).
19. These are the 6 fundamental principles for an effective C2.
1) Key personnel, 2) Flexible control, 3) Unity of effort, 4)
Decentralized decision making and execution, 5) Initiative of 33. Capacity of the C2 System that is based on the 6 steps of the
NPP to create electronic formats for each of them. Tools to
subordinates and 6) Essential communications.
support the Naval Planning Process.
20. It is based on two essential capabilities: understanding and 34. Capacity of the C2 System, which are graphical tools of the COP
response capacity, it seeks to provide available Command with
to graph maneuvers and make calculations of autonomy,
information on what is happening or may happen.
displacements, and time and space.
C2 Operational Concept.
Tools to support the conduct and supervision of operations.

21. They are the 3 strategic vectors in which Naval Operations are 35. C2 System Tool to configure the roles with which the operators
generically classified.
will work in the system, with authorizations and restrictions to
The maritime defense of the territory, the maintenance of the rule
of law at sea and diplomatic action. Tools for role definition.

22. It is the core of the C2 system, it interacts with other information 36. C2 System tool that covers analysis of maritime traffic, crisis
systems, both institutional and external, and includes a diversity of situation, SAR emergency and non-compliance with scheduled
subsystems through which it is fed with strategic, operational and unit movements.
tactical information. SICCAM. Alarm of significant events.

23. It is the main tool of the High Command to assist in its functions of 37. C2 System tool that includes entry and storage of information,
authority and strategic direction to execute the C2 process at that documents with military classification and security key and access
level. control by roles.
CC2 EMGA. Administration of a library.

24. It is executed more expeditiously, to achieve three objectives: 38. C2 System tool that contemplates different formats and scales
monitoring operations, monitoring the deployment of forces, and and incorporation of satellite images.
identifying possible points of conflict/contingencies. Digital cartography administration.
The C2 process.
39. System C2 tool regarding security in the event of an accident or
25. They are the 3 components of the C2 System. failure.
The Command and Control Organization, Information and Support Information preservation.
of C2.
40. Aspect of information for Command and Control that contemplates
26. Component of the C2 system that includes the Commander and tactical deployment of own units and National Maritime Panorama
the chain of command that connects him with his superiors and (SENTINEL Maritime Traffic and Surveillance Systems and
his subordinate commanders. Targets of interest).
The Command and Control Organization. Common Operational Overview (COP).

27. Component of the C2 system that is an essential link that allows it

to function, integrates the Common Operational Panorama (COP)
and transmits the flow of orders from the Commander.

28. Component of the C2 system, which is the structure through which

the Commander exercises C2, includes personnel, equipment and
C2 Support.
29. C2 Support Element considered as a key element, it must be
selected, organized and trained in the CC2 EMGA and in the SC2,
organized in shifts to monitor operations 24 hours a day.

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41. Aspect of information for Command and Control that involves authorities and be the transmission of the orders of the High
Government agencies (SEDENA, CONAPESCA, SCT, FGR) and Command and support in appropriate decision making.
International Agencies. CC2 EMGA mission.
Information from other Organizations.
56. Manage the CC2 System, advise the AM, monitor operations,
42. Aspect of information for Command and Control that is obtained transmit directives from the AM, maintain liaison with Naval
from Operational, Administrative and Intelligence systems. Commands, conduct and coordinate rescue and maritime traffic,
SEMAR Information System.
development and updating of ICTs.
CC2 EMGA functions.
43. Aspect of information for Command and Control that must reach a
high level for the information that circulates through the network,
considering authenticity, access list, protected domains, 57. CC2 EMGA is also considered as “Naval Maritime Traffic Control
encryption, login registration, antivirus and physical security. Coordination Center” (SCC) and “Search and Rescue
Security of the information. Coordination Center” (MRCC).
Organization of CC2 EMGA.
44. It is carried out through the chain of command established by the
institutional organization, each Commander has a defined 58. CC2 EMGA module that tracks operations, events and incidents,
authority and responsibility structure. receiving and processing information for the integration of the
Organization of C2. COP. transmits AM orders to Naval Commands and operational
45. It must establish command, support and coordination relationships Shift Captain Module.
between command levels, considering that decisions and orders
range from the strategic to the tactical level. 59. CC2 EMGA module that plots the events being monitored,
The chain of command. prepares and updates the graphic news report and the tactical
46. It is when the different sections of the General Staff or Command COP Presentation Module.
Groups assist the Commanders in the conception, preparation
and conduct of operations.
C2 process. 60. CC2 EMGA module that operates the SIOPARM and the SICCAM
for the tracking and location of surface units and the SISMEP for
47. They are those in which a command of equal level supports fishing vessels.
another command with its forces in the same operation. Surface Unit control module.
Command and Support Relationships.
61. CC2 EMGA module that operates the SIOPARM for air units, as
48. Provides the type of support you require, when and where. well as international (CNIES and RITN) and national information
Mission control is maintained by the supported Commander. exchange with SEDENA (SIVA).
Supported command. Air Unit control module.

