The 5 in The Morning Club

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It is a book full of wisdom, quite extensive for my taste, since it adds a story to tell the method.
This is a very brief summary of the almost 400 pages of the book. If you are interested in
knowing more about the subject, I recommend that you buy the book.

“I hope you live a life you are proud of. And if you see that it is not like that, I hope you have
the strength to start again.” F. Scott Fitgerald


Adding to the distraction is the end of your production.

Excuses don't create any genius.

Every change is hard at the beginning, messy in the middle, and precious at the end.

To get the results of the elite 5%, you must start doing what 95% of people are reluctant to do.

When you feel like giving up, keep going.

Free yourself from the destructive habit of not keeping the commitments you make to yourself.
Failure to keep promises is one of the main reasons why many people stop loving themselves.
Not finishing what we set out to do destroys our sense of personal value and affects our self-
esteem. If you maintain this type of behavior, your unconscious part will begin to believe that
you are not worthy of anything.

THE 20/20/20 FORMULA

Phase 1: Get up a little before 5 in the morning (just enough to go to the bathroom, wash your
face and put on sports clothes) and from 5 to 5.20: MOVE: do intense exercise.

Phase 2: from 5.20 to 5.40: REFLECT: write a journal, meditate, plan your day... Be reflective
and aware of the values to which you wish to be loyal in the hours ahead of you. And the way
you want to act.

Phase 3: 5.40 to 6: GROW: review your goals, read a book, listen to audiobooks on personal
development, creativity and business management, study the lives of great men and women of
the past, watch documentaries about the way in which the best did what they did...


From 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.: last meal of the day, turn off all electronic devices, isolate yourself
from hyperstimulation.
From 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.: talk to your loved ones, meditate, read, listen to podcasts or
audiobooks, bath time.

9:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.: Prepare to sleep in a cool, dark, technology-free room, organize your
sports clothes for the next day, and practice gratitude.


The bubble of total concentration (BCT): the 5 primary assets that all super-productive human
beings seek to defend are: concentration, physical energy, willpower, original talent and daily

The 90/90/1 rule: For the next 90 days, schedule yourself to invest the first 90 minutes of your
workday in the one activity that, when done excellently, will allow you to dominate your
industry. This 90 minute period must be completely free of any noise or interruptions.

The 60/10 Method: The way elite creatives achieve what they achieve is by understanding the
power of fluctuation. They structure their work cycles in such a way that they alternate bursts
of deep concentration and extremely high performance intensity with periods of real rest and
total recovery. Once the first 90 minutes of your work day are finished. Use a timer to work
hard for 60 minutes, then rest for 10 minutes (take a walk, read, meditate, visualize, listen to
upbeat music. Then repeat this phase again.

The concept of the daily 5: make a list of 5 minimum goals that you want to achieve throughout
the day to feel that it has been a productive day.

The second cardio workout (2EC): schedule a 2nd workout at the end of the work day with a
2nd cardio session. You'll overcome the exhaustion that most people feel after work, recharge
your willpower batteries, and have fewer nighttime sugar cravings. One of the best activities
you can do is a one-hour nature walk.

The 2-massage protocol: include 2 90-minute massages in your weekly schedule.

The traffic university: take advantage of the time of each trip to learn to improve professional
capacity and personal knowledge. Listen to audiobooks and podcasts that enrich you.

The ideal team technique: you need to delegate the tasks that not only waste hours, but also
steal your happiness.

Weekly Design System: Establish and adapt a 30-minute ritual each Sunday morning, to create
your “Action Plan for a Perfect Week.”

60 minutes as a student: Study for at least 60 minutes a day. Read, review your journal entries,
take online courses, talk to a mentor, watch skill-building videos.


Get up at 5 in the morning

Do intense sports for 20 minutes

Plan your day, meditate, or write in your journal for 20 minutes

Review your goals and take another 20 minutes

When you start your work day, dedicate the first 90 minutes to the activity, which when you do
it excellently, will allow you to dominate your sector.

Then, work the rest of your day following the 60/10 method: work focused and without
distractions for 60 minutes and rest for 10 minutes.

Set yourself 5 daily goals that you must meet to make your day productive.

Do cardio for 1 hour, like going for a walk in nature.

Give yourself 2 90-minute massages a week.

Take advantage of the journeys to educate yourself: read, listen to audiobooks...

Delegate the tasks that steal your happiness.

Study for 60 minutes a day: read, review your journal notes, take online courses, talk to a
mentor, watch skill-building videos.

On Sundays plan your week.

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