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Tune, Aa, 024 S95 Review. 10. n. 12. 13. 4. 15. BI QUYET CHINH PHUC NGO PHAP TIENG ANH NANG CAO @ BAitest NANG LUC HiEN TAI My cousin has a/an.. clock. A. old nice red Italian C. nice old Italian red _B. nice old red Italian _D. Italian red nice old There are .. .-boys in this schoo! than in that school. A.less Bittle C.fewer D. few My younger sister, Linda book until she was ten. A. never reads C.hasneverread ——_B.never read D. was never reading Mike .............dinner at 5 o'clock yesterday. Ais cooking B. cooks C.was cooking D. cooked The bell... when we ... dinner yesterday. A. was ringing- were having C.rang- were having B. rang-had D. was ringing-had ‘The man arrived at the bus stop after we. for him for about 2 hours. A. had waited B. were waiting C. waited D. have waited Where ... NCE YOU. ...+++++---from university, John? A. have you taught - have graduated C. did you teach - graduated B. did you teach - have graduated D. have you taught - graduated this test by 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. Sarah says that she .. A. will finish B. has finished finishes D. will have finished Tom con the beach at this time next week. A. is going to lie B. will ie C.will be lying Da lies ‘Somebody. yy handbag on the bus. A. stole B. steals Chas stolen D. was stealing I must go now. | promise late, A. not being B.not to be C.not being D. won't be Dont forget . the letter | gave you. A. to post B. posting C. post D. posted Thad my bike yesterday. A. repair B. repaired C. repairing D. to repair This old school . before the first semester. A.needsrestored C.needstorestore B.needs restoring —_—D. needs torestoring Dinosaurs are believed... A. die out C. to die out B.tohavedied out —_D. having died out many years ago. Burge quét bang CamScanner .at home. 16. My brother said he. staying B. has stayed C.was staying D.will stay 17, James asked me ..........uiN English A. what does this word mean C.what did this word mean B, what that word means D. what that word meant 18. . ...the time passes, .. A.The faster / the nervous C.The fast / the more nervous B. The more fast / the nervous D.The faster / the more nervous 19. Her houseis ...........mine, A.twiceasbigas _C. as two times big as twice big as D.asbig as twice 20. In this country, many people have difficulty . A.finding B.tofind finding D.found .a job to support their family. 21, Ofthe two tables, the round one is. A. the nicest B. the nicer Gnicer D.anice one 22. I would have visited you ifl............busy doing homework. A. won't be B, hadn't bee . wouldn't be D. weren't 23. Iwishit............ holiday today. A.were B.will be c D.had been 4. it not been for the heavy rain, we would have gone fishing. Alf B.Had .Should D.Unless 25. If Lisa had studied hard last year, she .. ..a student now. A. would be B.wouldhavebeen — C.will be Dais 26. The girl .. is our neighbor. AA. talks to the woman over there .was talking to the woman over there talking to the woman over there D. talking to the woman over there 27. The man with .... Ihave been working is very friendly. A.who B.that C.which D.whom 28. We get high marks, ......-- ‘A.that makes our parents happy C.whom makes our parents happy B. which makes our parents happy D. who makes our parents happy 29. My aunt has two children, _ ‘A. neither of whom are living in the city B. none of them are living in the city .both of them are living in the city D.all of them are living in the city 30. When | was young, | ........--ufishing every afternoon, A.was used to go B. used to go C.used to going D. used to be going Poy Dugc quét bang CamScanner 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39, a. a. 4B. 45. Bis, 2 BI QUYET CHINH PHUCNGU PHAP TIENG ANH NANG CAO She blamed her father’s death ............him. A.for B.on to Dain The purpose of this book i ....a complete guide to the university. A. provide B. provided provide D. being provided .determines a good meal varies from country to country. A.Which B.Why C.What D.How This task is too dificult for us. A.todo B.todoit C.doing D. for doing ichael has learnt very fast. He has made an ......