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Project Procurement & Contract

Melkamu Kena (PhD)

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Procurement Methods
▪ At its heart, procurement is the strategic process
businesses use to find and obtain the goods and services
they need.
▪ It's not just about buying; it's about making smart choices.
▪ When businesses talk about procurement, they're looking
at the bigger picture:
o ensuring they get quality products, at the right price,
from reliable suppliers, and at the right time.

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Procurement Methods
▪ In today's competitive market, the right procurement
methods can make a significant difference.
▪ It's about leveraging buying power, building strong
relationships with suppliers, and ensuring a steady and
reliable supply chain.

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Procurement Methods
1) Negotiated Procurement
▪ Negotiated procurement is like a dance between
businesses and suppliers.
▪ Instead of just picking an item from a set price list, both
parties sit down and hash out the terms.
▪ It's about crafting a deal that's mutually beneficial.
▪ From prices to delivery timelines, everything is up for

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Procurement Methods
Advantages of Negotiated Procurement
▪ Customized solutions: Tailored agreements ensure that
specific needs are met, leading to potentially better
▪ Relationship building: Direct negotiations foster stronger,
long-term relationships with suppliers, paving the way for
future collaborations.
▪ Flexibility: The ability to negotiate terms allows for
adaptability to changing circumstances or requirements.

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Procurement Methods
Disadvantages of Negotiated Procurement
▪ Potential for subjectivity: Without a structured bidding
process, there's a risk of decisions being influenced by
▪ Resource intensive: Negotiations can be lengthy, requiring
significant time and effort from both parties.
▪ Higher complexity: Negotiated procurement often involves
complex deal structuring, which can complicate the
procurement process and require specialized knowledge or
legal assistance.

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Procurement Methods
When is Negotiated Procurement the Best Choice?
▪ Specialized projects: If you're working on a project that
doesn't fit the mould, negotiated procurement can help
you source materials or services that are just right.
▪ Limited suppliers: In industries where suppliers are few or
have niche expertise, direct negotiations ensure you get
the best value and terms.
▪ Complex requirements: For projects that have multiple
layers or intricate details, this method allows for a deep
dive into specifics, ensuring both parties are on the same

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Procurement Methods
2) Supplier Development
▪ Supplier development is all about collaboration.
▪ Businesses don't just buy from suppliers; they actively
engage with them, offering resources, training, or even
technology to help them improve.
▪ It's a partnership where both parties work hand-in-hand,
aiming for mutual business growth and success.

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Procurement Methods
Advantages of Supplier Development
▪ Enhanced supplier performance: Investing in suppliers can
lead to improvements in quality, reliability, and delivery
▪ Strategic alignment: Close collaboration ensures that
suppliers align with the company's strategic goals and
▪ Risk mitigation: By understanding and supporting
suppliers, businesses can anticipate and mitigate
potential supply chain risks.

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Procurement Methods
Disadvantages of Supplier Development
▪ High initial investment: Significant resources may be
needed upfront to develop suppliers.
▪ Over-dependence: Relying too heavily on a few developed
suppliers can pose risks if those suppliers face challenges.
▪ Long-term commitment required: Supplier development is a
long-term strategy that may not yield immediate results,
requiring sustained commitment and patience from the

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Procurement Methods
When is Supplier Development the Best Choice?
▪ Building strong bonds: If you're looking to go beyond mere
transactions and build lasting trust and understanding,
supplier development is the way to go.
▪ Ensuring a smooth supply chain: For businesses that rely
heavily on a consistent and reliable supply chain,
nurturing and investing in suppliers can be a strategic
▪ Facing rapid market changes: In industries where the
market landscape is rapidly evolving, helping suppliers
adapt and grow ensures that your supply chain remains
resilient and agile.
➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Procurement Methods
3) Direct Acquisition
▪ Direct acquisition is all about simplicity and clarity.
▪ Businesses identify what they need and go directly to the
producer or service provider to make the purchase.
▪ There's no third-party involvement, which means no
additional mark-ups or potential communication barriers.

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Procurement Methods
Advantages of Direct Acquisition
▪ Cost savings: Eliminating intermediaries can lead to direct
cost savings.
▪ Streamlined communication: Direct interactions can
reduce misunderstandings and ensure clarity in
▪ Quicker turnaround: Without the need for intermediary
processes, procurement can be faster.

