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Kafedra: Dillər

Fənn: Işgüzar ingilis dili


Bölmə: ingilis dili

1. Choose the logically correct ending.

You should apologize ... .

A)when you are highly appreciated
B)if somebody praises you.
C)when you greet somebody.
D)if you take care of somebody.
E). if you have done something wrong.
2. Choose the correct variant.
Nick looks so ... . I think his team has ... the football match.
A) delighted, lost
B)displeased, won
C)upset, lost
D)dissatisfied, won
E)cheerful, lost
3. Choose the correct variant.
1. to make up one’s mind 2. to make shopping 3. to make one’s best
4. to make friends 5. to make progress 6. to make homework
A) 3,5,6
D) 1,4,5
4. Which of the given verbs are correct?
He ... me about the problem discussed yesterday.
1.talked 2.told 3.asked 4.spoke
A) 1,2,3
5. Which of the given words are correct?
My sister’s daughter is my .... .
1.niece 2.nephew 3.beloved cousin 4.close relative
6. Choose the correct variant.
The sun is .... .
1. setting 2. raising 3. shining 4. rising
A) 1,3,4
7. Choose the correct variant.
“She is generous” means she is .... .
A) kind
8. Choose the correct variant.
Jane was very pleased because the film was so ... .
1.interesting 2.dull 3.dreary 4.realistic
A) 2,3
E) 1,4
9. Choose the correct variant.
It’s wonderful. The roses smell .... .
1.sweet 2.unpleasant 3.good 4. badly
A) 2,3,4
E) 1,3
10. How many statements are correct?
1.A man cannot exist without water.
2.When water freezes it turns into ice.
3.Trees do not need any water to grow.
4.Polluted water is not safe for drinking.
11. Choose the words describing people’s good character.
A) greedy, honest
B)envious, clever
C) hard-working, kind
D)pleasant, absent-minded
E)stupid, friendly
12. Choose the incorrect variant.
A job can be .... .
1. interesting 2.tasty 3.handsome 4.foggy 5.dull 6.wet 7.noble 8.popular
A) 2,4,5,8
D) 2,3,4,6
13. Choose the correct variant.
She likes maths. She wants to be .... .
A) a pianist
B)a novelist
C)a dentist
D)an artist
E) an accondant
14. Choose the correct variant.
Don’t .... your money on things that you don’t need.
A) lose
15. Choose the correct word.
The function of a school is to ... and ... children.
A) teach, scold
B)study, discourage
C)look after, cure
D)learn, punish
E) educate, bring up
16. Choose the correct variant.
My younger brother .... Harry Potter.
A) take after
B)look for
C)look at
D)looks like
E)look after
17. Choose the incorrect variant.
.... is eatable.
A) bread
C) milk
18. Choose the correct word.
My uncle and aunt are my ..... .
A) cousins
19. Choose the correct word.
The room is very dirty. It needs .... .
20. Choose the correct logical ending
We have only one Earth, so everybody.....
A) needn’t look after it
B) has to do it harm
C) must destroy it
D) must take care of it
E) should hardly protect it
21. Choose the correct logical ending
Everybody congratulated Polly .......
A) because she finished the school unsuccessfully
B) as she had lost all the games
C) because she couldn’t answer all the questions
D) because she had won the last game
E) because she hadn’t made progress in her lessons
22. Choose the correct logical ending
George was very thirsty yesterday, so......
A) he drank a few glasses of water
B) he wanted to drink nothing
C) he refused to drink water
D) he hardly drank anything
E) he didn’t drink any water
23. Choose the correct logical ending
The police were grateful to the people for.....
1.their cooperation 2.breaking the law 3. the information they gave 4. not keeping the law 5. not obeying
the law
A) 3,4
B) 1,5
C) 2,5
D) 1,3
24. Choose the correct logical ending
Kate was so pleased with her son’s results that.......
A) she decided to punish him
B) she got angry with him
C) she decided to thank his teachers
D) she scolded him
E) she didn’t praise him
25. Choose the correct logical ending
It is not polite.....
A) to arrive in time for an appointment
B) to be grateful to those who help you
C) to be devoted to your friends
D) to keep promises
E) to talk with your mouth full
26. Choose the correct logical ending
What do you want to do when you say :”I’m sorry , I didn’t mean to hurt you”
A) to offer
B) to thank
C) to apologize
D) to invite
E) to refuse
27. Choose the correct logical ending
-Do you think it will rain in the afternoon?