49. Command that supports another command with its means, as 62. CC2 EMGA module that operates the SIOPARM for ground units,
long as it has been ordered or authorized by the upper echelon of in addition to Skype, Omega Soltrack and Axis for monitoring
both. tactical vehicles in operation.
Command in support. Ground Unit Control Module.
50. It is that support that is given to the supported forces as a whole
and not to a particular unit. The supporting unit retains 63. CC2 EMGA module that provides the High Command with an
administrative, tactical and operational control. updated list of events of interest and a weekly report on events in
General support. the fight against organized crime.
Module for preparing reports and reports.
51. It is that mission in which a force is designated to support another
in a particular/individual manner and is authorized to respond to 64. CC2 EMGA module that retrieves operational information reports
the requested requirements. related to emergency situations (COSPAS, SSAS), SAR
Direct support. operations and contingency response.
Contingency Assistance Module and SAR Coordination Center
52. It is made up of the High Command Situation Room, the CC2 (MRCC).
EMGA, the SC2 of the Naval Forces, Regions, Zones and
Sectors, C2 Modules in Subordinate Commands and C2 mobile 65. CC2 EMGA module that establishes the required communications,
posts. as well as transmitting the necessary instructions to the Naval
C2 system of the Mexican Navy. Commands and operational units.
Naval Communications Module (COMUNAV).
53. It is the center where you have access to all the information from
CC2 EMGA, it is linked to the Presidency of the Republic,
Secretariats of State and the Naval Commands themselves.
66. CC2 EMGA module that coordinates with national and foreign
authorities in cases of crisis.
High Command Situation Room.
Coordination module with authorities.
54. It assists the High Command in the exercise of its functions of
authority and direction of naval operations, receiving and
processing information from the Naval Commands and national
and international agencies.
EMGA Command and Control Center.
55. It is to collect and process information, establish operational
coordination with the Naval Commands and civil and military

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67. They are conceived as a support tool to the Command for the concise writing of the messages, correct assignment of
control and monitoring of the operations carried out by the precedence, standardized, simple and effective procedures.
operational units in their jurisdiction and coordinated by the JEMR, Chance.
made up of all sections, making the S-3 or S-23 responsible for
their operation and functioning. . 11. Trust and timeliness must always be guaranteed in the
Command and Control Rooms of the Naval Commands (SC2). transmission of messages, they must always reach their recipient,
security is relative and depends on a combination between the
68. They are established in Subordinate Commands that are outside sensitivity of the information and the tactical situation.
the Naval Commands and/or that do not have access to the Importance of communications characteristics.
Institutional Computer Network, they assist in the capture of
information through SIOPARM and SICCAM. 12. It is the integration of all the regulatory precepts, principles and
Command and Control Modules of Subordinate Commands theories that govern the conduct and activities of the personnel
(MC2). involved in the naval communications system, requiring good
judgment and common sense for its application.
69. It is established when the nature of the operations requires a Naval Communications Doctrine.
command post outside the Headquarters (MARINE PLAN). Mobile
Command and Control Post.
13. Principle of the COMUNAV that is achieved through the
alignment of training and coaching with
available technology and the way the units operate. Media
14.- DAM 1.7.- NAVAL COMMUNICATIONS. awareness .

