Persian Triptych 1

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CULTURE At the top of the summit was the great

LLL The Persian culture spread to the king. To govern such a vast empire, he
Persian culture was led by east of the Mediterranean Sea to used an efficient bureaucracy . The
the Iranian plateau, an area located Persian monarchy was established in a
Cyrus the Great II, mid-century
east of Mesopotamia. series of policies that facilitated the
SAW; He and his army defeated the administration of the empire:
Medes and created the Persian HISTORICAL
kingdom; After his death his son, EVOLUTION: Religious and cultural tolerance:
Cambyses, was the one who took his Around 1500 BC the Medes and Persians
father's place; But it was with Darius I settled on the Iranian plateau. In the north The Persians respected the culture of
that the Persian empire reached its the Medes and in the south the Persians; the conquered peoples
maximum splendor. The Medes joined with the Chaldeans to An efficient road system:
expel the Assyrians from their lands.
Persian later was also called the city of
Persepolis. The numerous roads facilitated
As time went by, the Persians had different
communication between officials.
rulers; The first was Cyrus the Great II, then
They also stood out in their The spread of the currency:
his son Cambyses ruled; But the one who
architecture and sculpture; and shortly
made the empire develop in all its splendor
after they created their religion which The gold daric, the official currency,
was Darius I. Finally, the empire fell and was
was made by Zoroaster . unified the economy of the empire.
defeated by Alexander the Great and after
Finally, they knew how to organize his death the Macedonian general Saleucus
their state very well. ruled Persian.

Persian writing:

It was a Hebrew and Phoenician


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