Care Protocols

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Academic: QF. Marcela Cifuentes C.

Assistant: Pedro Ramírez G.

Private Pharmacy – Chemistry and Pharmacy

- 2018
Care Protocols

In our language, a protocol is a regulation or a series of instructions that are

established by tradition or agreement.
Starting from this meaning, it is possible to use the notion in different
contexts. A protocol can be a document or regulation that establishes how
to act in certain procedures. In this way, it compiles behaviors, actions and
techniques that are considered appropriate in certain situations.

Private Pharmacy – Chemistry and Pharmacy

- 2018
Why a Care protocol?
• Because it is necessary to generate a tool that allows guiding an adequate patient care
process in the pharmacy that meets these three parameters:
1. Cozy
2. Counselor
3. Engaged

•The idea of generating a protocol is to achieve uniformity, quality and fidelity with the
• Uniformity has two objectives:

Private Pharmacy – Chemistry and Pharmacy

- 2018
Why a Care protocol?
1. The idea is to implement a seal.
2. May this seal be repeated in all premises.

Private Pharmacy – Chemistry and Pharmacy

- 2018
Why a Care protocol?
• We talk about Quality, because it is the measure by which every organization is evaluated
today. Therefore, the main objective of each organization is to offer quality services.

• Fidelity, in such a competitive world and where there are changes every day, it is very
important to maintain a number of clients that allows the business to survive. However, in
the pharmacy this can be a double-edged sword, since on the one hand quality health
services must be offered, but at the same time sales cannot decline because if not, it must
close if there are no profits. Therefore, as the guideline that marks the destiny of
community pharmacies today is to strengthen themselves as health centers and that
without a doubt they must sell, but that they can provide services such as
pharmacovigilance or pharmaceutical care and that can achieve greater customer loyalty.
people who offer a bigger discount.

Private Pharmacy – Chemistry and Pharmacy

- 2018
Why a Care protocol?
• The protocol must also provide tools to members of the organization for problem
resolution. A chain of actions that allows them to resolve situations that may arise in the
• Promote people's right to quality care.

Private Pharmacy – Chemistry and Pharmacy

- 2018
Attention Protocol. Example:

Always wear visible identification at chest level
• Do not use headphones while serving the public
• Do not chew bubblegum
• Do not use a cell phone during the work day, unless it is absolutely necessary
and with authorization from your direct boss.
• Keep the environment tidy and clean
• Do not use doodles, swear words or laugh out loud.
• Avoid using idioms such as: my girl, mommy, lola(o), my queen, my king, partner, etc.
• Change phrase “no…” to “what I can do is…”

Private Pharmacy – Chemistry and Pharmacy

- 2018
• The protocol must be socialized by the relevant headquarters.
14 TIPS FOR Speak in your same
• It must be delivered to each worker. language.
Be clear. Do not use technical or

• An incentive plan can be generated for those who comply with t the protocol (generally in the chains
Don't let them theleave angry. Let them
express themselves and propose real
mystery shopper is used who evaluates this protocol and grantso a percentage or a grade of compliance

to it) either monetary or with the assignment of prizes (a dinner, a day off or a gift) Invite them to "try." Make them
aware of your product or service.
Find out what they want. Don't This way you will gain their trust.
• Infographics can be used in the internal areas of the pharmacy (bathroom, dining room, kitchen, cellar)
assume they want something. Listen to them

to highlight the most important points of the protocol. Smile at them. Nothing more powerful
than a sincere smile and a "good morning."

Keep your promises. Always

deliver on time and in good shape.
Take care of your image. Make
sure your OFFICES and stores are clean and

Create loyalty programs.

Reward those who buy from you at a
discount cough or gifts.
Share on social networks. Post
offers, share useful content and respond to
Provides excellent Customer
service. Train your team to be courteous Offer new things. Don't stop
and problem solve. innovating. Give them a reason to come
back to you.

Follow-up. When someone buys from

you, ask for their email and phone number. Create unforgettable experiences
Focus on generating emotions that win their
Keep in touch. loyalty.

