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IMPORTANT: FINAL EXAM with SUMADI (EF SUMADI) (Final Evaluation) (self-grading

questionnaire - supervised with SUMADI) (includes browser and webcam monitoring) - in Week 15

• The Final Exam with SUMADI (EF SUMADI) (Final Evaluation) , will be available in the virtual classroom of the
course from Monday, June 26 at 1:00 p.m. and will have the DEADLINE TO SEND the Final Exam questionnaire with
SUMADI on Monday July 3 at 1:00 p.m. It will be one (1) attempt. Duration: 40 minutes (10 questions), 40% weight.
• In accordance with what is established by the corresponding area , the Final Exam with SUMADI (EF SUMADI)
questionnaire evaluates the topics developed throughout the course (from week 2 to week 13 (modules 1 to 12).
• Also remember that it will be very important to review and review with the recording of the videoconference: Final
Feedback of week 14, which WILL also BE OF GREAT HELP (also review the highlighted ideas, in bold, the
cases presented, in addition to the questions, that is every aspect provided in the videoconference). The
recording is shared within the section: “Week 14”.
• Review the course materials (including the recordings of the videoconferences, also reviewing the “Learning
Verification” questions that were developed in the almost final part of the videoconferences, from week 2).
- The minimum grade to pass the course is 12.
- Review the messages shared also in “Announcements” of the virtual classroom, among them, about the Final Exam with
SUMADI (EF SUMADI) (Final Evaluation). Remember to be aware of the messages that are shared in the course's
Virtual Classroom.
- Also, review the Course Schedule by clicking on “General Course Information”, then in the “Welcome” subsection.
The course does NOT have a substitute exam.
Feedback: T4 with SUMADI (evaluation that was carried out in week 13 )

In accordance with what is indicated by the corresponding area, the three questions where students had the highest incidence of
error in their answers in the T4 graded evaluation with SUMADI that was carried out in week 13 will be indicated :

Carrying out continuous monitoring and follow-up of your Social Responsibility Action Plan is essential for the "DANFER" agroindustry, which
must be a systematic and schematized process. Indicate what is the first step you must follow to carry out this process. Answer: Determine
what will be monitored and the roles of those responsible for monitoring.

During the impact evaluation process of a project to recover parks and gardens in the area, Natalia is faced with a dilemma, since she wants to
measure the level of satisfaction of the beneficiaries in relation to the activities implemented, but she does not know which ones. indicators to
use for this purpose. Point out what type of indicators Natalia should use. Answer: Subjective

Plans, programs and projects need to be evaluated in order to measure effectiveness before intervention. Answer: False
How have we interacted?
? Reviewing the Introductory Module
? Participating in the Presentation Forum
? Reviewing the material of each of the modules
> Video conferencing
> Through the “Messages” section, among others .
UPN achievement
At the end of the session, the student reflects on Social
Responsibility as theory and practice through the final feedback of
the course with the capacity for analysis, clarity and coherence.
Final feedback t
Final feedback

Ethics: It is the action of knowing how to discern CASE :

between good and bad , what is good for us and what Antonio is a civil engineer who is in charge of
is not. the construction of a shopping center. One
Reflective act of moral problems. The object of study of morning, Antonio receives a proposal from the
construction manager, who suggests that they
ethics is morality . could buy and use lower-cost and low-quality
materials. In such a way that they could obtain
a high profit margin. Antonio refuses and
decides to continue using quality materials.
We are facing an ethical case.
Final feedback
It seeks to improve the conditions of the population , seeking an economic, PILLARS OF
social and environmental balance , through actions that safeguard resources SUSTAINABL SOCIAL INCLUSION
for future generations. Sustainable development meets present needs while E
guaranteeing the capacity of future generations. DEVELOPME
The general population can contribute in their daily lives with actions that
contribute to sustainable development , such as: Control of water use,
reducing plastic consumption, reducing the use of batteries.
CASES : -THE PEOPLE: Promote a dignified life for the entire
-Andrés decides to use his car less and less, prioritizing using
-THE PLANET: As a generator of resources.
public transportation, bicycle or even walking. This is an initiative
-PROSPERITY: having economic achievements in a sustainable way .
for Sustainable Development.
-PEACE : It can be achieved to the extent that there
is understanding between the various nations.
-The NGO “Unidos" implements programs in which it
-ALLIANCES: To overcome the challenges set.
disseminates human rights, equity
intergenerational and education. This is related to the THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS are 17 and 169 goals and their
Sustainable Development Pillar of Social Inclusion purpose is to eradicate poverty, protect the planet and guarantee that everyone enjoys
peace and prosperity. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the heart of the
2030 Agenda and are part of it . This agenda seeks to ensure that these objectives
are achieved by 2030 by the signatory nations.

