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The Dictionary of Christian Dreams and Visions


by ASR Martins

Amos 3:7
Certainly the Lord God will do nothing, but They will reveal their
secret to their servants the prophets.

Numbers 12:6
And he said, Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you,
I, the Lord, will make myself known to him in a vision, and I will
speak to him in a dream.

The Dictionary of Authentic Christian Dream and Vision Symbols

was compiled out of the pure need for a dictionary of authentic
dream and vision symbols. The vast majority of dream dictionaries
available today are predominantly false and erroneous. People need
to have access to a Bible-based dream and vision dictionary that is
truly authentic, but unfortunately, most of them can't find one at all.

Out of sheer desperation, Christians make use of all kinds of dream

and vision dictionaries on the Internet. These dictionaries are in fact
seriously contaminated with numerous false meanings for different
symbols. The way the authors (compilers) of these dictionaries give
meanings to symbols is not biblical. Most of the time it is a guessing
game for most of them and therefore it is not worth making use of
these dictionaries. Most of them are non-Christian dictionaries such
as Muslim dictionaries or dictionaries of pagan religions. Some of
them are dictionaries of psychological or demonic basis and equally
dangerous for the people of God.

Quite a few of them are clearly rooted in occult and demon

possessed mediums and fortune tellers took advantage of the
existence of dreams, visions and the interpretation of dreams and
visions to desecrate this wonderful gift from God. These dictionaries
were in fact created mainly to mislead people and are in fact useless,
dangerous and cannot be used at all.

Daniel 1:17
As for these four children, God gave them knowledge and skill in all
learning and wisdom; and Daniel had understanding in all the
visions and dreams.

Psalm 25:14
The secret of the Lord is with those who fear him, and he will show
them his covenant.

That is why this book was written. God's people need access to a
dictionary of authentic dreams and visions. To ensure that this book
is a useful aid to the reader, I need to discuss the purpose and
foundations of dreams and visions. Therefore, in this book, I need to
make some very important statements about dreams and visions.

What is the purpose of dreams and visions?

Dreams and visions are, among other forms of communication, a
very important method that God uses to communicate with people.

Job 33:14-20
14 For God speaks once and twice, but man does not perceive it.

15 In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon

men, when they sleep in bed;
16 Then open the ears of men and seal their instruction,
17 That he may withdraw man from his purpose, and hide man's
18 He keeps his soul from the pit, and his life from perishing by the
19 He is also punished with pain on his bed, and the multitude of
his bones with severe pain:
20 So his life hates bread, and his soul hates fine meat.
He not only communicates with Christians but also with unbelievers
through dreams and visions. Although dreams and visions differ
from each other, they are fundamentally the same. The same
principles and the same meanings apply to both dreams and visions.
The only difference is that with one the recipient of the message is
asleep and with the other they are awake.

However, it is very important that we ask God to communicate with

us. We need to seek His face for wisdom, knowledge and truth.

Proverbs 2:3-6
Yes, if you cry for knowledge, and lift up your voice for
if you seek it as silver, and seek it as hidden treasures;
then you will understand the fear of the Lord, and you will find the
knowledge of God.
For Jehovah gives wisdom; From his mouth comes science and

God speaks to people through dreams and visions but as you can
see from the Scripture above it takes some effort on our part. We
need to seek God for wisdom and knowledge and we need to pay
attention to our dreams and visions. Dreams and visions are
compared to treasures, as it is the word of God. When we humbly
submit to God and His leading, He will speak to us. He is alive and
well and loves communicating with his children. The biblical
language of symbols is a universal language created by God.

Some dreams are not messages from God, but are the result of a
restoration process that God has built in each human being. God
created this mechanism to help people deal emotionally with
circumstances and events in their lives. God's goal with these
dreams is to restore us emotionally. This process keeps us normal
and able to deal with life and its challenges. Such dreams are
products of the soul (mind) as stated in Scripture:

Ecclesiastes 5:3
For through the multitude of affairs comes sleep, and through the
multitude of words the voice of the fool is known.

Psychologists like to refer to a term called "subconscious mind" as if

it were an intellectual system that has certain qualities and functions
in a certain way. For most of them, it's just trillions of cells working
together to form this mystical system that they don't really
understand. They are also aware of our conscience which plays an
important role in the decisions we make. For most scientists, this is
just a natural process that is part of the makeup of every human

It's actually a little more than that. On the one hand, your
conscience, which was formed and influenced through moral
education, training, and environmental influences, is making your
soul aware of certain areas of concern (identified as wrong and not
acceptable) that need to be addressed. in their life. On the other
hand, your spirit, which is always in harmony with the Holy Spirit,
makes your soul aware of the issues in your life that it has identified
as unacceptable. How does your spirit do it? Your spirit compares
the condition of your soul with what you have learned from the
Holy Spirit and the Word of God. Whatever is in your soul that is
not from God, your spirit will bring under the attention of your
soul. The consciousness mechanism works through dreams. I call
these dreams "emotional restoration dreams."

To put it in the simplest possible way: Your soul struggles with

certain problems to which it was exposed. These bad experiences
and challenges put a lot of pressure and stress on the soul. We need
to deal with these issues. Some of these themes are identified by
your consciousness and others by our spirits. While you are
emotionally struggling with these issues, your spirit, which is
always in perfect harmony with God, helps your soul deal with
these issues. You can do this because you know how to deal with
these issues. His spirit is illuminated due to the continuous and
constant communion with the Holy Spirit and with God. Remember
that the Holy Spirit is in your spirit and not in your soul. Your spirit
knows things that your soul is totally unaware of. Your spirit brings
clarity because it has a very powerful God-given ability to help your
soul. We read about it in the Bible:

Proverbs 20:27
The spirit of man is the candle of Jehovah, which searches the entire
interior of the womb.

Why is it illuminating all the dark areas and corners of the inner
man? Why is it a "lamp" in the innermost areas of the soul? What are
you looking for? Look for areas in our lives that are not in line with
God, his word and his will. It brings these areas of concern under
the attention of the soul. Then help the soul deal with these issues.
It's about submission and alignment. Bring harmony. The spirit is
guided by the Holy Spirit in this sense. The spirit also helps and
teaches the soul to be guided by the Holy Spirit. This process
improves our lives. This mechanism is a gift from God. We do not
understand this mechanism or this process, but we are aware of it
through the dreams it produces.

It is very important to understand that although one dream is a

message from God and the other a natural method to restore our
emotional condition, both can and should be interpreted.
Interpreting all dreams and visions will reveal a message from God
or tell us what we are struggling with in our personal lives.

Both interpretations need to be followed by actions. God does not

communicate unimportant information to us and dreams of
emotional restoration are designed to help us cope with life.
Accurately lay out the emotional and problematic issues in your life.
We actually need to act on these issues and that is why we need to
give attention to both types of dreams. Dreams of emotional
restoration are not only a way to restore ourselves emotionally, but
they also purposely tell us that we need to take action to resolve or
address certain problems in our lives. We need to interpret these
types of dreams in order to identify problem areas in our walk of
faith with God. After we have identified these problems we need to
submit these individual problems to the word of God and the will of
God. We should never ignore any dream or vision. It is of utmost
importance that we treat these messages according to the word of
God and the will of God.

What exactly is the purpose of receiving messages from God? Why

does God communicate with us? Dreams and visions are very
exciting. It means that this glorious and wonderful creature called
the living God, the ancient of days, the eternal Father, the creator of
heaven and earth and all that exists, is actually communicating
directly with us personally.

Aside from God's written word, He definitely continues to

communicate with us directly. The prophet Joel prophesied that in
the last days God will pour out his Spirit on all flesh and that people
will dream dreams and see visions. We are living in the last days.
The last days truly began on the day the Spirit of the living God was
poured out upon mankind. The Bible did not say in the early days
or in the days of Elijah or in the biblical days. It says that in the last
days we will receive the Holy Spirit and see visions and dreams.

If we have the written word of God available to us, why does God
still need to communicate with us? Isn't everything already written
in the word? Of course, everything is already written in the word of
God. But this does not mean that we understand everything
correctly. Nor does it mean that we apply the word correctly. It does
not mean that the fivefold ministry is teaching the word correctly. It
doesn't mean that God doesn't want to supernaturally reveal that
word correctly to us. It does not mean that God does not want a
personal loving relationship with each believer. It doesn't mean that
God doesn't want to comfort us when He sees us struggling with
life's challenges.

When the fivefold ministry is leading people down the wrong path,
God wants to intervene. He wants to protect his children against
false teaching. He wants to improve our lives. He wants to help us
grow spiritually. This is when He begins to communicate with you,
your beloved son or daughter.
So what exactly does God communicate with us in dreams and

Sometimes it gives us clarity on certain doctrinal issues. He teaches

us through dreams and visions.

Sometimes he warns people against other people or specific

situations as he did with Joseph against Herod who wanted to kill
the baby Jesus.

