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Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Ministry of Popular Power for University Education

Juan de Jesús Montilla Portuguese Territorial Polytechnic University
Esteller – Turen Program – Santa Rosalía


Teacher: Student:
Robby Pérez López Alexander CIV- 28.107.049
(Sports and Recreation)
031 PNF IT

Turen, October 2021

The recreaction

Recreation is a distraction activity, it involves the active participation, both

physically and mentally, of the individual. In this sense, recreation is opposed to leisure,
which is rather a passive form of distraction, more related to relaxation and relaxation of
the body and mind. It is also called the activity aimed at taking advantage of free time for
physical and mental recreation. Likewise, the word recreation can refer to the action of
reviving or reproducing a work or historical event.

Importance of Recreation
Recreation is especially important in the comprehensive development of children
and adolescents, since it improves their quality of life and provides them with important
emotional, cognitive, physical and social benefits, which are:

 Emotional benefits: Recreation increases the self-confidence of children and

adolescents, since in this context they must overcome challenges and unforeseen
events in the environment that stimulate them to give their best, to face and solve
new difficulties by learning from different experiences.

 Cognitive benefits: Relating freely with your environment, having to autonomously

solve the different challenges that it poses, favors the development of imagination,
creativity and memory, along with concentration and attention. Furthermore, in this
relationship with the environment, through their own experience, basic notions such
as color, size, shape, spatiality and quantity are reinforced.

 Social benefits: Among the social benefits of recreational activities are promoting
the consolidation of one's own identity and sense of belonging (to the family, to the
group, to society), favoring social inclusion, empathy, and participation in the
community. , in addition to preventing antisocial, violent and disruptive behavior.

 Physical benefits: Recreation favors the development of different motor skills.

Interacting with the environment and playing actively, both individually and in
groups, improves body perception, control of one's own movements, develops
coordination and balance and improves one's location in time and space.

Recreation Features

It is present in all human cultures

In all times and all cultures, human beings have left time for recreation: games,
sports and spaces for recreation have been known for thousands of years.

It can be spontaneous or organized

Recreation can be part of an activity organized by an institution, as part of physical
education, or a vacation plan; or it can be an activity that arises spontaneously in any
group of people in a park, or on the beach.

Diversity of recreational activities

Recreational activities can be tourist (excursions, walks), cultural (readings,

exhibitions, conferences, concerts), sports (as a spectator or practitioner), recreational
(board games, water games or in different spaces), artistic (painting, sculpture , literature ),
virtual (video games), family (meetings, parties), among others.

It is voluntary and generates joy or fun

Even when suggested by a teacher, recreational activity, to be considered as such,

must be voluntary and fun, not a forced or annoying activity.

It can be passive or active

If free time is spent watching television or watching a sport, we can talk about
passive recreation. If, on the other hand, some physical activity is carried out or with more
intense intellectual participation, we can talk about active recreation.

It can be mental or physical

There are recreational activities that involve a predominant use of the intellect:
reading, playing chess and other board games, attending talks or exhibitions. On the other
hand, we can talk about physical recreation when we participate in exercises, games and
sports, alone or in teams.

Recreation can be group or individual

Recreational activities can be collective or individual, and some can be done in

both ways, such as swimming, walking, jogging, cycling, etc.

Can be done in any space

Recreational activities do not need special infrastructure, they can be carried out in
any space, open or closed, under the open sky or indoors, as long as it does not interrupt
another activity or endanger the participants.

Types of Recreation

Passive recreation
This is a recreation that is based on little or no physical activities and more on
contemplation. This type of recreation helps to spread the mind, as a distraction and as a
way of relaxation.

Active recreation

This is a type of recreation that involves physical activity, either individually or

mostly, interactively with other people.

Environmental recreation

Among this type of recreation we find planting trees, watering plants, and collecting
garbage . There are also talks to raise awareness and other activities in the same
environmental context.

Community Recreation

In this recreation, activities are carried out within a sector, where its inhabitants
develop integration with others. These types of activities are very important because they
bring people from the same environment closer together. It is in the community where they
live and spend most of their time, so it is good to have harmony among everyone.

Cultural recreation

Cultural recreation is one that integrates activities that contribute to cultural

development and promote the artistic movement. Among these activities we can find
plays, movies, dancing, musical concerts and others.

Sports recreation

This type of recreation combines sports activities that are not necessarily carried
out for competitive or professional purposes. It is a recreation of leisure, of integration, that
helps both to clear the mind and to keep the body active and in good physical condition.

Outdoor recreation

This includes activities that take place outside. It includes endless activities, some
more active than others, such as riding a bicycle, walking on the beach or simply
observing a landscape.

Work recreation

It is a type of recreation that is carried out within companies, as a way to relieve

stress from their employees. Every day it is gaining strength, as more and more
companies are adopting this type of activities.
Pedagogical recreation

This includes a set of activities that allow not only training but also the development
of skills and abilities of the participants. This type of recreation is carried out anywhere,
having more importance for educational institutions, with greater emphasis on the little

Therapeutic recreation

This is a recreation that combines activities that aim to restore people's physical or
mental health. They can be activity programs that include movements such as pool
exercises or a group talk.

Tourist recreation

This type of recreation includes activities directly related to the tourism sector.
Tourists normally go in search of relaxation and having a good time, which is why there is
always a variety of options for recreation.

Leisure recreation

It is a type of recreation that involves the use of games as a form of entertainment

and teaching within its activities. It is mostly used to promote child development. It is
common for this type of activities to be carried out in school institutions, although it can be
implemented anywhere where the necessary conditions exist to carry them out.

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