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Procurement Methods
Disadvantages of Direct Acquisition
▪ Limited market knowledge: Without intermediaries,
businesses might miss out on broader market insights or
better deals.
▪ Increased responsibility: The onus of vetting and
managing suppliers falls entirely on the business.
▪ Narrower supplier base: Direct acquisition often limits the
business to a smaller pool of suppliers, which can reduce
competitive pricing and innovation.

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Procurement Methods
When is Direct Acquisition the Best Choice?
▪ Routine buys: For regular, recurring purchases where the
requirements are well-known, direct acquisition is a no-
▪ Clear specifications: When you know exactly what you
want, down to the tiniest detail, it's best to go straight to
the source to ensure your needs are met.
▪ Trusted suppliers: If you've built a strong relationship with
a supplier and trust their quality and reliability, direct
acquisition streamlines the process.

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Procurement Methods
4) Indirect Acquisition
▪ Indirect acquisition is like having a seasoned guide in the
complex world of sourcing.
▪ Businesses collaborate with third parties or
intermediaries, such as agents, brokers, or consultants,
who have the expertise and connections to find the best
▪ These intermediaries navigate the market, negotiate
terms, and often handle logistics, making the acquisition
process smoother.

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Procurement Methods
Advantages of Indirect Acquisition
▪ Access to expertise: Intermediaries bring specialised
knowledge and insights, potentially leading to better
▪ Risk distribution: Using intermediaries can spread the
risks associated with procurement.
▪ Time savings: Intermediaries can handle various
procurement processes, saving businesses time.

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Procurement Methods
Disadvantages of Indirect Acquisition
▪ Additional costs: Intermediaries will have their fees or
mark-ups, potentially increasing costs.
▪ Potential misalignment: Intermediaries might not always
fully align with the business's specific needs or values.
▪ Loss of control: Relying on intermediaries may result in
less direct oversight of the procurement process,
potentially leading to outcomes that don't fully meet the
business's expectations.

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Procurement Methods
When is Indirect Acquisition the Best Choice?
▪ Limited in-house expertise: If your business lacks the
expertise or resources to source directly, an intermediary
can fill that gap.
▪ Diversifying suppliers: When looking to expand or diversify
the supplier base, intermediaries can introduce
businesses to new, vetted suppliers.
▪ Complex markets: In industries or markets that are
intricate or rapidly changing, having an expert
intermediary can be invaluable.

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Procurement Methods
5) Public-Private Partnership
▪ A public-private partnership (PPP) is a collaborative effort
between government entities and private-sector
▪ The goal? To jointly deliver public services or undertake
significant projects.
▪ By pooling resources and expertise, PPPs aim to achieve
outcomes that might be challenging for either sector to
accomplish independently.

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Procurement Methods
Advantages of Public-Private Partnership
▪ Resource pooling: Combining resources can lead to more
significant projects and better infrastructure.
▪ Risk sharing: Both public and private entities share the
risks, leading to potentially more sustainable projects.
▪ Innovation boost: The private sector can introduce
innovative solutions to public projects.

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Procurement Methods
Disadvantages of Public-Private Partnership
▪ Complex governance: Managing a PPP requires navigating
both public and private sector governance structures.
▪ Longer negotiation periods: Establishing a PPP can be
time-consuming due to the complexities involved.
▪ Accountability issues: The blending of public and private
sector roles can sometimes lead to confusion about who is
accountable for various aspects of the project, potentially
complicating project management and outcomes.

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Procurement Methods
When is Public-Private Partnership the Best Choice?
▪ Large-scale projects: Infrastructure developments like
roads, airports, or utilities often require vast resources
and expertise, making them ideal candidates for PPPs.
▪ Specialized services: When a public service requires
specialized knowledge or technology, partnering with a
private entity can bring in the necessary expertise.
▪ Resource allocation: In situations where public funds are
limited, partnering with the private sector can help bridge
the resource gap, ensuring project completion.

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Procurement Methods
6) Traditional Procurement Method
▪ The traditional procurement method is like the classic
recipe that's been passed down through generations - it's
reliable, straightforward, and has stood the test of time.
▪ At its core, this method is about setting clear
expectations, letting suppliers compete, and choosing the
best fit based on value or price.

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Procurement Methods
Advantages of Traditional Procurement Method
▪ Transparency: A structured bidding process ensures
fairness and transparency.
▪ Market-driven pricing: Competitive bidding can drive down
prices, ensuring value for money.
▪ Clear criteria: With set specifications, there's clarity in
expectations and deliverables.