Sometimes he warns people about certain strategies and tactics that

the enemy is orchestrating against them (Protection).

Sometimes it leads us to carry out certain ministry tasks or jobs such

as evangelistic work in specific places.

Sometimes he imparts supernatural abilities to us through a dream

or vision. In the dream, or vision, He shows us what He wants us to
do and what gifts He has given us. At that moment we also receive
the anointing to carry out what He has empowered us to do.

Sometimes he exhorts and comforts us, in a dream or vision, when

things get difficult.

Sometimes he frees us from slavery in a dream.

Sometimes it gives us direction, in a dream or a vision. This usually

happens when we pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

He sometimes equips us in terms of knowledge and regarding the

ways of God. This helps us live the way He wants us to live.

Sometimes it shows us that we need to address certain issues in our


Sometimes he convinces us that we are sinners.

Sometimes he shows us how to deal with these issues.

Sometimes it gives us strategies for success.

We have seen in Job 33:14-18 that God speaks to us in dreams and

visions to lead man away from his purpose, and to hide man's pride.
He keeps his soul from the pit, and his life from perishing by the
sword. The list of bullet points above ensures that Job 33 is a reality
in your life. It helps us live in the fear of the Lord. It helps us live a
life that pleases God. It also helps us be more effective in ministry. It
is there for the benefit of the gospel of Jesus Christ and also for the
promotion of the kingdom of God.

Some dreams are about knowledge or wisdom or direct guidance

from the Holy Spirit. Other dreams are about understanding the will
and ways of God. Other dreams are all about divine "impartation"
into our spiritual lives. For these reasons we always need to
understand that we cannot be guided by dreams but by the Holy
Spirit. The Holy Spirit often uses dreams and visions to guide us,
but that is not the only way He guides us. He also guides us through
various other ways such as the gentle whisper in our spiritual ears, a
cell phone message from a friend, a word in Scripture that He
emphasizes in our hearts, a phone call from a stranger or a friend
with a word of confirmation, good advice from a respective person
in the body of Christ, a piece of literature from a book, a song,
supernatural inner peace and security, inner experiences when we
seek His face in prayer, etc.

I can't tell you how many of the above examples of dreams and
visions I have received over the past 35 years. I have written them
all. These books (dream and vision record books) that I have written
contain all of my dreams and visions that I have received from God
over the years. These dreams and visions are precious gifts from
God. When I read these books today (I often do), I can see the plans,
purposes, will, and aspirations that God had for me and still has for
my life. I can look back and see the warnings that saved me from
many dangerous situations and people. I can see where He gave the
direction. I can see where He corrected wrong doctrines. I can see
where he exhorted me and where he comforted me. I can see how
every dream and vision worked together to shape me. I can see how
it made me grow spiritually. I can see how it caused me to mature in

Some of these dreams and visions were prophetic in nature. God

showed me what was going to happen in my life and in my personal
ministry. These dreams and visions were and continue to be
precious to me. It prepared me for ministry work. It helped me stay
focused and helped me persevere. These dreams and visions all fit
together like a puzzle. Completes you in Christ. Not only do dreams
and visions bring individual clarity in individual situations or
aspects, but together they serve to bring clarity in many spiritual
aspects as a combined unit. And yes, these dreams and visions fit
the written word of God one hundred percent. It is always in line
with the word of God.

The most important advice I give people about dreams and visions
is to write them all down immediately when you wake up or
immediately after receiving the vision. Some people keep a pen and
a dream log book next to their bed. The longer you wait to write
them down, the less you will remember. Your intellect and soul
immediately begin to break down the dream or vision in your mind.
That's why you can't delay writing them. Every minute counts!

Dan. 7:1
In the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon, Daniel had a dream
and visions of his head on his bed; then he wrote the dream and told
the sum of the matters.

Habakkuk 2:2
And the LORD answered me and said, Write the vision, and declare
it on tablets, so that he who reads it may run.

The Scripture mentioned above about Daniel's dreams and visions

shows that he wrote down his dreams and visions. He did this so
that he could cover all the symbols and bring all the different
aspects into consideration during the interpretation of dreams and
visions. Please note that when you record dreams and visions it is
important to note each symbol in the dream, or vision. The shape of
each object, the color of each object, the quantity of the different
objects, the direction of the face and/or the direction of movement
of each object, the words spoken, the actions performed, the
emotions experienced with each occurrence in The dream, or vision,
the place where the dream was physically located, the geographical
area, the background circumstances, the time context, history and
certain information that you learned supernaturally in the dream,
and the vision need to be written exactly as God he gave it to him.
The gifts of discernment, knowledge, and wisdom sometimes
manifest in dreams and visions. You need to write down the
information obtained this way as well. The more accurate you are in
recording all of this information, the more success you will have
with interpreting the dream or vision. Remember that each and
every symbol and each and every detail of the dream and vision
needs to be analyzed. We need to do this systematically to bring the
sum total of all possible aspects and meanings into the equation. If
we do not analyze all the symbols and all the meanings we can lose
vital information and we may end up not interpreting the dream or
vision correctly.

Where do dreams originate from?

Dreams and visions come from God. He is the Giver of Dreams and
that includes both types of dreams. We need to go to God and the
Holy Spirit to have more clarity about dreams and visions. We need
to go to God for the interpretation of specific symbols that we
identify in dreams and visions. God created humanity. He created
us in his image and likeness. We are born of his Spirit. We are like
Him. He knows us inside out.

Now it is very important to understand the following: "No one has

the right to consider dreams and visions or the interpretation of
dreams and visions as something that they master or something that
they possess." Not only dreams and visions come from God, but also
the meaning of symbols come from Him. We can even go further by
saying that we cannot really interpret dreams and visions without
the help of the Holy Spirit. God needs to help us "find" the meanings
of dreams and visions, revealing them through prayer and divine
revelation. For this reason, a mere dictionary of dreams and visions
alone will be of little use to us. It will focus our attention on some
meanings and we may have an indication of what God wants to
communicate to us, but that is all. The true meaning of the dream or
vision will be lost if we do not seek God in prayer for the
interpretation of the specific dream or vision.

God also provides the meanings of the different symbols. Most

symbols and the meanings of these symbols are found in Scripture.
It is understandable that if dreams and visions come from God, that
the meanings of the symbols in these dreams and visions are found
in his word. The language of symbols belongs to God. He created it.
Almost all symbols and the meanings of these symbols come from
the Bible.

Some symbols are in fact modern equivalents of biblical symbols.

For this reason, a "sword" and an "arrow", which come from the
Bible, have the same meaning as a "gun" or a "rifle" which are
modern equivalents of these biblical symbols. The same goes for a
"horse" and a "motor vehicle." In some cases, God gave the
meanings of different symbols and in other cases, God used the
natural characteristics of the object to be representative in terms of
the meaning of the specific object. Some objects may have both a
God-given meaning and a meaning based on the natural
characteristics of the specific object. Some symbols cannot be found
in the Bible and we need to seek God for the meanings of these
symbols. This makes the interpretation of dreams and visions more
complex. For this reason, we cannot use a dictionary alone, but
rather we need to seek God in prayer to determine exactly what God
wants to tell us.

The symbols
Because God created everything that exists, everything belongs to
Him. The rainbow is his, the sea is his and the lion is his. Anyone
can try to desecrate God's property and can give other meanings to
objects, but that does not change anything. Even when the enemy
tries to contaminate God's property by giving demonic meanings to
certain objects, those objects and the meanings of these objects still
belong to God. This means that God created it and gave meaning to
everything first. It means that the meanings that God gave to certain
objects in dreams and visions are the true meanings and all other
meanings are false. This is exactly why dream and vision
dictionaries created by pagan "religionists" or even psychologists are
so full of errors and false meanings. Not only people but also the
enemy began to give meanings to objects. It is important to
understand that we need to ignore these meanings.

Pagan religions like Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Satanists, and

people like fortune tellers, psychics, and even psychologists have
nothing to do with dreams, visions, or their interpretation. This has
nothing to do with them! It has everything to do with God, the
Church, and you, the individual.

We should not be afraid of demonic types of demonic symbols and

meanings. They are actually false meanings and these meanings are
not legitimate. For example, God gave a certain meaning to the
rainbow symbol. Satan also began to use the rainbow as a symbol
and gave this symbol another meaning. We must ignore this and
embrace the symbols of God and the meanings God gave to these
symbols. The rainbow is pure and beautiful and belongs to God.

How common are dreams and visions?

God spoke to many people in the Bible through dreams and visions.
People like Abraham, Jacob, Pharaoh, Moses, Gideon, Nathan, Eli,
Samuel, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Joseph, Amos, Zechariah, the wise
men who came to witness the birth of Jesus, Joseph and Mary,
Pilate's wife, Paul, Ananias, Cornelius, Peter, John and many more.

