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24 125. 128. 27. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. In wich of the following systems of land seislement adopted by the English did provide more protection 1 the interests of farmers? (a) Pormanent setlemento! Banga (0) Ryower seterert of Centra States (6) Zamingan servement of Centra States (6) Maiguan (land revenue eterno of United Sate {In which of the following places was the Ryowwarl settlement introduced? (@) Uta pradesh and Puniad (©) Nowhtest Provinces anc Punjad (6) Madras are Bomoay (6) Bengal anc Bree Who isthe author of the book ‘Poverty and Unbritish rule in G@IRC Our WC. Baneree (©) Dadabhai Naceoj (@)Nove o the above Permanent Revenue Settlement of Bengal was introduced by (@che (ey Hastings (@Welesey (6) Commas Viceroys The Governor-General of Tada impeached by th Commons in E (@) Warten Haxings(o) Corals (@Welesey (6) Wiliam Bertince Who among the following abolished the Dual system of {government in Bengal? (a) Lard cive (@) tora Gornwas (© Spencer (6) Lora Warren Hastings ‘The Doctrine of Lapse was roduced by (@\Canning——_®) Ripon (@bytton (@)Darousie ‘The last Governor-General of the Fast India Company and the frst Viceroy under the crown was (@)Lordeige (@) tow Gaming (@ Lora Warren Hastings (Glow Darousie During whose viceroyship did the High Courts come into existence at the three presidential cities of Calcutta, Madras and Bombay > (@) Warn Hastings b) Lord Cornwalis (@lordcarng 6) Lord Dahousie 134, 138, 136, Indian National Movement 137. 138, 139. 140, 11, 142, ‘who among the following viceroys became a victim of one of the conspiray during his Visi to the ‘andamans ? (a) Curzon (e) Mayo (@ Rippon (auton ‘Who is rightly called the ‘Father of Local Self-Government in India? (a)LoraMayo (6) Lord Fipon (@Lord Curzon (a) Lod Clve ‘The Indian National Congress was formed during the Governor sgeneralship of (a) Lora Rippon (b) Lowa Wim Benne (e) Lora Dutixn (@ Loe Curzon ‘Who among the following founded the Al India Muslim Leagive ? (a) Syed Anmed Kran {b) Muhammed At (@Aaha Kran (6) Ham A Khan Accorling to Mahatma Gandhi Which of the following is correct? (@) Reigion sto be separatetrom politics (©) Pots and religion must gohandin hana (©) Roigion should bo compataly banned (o)Poitios must be completely biminated tom se0-seone sete ‘The split benwcen the “Extremists and ‘Moderates’ came up in the fopen atthe Surat Congress Session inthe year (a) 1908 (0) 1906 (9 1907 1910 Who was the first Muslim President of indian National Congress ? (@) Baorodan Tab (b) Maulana Abu Kata Azad (eHassalmam —() MAArsan ‘The Indian Natlonal Congress and the Muslim League came closer to cach other in 1916 at (a) Lahow (b)Amvtsar (Lucknow (6) Hatipra ‘The Khllafat Movement was launched (0 protest against the humiliation of (a) the Turkish Caliph (0) Age Khan (c) Muses Al Jinnah (6) AbulKalam Azad 143, 148, 148, 148. 17. 148, 149. 150. 151. 452 General Knowledge Hardayal, an intellectual giant, was associated with (a) Home Aue Wovoment {b) Ghadar Movement (6) Swacoah Movement (@) Nor-cooparation Movement ‘Who founded ‘The Gada Party” in San Francisco in the USA ? {alla Hedaya (b)Laa Lapa a (cat singn (6) Bip Chanda Pal ‘The first Satyagraha of Gandhi for the cause of indigo farmers was observed at (@) Champaran (b) Chaur-chaura (©) Bada (6) Sabarmat ‘The Non-cooperation Movement started in (@) 1870 (1920 (e192 G92 ‘After the Chauri-Chaura incident ‘Gandhi suspended the {@) Oi Disobedience Movement (0) Khlatar Mouerent {6} Ner-cocperation Movernent {@ Gutinaa Movement ‘The Simon Commission was boycotted by Indians because {a) it sought to curb cv ibe ofthe rears (@ itprop08ed to parton india {@) wae an all white commission vwthout naan representation (en itproposed measures contain nationals Purna Swara’ was announced in the Indian National Congress Session of (@)Caluta ——) Lanore (@)Nagpur (0) Karachi Who founded the Indian National congress? (a) Alan Octavian Hume {© Womesh Cransra Bane (6) Gopal Krishna Gokhale (6) Fash Bohai Bose Mahatma Gandhi started his Dandi March from (a) Dara (© Porbandar (©) Armedbad (@) Sebarmat Asteam {In violation of the Salt Laws Gandhj started a movement called {a) Non-Cooperaton Movement (b) Swadesh Movernont (6) Ou Disobedience Movenent (@) None ot the above, General Knowledge 25 183. Who termed Cripps proposal asa 162. Which dance form is based upon 470, Name the first ful length film in ost dated cheque i acrashing Bank ? the themes of Dashavatas, India that was made by Dada (@)Ambedkar—(b) Annie Besant ‘Krishna's love and Jagannath’s Saheb Phatke in 1913, (e Patol (Gandhi Philosphy? (@)Aogare 484, wahatma Gandht remark. "A (a) Binw 0) Odie (6) Pa Horishehance postdated cheque on a crumbling (@)Manipun (4) Mohit (6) Kagazke Phoo! (Puna bank’"is regarding the proposals of 163. Which among the following (Sion Common Yalshnay Sain was responsible for 174. Whowas the director ofthe fist {0 Crppeton IntodcngSatarya dance of tion South Alam Ara (cane ann ‘Asam? thatwasmadein 19312 vie Pan (hier (Staion (a) hana at (Ades ar one (Oya ocr Saya ay 155. “Give me bod Lwil ge you toate Macavachara (Saba freedom.” These words are 164, Match the following. (@) None afte above mbt to 1472. Te beinning ofthe year in {@) Subash Chanda Bose A Thang, 1. Gujarat January marks the celebration of {2 Rrooram Bose 8 Bega 2 Manor the Sanka or Pongal festival (2 Bega Sgn eerste EKateouad a Wogan ‘han does his eal echt? Gaba 4 Benga (a) Endo Aatum Art and Culture a 1) Bogoringe! New ear es (Harvest 456. Which among the folowing ABCD ABCD {@ Bopmning of sing Features of Nagata Sie of tesple wr 82 gh hhh tneans "Womb chamber”? Oies) Be8s! Gaamem (@ Shikhewes (©) Garbhagrina 165. Who among the following (9 Mandap classified music into Hindustani ' 2 o/s ala a)s b (@ Noneatibe sore cei msi ng ta poet saws 487, Name the Nagaza Sipe Temple Songer suastars Romo m ee Prick as comstrated daring he eee eins ves wb me ‘gn of Chances. (epee oa Bo De mo aS (2 ingaraie Terate 466, Which among he following bob ule yuan Charan of Hindustan Csi Di wb ws ws ea er teple imuse nthe ces one? Sons etal ss (2}Aga Gatana win ee eb ee 198, Identify the wrong pair. {(b) Gwalior Gharana Bloc Bb Bc SO SB (a eancasnera Top hajane (2 Moet Gra Perea eer ar es 1 shoe Tonge uanaaieuar (a Japa Gavan Bele al es (@ Rantonpe Mada te on Sec eter: Co Restos mis Fann Considered theater of me|m alma |m o|3 « 150. Which ule of printings doneon MMS ie Booms mb mew: the cloth using vegetable colours ? ee Hola b Bo mc ao tuehadpectr os oie Bop mr Be ms (b) Warl painting (0) Purandardas ¢ d > {(@) Madhubani painting (0) Syama Sasiri $6 |97 d |$8 b 199 2 [100 6 Men ben par tty 5 02 5 eo aoe es © 168, Which among the following tte Ste 2 oS 160. Who among the following has puppet form is nota part ef group 111 ¢ bom conse pronounde“Bharatnayan ofstrng puppets? he Sh 9 te ne bie for in book Natya Shastra? oe Won ung iw a us (a scherda (9 bona ear lke ae ue 8 evans (Otome tho ao wee tee 9 Bret (3 Puech Be Src tab tae et 2 (None fe above we lao cg 160, sane tepupetfon whinge MS MRS MED SG 461. Which dance form has MATKA as eee ee emt ot MEO WS MBC 18 0 150 3 Memos important clement in yas oeston tis Us) sD eS Gases 2 minder neon icone we 6 ji d jie cm [io b ones pe (o\Gonceyata 5 os 3 Giranbal” kates ( Somnatnan Mee 9 Ng ¢ 168 0 169 0 0 (@)Kuchipud! 6) Bnaatnayam () Yarpur @® Geography World Geography Universe ‘The study of universe is known as Cosmology. + The universe is commonly defined as the totality of everything that exists including all physical matter and energy, the planets, stars, galaxies and the contents of intergalactic space. Galaxy A galaxy isa vast system of billions of stars, dust and light gases bound by their own gravity, There are 100 billion galaxies inthe universe ane each galaxy has, on average, 100 billion stars ‘Our galaxy is Milky Way Galaxy (or the Akash Ganga) formed after the Big Bang. Andromeda is the nearest galaxy to the Milky Way, ‘The Big Bang Theory Big Bang was an explosion of concentrated mattar in the universe that occurred 15 billion years ago, leading tothe formation of galaxies of stars and ‘ther heavenly bodies, ‘Stars are the heavenly bodies made up of hot burning gases and they shine by emitting their own light, Black Hole Stars having mass greater than three times that of the stn, have very high gravitational power, so that not ‘even light can escape from its gravity and hence called black hole. + Comets Made up of frozen gases. They move around the Sun in elongated elliptical orbit with the tal always pointing away from the Sun. Constellations The sky is divided into nits to enable the astronomers to identify the position of the stars, These nits fare called constellations. There are 88 known constellations, Satellites are the heavenly bodies that revolve around the planets. Moon isthe natural satelite of the Earth Solar System + The solar system consists of the Sun, the eight planets and their satellites (or moons) and thousands of other smaller heavenly bodies such as asteroids, comets and meteors + The Sun ist the centre ofthe solar system and all these bodies revolve around it. It s the nearest star tothe Earth, Facts about Sun ‘Resrage datacom earth 149.57, 870%m Diameter ‘201980 kn 00000016 725.38 days fh toceqatr 33 days (wth respect 0 pos) Tine shen by Sunlight oreach he Earh_@rin