Human Trafficking Research Project

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This thesis is dedicated to God, since, thanks to him,

I have health, which is the most important thing.

To my mother María Quispe Rivas who fulfilled a

double role, being a father and mother at the same
time, giving me her support and advice in my
professional training and making me a good person.

To my son Marino Jaime Quispe who was my

motivation and inspiration to move forward.

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First, I thank God for allowing me to have and enjoy my family.

Thanks to my mother for supporting me in every decision and project, thanks to

life because every day it shows me how beautiful life is and how fair it can be.

Thanks to my partner for supporting me and achieving my goals.

Thanks to my son who is my driving force and reason to keep going, thanks to
everyone for believing in me and thanks to God for allowing me to live and
enjoy every day.

The path has not been easy until now, but thanks to your contributions, your
love, your immense kindness and support, the complexity of achieving this goal
has been less noticeable.

I thank you, and I present my great affection towards you, my beautiful family.

Finally, we thank all those people who directly or indirectly contributed to this
research work being carried out.

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To Alas Peruanas University, my alma mater, for choosing me and giving me

the opportunity to succeed in life.

To the founding Rector of the university, Dr. Fidel Ramírez Prado and the
current Rector, Dr. Enrique Bedoya Sánchez.

Likewise, I thank the General Director of the Ayacucho Branch to Mg. Paola
Capcha Cabrera and Dr. Glicerio Alfredo Garcia Huayta, coordinator of the
professional law school, who made it possible to carry out this thesis research.

Finally, thank all the teachers at the School of Law – Ayacucho Branch and
especially Dr. Frida Pariona Cahuana for her patience, dedication and accurate
corrections in the preparation of this research project. Thank you!


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CHAPTER I..............................................................................................................................13
PROBLEM STATEMENT......................................................................................................13
1.1. Description of the problematic reality..............................................................13
1.2. DELIMITATION OF THE INVESTIGATION........................................................14
1.2.1. Spatial Delimitation.......................................................................................14
1.2.2. Social Delimitation........................................................................................15
1.2.3. Temporal Delimitation..................................................................................15
1.2.4. Conceptual Delimitation...............................................................................15
1.3. RESEARCH PROBLEM.........................................................................................15
1.3.1. Main Problem (general)................................................................................15
1.3.2. Secondary Problems (specific)..................................................................15
1.4. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES...................................................................................16
1.4.1. General objectives.........................................................................................16
1.4.2. Specific objectives........................................................................................16
1.5. Hypotheses and Research Variables................................................................16
1.5.1. General Hypothesis.......................................................................................16
1.5.2. Secondary Hypothesis.................................................................................16
1.5.3. Variables (Conceptual and Operational Definition)...............................17
- VARIABLE 2.- “MINORS”: All those individuals who have not yet reached
adulthood will be called minors; minors cover all of childhood and all of
adolescence. According to the code of children and adolescents, children are
considered to be all human beings from conception to twelve years of age and
adolescents from twelve to eighteen years of age. ....................................................17 Operationalization of Variables..............................................................18
1.6. Investigation methodology..................................................................................20
1.6.1. Type and Level of Investigation.................................................................20
1.6.2. Research Method and Design.....................................................................21
1.6.3. Research population and sample..............................................................22
1.6.4. Data collection techniques and instruments..........................................22
1.6.5. Rationale, importance and limitations of the research.........................23
CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK...................................................................25
2.1. RESEARCH BACKGROUND................................................................................25
2.1.1. INTERNATIONAL BACKGROUND..............................................................25
2.1.2. NATIONAL BACKGROUND.........................................................................27

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2.2. LEGAL BASES........................................................................................................29

2.3. THEORETICAL BASES.........................................................................................32
2.3.1. BACKGROUND OF HUMAN TRAFFICKING.............................................32
2.3.2. DEFINITION OF HUMAN TRAFFICKING...................................................33
2.3.3. ELEMENTS OF HUMAN TRAFFICKING....................................................35
2.3.4. FORM OF OPERATION OF TRAFFICKERS..............................................36
2.3.5. MEANS USED BY THE TRAFFICKERS.....................................................36
2.3.6. PURPOSES OF HUMAN TRAFFICKING....................................................39
2.3.7. CAUSES OF TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS IN MINORS..........................40
2.3.9. TRAFFICKING IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS..............................44
2.4. DEFINITION OF BASIC TERMS...........................................................................47
3.1. CONCLUSIONS......................................................................................................49
3.2. RECOMMENDATIONS..........................................................................................50

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This bibliographic field research work is titled “Human trafficking and its
implications for minors, Ayacucho – 2017”. With the preparation of this work, a
structure has been developed that is made up of three elements of the crime of
human trafficking, an analysis and identification of the form of consummation of
this crime will be carried out; the conduct of the trafficker (which is) the transfer,
transportation, shelter, reception of the victim, (how it is done) how to capture
the victim, with deception, coercion, fraud, abuse of the given power, taking
advantage of the victim's vulnerability , (for what it is done) the object of human
trafficking is the exploitation of the victim in its different modalities. This
information is a fundamental piece to inform society and especially minors of
the way in which these traffickers act so that they do not become easy prey for
criminal networks.
Likewise, identify the modalities including the sexual exploitation of minors, and
identify the causes or factors by which these minors are susceptible to being
victims, including poverty, unemployment, child abuse within the family,
consumerism, harmful traditions and customs, sexist culture and irresponsible
behavior; Likewise, through these factors, immediate solutions are sought to
prevent this crime, because by trying to seek mediate solutions such as
aggravating the penalties, we would not be preventing if we would not be
seeking a punishment for the trafficker who already committed the crime, it is
known that in the In 2008, Law No. 28950 against human trafficking came into
force, which punishes with life imprisonment when the victims are under 12
years of age, but currently the rates of human trafficking have increased, so the
big question is what is happening. , it seems that traffickers ignore the
aggravating factor of this law, it can be presumed that the most important thing
for traffickers is the benefit they can get from the exploitation of victims rather
than their own personal freedom, which is why the Peruvian state must employ
political and educational tactics and strategies. With this, avoiding the violation
of the fundamental rights inherent to each human being such as life, health,

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integrity, freedom and above all human dignity in their condition and moral,
individual and social sphere.

Through this work, an analysis will be carried out on the way in which this crime
is treated by our constitutional legislation, the children and adolescents code,
the penal code, specifically the punitive nature of this crime; in addition to
evaluating the socio-legal and educational policies that the government has
implemented to counter human trafficking, and whether these are adequate to
achieve results that reflect the efficiency of such preventive strategies and
tactics to combat and repress this perverse and nauseating crime. criminal

For this bibliographic field research work, according to the purpose, the type of
basic research was used, and, according to the contrast design, it is descriptive
- correlational; Just as the methods are empirical - descriptive, the approach is
qualitative and finally the following research techniques and instruments were
applied, observation: observation sheet and documentary research:
documentary research guide.

Keywords: human trafficking, victims, traffickers, criminal network.

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The present bibliographic field research work is entitled "Trafficking in persons

and its implications in minors, Ayacucho - 2017". With the elaboration of this
work a structure has been developed that is made up of three elements of the
crime of human trafficking, an analysis and identification will be carried out on
the way of consummation of this crime; the trafficker's behavior (that is) the
transfer, transportation, reception, reception of the victim, (as is done) how to
capture the victim, with deception, coercion, fraud, abuse of power given, take
advantage of the vulnerability of the victim , (for what is done) the object of
human trafficking is the exploitation of the victim in its different modalities. This
information is a fundamental piece to give knowledge to society and especially
to minors of the way in which these traffickers act so that they are not easy to
prey on criminal networks.

Also identify the modalities among them the sexual exploitation of minorities,
and identify what are the causes or factors by which these minorities are
susceptible to be victims, among them poverty, unemployment, child abuse
within the family, consumerism, harmful traditions and customs, macho culture
and irresponsible behavior; also through these factors to seek immediate
solutions to prevent this crime, because in trying to find mediate solutions such
as aggravating the penalties, we would not be preventing if we would not be
looking for a punishment to the trafficker who already consumed the crime, it is
known that in the In 2008, Law No. 28950 against trafficking in persons came
into force. It sanctions with life imprisonment when the victims are under 12
years old, but nowadays the rates of human trafficking have increased, so the
big question is what is happening, it seems that the traffickers ignore the
aggravation of this law, it can be presumed that the most important for the
traffickers is the benefit that can be derived to the exploitation of the victims that
their own personal freedom, that is why the Peruvian state must employ tactics
and political and educational strategies. This will prevent the violation of the

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fundamental rights inherent to each human being such as life, health, integrity,
freedom and, above all, human dignity in their moral, individual and social
condition and sphere.

