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1. What aspects of the environment can affect the future of the automobile industry in Spain?

Economic aspect
One of the aspects that can affect are the economic crises, which caused a drastic drop in domestic demand for automobiles, and
may be repeated at some point.

Legal aspect
It is mentioned that the tax authorities abuse their power to tax or hinder the operation of acquiring a car and being able to use it,
with the various regulations, requirements, fines, etc. Tax revenues are focused in such a way that the desire is not to renew a fleet
of vehicles, but rather to preserve the old ones.

Environmental Aspect
The environmental trend has grown lately, which is why if the industry does not take this into consideration, the market would be
in danger later. However, to date, the industry has responded assertively in terms of sustainable production that generates reduced
polluting effects; Despite this, the response of the automobile industry to the end of the life cycle of cars is being taken into
account in order to be able to manufacture cars with materials that can be reused.

Technological Aspect
The constant technological demands are going to positively affect the automobile industry. Every year new technologies are
added both in the production process and in automobiles.

Socio-Cultural Aspect
One of the trends adopted by the Spanish population is to use a car until it can no longer work, that is when they buy a new one.
In this way, 42% of the cars in Spain are more than 10 years old. However, it is expressed that most of the population feels that a
means of personal transportation is much more satisfactory and includes it in their way of life.

2. With the above and researching on the Internet, it carries out an analysis of the industrial sectors involved in the
management and production of waste (ELV - Vehicles at the end of their usefulness), and the agents involved in it.

Through Royal Decree 1383/2002, an approach to the management and treatment of ELV waste from the production of vehicles
is legally developed. The measures require manufacturers to design and build vehicles and their elements in a way that facilitates
the disassembly, decontamination, reuse and recovery of ELVs. This decree considers economic, political and legal aspects, in a
way that encourages manufacturers to develop (through new technologies) and modify the production of their automobiles.

On the other hand, the treatment that the standard requires that waste be reused, recycled and recovered. In this way, Authorized
Treatment Centers (CAT) have been designated, where all vehicles will have to end up, either due to obsolescence or lack of
technical and safety conditions to continue operating. In this regard, the results obtained in 2015 show that the usefulness of this
measure allows 86.53% of ELV waste to be recovered, which places Spain as one of the most developed countries in this field.

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