Cinema Ticket Purchase Website

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Flix Cinema


I. System Requirement………………….01-03 page

II. Data Flow Diagram……….......................04 page

III. Entity Relationship Diagram....................05 page

IV. Data Dictionary………………………05-08 page

V. User Interface………………………….09-12 page

VI. Test Case……………………………...13-14 page

VII. Product Backlog……………………….14-15 page

VIII. Sprint Backlog……………………………..16 page

Group Member(SS30)

Vichet Sereirathnak

Say Sokhea

Chhorm Chhaklyta

Path Sotheayuth

Oeng Lymeng

Thy Seyhak

Doung soka

Cinema Ticket Purchase | ss30

Website Summary
The purpose of our cinema ticket booking website is to provide movie enthusiasts with a
seamless and enjoyable experience in purchasing tickets for their favorite films. Our platform boasts a
user-friendly interface, allowing users to effortlessly browse through movie listings, check cinema
details, and select preferred seats. The website integrates a secure online payment system, ensuring a
safe transaction process. Upon completion, users receive a confirmation via email or QR code, with the
option to download or print tickets for easy access. For added convenience, our platform allows users to
cancel or reschedule bookings, offering a hassle-free way to manage their movie plans. Embrace the
simplicity of our website and focus on the cinematic experience. Explore our platform now to secure the
perfect tickets for your next movie outing!

I. System Requirement

The Cinema Ticket Purchase Website is designed to provide users with a straightforward and convenient
experience for buying movie tickets. The platform includes user registration and login, browsing movie
listings, selecting seats, secure payment processing, confirmation via email or SMS, and the option to
download or print tickets. The system also features an admin panel for managing website content,
tracking transactions, and monitoring sales. Notably, the ticket purchase process does not include a
cancellation feature.

Input Requirements:

- User login credentials

- Search queries for movies, theaters, or showtimes

- Movie details, including title, description, and ticket price

- Payment information for secure transactions

- Contact details, such as name, email, and phone number

- User-generated content like reviews or ratings

Process Requirements:

- Search and filter functionality for finding movies, theaters, or showtimes

Cinema Ticket Purchase | ss30

- Secure login and authentication process

- Shopping cart and streamlined checkout process

- Integration with popular payment gateways for seamless transactions

- Content management system for administrators to publish and manage content

- User account management, including profiles, order history, and Wishlist

- Notification system for order confirmation and shipment tracking

- Order tracking and inventory management for administrators

Output Requirements:

- Relevant search results based on user queries

- Detailed movie information, including images and user reviews

- Clear and concise order confirmation

- Real-time order tracking for customers

- Error messages or prompts for incorrect inputs or actions

- Email notifications for order status updates

Performance Requirements:

- Fast website loading speed for a smooth user experience

- Low response time for seamless performance under high traffic

- Scalability to accommodate future growth

- Responsive design for optimal performance on various devices

- Utilization of caching to improve page load times

- Optimization for search engine ranking and speed

Functional Requirements:

1. User Registration and Authentication:

- Users can register with necessary information.

- Authentication through a unique login ID and password.

- Optional: Social media account login.

2. Search and Filter Options for Movie Tickets:

- Users can search for tickets based on date, venue, movie, and price.

Cinema Ticket Purchase | ss30

- User-friendly and efficient filter options.

3. Ticket Purchase and Payment System:

- Users can purchase tickets by selecting seats and quantities.

- Straightforward and user-friendly ticket purchase process.

- Secure payment through payment gateway.

4. Non-functional Requirements:

1. Performance:

- Fast website loading speed and low response time.

- Scalability for future growth.

2. Usability:

- Attractive and user-friendly interface.

- Accessibility adherence for users with disabilities.

3. Security:

- Data encryption for user data security.

- Confidential handling of login credentials.

- Protection against unauthorized access and attacks.

4. Reliability:

- 24/7 availability without downtime.

- Regular backups to prevent data loss.

5. Compatibility:

- Compatibility with various browsers and devices.

- Mobile-friendly and optimized for mobile devices.

6. Maintenance:

- Easy maintenance and update procedures.

- Responsive support team for user queries and issues.

Cinema Ticket Purchase | ss30

II. Data Flow Diagram

Cinema Ticket Purchase | ss30

III. Entity Relationship Diagram

IV. Data Dictionary

Table Hall

Field Name Data Type Field length Constraint Description

Hall_ID Int 10 PK

Hall_Number Int 10 Not null

Seats_Amount Int 200 Not null

Cinema Ticket Purchase | ss30

Table User

Field Name Data Type Field length Constraint Description

User_ID Int 10 PK

Name varchar 20 Not null

Email varchar 30 Not null

Phone Number 15 Not null

Password varchar 20 Not null

Table Purchase Ticket

Field Name Data Type Field length Constraint Description

Seat_ID Int 10 PK

Seat_Number varchar 20 Not null

Paid date 30 Not null

User_ID Int 10 FK

Cinema Ticket Purchase | ss30

Table Movie

Field Name Data Type Field length Constraint Description

Movie_ID Int 10 PK

Title varchar 50 Not null

Genre varchar 50 Not null

Actor varchar 20 Not null

Director varchar 20 Not null

Language varchar 20 Not null

Ang_restrictions number 50 Not null

Duration time Not null

Description varchar 400 Not null

Table Show

Field Name Data Type Field length Constraint Description

Show_ID Int 10 PK

Hall_ID Int 10 FK

Date date Not null

Start_Time time Not null

Movie_ID Int 10 FK

End_Time time Not null

Table Ticket Cinema Ticket Purchase | ss30

Field Name Data Type Field length Constraint Description

Ticket_ID Int 10 PK

Hall_ID Int 10 FK

Date date Not null

Start_Time time Not null

Title Int 10 FK

End_Time time Not null

Payment_ID Int 10 FK

Seat_ID Int 10 FK

User_ID Int 10 FK

Table Payment

Field Name Data Type Field length Constraint Description

Payment_ID Int 10 PK

Amount Int 20 Not null

Date date 30 Not null

Discount Int 20 null

Tranasation_number Int 10 Not null

Payment_Method Varchar 10 Not null

Cinema Ticket Purchase | ss30

V. User Interface

Cinema Ticket Purchase | ss30

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Cinema Ticket Purchase | ss30

