Bakery Market Research

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1. Problem Statement

2. General Objective

2.1. Specific objectives

2.1.1 Internal Environment

2.2. External Environment

3.- SWOT analysis

3.1. Internal analisis

3.2. External analysis

3.3. SWOT matrix

4. Definition of Objectives

4.1. General objective

4.2. Specific objectives

5. Types of Information Available

5.1. Internal Sources

5.2. External Sources

6. Sample Choice

6.1. Sample Calculation

7. What Kind of Techniques We Will Use

7.1. Research design

7.2. Kind of investigation

7.3. Scope

7.4. Method

8. Data Collection and Processing

8.1. Preparation of the Proposal.

8.2. Techniques and Instruments

8.3. Data

8.4. Evidence
9. Data Interpretation




Currently, in the “LA FLOR” bakery located in the center of Cuautitlán Izcalli, it is observed that it
does not have an adequate distribution design to display its products for sale, due to the lack of
application of the Merchandising strategy, the company has also presented a lack of planning,
which means that there is no long-term vision, and that due to the emergence of new
competitors, the company is unable to maintain the loyalty of its clientele. It also happens that
new products are not offered due to the lack of innovation in production processes and there is
internal resistance to change on the part of employees who do not see the importance of
improving their service day by day and do not take into account the recommendations to it; All the
failures mentioned above that originate from a lack of planning have hindered the company's
entry into competition on equal terms with other large companies, which is why it was decided to
do an investigation to identify the factors that influence in the purchasing decision of consumers.


Previous analysis of the current situation of the bakery:

The bakery “LA FLOR” has problems in the planning and distribution of the activities to be carried
out during the day, to focus on the key problem, we will study internally the factors that can be
controlled by the company, and externally those that are not, but in some way they affect the
growth and development of the bakery. For this we will analyze two aspects regarding the
company, its internal and external environment.

2.1. Specific objectives

Carry out a diagnosis with the client's perspectives about the image of the bakery.

Identify the factors that influence the purchase decision.

2.1.1 Internal environment

The bakery's objective is the production and sale of prepared and purchased products. The bakery
is responsible for everything from the purchase of raw materials, supplies and merchandise in
general to the sale and delivery of the prepared product to the customer.

to. The company has the following resources:

• Human resources: Owner, pastry chef, pastry chef's assistant and 2 customer service

• Technological resources: Refrigerator, oven, mixer, scales, register machine and utensils
necessary for the preparation and decoration of the products.

• Logistical resources: Own recipes, Facebook page, online advertising, long opening hours
(8:30 am. At 10:00 pm.).

• Financial resources: Money from sales and bank loans.

b. Its subsystem consists of 3 large fields:

• Production:

It is responsible for the purchase of raw materials and supplies necessary for the
production of products.

The preparation of all the products displayed in the bakery for customers to taste.

Quality control before the product reaches the hands of the consumer or is exposed to the

• Commercialization:

Sales made in the same business and customer orders.

Customer service provided by the bakery's customer service workers.

Bakery marketing (use of merchandising)

• Administration:

Cash, collection and accounting of income obtained from the sale of products made in the

Bakery accounting.

Bank debt and loans.

Settlement of staff salaries.

c. Product, price, promotion and place:

• Product:
The product that we are going to offer to the client will be a variety of breads, cakes and snacks.
Considering that the company is characterized by the taste and quality of its products.

The products offered at the “LA FLOR” bakery will be diverse due to the great demand that is in
the area such as cakes, snacks, breads, pastries in such a way that we will also cover the demand
such as cookies, gelatin and various products.

In the “LA FLOR” bakery they are made considering a better finish than the traditional ones
according to the demands of our clients.

- WHOLE ORANGE COOKIES Description This product is based on whole wheat flour, vegetable
margarine, orange juice among other ingredients suitable for the consumption of our customers.