and 166 Temoaratve ofthe Core Rataion Spees Facts about Planets Biages Pronet per Biggest Saeike Ganymede (ote) Blue Panet art (Greon Panet rene ‘gree Planet Venue Bightst Pane ouside Sour System Sti (Dog Se) Closest Star of Solar Sytem Prosina Cataur Caaeet Panet Neptune Evoning Star Venus Farthos lant rom Sun Neptune Planet with maximum une of saaites — Satun Fastest voutonn Sol Sytem Merouy Hottest Planet venus DensestPanet art Fastest rctaton in Sle System pte Morning Sar Venue Nearest Planet io Eanh rus Nearest Panetta Sun Mercury Fea Plana ars Slowest Rovolsion in Star Syston Neptune ‘Slowest Rotaonin Sola Sytom venus Meru earmos Mars) anh Twn Verue (Only Sats wih an aivosphere Meath Tran Asteroids ‘These are small planetary bodies that revolve around the Sun and found in between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. “They ate also known as minor planets. Meteors and Meteorites + They are also calles as shooting stars, Meteors are fragments of rocks comings towards the Earth + They ate formed due to collision among the asteroids. General Knowledge \Meteors that do not bur up completely in Earth's atmosphere and land on the Earth, are called meteorites. They are called as Terrestrial ‘or Rocky planets, They are nearer to the Sun, Meteorites are composed of various proportions of nickel-Iron alloy (10% nickel and 90% iron) and silicate ‘minerals. They are called as Jovian or Gaseous planets. They fare far away from the Sun, Classification of Planets Inner Planets Include Mercury, Venus, Barth and Mars Outer Planets Incuce Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune Dwarf Planet According to TAU, it isa celestial body in direct orbit ofthe Sun, that is massive enough tha its shape is controlled by gravitational forces, but has no clear neighbourhood. eg, Pluto, Ceres, Eris, Makemake and Humes, ‘= A.lght years the aistance ight raves in one yea 9008 o 3 10" me ' Astronomical units the averago distance between Earth and the Sun 1 AU = 99 rion moe ne Earth ‘The Earth isan oblate spheroid. It is almost spherical, flattened a little at the poles with a slight bulge atthe centre equator) Perihelion Nearest pasition of the Farth to the Sun. Aphelion Farthest position of the Earth from Sun. + The Earth’ interior is composed of three major layers: the crus, the mantle an the core. SIAL (Silicon-Aluminiam) Upper part ofthe crust. ‘SIMA (Silicon- Magnesium) Lower part ofthe crust. [IFE (Nickol-Iron) Outer pat of the core. Rotation of the Earth Earth spins on its imaginary axis from West to Eastin one day. Result Causation of day and night, tides Revolution of the Earth Earth's motion in elliptical orbit around the Sun in one year. Result Change of seasons. ‘Statistical Data of the Earth ie 550 malon years Mass 597610" ko Voume 1089» 10 ‘Mean Donsty S513 gem* Teva Sutace Ave 510 millon sqm and trea 29.2% of he oi ace area tor va 70.8% of he oi uae area 27 Rotation Sed ibe, Sin and 4 10000 Reve Speed 988.8, 5 Pr nd 4551 20 Dates when dos an nights 2181March (Veal Euro areal 20d September, hua Ein) longest ay stun Sumer Solstice) Suns serial creread Tape of Cancer ‘anges naht 2nd December. (rte Solstice) Sin vertealy overhead at” Tope ot Capreom Escape vbaiy 11 2imvsec Mean surace emperaure 15°C Latitudes Imaginary lines drawn on the Earth's surface parallel to the ‘equator. Equator (0°) is the biggest latitude that divides Earth in two equal hemispheres (North and South), “Tropic of Cancer 235N “Tropic of Capricomn BSS Arctic Circle 665°N Antarctic Circle 65'S + Each degree of latitude equals to 111 km + The most important line of latitude is the Equator. Longitudes (Merisions) Meridians are a series of semicircles that run from pole to pole passing through the equator. Prime Meridian passes through Greenwich near Lonclon, divides the Earth in Eastern and Western hemisphere. Is value is 0° Longitude has very important function ie, it determines loca time in relation to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), International Date Line Its the longitudinal line at 180° East or 150° West meridian, When one's crossed, the date changes by exactly one day. Eclipses When the ligt ofthe Sun or the Moon is blocked by another body, the Sui othe Moon is said tobe in eclipse. Solar Eclipse Its caused, when the Moon evolving around the Earth comes in between the Earth an the San, ts making a part or whole of the Sun invisible froma particular pattof the Earth. Thus, the eclipse canbe partial or complete. Lunar Eclipse When the Earth comes between the Moon andthe Sun, the shadow cast by the Earth onthe Moon results na lunar eclipse. 