Sustainable development depends on sustainable development to be

realized .
Final feedback t
Juan is walking down the street; When you reach a traffic light, you notice that a blind person wants to cross the avenue.
Given this, Juan kindly asks him if he requires any type of support because the track has some unevenness, obtaining a yes
in response. What kind of action just occurred?
Final feedback t
Julieta is a renowned doctor, one day she receives an important political candidate as an emergency patient who requests discretion
about her case. Hours later, a group of reporters arrive at the hospital and surreptitiously request information about the candidate in
question. We are facing a case...
Daniel, a 2-year-old boy pushes and injures his companion of the same age, we can affirm that said infant is an individual...

a) Amoral
b) Antisocial
Final feedback


Its purpose is to preserve the global ecosystem. Try to The company "VERDES" manufactures inputs and products for
keep natural resources afloat to achieve human the agricultural industry, prioritizing the use of organic products,
development. Conservation of natural resources: reducing the production of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in
autonomous capacity. the agricultural industry, with the purpose of protecting soil and
CASE : water resources. In this way, the company has a commitment
to Sustainable Development.
Sustainable Development and Sustainable Development: They are
complementary but do not have the same meaning, they are not
Final feedback

Definition of environment Environmental pollution

Set of physical, chemical, biological elements and social factors, capable of Process of deterioration (affects the natural quality of ecosystems) that
causing effects on living beings and human activities. unfavorably modifies the environment, appears (...) as a by-product of
human activity.
Air pollutants:
Carbon monoxide
Nitrogen oxides
Water contaminants:
• Wastewater
• Pollution with industrial CASE: Water and soil contamination is often caused by the extraction of tree species, whose maintenance residues
waste from the machinery used for this purpose are discarded without measuring the environmental consequences.
Soil contaminants:
• Pesticides CASE: The use of chemical insecticides for the agricultural industry used in the various stages of agricultural activity
• Herbicides would mainly be causing contamination of the soil and groundwater with which they are related.
• Insecticides

Remember: Water can IMPACT
become an element that threatens public health, as it is contaminated with various infectious agents.
Air or atmospheric pollution
-Environmental risk to health.
-Cerebrovascular accidents .
-Lung cancer.
-Chronic and acute neuropathies,
Final feedback


Acid rain : It occurs when polluting emissions from factories,
• CASE: If a company produces emissions of polluting
automobiles or heating boilers come into contact with
gases above the maximum permitted limits, it would
moisture in the atmosphere. These emissions contain
be producing Atmospheric Pollution.
nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide and sulfur trioxide, which
when mixed with water are transformed into sulfurous acid,
• CASE: Companies that do not adequately treat their nitric acid and sulfuric acid.
industrial liquid waste before discharging it into the
sea would be generating Pollution of marine
The “METAL” company emits gases such as nitrogen oxides and
• CASE: In Peru, soil pollution is mainly caused by
sulfur compounds in its production process . The most likely
industrial and mining activity. If they are solid waste,
environmental effect that would occur if favorable weather
they remain part of it.
conditions are present would be acid rain.
Final feedback

Approaches to Social Responsibility

Person Focus Planet Focus Community Focus
Commitment that every person has Centered in the integration and
This approach allows us to reflect on
with themselves, with society and the Mutual identification between the
the role of man in the face of pollution
environment . It is based on the problems and the need to implement company or organization and social
consideration for the other. It corrective measures. groups or communities that have some
manifests itself in the way we live with direct or indirect relationship,
others and treat others, respecting generating well-being. This approach
rights and equal opportunities. ensures an efficient final evaluation
of the impact of the interventions.

CASE : The NGO “PRIMAVERA” would be working with the community approach, since it has planned to implement
a project in a human settlement with the purpose of strengthening the importance of oral health in children.
Final feedback
Social values within the community
When intervening in a community, it is necessary to consider ethical conduct taking these values into account. Furthermore,
each value contains components that we must respect when intervening.