A) No, the sky is quite cloudless
B)Yes , there are hardly any clouds in the sky.
C) No, the sky is full of clouds
D) Yes, it doesn’t look like rain
E) No, the sky is getting darker
28. Choose the correct logical ending
The road is slippery, so.....
1. it is better to reduce speed 2. we can’t reach the station in time 3. you needn’t reduce speed 4. try to drive
A) 2,4
B) 1,3,4
C) 1,4
D) 2,3,4
E) 1,2,4
29. Choose the correct logical ending
It is not necessary to warm the food as......
1. it is hot enough 2. I’ve already had lunch 3. it is cold enough 4. I prefer to eat it cool
B) 2,3
C) 1,3
D) 2,3,4
E) 3,4
30. Choose the correct logical ending
She accused him.....
1. of passing the exams successfully 2. of his selfish behaviour 3. because he had finally achieved success
4. of lying
A) 3,4
B) 1,2
C) 2,4
D) 1,4
E) 1,3
31. Choose the logically correct ending.
Ben has made great progress in his job ... .
A) He feels so miserable!
B)He feels ashamed for it.
C) He is proud of it.
D)Now he is behind others.
E)He is so unskilful!
32. Choose the correct logical ending
It is wrong .....
1. to fall into despair
2. to be the right person for the job
3. to judge people by their appearance
4. to apologize when you do something wrong
B) 1,2
C) 2,3
D) 2,4
33. Choose the correct logical ending
Don’t eat so much if you....
A) want to be unhealthy
B) dream to be fat
C) want to be stout
D) suffer from hunger
E) are on a diet
34. Choose the correct variant.
.... is a feeling of sorrow for the troubles of another person.
A) joy
B) pity
C) pleasure
D) love
E) happiness
35. Choose the purpose of the text.
Dear Sally,
I wanted to thank you for the wonderful gift. You have a real ability for choosing the perfect present. It’s exactly
what I wanted and I like it very much.
Sincerely yours,
A) to show dislike for the gift
B)to argue with the friend
C)to complain about the gift
D) to express thanks
E)to accuse the friend
36. Choose the purpose of the text.
Dear Jane,
I don’t know how to thank you for your help with the project. It has passed successfully. As always, you were ready
to help me. I really appreciate your kind assistance.
Sincerely yours,
A) to refuse the help.
B)to complain about the project
C)to quarrel with the friend
D)to accuse the friend
E) to express thanks
37. Choose the purpose of the text.
Dear Peter,
I wonder if you are free to come and spend the weekend with us. We haven’t seen you for a long time and we’d like
to hear about your impressions of Paris.
Yours sincerely, Mary
A)to invite Peter to spend the weekend together
B)to accept the invitation.
C)to put off the meeting
D)to plan to go to Paris together
E)to suggest Peter going abroad.
38. Choose the purpose of the text.
Dear Kate,
Thank you for the invitation to your party. But I’m afraid I can’t accept it, as my mother is ill now and I have to take
care of her. I’ll phone you as soon as I can.
Yours sincerely, Angela.
A) to organize a party
B)to accept the invitation.
C) to visit Kate’s mother
D) to apologize to Kate
E)to invite Kate’s mother to the party.
39. Choose the purpose of the text.
Dear Mrs. Williams,
My sister and I want to thank you for the wonderful books which we have just got .They will be useful for our
courses next term.
With best wishes, Edith.
A)to thank for help
B) to get some information about courses.
C) To announce the examination results
D)To ask Mrs. Williams to send some books
E) To thank Edith’s sister for the book.
40.Choose the purpose of the text.
Dear Sir,
I saw your advertisement for holiday cottages in the newspaper. Could you please send me more detailed
information? I hope to hear from you and thank you beforehand.
Yours faithfully, John Brown
A) to pay for an advertisement
B)to send a copy of a newspaper
C)to organize a family holiday
D) to ask for information
E)to sell a holiday cottage

41. Choose the correct translation.

Hal hazirda çoxları ingilis dilini öyrənməyi çox istəyirlər,çünki o beynalxalq dil olub.
В данный момент многие желают выучить английский, потому что он стал международным языком.
A) Nowadays a lot of people are eager to learn English as it has become an international language.