Through this work, an analysis will be made of the way in which this crime is
treated by our constitutional legislation, the code of the child and the
adolescent, a penal code specifically of the punitive character of this crime; in
addition to evaluating the socio-legal, educational policies that the government
has implemented to counteract human trafficking, and if these are adequate to
achieve results that reflect the efficiency of such strategies and preventive
combat and repressive tactics of this perverse and nauseating crime criminal
business .

For this present work of bibliographical field research, according to the end, the
type of basic research was used, and, according to the design of contrast is
descriptive - correlational; as well as the methods are empirical - descriptive,
the approach is qualitative and finally the following techniques and instruments
of investigation were applied, observation: observation sheet and documentary
research: guide of the documentary investigation.

Keywords: trafficking in persons, victims, traffickers, criminal network.

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This present research project titled “human trafficking and its implications for
minors, Ayacucho – 2017” whose context expresses that in the city of Ayacucho
there are cases of human trafficking and that the highest percentages are in
terms of victims. minors.

The purpose of my thesis is to make known this social problem that is human
trafficking. It is also essential to analyze the three elements of human trafficking;
the conduct of the trafficker (which is carried out) the action of capturing,
transporting, transferring, harboring or receiving people; (how to do it) the
means to hook up with the victim, which may be under the threat or use of
force, coercion, kidnapping, fraud, deception, abuse of power, etc. and finally
the objective (for what it is done) are the purposes of exploitation in its different
forms. Likewise, it is necessary to identify the causes, which is the reason why
minors can fall into criminal networks.

For this reason, the study has been developed in five chapters according to the
outline of the research project.

Whose first chapter refers to the statement of the problem, it considers the
description of the problem reality, delimitation of the research, formulation of the
research problem, objectives, hypotheses, variables, type of research, level of
research, research method , research design, population, sample, data
collection technique and instruments, justification, importance and limitations of
the research.

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On the other hand, in the second chapter the theoretical framework is

developed, where the background of the research study, the legal bases, the
theoretical bases and the definition of basic terms are carried out.

The third chapter refers to the presentation, analysis and interpretation of

results, in which the conclusions and recommendations have been developed.

Finally, the fifth chapter refers to the administration of the research project,
where the human, economic, physical resources, budget and schedule of
activities are specified.

This chapter ends with the bibliography that is key for subsequent research
queries and that is cited according to the mandate of APA standards, finally we
have the annexes.

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1.1. Description of the problematic reality

At a global level, human trafficking is called a new form of “21st Century Modern
Slavery”, it is a problem and one of the crimes that transcends the borders of
National States, creating international criminal organizations of human
trafficking. (UNODC) According to the world report on human trafficking from
the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the crime of human trafficking
affects practically all countries in all regions of the world. Between 2010 and
2012, victims of 152 different nationalities were identified in 124 countries
around the world. The forms of exploitation according to the investigation show:
forced labor 40%, organ extraction 0.3%, sexual exploitation 53% and others
7%. (págs. 7-9) . Currently, it is estimated that each year between 600,000 and
800,000 men, women and minors around the world are victims of human
trafficking in its various forms inside and outside their countries of origin.
According to the United Nations (UN), human trafficking is the third most
lucrative business worldwide, after drug trafficking and the sale of weapons, as
it moves more than 32 billion dollars per year in the world. (Capital Humano y
Social Alternativo) .

Likewise, in Peru Human Trafficking exists. According to a study by the NGO

Capital Humano y Social Alternativo (CHS), between 2007 and 2013, the
Peruvian Prosecutor's Office has registered 1,548 cases reported for human
trafficking (TdP), of which 84% refer to victims. feminine. This record also
reveals that the age ranges of the victims are between 14 and 17 years old, with

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a low level of educational instruction, being mainly captured in regions where

poverty is one of the social problems that most affects thousands of families.
such as Huánuco, Cusco and Madre de Dios, who are forced into prostitution
under threat of death and mistreatment, or are subjected to forced labor in
factories, in the fields or in mines. They are also recruited to beg on the streets,
transport drugs or to sell their organs, among other forms of exploitation.

In the City of Huamanga, Ayacucho Region, this type of illegal criminal conduct
is not foreign because according to the Regional Council Against Human
Trafficking of Ayacucho, in the last four years more than 30 complaints have
been registered and eight have been sentenced. for the crime of human
trafficking, but we believe that these figures are tiny because there are many
women and minors who remain silent and endure all the abuse. (Diario Judicial
Jornada) .

This is why my research project on human trafficking in minors is one of the

crimes and social problems that transcend borders and that has caused greater
alert since minors are used, deceiving them or taking advantage of the situation.
of vulnerability for the purposes of exploitation in its different forms, whether
sexual, labor, begging, human trafficking, organ trafficking, etc. This project
seeks immediate prevention and is directed towards minors and their
environment. According to surveys carried out, it has been detected that the
percentage of victims has increased despite the fact that the criminal penalty for
this crime has been aggravated up to life imprisonment according to the Law
Against Human Trafficking No. 28950, which attracts a lot of attention, which is
why my research seeks immediate solutions, that is, to prevent minors from
becoming victims of human trafficking. All of this leads to reflection and thinking
about the importance of being able to prevent, reduce and subsequently
eradicate human trafficking in minors, the state must offer more possibilities for
education and information in schools about human trafficking, to That minors
are aware and are not victims or easy prey for this network of criminal
organizations, prevention talks should also be given to parents. Finally, provide
care to the victims in care centers where they can live and where their recovery
(physical and psychological) is sought and that the Institutions assure them
peace of mind so that they can decide what to do with their lives.

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1.2.1. Spatial Delimitation

It is socially delimited by the group of natural persons who, in their vast

majority, are being victims of criminal organizations for the purposes of
exploitation, within our country and society.

1.2.2. Social Delimitation

The research work on the implications of human trafficking in minors was

carried out in the City of Huamanga, Ayacucho Region.

1.2.3. Temporal Delimitation

The Duration of this Investigation is 4 months. January to April 2017.

1.2.4. Conceptual Delimitation

Human trafficking is the illegal trade in human beings for the purposes of
labor, mental, reproductive slavery, sexual exploitation, forced labor,
removal of organs, begging, removal of organs or any other form of
modern slavery against the will and well-being. of the human being.

Likewise, the factors of human trafficking in minors, according to studies

carried out by the UN, include child abuse within the family, family
disintegration or having suffered sexual abuse, forming them as insecure
people with minimal appreciation for themselves, another cause. It is the
economic situation they are going through (poverty), they look for a way
to have money for expenses, unemployment, the lack of guidance
regarding education and the communication between parents and
children, leads minors to fall into this network and therefore be exploited
in various forms of human trafficking.


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1.3.1. Main Problem (general)

 What are the implications of human trafficking in minors,

Ayacucho, 2017?

1.3.2. Secondary Problems (specific)

 How does poverty influence human trafficking in minors, Ayacucho

 How does the orientation and communication between parents
and children influence human trafficking in minors, Ayacucho
 How does child abuse within the family influence human trafficking
in minors, Ayacucho 2017?


1.4.1. General objectives

 Identify the implications of human trafficking in minors, Ayacucho,


1.4.2. Specific objectives

 Determine if poverty influences human trafficking in minors,

Ayacucho 2017.
 Identify if the orientation and communication between parents and
children influences human trafficking in minors, Ayacucho 2017.
 Determine if child abuse influences human trafficking in minors,
Ayacucho 2017.

1.5. Hypotheses and Research Variables

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1.5.1. General Hypothesis

 There is an incidence of human trafficking in minors, violating their

rights for exploitation purposes in the city of Ayacucho, 2017.

1.5.2. Secondary Hypothesis

 Poverty significantly influences human trafficking in minors,

Ayacucho 2017
 The lack of guidance and communication between parents and
children significantly influences human trafficking in minors,
Ayacucho 2017.
 Child abuse within the family significantly influences human
trafficking in minors, Ayacucho 2017.

1.5.3. Variables (Conceptual and Operational Definition).

- VARIABLE 1.- “HUMAN TRAFFICKING”: means the recruitment,

transportation, transfer, shelter or reception of people, resorting to the
threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, kidnapping, fraud ,
deception, abuse of power or a situation of vulnerability or the granting or
receiving of payments or benefits to obtain the consent of a person who
has authority over another, for the purposes of exploitation.