In these dreams and visions, God used symbols and certain

meanings of these symbols to communicate with these people. The
angels often asked such people the following words: "What do you
see?" When these people identified these symbols, the angels often
gave them the specific meanings of these symbols. Please look at the
following verses from the Old and New Testaments to gain a greater
understanding of how God communicates with us:
Genesis 15:1
After these things the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision,
saying: "Fear not, Abram, I am a shield for you; your reward will be
very great."

Job 4:13-16
"Amid haunting thoughts of night visions, when deep sleep falls
upon men,

Genesis 46:2
God spoke to Israel in night visions and said, "Jacob, Jacob."

Genesis 41:1-7
After two full years, Pharaoh had a dream, and behold, he was
standing by the Nile.

Exodus 3:2-3
The angel of the Lord appeared to him in a burning fire from the
middle of a bush; And he looked, and, behold, the bush was
burning with fire, but the bush was not consumed.

Numbers 12:6
"If there is a prophet among you, I, the Lord, make myself known to
him in a vision; I speak to him in a dream."

Acts 7:30-32
"After forty years, an angel appeared to him in the desert of Mount
Sinai, in the flame of a burning bush.

Judges 7:13-15
When Gideon arrived, behold, a man was telling a dream to his
friend. And he said, "Behold, I had a dream: a loaf of barley bread
fell in the camp of Midian, and it came to the tent and struck it so
that it fell, and he turned it upside down so that the tent was flat".

2 Samuel 7:4
But on the same night the word of the Lord came to Nathan, saying
Isaiah 6:1-8
In the year of King Uzziah's death I saw the Lord sitting on a throne,
high and exalted, with the trail of his robe filling the temple.

Ezekiel 1:4-14
As he looked, behold, a storm wind came from the north, a great
cloud with fire flashing continually and a bright light around it, and
in the midst of it something like a shining metal in the midst of the

Ezekiel 8:2
Then I looked, and behold, a likeness like the appearance of a man;
from their loins and downwards was seen the appearance of fire,
and from their loins and upwards the appearance of a radiance, like
the appearance of shining metal.

Ezekiel 11:24-25
And the Spirit lifted me up and carried me in a vision by the Spirit
of God to the exiles in Chaldea, so that the vision that I had seen left

Ezekiel 37:1-10
The hand of the LORD was upon me, and he brought me out by the
Spirit of the LORD, and set me in the middle of the valley; and it
was full of bones.

Daniel 2:28
"However, there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries, and has
made known to King Nebuchadnezzar what will happen in the last
days This was your dream and the visions in your mind while you
were in your bed.

Daniel 4:5
I saw a dream and it scared me; and these fantasies while I was in
my bed and the visions in my mind alarmed me.

Daniel 2:19
Then the mystery was revealed to Daniel in a night vision. Then
Daniel blessed the God of heaven;

Amos 7:1-9
Thus the Lord GOD showed me, and behold, I was forming a warm
locust when the spring harvest began to sprout. And behold, the
spring harvest was after the king's harvest.

Amos 8:1-6
Thus the Lord GOD showed it to me, and behold, there was a basket
of summer fruit.

Amos 9:1
I saw the Lord standing by the altar, and he said, "Strike the capitals
so that the thresholds tremble, and break them on their heads. Then
I will kill the rest with the sword; They will have no fugitive to flee,
no refugee to escape.

Zechariah 1:8
I saw at night, and behold, a man was riding on a red horse, and he
was standing among the myrtle trees that were in the ravine, with
red, sorrel, and white horses behind him.

Zechariah 3:1
Then he showed me Joshua, the high priest, standing before the
angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at his right, accusing him.

Zechariah 4:2
He said, "What do you see?" And I said, "I see, and behold, a
lampstand all of gold with its bowl on the top, and its seven lamps
on it with seven spikes belonging to each of the lamps that are on
the top of it;

Zechariah 5:2
And he said, "What do you see?" And I answered, "I see a flying
scroll; its length is twenty cubits and its width is ten cubits."

Zechariah 6:1
And I lifted up my eyes again and looked, and behold, four chariots
came out from between the two mountains, and the mountains were
of bronze.

Matthew 2:12
And having been warned by God in a dream not to return to Herod,
the wise men went to their country by another way.

Matthew 2:13
When they were gone, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to
Joseph in a dream and said to him, “Get up! Take the child and his
mother and flee to Egypt, and stay there until I tell you; because
Herod is going to look for the child to destroy him."

Matthew 27:19
While he was sitting in court, his wife sent him a message, saying,
"Have nothing to do with that righteous man; for last night I
suffered greatly in a dream because of him."

Acts 9:3
As he was traveling, it happened that he was approaching
Damascus, and suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him;

Acts 16:9
A vision appeared to Paul in the night: a man from Macedonia was
standing and appealing to him, saying, "Come over to Macedonia
and help us."

Acts 18:9
And the Lord said to Paul in the night through a vision: "Fear no
more, continue speaking and do not remain silent;

Acts 22:18
And I saw him saying to me, 'Hurry and leave Jerusalem quickly,
because they will not accept your testimony about me.'

Acts 27:23
"On this same night an angel of the God to whom I belong and
whom I serve stood before me,

2 Corinthians 12:1-4
Boasting is necessary, although it is not profitable; but I will
continue with the visions and revelations of the Lord.

Acts 9:10-11
There was a disciple in Damascus named Ananias, and the Lord
said to him in a vision, "Ananias."

Acts 10:3
About the ninth hour of the day he clearly saw in a vision an angel
of God who had just entered and said to him, "Cornelius."

Acts 10:9-17
The next day, as they were on their way and approaching the city,
Peter went up on the roof at the sixth hour to pray.

Revelation 1:12
Then I turned to see the voice talking to me. And turning, I saw
seven golden lampstands;

God really speaks through symbols to people. Human beings were

created with all the skills and all the tools they need to understand
dreams and visions. We don't understand the abstract so well. We
want to see images. That is why Jesus spoke and taught through
parables. Have you ever heard someone ask, “Don't you
understand? Should I draw you a drawing?" God will never stop
speaking to us this way. At least until "when that which is perfect
comes, then that which is in part will be done away with."

A very important Scripture to confirm that God speaks to us

through dreams and visions is Joel 2:28-29 and Acts 2:14-18.

Joel 2:28-29
And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit
upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters will prophesy,
your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions:
And also upon the male and female servants in those days I will
pour out my spirit.

Acts 2:14-18
14 But Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice and
said to them, You men of Judea, and all you who live in Jerusalem,
know this, and listen to my words:
15 For these are not drunk, as you suppose, since it is only the third
hour of the day.
16 But this is what was said by the prophet Joel;
17 And in the last days, says God, I will pour out my Spirit on all
flesh; and your sons and your daughters will prophesy, and your
young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams:
18 And on my male and female servants I will pour out my Spirit in
those days, and they will prophesy.

In fact, we are living in the last days. That's why we dream and
that's why we see visions.

Pagan Dream and Vision Dictionaries

When a non-Christian dreams, he or she is, in fact, receiving a
message from God like a Christian. Like us, they also have "dreams
of emotional restoration." But, they need the Holy Spirit and the
word (Bible) of the living God to help them interpret the dream or
vision. The problem is that they don't have the Holy Spirit. It is quite
difficult for an unbeliever to find the meaning or interpretation of a
dream or vision. Therefore, it is impossible for them to interpret
dreams and visions correctly. A biblical example of such a person
was Nebuchadnezzar. He looked for a person to help him interpret
the dream he had. His own pagan interpreters could not interpret
the dream for him. Fortunately for him, he found a man of God. He
found Daniel and managed to find the true meaning of his dream.
Aside from Nebuchadnezzar, other biblical pagans such as King
Abimelech (Genesis 20), the army of Midian (Judges 7:13-14),
Pharaoh's steward and baker (Genesis 40:5), Pharaoh (Genesis 41:1,
5), the pilot's wife (Matthew 27:19), and the wise men who visited
the baby Jesus (Matthew 2:12) all had divine dreams that needed to
be interpreted.

When a person reflects on certain topics, God reveals these topics to

him, regardless of whether he is a Christian or not. That's what
happened to Nebuchadnezzar and it also happened to Pharaoh. It
still happens today. That is why we should always take note of what
we were reflecting on the day before the dream or vision. It is also
important to remember what our needs were just before the dream.
Sometimes we reflect on a certain need or a certain person or even a
certain situation. God reveals many aspects of these things to us.
Also, remember the people you had contact with just before the
dream or vision. Sometimes the dream is not about you but about
another person who crossed your path. Sometimes God wants you
to minister to such a person (Message or word of God for such a
Many times this helped me a lot to correctly interpret the dream or
vision I received from God. Sometimes people talk to God about a
certain problem or a certain situation. They forget this and when
God answers them they are confused, only because they forgot to
pray or reflect on the problem or situation before the dream or

Why does God reveal certain things to unbelievers? Don't know.

