Maintenance of The Green Areas of A Hotel

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Simon Bolivar University

Litoral Headquarters

Hotel plant maintenance

Maintenance of the green areas of a hotel

Teacher: Members:

Raúl Toro Aida González 15-08471 Andreyna Pérez 15-04975

María Pereira 15-08358

Orianna Soto 15-08341

Paola De Abreu 15-03308

Camurí Grande, November 2018


Introduction 3

Maintenance of green areas 4

Pruning grass and bushes 5

Lawn Aeration 7

Lawn cutting and edging 9

Irrigation program and method 11

Fertilization 13

Harvest 15

Plants found in the green areas of the La Fuente de la Higuera 17 hotel

Inventory of the green areas for maintenance 19

Inventory of equipment used in the maintenance of green areas in a hotel 19

Plan carried out for the green area of hotel 20

Maintenance plan for hotel floors 20

Irrigation network 22

Maintenance Plan for the equipment used 23

Conclusion 31

Bibliography 32


A maintenance system is a very useful tool for the management of a company, since it allows

guidance about the activities, equipment and time spent in a certain area to keep it in good


For companies dedicated to providing food and beverage and accommodation services, such

as hotels, it is important to rely on a maintenance system in the areas that are essential for

providing the service.

In the case of this investigation, it was decided to develop a maintenance plan for the green

areas of the La Fuente de la Higuera hotel.

Maintenance of green areas

Green areas are all those urban spaces, or those on the periphery of these, predominantly

occupied with trees, bushes or plants, which can have different uses, whether fulfilling functions

of recreation, recreation, ecological, ornamentation, protection, recovery and rehabilitation of the

environment. , or similar.

Another definition is that gardens and green areas, indoors and outdoors, are delicate spaces

and their correct maintenance, protection and conservation contribute to offering a better image

of the company.

According to Javier Arranz (2004) “maintenance must be carried out on the hotel's

landscaping every four weeks.” In order not to give a bad image to the hotel, you must have all

kinds of tools to prune the grass and trees, and enough staff for this.

There are certain green area maintenance tasks that are routine, and must be performed regularly,

others are seasonal tasks.

In this research it was decided to work with the green areas of the hotel “ La Fuente de Higuera

”, a wonderful and relaxing hotel in a beautiful rural environment located in Andalusia, Spain. It

is located in an old mill house surrounded by trees. The centerpiece of the carefully maintained

gardens is the swimming pool with panoramic views over the hills and valleys with cypresses,

evonyms, privets, birds of paradise and palm trees. It has 2000m2 of garden and a total of

3000m2 of hotel . The activities required for the maintenance of these gardens are mainly the


 Pruning grass, plants and trees.

 Aeration, cutting, edging and reseeding the lawn.

 Irrigation and fertilization.

 Cleaning: Collection of dry leaves, branches, herbs, etc.

Each of the activities mentioned above will be specified, as well as the equipment and

necessary cleaning routine.

Grass Pruning: On actively growing plants, such as hedges and evergreens, lightly trimming

new growth in late spring and early summer will help control the height and shape of the shrub.

Pruning promotes healthy growth of trees and shrubs by cutting away old twigs and woody

branches. Prune in fall or winter while the tree or shrub is dormant.

Types of Pruning:

 Training Pruning : Corresponds to the removal of branches during the first years of the

tree's life, in order to maintain the characteristics of the structures and shape of the tree


 Maintenance Pruning : Corresponds to pruning during the years following planting to

regulate the growth of the trees and achieve the size and shape, natural or artificial, that

the adult specimen will have.

 Levante Pruning : This corresponds to the elimination of the lowest branches of the tree,

mainly those that arise in the trunk, to obtain a free area under the crown for circulation.

This intervention is permanent and a clearance height is established from the floor 3 m

high. All monocotyledonous species existing in green areas are excluded from this type

of management.

 Rejuvenation Pruning : Type of aggressive pruning, which has no other criterion other

than reducing the size of the crown or reducing its height.

 Guide Pruning : When the upper part of the tree branches and gives rise to several

terminal guides, it is necessary to intervene so that only one vertical branch is preserved,

which will constitute the main axis of the tree.

 Root Pruning : Root treatments will be carried out on those specimens that are causing

damage to any construction in the green area or in its vicinity.