- VARIABLE 2.- “MINORS”: All those individuals who have not yet
reached adulthood will be called minors; minors cover all of childhood
and all of adolescence. According to the code of children and
adolescents, children are considered to be all human beings from
conception to twelve years of age and adolescents from twelve to
eighteen years of age. .

universidad alas peruanas Operationalization of Variables


It will mean the - Capture
- Forms of operation - transport
of traffickers - welcome
transportation, transfer, - reception
harboring or reception of
- Coercion
V1 people, resorting to the - Means used by - Rapture
threat or use of force or - Deception
- Fraud
TREATS other forms of coercion,
The instrument that has - Abuse of power
kidnapping, fraud,
OF PEOPLE been used is
deception, abuse of power observation sheets - sexual
- labor
or a
- Exploitation
- trade in organs
granting or receipt of purposes
- begging
payments or benefits to - Sale of children
obtain the consent of a
person who has authority - Children
over another, for the
- Victims - girls
purposes of exploitation. - Teenagers
- Women

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All those individuals who

- Child abuse within the
have not yet reached the age - Family Factors
- kids from the street.
of adulthood or majority will
be called minors. Minority - poverty
covers all of childhood and
The instrument that - the lack of guidance and
all of adolescence. has been used is communication between
IMPLICATIONS observation sheets parents and children.
According to the code of
children and adolescents, - harmful traditions and
children are considered to be customs
all human beings from
conception to twelve years of
- social tolerance and

age and adolescents from - Social factors impunity

twelve to eighteen years of - sexist culture and

irresponsible sexual

- consumerism.

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1.6. Investigation methodology

1.6.1. Type and Level of Investigation

a) Kind of investigation

 Basic Research: Basic or fundamental research seeks knowledge of reality

or natural phenomena, to contribute to an increasingly advanced society that
responds better to the challenges of humanity. This type of research does
not seek the practical application of its discoveries, but rather the increase of
knowledge to answer questions or so that this knowledge can be applied in
other investigations. (Daniela Rodriguez)

The present investigation is of a basic type, because the facts,

characteristics, forms, causes, consequences related to the implications of
human trafficking in minors have been investigated, with the intention of
knowing the possible causes and solutions, which can be be applied to other

b) Research Level

 Descriptive Research: Descriptive research design is a scientific method

that involves observing and describing the behavior of a subject without
influencing them in any way. (Shuttleworth)

 Correlational Research: Hernández, et al., (2003), state that in this

research modality the “purpose is to evaluate the relationship that exists
between two or more variables or concepts” (p.122). (Espacio Virtual)

In this research project, the descriptive level of research has been used,
because the nature of the research involves observing and describing the
forms, purposes, causes and possible solutions of human trafficking, it is
also correlational because its purpose is to evaluate the relationship of the

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variables, in this case it is whether there is a relationship between the

human trafficking variable and the other variable that involves minors.

1.6.2. Research Method and Design

a) Research Method

 Empirical method: the basis of this method lies in the direct perception of
the object of research and the problem. (2017)

 Descriptive method: this method aims to describe, identify, classify, relate

a phenomenon in a given situation. (2017)

In this present research project, the empirical method has been used,
because the study is based on the observation of phenomena that is “human
trafficking” in a specific place and time. Likewise, the descriptive method
has been used because its objective is to describe, identify and relate
human trafficking in minors, what are the factors for these minors to fall into
these trafficking networks, etc.

b) Research design

 Non-experimental design : Non-experimental designs are those that are

carried out without deliberately manipulating the variables (...) these are
studies where we do not intentionally vary the independent variables to see
their effects on other variables. (…) is to observe phenomena as they occur
in their natural context, to later analyze them. These variables cannot even
be influenced, because they already happened, as well as their effects.

In this present research project, the non-experimental cross-sectional design

has been used, because the independent variables have already occurred
and cannot be manipulated, the researcher does not have direct control over

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these variables, he cannot influence them because they have already

happened, at the same time Like its effects, the phenomena are only
observed in their natural environment and then analyzed. It's like taking a
photograph of something that happens.

1.6.3. Research population and sample

a) Population

The population is defined “as the set of elements, beings or events consistent
with each other in terms of a series of characteristics, from which it is desired to
obtain some information.” Hurtado (2000) states that it is “the set of beings in
which the variable or event is going to be studied, and who also share, as
common characteristics, the inclusion criteria.” According to Selltiz, in Sampieri
(2003), “a population is the set of all cases that agree with a series of
specifications” (p.303). (Espacio Virtual)

The population was made up of all citizens who are linked to human trafficking
in minors in the city of Ayacucho during the 2017 reference period, which is
approximately 600 people.

b) Sample

Sabino (1992) defines it as the “part of the whole that we call the universe and
that serves to represent it.” It has different definitions depending on the type of
study being carried out. For quantitative studies, it is nothing more than a
“subgroup of the population from which the data is collected and must be
representative of said population.” For qualitative research, they are the “unit of
analysis or set of people, contexts, events or occurrences on which the data are
collected without necessarily being representative of the universe” (p.302).
(Espacio Virtual)

For the development of the study, the 50 reported cases of human trafficking in
the city of Ayacucho were taken into account. ( RPP Noticias)

1.6.4. Data collection techniques and instruments

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a) Techniques
The techniques used in the investigation are the following:

 Observation . - Observation is a technique in the research process, it is

the action of looking rigorously, systematically and deeply, with the
interest of discovering the importance of what is observed. Observation
is the basic method used to acquire information about the world around
us, and therefore, it constitutes the primary technique of scientific
research. (Carrasco, 2006, pág. 282)

Observation consists of “the systematic, valid and reliable record of the

behavior and conduct manifested”

 Documentary research or content analysis. - This technique consisted

of the activity of collecting data from sources such as essays, records,
web pages, and records, the action of collecting information.

b) Instruments
Consequently, the data collection instruments are the following:

 Observation sheet. – are instruments where the detailed description of

human trafficking that is part of the investigation is recorded.

 Documentary research guide. – This instrument fulfills a function in

terms of the data collection process, depending on the indicators,
variables to be investigated.

1.6.5. Rationale, importance and limitations of the research

a) Justification

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The project I chose is to make known that there is human trafficking with minor
victims in the City of Ayacucho and that my project serves to support it, to be
able to stop it, since this social problem that is exploitation or slavery of minors
in its different forms in the short or long term brings disastrous consequences,
leaving them with lifelong consequences immersed in physical and emotional
problems. Children and adolescents are our hopes, to form a better future.
However, not all of them suffer the same fate, such as having a happy
childhood, but rather, they are torn from this wonderful stage and taken to hell.

b) Importance

It is important to talk about trafficking because it is one of the most degrading

crimes that does business with people by abusing them.
Human trafficking is a complex crime because it is made up of others. It
includes human trafficking, sexual exploitation and labor exploitation in its
different forms, at the same time involving in some cases kidnapping, fraud or

On the other hand, from the social and cultural aspect, the negative image we
have of people who are dedicated to sexual services prevents us from
questioning whether people work there by their own decision or are being

Peru is a country of transfer, recipient and recruiter of victims. There have been
cases of labor exploitation in factories, child sexual exploitation and forced
sexual service occurs in different cities.

Different actions are required from the authorities that seek to prevent, combat
and resolve human trafficking. On the citizens' side, they can also help by
reporting and avoiding promotion; if there is no demand from people, there will
not be a market for the crime to be carried out.

c) Limitations
In the process of developing the research, no limitations or difficulties were
found, since this social problem is worldwide and there are a variety of national

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and international articles, there are a variety of authors who developed

regarding the topic, websites, and analysis of different study houses that have
become more solid over time.




A. Diana Marisol Rivera Pardo (2014 – Mexico). Through the thesis

“Guidelines for the prevention of trafficking for the purposes of sexual
exploitation of children in basic education”; to obtain the degree of
Master in Human Rights. Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí -
Mexico: this thesis does not have objectives, method ; consequently giving
the conclusion , 1.- Various studies have confirmed that in the relationship
of dominance of men over women and girls, factors whose foundation is
androcentrism, machismo, misogyny and sexism come together. The victims
are mostly minors under 17 years of age. 2.- The factors that most increase
the risk in San Luis are male prostitutes and pimps since without their violent
acts prostitution and human trafficking would end; the lack of academic
instruction, families where there is some type of violence, the media that
affirm women as sexual objects, adultcentrism and androcentrism, poverty,
unemployment, and the current capitalist model, where only a few They live
and most survive . Apparently it is a situation that suits the pimp State
because it allows and tolerates the spread of this crime due to the political
and economic interests behind these criminal networks; becoming the main
agent that violates the human rights of its inhabitants. (Pardo, 2014)
The present Mexican thesis agrees and is related to the age of the
victims, the index and the highest rate of victims are minors, that is,
under 17 years of age, the factors for which these victims are prone
are the lack of academic instruction, families where there is some type
of violence, the media that affirm women as sexual objects,

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adultcentrism and androcentrism, poverty, unemployment, and the

current capitalist model.