14. COMUNAV principle that is the responsibility of the Commands

1. It is establishing and maintaining reliable, timely and secure links and authorities involved in all levels of conducting naval
both in times of war and in times of peace. operations, will help avoid equipment losses and guarantee
Mission of the COMUNAV.
effective maintenance.
2. Serve Command, allowing you to exercise your personal Media control.
Command and Control influence over a force in a greater scope
than it would be without them. 15. COMUNAV principle so that communications are reliable, timely
Main Objective of the COMUNAV. and secure, as well as adopting strict measures to control it, these
must cover all echelons of Command.
3. Facilitate the exchange of information. They support intelligence, Discipline.
logistics and administration operations, all of which are essential
for the exercise of Command. 16. COMUNAV principle where messages must be written briefly,
Secondary Objective of the COMUNAV. avoiding verbosity in both the text and the header, but not
sacrificing the clarity of the message. Brevity.
4. They must be reliable, timely and secure.
Characteristics of the COMUNAV. 17. Principle of the COMUNAV that must correspond to the time
5. A characteristic of the COMUNAV is the certainty that there will available to take actions, not to the importance of the content or
always be a communications channel to guarantee the sender its security classification.
that their messages will reach the recipient in their entirety, Precedence.
without alterations or mutilations.
Trust. 18. COMUNAV principle, which is a fundamental characteristic of
communications, must correspond to the sensitivity of the
6. Characteristic of the COMUNAV that is achieved with the information; exceeding it may cause delays in delivery. Safety
appropriate use of transmission and reception equipment, classification.
standardization of equipment and components, establishment of
alternate and redundancy means, optimal frequencies and 19. Principle of COMUNAV where the complexity of the system
supervision of the effectiveness of the communications system. demands the existence of instructions and procedures
Trust. standardized to ensure that all personnel involved in the system
act in a similar way in similar circumstances.
7. Characteristic of the COMUNAV, which is the protection resulting Standardized operating procedures.
from the application of measures to deny unauthorized persons
access and interpretation of the information transmitted through 20. Principle of the COMUNAV where the communications means
communications channels. available in peacetime must be designed in such a way that they
Security. can be expanded quickly in the event of war, to evolve to a
system with greater capabilities.
8. Characteristic of COMUNAV that is achieved with the correct
security classification, use of appropriate cryptographic
equipment, minimization of links, use of appropriate physical
21. COMUNAV principle that states that communications are present
security devices, selection, instruction and training of users.
in all naval operations and command levels and have no reason to
exist on their own.
9. Characteristic of COMUNAV that guarantees that messages are Cohesion.
received by the recipient with adequate speed to be able to take
the corresponding actions under the prevailing circumstances.

10. Characteristic of the COMUNAV that is achieved with the brief and

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22. COMUNAV principle that must be carried out at all levels of 35. Management Personnel of the COMUNAV System that has the
conducting operations (strategic, operational and tactical), in order responsibility of applying the communications policies
to guarantee connectivity between operational forces (Naval issued by the High Command and exercise the direction and
Commands, CC2, EMGA and Friendly Forces. control of naval communications of its operational units and its
Planning. headquarters.
Naval Forces Commands.
23. This is the name given to the set of facilities, equipment, means
and personnel organized to fulfill the mission of naval 36. Management Personnel of the COMUNAV System that has the
communications. responsibility of applying the communications policies issued by
Naval Communications System. the High Command and exercising the direction and control of the
communications of the Zones, Sectors, Advanced Naval Stations
24. Characteristic of COMUNAV, which is the system's ability to adapt (ENA's) and operational units of their Jurisdiction . Naval Region
to any operational situation (strategic, operational and tactical), is Commands.
obtained with media redundancy, self-manageable architecture 37. Management Personnel of the COMUNAV System who have the
and modular construction of the system. responsibility of applying the communications policies issued by
Flexibility. the High Command and directives of the Naval Region and Zone
Command, as well as exercising the direction and control of Naval
25. Characteristic of the COMUNAV that must be made up of means communications of their Headquarters, Sectors, ENA's and
whose use is easy to understand and apply, allowing the operational units of its jurisdiction.
Command to focus its attention on operations and not be Commands of Naval Zones and Sectors.
distracted by complicated procedures.
Simplicity. 38. Management Personnel of the COMUNAV System who have the
responsibility of applying the communications policies issued by
26. Characteristic of COMUNAV, which is the system's ability to the High Command and directives of the Command of the Region,
withstand any physical or electromagnetic attack without Zone or Naval Sector, as well as exercising the direction and
becoming inoperative. control of the naval communications of their unit.
Survival. Commands of Operational Units.

