National History of Soccer in Guatemala

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Soccer is introduced in Guatemala by the

brothers Luis and Carlos Aguirre, Luis
Pedro Mathéu, Delfino Gomez Latour.
They are known as the pioneers of
Guatemalan soccer, the projection of these
characters spread in various parts of the
country, among stadiums that are
remembered are the Campos de Geroma,
Campos Palomo, Campos de Villa Linda,
Campo de Marte, El North Hippodrome
and South Hippodrome.

In 1983, the first Guatemalan Soccer Club called Guatemala FC was formed. and its first
president was Don Luis Pedro Mathéu. The first match in Guatemala was held in the first
stadium called Hipodromo de Norte,
where the teams representing Club
Guatemala FC faced each other. Azul
and Guatemala FC white, this led to the
emergence of other Clubs. In 1919, the
Capital Soccer League was founded,
taking Don Arturo Aguirre's house as its
headquarters with the participation of
the Hercules A, B, C, National Allies
and Andino teams. At present, there are
a large number of organizations that
participate in support of National Soccer. , between autonomous government and private

In the year 1938, that is, with the performances of the National Typography in its best era
and the subsequent appearance of the Municipal team, led by a Creole coach such as Don
Manuel Carrera and who came to impose the South American type of game in our
environment. However, until 1943, soccer was definitively revealed as a power in the
Central American and Caribbean circuit through a team that was integrated based on the
Municipal and National Typography teams, reinforced with prominent figures who were
active in other teams.

In the soccer match, 11 players per team participate, to the twenty-two players are added a
referee, judge or referee who directs the game and enforces the rules.

The first referee: was Mr. Efraín Molina Flores.

The First Match of Guatemala: It took place in 1893.
The First stage: Called the Northern Hippodrome.

Guatemalan Soccer has participated and excelled in several events, around its participation
it has faced the teams of the countries of North America, the United States, Canada and
Mexico and many others.

The First Match:

On August 23, the first soccer team was founded, which bore the name "Guatemala" and
the first match was set for September 14 on the fields of the Hipódromo del Norte. The
Guatemala squad was divided into 2 sides (white and blue)

The white team was presented with Arsenio Conde in goal, Defenders; Francisco Sánchez
latour and Jorge Aguirre, in the middle with Carlos Tinico, Gustavo Novella and Augusto
Mathéu, and up front with Carlos Cabarrús, Jorge Romaña, Carlos Aguirre (captain), Juan
Lehnof and Carlos Purdy.


The history of football is considered to begin in

1863 , the year of founding of The Football
Association , although its origins, like the other
football codes , date back several centuries in the
past, particularly in the British Isles during the
Middle Ages. . 1 2 Although there were
commonalities between different ball games that
developed since the 3rd century BC , today's
football, 1 the sport as we know it today, has its
origins in the British Isles . 2
The first British codes that gave rise to association football were characterized by their little
organization and extreme violence. 3 However, there
were also other less violent and better organized codes.
Perhaps one of the best known was Calcio Florentino , a
very popular team sport in Italy that had an impact on
the codes of some British schools. 4 The definitive
formation of association football had its culminating
moment during the 19th century . In 1848
representatives of different English schools met at the
University of Cambridge to create the Cambridge code ,
which would function as the basis for the creation of
modern football regulations. 5 Finally, in 1863 in
London the first rules of association football were made
official. 6
Since then, football has had constant growth, becoming
the most popular sport in the world with some 270 million people involved. 7 With the first
meeting of the International Football Association Board in 1886 and the founding of FIFA
in 1904 , the sport has expanded to reach all countries. corners of the world. Starting in
1930 , the World Cup of Soccer would begin to be played, which would become the
sporting event with the largest audience in the world. 8
The oldest known activity resembling football or any other code dates back to the 3rd and
2nd centuries BC. C. These data are based on a manual of military exercises corresponding
to the Han dynasty of ancient middle China . The game was called ts'uh Kúh (can also be
found as tsu chu or luju ), and consisted of throwing a ball with the feet towards a small net
made of different materials. A variant added a modality where the player had to avoid the
attack of his rivals. Also in the Far East , although some five or six centuries after the game
mentioned above, there was a Japanese variant called kemari , which had a more
ceremonial character, the objective of the game being to keep a ball in the air by passing it
between the players. 1
In the Mediterranean, two forms of games stood out: the harpastum in Rome and the
epislcyros in Greece , about which there is very little information. The first mentioned was
played by two teams on a rectangular field demarcated and divided in half by a line. Players
from each team could pass a small ball between them, and the objective was to send it to
the opposite field. This variant was very popular between the years 700 and 800 , and
despite having been introduced in the British Isles, its ancestry towards current football is
doubtful. 1



The title of this work is "Football", its purpose is to learn more about the topic that many
are interested in but not everyone investigates until the topic is broken down. The
importance of the topic is that this sport serves many purposes for all of us, one of the main
ones is exercising, some take it as a hobby, others dedicate themselves to being a great
soccer player that everyone admires.


This investigation on football concludes with a series of points already discussed. Soccer is
a sport that changed the way people live from different points of view, first of all, this sport
began to be practiced in order to spend free time excluding work, which has evolved in
many ways around the world. world, it has been given different terms and forms of play,
linking even to other sports and games.

Through this research, we learned to thoroughly break down a topic, since for this type of
work a large compilation of data is necessary so that when we move on to the next topic,
the previous one is ready.

It is known that this topic has many things to talk about, and as they grow

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