A2-UNIT 2 The World of Colours 1112014 Ok - Transcripts

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Viện Đại học Mở Hà Nội Cơ hội học tập cho mọi người

Track 2.1
Presenter Good evening. Welcome to The True False Show. Tonight’s show
comes from Dublin. My name’s Annie O’Brian and I ask the questions. Remember,
after each question you have ten seconds to say ‘true’ or ‘false’. If you get the first
answer right, you win 10,000 euros. If you get the second answer right, you win
20,000 euros, and you win 30,000 euros for the third correct answer. For eight correct
answers you win 80,000 euros. But if you get an answer wrong, you go home with
nothing. Our first contestant is Darren from London. Right, Darren, for 10,000 euro.
Mosquitoes are more dangerous than sharks. True or false?
Darren Er, true.
Presenter Correct. Mosquitoes are more dangerous than sharks. More people die
every year from mosquito bites than from shark attacks. Now, for 20,000 euros, brown
eggs are healthier than white eggs. True or false?
Darren Er…false.
Presenter Correct. It’s false. Brown eggs look nicer than white ones, but they are
exactly the same. For 30,000 euros, the Earth is hotter than Mars.
Darren I think its’ true, Annie.
Presenter Correct. The Earth is much hotter than Mars. Next, for 40,000 euros,
coffee is more popular than tea in the UK. True or false?
Darren Er…false.
Presenter Correct. British people drink 185 million cups of tea every day. Next,
for 50,000 euros, tigers are better swimmers that cats. True or false?
Darren Er…false. No – true.
Presenter Is that your answer?
Darren Yes, true.
Presenter Correct. Tigers are very good swimmers. For 60,000 euros, an adult is
shorter in the morning than in the evening.
Darren Er…false.
Presenter Correct. Adults are one centimetre taller in the morning than in the
evening. OK Darren, for 70,000 euros. White cars are safer than yellow cars. True or

CEFR.Level 2 – Unit 2 Trang 1

Viện Đại học Mở Hà Nội Cơ hội học tập cho mọi người

Darren Er, I’m sure that’s false, Annie.

Presenter Correct, Yellow cars are safer – they are easier to see during the day, so
they don’t have as many accidents. And finally, the last question. Be very careful,
Darren. If you get it right, you win 80,000 euros, but if you get it wrong, you lose
everything. Are you ready?
Darren Yes, ready.
Presenter OK, so for 80,000 euros. The word ‘yes’ is more common than the word
‘no’. True or false?
Darren Er…er…
Presenter Quickly Darren, time’s running out.
Darren True.
Presenter No, Darren. It’s false. ‘No’ is more common than ‘yes’. You had 70,000
euros, but now you go home with nothing.
Track 2.2
My favorite time of day is 10 o’clock at night, because it’s when I finish training and I
can start to relax and enjoy the evening. My fovourite day of the week is Thursday,
because I don’t work on Friday, so for me the weekend begins on Thursday night. My
favourite month is July, because it’s the month when I have my holiday. My favourite
season is the spring. One of my hobbies is gardening and my garden is really beautiful
in the spring. My favourite public holiday is Christmas. My family live very far away,
and it’s the only time when I can see them.
My favourite time of the day is the morning, because I get up early and feel full of
energy. My favourite day of the week is Friday because it’s the end of the week and I
can go home for the weekend. My favourite month is December, because here in
Thailand it’s when you can see a lot of flowers. My favourite season is winter because
in winter it’s a nice temperature and it’s when I feel comfortable. The summer here is
very hot. My favourite public holiday is the Thai New Year in April. It’s a water
festival, and people throw water at each other and everyone is very happy.

Track 2.3
coffee sandwich e-mail internet toilet
hotel pizza airport computer

CEFR.Level 2 – Unit 2 Trang 2

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