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1.Have four of the following specialties. Any of these, if

they have been completed more than two years ago, must
be studied again, in order to answer any knowledge
questions that are included in them.
a) Camp IV
b) Campfires and outdoor cooking
c) Walks
d) Hiking with a backpack
e) Map and compass
f) Pioneering
2.Complete the first aid specialty – intermediate.
3.Know what to do to overcome fear when you are lost.
Know at least four ways to signal a request for help if you
were lost in a jungle or desert.
-When we are lost, the first thing we should do is talk to God
and ask for peace of mind and clarity of mind. Then if we
know how to orient ourselves, concentrating on doing so will
help us think clearly and not focus on fear. Breathe deeply,
relax, ask the Father for wisdom and get to work.
 It can be built with any material that is not the same color as the floor, a call for help
forming large letters that spell SOS, which is universally known as a request for help, with materials
that contrast with the environment.
 Make a bonfire, and when it is lit, put green materials so that it produces smoke and attracts
the attention of someone in the group or rescuers.
 Use a mirror or the blade of a knife, placing it in sunlight, so that the rays are reflected and
signaled to a specific target (boats, helicopters).
 Hang a piece of fabric from a high point or on a tree (the highest we can find), in a color
that attracts attention and contrasts with the environment around us.
4.Know at least four secular activities and four specific
activities for Saturday, to use outdoors or if the day is
 They are divided into 2 groups and placed in two rows. The time begins and the first group
goes to the front and answers the instructor's question, questions such as, what are the 8 natural
remedies, tying x knot or the structure of x campfire, etc. Whoever finishes first wins the game.
 They sit in a round and choose a letter, the first one to start has to say a profession that
begins with the x letter, the next one must do the same but with the last letter of the previous
profession and so on until someone does not find any. profession and have to leave the round or
make a garment. It becomes more difficult when later, instead of just saying professions, you have to
say more things in writing, such as: profession and city, etc.
 2 groups are divided and placed in rows facing each other, all with their legs open and in the
middle of the two rows a candy, the first in each row has a ball in their hands and when they hear the
whistle, they pass the ball to the last one. , the last one leaves the ball and has to go under the legs
and reach the candy and answers a question, if the answer is wrong, the candy will belong to the
other person.
 They are divided into groups and on a piece of paper they must write the first syllable of the
name of each of the participants. A certain amount of time is given for them to form as many words
as they can. In the end, the group that makes the most words wins.

 A person must place a sign with the name of a biblical character on their head and must find
out who it is by asking questions such as: Am I a woman? And the others must respond with yes or
no, whoever discovers the character in the shortest time wins.
 They are divided into groups of two, one member of the group must put the Bible on his
head and look for the indicated verse following the orders of the other member who will indicate
where he should look.
 They are divided into groups and each group must draw a card where the name of a
character, place, object or action will be. The first group must draw what they got and the other
groups must guess what character, place, action or object it is. . The group that guesses the most
times wins.
 They are divided again into groups, each group is given a biblical story and each group must
represent it with mimes and the other groups must guess what story it is.

5.Do the following:

a) Plan, organize and teach a specialty for a group of
In the La Montonera camp held in the month of August.
Teach the Intermediaries Sabbath School class.
b) Teach one of the following specialties to a group of
-Camp I
-camp II
-Camp III
-Camp IV
-Camping art
-Fire pit and outdoor kitchen.
-Together with Belén López, Florencia Pintos, Nicolás
Huaccha, Caleb Gutiérrez and a guest from another club,
Daniel, we taught the Friends class that is Hernán Huaccha,
Facundo Jara, Celeste Mamani, Brisa Cáceres and Emilio
García, the Camp specialty YO.
c) Find out where the nearest hospital is.
The closest hospital to where I live (Los Hornos) is the San
Juan de Dios hospital which is on Calle 27 and 70, 1900
d) Find out where the nearest police station is.
The closest police station is located at 137 E/ 61 Y 62, 6
blocks from my house.
1.Through study of the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy,
learn how outdoor activities influenced the following
biblical characters:
a) Moses
b) David
c) Elijah
d) John the Baptist
e) Jesus.
 Moses: He led God's people in the desert for 40 years. During all that time he was their
leader and he had to develop a lot of patience, wisdom and mercy, because the Israelites revolted and
proved easily rebellious. Moses cared about his people, interceded for them, and was constantly
trying to help them both physically and spiritually.
 David: Since he was little, David was a shepherd of sheep, so he spent a lot of time
outdoors, meditating and contemplating his father's creation, so much so that we can contemplate it
in many of the beautiful psalms he wrote. His wisdom was great and this was due to the constant
communion he had with the Father. Throughout his life he also demonstrated patience, cunning and
 Elijah: He was a prophet of the Lord and did his will, when Ahab reigned, by the word of
the Lord, he predicted that there would be no rain, he lived in the stream of Cherith for two years,
being supported by ravens, when the stream dried up, he was to Zarephath and together with a
widow and her son, they were sustained in a miraculous way by God. He had to have a lot of faith in
God's provision. Then he returned to Ahab and once again, in communion with God and a lot of
faith, he proved to all the prophets of Baal, that there is only one God, he prayed for rain and at a
moment when his faith wavered, Jezebel fled for fear, God It gave him strength not to fear. He
passed on his legacy and was taken to heaven to be with God.
 John the Baptist: He preached about repentance from sins and baptized people. He knew
that one who was older than him would come and when he came he humbly told him that he should
be baptized by Jesus, that he was not worthy to do so. He preached, baptized and prophesied of the
Lord and throughout his entire career he only fed on locusts and honey.
 Jesus: From a young age he contemplated creation, he was meek and grew in stature,
wisdom and grace before God and men (Lk 2:52). He was in continuous communion with the father
and nature and in his ministry we see how he took everyday things from nature. nature and taught
them to people with biblical meanings, as in parables and at the beginning of his ministry he was
taken to the desert, where he fasted and defeated each and every one of Satan's temptations. His
ministry was blameless and his communion with his Father essential.