Exceed YOUR expectations. Between

Wales more than they expect. Surprise them.

Private Pharmacy – Chemistry and Pharmacy

- 2018
Care Protocols
Quality Care

Keys to providing quality

- Escuthar
- Empathy
- Availability. immediotex
- Solve your problems
- Roipetn kindness
- Customer reminder
- Eslor bren intoe modes
< Teach
- Anticipate your needs

Private Pharmacy – Chemistry and Pharmacy

- 2018
Customer Support
• According to the author HUMBERTO SERNA GÓMEZ (2006) defines that:

“Customer service is the set of strategies that a company designs to

satisfy, better than its competitors, the needs and expectations of its
external customers…”
• From this definition we deduce that customer service is essential for the development of a

Private Pharmacy – Chemistry and Pharmacy

- 2018
Customer Service Features
1. It is Intangible, it cannot be perceived with the senses.

2. It is Perishable, It is produced and consumed instantly.

3. It is Continuous, whoever produces it is in turn the service provider.

4. It is Comprehensive, all collaborators are part of it.

5. The Service Offer, promise and fulfill.

6. The focus of service, full customer satisfaction.

7. The added value, plus to the product.

Private Pharmacy – Chemistry and Pharmacy

- 2018
Customer Service Features
Humberto Serna Gomez (2006)

Private Pharmacy – Chemistry and Pharmacy

- 2018
Evolution of Customer Service
• Humberto Serna Gómez (2006);traditional concept:
1. satisfaction of customer needs and expectations
2. fundamentally kindness
3. attention
• Currently:

1. It is a business strategy oriented towards anticipating the needs and expectations of the
added value of customers,
2. The aim is to ensure the loyalty and permanence of both current customers and the
attraction of new customers.
3. The provision of a service superior to that of competitors.

Private Pharmacy – Chemistry and Pharmacy

- 2018
Evolution of Customer Service
• The reasons why this new vision is imposed is that there is easy
access to a quantity of data , they demand greater added
value , they want suppliers to know them in detail, they have a
wide variety of options, they place enormous value on ease. ,
speed, convenience with which they can acquire goods and
• The emphasis is on establishing a long-term, full-service
relationship, meeting the client's entire service needs, and
reducing the client's need or desire to fragment their affairs
among multiple institutions. This whole new situation occurs
because the client in this environment has and values new
elements of the service such as time, opportunity, solutions,
individualization and kindness.

Private Pharmacy – Chemistry and Pharmacy

- 2018
• The form of
Compl measurement that
aints companies use to
Quality quantify the quality of
Perceive of the service they offer to their
d Custo customers
• One of the most used
standards today is the
Satisfaction (made by
the client's the
Perceive international organization
d for standardization). Which,
through a series of
standardized procedures,
evaluates the level of
of the satisfaction of any
Custom company.
s er

Private Pharmacy – Chemistry and Pharmacy

- 2018
ACSI Models (American Customer Satisfaction Index) Iso:9001

Private Pharmacy – Chemistry and Pharmacy

- 2018
Customer satisfaction index
Customer expectations: Customer expectations are an anticipated measure of the quality that the
customer expects to receive from the products and services that the organization offers. They are
the result of advertising and a set of messages that the client assimilates, consciously and
unconsciously, forming an idea, “their idea,” about what we are offering them.

Perceived quality: taking customer expectations as input, Perceived Quality is considered mainly
associated with 2 factors: customization and reliability. The questions seek to determine to what
extent the product fits the customer, and how often they believe the product or service will fail.

Perceived value: this parameter expresses the relationship between the quality obtained and the
price paid. Once the purchase has been decided, the customer makes a balance between what
they expected to obtain and what they have received. If the balance is negative, the customer will
most likely not repeat the experience. And if it does, it will be because it has no choice, or because
the price has dropped.