Any cut made during pruning must be clean, sharp, free of tears and in an oblique direction

and opposite to the last bud. To carry out a correct intervention of total extraction of primary and

secondary branches, the following instructions will be followed:

1. A cut should be made at the top of the branch, 30 cm away. of the trunk, and

without reaching the center of the branch.

2. It is cut below the same branch, but this time attached to the trunk.

3. Deepen the first cut made to the branch until it is detached

4. Remove the remaining stump with a sharp-bladed tool and coat the surface with

fungicide (cupric paste).

Minor secondary and tertiary branches can be cut with sharp and well-adjusted pruners in a

single cut and in one go.

Shrub pruning : Pruning hedges, removing dry, poorly located, broken or diseased branches and

annual pruning, in the months of June and July, for roses, crepes, along with removing dried

flowers to prevent their premature aging.

In general, the natural growth of the species will be respected and pruning to thin out

branches will be consulted.

Use of proper tools: Always use the appropriate size cutting tool to minimize the risk of damage

to the tree or shrub, as well as to the tool itself and the operator. The tools can be:

 Thinning Scissors: Small, easily accessible trimming

scissors less than 3/8 inch thick.

 Hand Pruner: A hook and blade tool for cutting branches

and twigs from 3/8 to 1 inch in diameter.

 Hand Pruning Saws : When you need more than a hand

pruner (1-4 inch cuts).

 Long Handle Pruning Shears: When you need more than a

hand pruner (1-3 inch cuts) or for harder to reach branches.

 Tree Pruners: A pole-mounted pruning head or saw blade

that allows cutting branches up to 1-3/4 inch on tall trees.

 Hedge/shrub shears: For pruning when the diameter of the

plant material is thin, but there is a large amount.

Lawn aeration : It is a maintenance technique carried out with aerating

machines, whose function is to perforate the surface of the grass, allowing it to decompact and

improving its permeability. You can choose to use a drilling roller, which performs the drilling

and represents a solution for grass maintenance. This work is preferable to do for grass in warm

seasons in spring. Avoid airing during intense heat. Aerating in these conditions will stress the

grass allowing the heat to dry out the soil.

Source: Agrocesped

Date: October 2018

Guidelines to follow for effective aeration

 Aerate the grass when it is growing well. For warm season grass, mid to late spring is the

best time.

 Aerate when the soil is moist, but not wet.

 Avoid aeration during periods of stress.

 Ensure the aerator does not hit sprinkler lines or underground utilities.

 Aeration holes can be filled with porous soil amendments or organic material to improve

porosity and water and nutrient infiltration.

Times to consider for aerating, sowing or applying pre-emergent herbicides : The time for

aeration, sowing and applying pre-emergent herbicides is usually the same. This can be

complicated, since if done in the wrong order, you can obtain an unwanted result, thus losing

money, product and work.

Common mistakes:

 A pre-emergent herbicide applied shortly before planting not only prevents weed

germination, but also desirable seed germination.

 Aerating after application of pre-emergent herbicides punctures holes and disrupts the

barrier created, meaning weeds can still germinate.

Grass cutting : The grass will be permanently maintained at a height ranging between 3 to 5

centimeters high, depending on the season of the year. Each cut will not exceed one third of the

total height of the grass, with exhaustive control of the mixtures before the cutting process. A

uniform grass height will be maintained throughout the intervened grass area, through a clean cut

without tearing. Lawn mowers will be used with impact cutting mechanism, side discharge,

minimum 5.5 hp power, with height regulator.

All excess material will be removed from the surface of the green area meadows on the same

day it is made, subsequently an intense hydration process of the grass will be carried out.

The process will be carried out weekly except for the fall-winter season where the frequency

will be spaced out, not exceeding ten days between cuts.

Lawn Mowing Tips : A general rule of thumb is to time your lawn mowing so that no more than

one-third of the height of the grass is removed. Removing more than a third of the grass leaves

can cause root growth to cease while leaves and shoots grow very quickly as a result. If this

practice is repeated it can be harmful to the grass. Below are guidelines for mowing some types

of grass.

Source: Horizon Maintenance Guide.