500gr. Whole wheat flour 4.45

70g bran 1.08

20g royal .4

Zest of an orange 2

6g salt .1

60 gr margarine 1.5

70 g mashed potatoes 4

40g sweetener 1.48

1 egg 2

45 ml orange juice 2

10g margarine .25

Indirect production costs 15

Packaging and storage 5

Production cost (30 units) 39.26

**All prices are expressed in Mexican pesos.

- ICE CAKE Description: this product is made with strawberry pineapple, lucuma and fruit cocktail:

No. of servings: 18

Size: 28cm.

½ sponge cake griddle 20

1 envelope of strawberry gelatin 250 gr 6

1 envelope pineapple gelatin 250 gr 6

1 sachet of lucuma gelatin 250gr 6

1 can evaporated milk 14

200 gr white sugar 4.8

Canned pineapple or peach 32

Indirect production costs 15

Packaging and storage 5

Production costs 108.8

**All prices are expressed in Mexican pesos.

- CHOCOLATE TOTAR Description: chocolate cake with delicacy filling, covered with a special
chocolate cream.

Number of servings: 18 units

Size: 28cm. 2 layers


500ml milk 7

20ml white vinegar .21

200 gr sweetener 7.4

330 gr flour 2.93

20 gr royal .4

125g coca 6.25

15 g baking soda .3

4 eggs 8

15ml vanilla essence 1

354 ml evaporated milk14

354 condensed milk 20

14g salt.2
360 ml vegetable oil 9.72

Indirect expenses 15

Packaging and storage 5

Production costs 97.41

**All prices are expressed in Mexican pesos.

d. Communication and distribution policies:

Within them we find some sales, advertising and promotional techniques and strategies:

• Sales techniques:

Competitive strategies in:

 Price

 Quality

 Service

Sales strategies:

 Direct way with clients

 Telephone orders

 Online orders

• Advertising and promotional strategy

Social networks



and. The potential market, study of attitudes and expectations of the target audience:

In order to cover the market for the production and marketing of cakes in the baking sector, it was
necessary to carry out a study of the people who require our main product, in order to know the
list of the main companies in the sector and see the competition we face as a company.

Our client base is the general public.

2.2. External environment:

The company moves in a macro environment made up of:

• Legal political environment

National baking and pastry legislation

Technical-sanitary regulations for the preparation, manufacture, circulation and trade of

confectionery, pastry, pastry and pastry products

Preliminary title.-scope of application

Article 1. Scope.-The purpose of this Regulation is to define for legal purposes what is meant by
confectionery, pastry, pastry and confectionery products and to establish on a mandatory basis
the standards for the preparation, manufacturing, marketing and, in general, the legal
organization of such products. products. It shall also apply to imported products. This Regulation
obliges manufacturers, processors, traders and importers of confectionery, pastry, pastry and
pastry products. Manufacturers and processors of confectionery, pastries, pastries and pastries
will be considered those persons, natural or legal, who, using the authorizations granted by the
competent official bodies, dedicate their activity to the production of the products defined in
articles 2 to 4.


 Article 2. Confectionery products.-For the purposes of this Regulation, confectionery

products will be considered those preparations whose fundamental ingredient is sugar or edible
sugars, along with another series of authorized foodstuffs or foodstuffs. When industrialists or
confectioners, pastry chefs, pastry chefs and confectioners produce products that are subject to
the Technical-Sanitary Regulations for Nougat and Mazapanes, approved by Decree 2182/1975, of
September 12 (RCL 1975\1827 and NDL 29811 note); of Candies and Chewing Gum and Other
Confectionery Products, approved by Decree 2179/1975, of September 12 (RCL 1975\1824 and
NDL 8506 note); of Cocoa, Chocolate, Derived Products and Chocolate Substitutes, approved by
Decree 3610/1975, of December 5 (RCL 1976\97 and NDL 8507 note), and other related ones,
must observe the standards that said Regulations determine, in what It affects the composition,
quality, authorized and prohibited operations. When these products are manufactured to be sold
wholesale to third parties, the manufacturer or processor must comply with the Industry Health
Registration requirement corresponding to those Regulations.

