Cloze Test - Level-2 - CGL (Tier-I&ii) 2019-2022

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2019 to 2022
2019 to 2022
2019 to 2022
Level – 2
Direction: In the following questions, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word.
Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by selecting the appropriate option.

An old man lived in the village. He was one of

1. (1) maximum (2) utmost
most unfortunate people in the world. (3) most (4) main
the (1) ______
2. (1) from (2) of
(3) by (4) at
The whole village was tired (2) _____ him; he was
3. (1) mostly (2) commonly
(3) cyclically (4) constantly
always gloomy, he (3) constantly
__________ complained and
4. (1) long (2) lengthy
longer (3) longer (4) longest
was always in a bad mood. The (4) ___________ he
5. (1) fatal (2) mortal
(3) poisonous (4) toxic
lived, the more vile he was becoming and the

poisonous were his words.

more (5) ___________
CGL (TIER-I) – 2021, Exam Held on : 12 /04/2022 |Morning
Direction: In the following questions, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word.
Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by selecting the appropriate option.

New cycle routes have been built in and around

1. (1) shortened (2) scaled
the centre of Birmingham and speed limits have (3) lessened (4) reduced
2. (1) operation (2) activity
been (1) ___________ on selected roads. The (3) process (4) agency
3. (1) greater
operation for a
scheme has now been in (2) ___________ (2) more greater
(3) greatest (4) great
great success.
year and has been hailed as a (3) _______ 4. (1) compelled (2) dictated
(3) enforced (4) exacted
Since the new speed limits were (4) ____________,
5. (1) desperately
the number of accidents in the area have fallen (2) extremely
(3) drastically
(5) ______________. (4) terribly

CGL (TIER-I) – 2021, Exam Held on : 12 /04/2022 |Evening

Direction: In the following questions, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word.
Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by selecting the appropriate option.

The greedy man rushed home to tell his wife 1. (1) while (2) wayside
and daughter about his wish, all the (1) (3) interval (4) bit
2. (1) there (2) them
___________ touching the objects in his path and (3) their (4) those
them convert into gold. Once he
watching (2) ______ 3. (1) rushing (2) was rush
(3) has rushed(4) rushed
got home, his daughter (3) _________ to greet 4. (1) along (2) up
down (3) through (4) down
him. As soon as he bent (4) __________ to scoop
5. (1) demolished
her up in his arms, she turned into a golden (2) devastated
(3) determined
statue. He was (5) devastated
___________ and started crying
(4) destroyed
and trying to bring his daughter back to life.

CGL (TIER-I) – 2021, Exam Held on : 13/04/2022 |Afternoon

Direction: In the following questions, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word.
Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by selecting the appropriate option.

There is always something so fascinating about

1. (1) were (2) are
trains and journeys. There (1) are
___________ (3) had been
(4) will be
certain symbols and signages inside and outside 2. (1) senses (2) charge
(3) worth (4) meanings
meanings of most of them
of the train. The (2) ___________ 3. (1) Whether (2) Whichever
(3) Whatever (4) However
might not be known to everyone. (3) Whether
4. (1) distinguished
you are a frequent traveller or not, you may (2) recognised
(3) noticed (4) known
noticed the letter X or a cross mark
have (4) ___________ 5. (1) booth (2) coach
(3) bus (4) rail
coach of the train.
on the back of the last (5) __________

CGL (TIER-I) – 2021, Exam Held on : 13/04/2022 |Evening

Direction: In the following questions, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word.
Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by selecting the appropriate option.

There is always something so fascinating about

1. (1) were (2) are
trains and journeys. There (1) are
___________ (3) had been
(4) will be
certain symbols and signages inside and outside 2. (1) senses (2) charge
(3) worth (4) meanings
meanings of most of them
of the train. The (2) ___________ 3. (1) Whether (2) Whichever
(3) Whatever (4) However
might not be known to everyone. (3) Whether
4. (1) distinguished
you are a frequent traveller or not, you may (2) recognised
(3) noticed (4) known
noticed the letter X or a cross mark
have (4) ___________ 5. (1) booth (2) coach
(3) bus (4) rail
coach of the train.
on the back of the last (5) __________

CGL (TIER-I) – 2021, Exam Held on : 13/04/2022 |Evening

Direction: In the following questions, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word.
Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by selecting the appropriate option.

