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‭CS201 Assignment 2 Solution Fall 2022-2023‬


‭using namespace std;‬

‭class Matrix Property {‬


‭int matrix[2][2];‬



‭for (int i=0;i<2:1++){ for (int j=0;j<2: j++) { matrix[1][j] = 0;‬



‭MatrixProperty(int a[2][2]) {‬



‭void setMatrix(int arr[2][2]) {‬

‭for (int i=0;i<2:++) {‬

‭for (int j=0;j<2;j++) { matrix[1][j] = arr[i][j];‬




‭friend MatrixProperty Transpose MatrixProperty &m) {‬

‭MatrixProperty transpose:‬

‭for (int i=0;i<2:1++){‬

‭for (int j=0;j<2: j++){‬

‭transpose matrix[i][j] = m.matrix[j][i];‬

‭retum transpose:‬

‭MatrixProperty operator+(const MatrixPropaty &m) {‬

‭MatrixProperty result;‬

‭for (int i=0:1-2:++) { for (int j=0;j<2; j++){‬

‭result.matrix[i][j] = matrix[i][j] +m_matrix[i][j];‬



‭return result;‬


‭void display(MatrixProperty &m) {‬

‭for (int i=0;i<2:i++) {‬

‭for (int j=0;j<2; j++) {‬

‭cout<<m.matrix[i] <<"";‬


‭cout << endl;‬




‭int main() {‬

‭int A[2][2]={(1, 2), (3,4));‬

‭int B[2][2] ((5.6), (7,8));‬

‭MatrixProperty matl, mat2, mat3, mat4:‬

‭mat 1.setMatrix(A);‬


‭mat3 = mat1 + mat2;‬

‭mat4 Transpose(mat3);‬

‭cout<<" "<<<<endl:‬

‭cout<<<<" "<<<<endl:‬

‭cout<<<<" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------‬

‭---------------------- "<<<<endl:‬

‭cout<<"Matrix A:";‬



‭cout<<"Matrix B:‬


‭cout<<"Sum of Matrix A and B: ":‬



‭cout<<"Transpose of Matrix (A+B): ":‬



‭return 0;‬


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