 Article 3. Pastry products.- Pastry products will be considered those food preparations
basically made with fermented, cooked or fried edible flour dough, to which other foods, bread
supplements and/or authorized additives have been added or not. A) Ordinary pastries: Ordinary
pastries will be considered products, pieces of different shapes and sizes whose preparation does
not involve any type of filling or garnish. B) Stuffed or garnished pastries: Stuffed or garnished
pastries will be considered to be pieces of different shape, size, composition and finish filled or
garnished before or after cooking or frying, with different kinds of fruit or sweet or savory
preparations (creams, fillings of all kinds, confectionery products, chocolate, pickles, charcuterie,
culinary preparations, etc.).

 Article 4. Pastry and confectionery products.-These are those made, fermented or not, of
various shapes, sizes and compositions, mainly composed of flours, starches, sugars, edible fats
and other food and nutritional products as complementary substances. Among pastry and pastry
products, two variants can be distinguished: pastry and sweet pastries and pastries and savory
pastries. In sweet and savory pastries and pastries, five basic masses will be distinguished. Puff
pastry: Dough worked with butter and baked in the oven, which produces thin overlapping sheets.
Its ingredients are: flour, edible fat, oil, salt and water. With this dough, cakes, cokes, cream
bands, fruit bands, casseroles, large besamela, millefeuille, palm trees, stuffed, Russian, Alfonsino
and sweet and savory pastas, joints, horns, tortillas, ribbons, duchesses, apple pie are made. , hair
tongues, clubs, leaves, etc. Sugary doughs: These are those composed mainly of flour, oil, other
fats and edible sugars. With the sugary masses, dry or tea pasta, cazuelitas, sable pasta, brisa
pasta, burnt pasta, flora pasta, cakes, mantecados, pollorones, besitos, cigarettes, tiles, cat's
tongues, duck bills, cigarettes, carquiñoles, are made. relaxes, margaritas, pets, chips, Santa Clara
donuts, etc. Scalded doughs: Those materials based on flour, salt, water, milk, edible fats or
natural alcohols with characteristics established in Annex XIII of the Vineyard, Wine and Alcohol
Statute (RCL 1970\2009; RCL 1973\857 and NDL 30581), which, pre-cooked over a fire, then
undergo subsequent cooking or frying. With these masses, lightnings, lyonises, palos, lady's bites,
stuffed donuts, delicate donuts, coffee makers, chocolates, small-cream, etc. are made. Whipped
doughs: Whipped doughs are considered to be those that, having undergone this technical
process, result in large volume, tender and soft doughs. These are mainly composed of eggs,
sugars and flours and/or starches. They are used to make sponge cakes, melindros, soletillas,
rosquillas, mantecadas, muffins, fruit cakes, genovesas, toasted plates, desserts, meringues, gypsy
arms, Vergara sponge cakes, drunken sponge cakes, Vienna sponge cakes, Alcázar cakes,
cappuccinos, piropos, palmillas, bulgaros, tortilla, biscuits, etc. Pastry doughs: These are those
made from the previous ones, prepared with filling or garnish of other products (cream, fruits,
chocolate, etc.); They are prepared in diverse and unitary forms of various sizes. This group also
includes heavenly bacon, almonds, yolks, marzipan masses, Soto marzipan, Maza pañillos,
nougats, cocadas, guirlache, imperial cakes, panellets, alfajores, candies, anise, dragees, pastilles,
candies, syrups , candied fruits, jams, fruit jellies, pralines, truffles, decorative figures and motifs,
spun eggs, etc. The lists of names included in this article and the following one are not limiting.

