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hello everyone good afternoon, in this afternoon we are tasked to discuss and tackle about the different arguments

favoring the different sides in between balintawak and pugad lawin.

here’s a brief background about our report.

The word Cry is defined as that turning point when the Filipinos finally refused Spanish colonial dominion over the
Philippine Islands. With tears in their eyes, the people as one man, pulled out their cedulas and tore them into pieces.

the first accepted venue and date was “BAlintawak” dated August 26 in the year 1963. Then later on it was changed
into “Pugad Lawin” dated on a different day which is August 23 through the issuance of the former president Diosdado
Macapagal under the Proclamation No. 149 series of 1963.

Ambeth Ocampo even enumerated the five different places in balintawak, pugad lawin, kangkong, bahay toro and
pasong tamo in five different dates like 20, 23, 24, 25 or 26 of august in year 1896.

So, the two famous version was the Balintawak dated August 26 and Pugad lawin dated August 23 this is due to the
reputation of the historians who wrote it according to their sources.

The balintawak version was written by Gregorio Zaide while the Pugad lawin was written by Teodore Agoncillo the
author of the revolt of the masses. But there is an account taken from the memoirs of Emilio Aguinaldo wherein it
supports the Balintawak as the place where the cry but it was dated in August 24.

So there are 3 arguments favoring the Pugad lawin Version and these are Teodoro Agoncillo, guillermo masangkay and
renato constantino.

 First is Teodoro Agoncillo was a prominent 20th century Filipino Historian. In 1985 Agoncillo was included
in the roster of the Order of National Scientists by President Ferdinand E. Marcos for his contributions to
Philippine History. His notable works include The History of the Filipino People; Malolos: The Crisis of
the Republic; The Writings and Trials of Bonifacio; and Revolt of the Masses.

Miss MAnalo one of my memeber will discuss one of his work which is revolt of the masses 1956 in realtion to
the claim in Pugad LAwin’s version.


 next argument in Favor of Pugad lawin was Guillermo Masangkay’ account. But before jumping into his
account let me introduce to you Guillermo Masangaky. HE is a friend and adviser of andres bonifacio and
one of the first members of the KATIPUNAN. HIs account was provided by Quirino on what really
transpired the historic cry. Guillermo’s account supports pugad lawin version but it was dated in August
24 and not August 26. To further discuss this account I am requesting miss Daulong.


 last but not the least was Renato Constantino was a Filipino Historian known for being part of the leftist
tradition of the philippine historiography. He also quote the famous quotation “history is about our past,
not the future.” He has many works and one of which is the boof entitled “the philippines: A past
Revisited”. In this book I mentioned he have realyed similar accounts with Agoncillo and Guerero. Miss
Daulong will also further Discuss Constantino’s account.

Now we have heard the 3 different arguments that are favoring the version of Pugad Lawin now we will proceed
to the different statements/accounts in favor of Balintawak.

 First is Gregorio ZAides History of the Filipino People. So, Zaides is a filipino historian, poetic writer with
about 67 written works/books. To discuss Zaides account is Miss Suela.


 Next is the MEmoirs of Emilio Aguinaldo. So as we all know that emilio aguinaldo is the philippine
independence leader. He played an instrumental role in Philippine independence during the Philippine
Revolution against Spain and the Philippine-American War to resist American occupation. In 1895,
Aguinaldo joined the Katipunan rebellion, a secret organization then led by Andrés Bonifacio, dedicated to
the expulsion of the Spanish and independence of the Philippines through armed force. To give heed on his
account Miss Flores will discuss it.


 Next is the accounts of Lieutenant olegario Diaz, Spanish Guardia Civil supporting the BAlintawak
version. IN this account Lt. Olegario Diaz supports balintawak but the date was August 25 and not August
23 or Ausgust 26. St. Clair 1902 wrote the account of the guardia civil.


 Another one is the Orders of andres Bonifacio to the katipunan Members. BAsed from Hermenegildo Cruz
1992 book entitled Kartilyang Makabayan; Mga Tanong at Sagot Ukol kay Andres Bonifacio at sa
“Kataastaasan, KAgalanggalangan ng mga KAtipunan ng mga Anak ng BAyan”he have shared the orders
of andres bonifacio to katipunan. To disscuss this Ms Villaruel.


 Lastly is Blairs and Roberton’s THe Philippine ISland NArration. The full name of Blair is Emma Helen
Blair while Robertson is James alexander robertson. This narration is consist of primary sources
documents for the philippine history and is translated into english. To discus the narration. Miss Remojo


To sum it all up, the cry of balintawk/ pugad lawin was the proof that our Filipino ancestor has done for us.
They muster up all their courage and decided to fight for their right as a Filipino. We are being freed from the
dominion of Spaniards. Whatever the date it may be or whether where place it really happened the important
thing is that they decided to make a stand and revolt against the Spaniards that is why we are enjoying our
independence today.

 What is the significance of the tearing of the cedulas? What did the cedulas signify?

 For pugad lawin what is the similarities of their claims?

 According to the accounts, where and when did the first cry of revolution happen?

 Who led the cry of Balintawak?

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