B. Rosa María Santos Barrera (2014 - Guatemala).Through the thesis

“Human Trafficking, its Modalities and Implication in International
Relations” to obtain the Academic Degree of Graduate in International
Relations and the Professional Title of Internationalist. University of San
Carlos of Guatemala: Objective in its research work: Study the
phenomenon of human trafficking, its various modalities and its implication
in international relations; in addition to the efforts, both nationally and
internationally, that the State of Guatemala has made for the eradication of
this crime, the persecution of those responsible and care for the victims. For
its development, the Descriptive and Explanatory method is applied;
consequently giving the conclusion , It is necessary that immigration
controls be strengthened in the Central American region, without affecting
the integration process, since the geographical position is used as a bridge
for many victims who will be exploited in North America. Because in many
cases human trafficking transcends borders, it is necessary to strengthen
international relations so that the combat and eradication of the crime of
human trafficking can be carried out effectively in the countries of origin,
transit and destination. of victims and criminal networks. (Barrera, 2010)

The Guatemala thesis is related to my research project, what the

behavior of traffickers is like, the means they use to recruit victims,
and finally the purposes. Most of them are exploited sexually, for work,
begging, organ trafficking, among others. This thesis is an essential
contribution that serves as a basis for others, and reinforces the
theory of human trafficking, which is composed of three elements
(what is done, how it is done, and the object).

C. Edlira Zhulali de Andrés (2017- Guatemala).Through the thesis “Human

Trafficking: crime against humanity” to obtain the Academic Degree of
Bachelor of Law. Universidad Católica Santa María the former faculty of law
and political sciences school of law and political sciences: Sets as an

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objective in its research work: The implementation of the United Nations

Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and its Protocol to
prevent, suppress and punish trafficking in persons, especially women and
children; The identification of the legal capacities to investigate, prosecute
and condemn the crime of human trafficking for any purpose; For its
development, the Descriptive - Correlational method is applied;
consequently giving the conclusion , (…) in the opinion of the participants,
which I share, to eradicate it, global measures must be taken. The Bogotá
Declaration, signed by the members of the Ibero-American Ombudsman
Federation (FIO) on May 13, 2015, affirms the commitment to advance the
actions that are necessary to “recognize human trafficking as a crime
against humanity in the terms of the Rome Statute.” With this declaration,
which is nothing more than the roadmap against this transnational crime, the
aim is to prevent it from becoming statute-barred and, therefore, preventing
those responsible from evading justice. “It is calling on the different States to
fight from that perspective, if we do that we will have important
consequences […] We know that it is in other countries where [the victims]
fall into deception because they are painted a scenario for their future. That
is why the ideal is that [trafficking] be treated as a crime against humanity,”
explained Colombia's ombudsman, Jorge Armando Otálora, when delivering
the conclusions of the meeting. (Andrés, 2017)

The thesis of Edlira Zhulali de Andrés agrees and relates in a generic

way that human trafficking violates fundamental rights and that it must
be recognized as a crime against humanity because it includes
conduct classified as forced prostitution, slavery, serious deprivation
of physical freedom, torture, rape, sexual slavery, forced prostitution,
forced pregnancy, forced sterilization or other sexual abuse of
comparable severity.


A. Eduardo Mesías Vergaray Van Meerbeck (2016). Through the thesis ,

“Temporal limitations in the specialized scientific technical

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investigation of the DIRINTRAP in cases of flagrante delicto of human

trafficking in the form of sexual exploitation of minors in Metropolitan
Lima during 2015” to opt for the Master's Degree in Politic science.
Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. Lima Peru : It proposes the following
objectives : it is to know how the specialized technical-scientific
investigation procedures of the DIRINTRAP are carried out in cases of
flagrante delicto due to human trafficking in the form of sexual exploitation of
minors in Metropolitan Lima during 2015. ; For its development, the
Descriptive and Explanatory method is applied; consequently giving the
conclusion , It is necessary to encourage prosecutors and police the will to
ensure and deepen investigations in order to discover organized crime
networks of trafficking for the purposes of sexual exploitation of minors in
Metropolitan Lima. Above all, if one takes into account that many of the
cases according to studies carried out in 2015 have not involved the leaders
of criminal gangs nor have these illicit acts been considered committed in
gangs. In view of the fact that there are still no Specialized Courts for
Trafficking in Persons despite the fact that as a State policy their operation
was contemplated in compliance with Law No. 28950, it is extremely
important that these courts be launched and that they have the necessary
resources. that allow them to act effectively and in a timely manner.
(Meerbeck, 2016)

Eduardo Van's thesis makes a contribution to my research project in

the following way: from the criminal news of the consummation of the
crime of human trafficking, the object of the criminal prosecution of
the Public Ministry with joint help from the National Police, must be to
dismantle and arrest the leaders of the criminal organization and not
just an accused, in this way the percentage of underage victims can be
reduced and subsequently be able to eradicate human trafficking.

B. Zósimo Roberto Morillo Herrada (2017) through the thesis, The crime of
human trafficking and the problem of the victim's consent , to obtain
the Academic Degree of Doctor in Law and Political Science. National
University of San Marcos. Lima Peru: Poses the following objectives : it is

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to establish whether the consent of the adult victim as a cause of

exoneration from criminal responsibility in the criminal type of human
trafficking of the Peruvian Pernal Code of 1991 is consistent with the
character of legal good not available of human dignity, a legal right protected
in the crime of human trafficking; For its development, the Descriptive and
Explanatory method is applied; consequently giving the conclusion,
Human dignity, which is the legal asset harmed in the crime of human
trafficking, is not an available legal asset, and therefore, it should not require
the consent of the victim, whether adult or minor, be an defense of
criminality or illegality. (Herrada, 2017) .

The thesis of Zósimo Roberto Morillo H. agrees and contributes to my

research project in a generic way to the crime of human trafficking, it
refers to the fact that the protected legal good is human dignity, and
that is why it is not an available legal good, therefore, whether there is
or not consent of the victim, whether major or minor, should not be a
mitigating or exempting punishment.

C. Miguel German Caballero Quispe (2017).Through the thesis, “the crime

of kidnapping and trafficking of minors in the prosecutor's office
specialized in human trafficking in Lima, 2016” To obtain the
Professional Title of LAWYER, Cesar Vallejo University. Lima Peru: Poses
the following objectives : is to establish the relationship that exists between
the crime of kidnapping and trafficking of minors, in the Specialized
Prosecutor's Office for Human Trafficking of Lima, 2016.; For its
development, the Taking method is applied as a non-experimental,
transactional design; causal correlational, type of quantitative research and
level of descriptive instigation, the sample is non-probabilistic; consequently
giving the conclusion, Human dignity, which is the legal asset harmed in
the crime of human trafficking, is not an available legal asset, and therefore,
it should not require the consent of the victim, whether adult or minor, be an
defense of criminality or illegality. (Quispe, 2016)

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Likewise, the thesis of Miguel G. Caballero Quispe is related to the

form of capture of the victim that would be the kidnapping, which
consists of depriving a person or group of people of their freedom
illegally, for a certain period of time, with the aim of sexually or
professionally exploiting them. It is necessary that this form of
recruitment be classified as an aggravating circumstance in our
regulatory framework.



- International Treaty: Palermo Protocol , was established in the face of

this worrying reality, the international community established in 2000 the
United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, with
three protocols including the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish
Trafficking in People, Especially Women and Children.

It defines in its art. 3º "human trafficking" as: The recruitment, transfer,

harboring or reception of people, resorting to the threat or use of force or
other forms of coercion, kidnapping, deception, abuse of power or of a
situation of vulnerability or the granting or receipt of payments or benefits
to obtain the consent of a person who has authority over another, for the
purposes of exploitation.

Such exploitation will include the exploitation of the prostitution of others or

other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labor or services, slavery or
practices analogous to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs.


- The Political Constitution of the State in its article 1 states that "the
defense of the human person and respect for their dignity are the supreme
goal of society and the State" providing that no one is obliged to do what

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the law does not mandate, nor prevented from doing what it does not
prohibit, outlawing the restriction of personal freedom, except in cases
provided for by law and prohibiting slavery, servitude and trafficking in
human beings in any of its forms, noting that no human being should be a
victim of moral, psychological or physical violence, nor subjected to torture
or inhuman or humiliating treatment.

- Law No. 28950, Law against Human Trafficking and Illicit Smuggling
of Migrants , which will allow and facilitate the detection of human
trafficking mafias, in addition to establishing measures in favor of victims in
relation to protection and assistance. This law provides that the sale of
children, begging, sexual and labor exploitation, and extraction or
trafficking of organs will be classified as the crime of human trafficking,
which can be punished with a prison sentence of up to 35 years.