Date: October 2018

Grass edging : The edging consisting of the perimeter cutting of the meadows of the green areas

and the contour of the tree, shrub and ornamental elements that contain the grass areas. This

work will be carried out simultaneously with the cutting, carried out with due caution not to

damage the bark of the neck of the species inserted in the meadows, as well as on the roads,

paths, fences, planters and sidewalks. Professional lawn mowers will be used, with projectile

impact protector, minimum power 1.9 hp.

In addition, it is considered a clearing of solerillas and edges of corn roads and paths,

eliminating weeds and delimiting the meadows. This work should not exceed 10cm wide from

the solerilla or edge of the sidewalk to the edge of the meadow.

Lawn reseeding : Damaged, aged or weeded grass is replaced, replacing it with carpet or roll

type grass that contains the characteristics and virtues necessary for the client.

The land for replanting must be chopped to a depth of 20 centimeters, sieving the soil and

incorporating 40% of sifted leaf soil and, if necessary, 10% coarse sand, leveling the land

appropriately. In the replanting process, the following seed mixtures will be used: poa pratensis,

dwarf clover, perennial lilium, and fescue arundinacea. These mixtures can be modified; a dose

of 01 kg should be considered for 18 M2.

Irrigation Program : Irrigation consists of artificially providing water to the soil, in such a way

that it obtains optimal humidity so that the plant species existing in the green area have water in

sufficient quantity and effectively, with the aim of the species, but mainly the grass, always

develop healthy and vigorous. Adequate irrigation is conditional on the best combination of the

following factors:

 Irrigation frequency: It is defined as the time that elapses between the execution of two

successive irrigations.

 Irrigation flow: It is defined as the amount of water delivered to be incorporated into a

soil in a unit of time and determined volume (e.g. liters/minutes).

 Irrigation time: It is defined as the duration of this task, from the beginning to the end of

it. This will be conditioned by the type of soil and the flow available in each case.

 Irrigation depth: It is defined as the infiltration that the water reaches after irrigation has

been carried out. The depth of this infiltration cannot be less than the average extension

reached by the root system of the species to be irrigated.

 Irrigation schedule: Irrigation will be carried out during the hours when the atmospheric

conditions are technically appropriate, or when the service requires it. In the frost season,

irrigation of the lawn will be attempted early in the morning, to reduce the damage

caused by this climatic phenomenon to plant species.

 Irrigation method: Irrigation must be carried out using a hose with a dissipator, impact

sprinklers or irrigation with a tank truck. In those cases, duly justified.

Irrigation method: The irrigation depth will be 30 centimeters in trees and 5 centimeters in

bushes, the volume of water applied will be sufficient for the irrigation sheet to reach these

depths (approximately 8 liters per m2), avoiding surface runoff and subsequent erosion and loss

of nutrients in the soil. In sectors with ground cover and grass, the hydration process will be

carried out with a hose or sprinklers, providing a type of fine and constant rain. Below are the

irrigation recommendations depending on the season:

Source: Horizon Maintenance Guide .

Date: October 2018

Fertilization : The most advisable thing when making a fertilization plan for any crop is to do a

soil analysis, to see precisely what the availability of nutrients it has, based on these results and

the requirements of the crop, carry out a precise fertilization program to complete what the soil

needs to recover to meet the nutrient demands of the plants for their optimal development.

It must be assumed that there are practically no soils that provide 100% of the nutritional

requirements, therefore, it is normal that problems arise due to lack of nutrients in the species to

be treated (trees, shrubs, floral plants, ground covers and grass). ). The most important elements

for plants to develop fully are macronutrients (N, P, K), which will be delivered mainly through

the incorporation of inorganic products into the soil in complement of organic products through

natural amendments and applications of foliar products based on organic products, which also

help provide the micronutrients that plants need.

The main sources of Nitrogen (N) can be obtained mainly from Urea, Potassium and Sodium

Saltpeter, Nitrates, Diatonic Phosphate and Guano. Potassium (K) is obtained from Potassium

Saltpeter, which also provides minor elements and Calcium Nitrate. Triple Superphosphate is

preferably used as a source of phosphorus (P).

It is advisable to apply organic fertilizers, whether of animal or vegetable origin, which are

odor-free mainly because it is an additional source of nutrients and because it is a source of

organic matter, improving the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil. This

favors root development, the moisture retention capacity and aeration of the soil. Therefore, to

develop the fertilization program, a complementation between organic matter and fertilizers will

be sought in order to achieve an improvement in the soil structure and thereby provide the

necessary nutrients for the vegetables. The application time should be when the vegetables begin

to come out of their winter recess.