27. Characteristic of the COMUNAV that must obey standardized 39. Advises the High Command in the field of communications and
specifications so that equipment can be exchanged between units electronic warfare; plans, supervises and directs the use and
or parts between them, facilitating acquisition and maintenance development of information, communications and electronic
logistics. warfare systems. EMGA S-5.
40. He has the responsibility of advising his Command on aspects of
28. Characteristic of the COMUNAV where it must have sufficient and communications and electronic warfare; as well as plan, supervise
adequate means to satisfy the needs in operational and and conduct communications for the development of operations
administrative aspects. carried out in their respective area of responsibility.
Ability. Communications Subsection of the General Staff or Command
29. Characteristic of COMUNAV that must ensure that the different 41. Personnel responsible for conducting the operation and
network architectures can exchange information when the user maintenance of the communications system established in each
requires it. Naval Command.
Interoperability. Naval Information and Communications Technologies (ICT)
30. It is the personnel that establishes and applies naval Headquarters.
communications policies, exercises the direction and control of
42. They are responsible for the correct operation of the
communications at their respective level.
communications systems and equipment and their peripherals,
installed in the respective CCOM's and ESCOM's.
31. It is the personnel that conceives the various naval Headquarters of the CCOM's and ESCOM's.
communications plans at the strategic, operational and tactical
levels. These personnel are assigned to the General Staff and 43. They are directly responsible for the operation of the equipment
Command Groups. assigned to each of the networks, in such a way as to guarantee
Planners. reliable, timely and secure communication. Operators.

32. They execute communications plans and operate the media. This 44. He is responsible for the acquisition, distribution, technical support
personnel is assigned to the CCOM's, Communications Stations and maintenance of the media that make up the communications
(ESCOM) and related administrative areas. Operators. system and will keep it constantly updated in accordance with
technological evolution.
33. Provides technical, logistical and maintenance support to the Communications and IT Unit (UCI).
communications system. These personnel are assigned to the
Communications and Informatics Unit (UCI) and CEMANELE's.
Technical, logistical and maintenance support personnel.

34. Management Personnel of the COMUNAV System that

establishes the communications policies of the SEMAR and will
issue the doctrinal manuals for the use of the naval
communications system.
Secretary of the Navy.

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45. The main function is to carry out maintenance on electronic 56. These are communications equipment that serve as a
equipment to eliminate or reduce the causes or reasons that communications bridge (RELAY) for the retransmission of
cause the loss of efficiency of a piece of equipment in order to information, to extend the range and avoid the use of large
ensure that the equipment is in perfect operating condition. antennas and higher power equipment.
Electronic Maintenance Centers (CEMANELE). Relay stations.