 Article 5. Other preparations.-The workshops may combine the main preparations defined
in articles 2 to 4 with other complementary ones such as empanadas, sandwiches, canapés and
frozen cakes.


 Article 6. Industrial requirements.-Industries or producers of confectionery, pastry, pastry

and pastry products must comply with the following requirements:

1. All premises intended for the production, packaging and, in general, handling of raw materials,
intermediate or final products will be duly isolated from any others unrelated to their specific

2. The current Regulations on pressure vessels, electrotechnical for high and low voltage and, in
general, any other industrial and occupational hygiene regulations that correspond to their nature
or purpose will apply to them.
3. The containers, machines and utensils intended to be in contact with the processed products,
with their raw materials or with intermediate products, will be made of materials that do not alter
the characteristics of their content or that of themselves.

4. Confectionery, pastry, pastry and pastry workshops must have a surface suitable for the
preparation, variety, handling and manufacturing volume of the products, with a location isolated
from services, offices, changing rooms, toilets and warehouses.

5. The water used in the manufacturing and cleaning process will be potable from a physical,
chemical and microbiological point of view.

6. Industries, manufacturing establishments and warehouses of confectionery, pastry, pastries and

pastries will have refrigeration facilities for those products that require cold conservation, with
capacity always in accordance with their production and sales volume.

7. The oven used in cooking the dough may be heated by solid, liquid or gaseous fuel, or by electric
heating. When solid fuels are used and the cooking masses are in contact with the fumes or gases
released from their combustion, these must be of such a nature that they cannot cause any
harmful contamination of the processed products. In this type of oven, it is prohibited to use wood
that gives off an unpleasant odor or taste, reeds, corn chips or other solid materials that can
deposit soot on the cooking dough, as well as waste materials that can release toxic substances
during combustion. When liquid or gaseous fuels are used to heat the oven, the cooking masses
may not, under any circumstances, come into contact with the fumes and combustion gases.
Whether solid, liquid or gaseous fuels are used, the smoke and combustion gas evacuation
installation will comply with the regulatory conditions on air pollution. The storage of solid fuels
must be perfectly isolated from the product processing and storage areas.

 Article 7. Hygienic-sanitary requirements.-In general terms, the industries manufacturing

and processing confectionery, pastry, pastry and pastry products must meet the following
minimum conditions:

1. The manufacturing or storage premises and their annexes, in any case, must be suitable for the
use for which they are intended, with easy and wide access, located at a convenient distance from
any cause of dirt, contamination or unhealthiness and strictly separated from homes or premises
where any type of personnel spends the night or eats their meals.

2. In its construction or repair, truly suitable materials will be used and in no case likely to cause
poisoning or contamination. The floors will be waterproof, resistant, washable and fireproof,
providing them with the necessary drainage systems. The walls and ceilings will be built with
materials that allow them to be preserved in perfect conditions by cleaning, whitewashing or

3. Ventilation and lighting, natural or artificial, will be regulatory and, in any case, appropriate to
the destination, capacity and volume of the premises.

4. They will have at all times running drinking water in sufficient quantity for the production,
handling and preparation of their products and for cleaning and washing premises, facilities and
industrial elements, as well as for the hygiene of staff.
5. They must have toilets with attached sinks and changing rooms in number and characteristics
according to what the health authorities provide in each case. In the workshop there will be non-
manual operation sinks, in the necessary number, with liquid soap and single-use towels.

6. All premises must be constantly maintained in a state of great neatness and cleanliness, which
must be carried out by the most appropriate methods to avoid raising dust or causing alterations
or contamination.

7. All machines and other elements that are in contact with raw or auxiliary materials, articles in
progress, processed products and packaging will have characteristics such that they cannot
transmit harmful properties to the product and cause chemical reactions in contact with it. The
same precautions will be taken regarding containers, transport elements, temporary packaging
and storage premises. All these elements will be built in such a way that they can be maintained in
perfect conditions of hygiene and cleanliness.

