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BIOL 251- Lab exam 3 review and practice

Structures in tables should be reviewed as they may be tagged on lab models.

1. Which structure attaches the ovaries and the uterus to the pelvic wall ?
A. Ovary B. Cervix C. Uterus D. Ureter
E. Broad ligament AB. Hilum AC. Suspensory AD. Vagina
AE. Urethra BC. Prostate BD. Clitoris BE. Labia minora

A. Corpora cavernosa B. Prostate C. Ejaculatory duct

D. Penile urethra E. Seminal vesicle AB. Glans penis
AC. Epididymis AD. Ductus deferens AE. testis

2. What is the function of the epididymis ?

3. Characteristics of the thick skin include?
4. First degree vs second degree burns
5. The eponychium can be found where on the body?
6. The area of the lung or ovaria where blood vessels, nerves and lymph vessels enter/exit is?
7. What structures found in the skin plays an important role in thermoregulation ?
8. The function of the urethra is to?
9. Which layer of the epidermis is the deepest?
10. The glomerulus is what type of capillary?
A. Sebaceous gland B. Eccrine gland C. Apocrine gland
D. Stratum corneum E. Dermis AB. Hypodermis
AC. Stratum basale AD. Stratum granulosum AE. Stratum spinosum

Know the definition of these volumes and capacities.

a. ERV b. FRC c. IC d. IRV e. RV ab. TLC ac. TV ad. VC

A. nephron B. glomerular capsule C. urinary bladder

D. renal pyramids E. urinary bladder AB. Major calyx
AC. Ureter AD. Proximal convoluted tubule AE. Renal pyramid
BC. Distal convoluted tubule BD. Thick ascending limb BE. cortex

A. Efferent B. Renal column C. Renal artery D. Renal vein

E. Ureter AB. Fenestrated AC. Continuous AD. sinusoidal
BC. Renal pelvis BD. Hilum BE. Minor calyx CD. renal column

A. Oropharynx B. Laryngopharynx C. Nasopharynx D. Epiglottis

E. Diaphragm AB. Corniculate AC. Type II cells AD. Type I cells
AE. Primary Bronchus BC. Alveolus BD. Superior lobe BE. Oblique fissure

CD. inferior lobe CE. Cardiac notch DE. Middle lobe ABC. Horizontal fissure

41. Air moves into the lungs when alveolar pressure is _________ than atmospheric pressure. Creating this pressure
change involves (contraction/relaxation) of the diaphragm

43. How does the kidney restore osmotic concentration when excess water is present in the blood?

44. How are the composition of urine and the composition of body fluids controlled?

Respiratory: calculate FVC, FEV1.0, and FEV1.0/FVC- are these findings consistent with obstructive breathing
disorders—explain why and give an example of an obstructive breathing disorder and briefly describe it

Renal Clearance problems

- For the following problems mark all that apply

To compute GFR for this person, you would need the following lab values:

A. Plasma inulin = 1.82 mg/ml E. HCT = 45% I. Urine glucose = 1.24

B. Urine inulin = 43 mg/ml F. Urine PAH = 28 mg/ml mg/ml
C. Urine volume = 19 ml/10 G. Tm glucose = 320 mg/min
min H. Plasma glucose = 2.56
D. Plasma PAH = 0.2 mg/ml mg/ml

To compute the excretion rate of glucose from the patient’s urine sample you need the following lab values:

A. Plasma inulin = 1.82 mg/ml E. HCT = 45% I. Urine glucose = 1.24

B. Urine inulin = 43 mg/ml F. Urine PAH = 28 mg/ml mg/ml
C. Urine volume = 19 ml/10 G. Tm glucose = 320 mg/min
min H. Plasma glucose = 2.56
D. Plasma PAH = 0.2 mg/ml mg/ml

To compute total renal blood flow, you would need the following lab values:

A. Plasma inulin = 1.82 C. Urine volume = 19 ml/10 F. Urine PAH = 28 mg/ml

mg/ml min G. Hb = 15 gm %
B. Urine inulin = 43 mg/ml D. Plasma PAH = 0.2 mg/ml H. Tm glucose = 320 mg/min
E. HCT = 45%

To calculate filtered load of glucose you would need the following lab values:

A. Plasma inulin = 1.82 F. Urine PAH = 28 mg/ml

mg/ml G. Tm glucose = 320 mg/min
B. Urine inulin = 43 mg/ml H. Plasma glucose = 2.56
C. Urine volume = 19 ml/10 mg/ml
min I. Urine glucose = 1.24
D. Plasma PAH = 0.2 mg/ml mg/ml
E. HCT = 45%

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