- The Children and Adolescents Code states in its article 4 that "children
and adolescents have the right to have their moral, mental and physical
integrity and their free development and well-being respected. They may
not be subjected to torture or cruel or degrading treatment. Forced labor
and economic exploitation, as well as forced recruitment, prostitution,
trafficking, sale and trafficking of children and adolescents and all other
forms of exploitation are considered extreme forms that affect their
personal integrity.

- Penal Code, Article 153.- TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS.

1. Whoever, through violence, threat or other forms of coercion, deprivation of

liberty, fraud, deception, abuse of power or a situation of vulnerability,
granting or receiving payments or any benefit, captures, transports,
transfers, harbors, receives or retains another, in the territory of the
republic or for their exit or entry from the country for purposes of

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exploitation, is punished with a custodial sentence of not less than eight

nor more than fifteen years.
2. For the purposes of paragraph 1, the purposes of exploitation of human
trafficking include, among others, the sale of children, adolescents,
prostitution and any form of sexual exploitation, slavery or practices similar
to slavery, any form of labor exploitation, begging, forced labor or services,
servitude, extraction or trafficking of organs or somatic tissues or human
components, as well as any other analogous form
3. The recruitment, transportation, transfer, reception, reception or retention
of adolescent girls and boys for the purposes of exploitation is considered
human trafficking even when none of the means provided for in section 1 is
4. The consent given by the adult victim to any form of exploitation has no
legal effect when the agent has resorted to any of the means provided for
in section 1.
5. The agent who promotes, favors, finances or facilitates the commission of
the crime of human trafficking is punished with the same penalty provided
for the perpetrator.

- Penal Code Aggravated Forms Article 153-A paragraph 4 and 2, will

be punished with imprisonment of not less than twelve nor more than
twenty, when the victim is between the ages of fourteen and less than
eighteen, if the victim is under fourteen will be punished with a sentence
of no more than 25 years. The quality of the passive subject, so the
chronological age of the offended party, in terms of his inherent
vulnerability, determines a qualified unjust, who is repressed with a more
severe penalty, taking into account his state of defenselessness, as well
as the dangers that his life and security run, when they fall prey to this
criminally unlawful conduct. (FREYRE, 2013).


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If we go back in history, trafficking would involve trafficking or trade in which

human beings were sold as slaves: the people who engaged in trafficking
captured black people in Africa and sold them in America as slaves. At the time
of colonization, indigenous women and girls from African countries were sold as
simple things, in order to use them as servitude, forced labor, and finally for
sexual exploitation, so we can know that this problem or phenomenon is not
current. if not it goes back centuries, but with different names.

This activity began to be recognized at the end of the 19th century and at the
beginning of the 20th century, which was called white trafficking. This term was
used because it was used to refer to the trade in white women, who were used
for sexual exploitation or prostitution through deception were induced to kidnap
them and thus force them into prostitution. The trafficking of women and
prostitution dates back to the time of the conquest when the Spanish, in
compliance with the law of war, took or gave the "booty of women" to the victor,
giving rise to the sexual trade and creating establishments for its exercise.
(JOSE CARMONA LEÓN, 2012, pág. 4)

(Claudia Chavez) Regarding the origin of human trafficking, he says that in 1869
the Academy introduced the entry "trafficking" in its Dictionary, with reference to
the African slave trade, the expression "white slave trade", of French origin,
developed in society. nineteenth-century bourgeoisie, sometimes with a
subversive sense as a counterpoint to the black trade, once slavery was
officially abolished, the international community, driven by Anglo-Saxon
reforming moralism, focused its interest on the issue of pimping and prostitution
of women and girls, to To refer to this phenomenon, Victorian society used the
expressions white slavery.

In 1904, the first agreement in this area was signed in Paris: the International
Agreement to ensure effective protection against criminal trafficking called white
slavery, which was followed by other conventions and protocols in which the
same term was used.

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The international conventions and protocols signed after the Second World War
will no longer refer to "white slavery", but to "trafficking in women", within the
broader concept of human trafficking.

Therefore, human trafficking has its origins several centuries ago, however, it
has now become a form of modern slavery of the 21st century in a globalized
and contemporary world where the victims are mainly women, girls and boys. .


The Palermo Protocol: “United Nations Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and

Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children” included the
first internationally agreed definition of human trafficking that establishes the
commonly accepted legal framework. (…) Human trafficking is defined as the
recruitment, transfer, transportation, shelter or reception of a person using
violence, threats, deception, abduction, abuse of power or abuse of a
vulnerable situation or others. elements of coercion in order to subject it to
exploitation and profit from its activity. (Adoratrices | Fundación Amaranta)

Human trafficking is, in effect, the sale, trade, negotiation or trafficking of human
beings that began with the sale of slaves, this being "a legal institution that
leads to a personal situation by which an individual is under the dominion of
another." , losing the ability to freely dispose of one's own person and property";
That is, the human person is reified and used as an object of sale, trade,
negotiation, or trafficking. (OLIVAS, JHON MEDINA)

(MINISTERIO DEL INTERIOR, 2011) maintains that the concept of human trafficking
involves numerous elements and variables that make its understanding
complex. It is possible to establish three basic elements that allow us to
understand the trafficking process;

- the CONDUCT that entails the recruitment, transportation, transfer,

reception, reception or retention of the victim;

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- the MEANS, which involve the annulment of the will through the use of
violence, threat or other types of coercion, deprivation of liberty, fraud,
deception, abuse of power or a situation of vulnerability, or of granting
or payments of benefits, and

- the PURPOSES or purpose of trafficking, that is, profit through the

exploitation of victims.

So we could say that human trafficking is the trade in human beings, where the
value of a person is degraded, when compared to a thing or merchandise. As
we know, exploitation has been present in the history of humanity and today we
are not exempt from this problem.


(Consciencia Global) It states that the elements of human trafficking are:

 The act (what is done): the action of capturing, transporting, transferring,

hosting or receiving people.
 The means (how it is done): threat or use of force, coercion, kidnapping,
fraud, deception, abuse of power or a position of vulnerability, or the
granting of payments or benefits in exchange for control of the victim's life.
 Objective (what it is done for): for the purposes of exploitation, which
includes prostitution, sexual exploitation, forced labor, including begging,
slavery, servitude, exploitation in the performance of criminal activities
(theft, drug trafficking...), removal of organs and similar practices of abuse.

Exploitation exists in any of the following cases:

a. When a person is reduced or kept in a condition of slavery or servitude or

subjected to similar practices;
b. When a person is forced to perform forced labor or services;
c. When any form of sexual commerce is promoted, facilitated, developed or
profit is obtained;

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d. When illicit extraction of human organs or tissues is carried out.

It can also be ordered according to the order of events:

- Recruitment, this can be by deception or force and has the participation

of a recruiter.

- Transportation, from here until the exploitation the victim is subject to

coercion, the transfer can be between regions or to other countries.
Transporters, corrupt officials, and the trafficker's intermediaries
participate in this process.

- Exploitation, here the victim is subjected to exploitation, by the pimp or

the exploiter. That a totally illegal property right is credited to the victim.

Authorities have identified deception as the most common form of “hooking”

victims of human trafficking. The forms of deception are very varied and are
usually combined, such as: the deception of a job offer, offers of income or
better environments and quality of life, marriage offers, deceptive courtships, or
offers of shelter and security.

(Wikipedia) In general, human trafficking operates in three phases:

Engagement : The trafficker recruits the victim directly or indirectly through

advertisements in print media, Internet contacts, references from family or
acquaintances, supposed employment opportunities, recruitment agencies
offering courses, travel agencies, schools, canteens, and sentimental
manipulation through courtship or marriage, among others.

Transfer: Once the victim is recruited, they are transferred to the destination
where they will be exploited. This may be to another point within the same
country, which is known as internal trafficking, or to another country, which is
known as external trafficking. Transfers can be made with or without passports,
visas and official identification documents or with false documentation. The use

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of so-called “identity theft” is also frequent, which makes detection and justice in
this type of case extremely difficult.

Exploitation: “here the victim is subjected to exploitation, by the pimp or the

exploiter. "That a totally illegal property right is credited to the victim."


( Luis Fernando Centeno, págs. 16-18)

Threat. - It is a form of coercion. It involves expressing to the victim the

intention to cause harm to herself or another person with whom she is linked by
affection; It can be expressed with actions or words. In human trafficking,
traffickers very effectively use the means of threat to gain control over victims
and force them to achieve their objectives. The threat is usually contemplated in
the basic criminal offense of trafficking, or in the aggravating circumstances.

Use of force. - Various forms of physical force are applied for capture
(abduction, non-extortive kidnapping), or for control of victims; especially, blows.