B)Nowadays a lot of people have strong desire to learn English because it become the international language.
C)At present a lot of people want to master English as it’s an international language.
D)At present many people have a strong desire to learn the English language because it’s becoming an international
E) At present many people have strong desire to learn the English as it had become the international language .
42 . Choose the correct translation.
Bu romanda təsvir olunmuş surətlər barədə nə deyə bilərsiniz ?
Что вы можете сказать о характерах ,описанных в этом романе?
A) What can you speak characters that described in this novel?
B) What you can say about the charaсters that described in this novel?
C) What can you say about the characters described in this novel?
D)What you can say about the characters which described in this novel?
E)What can you tell about the characters who described in this novel?
43 .Choose the correct translation.
Televiziya ən vacib ünsiyyət vasitəsidir.
Телевидение самое важное средство связи.
A)Television is the most important means of communication.
B)We consider television as one of the most important means of communication.
C)Television is a more important means of communication.
D) Television is an important means of communication.
E)Television was one of the important means of communication.
44 .Choose the correct translation.
Biz ayrılanda yağış yağırdı ,lakin mən evə yaxınlaşanda o artıq kəsmişdi.
Когда мы расстались шел дождь,но когда я уже приблизился к дому он уже прекратился
A)It was raining when we parted, but when I approached to the house it had already stopped.
B)It was raining when we parted but before I was approaching to the house it had already stopped.
C)It was raining when we were parted but when I approached to the house it had already stopped.
D)It rained when we parted but before I was approaching to the house it had already stopped.
E)It rained when we were parting but when I approached to the house it had already stopped.
45 .Choose the correct translation.
Xarici dilləri bilmək bu gün insanlar üçün çox vacibdir.
В наши дни знать иностранные языки очень важно для людей.
A) Foreign languages necessary for people nowadays.
B)Foreign languages nowadays are necesary for people.
C) To know foreign languages is very necessary for people nowadays.
D) To know foreign languages is necessary for people nowadays.
E)Knowing foreign languages are necessary for foreign people nowadays.
46.Choose the correct translation.
Bu qızıl güllərin qoxusu gözəldir.
Запах этих роз прекрасен.
A) The smell of those roses are beautiful.
B)These roses’ smell was beautiful .
C)These roses smell beautifully.
D)How beautiful these roses smell.
E) The smell of these roses is beautiful.
47. Choose the correct translation.
Avstraliya dünyada yeganə ölkədir ki ,həm də qitədir.
Австралия в мире единственная страна, которая еще и материк.
A)Australia is the only country in the world that is also a continent.
B)Australia is the country which is also continent.
C)Australia is the only continent that is also a country.
D) The Australia is not only a country but also a continent in the world.
E)The Australia is only country which is also is a continent.
48.Choose the correct translation.
Güclü qar yağırdı və mən qarı ağacları örtməyinə baxmaq üçün dayandım.
Шел сильный снег и я остановился посмотреть как снег покрывает деревья.
A) It snowed hard and I stopped to see the snow to cover the trees.
B)It snowed heavily and I stopped to see the snow to cover the trees.
C) It was snowing hardly and I stopped to watch the snow covering the trees.
D) It was snowing hard and I stopped to watch the snow covering the trees.
E) It snowed hardly and I stopped to see the snow to cover the trees.
49.Choose the correct translation.
Britaniya adaları qitədən Şimal dənizi və La-Manş boğazı vasitəsi ilə ayrılır.
Британские острова отделяются от материка Северным морем и проливом Ла-Манш.
A)The British Isles are separated from the continent by the North Sea and English channel.
B)The North Sea and the English channel separate from the British Isles by the continent.
C) The British Isles separated from the continent by the North Sea and English Channel.
D)The continent separates British Isles from the North Sea and English Channel
E)The North Sea and English channel are separated by the continent from the British Isles.
50.Choose the correct translation.
Siz zəng edəndən bəri məqalə üzərində işləyirəm.
С тех пор как вы позвонили, я работаю над статьей.
A) I worked at this article since you rang up me.
B)I work at this article since you rung me up.
C)I am working at this article since you rung up me.
D) I have been working at this article since you rang me up.
E)I have worked at this article since you have rang me up.
51.Choose the correct translation.
Mənim bacım oğlu böyük qardaşına bənzəyir, lakin bəzi fərqləri də var.