28 Rocks Rocks are made up of individual substances, called minerals, found mostly in solid state. Recs are classifi ilo dnc major types Igneous Rocks are formed by the solidification of the molten magma, eg, Mica, Granite ete, Sedimentary Rocks are formed due to accumulation of rock particles and organic matter in layers, under tremendous pressure, eg, Gravel, Peat, Gypsum ete Metamorphic Rocks These rocks were originally igneous or sedimentary but later changed due to pressure, heat ar action of water, eg, Gneiss, Marble, Quartzite ete. “Types of Rock Original Rock Metamorphic Rock igneous Grants Gross Igneous Basat Hombend seit Sedimentary Limestone Marbie Sedmertary Coal Grape, Coal Sedimentay Sandstone Qvartate Sedimentary Shale/Cay Slat, Mica Sci Earthquakes + Any sudden disturbance below the Barth's surface may proxtuce vibrations or shaking in Earth’s erust and some of ‘these vibrations when reach the surface are Known as earthquakes, + The intensity of earthquake waves is recorded by Seismograph, + Focus isthe point beneath the Earth where earthquake originates. + Epicentre isthe point just above the focus om the Earth's surface, Volcanism Volcanism is the phenomenon of sudden eruption of hot ‘magma (molten rock), gases, ash and other material from inside the Earth to its surface. Types of Volcanoes + Active Which erupts frequently, ¢g,, Mauna Loa (Hawai), tna (Siciy), Vesuvius (Maly), Stromboli (Mediterranean Sea) + Dormant Not erupted for quite sometime, e, Pujiyama apan), Krakatoa (Indonesia), Barven Island (Andamans) + Extinet Not erupted for several centuries. e., Arthur's Seat, Edinburgh, Scotland Fling of Fre Hundeodt of acive woieanoes found on the land oat the edges o tho Pacic Ocean, ‘Teunami_ Large ocean wave thats caused by sudden mation ‘on the acean foot Motion could be an earthquake, volcanic ‘ruption or underwatorlandie. Landforms ‘There are three major lanorms : mountains, plateaus and plains. Mountains ‘An uplifted portion of the Earth’ surface is called a hill ora ‘mountain. Mountains are classified into folowing four types General Knowledge Fold Mountains are formed by folding of crustal rocks by ‘compressive forces. ¢., Himalayas (Asia), Alps (Europe), Block Mountains When great blocks of the Earth’s crust are raised or lowered during the last stage of mountain building, block mountains are formed, 2, Vosges in France, Black Forest mountains in Germany. Volcanic Mountains These are formed by the matter thrown, ‘out from the voleanoes, and are also known as mountains of accumulation, eg, Mt Mauna Loa in Hawaii, Mt Popa in Myanmar, Residual or Dissected Mountains They are known as relict ‘mountains or mountains of cicum-denudation. They owe their present form to erosion by different agencies, ‘eg. Nilgiis, Gimar and Rojmahal Plateaus Plateaus are flat, table like, upland areas with rough top surface and steep side walls Plains A relatively low-lying and flat land sueface with least difference between its highest and lowest points is called. a Plain Atmosphere + The vast expanse of ar, which envelops the earth all around is called the atmosphere, Itextends to thousands of Kilometers + Trprotects the Earth’ surface from the Sun's harméul, ultraviolet rays. ‘Structure of Atmosphere Layer Height Feature Tropospheve 0-18km Contains 75% of he gasesin the mosphere Aa net ncrenees tenporaure decreases (about 65°C per iam ascent Statosphee —18-50km This layercortans the azove layer The temperature remain fy constant. At Upper lave emporatue i amos OC. Mesosphere 50-80km This the coldest regen clthe slmosphote. he lempetatire drops to about” 100°, Tenosshere 80-400 km Rado waves are bounce of he ins ard ralect waves backto the Ea This (gererally Reps race communication Brosphere Above Upper pa of exosphwro is clog s20hm — Magnotospoe. Tho tomporature keeps List of Local Winds Name Nature of Wind CChirok Hol, dry wind in Rockies, also clog Sow Ear Ff Hot, dy wind inthe ps. rams Hot, dy wind in Egypt Srocco Hol, mist wre ttm Sahara te Medterarean Sea Solano Hot, malt wine rem Sahara towards eran Peinsua General Knowledge Name Nature of Wing Harmatan Ho, dry wird Blowing outwards rom te ner ol Weston | ‘ica so caled Guinea Doster ‘Boral, dy wine blowing cut- wards fom Hungary fo he Norn lal (bea Actac Sea) “Mitral Very ead wind wticn Bows tom te Aps over Fence Pures C6, dy wr Bowe down wards the Ween sie Andes. Blizzard Very cod wndsin Tundra regan Puga Cold wnd in Fusian Tundra Levantor Cold wd in Spain, Nonwestor Hot wine over Ina and Bangladesh ‘Santana Hot wind in South Calferria in USA Cyclones Typhoons ‘China Sea ‘Tropa Cycones _Inean Ocean Mercanes ‘cartboean Sea Ternacooe usa Wily ites ‘Norte Austala Important Canals of the World Panera Pacito Gooan wit Cartiboan Soa Suez Mesiteraean Sea to