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Exploratory Research according to Selltiz

The author Claire Selltiz, in her book Research Methods in Social Relations, offers a broad concept
or an exhaustive definition of exploratory research, which is:

“Aimed at the most precise formulation of a research problem, given that there is a lack of
sufficient information and prior knowledge of the object of study, it is logical that the initial
formulation of the problem is imprecise.

In this case, exploration will allow us to obtain new data and elements that can lead to formulating
the research questions more precisely.”

Concept analysis

As can be seen, the expert refers to the fact that exploratory research not only serves to
investigate phenomena that were unknown or little investigated, which is why it is necessary to
learn about them.

Likewise, this process consists of an approach that can be used to learn more about the
phenomenon, and thus be able to formulate the questions and hypotheses necessary in the
research, to know exactly what are the relevant issues related to it and that will be studied. .

In such a way that this can be instituted as an appetizer for general research, being necessary to
be able to conceptually address the phenomenon that is intended to be studied.

Concept according to Fernández, Hernández and Baptista

For their part, the authors Fernández, Hernández and Baptista, in their book Research
Methodology, point out a concept of exploratory research, which refers to:

“Exploratory research is normally carried out when the objective to be examined is a poorly
studied research topic or problem, about which there are many doubts or which has not been
addressed before”

Concept analysis

As can be seen, the authors point out that the exploratory research proceeds in the case from
studies whose object has not been previously investigated or with respect to which it has not been
possible to establish further knowledge.

In such a way, it is an element or phenomenon that has not been able to be studied or
investigated, which means that the person must carry out an exhaustive investigation in order to
be able to approach the object and be able to determine relevant aspects about it. same.
Exploratory Research according to Fidias Arias

The famous author and methodologist Fidias Arias, in his book, The Research Project” offers a
specific concept of exploratory research, which he defines as follows:

“Exploratory research is that which is carried out on an unknown or little-studied topic or object,
so its results constitute an approximate vision of said object, that is, a superficial level of

Concept analysis

This author, as can be seen, refers first to the exploratory research approach, considering that it is
aimed at evaluating an area that has been little studied.

In such a way, it is a fact that it will point out certain knowledge or at least approximations,
regarding a particular topic, and this must constitute a set of foundations that will provide light or
data for subsequent investigations, which will be responsible for go deeper into it.

What is Exploratory Research?


Yael Semerena

Human Resources Manager LATAM

Exploratory research is what is carried out to know the context of a topic that is the object of
study. Its objective is to find all the evidence related to the phenomenon of which there is no
knowledge and increase the possibility of conducting a complete investigation.

Although exploratory research is a very flexible technique compared to other types of studies, it
requires the researcher to be willing to take risks, be patient, and receptive.

It is important to mention that exploratory research is responsible for generating hypotheses that
drive the development of a more in-depth study from which results and a conclusion are drawn.

Exploratory investigation

Source: Universia Costa Rica

Exploratory research offers a first approach to the problem that is intended to be studied and

Exploratory research is carried out to learn about the topic that will be addressed, which allows us
to “become familiar” with something that until now we were unaware of.

The results of this type of research give us an overview or superficial knowledge of the topic, but it
is the inevitable first step for any type of subsequent research that is wanted to be carried out.

With this type of research, either the initial information is obtained to continue with a more
rigorous investigation, or a hypothesis is raised and formulated (which may or may not be taken
up for new research).

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