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Dependent Variable - Academic performances in math – quantitative variable -- ordinal

Independent Variable - emotional health – categorical variables -- continuous variables

-What is/are the best statistical tool to use?

Pearson's r
-what kind of quantitative study?
quantitative correlational study --- the relationship between emotional health and
academic performances in math. The dependent variable, academic performance in
math, is measured quantitatively, while the independent variable, emotional health, is
likely measured using a self-report or other rating scale
-what is the objective of this study? the main question why we are starting this study?
investigate the relationship between emotional health and academic performances in
math. Specifically, the study aims to determine whether emotional health has an impact
on the academic performance of students in math.
• Is there a significant correlation between emotional health and academic
performances in math?
• Does emotional health positively or negatively affect academic performance in
-what is our hypothesis?
There is a significant relationship between two variables
Dependent Variable - Academic performances in math – quantitative variable -- ordinal
Independent Variable - time spent reviewing/studying -- quantitative variable – interval
-What is/are the best statistical tool to use?
Pearson's r
-what kind of quantitative study?
quantitative correlational study -- the study is quantitative because it involves the
collection and analysis of numerical data, such as grades in math and the number of
hours spent reviewing/studying.
-what is the objective of this study? the main question why we are starting this study?
To investigate the relationship between time spent reviewing/studying and academic
performances in math. Specifically, the study aims to determine whether the amount of
time a student spends reviewing or studying math has an impact on their academic
performance in the subject.
• Is there a significant correlation between the time spent reviewing/studying and
academic performances in math?
-what is our hypothesis?
There is a significant relationship between the time spent reviewing/studying and
academic performances in math.

Other suggestion: The Relationship between Absenteeism and Academic Performance:

A Statistical Analysis

Independent: Absenteeism
Dependent: Academic Performance (GWA)

Check references:
• https://mpra.ub.uni-

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