8. They will have services, defenses, tools and facilities, adequate in their construction and
location to guarantee the conservation of their products in optimal conditions of hygiene and
cleanliness and their non-contamination due to proximity or contact with any type of waste or
wastewater. smoke, dirt and foreign matter, as well as the presence of insects, rodents, birds and
other animals.

9. They must be able to maintain adequate temperatures, relative humidity and convenient air
circulation, so that the products do not suffer alteration or change in their initial characteristics.
They must also allow the protection of the products against the direct action of sunlight, when this
is harmful.

10. They will allow stock rotation and periodic removals depending on the storage time and
conservation conditions required by each product.

11. Any other technical, sanitary, hygienic and labor conditions established or established, in their
respective powers, by the Public Administration Bodies and the Group itself.

 Article 8. General conditions of materials.-In factories or confectionery, pastry, pastry and

confectionery workshops, the use of wood on tables, trays and shelves is excluded. However, this
material will be tolerated on the surface of tables for preparing fermented doughs. All material
that comes into contact with confectionery, pastry and pastry products, at any time during their
production, distribution and consumption, will maintain the following conditions, in addition to
those others that are specifically indicated in these Regulations.

1. It will be manufactured with suitable and/or authorized raw materials, where appropriate, for
the purpose for which they are intended.

2. It will not release polluting toxic substances and, in general, foreign to the normal composition
of the products covered by these Regulations or that, even if they are not, exceed the authorized
content therein.

3. It will not alter the compositional characteristics or organoleptic characteristics of

confectionery, pastry, pastry and pastry products.
 Article 9. Personnel conditions.-Personnel who work on manufacturing, processing and/or
packaging tasks of the products covered by these Regulations will wear appropriate light-colored
clothing, exclusive for work. You must wear head coverings or hairnets, if applicable. The hygiene
of all handling personnel will be extreme and will necessarily comply with the general
requirements, health status control and those others specified in the Spanish Food Code in its arts.
2.08.04, 2.08.05 and 2.08.06. Any producer suffering from any ailment, illness or disease is obliged
to inform the Company's management of the fact, who, after obtaining medical advice, will
determine whether or not his continuation in that job is appropriate, if this would involve
contagion for him. the product manufactured or stored, reporting the fact to the National Health


 Article 10. Identification of the industry.-Without prejudice to the competent industrial

legislation, industrialists or processors who manufacture or import confectionery, pastry, pastry
and pastry products must register with the corresponding services of the Undersecretary of
Health, of the Ministry of Health and Safety. Social, in accordance with the provisions of Decree
797/1975, of March 21 (RCL 1975\792, 1061 and NDL 24816 note), and provisions that
complement or develop it.



 Article 11. General conditions.-Confectionery, pastry, pastries and pastries must meet the
following general conditions:

a) Be in perfect consumer conditions.

b) Come from raw materials that are not altered, adulterated or contaminated.

c) Be free of foreign matter, pathogenic germs, their toxins or other microbes that, due to their
number or specificity, may cause alterations to the consumer.

d) Due to their perishable nature, they will be duly protected from adverse environmental
conditions, insects or other animals that may carry contamination.

e) They will be placed in trays, boxes, containers or wrappers in appropriate technical conditions,
with materials that resist processing and cleaning treatments.

 Article 12. Specific conditions.-

a) The use of ingredients in the production of confectionery, pastry, pastries and pastries and
other complementary preparations is so varied that clear specifications cannot be established and
the products must conform to the declarations made by the manufacturer for each family of
products. manufacturer or producer to the corresponding General Directorate of the Ministry of
Health and Social Security, at the time of registration of the industry and the annotation of its
b) In confectionery, pastry, pastry and pastry products and complementary preparations, aromatic
agents and additives authorized by the corresponding General Directorate of the Ministry of
Health and Social Security may be used for specific ingredients or for finished products. The use of
these active ingredients will never cause confusion to the consumer regarding the actual
composition of the product and the name under which they are sold.