Common good and social equity / Equal opportunities

Sustainable development Sociality and solidarity

care of the environment for coexistence
atmosphere / Recognize everyone's
/Development contribution
sustain him

CASE: If a company designs

Acceptance and
an intervention where it
appreciation of diversity /
develops actions that benefit
Appreciate freedom
all members of a community
in the use of a basic service,
ensuring efficient use of it, then it is considering: Equal Opportunities - Common Good and social equity.
Final feedback


First stage
Business era. In this first stage that went through the concepts of Social
Economic: This dimension represents the economic interests of the
Responsibility, it was believed that only companies were responsible for the
company's shareholders and investors. It contemplates the expectations
environment and issues related to Sustainable Development were not yet
desired by the company's society.
prioritized. The profitability of the company was thought about. Classic philanthropy.
Second stage
Era of the Great Depression : Economic and social crisis. Ethics: Expected by some interest groups or stakeholders of the company.
Third stage
Era of social activism : from the 1960s and 1970s. Legal: In order to make profits, the company must comply with the law of the
Fourth stage country where it operates.
Era of social consciousness: which begins in the 1980s and continues in the 1990s.
Era of Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development. Philanthropic: The philanthropic dimension of Social Responsibility leads to the
development of actions that go beyond what is required and expected.

Stakeholders or INTEREST GROUPS

elements within the aspects of Social Responsibility that interact with the company
They are
or organization and that are negatively or positively affected by its actions and whose
actions, in turn, negatively or positively affect the company or organization .
Lorca (2004) points out: If the company wants to achieve competitive advantages, it must take into account the interests of
all stakeholders (Interest Groups) .
Final feedback

Relate the concepts as appropriate:

1. Contains 10 universal principles to be incorporated by a) Interest groups

b)Expected by some interest

2. It is made up of 17 general items that must be met before
the year 2030.

3. Their interests must be taken into account if a company c)UN Global Compact
wants to obtain comparative advantages
4. Ethical responsibility d) Sustainable Development Goals
Social responsability of the company

Historical evolution of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

1789 : Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen is highlighted as an event

that allowed companies to incorporate good actions towards society.

1890: Sherman Antitrust Law published on July 2, 1890, with which the
parameters of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) began to be known.
This law demonstrated the need for regulation and control in the business
environment, seeking to protect both individual and collective interests of
society. Condemns the restriction of markets . It arose to prevent the creation
of monopolies and protect competition.

1980 : According to Duque, Cardona and Rendón (2013), Corporate Social

Responsibility arises from the need to address the various demands of
society, with voluntary actions to improve the quality of life of a specific social
Final feedback

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR )

It could be stated that the Responsibility

Corporate Social (CSR) is a way of doing business considering people,
communities, the environment based on universal ethical values . A
socially responsible company is an ethical, committed and sustainable
entity, as it generates a positive footprint on a social, environmental and
economic level.
Carroll (1991, as cited in Atahuichi et al., 2015) maintains that the
concept of
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) encompasses society's
economic, legal, ethical, and voluntary or philanthropic expectations of

Corporate Social Responsibility

understand the expectations
economic, legal and ethical
society in relation to companies .
Final feedback
Approaches/Theories of Corporate Social Responsibility
• The Instrumental Theory prioritizes the economic benefit for the company • This approach seeks the development of Corporate
as an essential requirement for the implementation of Social Social Responsibility (CSR) activities under the
Responsibility plans. integration of various demands social ,
• According to this approach, the condition for companies to carry out CSR highlighting compliance with laws, public policies and
activities is that they are linked to the achievement of greater benefits for balanced management of the particular interests of a
their shareholders . company's stakeholders.


• This approach emphasizes the social commitment that unfolds

from the company as it engages with the demands of
society .
• The larger organizations they are, they can be seen as a
political entity that, by making decisions in accordance with
social interests, acquire power and influence over a society.
Therefore, it will allow them to influence the cultural,
political and business framework .
Final feedback
Defenders of this approach maintain that Corporate Social
Responsibility activities must be carried out based on universal
rights, which includes respect for human and labor rights, care for
the environment and interest in sustainable development, taking
into account business activities focused on the advancement of
present and future generations.

