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1. Read the information presented in relation to the stages of the writing process and organize it in a concept map.
WRITE: Express in writing thoughts, feelings, knowledge, which
have previously been organized rationally.
TEXT WRITING TEXT: Any type of writing, from a monumental novel to a simple
card with a greeting.


It requires time and
dedication because it T. NARRATIVE
is not about writing a STYLE : It is the particular form or special characteristic in
text in a matter of
which the person who writes a writing expresses himself. T. DESCRIPTIVE
minutes. T. EXPOSITORY
CLARITY : It is related to the possibility of describing with
This phase begins after T. ARGUMENTATIVE
simplicity by avoiding using complicated or far-fetched
organizing the vocabulary, complex phrases or ambiguities. T. DIGITAL
brainstorming and T. ACADEMIC:
becomes the first draft. COHERENCE : It is the aspect that gives unity to the text - ESSAYS
It is very important to based on statements that focus on a specific topic. - SUMMARY
review it, read it
carefully to make the COHESION : It is the process through which words are
corresponding changes. linked and sentences that are part of a text are
REVIEW AND structured to facilitate understanding.
Correct reaction of the
CORRECTION texts, that there is no
repetition of ideas, PARAGRAPH : They are sentences linked together, and
correct spelling and are composed of a main idea and some complementary
punctuation marks. or secondary ideas that develop the topic.


An academic text is a discursive unit made up of ideas that revolve around the same topic. Every
text must present the following properties: Unity, solidity of the information given, organization of
the content, lexical and grammatical adequacy as well as orthographic. Therefore, writing an
academic text should be understood as a process in which we must follow some stages that will
allow us to adequately organize the ideas we want to communicate.

These stages are:

a) Planning.- It is the stage prior to the writing itself. In it, the writer must determine aspects
related to the purpose of his writing, the delimitation of the topic, the characteristics of the text,
the type of textual structure, the recipient, the time, etc.

Likewise, the bibliographic search and the selection and organization of ideas in a writing outline
are tasks considered in this first moment of the writing process. Whoever wants to train in writing
academic-scientific texts must: ―[…] collect information on that topic and read it. And when you
have read it, it is necessary to define which texts you have read you agree with and what you will
disagree with […] This point of view will determine that the writer establishes his position and
argument‖ (Ramírez, 2013, p.19 )-

Reading and selecting ideas in a previous outline allow the writer to prepare the necessary tools
for the textualization process. In these aspects lies the importance of the planning process.

b) Textualization.- Once the ideas are organized, the writing itself must begin. This involves good
management of linguistic resources and the organization of ideas according to the writing scheme.
In this regard, Ramírez (2013) maintains: ―[…] this is the stage that constitutes the axis of our
work as writers. But it is good to think of it as the end of a planning activity, that is, as the
consequence of a reflection task‖ (p.18). That is, at this stage, the ideas that you want to express
are developed, since, in this phase, you begin to write following the writing scheme, for which a
first draft is prepared that can be modified as it is developed. Reread, until you meet the
expectations of what you want to convey to the reader. It is important that, at this stage, ideas
flow and regulatory requirements are not given much importance, because, for this, there is
another stage in the writing process.

c) Revision of the text.- It consists of revising the text to improve it. The review process should be
understood as "the moment of criticism, of taking a step back and seeing what does not agree
with the rest, what is left over and what is missing, what is in the wrong place and how we can
solve those problems" (Ramírez , 2013, p.18). That is, the examination of the text must be based
on all the aspects that support the ideas and confirm whether what has been written is what is
really intended to be communicated. This implies that, the greater the rigor in the review, the
more elaborate the texts that are written will be.

d) Editing the text.- To edit, it is necessary to first go through the review phase, which is where
possible errors or aspects that are considered inappropriate in the text are displayed. After this,
we proceed to edit or modify until what is written expresses what we want to convey. That is,
editing consists of examining and rereading the text until a final version is achieved that meets the
expectations of the editor and the readers. Here you have to leave the text clean, without errors.
You must also consider the required margins and relevant spaces between lines, paragraphs,
chapters or sections, applying bold or italics, incorporating images, etc.

Information sources

1. Bibliographical

Castillo, S. and Villanueva, M. (2012). Writing for beginners (and for those who want to stop being
beginners). Lima: Pakarina Ediciones SAC.

Correa, L. (2014). Writing and writing: toolbox. Medellín: University of Medellín.

Cervantes Institute. (2015). Know how to write. Buenos Aires: Aguilar, Alfaguara.

Patiño, G. (2013). Writing and university. Guide to academic work. Bogotá: Universidad del

Maldonado, F. et. to the. (2014). Reading to write at university. Lima: Seagull Blue Editors.

2. Internet

Royal Spanish Academy. (2014). Spanish dictionary. (23rd ed.).

Consulted at

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