46. It is the set of facilities, personnel and material that is conveniently 57. They are each of the pieces of equipment in a network, through
organized, processes and records the processing of messages which the operator transmits and receives information: radios,
generated by the Naval Commands and Authorities it serves, as telephones or data terminals installed in the CCOM's, ESCOM's
well as messages in transit through the SEMAR naval and administrative areas.
communications system. Communications Terminal (TC).
Communications Center (CCOM).
58. It is the organization of two or more communications terminals that
47. It depends on the UCI, from here the radio communications can establish and maintain a link on a common frequency,
networks of the AM are administered, and it provides channel or transmission line.
communications services (voice, data and cw) to all the Communications Networks.
organizations assigned to the headquarters of the High
Command. 59. Networks used for the exchange of operational messages that
CCOM Main. involve, among others, tactical, operational and emergency
logistics messages, as well as coordination messages for the
48. They are the communications centers assigned to the conduct and development of naval operations.
headquarters of a Force Command, Region, Zone and Naval Operational Communications Networks.
Sector, these provide communications service (voice, data and
cw) to all units, establishments and component forces assigned to 60. Networks used for the routine processing of non-operational
the headquarters of the respective Command. . information, and all those messages that are sent to comply with
CCOM Secondary. the logistics cycle in support of naval operations.
Administrative Communications Networks.
49. It is the set of personnel and communications material located
within the jurisdiction of a secondary CCOM, such as: IM Brigades 61. Operational Networks that link directly to the controls in the
and Battalions, Naval Air Bases and Stations, Embarked Fleet various levels, for coordination between these at the same level;
Commands, ENA's, groupings, Surface and Naval Air Units. as well as the transmission of orders and receipt of reports to and
Communications station (ESCOM). from subordinate commands.
Command Networks.
50. It is the one that is established on a temporary basis for the
execution of an operations order, they are identified by the call 62. Operational Networks that are used for the free and rapid
sign that establishes the specific communications plan of the exchange of information between operational units during the
operation, such as logistics bases (BL's), detachments, bases of execution of operations.
operations (BO's) and highway control posts (PCC). Tactical networks.
Campaign communications station or command post
(ESCOCAM). 63. Operational Networks used for the free, rapid and secure
exchange of information between naval intelligence bodies; and
51. Vehicle equipped with communications terminals with the capacity among these with national and international intelligence agencies.
to establish voice, data and telegraphy links, at short, medium and Intelligence networks.
long distances, in order to support the Command and Control (C2)
in the area of operations. 64. Operational Networks used to carry out the logistics process
Land mobile communications station (ESCOMOV). during the development of operations, messages can be sent
through tactical networks.
52. It is installed in the event of an accident, in a suitable place close Operational logistics coordination networks.
to the facilities of the respective Command to provide continuity to 65. Operational Networks used for transmission, control and
operations. coordination of SAR messages; The international call and
Emergency communications centers and stations. emergency channels correspond to this network (VHF marine
channel 16, VHF aeronautical 121.5 and HF 2182 kHz, etc.).
53. They provide communications service (voice, data and cw) in the Search and rescue networks (SAR).
event of failure or destruction of the primary and secondary
CCOM. 66. Operational Networks used for connectivity between
Alternate communications center. meteorological stations and processing centers. Meteorological
information will be transmitted to naval commands and
54. It will be designated by the High Command through the UCI, operational units through the available administrative and tactical
selecting the secondary CCOM that, according to the situation, networks.
has the best possibilities of providing service to replace the main Meteorological networks.
Alternate CCOM of the main CCOM. 67. Operational Networks used for the retransmission of messages in
order to expand the reach of line-of-sight communications.
55. He will be designated by the respective Command from among Relay networks.
the CCOM's of the establishments and/or ESCOM's of the units
under his Command who, according to the situation, have the
best possibilities of providing service in replacement of the
corresponding secondary CCOM. Alternate CCOM of the
secondary CCOMs.

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68. Operational Networks used to provide connectivity to the CC2 unit.

EMGA, Command and control rooms of the Naval Commands External communications media.
and mobile Command and Control posts when established,
provide connectivity to guarantee the visualization of the 82. They are all those that are used for communication within units,
deployment of own forces and the possible positions of the establishments and organizations.
enemy. Internal communications means.
Connectivity networks to Command and Control (C2).
83. They are those that serve for the transmission or reception of
69. Operational Networks used for the exchange of information within signs, signals, writings, images, sounds, video or information of
operational units: intercoms, self-excited telephones, acoustic any nature at distances greater than the range of mechanical
tubes, pneumatic tubes, general sound, order telegraphs, etc. waves.
Interior communications networks. Telecommunications.