Мой племянник похож на старшего брата, но также есть некоторые различия.
A) My nephew resembles his elder brother ,but there are also some differences.
B) My nephew resembles elder brother and they are alike.
C) My nephew and his elder brother are alike ,but they are quite different.
D) My nephew is different from his brother ,but there are some similarities too.
E) My nephew looks like his elder brother ,but there are some similarities.
52.Choose the correct translation.
Sən nə üçün bu barədə heç kimə heç nə demədin?
Почему ты никому ничего про это не сказал?
A) Why didn’t you tell anybody nothing about it?
B) Why didn’t you tell anybody anything about it?
C)Why you didn’t tell anybody anything about it?
D)Didn’t you tell somebody anything about it?
E)Why didn’t anybody tell you nothing about it?
53.Choose the correct translation.
Dəniz suyu duzlu olduğundan insanlar ondan içmək üçün istifadə edə bilmirlər.
Так как морская вода солённая, люди не могут использовать её для питья.
A) People want to use sea water to drink, but it is salty.
B)Sea water is salty and people never use it to drink.
C)Sea water is salty and most people refuse to drink it.
D)As sea water is salty, it is possible for people to drink it.
E) As sea water is salty, people can’t use it to drink.
54.Choose the correct translation.
Mən musiqidən həzz aldim, lakin pyesin ozunu bəyənmədim.
Я насладился музыкой, но пьеса сама мне не понравилась.
A)I enjoyed neither the play nor the music itself.
B)I enjoyed the music, though I didn’t understand the play.
C)I admired the music, though I liked the performance, too.
D)I admired the play, but I disliked the music.
E) I enjoyed the music, but I didn’t like the play itself
55. Choose the correct translation.
Kommersiya banklarını dövlət yaradır.
Комерческие банки создаёт государство.
A) The state charted the state banks.
B) The commercial banks chartes and supervises by the government.
C) The state is charted and supervised the commercial banks.
D) The state chartes the commercial banks.
E)The commercial banks chat and supervise the state.
56. Choose the correct translation.
Mənə bir məsləhət verə bilərsən?
Ты можешь дать мне совет?
A) May you give me an advice?
B) Can you give me an advice?
C) Could you give me a advice?
D) Can you give me a piece of advice?
E) Can I give you a piece of advice?
57.Choose the correct translation.
Mən vağzala çatanda dostlarımdan heç biri orada yox idi.
Когда я дошел до вокзала никого из моих друзей там не было.
A) Neither of my friends was there when I reached the station.
B) When I reached the station nobody had been there.
C) Neither of my friends were not at the station when I reached there.
D) When I reached the station, no my friends was there.
E) No one of my friends was not there when I reached the station
58.Choose the correct translation.
Yalnız mən iclasın harada və nə vaxt olacağını bilirdim.
Только я знал где и когда будет собрание.
A) Only I knew where and when will the meeting take place.
B) Only I knew where and when the meeting would take place.
C)Only I knew where and when would the meeting take place.
D)Only I knew where and when take place the meeting
E)Only I knew where and when the meeting was taken place
59.Choose the correct translation.
Onlar həddindən artıq gəncdilər ki,bunu başa düşsünlər.
Они слишком молоды, чтобы понять это.
A) They are very young to understand it.
B) They are very young for understand it.
C) They are very young understand it.
D) They are too young to understand it.
E) They are too young for understand it.
60.Choose the correct translation.
Trafalgar meydanı Londonun görməli yerlərindən biridir.
Трафальгарская площадь одна из достропримечательностей Лондона.
A) One of the places of interеst Trafalgar Square is in London.
B)One of the place to see in London is Trafalgar Square.
C)Trafalgar Square in London is one of the place of interest.
D) Trafalgar Square is one of the places of interest in London.
E)Trafalgar Square is one of the place of interеst in London.
61. Choose the synonym of the underlined word.
Hilda was very attractive in her new red dress.
A) charming
B) ugly
C) famous
D) outstanding
E) dirty
62. Choose the antonym of the underlined word.
Push the door to open it, please.
A) pull
B) strike
C) press
D) peel
E) pick
63. Choose the synonym of the underlined word
We are fond of playing computer games.
A) defend
B) are like
C) saved
D) like
E) protect
64. Find the right synonym to the underlined word.
Please, don’t throw any litter in the classes.
