SOFOM Organization and Functions Manual Mar 2010 PDF

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[Financial Rural


Generic Model for Intermediary

Rural Financial:

Mexico, March 2010

V - Mar. /10
Table of Contents
Table of Contents..........................................................................................................................2
Glossary of Abbreviations.............................................................................................................6
1. Generalities............................................................................................................................8
2. Organic Structure...................................................................................................................9
3. Structural Organization Chart..............................................................................................12
4. Functions and Description of the Bodies of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company......15
4.2. Management Body............................................................................................................16
4.2.1. Board of directors.........................................................................................................16 Management Secretary..............................................................................................22
4.3. Control Body....................................................................................................................23
4.3.1. Commissioners..............................................................................................................23
4.3.2. Internal audit.................................................................................................................25 Audit assistant...........................................................................................................26
4.4. Advisory Body..................................................................................................................27
4.4.1. Risk Unit.......................................................................................................................27
4.5. Advisory Body..................................................................................................................29
4.5.1. Legal advice..................................................................................................................29
4.5.2. Marketing and Institutional Image Area.......................................................................31 Marketing assistant....................................................................................................32
4.6. Line Organs......................................................................................................................33
4.6.1. Administration area.......................................................................................................33 Accounting assistant..............................................................................................36 Accounting clerk.........................................................................................................38 Personnel and Logistics Assistant.........................................................................42 Warehouse and Archive Assistant.........................................................................44 Security Assistant........................................................................................................45 System Assistant.......................................................................................................49 Systems Assistant (Hardware)........................................................................................50 Systems Assistant (Software)....................................................................................51 finance and investments............................................................................................52 Finance and Investment Manager.............................................................................52 Investment and Operations Manager........................................................................53 General Cash Assistant/Treasurer.............................................................................57
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ORGANIZATION AND FUNCTIONS MANUAL Cashier or Value Guard.............................................................................................58
4.6.4. Agency Administrator...................................................................................................60 Agency Administration Assistant.............................................................................65
4.6.3. Credit Area....................................................................................................................66 Credit Manager..........................................................................................................66 Credit Coordinator....................................................................................................69 Credit analyst............................................................................................................73 Credit Assistant..............................................................................................................76 Recovery Manager....................................................................................................77
Annex 1: Update and Approval Sheet.........................................................................................81
Organization and Functions Manual...........................................................................................81
Annex 2: Glossary of Terms........................................................................................................82

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Table of Contents..........................................................................................................................2
Glossary of Abbreviations............................................................................................................6
1. Generalities............................................................................................................................8
2. Organic Structure...................................................................................................................9
3. Structural Organization Chart..............................................................................................12
4. Functions and Description of the Bodies of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company.....15
4.2. Management Body...........................................................................................................16
4.2.1. Board of directors.........................................................................................................16 Management Secretary.............................................................................................22
4.3. Control Body....................................................................................................................23
4.3.1. Commissioners.............................................................................................................23
4.3.2. Internal audit................................................................................................................25 Audit assistant..........................................................................................................26
4.4. Advisory Body.................................................................................................................27
4.4.1. Risk Unit......................................................................................................................27
4.5. Advisory Body.................................................................................................................29
4.5.1. Legal advice.................................................................................................................29
4.5.2. Marketing and Institutional Image Area......................................................................31 Marketing assistant...................................................................................................32
4.6. Line Organs......................................................................................................................33
4.6.1. Administration area......................................................................................................33 Accounting assistant.............................................................................................36 Accounting clerk.........................................................................................................38 Personnel and Logistics Assistant.........................................................................42 Warehouse and Archive Assistant........................................................................44 Security Assistant.......................................................................................................45 System Assistant.......................................................................................................49 Systems Assistant (Hardware).......................................................................................50 Systems Assistant (Software)...................................................................................51 finance and investments...........................................................................................52 Finance and Investment Manager.............................................................................52 Investment and Operations Manager........................................................................53 General Cash Assistant/Treasurer............................................................................57
Cashier or Value Guard............................................................................................58
4.6.4. Agency Administrator..................................................................................................60 Agency Administration Assistant.............................................................................65
4.6.3. Credit Area...................................................................................................................66 Credit Manager.........................................................................................................66 Credit Coordinator....................................................................................................69 Credit analyst............................................................................................................73 Credit Assistant..............................................................................................................76 Recovery Manager....................................................................................................77
Annex 1: Update and Approval Sheet........................................................................................81
Organization and Functions Manual...........................................................................................81
Annex 2: Glossary of Terms.......................................................................................................82

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Glossary of Abbreviations

CNBV: National Baking and Stock Commission

LGOAAC: General Law of Organizations and Auxiliary Activities of Credit

LGSM: General Law of Commercial Companies

LGTOC: General Law of Titles and Credit Operations

MOF: Organization and Functions Manual

SHCP: Secretariat of Finance and Public Credit

SOFOM ENR: Multiple Purpose Financial Company Non-Regulated Entity

SOFOM ER: Multiple Purpose Financial Company Regulated Entity

SOFOM: Multiple Purpose Financial Company

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This Organization and Functions Manual has been prepared by the Authorization of the Board of Directors
in order to ensure that the Directors, Officers and Employees of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company
subject their activities and decisions to what is provided therein.

