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Agriculture (from the Latin agri 'field' and cultūra 'cultivation', 'breeding') 1 2 is the
set of economic and technical activities related to the treatment of soil and the
cultivation of land for the production of food. It includes a whole set of human
actions that transforms the natural environment.
The related actions are those that make up the so-called agricultural sector. All the
economic activities that this sector covers are based on the exploitation of the
resources that the earth produces, favored by the action of human beings: plant
foods such as cereals , fruits , vegetables , cultivated grasses and forage ; fibers
used by the textile industry ; energy crops etc.
Agriculture 3 also includes a global demand for the branch and the global food
service depends largely on the climate and the techniques to make the land fertile,
it retains its origin in private property and the exploitation of the land given to
families to be able to establish themselves. It is an activity of great strategic
importance as a fundamental basis for the self-sufficient development and money
of nations. The science that studies the practice of agriculture is agronomy .

The geographical explanation made here focuses attention on fishing extraction in
oceanic waters and aquaculture is only mentioned in a complementary way. ...
Different geographical factors, both natural and socioeconomic, intervene in the
development of fishing .


It is a branch of geography that studies industrial uses in the geographic landscape

. It is part of economic geography and human geography .

It aims to explain the relationship established between human groups and the
environment in industrial landscapes , that is, humanized landscapes in which
secondary sector activities are predominant.


Transportation geography is the branch of human geography that deals with the
study of transportation systems in different geographic spaces or territories .
Maurice Wolkowitsch defined it as: “the knowledge of the transportation systems
that address the movement needs of humans and their goods in a given space: the
city , the state , or the continent .”

Geography is tourism that covers a wide variety of interests including human
impacts on the landscape understood as a socio-ecological system. As applied
science, it provides answers to the concerns that concern the tourism industry.
Geography is fundamental to the study of geography, since it involves movements
and activities through geographic space, and is an activity in which both
characteristics of places and personal identities are formed through the
relationships that are created between people. same landscapes and people .

Livestock farming is an activity that consists of the management and exploitation
of domesticated animals for production purposes, for their use (some examples
include the dairy industry , poultry farming , fish farming , pig farming ).

The forestry sector of Guatemala has been defined as “a subsystem of the
national economic system, which, based on motivations and socioeconomic and
environmental decisions developed around ecosystems with different degrees of
intervention, whose dominant component is trees, generates multiple goods. ..

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