--..». POgTesS. A. astonish B. astonishing CC. astonishment D. astonished .. disappointed at the result of the match. B. terrible C.terribly D. terrifying We have enough food at home so we jo some shopping today. A.must B.need mustn't D.needn't ‘The party was very terrible, Nobody enjoyed. : A.themselves B. herself himself D. yourself .» forgot my homework. Therefore, | got a bad mark, A. Lucky B.Luckily C.Unlucky D.Unluckily Neither Mary nor I...........happy about that result. B. has been Care Dis That he takes this course .. very certain. B.have been Care Dis week goes by without some road accidents. A.Hardly B. Seldom C.Never D.infrequently We would rather .. coffee than tea, A.drank B. drink Chad drunk D.drunk Lets go for walk, .. 2 A.will we B. shall we C.don'tyou D.doyou It'simperative that our country... ‘on improving its public education system. A.focuses B. focus focusing D. focused We didn't go for a walk. A.though B.but C.because .-it was very cold. ..the liberation of women, women can take part in social activities. A.Because B. Despite .Thanks to D.As Burge quét bang CamScanner Mega book Chuyén Gia Sach Luyén Thi Tee , Lwent swimming. A. As was a child C. As be a child B. As a child D.1 was a child WD. ccscsceseaseee , | felt very happy. A.When | gave a gift by my boyfriend C. Giving a gift by my boyfriend B. When giving a gift by my boyfriend D. Given a gift by my boyfriend 50. You really should go to Paris. The scenery is ............ stunning and the people here are very friendly and hospitable. A. absolutely B. fairy C. very D. extremely Dugc quét bang CamScanner EE @ exercise > I Put the verb in the bracket into the correct form. 1. Mybrother__(buy) some land in southern France recently. He. (build) a summer house there at the moment. 2. Andy and Mary (go) to a concert tomorrow night. They (look forward to) it the whole week. 3. John {watch) the news on TV every day and it (help) him with his English, 4, Mycar__(break) down when!__(drive) home from work. (fix) itif____(know) what was wrong. 5. Whenhe (found) Microsoft, Bill Gates was only 20 years old. He. (already write) his first computer program six years earlier. 6. An accident (happen) near my house last night. A car (hit) a young man. He. (ride) his bike when someone in frontof him suddenly (open) a car door. Many people (see) the accident. The police interrogate) them last night. 7. Mrs Smith said that one day she (retire) from teaching. She said that she (spend) her new free time learning about computers. 8 1____(notsleep) atall last night. Someone__ (listen) to music all night. 9 1___Gee) a film a week ago, but | (not enjoy) it very much because | (already read) the book. If (notread) the book! (probably enjoy) the film more. 10. The judge sentenced the man to eight years in prison because he__(rob) a bank. 11. They_____(stand) in the queue for over an hour when the manager. (tell) them that there were no more tickets. 12. Alan____(be) in the car accident yesterday. The other driver___(Iose) control of his car because he (fall) asleep. 13. She___(not see) her father since she_(start) to workin Maarseille two years ago. 14, |____(sleep) when the fire broke out. 15. Linda phoned and explained that she would not be able to come to the party the next day because she (be) still sick. 16, |____(just see) the film’The Da Vinci Code’. -__{you see) it too? - No, Ihaven't but | read the book. 17. My sister___(fly) home from London today.Herflight___(arrive) in an hour so!___(leave) for the airport right now to get there in time. 1 5 | ATT NOISIASY 3SN3L Dugc quét bang CamScanner ra Se 2 > Fr ES rm a 2 Fry = Wise W) Mega book Chuyén Gia Sach Luygn Thi 18. 19. 20. 2. 23. 24. 25. 26. 21. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34, 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 4. a. Unless he___(sell) more he won't get much money. While he ____{(wait) for the bus there (be) a robbery at the bank. After the robbers _____(go) away the police (come) but they were not able to catch them, |______{use) to ski when Iwas at the university but|_______ (break) a leg five years ago and since then! (not ski) any more. |___(see) a great film yesterday. (you ever buy) anew car? |__(meet) him last Monday. Theband hile! - (play, write) She_______the new car in 2005. (buy) Her mother___in Victoria for five years. (live) They ___in Germany when we arrived a few days ago. (already be) to get married? (you plan) 1 so much fun since | was a kid. (not have) When | gotup!