2.Know what necessary information about nature should

be provided to a group of young people on the following
a) Camp security
b) Fire safety
c) Sanitation
d) Safety rules for swimming
e) Rules of conduct
f) Proper observance of the Sabbath
 Camp Safety: We must choose the campsite carefully. There must be water sources, a large
place that has open areas and others with trees, that there are no cliffs or dangerous animals. Tents
should not be pitched under trees. High points attract lightning in storms, the place should be slightly
inclined in case it rains, so that the water runs and clean the place before setting up the tent.
 Fire safety: Natural materials are flammable and that is why we must be extremely careful,
because a small fire, how big a forest it lights up! (St. 3.35).

As conquerors we must handle the bonfire with care and

responsibility. That is why we must follow certain safety
Clean the place where the bonfire will be set up of any
flammable materials and keep them an appropriate distance
away. Do not light it near the tent, never leave a campfire
unattended, always have sand, earth or water nearby to put out
the fire in any emergency, put it out completely before
leaving it because it may catch fire again. Do not play with
fire and do not enter the tent with flammable materials.
 Sanitation: Hygiene measures in a camp are extremely important for a good stay there.

If it is a stable camp, use the bathrooms and be hygienic with them, flush, if there is no flush, collect
water in a container and throw it into the toilet, throw the toilet paper in the container. If it is a rustic
camp, build a latrine away from water sources and the camp and after using it, throw sawdust, dirt or
lime over it so that the smell does not come out.

Build separate bathtubs because if we bathe in rivers we can poison the water with the products we
use to bathe, such as rinse and shampoo, also make a sink for utensils, never wash them in the river.
 Swimming safety tips: Never swim alone, always in the company of someone. Never jump
into the water without first knowing its depth, wear footwear to protect your feet from broken glass,
sharp rocks, etc. Do not make bad jokes, play at being drowned or drown your partner. Stay within
sight of the leaders, do not chew gum or any other type of food while swimming, swim only in the
permitted area, do not swim farther than you can swim and if you do not know how to swim, stay on
the shore.
 Rules of conduct: God is love, and he wants us to treat each other with respect for our
 Treat everyone with respect, obey the orders of your superior, do not walk alone, never go
out without permission, respect the moment of silence and bedtime, maintain an appropriate noise
level, so as not to disturb others, do not destroy or damage the facilities, plants and animals, do not
enter restricted areas without permission, report accidents as soon as possible, be a collaborator and
helper with those in need, notify the counselor or superior where you are going, with whom and the
time of return.
 Proper Sabbath Observance: The Sabbath has been set aside as a day for us, so that we
may learn more about God and meditate on his creation. It is reserved for special activities, we put
aside daily duties and take a break from them. It is a gift from God, and we do not have to make this
special day a burden, but rather a beautiful day to remember and sanctify. The Sabbath is a
monument to God's creative power, which truly makes it a perfect day to introduce ourselves and
others to God's creation.
 1.Make a list of at least 6 ways to maintain and beautify nature so that others can
enjoy it too.
 Putting the hiker's motto into practice
 Collect and take home all and any non-degradable waste
 Do not throw garbage anywhere
 Clean the streets and sidewalks
 Recycle
 Make others aware of the importance of caring for nature
 2.Know at least 10 qualities of a good leader JA.
 Have understanding, sympathy and love for youth
 Be a good friend and companion to young people
 Be patient and have self-control
 Be in continuous communion with God
 Have the ability to organize and manage wisely
 Have enough time and capacity for work
 Spiritual and emotional maturity
 Be positive and gentle in spirit
 Bring young people to Christ and confirm them in the message
 Have interest in club activities and the spiritual growth of young people.

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