What I do know is that no one will ever have any excuses when it
comes to spiritual things. Just as nature reveals to us that there is a
God so that we seek this God, so do dreams and visions reveal to us
that there is a God. Even if non-believers pursue the meanings of
dreams and visions they will find it, just like Christians. Our God is
a God of grace and mercy. He doesn't answer to anyone and does
what he wants. We can't question it!

The greatest danger for a non-believer and a Christian is to consult a

pagan dictionary. Would you go to a fortune teller or fortune teller
to interpret the dreams God gave you? Nebuchadnezzar tried to do
that without success:

Daniel 2:2
Then the king called for the magicians, astrologers, sorcerers and
Chaldeans to show the king his dreams. So they came and presented
themselves before the king.

What you read in a pagan dictionary will be nothing more than lies.
Consulting these dictionaries will lead you to deception.

Busy minds
Sometimes people dream about things simply because their minds
are excessively occupied by those things. This is actually an
unhealthy or undesirable situation that causes dreams of emotional
restoration. People are very emotional when they are obsessive.

For example, when a person is constantly scared or frightened by

something, he may dream exactly what scares him. Some people are
very concerned with their careers and ambitions, which results in
them dreaming about such things. Some people can be so jealous of,
about, or about other people and some can be so suspicious about
things that it results in them dreaming exactly what makes them
jealous or suspicious. This can be a little confusing when
interpreting a dream. These are classified as carnal dreams. With the
help and guidance of the Holy Spirit, these types of dreams can be
identified and treated. Worried people and people who show an
unhealthy obsession with certain things and certain people should
be counseled in this regard. Recurring dreams of this nature must be
identified and treated.

This is what Juan E. Thomas has to say about these types of carnal

A young woman once told me about a dream in which her

boyfriend proposed to her. I asked him if they had been together for
a while and if he thought it was time for them to get engaged. He
confirmed to me that both things were true. The source of the dream
became apparent to me, and I gently told her that she wanted to get
married so much that she had given herself a dream about it.
The most common soul dreams involve an upcoming marriage, a
promotion, a ministry, or a season of popularity. When we interpret
dreams at film and music festivals, it's amazing how many
musicians tell us dreams in which they are finally discovered!

The prophet Jeremiah warned about dreamers who dreamed

dreams that they made themselves dream (Jeremiah 29:8-9). Not all
soul dreams come because someone is a false prophet, like the
people Jeremiah was condemning, sometimes we just want
something so strongly that we dream about it.

- Juan E. Thomas

Please keep in mind that when we interpret dreams and visions

incorrectly, we will have the same or similar dreams over and over
again until we interpret them correctly.

Can satan give us dreams and visions?

Dreams and visions and the interpretation of dreams and visions
belong to God. No, the devil and his demons cannot give us dreams
or visions.

People who teach that Satan can deceive us through dreams and
visions often misinterpret the following Scripture:

2 Corinthians 11:14
And do not marvel, because Satan himself has been transformed
into an angel of light.
People who believe that Satan can give us dreams and visions do
not know how to explain certain strange "phenomena" they observe
on this subject. This inability causes them to believe that dreams and
visions can be created by evil forces. They also do not know how to
handle reports from people who claim to have had dreams or
visions of Satan. When these people give details of dreams or
visions they had, it appears that they actually originated from Satan
or demons.
The truth is that Satan cannot give us dreams directly. He doesn't
have that power or ability. He can cause us to dream, which is a
natural result of the fear and guilt he causes in our lives.
People who live in faith, righteousness and obedience never
experience dreams that were indirectly caused by evil forces.
Because they fear nothing, they never have nightmares or negative
dreams caused by emotional imbalances in their souls.

Some people are tempted to sin, disobey and doubt the love, favor
and word of God. People who doubt God's word and His love often
live in fear. The more fear and sin in our lives, which causes feelings
of guilt, regret, and condemnation, the higher the possibility that we
will experience emotional turmoil in our lives. The more oppressed
we are by Satan, the more feelings of fear, guilt, and condemnation
will accumulate in our souls.

This will be treated by the natural emotional restoration process that

God gave us, which is called "emotional restoration dreams." We
need these types of dreams so that our emotional condition is
normalized or restored. This is the natural, automatic God-given
mechanism we all have to help us deal with the emotional stress we
are exposed to on an almost daily basis.

It is this mechanism that sometimes causes nightmares. We will

experience nightmares and experience fear in these dreams. Even
when we wake up after such a dream, we will still experience fear.
Some people think that such dreams come from Satan. This is
actually not true. These types of dreams originated in our souls due
to fear, guilt and condemnation.

After a burglary incident, a person I know frequently had dreams of

thieves breaking into his house. He frequently had dreams of
criminals attacking him and harming him. Only after he learned to
trust and rest in God's love and in His ability and willingness to
protect him, did this person manage to get rid of fear and also
This is why some people, after watching a movie about child
abduction, will have nightmares that night of their children being
kidnapped or harmed in a similar way. It was not a dream of Satan.
It was a dream caused by fear. People who truly trust in God's
unfailing love and protection watch the same movie without having

It is now a well-known fact that people who become involved in the

occult and Satanism experience things that normal people
(Christians and even normal unsaved people) do not experience.
These people have opened many doors to the devil and demonic
activities in their lives. They are seriously exposed to things that we
as Christians and even normal unsaved people are not exposed to.

The bottom line is that nowhere in the Bible does it say that Satan
can give people dreams and visions. Nowhere in the Bible do we see
even a reference or incident of a person experiencing a dream or
vision given by Satan.

When we read 2 Corinthians 11:14 carefully we see that Satan can

transform into an angel of light. What it means is that you can make
yourself look like an angel of light. He may even be able to appear
as Jesus Christ. This verse has, in fact, nothing to do with dreams
and nothing to do with visions.

I am convinced that Satan can appear to people pretending to be an

angel of light to deceive them. He can also appear to people as the
devil himself to scare them. Can he appear to a Spirit-filled
Christian? He did it in the life of Smith Wigglesworth. Smith and his
wife were disturbed in their sleep one night when the devil
suddenly stood at the foot of their bed. Smith looked at him once
and simply said the following words: “Oh! It's just you," and he
went back to sleep immediately.

There is a possibility that he did not actually appear to Smith

Wigglesworth and his wife that night. It could have been God who
exposed the presence of the devil in the room to Smith for some
reason, even if it was just to test or to build his faith.
Through the years God has opened the spiritual eyes of many
ministers by exposing to them the works of the devil. A person I
know once ministered to a lady who was extremely depressed.
When prayer and counseling did not help this sister, this person's
eyes opened and he saw a goat standing a few feet away. The
moment it saw the goat, which was actually a demon, the demon
realized it was exposed and fled the room immediately as this
person took control of the situation. This sister was immediately
delivered from the spirit of depression.
If you experience fear, in a dream, could it be from God? I once
heard the testimony of a lady who was trapped in bad and evil
activities. He once had a dream of a very ugly and diabolical
monster lurking and hiding in the darkness of his garden. In the
dream, she was terrified. At one point he was peeping through his
bedroom window when he saw this huge evil creature chewing up a
screaming woman in its huge mouth. He could hear the woman's
bones breaking as they chewed her to death. He heard this woman's
last faint scream just before the creature finally swallowed her. In
that moment she knew that she was, in fact, that woman. I was
terrified during and after the dream.

Now many people would say that this dream came from Satan. It
actually turned out that this dream was from God. It was his final
warning to this woman that if she did not immediately repent of the
evil and diabolical activities she was involved in, the demon in the
dream was going to cause her to be lost and damned forever. It was
her last warning and fortunately, this woman repented shortly after
this dream.

Now it is possible that the Spirit-filled people of God who saw satan
appear to them could actually have seen satan being exposed to
them by God. I admit that it is possible for Satan and demons to
appear to Christians. I won't deny that.

Does Satan appear to unbelievers? I don't believe it. Usually, you

don't want unbelievers to know it exists, but I assume it's possible.
Does he appear to satanists and people who are busy with all kinds
of witchcraft and occultism? Yes I think so. As I said, people in this
category are exposed to many things because of the sin and
diabolical activities they embarked on.

Just because Satan can appear to people does not mean that he can
give people dreams and visions. Dreams and visions are a divine
ability. Only God can "fabricate" a dream or vision in such a way
that our physical brain and physical senses can observe or
experience it. The following quotes will give us a little more
information about what happens in our brain when we dream:

The limbic system

The limbic system is a relatively primitive part of the brain where

memories and emotions are processed. It is made up of the
amygdala, hippocampus and cingulate gyrus:

The amygdala - acts as a link between a stimulus and

how you react to that stimulus. Take the information from your
senses and react appropriately, that is, if something smells bad, we
feel disgust.