Coercion. - It is one of the means described in the definition of human

trafficking of the Palermo Protocol, and is usually punished within the criminal
category or as one of its aggravating circumstances. Coercion involves threat,
force or violence to get a person to say or do something. Traffickers exert it on
victims using different generating elements: the possibility of causing direct and
personal harm, or the threat of affecting other people. This affectation could be
physical, but it could also lead to damage to image, emotional state or assets.

Rapture. - Abduction is a legal figure that refers to the abduction and retention
of a woman, for dishonest purposes or marriage. It is a penal figure that has
been maintained in legislation throughout the centuries. In trafficking matters,
this term is assigned a similar and specific meaning because, in reality,
kidnapping follows the mechanics of trafficking.

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Fraud. - This word has different meanings. It usually refers to circumventing or

evading the law. In the area of human trafficking, fraud is the logical
consequence of deception. The trafficker uses manipulation and lies to get the
victim to accept his offers. This can also be aimed at controlling the victim and
getting them to commit crimes under their control. Fraud is included within the
type of trafficking as one of the means to reach the victim.

Deception. - This is the designation of creating totally or partially false facts, to

make a person believe something that is not true. In human trafficking,
deception occurs in the recruitment stage, in which the trafficker establishes a
direct or indirect approach mechanism with the victim to achieve “hook” or
acceptance of the proposal. Essentially, this translates into job offers, dating,
marriage, and generally a better living condition. Likewise, deception is used by
the trafficker to keep the victim under his control during the transfer phase and
later in the places of exploitation.

The criminal regulations have incorporated this concept in the types that
treats, as an integral part of the base rate or of any of the aggravations.

Abuse of power . - It is one of the means used by traffickers to reach the victim
and have control over them. In the legal sense it is an uncertain term, if it is to
be interpreted strictly. Abuse is the use of a thing, investment, faculty, etc.,
beyond what is permitted or lawful. On the other hand, “power” is precisely that
power that one has over a thing or person who is attributed to being in a
situation of inferiority due to physical strength, age, gender, ethnicity, economic
or social position, or other causes; so the term “abuse of power” could be
judged repetitive. Some authors equate it with the abuse of authority committed
by public officials who go beyond their powers in an immoral or illicit manner.

In terms of trafficking, it is interpreted as the power of dominance or control that

the trafficker may have over the victim due to his or her social, employment,
kinship or legal relationship, especially with minors or people with disabilities or
disabilities. When abuse of power is committed, the power ties that, for socio-

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cultural reasons, men have over women are put into operation, as well as the
relationship between fathers and mothers with their sons and daughters, when
they make illegitimate use of the country. power to force them to do acts that go
against their well-being and human rights. This means is usually included within
the criminal type of human trafficking.

Vulnerable situation. - This concept is based on two basic assumptions:

1. That the victim does not have the capacity to understand the meaning of
the event (minor, incapable person);
2. That the victim does not have the capacity to resist it (disabled, in a state
of economic need, low educational level, subjected to deception,
coercion or violence).

The victim's vulnerable situation is taken advantage of by the trafficker for

rapprochement and control, and is included in the base criminal offense or as
one of the aggravating factors of the crime.

Granting or receiving payments or benefits. - Consists of giving or receiving

payments or benefits of another nature, to obtain the consent of a person who
has authority over another. It occurs in the case of minors who are sold to
human traffickers, or exchanged with them, by their own relatives or by those
who have them in legal or de facto custody. It also occurs in the case of women
who are delivered by their husbands or boyfriends, and in the case of men or
women who are delivered by contractors or intermediaries for labor exploitation.
( Luis Fernando Centeno)


Not all cases of trafficking happen in the same way, this depends on the
context. Purposes of trafficking. Where are they located:

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 Sexual: Sexual exploitation, child prostitution, forced prostitution,

pornography (films, photos, internet), pedophilia, sexual tourism, marriage
agencies, forced pregnancies.

 Begging: Adult beggars with boys or girls under 3 years of age. Boys, girls
and adolescents organized in the streets as window cleaners or car

 Labor : Factories, quarry work, garbage segregation, pyrotechnic

workshops, brick making, artisanal mining, tree felling, gold prospectors,
agricultural work, coca plantations, fishing, begging, street vending, shoe
shiners, car cleaners, domestic work.

 Organ trafficking: Illicit removal of organs, tissues or components, to be

sold on the black market, rented wombs.

 Sale of girls and boys: Irregular adoptions. Capture, acquisition or

transfer of an individual for exploitation or servility.


A. Child abuse within the family.

It is considered that approximately 80% of children and adolescents involved in

sexual exploitation have suffered psychological or physical abuse within their
family. The majority have also experienced some form of sexual assault by a
family member or acquaintance. Others have fallen into prostitution networks
believing that they would get help and some affection. Therefore we can
conclude that an abused child is vulnerable to being dragged into networks of
commercial sexual exploitation. (Katherin Marcia Salazar Apaza, 2016)

B. Kids from the street.

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Many children and adolescents live and work on the streets without any
protection, exposed to all types of attacks on their physical integrity and rights.
At every traffic light in the big city, at bus stations, in garbage dumps, in places
where drug and alcohol consumption is widespread, many children and
adolescents are sexually exploited in exchange for some money, food or
drugs. . These children and adolescents are also used for the production of
pornography. That is why we can conclude that children and adolescents who
drop out of school join gangs, have adult friends and dabble in drugs, thus
being able to be easily captured by networks of sexual exploiters. (Katherin
Marcia Salazar Apaza, 2016)

C. Poverty

It is a risk factor that makes boys and girls vulnerable to sexual exploitation,
poverty is the situation of not being able, due to lack of resources, to satisfy the
basic physical and psychological needs of a dignified life, such as food,
housing, education, health care, drinking water or electricity, many of the
children recruited are because they suffer from these needs and are deceived
by unscrupulous people who offer them work with the story that they will earn
quick and easy money, In this way they fall into this criminal network.

D. Consumerism

Television is the bearer of foreign models of consumption, which boys and girls
want to imitate because it promises them social recognition, not only the poor,
but also in the middle sectors, boys and girls want to have a large number of
consumer objects; and this makes him vulnerable to commercial sexual
exploitation. This factor can mean that boys and girls who display expensive
consumer items and who cannot be paid for by their parents may be victims of
sexual exploitation.

E. Harmful traditions and customs

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There are many families in the mountains and in the Amazon that are still
guided by ancient traditions in which parents decide the husband of their
daughters, and forcibly hand her over to older men, for economic, political or
social reasons. That is why we can affirm that adolescents' right to choose the
partner they want must be strengthened, help them develop appropriate criteria
for this and reject any attempt to impose them.

F. Social tolerance and impunity

The absence of social, moral and legal sanctions for people who consume or
facilitate the sexual trade with minors is an important cause. A vigilant citizenry
that does not tolerate these abusive behaviors creates a barrier against different
forms of violation of the rights of children and adolescents. Society's tolerance
is as harmful as the exploitation practices themselves. To tolerate is to consent.
It is being an accomplice. Silence gives consent. And this feeds the chain of
impunity. If the exploiters and intermediaries knew that their behavior could end
in loss of freedom, in going to jail, they would not commit this crime so easily.

G. Sexist culture and irresponsible sexual behavior

There are erroneous popular myths surrounding the sexuality of young girls and
boys in which their "purity" and "virginity" are valued as a stimulant to having
sexual relations with them. Some men believe that having sexual relations with
young girls who are assumed to be virgins or, at most, with very little sexual
experience prevents the spread of AIDS. It is widely believed that sex with
young virgins renews youth, increases virility, and provides good health,
longevity, and luck in business. I consider that all these ideas are myths, that is,
false ideas that hide irresponsible behavior and crimes against children.
(Katherin Marcia Salazar Apaza, 2016)



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The consequence of human trafficking with minor victims is devastating, both on

a personal level and in the family and social environment. Sexual abuse
generates serious consequences for minors. It affects both their health and their
physical, mental, emotional and social development. Therefore, children and
adolescents who have been victims of trafficking require professional and
specialized assistance, consistent with a framework that guarantees respect for
their fundamental rights.

a) Personally

The following characteristics are observed:

 Low self-esteem . - Victims face difficulty believing in themselves. This

generates anxiety, fear and insecurity. They present rebellious behavior
as a defense mechanism. Victims learn to use violence to obtain benefits
and concessions.

 Disorders in socialization . - Interpersonal relationships can be marked

by distrust and submission, especially towards adults.

 Need for affection . - They have great needs for affection, protection,
acceptance and recognition. This mixture of feelings gives rise to
conflictive relationships and contradictory emotions. These are
characterized by their instability, they confuse between affection and
aggression, between trust and distrust, and between loyalty and betrayal.