CSR actions must be carried out prioritizing universal rights

Final feedback

Relate the concepts as appropriate .

1. CSR activities will enable them to influence the political, a)Theory about ethics and morals in
cultural and business framework that regulates their
commercial activity.

2. CSR actions must be carried out prioritizing universal b) Political theory


3. Condemns the restriction of markets or free trade .

c) Corporate Social Responsibility

4. Understands the economic, legal and ethical expectations

of society in relation to companies. d) Sherman Antitrust Act
Final feedback

What is the UNIONS project?
Educational proposal of the university (UPN) that seeks to generate
UN Global Compact
exchange of knowledge between students and inhabitants of a population.

The United Nations (UN) Global Compact contains

10 principles. The UN Global Compact calls on The objective of the UNIONES Project is to train upright
companies to incorporate 10 universal principles professionals based on universal values and critical attitudes.
related to 4 important topics: Human Rights, Labor
Standards, Environment, Anti-Corruption.
Action plan
Write the General Objective and the Specific Objectives to determine
what is intended to be achieved with the execution of the intervention.
The appropriate way to write the general objective is not the same for
specific objectives.
Final feedback

Action plan: Components

Context Location
When deciding to implement a Social Responsibility Action Plan , the area of intervention of the project
must first be identified, with this the Social Responsibility (SR) project can be started.
When locating the social context where the project will be carried out, its location must be detailed,
specifying the hierarchical order of location: Region – Province – District – Locality
Final feedback

Action plan: Components


To cite verbatim a short bibliographical reference we have:

Quote based on the text.
Quote based on the author.

Textual quote of less than 40 words with emphasis on the text or content:

"There are two components or processes in resilience: a real and significant risk or threat, as well as a positive
reaction to such risk" (Enciso, 2013, p.27).

Text quote of less than 40 words with emphasis on the author:

Omar (2006) indicated: "Structural justice focuses on the environmental context where interactions occur and social
justice refers to the treatment of individuals" (p.51).

Textual or Direct Quote : use an idea as is from the original text .
Final feedback

paraphrased quote
Paraphrasing consists of using an author's ideas, but expressing them in the writer's own words.
On the other hand, paraphrasing allows us to summarize and synthesize information from one or more


According to Voloshinov (1976), when he talks about the importance of the
interpretation of words, he states that they can supplant ideological signs; However, this
type of sign, by its very nature, cannot be fully replaced by the linguistic sign.
Final feedback

MONITORING PROCESS : Who carries out the monitoring process?

Review stage of activities to take corrective actions
It is preferable that those responsible for the implementation of the
project are the ones who carry out the monitoring process, they are the ones
Why is tracking important? who will make the relevant changes.

The importance of the monitoring process:

It allows you to analyze the status of the project or plan and identify
problems to make the respective adjustments.
Implement corrective actions to reorient activities towards achieving
the set goals.

Tracking Types
The common types of tracking and monitoring applied to projects,
action plans are: Results, processes, compliance, context and

Remember that , Compliance monitoring

With this, it is possible to corroborate and report whether the ethical
standards established in the project are being respected.
Final feedback


Below are the components of an effective monitoring
strategy for projects , programs, and action plans.
> DATA AND ANALYSIS: Compile documents from
action plans or projects.
Review the context, Prepare for follow-up Supervise, Use data and
clarify roles and by reinforcing goals collect data, monitoring
> VALIDATION : Confirm whether the information
responsibilities analyze and report information in obtained from the progress is correct or not.
management and
decision making
> PARTICIPATION: Obtain the perception of the
beneficiaries in relation to the activities proposed in the
• The first step is to determine what is going to be monitored; in addition, the
functions or roles of those responsible for monitoring must be established . One of the most important activities of
Monitoring is the collection and analysis of
• Last step of the monitoring process, it is related to the use of data for in situ data.
decision making. CASE: A group of professionals who are implementing a
Social Responsibility Action Plan in a town of extreme poverty
wish to begin a follow-up and monitoring process. Due to the
CASE: The company "VERDE" has been carrying out the monitoring tasks of its
difficulty of entering the area, they decided to only carry out a
Social Responsibility Action Plan, which is a systematic and schematized process. documentary review of the executed budgets. In that
The first step that must be followed for this process is to determine what is going sense, it is not collecting and analyzing data on site.
to be monitored, in addition, the functions or roles of those responsible for
monitoring must be established.
Final feedback

TOOLS FOR THE PROCESS tools: Questionnaires, reports, field formats.

of visits

In order to carry out a strategy and be able to correctly

monitor plans or projects, it is necessary to use some Problematic

Final feedback


The problematic situation of an environment must

be identified.

