Example of Gentile Adjectives

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Example of Gentile Adjectives

Home » Spanish Classes » Gentile adjectives

Author: Editorial Examplede.com, year 2016

Gentile adjectives are those used to express the origin of people or any
object, whether its origin is, for example, a country, a city, a province, a
continent or any other place.

Although demonym adjectives are not used to indicate the place where
people live, they can also be used in the case of someone who has lived
somewhere for a long time and is proud to belong to that entity.

Gentile adjectives can take on the value of a noun , that is, they can be
used to refer to a person by naming only their name, meaning that it is
correct to say “the European” instead of saying “the person who is originally
from Europe.” .

Gentile adjectives are written with lowercase letters and are classified as
ordinary and particular .

Examples of endings of ordinary demonym adjectives: a, aco, aín, an,

ano, ario, asco, eco, enco, eno, ense, eño, eo, ero, és, esco, í, iego, ino,
isco, ita, o, ol, ota, uco and uz (also their feminine variants).

Examples of demonym adjectives by country:

Albania = Albanians- Albanian
Germany = German – German – German – German
Angola = Angolan – Angolan
Saudi Arabia = Saudi or Saudi
Algiers = Algerian – Algerian
Argentina = Argentine – Argentina
Asia = Asian – Asian
Athens = Athenian
Australia = Australian – Australian
Austria = Austrian – Austrian
Azerbaijan = Azerbaijani – Azerbaijani
Belgium = Belgian
Belize = Belizean – Belizean
Belarus = Belarusian – Belarusian
Burma = Burmese – Burmese
Bolivia = Boliviano – Boliviana
Brazil = Brazilian – Brazilian
Cambodia = Cambodian – Cambodian
Cameroon = Cameroonian – Cameroonian
Canada = Canadian
Chile = Chilean – Chilean
China = Chinese – China
Korea = Korean – Korean
North Korea = North Korean – North Korean
South Korea = South Korean – South Korean
Ivory Coast = Ivorian – Ivorian
Costa Rica = Costa Rican
Croatia = Croatian
Cuba = Cuban – Cuban
Denmark = Danish – Danish
Ecuador = Ecuadorian – Ecuadorian
Egypt = Egyptian – Egyptian
El Salvador = Salvadoran – Salvadoran
Erythea = Erytheus – Erythea
Slovakia = Slovak – Slovak
Slovenia = Slovenian – Slovenian
Spain = Spanish – Hispanic – Spanish – Hispanic
United States of America = American
Estonia = Estonian – Estonian
Ethiopia = Ethiopian
Philippines = Filipino – Filipina
Finland = Finnish – Finnish – Finnish – Finnish
Fiji = Fijian – Fijian
France = French – French – Gallic – Gala
Gabon = Gabonese – Gabonese
Gambia = Gambian – Gambian
Georgia = Georgian – Georgian
Ghana = Ghanaian – Ghanaian
Granada = Granadino – grenadine
Greece = Greek – Greek
Guatemala = Guatemalan – Guatemalan
Guinea = Guinean – Guinean
Guyana = Guyanese – Guyanese
Haiti = Haitian – Haitian
Holland = Dutch – Dutch
Honduras = Honduran – Honduran
Hungary = Hungarian – Hungarian
India = Indian – Indian
Indonesia = Indonesian – indonesia
England or Great Britain (United Kingdom) = English – English – British –
Iraq = Iraqi
Iran = Iranian
Ireland = Irish – Irish
Israel = Israeli
Italy = Italian = Italian
Jamaica = Jamaican – Jamaican – Jamaican – Jamaican
Japan = Japanese – Japanese
Jordan = Jordanian – Jordanian
Kazakhstan = Kazakh _ Kazakh
Kenya = Kenyan – Kenyan – Kenyan
Kyrgyzstan = Kyrgyz or Kyrgyz –Kyrgyz
Kiribati = Kiribati – Kiribati
Kuwait = >Kuwaiti
Lesotho = Lesotho
Latvia = Lesotho
Lebanon = Lebanese = Lebanese
Liberia = Liberian – Liberian
Libya = Libya – Libya
Liechtenstein = Liechtensteinian – Liechtensteiniana
Lithuania = Lithuanian – Lithuanian
Luxembourg = Luxembourgish –Luxembourgish
Macedonia = Macedonian – Macedonian
Madagascar = Malagasy
Malaysia = Malaysian – Malaysia
Malawi = Malawi
Maldives = Moldavian – Moldovan
Maldives = Maldives – Maldives
Mali = Malian or Malian
Malta = Maltese – Maltese
Morocco = Moroccan
Mauritius = Mauritian – Mauritian
Mauritania = Mauritanian – Mauritanian
Mexico = Mexican – Mexican
Micronesia = Micronesian – Micronesia
Monaco = Monegasque – Monegasca
Mongolia = Mongolian – Mongolian
Mozambique = Mozambican – Mozambican
Namibia = Namibian – Namibia
Nauru = Nauruan – Nauruana
Nepal = Nepalese – Nepalese – Nepali
Nicaragua = Nicaraguan
Niger = Nigerine – Nigerine
Nigeria = Nigerian – Nigerian
Norway = Norwegian – Norway
New Zealand (New Zealand) = New Zealander – New Zealander
Oman = Omani
Netherlands = Dutch – Dutch
Pakistan = Pakistani
Palau = Palauan = Palauan
Panama = Panamanian – Panamanian
Papua New Guinea = Papua
Paraguay = Paraguayan – Paraguayan
Peru = Peruvian – Peruvian
Poland = Polish – Polish
Portugal = Portuguese – Portuguese
Puerto Rico = Puerto Rican – Puerto Rican or Puerto Rican – Puerto Rican
Qatar = Qatari or Qatari
Central African Republic = Central African – Central African
Czech Republic = Czech – Czech
Democratic Republic of the Congo = Congolese – Congolese
Dominican Republic = Dominican – Dominican
Rwanda = Rwandan – Rwandan
Romania or Romania = Romanian – Romanian
Russia = Russian – Russian
Samoa = Samoan - Samoan
Saint Kitts and Nevis = Sancristobaleño – Sancristobaleña
San Marino = Sanmarinese
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines = Sanvicentino – Sanvicentina
Saint Lucia = Saint Lucian
Sao Tome and Principe = Santo Tomense
Senegal = Senegalese – Senegalese
Seychelles = Seychellois
Sierra Leone = Sierra Leonean – Sierra Leonean
Singapore = Singaporean
Syria = Syrian – Syria
Somalia = Somali
Sri Lankan Sri Lankan – Sri Lankan – Sri Lankan – Sri Lankan – Sri Lankan
– Sri Lankan
Swaziland = Swazi
South Africa = South African – South African
Sudan = Sudanese – Sudanese
Sweden = Swedish – Swedish
Switzerland = Swiss – Switzerland
Suriname = Surinamese – Surinamese
Thailand = Thai – Thai
Tanzania = Tanzanian – Tanzanian
Tajikistan = Tajik – Tajik
East Timor = Timorese
Togo = Togolese – Togolese
Tonga = Tongan – Tongan
Trinidad and Tobago = Trinidadian
Tunisia = Tunisian – Tunisian
Turkmenistan = Turkmen – Turkmen – Turkmen – Turkmen
Türkiye = Turkish – Turkish
Tuvalu = Tuvaluan – Tuvaluan
Ukraine = Ukrainian – Ukrainian
Uganda = Ugandan – Ugandan
Uruguay = Uruguayan – Uruguayan
Uzbekistan = Uzbek – Usbek
Vanuatu = Vanuatuan
Venezuela = Venezuelan – Venezuelan
Vietnam = Vietnamese
Yemen = Yemeni
Djibouti = Djiboutian – Djiboutian
Zaire = Zairean – Zairean
Zambia = Zambian – Zambian
Zimbabwe = Zimbabwean