 Reification of the person . - They perceive their bodies as merchandise

that can be sold or bought. There is a dissociation from one's own being.
They do not perceive their body as an integrated dimension of

 Disorders in sexual development . - Due to sexual exploitation, many

minors become sexually active at a very early age. This early sexual
development is associated with negative consequences in your future

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sexual life. Rejection and self-repression or promiscuity can be added to


These factors prevent healthy and satisfactory development of the


b) On a social level

 School dropout . - are limited or prevented from returning to school.

Those who manage to re-enter may suffer the consequences of physical
or psychological damage and, consequently, prevent significant learning
and the comprehensive training of the minor.

 Stigmatization . – Victims are seen as offenders or criminals and suffer

situations of discrimination. This negatively affects their family and social
integration. From this perspective, those who manage to flee the sex
trade are rescued or face an uncertain future. On some occasions, their
only alternative is to return to the exploiter they know.

 Early pregnancy . - Victims may have early pregnancies that are closely
related to maternal and infant mortality rates, putting more than one life
at risk.

 Contagion of STIs – HIV.- The increase in the number of adolescent

victims of HIV – AIDS could be an indicator of child sexual abuse or
sexual exploitation to which they are exposed. STI: Sexually Transmitted
Infections, HIV: Human Immunodeficiency Virus.

 The complicit silence of society. - The sexual exploitation of minors is

a frequent and visible fact in countless places around the world.
Familiarity with this reality, paradoxically, does not cause rejection or
social censure of consumers. Society is also very permissible with the
labor exploitation of minors.

universidad alas peruanas


Children are called all human beings from conception until they turn twelve
years old and are considered adolescents from 12 to 18 years of age.

The case that attracted the most attention in the city of Ayacucho was the case
of Deysi Liseth Gutiérrez Aybar, a girl who was only three years old and was a
victim of human trafficking. The events occurred on November 14, 2012. vicinity
of the market f. vivando, a supply center located two blocks from the Plaza
Mayor of Huamanga where his mother works, who stated that everything was
fast, "I was careless for about five minutes, suddenly it was no longer there, I
immediately looked everywhere, but I couldn't find it." "I found it," he said the
next day in an interview with JORNADA.

Since then, the parents and relatives of Deysi Liseth have carried out various
actions to find the girl, who, on the day she was taken from her parents, was
wearing an orange sweater, a pink Cafarena polo shirt, red pants and brown

Days later, a hopeful call would have entered his phone from Zulma Aybar
(Deysi's mother), he heard the voice of a woman who told him that she had
seen her daughter and that with the payment of 500 new soles they would tell
her where Deysi Liseth was. , which was a lie.

Three women were arrested and to this day sentenced to imprisonment for
being the perpetrators of Deysi's disappearance, identified as Ermelinda
Miranda Lizana (19), Alicia Aragon Sangui (27) and Diana Carolina Quispe
García (19), who Since November 19, 2012, they have been imprisoned.

For the technical secretary of the Regional Committee Against Human

Trafficking, Gotardo Miranda, the events that deprived the physical presence of
Deysi Liseth brought with them greater empowerment on the issue of human

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trafficking in the authorities and the general population of Ayacucho. “In these
types of cases, the first people responsible are the parents, they are the ones
who must take care of their children,” with these words Miranda makes it clear
to us that Ayacucho is not a safe city and that no one should trust it. (DIARIO:

This crime of human trafficking only gained notoriety in the city of Ayacucho
with this case. One of the characteristics of human trafficking is that it is a crime
that is carried out silently, such as knowing who is the victim or who is the

The Internet is an educational and informative tool that provides benefits, one of
the positive aspects, as well as includes a risk for minors who are exposed to
being victims of traffickers, the Internet is a means of recruitment used by
criminal networks. According to the Ministry of Women and Social Development
(MIMDES), criminals select minors who spread a large amount of information
through social networks on the Internet or instant messaging services. These
children or adolescents often expose themselves by accepting strangers as

In this way, girls, boys and adolescents are recruited through deception by
adults, who offer them better living conditions or a well-paid job. Initially, they
appear nice, understanding and friendly. They lie, charm and manipulate minors
using techniques such as "grooming" (virtual harassment). Likewise, they seek
to divert conversations towards sexual topics, either through suggestive or
explicit messages, or by sharing pornography or child pornography with the aim
of disinhibiting them, predisposing them and persuading them to take the next
step: physical or virtual abuse. The true intentions of the traffickers are always
to exploit them sexually or at work.

In the case of female adolescents, traffickers feign interest in starting a romantic

relationship and then offer them pleasant trips or job offers as models in areas
other than their location. Likewise, traffickers usually wait at dismissal time at

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the doors of educational institutions in order to approach potential victims and

gain their trust and then capture and exploit them.

Trafficking in minors begins and continues because there is a market: a supply

generated by a demand. In this totally illicit "business", children and adolescents
are seen as a commodity, an object that can be sold and bought for the
satisfaction of adults. Currently, trafficking for the purposes of child sexual
exploitation is the most widespread modality. Its main victims are children and
adolescents. These minors are exploited and subjected to punishments,
confinements and threats, both towards them and their families, among other
forms of control, to prevent them from escaping or abandoning these activities.
Mostly these victims are exploited within a circuit of discos, bars, canteens,
cinemas and nightclubs. Likewise, the existence of hostels is confirmed where
they do not require their clients to present their identity document to enter, in
addition to renting rooms by the hour and pornography. This circuit of
exploitation includes the presence of taxi drivers who transport the "clients" with
the adolescent to the place of the sexual encounter.

As demonstrated by the studies carried out by the (MIMDES) that one of the
forms of recruitment is through the internet, social networks such as Facebook,
WhatsApp, Instagram, among others. The majority of these victims are sexually
exploited and operate in nightclubs, bars and brothels.


 CAPTION: The act and result of capturing is called recruitment. This

verb, for its part, can refer to seducing or captivating someone or to
perceiving or receiving something. It is usually used to refer to the
process that is carried out with the aim of gaining the sympathy or will of
a person.

 COACTION: is the use of physical or mental force or violence exerted on

a person to force them to say or do something against their will.

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 DECEPTION: Action or set of words or actions with which someone is

deceived or made to believe something that is not true.

 FRAUD: This word has different meanings. It usually refers to

circumventing or evading the law. In the area of human trafficking, fraud
is the logical consequence of deception. The trafficker uses manipulation
and lies to get the victim to accept his offers. This can also be aimed at
controlling the victim and getting them to commit crimes under their
control. Fraud is included within the type of trafficking as one of the
means to reach the victim.

 STIGMATIZATION: Stigma is the origin of many human rights violations

and the cause of entire population groups being disadvantaged. It is
understood as a process of dehumanization, discredit and contempt of
people belonging to certain groups, often based on a feeling of disgust,
associated with an attribute, quality or identity that is considered "inferior"
or "abnormal" and is based in a socially constructed gap between "us"
and "them." (Naciones Unidas - Derechos Humanos)

 EXPLOITATION : Abusive use of a person for one's own benefit,

especially by making them work hard and paying them little.

 SEXUAL EXPLOITATION: is an illegal activity through which a person

(mostly a woman or minor) is violently subjected to sexual activities
without their consent, for which a third party receives financial

 ABSTRACT: is the crime in which a person is removed or retained by

means of force, intimidation or fraud, with the intention of undermining
his or her sexual integrity, with a sexual purpose.

 KIDNAPPING: is a crime that consists of unlawfully depriving a person

or group of people of their liberty, normally for a certain time, with the aim

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of obtaining a ransom or compliance with other demands to the detriment

of the kidnapped person or persons. third parties.

 TRAFFIC: “Commerce. Lucrative activity with the sale, exchange or

purchase of things or with bartering and lending money. Negotiation.
Transportation of people, animals or things.” (Victor, 1999., pág. 840)

 TREATMENT: “Illegal and immoral traffic that tends to exploit men,

deprived of their own disposition, or that of women, as merchandise for
physical pleasure. In both cases, freedom or honesty is traded for a
certain price. "Black trafficking and white trafficking are considered."
(CABAÑELAS, 2001, pág. 191)

 TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS : means the recruitment, transportation,

transfer, harboring or receipt of people, resorting to the threat or use of
force or other forms of coercion, kidnapping, fraud, deception, abuse of
power or a situation of vulnerability or the granting or receiving of
payments or benefits to obtain the consent of a person who has authority
over another, for the purposes of exploitation. (CHS ALTERNATIVO)

 MIGRANT TRAFFICKING: Trafficking has been defined as the

“facilitation of the illegal entry of a person into a State of which said
person is not a national or permanent resident for the purpose of
obtaining, directly or indirectly, a financial or other benefit.” of material

 TRAFFICKER: Many different types of people are traffickers who serve

various functions in the human trafficking process. The trafficker can be
the person who recruits, the person who organizes the trip or processes
the documents, the person who welcomes the person upon arrival, the
person who threatens, hits and forces them to work. All these chains of
people are linked by the knowledge that the victim is going to be
exploited, used as an object in their destiny. Some have travel or

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employment agencies. They can also be family or friends. There is no

profile of traffickers as many types of people may be seeking to make
money at the expense of the suffering and exploitation of others.”