The hippocampus - the master of memory. The hippocampus is

responsible for memory consolidation. For example, the first time
we touch something hot, it learns the experience and repeats it
repeatedly in another part of the brain called the cerebral cortex.
This creates a long-term memory.

The cingulate gyrus – this structure is partly responsible for your

physical reactions to situations. It controls skeletal muscle
movement and also recognizes which part of the body has been
stimulated through touch.

During REM sleep, this part of the brain is very active. When we see
what this part of the brain does, it is easy to relate it to the
production of dreams...
active brain

So even though you think your brain "turns off" when you fall
asleep, it's actually very active during part of the night. It is almost
as active during REM sleep as when awake! During this time, it is
thought that your brain also works hard to clean itself...

Scientists have identified a specific pattern of activity in the back of

the brain that could then predict whether a person is having a
dream. Their findings confirm that sleep can occur during both
rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and non-REM (NREM) sleep.

Researchers have traditionally associated sleep with the high-

frequency brain activity they observed during REM sleep, which
seemed similar to the type of brain activity seen when people were
awake. In contrast, low-frequency brain activity during NREM sleep
was interpreted as an absence of dreams.

Only God can manipulate the very complex processes of our brain
to give us dreams. In simple terms, God bypasses the normal
processes deep in our brains. He interferes with those processes by
divinely inserting a God-created "video" into our brains and then
hitting the "play" button. At that moment we "see" and "hear" a
message from heaven. The same with a vision.

It is very important to understand that Satan cannot do this. He

always had one weapon and one power and that is his mouth. He
uses that mouth to do two things: lie and tempt. He sits on people's
shoulders and makes misleading suggestions. He tries to get you to
believe his lies and tries to get you to do bad things. That's all you
can do. He has no other power, authority or ability. He uses the only
ability he has to make you sin, doubt, feel condemned, and fear.
This can lead you to have nightmares and bad dreams, but it doesn't
come from him. He only indirectly causes these dreams because you
allowed him to instill fear and condemnation in your life.

On the other hand, it is quite easy for satan to appear to a person.

He simply has to walk from the spiritual realm to the natural realm.
Although I said it's pretty easy, I need to mention that Satan is
tremendously restricted in what he can do when it comes to the
natural realm. God has spiritual laws that govern both realms and
evil forces cannot bypass those laws. They always need legal bases
to do so. For this reason, it is not just a matter of randomly
appearing to a person. However, the bottom line is that satan can
appear to people. When he appears to people, he does the two
things he is very good at; lies and tempts. Inserting a dream into the
human brain or creating a vision is another matter. That requires
divine abilities. God alone is the Giver of Dreams and the Giver of
Visions. Remember that Satan could do many things in the Old
Testament that he could no longer do after Jesus Christ defeated
him on the cross of Chivalry. He was stripped of all his power and
authority and was nullified.

Over the years people have become aware of the "amazing" things
and acts performed by evil spirits when in reality such acts are quite
common. What is so profound or so amazing when magicians make
people or objects float in the air when in reality demons are holding
those people or objects in the air? What is so profound or so
surprising when magicians achieve this through soul power? There
is nothing miraculous about these things! What is so profound or so
amazing to see that demons can "read" minds when in fact
everything we think in the natural realm is heard by all spiritual
creatures in the spiritual realm? They don't read our minds! They
hear us think! In the spiritual realm, this is natural. There is nothing
miraculous about that! It's something common and simple!

Causing a person to dream or creating a vision is a very different

story. Only God can do that. People who claim to have experienced
a vision of Jesus Christ or a vision of an angel appearing to them
when the details of that vision contradict Scripture have actually
been deceived. It was not a vision and it was not Jesus Christ or the
angels. It was Satan appearing to them as an angel.

It is common knowledge that Jesus Christ and his angels have

appeared to people many times throughout the ages. They still
appear to people even today. Ask the Muslims. They can tell you a
lot about Christ or the angels who have appeared to them. This
happens a lot more lately than in the past. It is likely that Christ and
his angels will appear to people until the end of time. The devil and
his demons can do the same but as I said, this has nothing to do
with dreams and visions.

We never have to fear that we may be deceived by Satan, in a dream

or vision, pretending that the dream or vision is from God. This will
never happen. But he can deceive us when he appears to us. The
Bible says that he "becomes an angel of light." He can appear to
people without them knowing that he is not Jesus Christ or an angel
of light. Without them knowing that this person in front of them is
the devil himself! There is no atmosphere of evil. There are no
warning bells going off. Absolutely nothing to warn you about
except one thing: Lies and deception!

What we do need to do is this: Whenever Jesus Christ or an angel

appears to you, check to see if what they tell you conforms to
Scripture, always ask them to give you a reference from Scripture to
confirm that the statements they make are true. and legitimate. If we
follow this rule we cannot be deceived. Jesus Christ appeared to
Kenneth Hagin nine times in his life and each time Kenneth did
exactly this. Each time this happened, without exception, Jesus gave
Kenneth the scripture references he required.

In fact, we never have to fear that we will be deceived when we

have dreams or visions or when angels appear to us, as long as we
verify all information with Scripture.

This brings me to a Scripture that some people sometimes use to

support their belief that the devil can, in fact, make us dream:
Job 4:12-16
12 One thing was brought to me in secret, and my ear received a
little of it.
13 In the thoughts of the visions of the night, when deep sleep falls
upon men,
14 Fear came upon me and trembling made all my bones shake.
15 Then a spirit passed before my face; the hair of my flesh stood up:
16 It stopped, but I could not discern its shape: an image was before
my eyes, there was silence, and I heard a voice saying...

I agree with Roger Barrier's explanation of this Scripture. According

to him, Eliphaz, one of Job's friends, experienced a situation where
he woke up from a deep sleep to a full satanic attack. I also had
similar experiences in my life. I can remember once waking up from
a nightmare and then experiencing an evil presence in the room. On
another occasion, I woke up from a deep dreamless sleep and then
experienced the presence of an evil spirit next to my bed. In fact, this
spirit woke me up from my sleep. Both times, I was caught off
guard and for a few seconds I felt terrified, confused and paralyzed.
I couldn't act for a few seconds. I could not call on the name of Jesus
and I could not rebuke the evil spirits in my room. At least not until
I recovered. Why and how does this happen?

Consciousness occurs when we are awake; We are in a subconscious

state when we are asleep. When we fall asleep, our conscious mind
makes a “delivery” to our subconscious. When we sleep, our brain
also produces chemicals to paralyze our body. Otherwise, we would
act out our dreams. Sleepwalkers are deficient in these chemicals,
some more than others.

In the situations I mentioned above I was in a "paralyzed" state and

therefore could not move or speak until the control transition
returned to my conscious mind. I was prevented from shouting the
name of Jesus until the transition was complete and then I was back
in control of my voice and able to shout for Jesus.
Eliphaz's experience with the evil spirit occurred at that moment of
transition from "paralyzed" subconscious sleep to waking
consciousness. It could have been preceded by a nightmare or a
dream that made him restless, but his experience was a complete
demonic attack.

There is no doubt that Eliphaz woke up terrified and scared in the

middle of an all-out satanic attack. I do not believe that satan can
enter, influence or control our subconscious minds. Their attacks are
limited to times when we are fully awake and able to defend

It is possible for Satan to gain our "foothold" in our lives. Paul tells
us that this can happen if we continue to sin over and over in the
same area. Control of that particular area is at stake and if Satan
gains control we must repent of our sin and take authority over our
lives again. When sin is forgiven, Satan no longer has a foothold
(James 4:7).

Sometimes Satan uses these leverage points to get to us. As I already

mentioned, it is these supporting points (sin, doubt, guilt,
condemnation) that cause nightmares. He indirectly causes us to
dream and is sometimes ready to follow such a dream with a full-on
demonic attack just when we are at our weakest point, those few
seconds while we are waking up. He does this to create fear in our
lives and to influence us when God instills faith in our lives.

It was during these few seconds that Eliphaz was influenced by the
evil spirit that passed before his eyes. He could see this evil spirit
and he could hear this spirit. I didn't mention how the evil spirit in
my room woke me up that night that I mentioned earlier. Although
it was silent in my room, in the spirit world this demon was
shouting at me at the top of his voice while stamping his feet hard
on the floor to attract my attention. My wife, who was sleeping next
to me, was not aware of it. He didn't hear any sound. I did hear it.
Eliphaz was experiencing a demonic attack like me. This was not a
dream or vision that he experienced but a visitation by an evil spirit
in person.

There is another aspect about dreams and visions that I mentioned

in the post, “Ancient Satanists Cause Vulnerabilities in the Church.”
In this post, I mentioned that there are people in the church who
openly lie about many things in their lives. They do it on purpose to
hurt the body of Christ. They tell lies about dreams and visions,
doctrines and all kinds of spiritual experiences in their lives. Some
people are being deceived and deceiving other people without even
knowing it. This is not what I'm talking about here. I'm talking
about people who purposely infiltrate the church to teach erroneous
doctrines of demons. We read about them in the Bible:

Zechariah 10:2
For the idols spoke vanity, and the soothsayers saw lies, and spoke
false dreams; in vain they console; Therefore, they went away like a
flock, they were troubled, because there was no shepherd.

