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13.12.2020 Lee al oy Ref. ‘Books Tail OQ Theory and Dito blems | ‘of Laplace. Areas rem | a] _ Murtrcay R. Spiegel | A © nedharnerical Physics —by— B.D. Gupla wo Elementary Maho matical Physics ~ by- BS Roy puck ew Fourtien qnalysis with applications to Boundary value preoklom s = bye Murtesy R. Spiegel | Apdu (OO Mathonatical ructhed Golare to 2) “by Nas oe | |- — | | DE. solve SIC MINE | junction of t ‘ecified “pefaston Let rw be a dune stion- f s : € ‘font Ly0: then tae Lap bree transform of FC) LiFe} 15 defined by Eee “ deno ded 3 pees Peto] TH Laplace Transforemalion Scanned with CamScanner whew ue arume at present drat tho pararrofac sis Weals Labor Hr will be -found useful to conaidare comPRX « The [op lace Areqnastortm °F FO NS said to encist if dha infegrcal converges a | howe = valua of Ss clhatwire i+ doesnst cue FRED! exameks « ( btu Nef @= fers Lt’) } Fundamerdat Ruler ; © FED =I. “aq? 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