70. Operational Networks used for the exchange of information 84. They are those means of communication that require electrical
between surface units and the respective command, when they power for their operation. These media use physical transmission
are in port or bay. lines and the electromagnetic spectrum for signal propagation.
Port and bay communications networks. Electrical/Electronic .

71. Operational Networks used for the automatic transfer of data 85. They use the visible spectrum for signal propagation, to transmit
between stations that make up a tactical network with minimal and receive messages within visual range using pre-established
intervention by operators, generating a Common Operational codes (Morse, traffic light, lights and flag codes). Visuals.
Panorama between the units of a Task Force. Tactical Data Link.
86. External communications that use: post office, transport,
72. Operational Networks used by the Naval Forces to satisfy the
courier/post office and Hertian cable.
liaison needs in war operations. Fleet-specific networks.
Physical media.
73. These networks are used by the Naval Forces and their surface,
87. They are those that use a physical medium (air, water,
air-naval, amphibious, submarine and special units for the
transmission line) to propagate signals. For external
exchange of tactical information.
communications, the following are used: megaphone, bells,
Tactical fleet networks.
whistles, underwater telephone, etc.
74. These networks are used by the Naval Forces for the transmission Communications by mechanical waves.
and reception of early warning messages, naval fire support, anti-
submarine warfare coordination, anti-aircraft warfare coordination 88. It is a central amplification system where messages, mainly orders
and mine warfare. or information and in some cases alarm signals, are transmitted
Fleet coordination networks. simultaneously through microphones and speakers.
Overall sound.
75. Administrative Networks that directly link managers and directors
at the various levels, for administrative coordination between them 89. It is a system of commands from the bridge to the engine rooms to
at the same level; as well as the transmission of orders and control the ship's propulsion.
receipt of reports. Telegraph of orders.
Executive networks.
90. It is a two-way intercom system, where orders and information are
76. Administrative Networks that provide voice and data services for transmitted between two or more stations. Intercoms.
the transmission and reception of information related to
administrative and logistical procedures between the different 91. They are very flexible systems for two-way communication, their
Commands and naval establishments. variation and functions is wide, they can be called three very
Administrative processing networks. marked types: wired, wireless and self-excited.
77. Administrative Networks that are used for administrative and
logistical coordination between Commands and naval 92. It is a one-way communication system, where regulations and
establishments. general information, as well as entertainment, are transmitted.
Administrative coordination networks. Closed circuit television (CCTV).
78. Administrative Networks that provide voice and data services to
extend medical, educational and technical support services to 93. It is a system of orders or prevention generally located in places of
distant naval units and establishments. Service networks. intense noise.
79. Administrative networks that are used for communications within
SEMAR establishments.
Internal administrative networks.

80. This is the name given to all those elements that allow a link to be
established between two or more stations; they are classified as
exterior and interior.
Naval Communications Media.

81. They are all those that are used for communication with units,
establishments, organizations and in general with any individual
who is not within the facilities of the barracks, establishment or

