This Is Research Plan 3: Title

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This is Research Plan 3


Exploring the Impact of Social Media on Academic Performance Among University Students


This research aims to investigate the influence of social media usage on the academic
performance of university students. The increasing integration of social media in daily life
has raised concerns about its potential impact on students' educational outcomes.

Research Objectives:

1. To assess the extent of social media usage among university students.

2. To analyze the correlation between time spent on social media and academic
3. To identify the types of social media activities that most affect academic
4. To explore students' perceptions of social media's impact on their study habits
and academic results.

Research Questions:

1. How much time do university students spend on social media daily?

2. What is the relationship between social media usage and academic performance?
3. Which specific social media activities are most associated with changes in academic
4. How do students perceive the impact of social media on their academic performance?

Literature Review Summary:

Existing studies indicate mixed effects of social media on academic performance. While
some research highlights its potential for distraction and time wastage, others suggest it can
be a valuable tool for educational purposes. This study aims to contribute to this ongoing
debate by providing updated insights into the specific impacts of different types of social
media activities.


 Study Design: Quantitative descriptive study.

 Participants: 200 university students from various faculties.
 Data Collection: Online survey using a structured questionnaire.
 Variables:
o Independent Variable: Social media usage (measured in hours per day).
o Dependent Variable: Academic performance (measured by GPA).
 Data Analysis: Statistical analysis using correlation and regression techniques to
identify patterns and relationships.
Expected Outcomes:

The research is expected to reveal significant insights into how social media influences
academic performance, identifying both positive and negative impacts. These findings can
inform policies and strategies for optimizing social media usage among students to enhance
their academic success.


 Week 1-2: Literature review and questionnaire design.

 Week 3-4: Data collection.
 Week 5-6: Data analysis.
 Week 7: Report writing and review.


 Survey Tools: $100

 Data Analysis Software: $150
 Miscellaneous Expenses: $50
 Total: $300


 Anderson, M., & Jiang, J. (2018). Teens, Social Media & Technology 2018. Pew
Research Center.
 Junco, R. (2012). The relationship between frequency of Facebook use, participation
in Facebook activities, and student engagement. Computers & Education, 58(1), 162-

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