Examples of gentil adjectives by states in Mexico:

Aguas Calientes = AguasCaliente – Hydrocalid or Hydrocalid
Baja California = Bajacaliforniano – Bajacaliforniana
Baja California Sur = Bajacaliforniano – Bajacaliforniana
Campeche = Campechano – campechana
Chiapas = Chiapaneca – Chiapaneca
Chihuahua = Chihuahuan
Coahuila = Coahuila
Colima = Colima, Colima – Colima, Colimote – Colimota
Distrito Federal = Mexican, Defeño or defenio, capitalino – capitalina,
chilango – chilanga.
Durango = duranguense, durangueño – durangueña.
Guanajuato = Guanajuato
Warrior = warrior
Hidalgo = Hidalgoense
Jalisco = Jalisciense
State of Mexico = Mexican
Michoacán = Michoacano – michoacana
Morelos = morelosense
Nayarit = Nayarita, Mayaritense
Nuevo León = neoleonese – neoleonesa, Nuevoleonesa, Nuevoleonesa
Oaxaca = Oaxacan – Oaxacan
Puebla = poblano – poblana
Querétaro = Queretano – queretana
Quintana Roo = Quintana Roo
San Luis Potosí = Potosino – potosina
Sinaloa = Sinaloan
Sonora = Sonoran
Tabasco = Tabasco – Tabasco
Tamaulipas = tamaulipeco – tamaulipeca
Tlaxcala = Tlaxcalteca
Veracruz = Veracruzano – Veracruzana
Yucatán = Yucateco – Yucatecan.
Zacatecas = Zacateco, Zacatecas

