B Inggris Kelas 7

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How Many Days?

What Day is today ?

What Day Was Yesterday ?

What Day is tomorrow ?

Days Cara Baca Arti

Sunday [sʌndeɪ] Minggu/Ahad
Monday [ˈmʌndeɪ] Senin
Tuesday [tjuːzdeɪ] Selasa
Wednesday [wɛnzdeɪ] Rabu
Thursday [θəːzdeɪ] Kamis
Friday [frʌɪdeɪ] Jum'at
Saturday [satədeɪ] Sabtu


Artinya Contoh Kalimat Preposition

About Tentang She talked about her trip.

Above Di atas We flew above the clouds.
According to Menurut According to Rick, it’s delicious.
Across Di seberang They walked across that bridge.
After Setelah I should leave after breakfast.
Against Melawan Is it against the law?
Along Sepanjang Did you walk along the road?
Amid Di tengah-tengah We found our task amid those papers.
Among Di antara She is sitting among the dogs.
Around Sekitar The Earth goes around the Sun.
As Sebagai My sister works as a blogger.
At Di, pada She arrieved at 7.00 a.m.
Before Sebelum Where did you go before school?
Behind Di belakang Who is the little girl behind her?
Below Di bawah Write your name below this line.
Beneath Di bawah That boat sank beneath the waves.
Beside Di samping The clock is beside the book.
Between Di antara The fridge is between those shelves.
Because of Karena We moved here because of our baby.
Beyond Melampaui It is beyond my expectation.
By Oleh, dengan We went by car.
Concerning Tentang He asked me concerning his carrier.
Down Ke arah bawah We live just down the street.
During Selama We were in China during the summer.
Except Kecuali We all like pizza except Peter.
Far Jauh The bank is far from here.
For Untuk, selama This letter is for you.
From Dari This parcel is from our neighbour.
In Di, pada She lives in London.
In front of Di depan A pretty girl sits in front of you.
Into Ke Come into my house!
Inside Dalam These clothes are inside the box.
Instead of Daripada We should eat fruit instead of candy.
Like Seperti She is just like you.
Near Dekat I stay near here.

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