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Comprehension paragraph:

Pakistan is a country in South Asia that borders India, Afghanistan, Iran, and China. It has a population of
about 220 million people, making it the fifth-most populous country in the world. Pakistan has a rich and
diverse culture, with various ethnic groups, languages, religions, and traditions. Pakistan is also known
for its natural beauty, with mountains, rivers, deserts, and forests. Some of the famous landmarks in
Pakistan include the K2 mountain, the second-highest peak in the world, the Badshahi Mosque, one of
the largest mosques in the world, and the Lahore Fort, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


- What are the four countries that border Pakistan?

- What is the population rank of Pakistan in the world?

- What are some of the ethnic groups, languages, and religions in Pakistan?

- What are some of the natural features of Pakistan?

- What are some of the famous landmarks in Pakistan?

```:Comprehension paragraph:

The Amazon rainforest is a vast tropical forest that covers most of the Amazon basin in South America. It
is home to more than 10% of the world's known biodiversity, including thousands of species of plants,
animals, and insects. The Amazon rainforest also plays a vital role in regulating the global climate, as it
produces about 20% of the world's oxygen and absorbs large amounts of carbon dioxide. However, the
Amazon rainforest is facing serious threats from deforestation, logging, mining, agriculture, and fires,
which are destroying its ecosystems and endangering its inhabitants.

- Which continent is the Amazon rainforest located in?

- What percentage of the world's known biodiversity is found in the Amazon rainforest?

- What are some of the benefits of the Amazon rainforest for the global climate?

- What are some of the causes of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest?

- What are some of the consequences of deforestation for the Amazon rainforest and its inhabitants?

Comprehension paragraph:

The Eiffel Tower is a famous landmark in Paris, France, that was built for the 1889 World's Fair. It is
named after Gustave Eiffel, the engineer who designed and constructed it. The Eiffel Tower is made of
iron and stands 324 meters tall, making it the tallest structure in Paris and one of the most recognizable
symbols of France. The Eiffel Tower has three levels that are open to the public, offering panoramic
views of the city and its surroundings. The Eiffel Tower also has a light show that illuminates it every
night, creating a spectacular sight for visitors and locals alike.


- When and why was the Eiffel Tower built?

- Who was the Eiffel Tower named after?

- What material is the Eiffel Tower made of and how tall is it?

- How many levels are there in the Eiffel Tower and what can visitors see from them?

- What happens to the Eiffel Tower every night?

Comprehension paragraph:

Mars is the fourth planet from the sun and the second-smallest planet in the solar system. It is often
called the Red Planet because of its reddish color, which is caused by iron oxide in its surface. Mars has
two small moons, Phobos and Deimos, which orbit around it. Mars has a thin atmosphere, mostly
composed of carbon dioxide, and a cold and dry climate, with temperatures ranging from -140°C to
20°C. Mars has many interesting features, such as volcanoes, canyons, craters, and polar caps. Mars is
also a potential destination for human exploration, as it has evidence of water and organic molecules.


- What is the position of Mars in the solar system and what is its size compared to other planets?

- Why is Mars called the Red Planet and what causes its color?

- What are the names of the two moons of Mars and how do they move around it?

- What are the main components of the atmosphere and the climate of Mars?

- What are some of the features and attractions of Mars for scientific and human interest?

Comprehension passage:

The **old** man walked **slowly** along the **busy** street that was filled with **cars**,
**buses**, and **pedestrians**. He carried a **heavy** bag full of **groceries** that he had bought
from the **nearby** supermarket. He looked **tired** and **sad** as he struggled to move forward.
He **often** stopped to rest and catch his breath, leaning against a **wall** or a **lamp post**. He
wished he had someone to help him or talk to him, but he had no **friends** or **family**. He felt
**lonely** and **forgotten** by the world.


- What are the adjectives in the passage?

- What are the adverbs in the passage?

- What are the nouns in the passage?

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