The camel and the fox were very good friends

1. (1) deciding (2) will decide
and very good thieves. One day, the two friends (3) decided (4) are decide
2. (1) nearby (2) near
(1) ____________ to cross the river so that they (3) nearest (4) nearly
3. (1) ought to (2) may not
could travel to a (2) __________ farm to steal (3) might (4) could not
4. (1) over (2) across
could not swim, so the
food. The small fox (3) _____________ (3) up (4) above
5. (1) sea (2) ocean
up onto (3) lake (4) river
camel said to his friend, ‘Climb (4) ______

my back and I will swim across the (5) _________.’

CGL (TIER-I) – 2021, Exam Held on : 18/04/2022 |Morning

Direction: In the following questions, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word.
Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by selecting the appropriate option.

Birbal immediately smiled and went up to

answer he said
Akbar. He announced the (1) __________; 1. (1) answer (2) response
there were twenty-one thousand, five hundred (3) question (4) rejoinder
in the city. When
and twenty-three crows (2) ______ 2. (1) in (2) at
(3) off (4) on
knew the answer, Birbal
asked how he (3) _________ 3. (1) known (2) know
replied, “Ask your men to (4) __________ the (3) knew (4) knowing
number of crows. If there are more, then the 4. (1) count (2) judge
(3) consider (4) calculate
relatives of the crows must be visiting them
5. (1) vicinity (2) near
nearby cities. If there are fewer, then
from (5) _________ (3) close (4) nearby
the crows from our city must be visiting their
relatives who live outside the city.”

CGL (TIER-I) – 2021, Exam Held on : 21/04/2022 |Evening

Direction: In the following questions, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word.
Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by selecting the appropriate option.

“Everything in Bhutan is chemical-free, all Q.1 (1) grows (2) grow

(3) grew (4) grown
fruits and vegetables are (1)_____________________ Q.2 (1) locally (2) nearly
organically, so whatever you buy is (2)__________ (3) nearby (4) closely
Q.3 (1) mass
farm produced as the (3)__________________ of the (2) majority
population indulge in farming for (4)___________,” (3) community
(4) common
says my taxi driver Karma Chime. “We use
Q.4 (1) provision
turmeric on wounds, also to dye (5)____________ (2) conservation
(3) nutrition
and it is added extensively in our cooking. Also,
(4) sustenance
many believe it is anti-cancer and can treat Q.5 (1) attires (2) covering
tumours. (3) garments (4) fashions

CGL (TIER-I) – 2020, Exam Held on : 16 /08/2021 | Evening

Direction: In the following questions, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word.
Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by selecting the appropriate option.

Tourism is one (1)_________________ the biggest Q.1 (1) by (2) of
(3) at (4) in
at least
businesses in the world, generating (2)__________ Q.2 (1) at most (2) at least
200 million jobs. It is vital for the economies of (3) at much (4) at last
Q.3 (1) enough (2) many
(3)____________ countries. The downside is that (3) less (4) much
contributor of climate
tourism is a major (4)_______________ Q.4 (1) contractor
emissions (2) revolver
change through the carbon (5)_________________ it
(3) quantifier
causes. (4) contributor
Q.5 (1) variations
(2) options
(3) omissions
(4) emissions

CGL (TIER-I) – 2020, Exam Held on : 18 /08/2021 | Afternoon

Direction: In the following questions, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word.
Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by selecting the appropriate option.

English vocabulary has (1)_______________________ Q.1 (1) a (2) the
(3) one (4) an
remarkable range, flexibility and adaptability. Q.2 (1) at (2) of
Thanks to the periods (2)____________ contact (3) on (4) to
Q.3 (1) languages
languages and its readiness to
with foreign (3)____________ (2) currencies
(4)____________ new words out of old elements, (3) mathematics
(4) science
English seems to have far more words in its core
Q.4 (1) coin (2) think
vocabulary than other languages.
(5)____________ (3) shed (4) discard
Q.5 (1) selection
(2) inventory
(3) catalogue
(4) vocabulary

CGL (TIER-I) – 2020, Exam Held on : 20 /08/2021 | Afternoon

Direction: In the following questions, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word.
Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by selecting the appropriate option.