Application time: The time of application of the chemical products will be between 9:00 p.m.

and 6:00 a.m., taking into consideration the climatic conditions and characteristics of the place.

Equipment used: In those cases, such as the application of foliar fertilizers, we work with

manual and motorized back sprayers, which are regulated and checked before each application to

obtain the best performance, operating pressure and delivery time. recommended product for

each case.

In the case of soil fertilizers, drag carts, rake shovels and incorporation rollers or 1 cubic

meter plastic containers will be used, in the case of using water-soluble fertilizers applied via


For the safety of the personnel who work in the green areas of the hotel carrying out the

pertinent tasks of cleaning, irrigation, fertilization, among others. You are advised to work with

caution and avoid risks when handling tools with sharp edges and chemicals. Also be aware of

common hazards, such as falls, heavy lifting, exposure to heat/sun, dust, and potentially

damaging equipment. Workers must be protected with the following equipment:

 Gloves: Thick gloves should be worn to avoid cuts, burns and blisters.

 Clothing: Wear tight-fitting long-sleeved shirts to prevent them from getting caught

in the blades of the equipment.

 Face Protection: Wear safety glasses or a mask to protect yourself from flying

particles and chemicals.

 Hearing Protection: Wear ear protection when using high-powered equipment.

 Steel Toe Work Boots: Wear steel toe boots when using lawnmowers and trimmers.

Avoid long, dangling cords.

 Helmets: Use to help protect against sun damage and when pruning trees.

 Chemical safety: You should not smoke when working with pesticides or fertilizers.

 First aid: Always have fresh water and a first aid kit nearby.


Mowing is a fundamental maintenance operation, since the final appearance of the green

grass tapestry largely depends on it. It is important to take into account the following aspects:

 Machinery to be used.

 Mowing frequency, which depends on the speed of growth.

 Mowing height, which depends among other factors on the use given to the grass

and the seed mixture used.

There are two main types of mowers on the market: rotary and helical.

Rotary mowers are most used in ornamental gardening by hobbyists, public parks, sports

fields and large surfaces. The cutting element is a blade with two arms that rotate about a vertical

axis at high speed.

It does not allow cuts lower than 15 – 20 mm. These machines are characterized by having

easy and cheap maintenance, which is reduced to periodically sharpening the blades, and

checking the perfect alignment of the rotation axis and the blade that it moves. However, the cut

is much less perfect than that of helical machines used on higher quality grasses, such as those

found in sports venues. The height of the mowing depends on the type of grass and the Use:

Ornamental grasses, soccer field, golf course, etc.

Tips for mowing the lawn:

 Avoid cutting wet grass.

 Avoid exaggerating the forward speed of the cutter.

 Alternate the direction or direction of cutting.

 Check and properly maintain the machine parts, especially blades and counter


 Clean the mower with pressurized water with a fungicide solution to avoid

transmitting diseases from one lawn to another.

 Raise the cutting height in summer to limit evapotranspiration.

 Raise the cutting height again in autumn or at the beginning of winter, as the grass

will better resist trampling and uprooting.

 Never cut more than 1/3 of the sheet at a time.

 Lower the cutting height progressively.

Plants found in the green areas of the La Fuente de la Higuera hotel

Date palm

The date palm is a dioecious, slender plant that can reach 25-30 m

in height and 2 m in diameter at the base of the stem. It is the fruit

species that tolerates the greatest climatic differences, but at the

same time it is the most demanding regarding them, for adequate

development and fruiting. Commercial date palm production is

limited to those areas with warm climates that have continually

low humidity during the fruit ripening season.


It is a tree that can reach up to 15m in height and 3m in diameter

with erect branches with grayish green leaves. Rare is the garden

that does not have a cypress fence. The cypress is one of the

trees most used by gardeners in their gardens to limit the perimeters or create screens in the

garden or plot. The cypress accepts all types of soils or lands and tolerates drought well.


The privet is a shrub that measures approximately two

meters in height, is perennial and grows both in full sun and

in the shade. Its leaves are green (similar to those of the

olive tree), lanceolate and opposite. For their part, the

flowers have a white hue and give off a scent. Importantly,

its fruit is a bitter and toxic black berry.