Scientifically substantiate the problem found.

Define who the project is aimed at.

Determine the activities that will be carried out in

relation to the beneficiary that will be served.

Determine the achievement and improvement

indicators that will be used.
Final feedback

Impact evaluations are concerned with knowing the effectiveness (or causal effect) of a program. Thus, an impact
evaluation analyzes the changes in the result directly attributable to the program (Gertler et al., 2011).

What questions should be asked in the impact evaluation?

- What is expected to be done?
- What activities were carried out?
- How will the results be measured?

Remember : Programs, projects, policies and action plans must be evaluated to measure the degree of effectiveness they have after
their intervention.

The impact evaluation of a plan or project allows measuring its planned and unforeseen effects .
Final feedback
Impact evaluation indicators

It is useful for the parties interested in the development of the action plan to participate in the selection of the
indicators, in order to ensure that they constitute a good measure of the performance of the program or project.

The indicators must meet certain criteria, that is, they must be:

□ SPECIFIC: To measure the information that is required with the

greater proximity.

□ MEASURABLE: To ensure that it is feasible to obtain the information.

□ ATTRIBUTABLE: To ensure that each indicator is related to the achievements of the


□ REALISTIC: To ensure that data can be obtained in a timely manner with a reasonable

□ FOCUSED: On the target population

Final feedback

Types of impact evaluation indicators Subjective Indicators

Objective Indicators Subjective indicators aim to measure appreciations about
what has been prepared. When questions are asked about
They measure tangible facts that everyone could agree on. That people's attitudes , in this case we are in the realm of the
is, it is possible to inspect them directly through observation by subjective. (SIID, 2003, p. 14). If you want to measure the
anyone who prepares an evaluation. “Objective indicators are level of satisfaction of the beneficiaries in relation to the
based on external observations and are simply applied to the implemented activities
counting of different activities” (SIID, 2003, p. 14).

❖ Percentage of users who have an Oral Health program □ Level of people satisfied with oral health training
❖ Percentage of professionals who receive specific □ Level of satisfaction of park residents with the arrangement of
training related to their performance. the gardens.
❖ Number of beneficiary families □ Residents' level of satisfaction with the Literacy Program.
Final feedback

The impact evaluation is based on the question:

What would have happened if the intervention had not been carried out?
The evaluator must consider, construct hypothetical scenarios that show the absence of
the intervention.

Situation with intervention / situation without intervention

For these two scenarios, the evaluator must work with some instruments (interview,
observation sheet, etc.) to measure the change after the intervention.

In the middle of the impact evaluation stage of a social responsibility action project, the evaluation The evaluations of
team asks itself the question about what would have happened if the intervention was not carried out. impact address the
The best way to answer this question is: Evaluating the changes in a scenario with intervention effectiveness of a
and another without intervention.
program compared to
absence of the
Final feedback

The livestock company "BIO MILTIN" carries out its operations in the mountains of Peru, it has established a business culture; that include in their internal
policies, commitments to human rights, environmental rights, transparency or gender equality, including collaborators, suppliers and other interest groups. It also
promotes public-private alliances with NGOs to create work centers that employ the most vulnerable groups in the area, as well as organic crops, eliminating the
use of chemicals in livestock farming. This company complies with the concepts of:

a)Sustainable Development b) Citizen participation c) Recycling and reuse

“Blue Perú" is a company dedicated to the manufacturing of inputs and products for the agricultural industry. In recent years, this company has prioritized in its
institutional policies, promoting environmental measures that help the conservation, restoration or reforestation of native plant species and ecosystems, limiting
or eliminating the use of chemicals, contaminants or harmful substances to avoid contaminating the food, air, water or soil. In this way you demonstrate your
commitment to:

a)The profitability of the marketed products b) Sustainable Development

Final feedback
The economic dimension of Social Responsibility does not contemplate the expectations desired by society of the company