A)copy- books
B) clothes
C) books
D) letters
E) rubbish
65. Choose the antonym of the underlined word.
How many pupils were present at the lesson yesterday?
A) diligent
B) read for
C) happy
D) on duty
E) absent from
66. Choose the antonym of the underlined word.
Progressive poets and writers always criticize injustice in their works.
A) kindness
B) justice
C) just
D) important
E) ability
67. Choose the antonym of the underlined word.
We’d like to know more about foreign countries.
B) qualified
C) external
D) internal
E) agricultural
68. Find the right synonym to the underlined word.
Frank was telephoned twice yesterday.
A) double
B) once
C) many times
D) two times
E) three times
69. Find the right antonym to the underlined word.
The soldiers were running on the rough road when we saw them.
A) narrow
B) wide
C) crooked
D) straight
E) main
70. Choose the synonym of the underlined word.
Jessie gained 500 pounds at the competition, because she answered all the questions correctly.
A) renamed
B) respond
C) repeated
D) replied to
E) returned
71. Choose the synonym of the underlined word.
She said she was glad.
A) pleased
B) sorry
C) good
D) sad
E) wise
72. Choose the antonym of the underlined word.
Unfortunately we missed the last train.
B) found
C) left
D) caught
E) spent
73. Choose the synonym of the underlined word.
I am often worried about my son.
A) anxious
B) nervous
C) pleased
D) interested
E) glad
74. Choose the synonym of the underlined word.
He’s given up smoking.
A) stopped
B) begun
C) shaken
D) continued
E) frightened
75. Choose the synonym of the underlined word.
Andrew has the ability for managing difficult children.
A) playing with
B) growing up
C) controlling
D) hitting
E) talking to
76. Choose the correct synonym to the word “suggestion”
A) difficulty
B) desire
C) offer
D) conversation
E) wish
77. Choose the synonym of the underlined word.
The destroyed buildings were huge.
A) little
B) old
C) low
D) small
E) giant
78. Choose the synonym of the underlined word.
He fell down and hurt his leg.
A) wrapped
B) cut
C) injured
D) broke
E) showed
79. In which pair the words are not antonyms?
A) poor- rich
B) sell- buy
C) jump- spring
D) diligent- lazy
E) mild-severe
80. Choose the synonym of the underlined word.
David’s life became unbearable after his mother’s new marriage.
A) intolerable
B) meaningless
C) interesting
D) joyful
E) calm
81 . Match the words to their definitions. agree A)to do harm or spoil find B)to have the same opinion as somebody damage C)to get back something or somebody that was lost
A) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c
B)1-a, 2-c, 3-b
C)1-a, 2-b, 3-c
D)1-c, 2-a, 3-b
E) 1-b, 2-c, 3- a
82. Match the words to their definitions.
1.a voyage a. a large cupboard for hanging clothes
2.a wardrobe b. a thing that happens, especially something important event c. a long journey, especially by sea
A) 1-a 2-c 3-b
B) 1-b 2-a 3-c
C) 1-c, 2-a , 3-b,
D) 1-a 2-b 3-c
E)1-c 2-b 3-c
83. Match the words to their definitions. compete a. to take part in a race or game. search b. to let someone see something show c. to look carefully for someone or something
A) 1-b,2 – a, 3 – c
B) 1-b, 2- c, 3-a
C) 1-a,2–c,3 – b
D)1 – a ,2 – b, 3 – c
E) 1 – c, 2-b, 3 – b
84. Match the words to their definitions.
1. to shine communicate study
a. to produce or reflect light b. to exchange information with others c. to learn something
A) 1-c,2-b,3-a
E) 1-a, 2-b,3-c
85. Choose the logical answer:
If we see somebody in danger we say to him.......
a) be careful
b) be cheerful
c) be honest
d) be happy
e) be healthy
86.Choose the sentences logically correct
1. If you are polite and clever,nobody will respect you.
2. Noble people are respected everywhere
3. If you see two men fighting you must stop them
4. A war is the best way of communication
5. We don’t have to apologize if we break somebody’s feelings
A) 3,5
B) 1,4,5
C) 2,4,5
D) 2,3
87.Choose the correct logical ending
We all love Mary because.....
A) she never objects to help us
B) she is not truthful
C) she never tries to help us
D) she always hurts us
E) she is impolite
88.Choose the correct interrogative word.