English vocabulary has (1)_______________________ Q.1 (1) a (2) the
(3) one (4) an
remarkable range, flexibility and adaptability. Q.2 (1) at (2) of
Thanks to the periods (2)____________ contact (3) on (4) to
Q.3 (1) languages
languages and its readiness to
with foreign (3)____________ (2) currencies
(4)____________ new words out of old elements, (3) mathematics
(4) science
English seems to have far more words in its core
Q.4 (1) coin (2) think
vocabulary than other languages.
(5)____________ (3) shed (4) discard
Q.5 (1) selection
(2) inventory
(3) catalogue
(4) vocabulary

CGL (TIER-I) – 2020, Exam Held on : 20 /08/2021 | Afternoon

Direction: In the following questions, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word.
Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by selecting the appropriate option.

1. (1) globally (2) tediously

India is one of the largest producers of tea in the
(3) industrially(4) mutually
world. The industry globally
is (1)_________________
2. (1) complex (2) establish
recognised as technically very well (2) (3) pampered (4) equipped
_________________. The Indian tea industry is a (3) 3. (1) flourish (2) condensing
_________________ one traditionally. Tea has been (3) flourishing (4) thrashing

used in India for (4) _________________ purposes as 4. (1) sick
(2) immune
well as for (5) _________________. (3) medicinal
(4) immunology

5. (1) fulfillment
(2) advantage
(3) consumption
(4) retention
Direction: In the following questions, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word.
Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by selecting the appropriate option.

Exercise is the (1)___________________ of muscles and limbs 1. (1) motion
(2) current
which is done to (2)___________________ a specific outcome. The (3) movement
(4) fluctuation
chief aim of doing exercise is usually (3)___________________ 2. (1) yield (2) attain
fitness. At the end of our (4)___________________ day, we prefer (3) establish (4) procure
3. (1) magnifying
to (5)___________________ in leisure activities rather than a (2) amplifying
workout. (3) intensifying
(4) enhancing
4. (1) lively (2) hectic
(3) furious (4) feverish
5. (1) indulge (2) luxuriate
(3) abandon (4) coddle
Direction: In the following questions, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word.
Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by selecting the appropriate option.

Marie was born in 1867 in Warsaw, Poland. At

1. (1) early (2) ignorant
an (1)__________ age, she displayed a brilliant (3) infant (4) young
blithe personality. Her great
mind and a (2)__________ 2. (1) bruised (2) blithe
(3) brutal (4) bloated
prompted her to
exuberance for learning (3)___________ 3. (1) prompted (2) promised
study further. However, she became (3) proposed (4) projected
4. (1) distinguished
(4)____________ when she learned that the (2) dishevelled
to (3) disgruntled
university was closed (5)___________ women.
(4) disfigured
Determined to receive a higher education, she 5. (1) at (2) from
(3) to (4) by
joined a French university.

CGL (TIER-I) – 2021, Exam Held on : 12 /04/2022 |Afternoon

Direction: In the following questions, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word.
Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by selecting the appropriate option.

Man-made fibre, is fibre whose chemical Q.1 (1) is (2) will be

(3) are (4) be
composition, structure, and properties are Q.2 (1) number (2) figure
significantly modified during the manufacturing (3) extent (4) total
Q.3 (1) counting (2) wrapping
process. Man-made fibres (1)____________ spun (3) showing (4) including
number of consumer
and woven into a large (2)__________ Q.4 (1) much (2) more
including (3) such (4) so
and industrial products, (3)_____________________
Q.5 (1) industrial
garmentssuch as shirts, scarves, and hosiery; (2) industrialised
suchas upholstery, carpets, (3) industry
home furnishings (4)____
(4) industrialist
industrial parts such as tire
and drapes; and (5)____________
cord, flame-proof linings, and drive belts.
CGL (TIER-I) – 2020, Exam Held on : 13 /08/2021 | Evening
Direction: In the following questions, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word.
Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by selecting the appropriate option.