It is an evergreen shrub that can reach 3 or 4 meters in

height. Its new branches are green and angular; Its leaves are

opposite, bright green with yellow or white striae or

markings, leathery, gently toothed and wider at the apex.

The fruits are bright red and ripen towards the end of autumn

or beginning of winter.

Bird from paradise

It is a plant characterized by its intense orange inflorescence. These flowers open in the shape of

a fan and usually take a shape similar to that of an exotic or tropical bird. Because of this unique

shape of the flowers it has the name bird of paradise.

Inventory of the green areas area for maintenance

Plants types Quantities

Date palm 3

Cypress 8

privet 3

Evonym 2

Bird from paradise 1

Equipment Quantities Equipment Quantities

Lawn mowing machine 2 thinning scissors 2

Aerators 1 Manual pruning saws 2

perforating roller 1 Tree Pruners 2

Brushcutter 3 Hedge/Shrub Scissors 4

Hoses 4 herbicides 6

Sprinklers 1 Safety glasses 10

Back sprayers 2 Gloves 15

Drag Cars 5 Auditive protectors 8

Pallas 2 Steel Toe Boots 16

Rakes 6 Special oils 20

sponges 15 Liquid soap 9

Fertilizers (foliar and soil) 10 each

Inventory of equipment used in the maintenance of green areas in a hotel

Plan carried out for the hotel's green area

Cypress It is a tree that can Control and Little Make sure the Fertilize Fertilize to It is pruned to

reach up to 15m monitoring watering plant does not with help keep keep the hedge

Plant inDescription
height and 3mDiary
by those to
Weekly avoid Biweekly
contain anyMonthly
organic the hedgeAnnual
Biannual uniform and

in diameter with responsible fungi type of pest or mulch to green, help prevent its
Date Dioecious, Periodic It will be Periodic Carry out Apply a Carry out soil
erect branches disease maintain its the roots deterioration
palm slender plant watering fertilized once control and pruning, slow treatments with
with grayish growth. and
that can reach a month, to monitoring cutting the release Lindane,
green leaves. increase its
30 m in height avoid pests of the leaves, complex Malathion,
and 2 m in and diseases. stability of eliminating fertilizer Chlorpyrifos, in a
Evonym Itdiameter.
is an evergreen Control and Frequent Make
the sure thetheMineral
specimen shoots Requires The fertilization
controlled manner
shrub that can monitoring but not must
plant doesbenotandfertilizer only to will avoid
be done with
reach 3 or 4 by those abundant containout.
carried with sulfur pruning toappearance
cleaning an organic
meters in height. responsible watering dangers suchthedissolved
stipe. in shape product,
resistance. after

as aphids and the having dug the

powdery irrigation soil around the

mildew. water plants.

should be


privet The privet is a Abundantly Leaves Make sure the Fertilize the Carry out Carry out

shrub that watered and other plant does not soil for an clean fertilization

measures debris contain any organic pruning to treatments to

approximately should be type of pest or contributio shape the avoid types of

two meters in cleaned. disease n plant pests and diseases

height, is

perennial and

grows both in full

sun and in the


Bird of It is a plant Control and Frequent Leaves and Use It should be When you get

Paradis characterized by its monitoring but not other debris fertilizers fertilized 20 cut them

e intense orange by those abundant should be of natural with doses to allow them to
irrigation network

Activity Frequency

Maintenance Plan for the equipment used

Descriptio Daily Weekly Biweekly Monthly Biannual Annual


Used to Dry clean with cloth. Clean with Verify Perform oil Sharpen Check the

cut the soap and changes. the blades. condition of

grass cutting machine

grass in water. the blades



Aerators The remains Clean the Disassembl Check all Lubricate Change of

are used to produced from these entire exterior e to clean operation each of its parts for a

exchange tasks must be of the the and parts. parts. better result

water, air removed equipment. equipment at work.

and light immediately. more

in the thoroughly.


rice in





It is used They should be Dry clean with Wash the Lubricate Check its Check each

for cleaned immediately cloths. entire all metal operation of the parts

refining after the process, exterior of parts. in case and replace

the using micro sponges the changes those that

surfaces of daily. equipment are are

a garden, with necessary. necessary.

perforating roller

for recent sponges and

sowing or soap.