 VULNERABILITY : “the quality that someone has to be able to be hurt”,

that is susceptible to being hurt or injured either physically or morally.




According to the research project developed on human trafficking and its

implications for minors, the following conclusions are issued:

1. Human trafficking is a type of slavery, taking into account the exploitation

purposes of this crime, human trafficking is made up of three elements,
which is (the act) of capturing, transferring, transporting, hosting and
receiving the victim. , (the means) under threat, coercion, deception,
fraud, taking advantage of the helpless state of the victim, and finally (the
objective) comes to achieve the ends of trafficking, which is exploitation,
whether sexual, labor, begging, organ trafficking, etc.

2. Given that the group most affected by the crime of human trafficking is
those under 18 years of age, it is essential that talks be given or that this
information be given in schools and different districts of the city. The
factors that most increase the risk in Ayacucho are poverty,
unemployment, lack of academic instruction, families where there is
some type of violence, the media that affirm women as sexual objects,
and the current capitalist model. , where only a few live and the majority

3. The socio-legal policy of the state in the prevention, combat and criminal
repression of human trafficking is a supposed unilateral solution, when
the socio-legal phenomenon is complex. Penal repression alone is not

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enough; strategy and tactics, which, as noted, is a state failure. Well, this
form of tactic does not prevent or solve the serious problem of human
trafficking of minors, by criminal mafias and perverted individuals. As is
known, this form of crime is still in process, the rate of this crime is
constantly increasing in the city of Ayacucho, which affects children,
adolescents and adolescents from poor families.


In order to take into account what was described about the content and the
relevant and significant perception that there is about the crime of human
trafficking and its implications for minors, Ayacucho - 2017, it is recommended:

1. The Peruvian state should become aware of this crime, which every year
involves more children and adolescents, generating large income for
traffickers, especially in places affected by poverty, where access to the
internet is free without taking into account the danger. caused by these
social networks, when they are not used appropriately, the Authorities
should provide greater protection to children lacking parental care who
are the most likely to be victims of human trafficking because they are in
a state of vulnerability due to their precarious situation. and its extreme

2. They should take into account in educational institutions in the Person,

Family, and Human Relations courses, to be diversified in their curricular
program as a transversal content, which is already reflected in other
countries, in a way that raises awareness, for the knowledge of the issue
and possible protection of minors, since the crime of human trafficking is
not known by both parents and the authorities of Educational Institutions.

3. The authorities in charge of the crime of trafficking should provide

awareness campaigns with Educational Institutions, carrying out
marches through the streets with posters, so that the population is
informed of the rights that correspond to children and adolescents

universidad alas peruanas

involved in trafficking. These crimes that are made known in the laws that
protect the victim, in Law No. 28950 Law against Human Trafficking and
Illicit Smuggling of Migrants that was regulated in 2008, should also
make it known that Educational Institutions They should not allow
withdrawal, repetition or school failures, since this cause discourages the
minor and exposes them to being easy prey for Social Networks.

 Luis Fernando Centeno. (s.f.). Manual de perfiles aplicados a la detección de víctimas y
victimarios del delito de Trata de Personas. Obtenido de

 RPP Noticias. (s.f.). Obtenido de


 Adoratrices | Fundación Amaranta. (s.f.). Adoratrices Proyecto Esperanza. Obtenido de

 Andrés, E. Z. (2017). Obtenido de

 Barrera, R. M. (2010). Obtenido de

 CABAÑELAS, G. (2001). diccionario enciclopédico de derecho usual . Argentina: Edit.

universidad alas peruanas

 Capital Humano y Social Alternativo. (s.f.). Obtenido de

 Cárdenas, A. P. (agosto de 2015). Obtenido de

 Carrasco, S. (2006). Metodología de la Investigación.

 CHS ALTERNATIVO. (s.f.). Obtenido de

 Claudia Chavez. (s.f.). Obtenido de

 Consciencia Global. (s.f.). Obtenido de

 Daniela Rodriguez. (s.f.). Investigación básica: características, definición, ejemplos.

Obtenido de LIFEDER.COM:

 Diario Judicial Jornada. (s.f.). Obtenido de

 DIARIO: JORNADA. (s.f.). Obtenido de


 Espacio Virtual. (s.f.). 101 términos de investigación científica. Obtenido de




 Herrada, Z. R. (2017). Obtenido de

 JOSE CARMONA LEÓN. (20 de abril de 2012). SlideShare. Obtenido de

 Katherin Marcia Salazar Apaza. (2016). DELITO DE TRATA DE PERSONAS CON FINES DE

universidad alas peruanas

 Meerbeck, A. E. (2016). Obtenido de

 MINISTERIO DEL INTERIOR. (s.f.). Obtenido de



 Naciones Unidas - Derechos Humanos. (s.f.). Obtenido de

 OLIVAS, JHON MEDINA. (s.f.). Monografias. com. Obtenido de

 Pardo, D. M. (2014). Obtenido de

 Quispe, M. G. (2016). Obtenido de

 Shuttleworth, M. (s.f.). Obtenido de


 UNODC. (s.f.). Obtenido de

 Victor, D. S. (1999.). Diccionario de ciencias jurídicas, políticas, sociales y de economía.

Argentina: Edit. Universidad.


universidad alas peruanas


General Problem General objective General Hypothesis V1 Population : 600

What are the Identify the implications There is an incidence of human trafficking Sample : 50 cases
implications of human of human trafficking in human trafficking in
trafficking in minors, minors, Ayacucho, minors, violating their Indicators Design : non-
Ayacucho, 2017? 2017. rights for exploitation experimental cross-
purposes in the city of Coercion sectional
Ayacucho, 2017. Transport
Violence Basic investigation
Exploitation Approach : qualitative

Implications on Level: descriptive
Specific Problems Specific objectives Specific Hypotheses Minors correlational

How does poverty Indicators Method:

influence human Determine if poverty Poverty significantly Empirical
trafficking in minors, influences human influences human Child abuse Descriptive
Ayacucho 2017? trafficking in minors, trafficking in minors,
Ayacucho 2017. Ayacucho 2017 Kids from the street.

universidad alas peruanas

How does the

orientation and Identify if the orientation The lack of guidance
communication and communication and communication Poverty Technique:
between parents and between parents and between parents and Observation
children influence children influences children significantly Consumerism Documentary research
human trafficking in human trafficking in influences human
The lack of guidance
minors, Ayacucho minors, Ayacucho 2017. trafficking in minors,
between parents and
2017? Ayacucho 2017.
Observation sheet
Tolerance and social
Documentary research
Determine if child abuse Child abuse within the guide
How does child abuse influences human family significantly
within the family trafficking in minors, influences human
influence human Ayacucho 2017. trafficking in minors,
trafficking in minors, Ayacucho 2017.
Ayacucho 2017?



universidad alas peruanas

It will mean the - Capture
- Forms of operation - transport
of traffickers - welcome
transportation, transfer, - reception
harboring or reception of
V1 people, resorting to the
- Coercion
threat or use of force or - Means used by - Rapture
other forms of coercion, - Deception
TREATS traffickers
The instrument that has - Fraud
kidnapping, fraud, - Abuse of power
OF PEOPLE been used is
deception, abuse of power observation sheets
- sexual
or a situation of
- Exploitation - labor
vulnerability or the - trade in organs
granting or receipt of -begging
- sale of children.
payments or benefits to
obtain the consent of a - Children
person who has authority
- Victims - girls
- Teenagers
over another, for the - Women
purposes of exploitation.


universidad alas peruanas



All those individuals who
- Child abuse within the
have not yet reached the age - Family Factors
- kids from the street.
of adulthood or majority will
be called minors. Minority - poverty
covers all of childhood and
The instrument that - the lack of guidance and
all of adolescence. has been used is communication between
observation sheets parents and children.
According to the code of
children and adolescents, - harmful traditions and
children are considered to be customs
all human beings from
conception to twelve years of
- social tolerance and

age and adolescents from - Social factors impunity

twelve to eighteen years of - sexist culture and

irresponsible sexual

- consumerism.

universidad alas peruanas


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