Rec Sea [ne filanbe Ocean to Great Lakes el Newt Sea to Batic Sea Deepest Point of Oceans: ‘Oceans Deepest Point Pcie Marana-Trench Alene Puerto eo Trench roan dva Trench ti Eurasian Base Minerals of the World ine be ner “ Produce ers Gas hi Tureen Baus Aas Phosphate ooce Chile Manganese Fiainum ——SoutnAtses—_Darrena Cronin Souh Aca hon o Yanan South Ares Pole ‘oiimony China Leading Producer ‘China Morocco South ea Fuss ‘China Fuses ‘Agriculture Produce and Leading Producer ‘Agricutural—Leading Agricultural Produce Producer Produce Coflee rael Cation unter Taland Wheat Toa (china Maize Indonesia OF Paim Indonesia Fras. vegetabies cocoa (Ghana Woo! Cocant Indonesia Rice Date Pain Egyot Cloves Leading Producer co Choa Usa china usa Chea Zarabar 29 Industrial Gites Aoshan (tia) on and Steel Baku aeajr) Fevoieun Boast hier) Shipbulaing ‘Bemingham (UK) ton ana steel Chicago (USA) Meat Packing Det (USA) augomobie: Havens (Cuba oars Hotwoos us) Fins Johannesburg South ica) Got Ming Kens Cy 084) Mest Pocrg Kawasak (pan) on and Stes! Ket (Sou Mc) Diarens ng Kino og (Ua) ton and Stee Loeos UX) Woolen Teles Leningrad russia) Shp-bulang os Anges USA Pevoloun Lyon france) Sik Tene Megnitoposk si) on and Ses Manonestr (UX) ‘Coton Trt Min fay Sik Tonio tan (Pitan) Paty Munch (Gomary) Lenses Nagoya pen) ‘gomabien Piadelpnia USA) Locomotives Psbug USA) on and Ste! Pymouth (USA Shi-buicing Foutela ata) ton and Sic! Shatin Cutey achvstk ii) ‘Ship-bulng Wolngton (ew Zaid) Daly Peat Indian Geography + India is the 7th largest country with 242% area of world and also the second most populows country with 17.4% of world population. + India is located in North-Eastern hemisphere, the main land ‘extending between latitudes 8°4° Nand 37°6 N and longitudes 68° 7B and 97°25 &. + Tropic of Cancer (23° 30°N) divides the country into almost two equal parts and passes through 8 states namely Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Tripura and Mizoram. + Southernmost point of India is Indira point or Pygmalion point and Southemmost point of mainland is Kanyakumari, Northemmest point is Indira Col, Eastemmost is Kibithu in ‘Arunachal Pradesh and Western most point i= West of Ghar Mota in Gujarat + India’s land boundary is about 15,200 km and total coastline including islands is 75166 km, North-South and East-West ‘extent of India is 3214 km and 2933 km respectively 30 82°31 is considered as Indian Standard Meridian for IST ‘which is 5 hours 30 minutes ahead of GMT and passes through 5 Indian States: Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, CChhattisgach, Odisha and Andhra Pradesh. India shares its borders with 7 countries, sharing longest boundary with Bangladesh (4096.7 km) followed by China (G458 kam), Pakistan (3323 kn), Nepal (1751 km), Myanmar (2643 kam), Bhutan (699 km) and Afganistan (106 km.) Five Indian states (Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West ‘Bengal and Sikkim) share their boundary with Nepal Southern neighbours of India across sea are Srilanka and Maldives. General Knowledge India is separated from Sri Lanka by the Palk Ste Gulf of Mannar. India's poltieal division has 28 States and 8 Union Territories. Gujarat has the longest coastline. Goa is the smallest state in terms of area. In the North-West, India shares its land boundaries with Pakistan. The Ten degree (10°) channel is a channel that separate, ‘The Andaman and the Nicobar islands in the Bay of Bengal ‘and 9° channel separates Lakshadweep and minicoy islands. nd Physical Features of India (Physiography) ‘The land of India is characterised by great diversity in its Physical features. Physiography is a description of the features and. phenomena of nature. Based on micro variations, India can be divided into six physiographic divisions : The Norther and North-East mountains, Northern plains, Peninsular plateau, Indian desert, Coastal plains and The Islands. Physical Division Location Description 11 Northern ana NE. Mouniaine ‘A (Himayas) Stetched over the + Consist o Hiya and Norh-castorn His Terao oun emo Kashme Himalaya + Himalayas consisis of a sores of pall ranges which unin a West-east ‘recton fom Indus to Brahmaputra covering a cstace of about 2400 Km + Wien vanes om 40 km Kast 150 in Arunachal radeon + Himachal and Utaranchat Himalayas + Dateeing and Saki Himalayas Easter lls and Mourne Vertical Dison (From North to South) » Greater Himalayas or Himact Himachal orlesser Himalayas Shiwati (curermost range) BLN, or Purvancha! Mountains + Himalayas are not ony pysical bar but aso cura divide. his an example of young fold mountain. imate, crange and + Mt, Everost @648:) ithe righest peak located in Nepal and Kancherglunga {256 he ghost Himalayan