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Procurement Methods
Disadvantages of Traditional Procurement Method
▪ Potential limitations: A rigid bidding process might limit
innovative solutions or approaches.
▪ Administrative burden: Managing bids and evaluating
them can be resource-intensive.
▪ Inflexibility in contracts: Once a contract is awarded, there
may be limited scope for adapting to changes or
unexpected challenges without renegotiation, which can
be cumbersome and time-consuming.

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Procurement Methods
When is Traditional Procurement the Best Choice?
▪ Public sector projects: Given the need for transparency and
accountability in public spending, this method is a
favourite for government contracts.
▪ Large-scale endeavours: For big projects where
specifications are clear and the stakes are high, the
traditional method offers a structured approach.
▪ Standardized purchases: When buying standardised goods
or services, where quality and specifications are well-
known, this method ensures competitive pricing.

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Procurement Method

▪ Nature of your project: Different projects have different

demands. For large-scale endeavors with clear
specifications, the traditional procurement method might
be ideal.
o However, specialized projects might benefit from the
flexibility of negotiated procurement.
▪ Budgetary constraints: Your financial boundaries can
guide your choice.
o If you're looking for competitive pricing, the traditional
procurement method, with its emphasis on open
bidding, might be the way to go.

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Procurement Method

▪ Supplier relationships: The history and strength of your

relationships with suppliers can influence your method
o A strong, pre-existing bond might make negotiated
procurement or supplier development more appealing
▪ Market dynamics: A deep understanding of the current
market, including pricing trends and supplier availability,
is crucial.
o If you lack in-house expertise, indirect acquisition can
offer broader insights.

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Procurement Method

▪ Risk tolerance: Every procurement method comes with its

set of risks. Assessing your company's risk appetite can
help in choosing a method that aligns with your comfort
▪ Transparency needs: If transparency is a top priority,
especially for public sector entities, methods like
traditional procurement, which prioritise open processes,
might be more suitable.

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

The Role of Technology in Modern Procurement Methods

▪ The integration of technology into business operations has

significantly impacted procurement methods.
▪ As companies seek to optimise their procurement
processes, technology offers solutions that enhance
efficiency, transparency, and decision-making.
▪ Digital sourcing & e-procurement: Modern procurement
methods have shifted towards digital platforms, allowing
businesses to source suppliers, evaluate bids, and finalize
contracts online.
▪ E-procurement platforms streamline these processes,
reducing time and increasing accuracy.

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

The Role of Technology in Modern Procurement Methods

▪ Enhanced supplier management: Technology provides

tools for better supplier relationship management.
Businesses can now monitor supplier performance, ensure
compliance, and evaluate contract terms using digital
systems, ensuring that suppliers align with company
standards and expectations.
▪ Automation in procurement: One of the significant
advantages of technology in procurement is finance
o From generating purchase orders to tracking deliveries,
automated systems reduce manual tasks, minimize
errors, and improve efficiency.

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

The Role of Technology in Modern Procurement Methods

▪ Data-driven decisions with predictive analytics: Predictive

analytics in procurement allows businesses to forecast
market trends, anticipate supply chain disruptions, and
make informed purchasing decisions.
▪ This data-driven approach ensures that companies can
optimize their procurement strategies based on real-time

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Types of strategies for procurement

▪ Procurement strategies are the plans and methods that an
organization uses to procure goods and services.
▪ These strategies help organizations get the best value for
their money while maintaining quality standards.
▪ They encompass the methods and approaches you can
use to find suppliers, negotiate prices, and ultimately make

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Types of strategies for procurement

▪ It's important to have a strategy to help you save time and
money and ensure that you get the best possible value for
your purchases.
▪ There are many strategies that businesses can use.
▪ Choosing the right one depends on several factors,
including the type of goods or services it needs, the size of
the business, and the budget

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Types of strategies for procurement

Cost reduction
▪ This is a common strategy that businesses use to save
▪ You can reduce costs by negotiating with suppliers,
looking for cheaper alternatives, and streamlining your
purchasing process.
▪ This strategy is most effective when you understand your
current costs and identify areas where you can save

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Types of strategies for procurement

Green purchasing
▪ Green purchasing is a strategy that focuses on buying
goods and services with minimal environmental impact.
▪ This can include products made from recycled materials,
low emissions, or energy-efficient products.
▪ Green purchasing is a good option for businesses that
want to reduce their environmental impact and operate
more sustainably.