Daniel works as a tower crane operator in a construction company. Due to the proximity of delivery of the work, his bosses require him to
work a double shift, without taking into consideration his hours of sleep or adequate rest, or the safety of his colleagues and transported
materials. What approach to Social Responsibility is being handled in the wrong way?
a) Community Focus b) Person Focus c) Planet Focus
Paraphrasing consists of using the ideas of other authors, expressing them as the original quote. a) TRUE b) FALSE
Final feedback

The NGO "Emprender" wants to intervene in a locality to improve adolescents' access to financial education and entrepreneurship
issues. What type of Social Responsibility approach should this institution work to guarantee an efficient final evaluation of the
impact of said interventions?
a) Communit b) To the parents c)To the local adolescent
The "Cerro Verde" mining consortium has designed the intervention population
in a local community to promote the appropriate use of water
resources, prioritizing the implementation of basic conditions so that all identified beneficiaries efficiently take advantage of the
opportunities generated as a result of the intervention. In this case, indicate the component and value associated with these

a) Appreciate freedom- Acceptance and appreciation of diversity

b) Equal opportunities - Common good and social equity
Final feedback

A group of members of the College of Nutritionists of Peru, during the impact evaluation of the execution of a Social Responsibility Action
Plan called "Antianemia", have established certain indicators, however, they realize that these are not closely related to the project
achievements. According to what has been mentioned, what criteria would these indicators not be meeting?

a) Focused b) Attributable

The software company "INGENIERO PERÚ" has been developing a Social Responsibility Action Plan, as part of the follow-up and
monitoring process, collected pertinent information on the activities carried out, however, said information was not corroborated, but
impressions and level of satisfaction of project beneficiaries. Point out which component of an effective follow-up strategy was not taken
into account.
a) The participation b) Data and analysis c) Validation
Carrying out continuous monitoring and follow-up of your Social Responsibility Action Plan is essential for the "DENFAR" agroindustry,
which must be a systematic and schematized process. Indicate what is the first step you must follow to carry out this process.

a) Monitor actions
b) Application of corrective actions
c) Determine what will be monitored and the roles of those responsible for monitoring.
Final feedback t
Relate the concepts as appropriate.

1 .Problems, theoretical framework, beneficiaries, actions and a) Monitoring process


2 . Review stage of activities to take corrective actions b) Impact evaluation

3. What is expected to be done? What activities were c) Basic components of a Social

carried out? How will the results be measured? Responsibility action plan

4. Reflective act of moral problems d) Ethics

Final reflection of the
IMPORTANT: FINAL EXAM with SUMADI (EF SUMADI) (Final Evaluation) (self-grading
questionnaire - supervised with SUMADI (includes browser and webcam monitoring) - in Week 15

• The Final Exam with SUMADI (EF SUMADI) (final evaluation) will be available in the virtual classroom of the
course from Monday, June 26 at 1:00 p.m. and will have a deadline to send the questionnaire for the Final Exam
with SUMADI (EF SUMADI) on Monday, July 3 at 1:00 p.m. It will be one (1) attempt. Duration: 40 minutes (10 questions),
40% weight.
• In accordance with what is established by the corresponding area , the Final Exam with SUMADI (EF SUMADI) questionnaire
evaluates the topics developed throughout the course (from week 2 to week 13 (modules 1 to 12).
• Review the course materials (including the recordings of the videoconferences, also reviewing the “Verification of Learning”
questions that were developed in the almost final part of the videoconferences, from week 2). Also remember to review and review
with the recording of the videoconference: Final Feedback of week 14, which will also be of great help (review in said recording,
also, the highlighted ideas, in bold, the cases presented, in addition to the questions, that is every aspect provided in the
videoconference). The recording is shared within the section: “Week 14”).
Remember :
- The minimum grade to pass the course is 12.
- Review the messages shared also in “Announcements” of the virtual classroom, among them, about the Final Exam with SUMADI (EF
SUMADI) (Final Evaluation). Be aware of the messages that are shared with instructions and recommendations in the course's virtual
- Also, review the Course Schedule by clicking on “General Course Information”, then in the “Welcome” subsection.

The course does NOT have a substitute exam .

Make inquiries
You can also send your queries through the
“Messages” section of the virtual classroom of
the course.

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