1 Timothy 4:1-2
1 The Spirit expressly speaks that in the last times some will depart
from the faith, paying attention to seducing spirits and the doctrines
of demons;
2 Speaking is hypocrisy; having your conscience burned with a hot

Unfortunately, this warning still applies. Many people deceive

many people in church and elsewhere, every day, and it will never

2 Corinthians 11:3
But I fear that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, their
minds will stray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to

Matthew 24:4
Jesus answered and said to them, "See that no one deceives you."
2 Corinthians 11:13-15
13 For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising
themselves as apostles of Christ.
14 It is not surprising, since even Satan disguises himself as an angel
of light.
15 Therefore, it is not surprising that his servants also disguise
themselves as servants of righteousness, whose end will be
according to their works.

The unfortunate reality:

People incorrectly interpret their dreams, visions and experiences.

People just outright lie about their experiences. Some have never
seen a vision in their lives, yet they zealously testify of what God
showed them in a particular vision.

People add and subtract details about their visions or dreams they

People have false experiences, especially Satanist ones, because they

live in a world full of all kinds of evil deceptions.

Some people think that Satan or demons are infiltrating their minds
during nightmares, but there is no passage in the Bible to
corroborate this. There are no biblical incidents of demonic forces
communicating with people during dreams or nightmares.
Nightmares are nothing more than the brain's way of dealing with
our fears and worries while continuing to function during sleep

If a Christian experiences frequent and continuous nightmares that

disrupt sleep and cause emotional disturbance on a regular basis, he
or she needs to deal with his or her fears. They need to allow God to
build their faith so that they can rest in his love. Prayer is our most
powerful weapon against any type of emotional or spiritual distress.
Praying for fifteen or twenty minutes before bed is the most
effective way to calm the mind and heart and prepare for a restful
sleep. God grants wisdom to those who seek it in Him (James 1:5),
and He has also promised His peace to all who seek it. "Do not be
anxious about anything, but on every occasion present your
requests to God by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving. And
the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard
your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

The authenticity of dream dictionaries created by psychologists

The dream dictionaries created by psychologists are as unreliable as
those created by "religious" and pagan fortune tellers. When it
comes to the natural characteristics of objects such as plants and
animals, these dictionaries may be partially correct. The fact that
God did not stick to natural traits and characteristics makes these
dictionaries full of errors. These people and even psychologists were
not appointed by the Dream Giver to interpret dreams and visions.
That honor belongs to the Holy Spirit. Yes, the fivefold ministry and
other Christians, like Daniel, can be instrumental in teaching and
helping people interpret dreams and visions correctly, but still, the
Holy Spirit plays an important role in interpreting dreams and
visions. visions. This aspect of man belongs to the church of God. It
is part of the ministry's work. Psychologists have no right to enter
into this aspect of humanity. This is what Dr. Henry W. Wright, a
doctor, has to say:

I think, and I say this very carefully, that God is angry because
psychologists are the pastors of America (or any country). If there is
any psychologist reading this, I love you man, I love you woman.
But I think you have taken away some things from pastors that are
rightfully theirs to deal with. Under Old Testament law, if someone
had leprosy, to be considered cured, who did he show himself to?
To the priest. In the New Testament, this goes a little further. James

Is there any sick person among you? Call the elders of the church
and let them pray for him, anointing him with oil in the name of the
Lord: And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will
raise him up; and if he has committed sin, it will be forgiven him.
(James 4:14-15)
- Dr. Henry W. Wright

What Dr. Wright means is that healing belongs to the church and
that includes mental healing. God gave specific instructions on how
a person needs to be healed and where they need to go to receive
healing. A psychologist is simply not capable of healing emotionally
ill or mentally ill people. The methods they use, from prescription
drugs, which they prescribe through a psychiatrist or doctor, to
counseling that includes dream interpretation, are simply not
effective. In fact, it's really dangerous! Prescription drugs not only
cause illness and disease, they also kill people. Even the advice and
interpretation of dreams they carry out are far from being reliable
and effective.

Even Christian doctors believe that true healing is a ministry of the

church. Here's what Dr. MK Strydom has to say about it:

According to the Word, God is not interested in the management of

diseases, but in the eradication and prevention of them. When it
comes to healthcare today, there really is no such thing - they should
call it disease management. Disease management means, for
example, prescribing medication for a diabetic or a person with high
blood pressure for the rest of their life. The person is artificially
maintained and manipulated by these medications, but the
underlying problem that initially caused the disease is not treated.
I'm not saying it's wrong to take medication, sometimes it's very
necessary. For example, if I have a patient who comes in with a
blood pressure of 200/110, I have to give the person medication to
lower that pressure before they have a stroke and die. It's an
emergency, there is no time to sit and deal with the problems in
your life that lead to perpetual thoughts of fear, anxiety, stress and
worry about the future (which is the cause of high blood pressure).

Similarly, if I have a patient who I diagnose with hyperthyroidism, I

have to medicate them since this condition is life-threatening. But is
that the definitive solution? It's in science. However, that is not
biblical. We believe that disease control is a cure - no, if you were
cured you wouldn't need disease control. Managing illness is
another form of slavery. Disease management means that you are
not free - you are not cured of your disease. But the Bible says that
he whom the Son sets free is truly free (John 8 v 36).

Personally I will only prescribe short term medication to save a

person's life or to get the person to a safe place so they have time to
go and treat the root of the problem that is causing the illness.
Prescribing medications in a single act is fine, but the problem arises
when a person remains on those medications permanently without
the underlying problem behind the disease being treated. To those
of you who are on chronic medication, I would like to inform you
that God does not want you to be artificially maintained and
chemically manipulated by medical drugs for the rest of your life.
He wants to heal them and free them from that disease
permanently. But you also have a responsibility before God to
remove sin from your life and align yourself with His Word and His
conditions to be healed.

- Dr MK Strydom

Again, this is what the Bible commands us to do when we are sick:

James 5:14-15
Are any of you grieving? Let him pray. Is anyone happy? Let him
sing the psalm. Is anyone sick among you? Call the elders of the
church and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the
name of the Lord: And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the
Lord will raise him up; and if he has committed sins, they will be

Even for mental healing, we need to follow God's instructions.

Psychologists simply do not have the divine knowledge or
understanding of the fundamentals and principles involved in
dreams, visions, and interpretations of dreams and visions. They
need the Holy Spirit and they need to know the true and authentic
biblical language of symbols. So they need to be called by God. That
makes them a minister of God. That makes them part of the fivefold
ministry. That makes them Christian believers and therefore part of
God's church.

Dreams and visions deal with the spiritual aspect of the human
being. To heal a human being, God or a minister of God needs to
address the problems within the complex makeup of a human being
on a spiritual level. Psychologists deal with man at a psychological
level that is completely situated in the dimension of man's soul. This
is trying to deal with the soul of man by overlooking the spiritual. It
just doesn't work that way. Applying intellectual knowledge to a
spiritual problem is like gluing together the broken pieces of a vase
with clay. The absence of the Holy Spirit is devastating in dealing
with the emotional, psychological and physical issues and problems
of all human beings.

It is very important to emphasize this again, "Dreams, visions, and

the interpretation of dreams and visions belong to God and the
church." It's something spiritual. Anyone who receives a dream or
vision needs to go to God or the church (a Christian who is trained
in the interpretation of dreams and visions) to find the correct
interpretation of their dreams and visions. Even natural dreams are
in fact spiritual. This has nothing to do with pagan "religionists",
fortune tellers and even psychologists.

Under normal circumstances, a natural dream in itself is enough to

restore one's emotional condition to face the challenges that life
brings to us. Release anxiety and emotional tensions in our souls
that accumulate during the day. Disappointments, anger,
frustration, unwanted events, conflicts, anxiety and fear all take
their toll on the human soul. Emotional restoration dreams are
basically a “downloading” process while we sleep. This process
restores us emotionally.

In more serious cases we need to interpret recurring dreams to

identify certain problem areas. Sometimes recurring dreams indicate
that we did not understand the dream or vision the first time or that
we did not apply the purpose of the dream and vision in our lives
the first time. In such cases, the discharge or release of tension
cannot fully restore us. Sometimes certain dreams and visions repeat
themselves until we understand them or until we take necessary
action. We don't need psychologists or anyone else to treat
emotional problems. If we understand the language of symbols we
can help ourselves.

We need to learn the biblical language of dreams and visions in

exactly the same way we learn any other language. When we have
learned this biblical language, with the help of the Holy Spirit, we
know how to interpret dreams and visions.