c) All confectionery, pastry, pastries and pastries and complementary preparations will be exempt
from: Escherichia coli in one gram of product; DNASA positive staphylococci in 0.1 grams and
Salmonella and Shigella in 30 grams. Likewise, they must not contain yeasts and molds in
quantities greater than 500 colonies per gram in cereal-based foods, nor sulfite-reducing
Clostridium in quantities greater than 1,000 colonies per gram, mainly in those products that may
contain meat derivatives as ingredients.

d) Food products and other ingredients used in the production of confectionery, pastries, pastries
and pastries must be suitable for consumption, adjusting to the specific characteristics of each of
them, and in the specific cases of candy and chewing gum, honey, special breads, nougats and
marzipans, chocolates and derivatives, in terms of characteristics of the finished product, frozen
cakes and other products, must comply with the provisions of their specific Regulations, without
this implying the registration of the industry or producer individually as such. , when its production
is intended for sale in the producer's own establishments, within the manufacturing location.
When production is intended for sale outside the producer's own premises, whether in the
municipal, regional or national area, the pastry industry will be multipurpose and must be
registered according to each of the types of products it produces, in accordance with its specific
regulations. The different types of confectionery, pastry, pastries and pastries will be subject to
specific rules that qualify and clearly identify them at the consumer level, according to the name
used in their sale.

e) The preparation and sale on the street, whether on a tray or in stalls, stalls, booths or markets
(without a fixed stall) of confectionery, pastry, pastries and pastries, is prohibited, except in
traditional fairs and festivals of each location.

• Social and cultural environment:

The gastronomy and pastries of Mexico are one of the most diverse in the world, as
demonstrated by the fact that it is the country with the greatest number of dishes and desserts
such as cakes, typical snacks in the world, adding these 491 and according to several experts it
reaches a high level.

In search of Mexican bakers improving the quality of their products and creating a new
variety of breads, sandwiches and cakes with high added value, the Mexican mass consumption
products company, Alicorp, inaugurated its innovation center in baking, pastry and gastronomy. .

"Alicorp developed this innovation center to research, perfect and create new products
and services, and then transfer this knowledge to all bakers in Mexico. With this, Alicorp assumes
the role of main promoter of the development of baking in Mexico," he explained. the vice
president of Alicorp's industrial products business, Álvaro Campos. - I emphasize that the baking
sector has to advance at the same time as the new needs of the market. Today, the Mexican
consumer is changing their lifestyle, spending more time away from home and demanding higher
quality of the products they consume, many women feel attracted by the influence of the media
when purchasing light products because they are the ones that reinforce in their minds the desire
to look like the extremely thin women that the media presents.

• Technological environment:

One of the factors with the greatest effect on the environment is technology.

Science provides knowledge and technology uses it.

Technology refers to the sum total of knowledge of the ways of doing things, however its
main influence is on the way of doing things, how goods and services are designed, produced,
distributed and sold.

The impact of technology is manifested in new products, new machines, new tools, new
materials and new services. For this reason, they present exclusive machinery for baking such as
smart ovens, kitchens and accessories for a better product finish.


3.1. Internal analisis

to. Strengths:

“LA FLOR” Bakery has its own baking machinery and equipment, thus reducing our labor

“LA FLOR” Bakery offers excellent quality products.

“LA FLOR” Bakery offers a variety of products.

“LA FLOR” has prices accessible to the general public.

“LA FLOR” Bakery has high quality raw materials.

“LA FLOR” Bakery distributes its products efficiently.

“LA FLOR” Bakery works under the modality of orders according to the client's needs such
as quantity, design and flavor.

b. Weaknesses

Lack of experience in the market.

It has not been able to cover the entire demand territory.

The energy cost has caused a decline in production levels.