PFAM – 2 0 2 2. By: AEGV

94. It is a system of orders or general prevention, connected to the satellite and MPLS for data transmission and reception.
general sound. Data media.
108. They are the means used by the administrative circuit of the system
95. It is a very simple system that consists of a metal tube that satellite, MPLS and as an alternate network the commercial
generally connects two departments and does not require network for voice transmission and reception.
electricity, being two-way. Telephone means.
Acoustic tubes.
109. Assignment of Corporate internet terminals to High Command and
96. It is a system of orders or visual prevention generally located in Commercial internet to the Forces, Regions, Zones, Sectors and
places of intense noise. establishments, its use will be regulated by the Manual that
Lights. regulates SEMAR information.
Internet use.
97. It is a system that consists of a metal tube into which a special
cylindrical cartridge is inserted where the message is deposited 110. It is made up of the different voice and data subsystems,
and it is propelled by air pressure at an almost instantaneous highlighting satellite, multiple protocol and radio frequency
speed. networks, these networks must be interoperable, approval is
Pneumatic tubes. required, compatible and standardized equipment, it does not
imply that the equipment is the same.
98. This equipment allows the CIC to provide weapons control stations Integration of the COMUNAV.
with a signal for target engagement.
Target Designator Equipment (TDS). 111. Network that, through a “Backbone IP” architecture, uses nodes
of Naval Communications (NCN), which allow the interoperability
99. The operational radio communications circuits, satellite system, of communications subsystems and therefore supports
last mile links and Multiple Protocol Systems (MPLS) of the interoperability.
Mexican Navy are assigned to these networks. Operational Integrated Naval Communications Network (CONAIN).
112. Provide reliable connectivity between Naval Commands and
100. The administrative radio communications circuits, satellite system, operational units, Improve the quality of communications,
last mile links and Multiple Protocol Systems (MPLS) of the Guarantee interoperability between own forces and Increase the
Mexican Navy are assigned to these networks. Administrative range of communication between units that operate distantly.
networks. Objectives of the Integration of the COMUNAV.

101. They are intended to establish and maintain voice, data and CW 113. They are the set of interfaces that interconnect the different
links between the main CCOM, the secondary CCOMs, campaign means of communications of a given CCOM. Their quantity and
or command post, ESCOMMOV, alternates, ESCOMs and TCs. characteristics depend on the level of Command they serve, they
HF radio media. increase the range of the integrated communications means.
Naval Communications Nodes (NCN).
102. They are intended to establish and maintain tactical links
between surface, land and air units providing voice, data and 114. They are permanent nodes established in the CCOM of each
video services, and between naval establishments for Command.
administrative and logistical coordination. Naval. interconnect all installed communications media and link
VHF radio media. operational units with others.
NCN Fixed (NCNF).
103. Through these means, tactical information is transmitted between
operational units in line of sight when maximum protection against 115. They are nodes implemented in operational bases and ENA's or
enemy interception and indoor radio communications is required. well, in humanitarian aid stations abroad. Its function is to
UHF radio media. tactically link the operational units operating in the area.
NCN Deployed (NCND).
104. They are operational data circuits of the satellite system and MPLS, as
well 116. They are nodes implemented temporarily or permanently to
such as radio communications and other wired or fiber optic aboard flagships, depending on the needs of the Command. Its
networks for the transmission and reception of data, will have function is to tactically link the surface units that operate in a
secure circuits (private, virtual networks, https, etc.). flotilla.
Data transmission media. NCN Surface (NCNS).

105. They are operational voice circuits of the satellite system and MPLS 117. They are nodes with mobility capacity in different types of
and terrain depending on the vehicle used. Its function is to tactically
They interact with operational radio communications networks link the operational units operating in the area.
through radio-telephone interfaces (telephone patch). NCN Vehicular (NCNV).
Telephone means.

106. Provides security in voice, data and video communications to

through public networks such as the Internet, using virtual tunnels,
encryption services and communications authentication.
VPN`s (Virtual Private Network).