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Types of strategies for procurement

Risk management
▪ Risk management is a strategy that focuses on mitigating
risks associated with purchasing goods or services.
▪ This can include identifying and assessing risks,
developing contingency plans, and establishing risk-
sharing arrangements with suppliers.
▪ Risk management is essential for businesses that want to
protect themselves from potential problems from their

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Types of strategies for procurement

Global sourcing
▪ Global sourcing involves buying goods or services from
suppliers around the world.
▪ This can be a good option for businesses that want to find
the best possible purchase price.
▪ Global sourcing can also help companies mitigate risks by
diversifying their supplier base.
▪ It also allows businesses to tap into new markets and find
innovative products.

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Types of strategies for procurement

Total quality management
▪ Total quality management ensures that all products and
services meet the highest possible standards.
▪ This can include setting quality standards, conducting
inspections, and implementing quality control measures.
▪ This strategy is important for businesses that want to
avoid problems with their purchases and ensure that they
get the best possible value.

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Types of strategies for procurement

Supplier management and optimization
▪ Supplier management and optimization focus on
developing relationships with suppliers and working to
improve their performance.
▪ This can include setting supplier performance standards,
conducting audits, and providing training and support.
▪ This strategy is essential as it can help businesses
improve the quality of their purchases and ensure that
they are getting the best possible value from their

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Flows to create a procurement strategy

a) Starting with the basics: What you need to know
▪ Procurement involves not just buying goods and services,
but doing so in a way that adds value to your organization
▪ Understanding Needs: Know what your organization needs, not
just in terms of products and services, but also in quality, quantity,
and timing.

▪ Supplier Selection: Choosing the right suppliers is crucial. It’s

not always about the lowest price. Reliability, quality, and service are
also key factors.

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Flows to create a procurement strategy

a) Starting with the basics: What you need to know
▪ Negotiation: Effective negotiation is about reaching a deal that
benefits both your company and the supplier. It’s a balance of cost,
quality, and service.
▪ Contract Management: Managing contracts effectively ensures
that the terms agreed upon are met and both parties are satisfied

▪ Risk Management: Identifying and managing risks associated

with procurement activities is essential to avoid disruptions.

▪ Ethical and Sustainable Practices: Ethical sourcing and

sustainability are increasingly important in procurement. This
includes considering the environmental and social impact of
procurement decisions.

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Flows to create a procurement strategy

a) Starting with the basics: What you need to know
▪ Your procurement strategy should support your overall
business goals.
o Whether it’s cost-saving, innovation, quality
improvement, or sustainability, ensure that your
procurement decisions align with these larger
▪ This section lays the groundwork for understanding the
fundamental aspects of procurement. With this
foundation, you can start to build a procurement strategy
that is effective, efficient, and aligned with your business
➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Flows to create a procurement strategy

b) Evaluating your current procurement processes
▪ To build an effective procurement strategy, it’s crucial to
first understand your current procurement process. This
evaluation will help identify what’s working well and what
needs improvement.
▪ Review Current Practices: Look at how procurement is currently
handled in your organization. This includes how orders are placed,
how suppliers are chosen, and how contracts are managed.
▪ Analyze Spend Data: Examine your spending patterns.
Understanding where your money goes can reveal a lot about your
procurement efficiency and opportunities for cost savings.

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Flows to create a procurement strategy

b) Evaluating your current procurement processes
▪ Assess Supplier Performance: Evaluate your current suppliers.
Are they reliable? Do they deliver quality goods and services on time?
Supplier performance directly affects your business operations.
▪ Identify Gaps and Challenges: Look for areas where your
procurement process is lacking. This could be in technology use,
process efficiency, or compliance with policies.
▪ Gather Feedback: Get input from different departments. They can
provide insights on how procurement affects their work and suggest
areas for improvement.
▪ Benchmark Against Best Practices: Compare your processes
with industry standards or competitors. This can highlight areas
where you’re behind and where you can learn from others.
➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Flows to create a procurement strategy

b) Evaluating your current procurement processes
▪ The goal of this evaluation is to have a clear
understanding of your procurement strengths and
o This insight is crucial for building a strategy that
addresses your specific needs and improves overall
▪ You should have a comprehensive view of your current
procurement processes, setting a solid foundation for
developing a more strategic approach in the following