….are old newspapers used for?
….do these words mean?
A) How
B) Why
C) Where
D) When
E) What
89.Choose the correct logical ending
The weather was so snowy that......
A) we had to wear our boots before we went out
B) I took off my woolen coat
C) we were hot
D) we wanted to go to the beach and lie in the sun
E) as it was summer
90.Choose the correct logical ending
-Why do you have a lot of information about everything?
A) I never read daily newspapers
B) the local news is very boring
C) I work at a news agency
D) I hardly get news from the Internet
E) I don’t like watching news programmes
91. Choose the correct logical ending
I’ll try to help you because.....
A) you can do your homework yourself
B) your marks are too bad
C) I haven’t got much time for it
D) you don’t need it
E) you are ahead of your classmates
92. Choose the correct logical ending
An envious person is someone who ......
A) always tries to help people
B) is glad for others happiness
C) will never envy you
D) will never be happy for your success
E) never objects to help others
93. Choose the correct logical ending
We saw how happy she was because......
A) she had failed the exam.
B) everybody had scolded her.
C) her parents had decided to punish her.
D) nobody wanted to make friend with her.
E) she had met her brother after a long period.
94. Choose the correct logical ending
Mike gave up smoking because .....
A) he couldn’t live without it
B) he understood that it was harmful
C)cigarettes were part of his life
D ) cigarettes are harmless
E) he got much healthier
95. Choose the correct logical ending
Don’t cut the trees, as ......
A) they pollute the environment.
B )we don’t need them.
C) they are the source of healthy life.
D) we must destroy Nature
E) we mustn’t protect nature
96. Choose the correct logical ending
Excuse .......
1. me of curing you of an illness 2 my interrupting you 3.such rudeness for being helpful to you
B) 1,4
C) 2,4
D) 3,4
E) 1,3
97. Choose the correct logical ending
Tom is in trouble, .......
1. he needs our help 2. he doesn’t have any problem 3.he doesn’t know who to turn to for help. 4.his life is
full of joy
A) 2,3
B) 1,4
C) 2,4
D) 1,3
E) 1,2
98. Choose the correct logical ending
She was rewarded .....
1.for breaking the law 2. for giving useful information 3.for her faithful service for the company
4.for refusing to answer the questions
A) 2,4
B) 1,3
C) 3,4
D) 2,3
E) 1,2
99. Choose the correct logical ending
It is good .....
A) not to be polite
B)to beat someone
C)to quarrel with other people
D) to be kind to people
E) to disturb everybody
100. Choose the correct logical ending
She can’t do sums well because......
A) her mathematics knowledge is good
B) she has had enough test practice
C) she doesn’t practice much on them
D) she has no difficulty in mathematics
E) mathematics is the lesson she understands best
101. Choose the sentence logically correct.
The ice was quite thin, so we could ... .
A) play snowballs
B)skate on it.
C) not play on it.
D)easily jump on it.
E)play football on it.
102. Choose the correct word.
The battery is exhausted. It needs ... .
A) taking off
C) looking after
D) changing
E) putting off
103.Complete the sentence.
Mother told her child to take the napkin and ... .
A) sweep the floor
B)clean the blackboard
C) wipe his mouth
D)cut the card
E)close the door
104. Choose the lines in which the words do not go with each-other.
1.forward, coach, wrestler 2. stage, play, rehearsel 3. beach, skyscraper, wheel 4. roof, candle, invention
105. Choose the sentence logically correct.
We usually take medicine ... .
A) when we have nothing to complain of
B)when we are safe and sound.
C) when we are willing to recover from ilness.
D)when we don’t feel any pain.
E) when we don’t feel ill.
106. Choose the correct logical ending.
There was so much traffic yesterday that I … .
A) could get to the office earlier than usual.
B) got to the office much earlier.
C) was an hour early for my work.
D) could get to the office much earlier.
E) stayed in a traffic-jam for 2 hours.
107. Choose the correct logical ending.
The stewardess greeted the passengers and announced: … .
A) May I have your tickets?
B)Have a good exam!
C)Nice to meet you!
D) Fasten your seat belts!
E) Don’t worry about your test results!
108. Choose the correct logical sentence.
When you suddenly bump someone, you say politely: … .
A) Don’t do it again.
B) Are you blind?