seeds and






Clean the outside of Clean the Clean the Change the Change Replace the

Machine the machine spark plug and fuel filter spark plug the reel for spark

for cutting Verify that the carburetor both and check as a optimal arrester

weeds at handle, handlebar inside and out. that its hose precaution, results
Brush cutters.

ground and stop knob are Apply the is not in some

level intact appropriate damaged. cases it

Make sure the nuts amount of must be

and bolts are tight grease to the changed

gear before this


Object to You should remove The sprinkler It must be Adjust the Stretch all Change

irrigate the the water that must be purged disassemble Radius and hoses and sprinkler

areas. remains inside, roll it so that all d to Arc of the carefully check

up very well and debris comes delicately sprinklers check valves so

prevent it from out of the pipe. clean the so that the whether that they
Hoses or sprinklers.

coming into contact filter water they may continue to

with the sun. comes out have or have good

in the open drainage

correct holes. and avoid

direction puddles



It is used After use, the tank Carry out Check the The nozzles Lubricate Sealing

to spread a must be emptied and checks on the filters to must be all metal valves,

compound cleaned so that no engine, remove prevent checked for parts such clamps and

that can be residue remains, as the spark plug, foreign wear and as clamps bolts should

natural well as the nozzles clean the matter from calibrated. and bolts. be checked

such as must be cleaned. carbon, open entering and to replace

Back sprayers

water, or the purifier and if they are those that

chemical check the worn they are worn.

such as sponge or filter should be

herbicides that can be changed

or cleaned with

pesticides. gasoline to



Wash with water Clean the Grease the Check the Carry out Preserve a

under pressure, soap surface in wheels. correct an wooden

and rub each of its direct contact inflation of exhaustive handle by

parts with microfiber with the plant the tires, wash with applying

gloves, finally let it remains with a condition of a plastic several

dry to be stored. highly the handles, bristle coats of

absorbent paint of the brush on quality

microfiber equipment each part varnish or

towel and rule out that makes painting it.

moistened with the state of up the The metal

Drag cars .

neutral soap, in oxidation. drag cart. parts of the

this way the Metal tool can be

residues during parts painted,

drying will be should be with one

completely coated coat of

eliminated. with a primer and

mixture of two coats of

Vaseline iron paint

and light

oil to



The shovel Under pressure with They should be Check in Lubricate The metal If dents

is useful a jet of water or disinfected by more detail them with edges of appear, you

for scraping with a rubbing with a for any rust oil or shovels or can fix them

planting, sponge, all dirt and cloth or dents. Vaseline to rakes with a

transplanti plant remains will be moistened with prevent should be hammer or

ng and removed. (bleach, oxidation. sanded mallet, paint

turning Finally dry isopropyl or with a the rusty

soil. cleaning metal file. surfaces

Shovels, rakes.

The roller alcohol,

to clean iodine,

and refine hydrogen

the ground peroxide) to

once we kill most

finish pathogens.

digging. Finally let it

dry without


Small, They must be They should be It should be Spray the File and Change

easy- cleaned after use cleaned with greased to scissors sharpen handles that

access with a dry cloth. soap and maintain its with scissors are

trimming water, flexibility, lubricating for best exhausted

scissors scrubbed with and an oil to results, to avoid

a hard-bristled inspection prevent rust especially workplace

Scissors (Thinning, hand, pruning, long handle)

brush to should be those that accidents,

remove any made to cut small and make it

adhering ensure that trunks and easier for

debris. They the edges branches. workers to

should be and handles handle

cleaned with are in good them.

soap and condition.


scrubbed with

a hard-bristled

brush to

remove any




All the aforementioned tasks are carried out by the gardeners who work at the Hotel La

Fuente de Higuera, and are extremely important for the correct maintenance and conservation of

all the equipment and plants found in the hotel in order to prolong and guarantee their life.


Finally, there are certain green areas maintenance tasks that are routine, and must be

carried out regularly, others are seasonal tasks, but all of these are cyclical preventive

maintenance tasks because they will be carried out periodically to guarantee the useful life of the

equipment and plants.



CAÑAMOS “MAINTENANCE”. Spain. Retrieved from:


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TENOR FLETA AVENUE PHASE 1, Retrieved from: https://www.zaragoza.


Biocleaners, s/f. GREEN AREAS MAINTENANCE. Mexico. Retrieved from:


SERVICES. Mexico. Recovered from:


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