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Elina’s Summary report

Elina has made good progress during her studying so far.

Compared to when we first started, she's improved her ability to quickly scan a text for key
information, helping her to successfully find the answers to questions. There is still room for
continued improvement here, as she sometimes struggles when the questions are more advanced,
for example when they don't use the exact same wording as the article.

There are still some consistent grammar mistakes, especially when she is speaking more freely,
although sometimes she can identify them with prompting from me. For example, she often
struggles when choosing the correct verb tense, although this is something which would require a
lot of study and focus to fix, as the rules are complicated.

She's improved her vocabulary, and has impressed me with how well she's remembered it between
lessons, especially recently. When re-reading an article or paragraph, it is clear that she has
retained what we learned and practiced in the lessons.

Her attitude in the class is always positive, and she works hard while engaging with the material in
the textbook.

- Tr. Oli

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