poak nina, + Nag Tbs and Mahabharat rangos are nctued in esser Himatyas. Pakai Hila ~ Naga Hil + Mari Mile + igo Hit C-Tians Himalayas ~ karakeram Range + K2 or Godwin Aston (8611 m) i the highest peak ocatedin Ladakh Range ‘raneHimaiyas ee eee + Important posses re Zojla Pass (J & K, Ship La (Hmacha Proce), -etp.a (Sham), Bomala(Rrunachal),Ganihal Pass U& K), Rottang Pass |Pimecna Pradosn) anc Nath La Ske). Important Glaciers are siache (seputed between india ard Pakitan), Hapa, Baio and Batore Northern Pains ‘A. Horzontal Sub Dion (oe Eas) 10 ho South ot Rajasthan Pins Himalayas ancto theNon + Punjab Plans beat Ganga Pans Brahmaputa Plans Vertical Sub Division Vor o South) ‘anaoer Tera + Ala pins Bhongar (Okt Alu) Kcr New Alii + Formed by he allwial deposte brought by the rs the Ganga, the Beahensouta andthe Indus + Exinds approumately 3200 km from Eas fo West anther average withs 180-300 + Bhacar tvr ater descencing rom mountains depostes peboies in a natow bol ef to 16 km wien hing para! o Shvalk. where steams csappaat + Tera Is Swampy and marshy region, thek oreste area where streams reappear + Aluval plain i forme by the doposton of socinents General Knowledge 3. Peninsular Patcau ‘Tee Broad Diisons + The Decean Plateau + The Cental Highlands «The Nott Easier Plateau + Westem Ghats at local nam as Sanaa n Maharastra and Sanya Pata n Kerala 4, Indian Desert 5. Thelslands: “wo Major sends n nd are + Andaman and Nicobar > Lakshadweep and Mincoy 6. Coastal Pins of ocation, these are + Easter Coacta Paine + Wester Coastal Paine Extonded to + Dal Ridge in Nonh-West + Rajmaha Hsin East, + GirRenge in West + Cardamon His South + weston Ghats and Eastern {Ghats marks the Westrn and Ensim edges Located n North Western region offeda in Rajastan, Ava Hs formes Eastom Boundary + Andaman apd Nicobar sang 'slocatod in Bay of Bangal + Lakshadweep located in ‘radian Sea + Eastein Coastal Panis looated betweon Eastor Ghats and Bay of Bengal + Average wath 120 km, enath Sov + Important Pons : Chena PParadoop vieraknapainam ‘and Kota. + Westem Coastal Pain is ooated betwen Western (Ghats end Arabian Sea + Average wth 6¢ km and + Nength 1500 km + Important Fors: Kara Navashera,Marmageo, Mangalore, Cochin, Mazagoan et. 31 + Poninaula ie land which surounce by water on tee sie, + tiga tableland compoted of old enysaline, neous are metamorphic rocks + Average olovation & 60-1000 m + Deccan plateaus ideal fr coton cuvaton * Important il ranges ate Araval, Vindya, Salpura Easter Ghats sana Westen Ghats. + Imporiaet Passes are Thalghal, Palghat, Bhocghat and Serkota ase locatog in Western Ghats. + Inca’ ighest watral Kunctka falls on Vara rivers Tocated sea shimoga astct of Karaka + Anais (2095) the highest peak of Peinsuar nda located ‘on Ansa Fils of Western Ghats tolowed oy Decdabeta {2537 m) on the Nigi His Eastern and Westem Chats meet rete. + Distinct fate of Penineulr Indias back so aea known as ‘Deccan Tap, + esta Ghat in rca ie now regarded as an “Ecological Hot Spot + The beach sands of Kerala ich in Thorium. * Boing arin shadow ara, he Deccan plateau ecoWves scany rata + An Undulsting sandy pain covered vith sand dunes. + Rceives very low rafal about 150 mm per yes, has avi ciate and low vegetation cover Lani she cnt age er of his region. + Andaman nthe Not 's separated fom Nicobar (r Sout) by 10° channel Barren sand isthe only active Wolcaro in nia focated in Neobar in + Mincoy i te gest sland and separates tom rest of Lashadiacp by Nine Degree Channel. + Eight Dagree Channel separates Lakshacieop orcup tom Maldives + Western coast may be chided into the Kutch and Kath war CCoastn Gujarat. The Rann of Kutch is fanous fr Tidal anc md fats + Konkan Coast in Maharashia + Goan Coast n Karnataka + Malabar Coast in Kerala «Eastern Coastal plain may be divided into + Nortnem Citar Norther portion) + Ceromandal Coast Souther potion) Large rers ke Mananac, Gedavar, Krshan, Kaver have formed entersive data on Easter Coast + Chika Lake, rgest al wotlk i aia ies in Osh on Eastern Coos. + esta Coast provides neta condtions far development of ports and harbours. Ashtamuc ke is oeated ner, 32 General Knowledge Drainage System of India + The flow of water through well-defined channels is known as Drainage’ and network of such channels is called ‘Drainage System’. These networks can form different patterns such as Dendritic, Radial, Trellis and Centripetal. + The catchment of large rivers are called rivers basins and those of small vers s refereed as Watersheds. A Tand between twa rivers is called ‘Dost + India’s drainage system can be divided into (@ On the basis of discharge of water into (a) Arabian Sea Drainage and (b) Bay of Bengal Drainage. (i) On the