107. They are the means used by the administrative circuit of the system

PFAM – 2 0 2 2. By: AEGV

118. Its mission is to preserve the functional COMUNAV System Objective of Communications Security.
for as long as possible, eliminating or reducing the causes or
reasons that cause the loss of efficiency of the material that 129. It is the protection resulting from the application of measures to deny
comprises it in order to ensure that it is in perfect operating unauthorized persons access and interpretation of the information
condition. transmitted through communications channels. Definition of
The Maintenance. Communications Security.
130. It is compliance with the principles of confidentiality,
119. Maintenance Echelon of the COMUNAV System that serves integrity, availability, authenticity and non-repudiation through
to the development of preventive maintenance, for the controls.
conservation of the material, reducing its natural wear and Security of the information .
avoiding its misuse, is carried out by the user with advice from
CEMANELE's. 131. Principle of Information Security that is referred to
First step. Ensure that information is accessible only to authorized persons.
120. Maintenance Echelon of the COMUNAV System that serves
The development of corrective maintenance (repair), to eliminate 132. Principle of Information Security that seeks to preserve the
the consequences of both accidental and caused breakdowns, is accuracy in all information.
carried out by the CEMANELE`s. Integrity.
Second step.
133. Principle of Information Security that is aimed at
121. Maintenance Echelon of the COMUNAV System that serves
guarantee that authorized users have access to the information
Restorative and modifying maintenance, to modernize the old
and resources related to it, whenever they require it.
design material by incorporating new general characteristics, is
carried out by the CEMANELE`s.
Third step . 134. Principle of Information Security that seeks to guarantee
the origin of the information, validating the issuer to avoid identity
122. Maintenance Echelon of the COMUNAV System that serves
to the development of recovery and rescue maintenance of
seriously damaged units, is carried out by the UCI maintenance
centers. 135. Principle of Information Security that prevents the issuer
Fourth step. or receiver deny the transmission or reception of a message.
I do not repudiate.
123. They are caused by small accidental malfunctions.
or small wear that can be resolved by simple operations that do 136. They are responsible for managing the security of the
not require special means of repair. First degree repairs. communications within their command or jurisdiction, in
accordance with the standards of this doctrine, and must make all
124. Repairs that correspond to breakdowns of a certain entity personnel involved aware of the importance of maintaining this.
fortuitous or provoked or due to deep material wear, the resolution Commander.
of which requires technical operations carried out by specialized
personnel, with the help of facilities. 137. It is responsible for coordinating and making it possible for
Second degree repairs. communications are reliable, timely and secure, it will exercise
control over the security of the communications, as well as the
125. They are the repairs corresponding to serious breakdowns, custody, count, management, safeguarding and destruction of the
generally caused by war action or air or maritime accident, which communications security material placed in its charge.
profoundly affect the effectiveness of the affected unit, requiring Head of ICT.
extensive repair works, with immobilization of the unit for a
prolonged period of time. Third degree repairs. 138. It is responsible for taking all necessary measures to
126. These are those repairs that must be carried out in the maintain and improve the security and efficiency of the
The very moment the breakdown occurs on board a ship, both at communications system and, in particular, ensure compliance with
sea and in port, which if not attacked immediately can lead to the communications instructions and procedures relating to the
greater harm, falls within the internal security and breakdown transmission, reception and processing of messages, treating
control system of the affected ship and is the responsibility of the them according to the security classification.
first level of maintenance. Personnel involved in processing messages.
Emergency repairs.
139. It is the result of taking all measures to safeguard the
classified material from access or observation by unauthorized
127. 1st Maintenance Centers. and 2nd. Step are
assigned to the Naval Commands, and 4th. Echelon and
Physical security.
specialized that attend to the maintenance of 3rd. and 4th. Step,
according to the maintenance needs determined by the UCI.
Organization of the CEMANELE's.

128. Provide all security-related personnel and

control of communications, instructions and procedures to deny
the enemy or unauthorized persons from obtaining information
that allows them to violate our operations.

PFAM – 2 0 2 2. By: AEGV

140. It is the component of communications security that

It results from having equipment to send classified information in a manner that is unintelligible to
unauthorized persons, using methods, techniques and means with an integrated encryption system
Cryptographic security.
141. It is the area assigned to carry out encryption and decryption
actions of classified information located in a white area, dependent
on the second sections of the General Staff.
Cryptographic Center (CC).

142. Its objective is to deny the enemy all possible information about
the content and direction of a message. To achieve this, the full
address of a message will be contained only within the ciphertext.
It is the component of COMSEC that results from all the measures
143. established to protect transmissions from interception, traffic
analysis and imitative deception of communications.
Transmission security.

It is the action of searching; listen to and/or record

communications emissions, in order to obtain intelligence, from
144. signal analysis and cryptographic analysis.

It is the analysis of transmissions to obtain networks of links and/or

to obtain information related to the order of battle, operational
145. activities, plans and organization of enemy communications.
Traffic analysis.

146. It is the introduction of false transmissions, imitating transmissions

authentic, within the enemy's communications systems, with the intention of confusing or deceiving
Imitative communications deception.


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