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Narrator : Benito Juárez was born in San Pablo Guelatao, Oaxaca, on March 21, 1806.

His parents were the indigenous peasants Marcelino Juárez and Brígida García.

(The parents pass by and before leaving they fall down pretending to die.)

Storyteller: They died when Benito was 3 years old, so he was raised by his grandparents and
worked as a shepherd and spoke Zapotec until he was 12 years old.


(The sheep appear eating, and Benito dressed as a shepherd)

(Then two children appear and invite him to play)

(Little sheep:

Child 1 : Benito, Benito, do you want to play with us?

Benito : no, because I have to take care of my sheep.

Child 2 : I have some very nice toys, come on and play with us for a little while.

Benito : I already told you no, I have to take care of my sheep.

(Benito walks towards his sheep and counts them and turns to look at his friends and finally decides
to go play)

Narrator: Benito was happy that he didn't notice the time when it was about to get dark and he
realized that he was missing a sheep. (Benito's friends leave the scene)

Benito: Now what am I going to do, my uncle is going to hit me if I tell him that I lost a sheep
(worried he walks and thinks, then says) ah! Now I know better, I'm going with my sister Josefa to
the city.

(packs his things and walks)


Narrator: So he did, he looked for his sister who worked in the house.

A man named Antonio Maza lived and worked there. (Benito arrives at the house and knocks on the

(Josefa opens and says)

Josefa: Benito, what are you doing here?

Benito: I've come to work.
(Don Antonio Maza comes out and looks at Benito)
Don Antonio Maza : Who is that child Josefa?
Josefa: He is my brother Benito
Benito : Good morning sir.
Don Antonio Maza : (Luis Ángel) What are you doing here Benito?
Benito : I come to work and I want to learn to read and write.
Don Antonio Maza : If you have the will, I will help you so that you learn a lot.
(They enter a house, Don Antonio and Josefa leave the scene)

Narrator : He studied high school at the Santa Cruz Seminary, later he studied Law at the Institute of
Sciences and Arts.

(students arrive at school and sit with their book)

Teacher : Let's see, open your history book to page 5 and read.

Partner 1: ___________

Partner 2 : ____________

(Benito also arrives and sits down, then a bell is heard)

Teacher : That's all for today, go home and rest.

(They leave the scene)


Narrator : Benito fell in love with Margarita Maza, who was 20 years older than him, they got
married. (The bride comes out and walks arm in arm with Benito Raúl)

Narrator: in 1871 Margarita Maza died. (He faints near the audience and then leaves the scene)


(Appears ________)

Narrator: So he did, he looked for his sister who worked in the house.

the lic Benito and Diego the politician.

They enter from the side__________________________________________________

Benito shows the signs while they shout Benito, Benito! a group of people: each time showing a
different sign)
Politician: gentlemen, it is time to elect our representative, Mr. Benito Juárez!

Storyteller :
In 1831 he was an alderman in Oaxaca.
1833 Local Deputy
1834 he served defending the indigenous community
1847 he was Governor in Oaxaca
1855 he was minister of justice
1858 he was president of Mexico
In 1867 he was president of Mexico for the second time
1871 was the third time president of Mexico.
Benito: (Raúl) today I declare through the reform laws the independence of the State, (…) the
marriage law, (…) transfer of assets (…) and regularization of cemeteries (…)

(____________carries the State laws sign.

______________ carries the marriage law sign.

______________ carries out the transfer of assets.

______________ carries the cemetery regularization sign.) Then they leave the scene.


Narrator: Unfortunately, Benito Juárez suffered from heart and respiratory problems. On the night
of July 18, 1872, angina took his life.
(Benito and a doctor appear on a bed)
Benito: (Raúl) "Among individuals, as between nations, respect for the rights of others is peace."
( and dies)
Narrator : His remains rest in the San Fernando pantheon in Mexico City.
He was an example for other countries for his defense of human freedoms, which is why he was


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