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Flows to create a procurement strategy

c) Defining your procurement goals and objectives
▪ After evaluating your current procurement processes, the
next step is to set clear and achievable goals for your
procurement strategy.
o These goals should align with your overall business
objectives and address the gaps and challenges
identified in your evaluation.
▪ Specificity: Your goals should be specific. Instead of a general goal
like ‘reduce costs,’ aim for something more precise, such as ‘reduce
office supply costs by 10% within the next year.’
▪ Measurability: Ensure that your goals are measurable. This allows
you to track progress and make adjustments as needed.
➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Flows to create a procurement strategy

c) Defining your procurement goals and objectives
▪ Achievability: Set realistic goals. Overly ambitious goals can be
demotivating if they’re not achievable, while too easy goals might not
bring significant improvements.
▪ Relevance: Your procurement goals should be relevant to your
overall business strategy. For example, if your business is focusing on
sustainability, one of your procurement goals could be to increase the
purchase of eco-friendly products.
▪ Time-Bound: Assign a clear timeline to each goal. This helps in
creating urgency and focus.

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Flows to create a procurement strategy

c) Defining your procurement goals and objectives
Examples of common procurement objectives:
o Reducing costs without compromising quality.
o Improving supplier relationships and performance.
o Enhancing the efficiency of procurement processes.
o Ensuring compliance with regulations and ethical
o Incorporating sustainable and eco-friendly
procurement practices.
▪ You should have a clear set of procurement goals that are tailored to
your business needs and aspirations, providing a roadmap for the
strategic decisions and actions in the subsequent stages of your
procurement strategy.

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Flows to create a procurement strategy

d) Crafting procurement strategy: step-by-step guide
▪ With a clear understanding of your current processes and
well-defined goals, the next step is to develop your
procurement strategy.
▪ This strategy should serve as a roadmap for how your
organization will manage and optimize its procurement
▪ Choose the Right Approach: Decide whether a centralized or
decentralized procurement approach is best for your organization.
Centralized procurement can lead to better standardization and cost
savings, while decentralized procurement can offer more flexibility and

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Flows to create a procurement strategy

d) Crafting procurement strategy: step-by-step guide
▪ Supplier Selection and Management: Develop criteria for
selecting and evaluating suppliers. Consider factors like cost, quality,
reliability, and ethical practices. Building strong relationships with
key suppliers can lead to better terms and collaboration.
▪ Negotiation Strategies: Create guidelines for negotiation that aim
for mutually beneficial agreements with suppliers. Effective
negotiation can lead to cost savings and improved service.
▪ Implement Technology Solutions: Identify and implement
technology solutions that can streamline your procurement process.
This could include electronic procurement systems, inventory
management software, or supplier management tools.

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Flows to create a procurement strategy

d) Crafting procurement strategy: step-by-step guide
▪ Risk Management Plan: Develop a plan to identify and mitigate
risks in your procurement process. This includes supplier risks,
contractual risks, and market risks.
▪ Performance Measurement: Establish metrics to measure the
performance of your procurement strategy. This could include cost
savings, supplier performance, process efficiency, and compliance
▪ Continuous Improvement: Set up a process for regular review and
improvement of your procurement strategy. The business
environment and market conditions are always changing, so your
strategy should be adaptable.

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Flows to create a procurement strategy

e) Building & managing supplier relationships
▪ An integral part of a successful procurement strategy is
the effective management of supplier relationships.
▪ Strong relationships with suppliers can lead to better
pricing, higher quality products, and more reliable service.
▪ Selecting the Right Suppliers: Not all suppliers are equal. Choose
suppliers who align with your business values and objectives.
Consider factors like reliability, cost, quality, and ethical practices.
▪ Communication: Maintain open and consistent communication
with your suppliers. Clear communication helps in resolving issues
quickly and fosters a strong partnership.

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Flows to create a procurement strategy

e) Building & managing supplier relationships
▪ Performance Evaluation: Regularly evaluate your suppliers based
on their performance. This includes assessing their delivery times,
product quality, and responsiveness to issues.
▪ Collaboration: Look for opportunities to collaborate with your
suppliers. This could involve joint development of products, shared
marketing initiatives, or working together to improve processes.
▪ Long-Term Relationships: Focus on building long-term
relationships with key suppliers. Long-term partnerships can lead to
better terms, as suppliers are more likely to invest in a mutually
beneficial relationship.
▪ Handling Conflicts: Have clear strategies for managing conflicts
with suppliers. Addressing issues promptly and fairly can prevent
minor problems from escalating into major disputes.
➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Flows to create a procurement strategy

f) Technology Tools for modern procurement
▪ In today’s fast-paced business environment, leveraging
technology is crucial for an efficient and effective
procurement process.
▪ Benefits include increased efficiency, reduced errors, better
data for decision-making, and improved supplier
▪ Technology also supports a more agile procurement
process, enabling quick adaptation to market changes or
supply chain disruptions.