Adjectives by city:
Aguas Calientes = Aguascalientes
Andorra la Vieja = Andorran – Andorran
Berlin = Berliner – Berlinese
Bogotá = Bogota
Boston = Bostonians
Brussels = Brusselsian
Buenos Aires = Porteño – Porteña
Canberra = Canberrano – Canberra
Caracas = Caracas
Copenhagen = Kobmendense
Cairo = Cairote
Galicia = Galician
Havana = Habanero – Habanera
Kabul = Kabuli
La Paz = Paceño – Paseña
Luanda = Luanda – Luanda
Mexico = chilango
Moscow = Muscovite
New York = New Yorkers
Nicosia = Herbitense
Ottawa = Otawes – otawesa
Paris = Parisian
Pekin = Pekines
Quebec = Quebecois
Quito = Quiteño –Quiteña
Saint Joseph = Josefino – Josefina
San Salvador = Sansalvadoran
Santiago de Chile = Santiaguino – Santiaguina
Sao Paulo = São-Luisense
Seoul = Seoulense or Seoulese
Tegucigalpa = Tegucigalpense
Thimphu = Timbuense
Tirana = Tyranny, Tyranny
Tokyo = Tokiota
Toronto = Torontonians
Vienna = Viennese – Viennese
Washington DC = Washingtonian – Washingtonian
Yaoundé = Yaoundes

Sentences with demonym adjectives:

1. The Cypriot is a very distinguished man.
2. We Defeños lost our name in 2016.
3. The French have the foreign legion.
4. The fast-paced life belongs to New Yorkers .
5. Life with the Spanish is very pleasant.
6. The life of Parisians is pure happiness.
7. In Japan, the Japanese are very disciplined.
8. Francisco is Galician and works in Pamplona.
9. My brother's girlfriend is from Quito , she was born in Quito, Peru.
10. Women say that Puerto Ricans have a lot of personality.
11. The fast-paced life of a Tokyoite is classic in Japan.
12. To know my family, you must know what it is to be a
Washingtonian .
13. Santiago residents have a reputation for being hardworking .
14. It is known that María from Ottawa has a poorly paid job.
15. The Canadians won the volleyball match.
16. The merchandise from supplier Leones is very good, it sells
17. The life of the average American is very simple.
18. The Mexican is very cordial with foreigners.
19. It was nice to meet Thais because they have beautiful customs.
20. I never thought I would have an Albanian wife, but you see,
here we are.
21. His family is Angolan , they all come from that country.
22. The trip will make us get to know the Burmese people, their
customs and cities.
23. That model is Brazilian and the first is Chilean .
24. Salvadoran migrants need a lot of help to get their lives
25. The mayoral candidate is not from this country, he is
Ecuadorian .
26. Peruvians are well known in the world for their easy integration.
27. I met a Russian woman , who seems to be going out with my
28. The Uruguayan is a very young model.
29. The Galicians have great culinary customs.
30. I would like to take a trip to France and meet the French .
31. My grandfather was French and my stepfather was
Hungarian .
32. In Guyana, Guyanese have a quiet life.
33. In football you have to see that the Cameroonian is a good
34. In Spain the Spanish have a constitutional monarchy.
35. The inhabitants of Georgia are Georgians , and they had a
recent conflict.
36. There are many doctors from Cuba in the world, Cubans are
very recognized.
37. I hope we get to meet some Finnish women , it would be
something very nice.
38. Hercule Poirot is a Belgian character created by Agatha Cristi.
39. You have to see how much Bolivian there is in this university.
40. The exchange student is from Ivory Coast , she arrived this
41. The North Korean population is very small outside their
42. The phone salesman is Chinese and his family is Chinese , but
they already live here.
43. That Filipino girl is a good student, she deserves the
44. In the workshop I have an Estonian employee, who works very
45. You must hire the Burmese accountant, he has very good
knowledge of the customs of that country and its culture.
46. The Azerbaijani pilot is in charge of hiring the new pilots.
47. The actor who played the character of Wolverine is an
Australian, he has made many films.
48. The German actress who works in old films was called Marlene
49. Ethiopian models are very tall.
50. Guatemalans have customs similar to Mexican ones.

Other types of adjectives:

 Adjectives
 Adjectives
 Demonstrative adjectives
 Explanatory adjectives
 indefinite adjectives
 Numeral adjectives
 Partitive adjectives
 Possessive adjectives
 Pronominal adjectives
 noun adjectives

Cited APA: (A. 2012,07. Example of Gentile Adjectives. Examplede.com Magazine.

Retrieved 07, 2012, from http://www.ejemplode.com/12-clases_de_espanol/2216-

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