Almost everyone in the present world is familiar Q.1 (1) connects (2) means
(3) seems (4) refers
refers to
with the term ‘Global Warming’. It (1)________ Q.2 (1) on (2) in
the gradual rise in the overall temperature of (3) at (4) of
Q.3 (1) sudden (2) several
of the planet Earth. It is
the atmosphere (2)_____ (3) useful (4) separate
true that there are (3)____________ activities Q.4 (1) purposely
(2) gradually
taking place which have been increasing the
(3) properly
gradually The first impact of
temperature (4)____________. (4) frequently
glaciers in a Q.5 (1) rivers
global warming is melting of (5)____________
(2) glaciers
rapid way. This is extremely harmful to the (3) mountains
earth as well as to its inhabitants. (4) lakes

CGL (TIER-I) – 2020, Exam Held on : 23 /08/2021 | Morning

Direction: In the following questions, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word.
Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by selecting the appropriate option.

In ancient times, Hieun Tsang, a Chinese traveller came to India 1. (1) authority
(2) reign
during the (1)____________________ of King Harsha. He praised the (3) command
Indians (2)____________________ ‘people with pure moral principles’. (4) vigour
ranked 2. (1) as
In 2014, India (3)_______________ 85th in the corruption perception
(2) by
index of the Transparency International. What (4)_________________ (3) like
downfall! Isn’t it ironical that we Indians (5)____________________ by (4) such
3. (1) ranked
the ideals of honesty and integrity, self-denial and (6)_____________ (2) piled
but in practice willingly resort to the (7)____________________ forms (3) graded
(4) stacked
of corruption to promote our interests? The (8)____________________
4. (1) a
of corruption is eating into the (9)___________________ of our society (2) the
and we have become helpless (10)____________________ of our own (3) some
(4) any

CGL (TIER–II)-2020, Exam Held on : 29/01/2022

Direction: In the following questions, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word.
Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by selecting the appropriate option.

Human activities are changing Earth's natural

greenhouse 11. __________. Burning fossil fuels like coal 11. (1) Effect (2) Affect
(3) Aspect
More (4) Impact
and oil puts 12. __________ carbon dioxide into our
12. (1) Much (2) More
Observed increase in the
atmosphere. NASA has 13. ___________ (3) Many (4) Most
13. (1) to observe
amount of carbon dioxide and some other greenhouse (2) Observing
(3) Observe
our (4) Observed
gases in 14.______ atmosphere. Too much of these
14. (1) its (2) our
cause (3) their (4) ours
greenhouse gases can 15.______ Earth's atmosphere to
15. (1) effect
(2) reason
trap more and more heat. This causes Earth to warm
(3) source
(4) cause
Direction: In the following questions, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word.
Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by selecting the appropriate option.

In August every year, thousands of twins descend on a town in

26. (1) presents
Ohio called Twinsburg, named by identical twin brothers (2) prepares
21.____________two centuries ago. The Twins Days Festival is a (3) provides
event (4) produces
threeday 22.___________consisting of talent shows and look- 27. (1) urgency
alike 23.___________that has become one of the world's (2) deliverance
largest (3) incidence
24._____________ gatherings of twins. There have been
(4) frequency
25.___________ festivals in Nigeria, a country where 1 in 22 28. (1) attributed
births to the Yoruba people 26.__________twins, identical or (2) indicated
(3) dedicated
fraternal, which is a much higher 27.___________than anywhere (4) distributed
else in the world. This has been 28.________________to the 29. (1) suspected
disputed (2) disputed
eating of yams, but the theory is 29._____________. Biomedical
precious (3) projected
researchers attend these events, regarding them as a 30.______ (4) accepted
opportunity to conduct surveys and experiments. 30. (1) pompous (2) routine
(3) precious (4) dubious

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