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Flows to create a procurement strategy

f) Technology Tools for modern procurement
▪ E-Procurement Systems: Procurement systems automates many
aspects of the procurement process, from order placement to invoice
processing. They can lead to significant efficiency gains and cost
▪ Supplier Management Software: This type of software helps
manage supplier information, performance, and interactions. It can
streamline supplier selection and evaluation processes.
▪ Inventory Management Tools: These tools help track inventory
levels, orders, sales, and deliveries. Effective inventory management
can reduce costs and improve order accuracy.

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Flows to create a procurement strategy

f) Technology Tools for modern procurement
▪ Spend Analysis Tools: These tools analyze spending data to
identify cost-saving opportunities and make informed procurement
▪ Contract Management Software: This software helps manage
contracts efficiently, ensuring compliance and timely renewals.
▪ Risk Management Tools: These tools help identify and manage
risks associated with suppliers and procurement activities.

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Flows to create a procurement strategy

g) Navigating risks and compliance in procurement
▪ Managing risks and ensuring compliance are critical
components of a successful procurement strategy.
o These elements help protect your organization from
potential losses and legal issues.
▪ Effective risk management and compliance in
procurement can protect your organization from
unexpected disruptions and legal issues.
o It also contributes to a more stable and reliable supply
chain, which is essential for smooth business

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Flows to create a procurement strategy

g) Navigating risks and compliance in procurement
▪ Identify Potential Risks: Understand the risks in your
procurement process, including supply chain disruptions, market
volatility, and supplier-related risks.
▪ Develop a Risk Management Plan: Create a plan that outlines
how to manage and mitigate identified risks. This could include
diversifying suppliers, maintaining safety stock, or implementing
flexible contracts.
▪ Stay Informed on Regulations: Keep up-to-date with laws and
regulations that affect procurement, such as environmental
standards, labor laws, and trade agreements.

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Flows to create a procurement strategy

g) Navigating risks and compliance in procurement
▪ Implement Compliance Procedures: Establish clear procedures
to ensure compliance with these regulations. Regular training and
audits can help maintain compliance.
▪ Build Strong Relationships with Suppliers: Collaborate with
your suppliers to manage risks. Suppliers who are closely aligned
with your business can help navigate risks more effectively.
▪ Leverage Technology for Compliance: Use technology to track
and manage compliance-related data. This can include software for
monitoring regulatory changes or tools for managing supplier

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Flows to create a procurement strategy

h) Evolving the strategy: path to continuous
▪ A procurement strategy should not be static. As your
business and the external environment evolve, so too
should your approach to procurement management.
▪ Continuous improvement is key to maintaining relevance
and effectiveness.
▪ Regular Review and Adaptation: Periodically review your
procurement strategy to ensure it aligns with current business goals
and market conditions. Be prepared to adapt your approach in
response to new challenges and opportunities.

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Flows to create a procurement strategy

h) Evolving the strategy: path to continuous
▪ Feedback Loops: Establish feedback mechanisms within your
organization and with suppliers. Feedback is crucial for identifying
areas for improvement and innovation.
▪ Stay Informed on Market Trends: Keep abreast of changes in
the market, including new technologies, supplier landscape shifts,
and industry best practices. This knowledge can inform strategic
▪ Invest in Training and development: Ensure that your
procurement team has the skills and knowledge to effectively
implement your strategy. Ongoing training and professional
development are vital.

➢ Procurement Methods
➢ Key Factors When Choosing a Procurement Method
Procurement Methods & Strategies ➢ The Role of Technology in Procurement Methods
➢ Types of strategies for procurement
➢ Flows to create a procurement strategy

Flows to create a procurement strategy

h) Evolving the strategy: path to continuous
▪ Leverage Data for Decision Making: Use data analytics to gain
insights into your procurement processes. Data can reveal trends,
inefficiencies, and opportunities for cost savings.
▪ Foster a Culture of Improvement: Encourage a mindset of
continuous improvement within your team. This involves being open
to change, experimenting with new approaches, and learning from
both successes and failures.


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