As soon as we identify problem areas in our walk of faith we need

to submit these problems or issues to God. We need to allow the
Holy Spirit to help us deal with these problems. In very serious
cases we need to follow the instructions given in James 5:12-15. In
very serious cases we need to follow the instructions given in James
5:12-15. That is when we need a minister of God to pray for us and
with us. In more serious cases, we may need a minister of God to
advise us. It is important that you go to the right minister. Only a
man or woman of God, filled with the Holy Spirit, can advise you
effectively and successfully. Other counselors will advise you
intellectually. This counseling method is not effective enough.
"Professional" counselors advise people based on their experience or
what they have learned at a college or university. Although there is
some value in this type of counseling, it is very limited. True and
effective counseling is done by a Spirit-filled worker of God. If he or
she also knows how to interpret dreams and visions, this type of
counseling will be very effective. This type of counseling leads to
liberation and restoration.

Learning the language of symbols

The biblical language of symbols is as easy to learn as any other
language. In fact, it's much easier to master than most languages.
God gave enough information in the Bible for us to understand the
basic principles of this language. The Bible also gave us the
meanings of the basic or most common symbols as a basis. From
here, with the help of the Holy Spirit, we will surely master this
language. A good and authentic Christian dictionary will be of great
help in achieving this.

To make this dictionary available, not only the Bible itself but also
the work of authentic dreams, visions, symbols and types of Bible
dictionaries were used as references. The work of Hennie van
Niekerk and Kevin J. Conner was invaluable during the compilation
of this dictionary. I hope you find it of great value in mastering the
language of God. Whether you want to use it to learn the divine
language of symbols or need it for reference purposes, I hope the
simplicity of the dictionary makes it as easy as possible for you.

Note that you only have to click on the different letters of the
alphabet to get to the words that start with the same letter. Also note
that at the end of the dictionary you will find more information
about colors, numbers, shapes, directions, the positions of symbols
in dreams and visions, as well as substitutions in dreams.

Please read the following examples for a practical explanation of

how to correctly analyze and interpret dreams and visions.

Please note that the dream and vision dictionary will be updated
from time to time as new symbols and their meanings are identified.
For this reason, it will be important to take note of the book's edition
number. The latest edition will always be available on the
"Resources" page of both my websites:



For example, take the dreams of Pharaoh's butler and baker. These
two men were worried because no one could interpret for them the
dreams they had the night before. Joseph gave both people the
complete interpretation of their dreams after he told them that
dream interpretation is a work of God (Genesis 40:8). He specifically
told them that the interpretation of dreams belongs to God.

Take note that Joseph not only revealed the meanings of the
different symbols. He also gave more information, which was
revealed to him by the Holy Spirit. Let's see the different symbols
and the interpretation of both dreams:

Chief Butler's dream:

In the dream, a vine was before me.

There were three branches on the vine.

It was like it was gushing.

And its flowers shot out.

The clusters of it produced ripe grapes.

Pharaoh's cup was in my hand.

I took the grapes and pressed them into Pharaoh's cup.

I gave the cup into Pharaoh's hand.

Interpretation: This is the interpretation of it: The three branches are

three days: But within three days Pharaoh will lift up your head and
restore you to your place. And you will deliver Pharaoh's cup into
his hand, as you did before when you were his steward.
Observation: It was clear from the events in the dream that the chief
steward was serving Pharaoh as he usually did. It was clear that
Pharaoh received the cup from him. The Holy Spirit revealed to
Joseph that this dream was nothing more than a natural dream
dealing with the butler's emotional state. Nor was it just the
"fulfillment" of the butler's longing or desire to be reinstated. This
dream was indeed prophetic in nature. God revealed to Joseph that
the steward would be reinstated by Pharaoh. Also, notice that the
three branches symbolized three "days." In Pharaoh's dream, the
seven cows coming up from the Nile symbolized seven "years."
Joseph could have interpreted the three branches as three years, but
he did not. The Holy Spirit revealed it to him to interpret it as days.
Usually, branches symbolize something more than days (victory,
rejoicing, churches, God's people), but Joseph knew through the
Holy Spirit to interpret them as days. The grapes and the cup were
literal. It didn't symbolize anything else. Usually, grapes speak of
the goodness of God. This shows that sometimes certain objects
have to be taken literally and other times symbolically.

Chief Baker's dream:

I had three white baskets on my head.

In the top basket there were all kinds of meat for Pharaoh.

The birds ate them from the basket above my head.

Interpretation: The three baskets are for three days: But within three
days Pharaoh will lift up your head and hang you on a tree, and the
birds will eat your flesh.

Observation: It was clear from the events in the dream that Chief
Baker was experiencing negative circumstances and events in his
dream. There is nothing that symbolizes hanging on a tree or
Pharaoh's actions in the dream. The Holy Spirit revealed to Joseph
that Pharaoh will instruct his servants to execute the baker by
hanging him from a tree. Also, take note, baskets usually symbolize
something more like the "provisions" of life and not the "days." Also,
take note that the birds in the dream were literal and not symbolic.
Typically, birds symbolize the actions of evil spirits. In the dream,
Pharaoh was not a symbol either. The Pharaoh in the dream
represented Pharaoh himself.

A friend of mine once had the following dream:

In the dream, I was swimming south among the waves of the sea
(not towards the beach but parallel to it).

The next moment he saw a particularly gigantic wave approaching

him from his left.

Before he could do anything, the wave broke right above him.

He was crushed under tons of water and was taken to the bottom of
the sea.

It seemed like he had been carried so deep for so long that, in the
dream, he worried he wouldn't have enough oxygen to reach the
surface again.

He slowly ascended again and after a while, and to his surprise, he

finally reached the surface again. The oxygen in his lungs and blood
lasted until he reached the surface again.

Meaning of relevant symbols:

South direction: Person trying to reach a place or state of tranquility

and refreshment.

Between the waves: The person is in a time or period of their life of

changes or new movements of God.

Huge wave: A great change or movement of God.

Crushed under tons of water: This new change or movement of God
will have a great effect on this person. It will be difficult for the
person and it will be an extremely challenging experience for them.

Taken to the depths of the water: It will be spiritually a deep and

important experience for this person. It also speaks of a "long"
period of time which can literally mean months or years.

Worried about lack of oxygen: The person will struggle and worry
about the effects of this new change. You will worry about the
consequences of this great change or new move of God. This person
will actually doubt whether he or she will pass the test or not.

Against his worries, he came to the surface again: In the dream, this
person did it, which symbolizes that the person will overcome the
difficult moment he is in.

Interpretation: This dream is an exhortation from God. Although the

person seeks a little peace of mind and refreshment, God wants him
to understand that he needs to test his faith and character. There is a
big move coming your way (God's plan for your life) that will be a
pretty unpleasant experience for this person. It will take much
longer than usual, it will be much more difficult than usual, and it
will be much more challenging than usual. This move of God will
test this person's faith and perseverance to the limits. With this
dream, God is preparing the person for what is about to happen. He
is also exhorting this person. God is really saying: You have to hang
in there! This will be difficult, but it is necessary for the
development of your spiritual life. Do not be afraid. You will do it. I
am with you!

As you can see, once again the interpretation revealed much more
than the sum of the symbols in the dream. That is why we need God
to reveal the entire interpretation to us. There is always a reason
why we dream. That is why we need to pray for our dreams and
visions. We always need to seek the face of God for revelations and
interpretations. Symbols play a very important role, but they are not
all that is needed for correct interpretation. A good dream
dictionary is very important. It is also important that we learn the
biblical or heavenly language called "parables," "types," and
"symbols." We need to know by heart the meaning of the different
symbols. We also need to expand our personal dictionaries. The list
of symbols in this or any dream dictionary is not exhaustive.

The Golden Key!

Is there a golden key that can and will ensure that dreams and
visions are interpreted correctly?

What is the most important rule that ensures the correct

interpretation of dreams and visions?

What is the most damaging factor that causes dreams and visions to
be interpreted incorrectly?

What can I do to make sure I interpret dreams and visions correctly?

How can I limit or prevent errors when interpreting dreams and


Yes, there is a GOLDEN KEY: Connect the dream with the relevant
incident, event, trauma, experience, discussion, circumstance, query
or reflection and you will interpret the dream correctly!

I have written a few posts about this aspect of interpreting dreams

and visions but I cannot emphasize it enough.

It really increases your chances of interpreting dreams and visions

dramatically. I am certain of the fact that generally more than ninety
percent of all dreams and visions are interpreted incorrectly and this
is all because people do not connect their dreams with the incident,
event, trauma, experience, discussion, circumstance, question or
reflection that triggered the dream in the first place. This is the
secret to successful dream interpretation.
As an interpreter of dreams and visions, my biggest challenge is
helping people connect their dreams to the incident that triggered
the dream in the first place. If there is no connection, my first
attempt to interpret a dream for someone is usually incorrect
because I am forced to interpret the dream in a general sense or in a
spiritual sense. If we are lucky, the person may recognize something
that reminds them of the original incident that triggered the dream,
making the interpretation correct on the second try.