basis of size of watershed into (a) Major (b) Medium (e) Minor river basins (ii) On the basis of mode of origin, nature and characteristics into (a) Himalayan Drainage and (b) Peninsular Drainage. Himalayan Drainage System ‘The Himalayan system is drained by 19 major rivers of which Indus, Ganga and Brahmaputta rivers are most important. Peninsular River System Fiver Length (im) Souree/Mouth States through whieh Hyde! Projects Flows in 1 Indus Trbutaries + lum + Chena 2650 + Orgutostromagacer + Jammuand Kashmir» Bhalea Nangal Projet on Sat SRaw + Boas (iitehm —"nearBokhar Chunear” + Himachal Pecesn- Mare Projet inal Pach) + Si ‘niia) — Mandearovariske. (Toe) | Puna + Tom Prec. Rav. (Puiao) + Fal it Arabian Sea 2, Ganga Tibutarios + Yamuna * Chamba 2525 Rises inGangotigacer = Uttar Pradesh + Tevi Project on Bhagiah + Ramana + Ghaaiva {Fale in Bayo! Bongal + Utarthand + Damoda Vay Proton Damodar Son + Damodar formingthe gest eta ot Bhar + Ramganga Mutipupose pojsct * Ganésk + Kos! theword wih Brahmaputa* West Benga + Gondn Sogar Dam on Choma! ‘wer named Sundaroan——. tachya Pradesh TetviDom (Uteraihana) eta + Frakaa over Ganga Berga ‘3. Brahmaputra Tributaries (known ae Tsengooin ite) 2909 « Hits gin in + rurachal Pradesh Fore he lage Riverine anc + Drang + Dang remayingaung acer or + Assam Mat Stent Teta Kah range neat » Meghalaya Mansarovar Lake [ie + Fal in Bay ! Bonga The Peninsular Drainage System is older than Himalayan one. The major river systems of the Peninsular Drainage are the Mahanadi, the Godavari the Krishna, the Kaveri, the Narmada, the Tapi and the Luni. Most of the major Peninsular rivers except Narmada and the Tapti flow from West to East. Narmada flow ina rift valley. River Length (ev) Sureeouth States tows in Hyde Projects Narmada Trbtaries Mean + Tawa 1912 Largest West» ses in Amathantak Pteau Madhya Pradesh» Tawa Pet (Machya Pradesh) “ne + Shar Hung Feiner nay Pan Nonarastra Sadar Sarovar Dam (Guat) Shaldar + Butiner Rows tio Gu clKtambatin «Guat TepiTibtaes Bou + Puma a8 fRces nea Moon Saxpua_+ Nodhya Paden + Kalapara Projet Gujrat *Voghar + Ganja fargo Bel DititoMMP. . Woharasta Ural Poe Guat Soon Arunvat Foye io sabin Soo. uprt (Godavari Tributaries Penganga = Wardha 1465 (Langeatiner_~ FAs in Trak Paleaurear_~ Maharashka > Peochampad Project (Telangana “ Wanganga © Inravat Of Ponnouarida) ask lotic of Maharastra. Jada Pradesh Sanat mange + Flows Gayot Bengal: Chhatisgarh + Prontita Oca Anchata Pradesh General Knowledge 33 ‘Manansc Tributaries + Seorath» Hasdeo ost ses rear Shawain Raipur + Madhya Pradesh» Haus (Odsha) io Ste ict of Categarh Crogan + Ong ant Jonk Foowsinio Bay of Bengal + Osha Meno ‘sha Tabutarios + kona + Bhima “WOl = RsesnearMahabslestwarin = Maharashra + Negaruna saga Project (Anghva Tungebhasea Wester Grats arate Frases) rae + ows nt Bayo Bengal ca pradesh _* Tala Hyd Scheme, Maharastra} Kaveri or Gawery + Homaval + Shawar f00 ———* lsesin Bhai nis of + Kerala + Stivasamudtam Project Kemet sheas Rogeaulsincs sKaratsea. | Kamara (Kemet) aban! Fons nto Bay of Bengal + Tami Nad Climate La ‘+ ‘Weather’ refers tothe state of the atmosphere over an area at any point of time whereas "Climate’ refers tothe sum total of weather conditions and variations over large area for 8 long period of time (more than 30 years). ements of Climate are : temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind, humidity and precipitation, + There are six major factors that affects the climate of any place. They are: latitude, altitude, pressure and wind system, distance from the sea, ocean eurrents and relict. Climate of India is described as “Tropical Monsoon Type” + The duration of the monsoon is between, 100120 days from early June to sid-September. ‘Two types of Monsoon winds in India are (1) South-West Monsoon winds (une, uly, August) (2) North-East Monsoon winds (September to December). Isohytes lines are imaginary lines which join places with same level of rainfall, EI Nino Wis a narrow warm current, which occasionally appears off the coast of Pert in December by temporarily replacing the cold Peru current tis the reverse of EID India fino. It is harbinger of heavy monsoon showers in ‘Seasons in India Seasons Temporal Precipitation ther Climatic Features Aspect ‘inte November Causa aif in eub- Geary, ow temperature anc gh to March Himalayan botby hurt Wester dsturoances Sumo March to Onyy 1% tall ota ry sason, high lomperature and (Pe une ddan ania mesty humidity monsoon) by stems by Fy net Ranialtrcugh High at, high humity, extensive SSeplomaer Soun-West mansoen coud ane several spl of maeate to hay rata ar ts characteris, ‘uurn Mi oeaing menseon No cloud, severe arc devastating September causes rata nam ropa cyclo, clay Nao and adning November seas Anca races ane Kova Natural Vegetation India isa land of great variety of natural vogetation. Itis one ofthe heclve mega bie-diversity countries ofthe world, With about 47,000 plant species India occupies 10th place in world and 4th in Asia in plant diversity The term flora is used to denote plants. Plants occur in distinet groups of communities in areas having similar climatic conditions. 