VI. Test Case

ID Test Scenario Test Steps Test Expected Results Actual Pass/
Data Results Fail
TU01 checking sign in with blank 1.Enter User name require
data 2. password Success
Tu02 checking sign in with user 1.Enter User name require
name only 2. password
Tu03 checking sign in with 1.Enter User name require
password only 2. password
Tu04 checking sign in with user 1.Enter User name require
name and password only 2. password
Tu05 Checking signup blank data 1.Enter User name require
2. Enter email Pass
3. Enter phone
Tu06 Checking sign up with user 1.Enter User name require
name only 2. Enter email Pass
3. Enter phone
Tu07 Checking sign up with email 1.Enter User name require
only 2. Enter email Pass
3. Enter phone
Tu08 Checking sign up with phone 1.Enter User name require
number only 2. Enter email Pass
3. Enter phone
Tu09 Checking sign up with user 1.Enter User name require
name and email 2. Enter email Pass
3. Enter phone
Tu10 Checking sign up with user 1.Enter User name require
name and phone 2. Enter email Pass
3. Enter phone
Tu11 Checking sign up with email 1.Enter User name require
and phone 2. Enter email Pass
3.Enter phone
Tu12 checking sing up with user 1.Enter User name require
name, email and phone 2. Enter email Pass
3. Enter phone
Tu13 Verify that a user can 1.Enter valid registration The system successfully
successfully register an details in all required fields. registers the user account
account on the website. 2.Click on the "Register" and redirects to the login Pass
button. page with a success
message displayed.
Tu14 Verify that the website layout 1.Access the website from a The website layout is
adjusts appropriately for desktop. responsive and adjusts
various devices. 2.Access the website from a properly for each device,
mobile device. providing a seamless user
3.Access the website from a experience
Tu15 Verify that users can choose 1.Proceed to checkout for Users can choose from
from multiple payment ticket Purchase. multiple payment options
options during checkout. 2.Look for available such as credit card,
payment options.

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Cinema Ticket Purchase | ss30

PayPal, ABA, etc., for

seamless transactions.
Tu16 Verify that users can see real- 1.Access the seating Users can see real-time
time updates on seating selection page for a movie. updates on seating
availability. 2.Observe the seating availability zones to make
availability in real-time informed decisions while
while other users book selecting seats.
Tu17 Verify that admins can add Navigate to the event The new upcoming Movie
upcoming Movies to the management section of the is successfully added to
website. admin dashboard. the website.
Add details for a new
upcoming event (movie title,
date, venue, etc.).

VII. Product Backlog

Product Backlog items (Sprint = 2 weeks, 4 hours * 14 days= 56 hours, Works =49
hours, meeting = 7 hours )

ID User Story Priority Sprint Status
As User Registration and Authentication
Develop user registration functionality with fields for necessary
1 12h High 1 Open
Implement authentication system using unique login ID and
2 14h High 1 Open

3 Optional: Integrate social media account login functionality. 10h Medium 1 Open

As User Search and Filter Options for Movie Tickets

Implement search functionality based on date, venue, movie,
4 20h High 1 Open
and price.
Design user-friendly and efficient filter options for search
5 16h Medium 1 Open
As User Ticket Purchase and Payment System
Develop ticket purchase process allowing users to select
6 18h High 2 Open
seats and quantities.

7 Integrate secure payment gateway for transactions. 20h High 2 Open

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Cinema Ticket Purchase | ss30


8 Optimize website loading speed and response time. 16h High 2 Open

9 Ensure scalability to accommodate future growth. 14h Medium 2 Open


10 Design an attractive and user-friendly interface 24h High 3 Open

Ensure adherence to accessibility standards for users with

11 18h Medium 3 Open

12 Implement data encryption for user data security. 16h High 3 Open

13 Ensure confidential handling of login credentials. 14h High 3 Open

Implement measures to protect against unauthorized access

14 18h High 3 Open
and attacks.

15 Ensure 24/7 availability without downtime. 14h High 15 Open

16 Implement regular backups to prevent data loss. 12h Medium 4 Open


17 Ensure compatibility with various browsers and devices. 16h High 4 Open

Develop a mobile-friendly interface optimized for mobile

18 20h High 4 Open

19 Design easy maintenance and update procedures. 12h Medium 4 Open

Establish a responsive support team for user queries and

20 8h Medium 4 Open

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Cinema Ticket Purchase | ss30

VIII. Sprint Backlog

Sprint I (2 weeks)
Story Id Description Estimation
User Registration and Authentication
1 User registration functionality
2 Authentication system
Search and Filter Options for Movie Tickets
4 Search functionality
5 Filter options design
Sprint II (2 weeks)
Ticket Purchase and Payment System
6 Ticket purchase process
7 Payment gateway integration
8 Performance optimization
Sprint III (2 weeks)
Usability and Security
10 Interface design improvements
11 Accessibility adherence
12,13,14 Security measures implementation
Sprint IV (2 weeks)
Reliability and Compatibility
15,16 Enhance system reliability
17,18 Conduct compatibility testing
19,20 Develop maintenance procedures

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