__out of the window and_____that it. (look, see, rain) Janet_____for Smith and Brothers before she came to work for us. (work) 1 ‘three movies so far this week. (see) How long for me? (you wait) 1 cover Loch Ness last week. - the Loch Ness monster? (fly, you see) Imafraid'm not hungry.|_. (already eat) Peter. football in the afternoon when he got the call. (play) “What between 9 and 12 yesterday morning? the detective said. (you do) He kept looking at her, wondering where he. her before. (see) The doctor's waiting room was full of people. Some people newspapers, @ woman____anda child with a doll, Suddenly the door andanurse_____out. (read, knit, play, open, come) Travelling much easier and more comfortable in the past hundred years. (become) I cake. That's why my hands are full of flour. (bake) When | first came to this house it_____quitea noisy area. (be) . He twisted his ankle while he -(ski) the doors before you leave the house? (you lock) Dugc quét bang CamScanner BI QUYET CHINH PHUC NGU PHAP TIENG ANH NANG CAO 45. My best friend and | each other for 15 years. (know) 46. Jack usually. but he doesn’t smoke when his father comes. (smoke) 47. breakfast yet? - Yes | had it together with Sue at 7. (you have) 48. 1 this kind of work when | was a small boy. (do) 49. He the paper when his wife came home. (read) 50. He for an hour now. I'll be finished soon. (speak) 51. How long__John and Maria?- We met the couple over thirteen years ago. (you know) 52. He______in Oxford for two years and when his mother died he moved to London. (live) 53. After Harry ____his work he. Jude from the office. (finish, call) 54. You your homework for two hours. Haven't you finished yet? (do) 55. He always_____to the supermarket alone, but today he him. (go, take) 56. Henever___in the evening, only on Sundays. (work) 57.1 to South America but | have been to New York several times. (never, be) 58. Jean? - No, she probably went to her friend's place. anyone, see) 59.1 ‘to the bank yesterday but when I got there it was closed. (go) 60. Lee___late every day since Tuesday. (be) 61. When we reach Land's End, we 1,500 km. (walk) 62. I sawhim when he. the house.|___at the corner when he by.He____a word and |_a word either. (leave, just stand, pass, not say, not say) 63. It's a beautiful drive.! am sure you__the scenery. (enjoy) 64, Thecar____if yougettin, Tom and|___youa push. (not start, give) 65. | put the five-pound notes into one of the books; but the next day it__me ages to find it because|___which book|___itin. (take, forget, put) 66, He the bagpipes since six this morning. He . (play, just stop) 67. Myson work yet. He's still at High School. - How long at school? - He there for six years. Before that he spent five years at primary school. (not start, he be, be) 68. Mary: | wonder what he__now. Ann: Well, his girlfriend from Japan too, so! suppose he__Japanese. (say, come, speak) 69. When Ifirst met him he__architecture. (study) 7] Dugc quét bang CamScanner WD) Mega book Chuyén Gia Sich Luyén Thi 70. While we someone into the house and this note. (fish, break, leave) us 71. Itwon't be easy to get out of the country .The police all of the ports. (watch) 72. Iflcatch some fish, _them for me? (you cook) 73. He___tocome last night. (not forget) 74, It____for two hours so the game has been postponed. (rain) 75, When!___him, he 2a picture of his wife last night. (see, paint) 76, The car had nobody in it but the engine (run) 77. Tom can't have the newspaper now because his aunt it. (read) 78, After five years of travelling through Asia | ______back to Europe next week. | the flight (go, already book) 79. Where___ tonight? - out with Peter. (you go, go) 80, At 3 AM, Jane up her husband and said that she that someone to get into the house. (wake, think, try) 81. When you see me next time | my new sunglasses. (wear) 82. This bike___in our family for the last 14 years. My father it for the first five years, then my brother itand| itsince then. (be, use, ride, have) 8 83. Sometimeagol______thatourmayor____ to go to Iceland, (read, want) EA) BA, You see, Doctor, she il two days ago and since then she. anything. = msureshe__several kilos. (feel, not eat, lose) EB) 85. Mostpeople_at work when the fire .(be, start) [| 86. Jenny (never fal in love until she (meet) Ben two years ago. | 87. Mike (not stop) studying until he (revise) al topics this evening. z 88. When the old woman (hear) that her grandson (arrest) for robbery, = she got a big shock. 