It does not have to be this way. We can ensure that we always

connect our dreams to the incident that triggered them. It is about
us being aware of the things, events and incidents that can trigger a
dream or vision.

Something I started doing a few years ago is reviewing the day's

incidents, arguments, events, worries, prayers, people I was
involved with during the day, and anything else I suspect might
trigger a dream or a dream. vision, just before I go to sleep. This
works for me. I can almost always connect the dream to the correct
incident in the mornings. This habit has helped me a lot in the past.

We also need to remember that dreams and visions cultivate a

deeper, more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. This is one of
the reasons why God communicates with us in this way.
Interpreting dreams and visions is supposed to be difficult. We are
supposed to seek the face of God and talk to God. God wants us to
have a two-way dialogue with him and wants us to know what he is
talking about when he speaks to us. He wants us to be aware of his
interactions with us in this regard.

That is why we must be serious with him. This is why we need to

honor and respect God when he speaks to us. Imagine this: Your
wife talks to you during the day. She discusses some things with
you that concern you. You see her involved in an argument with her
eldest son. You see her losing her bracelet. She asks him for help
regarding a decision that must be made and announced before noon
the next day. You hear that she had problems with a new boy at the
school where she is teaching. That night, just before going to bed,
you reflect on all these things. You realize that although the
argument with your son was probably the most traumatic incident
for your wife, the other issue surrounding the decision she needs to
announce by noon the next day will have serious repercussions if
she makes the wrong decision. You need to help her with this
decision. Just before work, while she was still sleeping, you write
her a letter guiding her on what she should do and what she should
decide. Now imagine you wake up (you've already gone to work)
reading this letter and she has no idea what you're talking about.
She looks at this letter with a blank expression on her face. When
she realizes that the letter makes no sense to her, she carelessly
throws it into the trash can and gets ready for work.

This is what happens to most people every day of their lives. They
fail to connect the symbolic dream with the incident that triggered
the dream. Then they completely forget about the dream and do not
seek the face of God over the dream. They never understand the
message and that is a great loss. You should see the dreams I have
interpreted over the years for people years after they received it
from God. If they only knew how important or wonderful or
valuable those messages are, they would have made a great effort to
find the meaning of those dreams or visions. Remember, Christ is
our husband and we the church are the wife. Christ loves us. He
died for us. He wants to be involved in every little detail of our
lives. We can't ignore it and we can't ignore what it tells us.

Don't forget that, although it rarely happens, dreams can sometimes

be literal and not symbolic. It may happen that God tells you exactly
what he wants without using symbols. As I said earlier, occasionally
one or two particular objects in dreams, although normally they
should, sometimes should not be interpreted as symbolic, but rather
should be considered literal as the Holy Spirit guides us. It may
even happen that an entire dream is taken literally and not symbolic
at all. I once had to wait for a certain person to deposit much-needed
money into my bank account. A few days before the money was
deposited into my account, the Lord showed me in a dream how the
person deposited the money into my account before we needed it.
The next day I told my wife not to worry because the money would
be in our bank account on time. Of course, this person deposited the
money into our bank account two days before we needed it.
Please note that the Spirit's gifts of revelation, words of wisdom and
words of knowledge, play an important role in dreams and visions.
As I mentioned before, sometimes we supernaturally learn very
important information in a dream or vision. When this happens, the
information does not come through symbols but is actually direct
information that we know supernaturally.

There are two other ways that information reaches us. The first is
when we are sometimes in a semi-sleep and we "hear" a word or a
short phrase. This happens to me very often. This is, of course, a
word of knowledge. The funny thing is that sometimes this word of
knowledge comes in symbolic language. Remember that a word of
knowledge usually comes literally. A good example was one
morning when I was half awake and reflecting on spiritual things
when I heard the following words: "Ewaldt wants to know where
the bathroom is." Ewaldt is my oldest son. I immediately knew that
he was involved in a traumatic incident and that he needed to deal
with the emotional garbage or sin in his life because of this (See
"Toilet (Passing Solids)"). God revealed this to me because He knew
that this time, Ewaldt needed additional prayer and counseling to be
emotionally restored. This information came to me through a word
of wisdom while I was half awake in symbolic language. I also
know of one person who had the same experience even when he
was fully awake.

Symbolic language usually comes to us when we are dreaming or

when we see a vision. It does not come to us in any other way
except through a word of knowledge, as I mentioned above. Real
life incidents should not be considered as symbolic language. When
we see literal things while awake, like a white dove landing on our
windowsill, we shouldn't "read" anything into it. These types of
incidents are just random incidents. Symbolic language is for
dreams and visions. We must not allow misunderstandings in this
regard. I know that God is sovereign and that he can do whatever he
wants. I'm not saying God has never spoken to someone through a
literal real-life incident like this. It's possible, but I would be very
careful with this.
Another example of information that reaches us is when we hear
words or a phrase, similar to the previous example but this time not
in symbolic language but as if we were talking to ourselves. One
morning a few years ago, when I was in a semi-sleep, I clearly heard
the following words: "Yes, yesterday I was so busy and so involved
with my work that I did not help my wife when she asked me for
help. "I also didn't pray when God called me to do so."

This really surprised me! I woke up immediately and of course felt

very guilty. The emotions I experienced during those few seconds
were sadness. I reflected on this incident and God explained to me
what happened. It was my spirit that spoke to my soul (The spirit is
the lamp of God that searches the inner parts of the womb). It was
almost like a wife "complaining" that the husband didn't do what he
was supposed to do. It was somewhat sarcastic but also an
accusation. My spirit knew that my wife really needed my help the
day before. My spirit also heard God calling me to take a break to
pray. However, my soul was so involved with what I was doing that
when it heard my wife's request and when it heard God's call, it
considered it for half a second and then simply ignored those
requests as if it had not happened. He also ignored my spirit that
appealed to him to listen to those requests and be obedient to God. I
know this is what happened because I can clearly remember making
excuses when my wife asked for help and I can vaguely remember
God calling me to pray the day before.

Hearing the voice of God is not easy. Understanding the language of

symbols is also not easy at first. It requires an effort on our part. We
really need to seek the face of God so that he can develop us in this
sense. Make no mistake, we need the Holy Spirit to reveal to us the
true meaning of dreams and visions.

How to become a good and effective interpreter of dreams and

Now that you have covered the theoretical aspects of interpreting
dreams and visions, you need to follow these guidelines:
Start implementing what you've learned. Start interpreting your
dreams and visions and even the dreams and visions of your family
and friends. You can do this effectively by working with the
practical aids that we have provided: The Dream and Vision
Interpretation Course Manual and the Dream Analysis Reports.
Analysis reports are available
available as a FREE add-on when you purchase the Authentic
Christian Dreams and Visions Symbol Dictionary. The course is free
but, like most other courses, students must purchase the Course
Manuals. It's virtually two books for the price of one.

What do you gain by purchasing these materials?

The Dream Dictionary contains approximately twice as many

symbols as the free online dictionary. Therefore, the book is for
those who want to learn how to interpret dreams correctly. This will
allow students to know exactly how to communicate with God in
this way. They will also be able to interpret dreams and visions for
their family and friends.

The Dream and Vision Interpretation Course Manual is a practical

step-by-step manual that allows you to put theoretical knowledge
into practice. It covers all the practical information and aspects that
govern the practical aspects of interpreting dreams and visions.

The material can be used to conduct Dream and Vision

Interpretation courses informally and formally by any Dictionary
and Manual owner in their local area of residence or wherever they

Important Information: Please check the website regularly for posts

related to dreams and visions. A lot of information is covered in
these posts that is not included in the book, tutorials or course

Read and study the meanings of all the symbols in the "Dream
Dictionary" as often as you can. Take your time. The meanings of
the symbols will gradually become familiar to you.
Always consult the dictionary, even when you are sure you know
the meaning of a particular symbol. We all tend to overlook
different aspects and different variations of the same symbol in
terms of its meaning. Sometimes there are alternative meanings and
even different variations of those meanings belonging to many
symbols. There will come a time when you will no longer need to
check the meanings of the symbols, but my recommendation is to
put it off as long as you can.

You will receive regular, practical "Dream Symbol Analysis Reports"

that will train you to interpret dreams and visions correctly. These
reports are very important and you need to do these practical
exercises as much as you can. Try to analyze the symbols and
interpret the dreams and visions for yourself before reading my
interpretation. This will train you to identify the symbols correctly.
You will be able to identify not only prominent symbols but also
hidden symbols in dreams and visions. It will also guide and train
you to identify the central meaning or central "theme" of a particular
dream or vision.

Please note, to learn the biblical language of symbols, you need to

read this information: How to Correctly Interpret Dream and Vision
Symbols for free at the links provided at the bottom of this page.

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