C) Oh, I am really sorry.
D) Please, enjoy yourself.
E) Haven’t you got glasses?
109. Choose the correct logical sentence.
Emil graduated from the university last year, … .
A) He wants to be a good student.
B) he is going to take an exam for the first
C) he couldn’t pass final exam.
D) he is thinking about his diploma works.
E) he works as a computer technician.
110. Choose the correct logical sentence.
1. It is polite to speak with your friend at lesson.
2. Pupils have to work hard to do well in all subjects.
3. It is not polite to take anything without permission.
4. Pupils earn money at school.
A) 1, 3
D) 2,3
E)1, 2
111. Choose the correct logical ending.
The teacher pulled Tom’s ear, because Tom … .
A) prepared his homework.
B) was a very quite boy.
C) was a very intelligent and diligent.
D) was a naughty boy.
E) was the teacher’s lovely student.
112. Choose the correct logical ending.
-When don’t teachers punish you?
-When we … .
A) we are late .
B) do our homework
C) fight at school.
D) don’t behave well.
E) speak without permission.
113. Choose the correct logical ending.
If she knows Math well, she … .
A) will be able to solve this problem.
B) can’t do this sums.
C) can’t answer every question.
D) won’t be able to answer every question.
E) can hardly be Math teacher.
114. Choose the correct logical ending.
A good pupil must … .
A) get bad marks in every subject.
B) be an idle one.
C) quarrel with his classmates.
D) be lazy and selfish.
E) be diligent and wise.
115. Choose the correct logical ending.
Polluted air … .
A) isn’t an ecological problem.
B)is good for human health.
C) destroys our nature
D)is harmless for us.
E)keeps the city clean.
116. Choose the correct logical ending.
Healthy life begins with … .
A) walking in the polluted air.
B) sleeping the whole day.
C) taking care of yourself.
D)smoking much.
E)drinking various alcoholic drinks.
117. Choose the correct variant.
- ….
- Don’t mention it.
A)Thanks for help.
B)See you later.
C)How do you do?
D)Have a good time!
E)It is just disgrace!
118. Choose the correct variant.
What do you want to do when you say: “I am sorry but I cannot accept your offer”.
A) To congratulate.
B)To offer.
C) To reject.
D)To thank.
E)To invite.
119. Choose the correct statements.
1. An envious man is respected everywhere.
2. To die for the Motherland is great honour.
3. You mustn’t envy your closest friend.
4. Health is a thing that people don’t need it.
A) 2, 3
B) 1, 3
C) 1, 2, 4
D) 2, 3, 4
E) 3, 4
120. Choose the correct variant.
If you want to ask about someone’s feelings or thoughts you may say “ … “.
A) What is it?
B)How did you do it?
C)How do you fill?
D) What is your opinion?
E)What is he like?
121. Choose correct logical sentence.
A) Water freezes at 100C.
B) He is the best forward and hardly scores a goal.
C) When it is rainy you need an umbrella.
D) Earthquake brings happiness to everyone.
E) Highly developed cities are still without light.
122. Choose the correct logical sentence.
A) We have to spoil nature.
B) We say “Help yourself” if we offer someone to eat something.
C) Brushing the teeth is the worst thing in life.
D) It is great not to be a polite man.
E) Breaking the branches of trees is the right thing to do.
123. Choose the correct logical ending.
We have trust in Daniel because … .
A) he always tells lies.
B) he is the best liar we have ever seen.
C) he never tells us the truth.
D) he always gives a promise but he doesn’t keep it.
E) he always keeps his promises
124. Choose the correct logical ending.
You look gloomy when … .
A) something is wrong.
B) you win a money prize.
C) you get good marks.
D) you feel well.
E) everything is better.
125. Choose the wrong statements.
1. There is no life in the Moon. 2. Life is possible without oxygen.
3. Health is more important than wealth. 4. Geography teaches us about the wars.
A) 1, 2, 3
D) 2,4
126. Choose the correct statements.
1. Dogs are more devoted animals than the others. 2. A swine is the main meal of Muslims.
3. Not all animals are eatable. 4. All animals eat only meat.
A) 2,4
C) 1,3
D) 2, 3, 4
E) 1, 3, 4
127. Choose the wrong statements.
1. Pollution appears in industrial cities. 2. A vegetarian eats a lot of meat.
3. Everybody must be taught to save Nature. 4. Disturb your brother when he does his homework.
A) 1, 4
B) 2, 3
C) 2, 4
D) 3, 4
E)1, 3
128. Choose the correct variant.
His … is much talked about. He fought …against the enemy and died as a … .