89. When Lisa (have) problems at school, her parents (usually help) her to cope with them. 90. We (wait) for the bus for nearly half an hour, butit__(notarrive) yet so I don't thinkwe___(be able to) attend the meeting on time. 91. When Sally (graduate) from university next year, she____(study) English for nearly four years. 92. While the children (play) by the lake, one of them __ (drop) his ball and (try) to get it out himself. 93. Tomorrow at around 7,30 pm, | 94. Builders oa (drive) through America. (finish) the Millennium Dome by the end of the year 2000, Burge quét bang CamScanner ‘BI QUYET CHINH PHUC NGO PHAP TIENG ANH NANG CAO 95. (have) another look | (realize) the shirt in the laundry 96, Iwas exhausted at the end of the exam. (write) for over two hours. 97. When thieves stole my favorite leather jacket, | was really upset. (have) it for over ten years. 98. No one even noticed when I got home. They (all watch) the big game on TV. 99. We didn't really want to go and see the musical again. We (already see) it twice -so we said “no” and we went to a restaurant instead! 100. | arrived over an hour late to the office and everyone was working. Actually, they (work) for over two hours on the new project and | felt really guilty. » II. Choose the underlined part in each sentence (A, B, C, or D) that needs correcting. 1. _ After Mrs. Smith had (A) retuned (B) to her house (C) from work, she (D) was cooking dinner, 2. Tim (A) threw the ball (B) high in the air, and Betty (C) is catching it (0) when it came down, 3. Lisa has (A) worn her (B) new yellow dress (C) only once since she (D) buys it. 4, Last week Mark (A) told me that he (B) got very bored with his present job and (C)is looking for a (D) new one. 5. _ (A) Having fed the dog, he (B) was sat down (C) to his (D) own meal. 6. When | tured on my computer, | was (A) shocked (8) to find some junk mail, (C) and | (0) delete it all. = fy ra a bu = os = = a res 7. They are going (A) to have to (B) leave soon and (C) so do (D) we. 8. The boss laughed when the secretary (A) has told him that she (B) really (C) needed a (0) payrrise. 9, The telephone rang several (A) times and (B) then (C) stop before | (D) could answer it. 10. Mike, (A) whose father is an excellent tennis (B) player, (C) has been playing tennis (D) since ten years. 11. (A) have seen (8) lots of C) interesting places when | (D) went on holiday last summer. 12. When my cat (A) heard a noise in the bushes, she stopped (B) moving and (C) listen (D) intently. 13. I(A) think its time you (B) change your (C) way of (0) living. 14, Robinson felt (A) the outside of his pocket (B) to make sure (C) his wallet (D) is still there. 15. When (A) I'm shopping in the supermarket, | ran (8) into an old friend whom | (C) hadn't met (D) for five years. 16. (A) The pe arrested the man (B) while he (C) is having dinner (D) ina restaurant. 17. Peter and Daisy (A) first met (B) in 2006, and they (C) are married for three years (D) now. Dugc quét bang CamScanner DW Mega book Chuyén Gia Scich Luyén Thi 18. (A) Some people (8) are believing that there is life (C) on (0) ather planets. 19. Recently, (A) the island of Hawaii (®) had been the subject of (C) intensive.research (D) on the ‘occurrence of earthquakes. 20. Every morning, the sun (A) shines in my bedroom (8) window and (C) waking me (D) up, 21. The man died (A) asa result (8) of falling (C) asleep while he (0) drives, 22, | (A) havent finished the report (B) yet, but by the time you (C) return | (0) will certainly complete it. 23. Kate (A) has worn her new (8) yellow dress only (C) ance since she (O) buys it. 24, (A) Welle cycled to (8) Hoa's village (C at this time (D) next Sunday. 25. What (A) will you (8) do (C) when your friends (D) won't come? 26. Someone (A) was knocking at (8) the door when I (C) was doing the (O) washing up, 27. My friend (A) didn’t drink (B) any beer since we (C) came to live (O) here. 28. We have (A) written to (8) each other (C) when we (0) were in primary school. 29. (A) After breakfast, 'm (B) gone to walk (C) to schoo! (0) with my friends. 30. (A) Did he (B) gato the pop concert next (C) weekend for (D) achange? | TENSE REVISION Dugc quét bang CamScanner

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