It has a high staff turnover rate

3.2. External analysis

to. Opportunities:

Globalization allows us to have access to technology to publicize our products through

different media such as social networks Facebook, Twitter and abundant access to information on
the Internet.

Expand the distribution of bread to the entire neighborhood.

Excellent location of the service area since it is located in a central location.

It has no direct competitors.

They are direct buyers and do not have raw material intermediaries.

Increase the variety of your products.

b. Threats:

Government policy like inflation

Raw material price rise

New competitors may emerge.

Increase in the level of consumption of substitute products.

Decrease in demand for the product.

3.3. SWOT matrix



- Taking into account that there is demand for our products to provide to the consumer.

- Provide a good service so that we build customer loyalty with the product and service. -
Due to the little experience we have in the market, we will train in pastry workshops in order to
innovate with new products.

- Turn to financial entities.


- By having various products on the market and their quality, we can outlast any competition that
comes our way.

- Since our products are different from others, we have to satisfy our consumer's needs and thus
removing participation from substitute products. - Have a stock of raw materials so that it
does not affect us if there is a rise in price.
- We will make our products known through the website and social networks.


4.1. General objective

Identify the factors that influence the purchasing decision at the “LA FLOR” bakery

4.2. Specific objectives

 Carry out a diagnosis with the client's perspectives about the image of the bakery.

 Implementation of merchandising in the bakery.

 Determine the problems presented by the baking microenterprise.

 Generate solutions to these problems found through the strategic plan.


5.1. Internal sources

This research was carried out with data obtained directly from the bakery's customers, which
allows measuring customer satisfaction in addition to improving the image of the bakery.

either Monthly income data.

either Recipes for some products.

either Company policies.

either Legal documents.

either Access to bakery facilities.

5.2. External sources

Theoretical information was obtained from books, magazines and files related to merchandising
topics, factors that influence the purchasing decision, sample size, identification of the population
as well as: types of merchandising.

 Internet.

 Laws enacted by the state regarding SMEs.

 Population statistics.

 Population Estimates and Projections by Sex, according to Department, Province and
District, 2000-2015.


The “LA FLOR” bakery has a market that is constituted as follows, the basic characteristics of this
market are:

- Sex: both but mostly women

- Age: Between 22 to 50 years

- Location:

- Occupation: housewives, professionals, students.

-Socioeconomic Level: lower middle class.

6.1. Sample calculation

N= Population

e= estimation error (sample) (standard)

K= confidence level

p= probability of occurrence

q= probability of non-occurrence


A field investigation was carried out in which QUANTITATIVE data were used, the research
approach is correlational and explanatory since correlational research, because it offers
predictions, explains the relationship that exists between the variables that directly influence the
application. of merchandising and quantify relationships between the same variables.
Furthermore, the explanation determines the causes of the phenomena, that is, the customers'
perspective towards the image of the bakery “LA FLOR”, generates a sense of understanding and
are highly structured.

This allows us to determine if the implementation of merchandising generates changes in the

image and service of the “LA FLOR” bakery. Sampling techniques and the questionnaire were used
to determine whether the change is favorable or not and what are the factors involved in making
this change. not be carried out.

7.1. Research design

The research design is divided into four parts

 Documentary research. For this research, different books, magazines and files related to
marketing, merchandising and factors that influence the consumer's purchasing decision were
used. To obtain the population, files provided by the INEGI were used.

 Field research. In this phase of the research, surveys were applied to collect data in the “LA
FLOR” bakery.

 Variation. The data obtained was recorded in a Microsoft Excel version 2010 spreadsheet.

7.2. Kind of investigation

Not experimental

7.3. Scope

Describes or outlines the characteristics or features of the situation or phenomenon under study

7.4. Method

The method used for this research is the Deductive Method.


8.1. Preparation of the proposal.

This study was carried out to obtain the necessary information to make improvements to the “LA
FLOR” bakery such as:

Changing the color of the façade, improving lighting, making employees uniform, improving
distribution, making some improvements to the logo and increasing the price of bread.