34 Types of Vegetation Following major types of vegetation may be identified is India 1. Tropical Evergreen and Semi Evergreen Forests Found in Western slope of Western Ghats, ills of the North-Eastern region, Andaman and Nicobar Islands. eight of tres is 40 to 60 mand leaves are dark sgreen and broad. 2, Tropical Deciduous Forests Divided into (a) Moist deciduous forest and (b) Dry deciduous forest. These are the most widespread forests in India These are called Monsoon forests, Found in North-East states along the foothill of Himalayas, Easter slopes of Western Ghats, Odisha, ainier area of the Peninsula and plains of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. 43. Tropical Thom Forests Occur in areas which receive rainfall les than 50cm and consists of variety of grasses and shrubs. Found in semi arid areas of South-West Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. 4. Mountain Forests Mountain forests are classified into (a) Northern mountain forests and (b) Southern Mountain forests Found in Himalayas, hilly areas of Uttarakhand, ‘West Bengal, Western Ghats, Vindhyas and. Nil 5. Littoral and Swamp Forests (Mangsove Forests) Found in Wetlands of country Mangrove forests in India comprises 7% of the world’s Mangrove forests 6. Alpine Grassland They are typical natural ‘vegetation found above 3600 metres in the Himalayan region. Indian State of Forest Report (/SFR), 2019 + As per the report ithas been revealed that total forest and tree cover in Inia has inereased to over 807276 54 km. other key facts of the report areas follows ~ The total forest and tree cover in India i 24.56% of total ‘geographical area ofthe county, Mizoram has the highest forest cover in terms of Percentage geographical area ie, 85.41% Madhya Pradesh has the maximum forest cover i, ‘77A82 sq. ki. ~ Arunachal Pradesh has the highest per capita forest area ~ The lowest forest cover in terms of percentage of geographical are i in Harayana and Punjab, because of the extensive agriculture, According to the National Forest Policy, 1988 the 33% of ‘geographical area of the country must have to forest. General Knowledge Soils in In + Soils isthe most important layer of the Earth's crust. tis the mixture of rock debris and organi materials which develop on. the Earth's surface (On the basis of genesis, colour, composition and location, the soils of India have been classified into : Alluvial soils, Black soils, Red and Yellow soils, Laterit soils, Ard soils, Saline soils, Penty soils and Forest soils Soils and Related Crops ‘There are many soils found in Indian continent, The transfer of minerals from top soil to the subsoil through soil and water is called ‘Leaching’ Each sol, type has specific characteristies and is suitable to grow only certain types of crops as mentioned below’ Soils Agricultural ops Distibution 1 Alvi Punjab, Horyana, tar Proves fina sharma. 2 Black Sol cotlon.sugircane, Decoan Pate, Vays of (Ragu Sot) jowar, iooaoco, wheat Krishna, Godsvar, Area andice Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Tami Nag 3 Red Sel wheat. ice, cation. Eastem pats of Decean Sugaroane ard pulses Plateau Tam Nadu, Goa (Odisha ard Meghalaya “4, Laorle Sl ta, colo, bor. —_‘Surwnis of Eastor and fasrev and lets Vlsstem Grats Assam nile, Fubborieaprocuot ot Aetna Pracesh. Kamataka ree ‘West Bengal and Osha. “5 Desert fied crughtvesstar ime, Notes ina, West of Sols) mile bey eoton, Ratan, Nor Gat nc Iize and pulses Sotnem rao Movniain tes, fats and exetainos io mee 7. Peay and te and ‘Kerala, Gaal gens Marshy asa, Tmt Ned end Sirona ot West nga Agriculture in India * Inia is essentially an agricultural land. Two-thirds ofits ‘population still ives on agriculture. + Agriculture is primary activity, which incliides farming, animal rearing and fishing, + There are three crop seasons in India: (1) Kharif, 2) Rabi and @) Zaid. + Types of Agricultural Practices are (1) Shifting Agriculture 2) Intensive Farming and @3) Extensive farming. Green Revolution + This phase is generally used to describe the spectacular increase that took place during 1968 andl is continuing inthe production ‘of foodgrains in India ‘+ Norman Borlaug is known as "Father of Green Revoliti India

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