Blue Midterm

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Name:________________ Class: Interchange 2_Blue Date: 08/June/2024

F/Name:_______________ Paper: Midterm Exam Instructor: Rahmati

Part one: Unscramble the following sentences.

1. the / she / going to / fan / on / turn. _____________________________________________________.

2. she/ use / to / does / play / soccer? _____________________________________________________.

3. was / not / Fatima / good / a / student. _____________________________________________________.

4. Do you know /are / where / the phone? _____________________________________________________.

5. I / ask / will / him / About / his car. _____________________________________________________.

Part two: fill in the blanks with one of the tow words given in parenthesis.

6. There ______ too many chairs in the class. (are/is)

7. There ______ too much rice in the palate. (are/is)

8. There is ________ sugar in my tea. (fewer/less)

9. I met ___________ students in the class. (too much/ too many)

10. she didn’t _______ me in the hotel. (saw / see)

11. She ___________ studied English for two years. (have/has)

12. I have __________ football several times. (played/plays)

13. I wish I _________ a new house. (have/had)

14. I wish I _________ a doctor. (were/was)

15. you must _________ Your lessons. (study/studied)

Part three: Translate to Persian and make 1 sentence for each word.

16. divide a.‫تقسیم کردن‬ b. ‫ادویه‬ c. ‫داوود‬ d. ‫اداره کردن‬

17. strange a. ‫بیگانه‬ b. ‫قوی‬ c. ‫استراحت‬ d. ‫معروف‬

18. brain a. ‫شش‬ b. ‫جگر‬ c. ‫قلب‬ d. ‫مغز‬

19. Exact a. ‫حریف‬ b. ‫دقیق‬ c. ‫سازمان‬ d. ‫مجهول‬

20. stay a. ‫ماندن‬ b. ‫قدم زدن‬ c. ‫رفتن‬ d. ‫ترک کردن‬

Part Four: Write about your morning Routine using Sequence Adverbs ( first, Then, Next, After that, Finally )

21. ____________________________________________________________________________.

22. ____________________________________________________________________________.

23. ____________________________________________________________________________.

24. ____________________________________________________________________________.

25. ____________________________________________________________________________.

Part Five: Make sentences using Modal Verbs

26. Can: _________________________________________________________________________.

27. Could: _________________________________________________________________________.

28. Shall: _________________________________________________________________________.

29. Should: _________________________________________________________________________.

30. may: _________________________________________________________________________.

31. Might: _________________________________________________________________________.

32. Would: _________________________________________________________________________.

33. Ought to: _________________________________________________________________________.

34. must: _________________________________________________________________________.

35. Have to: _________________________________________________________________________.

Part Six: Make Corrections

36. I didn’t played football.

37. She Were a student.

38. Did I saw him somewhere?

39. they has called me several times.

40. she has too much computers.

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