A) heroic, heroical, hero
B) heroism, heroical, heroism
C) heroism, heroically, hero
D) heroical, heroically, heroism
E) heroic, heroical, hero
129. Choose the correct variant.
Ann’s father gave her some good advice…. She followed it.
1.but 2. so 3. and 4. though
A) 2,3
B) 1,2
C) 2,4
D) 1,4
E) 1,3
130. Choose the correct variant.
Good books must be….and….
A) useful, enjoyable
B) useless, terrible
C) awful, boring
D) dull, harmful
E) defective, dreary
131. Choose the correct variant.
A citizen…..guard his national property.
A) shouldn’t
B) doesn’t have to
C) has to
D) haven’t
E) ought not to
132. Choose the synonyms of the underlined words.
When our forward opened the score the fans gave a shout of triumph.
A) loss
D) victory
133.Choose the logically correct ending.
Tom’s handwriting was so bad that ….
A) I could easily read everything he wrote
B) everybody could understand it
C)we enjoyed reading he wrote
D) the teacher always scolded him
E) the teacher praised him
134. Choose the logically correct variant.
-What do you think of her?
-……I really admire her.
A) She’s careless
B)She is dishonest
C) She isn’t devoted
D) She’s faithful
E) She is really selfish.
135 . Choose the compound nouns.
1. movement 2. cherry- tree 3. demonstration 4. dining-room 5. snowman 6. librarian
A) 2,4,5
B) 1,2
C) 3,5,6
D) 4,6
E) 1,3,6
136. Choose the correct variant.
-My brother won’t be in London next week.
-……It’s a pity.
A) Wouldn’t he?
B) Will he ?
C) Is he?
D) Won’t he?
E) Was he?
137. Complete the sentence.
Is this the explorer….. yesterday?
A) what you told me about
B) whom did you tell me about
C) which did you tell me about
D) which you told me about
E) you told me about
138. Choose the correct variant .
We liked not only the village … but also … landscape.
A) ourselves, it’s
B) himself, his
C) itself, it’s
D) itself, its
E) ourselves, its
139. Choose the correct words.
Mrs. Maple has made a very good impression on me, she is so … .
A)honest and patient
B)dishonest and impatient
C)irresponsible and lazy
D)unkind and impolite
E)rude and cruel
140. Choose the logically correct ending.
The teacher was so angry with the boys that she … .
A) greeted them heartily
B)praised them
C) didn’t let them come into the classroom
D)smiled at them
E)received them with pleasure
141. Choose the correct statements.
A) We say “I’m sorry” after we have done something wrong.
B) We mustn’t take care of our planet Earth.
C) It’s not polite to have good manners.
D) Throwing stones at birds and animals is the right thing to do.
E) It’s wonderful not to know your native language.
142. Choose the correct variant.
I wonder … they spend most of their money on.
C) what
D)how often
143. Choose the correct word.
It was a … August day, so we decided to go to the beach.
D) sunny
144.Choose the correct variant.
Jane …..her hair red.
B) dried
D) dyed
E) cut
145.Choose the logically correct variant.
Brian has made great progress in his job……
1.We’re proud of him.
2.Let’s congratulate him.
3.His parents are so disappointed
4.What a pity!
A) 1,4
D) 1,2
146. What would you say if you are grateful to somebody for helping you?
A) I’m obliged to you. B)Don’t mention it. C) Please accept my apologies. D)I’m displeased with you. E) I’m sorry
for you.
147.Choose the correct variant.
- What’s the ......of the cake?
- It’s round.
1.form 2.shape 3.price 4.taste
148. Choose the logically correct variant.
Steven has achieved his aim at last….
1.We are proud of him. 2. He looks so disappointed. 3. We are sorry for him. 4.How wonderful!
A) 2,3
B) 3,4
C) 2,4
D) 1,3
E) 1,4
149. Choose the correct word.
All peace-loving people of the world are against..... .
A) peace
B) justice
C) war
D) hope
E) joy
150. Choose the correct variant.
A man’s heart… 60-80 times in a minute.
B) beats
D) hides

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