8.2. Techniques and instruments


Survey Questionnaire Carry out a diagnosis with the client's perspectives about the image of the

Identify the factors that influence the purchase decision.

• Survey

This survey is to collect information on the customer's perception of the image of the bakery "The
Three Kings" and identify the factors that influence the purchasing decision. These data will serve
to make the best decision in the implementation of merchandising. .

Objective 1, questions 1, 2, 3: Know the customer's perspective on the image of the “LA
FLOR” bakery.
Objective 2.questions 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10: Identify the factors that influence the purchase

8.3. Data

The surveys that were applied in the following days


Saturday 02/02/19 8:00 – 11:00 am

2:00 – 7:00 pm 34

Sunday 03/02/19 7:30 – 1:30 p.m.

15:00 – 20:00 hrs 48

Monday 04/02/19 15:30 – 18:30 hrs 18

8.4. Evidence

On Saturday 02/02/19, 34 surveys were administered to bakery customers

“LA FLOR” with a duration of 8 hours.

On Sunday, 02/02/19, 48 surveys were administered to the customers of the “LA FLOR” bakery
with a duration of 11:30 hours.

On Monday afternoon, 02/04/19, 18 surveys were administered to the customers of the “LA
FLOR” bakery with a duration of 3:30 hours.


Data collection was carried out with clients of the “LA FLOR” bakery, outside of said company, with
an average age of 34 years. Of the 100% of those surveyed, 60% were women and 40% were
men. .

1.- Do you like the bakery logo?

90% of those surveyed responded that they do like the logo of the “LA FLOR” bakery.

2.- Do you like the color of the bakery's facade?

71% of respondents like the color of the facade

3.- Does the staff give you the confidence to handle your products?
100% responded that the bakery staff gives them confidence in handling the products

4.- Do you like the current distribution of the bread?

87% of those surveyed responded that they like the current distribution of bread.

5.- How do you consider the price of bread?

51% of those surveyed consider that the price of bread is average, 44% consider that it is cheap,
4% that it is very cheap and 1% consider that bread is expensive.

6.- How do you evaluate the flavor of the bread?

67% of those surveyed consider the taste of the bread to be good, followed by 17% as very good
and 16% as average.

7.- Do you consider that the lighting in the premises is good?

73% of those surveyed consider that the lighting in the premises is appropriate.

8.- Would you like some modifications to be made to the bakery?

61% of those surveyed would like to see some modifications made to said bakery

9.- From the following options, select three most important modifications that you consider for
the bakery.

45 people surveyed would like the color of the façade to be modified, 43 the lighting, 40 people
the employee uniform, 35 the distribution of the products and 20 people the logo

10.- From the following options, select three aspects that influence your purchasing decision at the

Factors that influence the purchasing decision of bakery customers are the following: 27% for the
price, 25% for the quality of the products, 22% for the service, 16% for the variety of products and
10% for the quality of the products. % by the location of the bakery.


According to the studies carried out, it has been concluded that people who visit the “LA FLOR”
bakery like the logo, the facade, the product and even agree with the cost, however certain
recommendations such as maintaining the color of the facade without changing the color so as not
to lose the essence, implementing uniforms that are different for each day and that match the
colors of the establishment so that uniformity is seen in the employees; improve customer service
and continue to be friendly, suggest featured products with each purchase and make a different
display arrangement to show the bread that has less fluidity begins to come out.

They were also recommended to advertise through a sign with their slogan outside the bakery
since it does not have one.
It was recommended not to lower the quality of the product to lower costs since the most loyal
customers remain with them due to the good quality of the product.


Escrivá, Joan and Clar, Federico (2005). Marketing at the point of sale.

Garrido, J. (2001). How to sell more in your store.

Interviews in qualitative research, Steinar Kvale

Design and research, Simon Seivewright

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