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Answer the following questions.

1. If the price of oil is 4,000 Tanzanian shillings, what is the cost of 3 liters?
? = 4,000 * 3 =12,000
If 1 l of oil is 4,000 tsz 12,000 is the price of 3 l.

2. Arrange the following in ascending order ;450 ml,40 ml,4 ml and 400 ml.
450 ml,40 ml,4 ml,400 ml.
4 ml, 40 ml, 400 ml, 450 ml .

3.A gas tank contains 5 liters of gas. If 3 liters have been used up, how many liters are left
In the tank?
5 l -3 l


: . If they use 3 liters the gas remained with 2 liters of gas

4.How many 500 ml bottles are required to fill a 20 liters bucket.


1 l =2 bottles of 500 ml

1 l + 2 half

20 l = ×

× = 20 × 2= 40

If you want to fill the bucket 40 bottles of 500 mls.

5. How many 5 liters

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