Private Pharmacy – Chemistry and Pharmacy

- 2018
Customer satisfaction index

Customer complaints: Complaints are the most palpable expression of dissatisfaction. The
more satisfied a customer is, the less eager they are to voice a complaint. Assuming this
maxim, they calculate this indicator by expressing the percentage of people who claim to
have complained about a certain product in a certain period of time.

Customer Loyalty: Customer loyalty is the critical component of the model. Let us note that,
although customer satisfaction occupies a central place in the diagram, the relational arrows
lead to this parameter. Customer loyalty is the platform for business profitability.

Private Pharmacy – Chemistry and Pharmacy

- 2018
Organizational Models
• Organizational Structures, such as design patterns to organize a company, in order to meet
the proposed goals and achieve the desired objective.
• To select an appropriate structure, needs and priorities must be understood, in addition to
taking into account the following factors:
1. Organization Age
2. Organization Size
3. The environment
4. Production system

Private Pharmacy – Chemistry and Pharmacy

- 2018
Linear Organization
Simple, it is fast, flexible, low-cost maintenance and its accounting clear, in addition the
relationship between superiors and SCHEME
subordinates is close and decision-making becomes agile.

Disadvantage: the specialization, MANAGE

It is difficult to find a good manager since general knowledge of the company is required and

very little time is dedicated to planning, research and control.





Private Pharmacy – Chemistry and Pharmacy

- 2018
Matrix organization
Employees within the matrix have two bosses:
Executive Director

A function manager A project manager

Director of
Advantage: Contributes to increasing the involvement and commitment of team members.

Disadvantage: Double flow of Project

Staff Manager
Authority causes conflict.
High bureaucratic costs.


Project B coordinator
Project A Coordinator

Private Pharmacy – Chemistry and Pharmacy

- 2018
Functional Structure
Work is separated based on steps, Functional Structure Board of Directors

process or activities that are Internal control

carry cape for obtain a

Planning Manager
and Quality

certain final result. Functional group

Marketing and Legal
User Support

Advantage: Allows people who do


similar jobs to provide Scientific Deputy

Management of
mutual support. Service Provision
Services Functional Group
Hospital Outpatient Clinics,
Disadvantage: people care more about and Health Posts

Services Functional Group

the work of their community than about Hospitable

the service or product in general that is Diagnostic Functional Group

provided or sold.
Rehabilitation Functional Group

Private Pharmacy – Chemistry and Pharmacy

- 2018
Daily activities carried out in the Pharmacy
(Farmacia Cruz Verde model)
1. Opening of the premises • 12. Dispensing of master preparations
2. Fund allocation to ATMs • 13. Dispensing of direct sales medications
3. Simple fund counting • 14. Dispensing of simple prescription and retained
prescription medications
4. Order receipt • 15. Dispensing of psychotropic and narcotic
5. Receipt of medications subject to legal control medications
6. Daily Revolving Inventory Review • 16. Request and sending of transfers
7. Storage and replacement of room products • 17. Request for special orders
8. Medication storage • 18. Entry of recipes and guides to the psychotropic and
narcotic drug record books
9. Review of DICC, CID and vouchers • 19. Assignment of laboratories to assistants
10. Price labeling • 20. Review and control of expirations
• 11. Pharmaceutical care

Private Pharmacy – Chemistry and Pharmacy

- 2018
Daily activities carried out in the Pharmacy
(Pharmacia Cruz Verde model)

• 21. Monitoring the competition

• 22. Deposit of securities
• 23. Exchanges to the supplier
• 24. Refrigerator temperature control
• 25. Reception of remittances

Private Pharmacy – Chemistry and Pharmacy

- 2018
• 26. Closing of shift for pharmacy assistants


Private Pharmacy – Chemistry and Pharmacy

- 2018
• Prepare a care protocol for each pharmacy.
• Make a check-list of the daily activities to be carried out by each member of staff. (Send
before noon on May 18, 2018).

• Prepare infographics with the protocols (delivery one week before the final presentation)

Private Pharmacy – Chemistry and Pharmacy

- 2018

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