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Choose the correct answer to the following questions by crossing (X) a, b, c, d, or e!

Section 1 : Listening Comprehension

In this section of the test, you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to
understand conversation and talks in English. There are three parts to this section, with special
instructions for each part. Answer all the questions on the basis of what is stated or implied by
the speakers. Do not take notes or write in your test book at anytime. Do not turn your pages
until you were told to do so.

Part A : In part A, you will hear short conversation between two people. After each conversation, you
will hear a question about the conversation. The conversations and the questions will not be
repeated. After you hear a question, read the five possible answers and choose your answer.

1. What does the man mean?

a. He’ll correct the exams this afternoon
b. The exam will be at noon
c. He will collect the exams at 12.00
d. The tests have not been graded
e. He didn’t know anything about the test
2. What does the woman mean?
a. She’d like something to drink
b. She’d like to have thirty
c. She’d like a bite to eat
d. She’s a bit thrifty
e. She doesn’t want anything to drink
3. What does the man suggest the woman do?
a. Get some rest now and write the paper later
b. Read the paper before she rests
c. Work on the paper together
d. Wait and work on the paper the following day
e. Write the paper now before it’s too late
4. What does the man mean?
a. Chuck had improved
b. This visit was better than the last
c. Chuck looked at him in the hospital
d. Chuck didn’t seem to be doing very well
e. All the options are correct
5. What does the woman mean?
a. She felt different last week
b. Someone cut her hair for her
c. She hasn’t been the same all week
d. She cut her own hair
e. The man wants to cut her hair
6. What does the man offer?
a. Help despite the difficulty
b. To take the exam for the student
c. To avoid studying history
d. To provide incorrect dates for the exam
e. All the options are correct
7. What does the man mean?
a. The parking lots were full before 10.00
b. It was impossible to start class by 10.00
c. The parking area is for the bicycles only
d. He parked the car before class at 10.00
e. The possibility of finding a place to park increased
8. What does the man say about the class?
a. There’s a lot of difficult homework in it
b. There are not so much exams in it
c. There is a little homework
d. There is no homework
e. There is no student in the class
9. Where does this conversation probably take place?
a. In a cinema
b. In a department store
c. In a bank
d. In an accounting film
e. In a checkout line
10. What does the woman mean?
a. She likes the view of the mountains in winter
b. She has never been in Montana
c. Montana is her favourite place
d. The man should take a winter vacation
e. The man would not enjoy living in Montana all year
11. What does the man mean?
a. He has made other plans for lunch
b. He has already eaten his lunch
c. He’s meeting Bill in the cafeteria tomorrow
d. He’d like to ask Bill to join them
e. He has a plan to invite all his family in Bill’s house
12. What does the man say about professor Anderson?
a. He won’t hand back the graded quizzes
b. He already returned the graded quizzes
c. He is a bit confused with the professor Anderson
d. He plans to hand back the graded quizzes in the next class
e. He never grades quizzes
13. Where is the woman most likely going?
a. To see an ophthalmologist
b. To see a cardiologist
c. To see a podiatrist
d. To see a dentist
e. To see the doctor’s condition
14. What does the man say about Kathy?
a. Her room male is persuasive
b. Her roommate will work in her place
c. She will move and find another job
d. The shift in her plans is unlucky
e. She must work tonight
15. What does the woman ask the man to do with the cigarette?
a. Put it away
b. Put it off
c. Put it out
d. Put it down
e. Put it on

Part B : This part is the structure section. There will be 10 questions in this part and each question are
incomplete sentence. Under each of these sentences, there are five words or phrases. You will
choose the one word or phrase (a), (b), (c), (d) or (e) that best completes the sentence!

1. One day …………… with a special invitation to a royal ball at the palace. The king wanted his son to find
a bride.
a. the messengers are arriving
b. the messengers arrive
c. a messenger arrives
d. a messenger arrived
e. the messengers were arriving
2. The overly picky prince ……………… to find a true princess, and the pea in the bed… uhh never mind
anyway! Odd tale indeed.
a. were determining for
b. was determined for
c. were determined to
d. was determined to
e. All the options are correct
3. It turned out that …………. The other pair in her pocket and it fit!
a. Cinderella still had
b. Cinderella still has
c. Cinderella still have
d. Cinderella still have and
e. Cinderella still had and
4. Pocahontas – named – princess – an – adventurous – young – Once – lived – there
a. Pocahontas lived Once there named an adventurous young princess
b. Once lived there named an adventurous young princess Pocahontas
c. Once Pocahontas lived there named an young adventurous princess
d. Pocahontas there lived Once named an adventurous young princess
e. Once there lived an adventurous young princess named Pocahontas

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