The basic objective of this Manual is to regulate the internal structure of the Multiple Purpose Financial
Company, as well as the organization and systematization of the functions and responsibilities that
correspond to each of the levels of the organizational structure and is aimed at becoming an instrument
useful and dynamic for successful management.

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1. Generalities

1.1. Background of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company

[Incorporate description of origin, evolution and significant changes]

1.2. Objective of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company

The Multiple Purpose Financial Company's objectives are:

^ [Cite the objectives of the Multiple Purpose Financial Society].

The organic structure of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company must support the achievement of these
objectives. To achieve this, it is essential to ensure that all hierarchical levels act quickly in making
decisions and providing financial services.

1.3. Mission, Vision and Values of the Multiple Purpose Financial Society

Mission: [Incorporate Mission in case the Multiple Purpose Financial Company already has it defined or
define it with the higher level]

Vision: [Incorporate Vision in case the Multiple Purpose Financial Company already has it defined or define
it with the higher level].

Securities: [Incorporate the declaration of Securities of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company or define it
with the higher level].

1.4. Legal base

The Multiple Purpose Financial Company is governed by the following legal provisions:
^ Articles of incorporation of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company and Reforms to it, if applicable.
^ General Law of Organizations and Auxiliary Activities of Credit.

1.5. Scope

The Organization and Functions Manual governs all employees, officials and members that make up the
organizational structure of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company, who must become familiar with its
content, it must be known and complied with by all.

1.6. Approval, Disclosure and Update

This Manual is an agreement of the Board of Directors dated 00000 and will come into force within a
period of 000 days and will be valid for one year from this authorization.

If the need arises to insert substantial modifications, these may be suggested by the General
Management. The General Management in coordination with the Human Resources area of the Multiple
Purpose Financial Company will inform the Board

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of Administration the necessary modifications. The necessary approvals and modifications will be included
in Annex 1: Update and Approval Sheet.

2. Organic Structure

Below we proceed to detail the organic structure of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company in accordance
with the proposed structural organization chart.

2.1. Governing Body

• General Assembly of Shareholders: The General Assembly of Shareholders is the Supreme Body of the
Company; may agree and ratify all its acts and operations and its resolutions will be carried out by the
person designated by it, or in the absence of designation, by the Board of Directors.
2.2. Management Body
• Board of Directors: The administration of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company will be in charge of
the Board of Directors, with a minimum number of members of six (6).
Unless otherwise agreed, the first appointed Director will be President of the Board, and in his
absence the one who follows him in the order of appointment.
For the Board of Directors to function legally, at least half of its members must attend, and its
resolutions will be valid when they are taken by the majority of those present. In the event of a tie, the
President of the Council will decide with a casting vote.
The statutes may provide that resolutions taken outside of a board session, by unanimity of its
members, will have, for all legal purposes, the same validity as if they had been adopted in a board
session, provided that they are confirmed in writing.
• General Management: The General Assembly of Shareholders or the Board of Directors may appoint a
General Director or General or Special Manager, whether or not they are shareholders. The
appointments of the Managers will be revocable at any time by the Board of Directors or by the
General Assembly of Shareholders (Art. 145 LGSM).
The Directors or Managers will have the powers expressly conferred upon them; They will not need
special authorization from the Board of Directors for the acts they execute and will enjoy, within the
scope of the powers assigned to them, the broadest powers of representation and execution (Art. 146
The Board of Directors and Directors or Managers may, within their respective powers, confer powers on
behalf of the company, which will be revocable at any time (Art. 149 LGSM).
Those who, according to the law, are disqualified from exercising commerce cannot be Administrators or
Directors or Managers (Art. 151 LGSM).
The bylaws or the general meeting of shareholders may establish the obligation for administrators and
managers to provide guarantees to ensure the responsibilities they may incur in the performance of their
duties (Art. 152 LGSM).

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The Administrators will continue to perform their duties

even when the term for which they were appointed has expired, as long as new appointments are not
made and those appointed do not take possession of their positions (Art. 154 LGSM).
The Administrator who, in any transaction, has an interest contrary to that of the company, must express
this to the other Administrators and abstain from all deliberations and resolutions. The Administrator who
contravenes this provision will be responsible for the damages caused to the company (Art. 156 LGSM).
The directors are jointly and severally liable to the company (Art. 158 LGSM):
I. From the reality of the contributions made by the partners;
II. Compliance with the legal and statutory requirements established with respect to dividends paid to
III. The existence and maintenance of the accounting, control, registration, filing or information
systems required by law;
IV. Exact compliance with the agreements of the Shareholders' Meetings.
The Administrator who, being free of fault, has expressed his disagreement at the time of deliberation and
resolution of the act in question will not be responsible (Art. 159 LGSM).
The Administrators will be jointly responsible with those who have preceded them, for the irregularities in
which they have incurred, if, knowing them, they do not report them in writing to the Commissioners (Art.
160 LGSM).

2.3. Control Body

• Commissioners: The supervision of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company will be in charge of one or
more Commissioners, temporary and revocable, who may be partners or people outside the company
(Art. 164 LGSM).
They are powers and obligations of the commissioners (Art. 166 LGSM):
I. Ensure the constitution and subsistence of the guarantee required by article 152, reporting
without delay any irregularity to the General Assembly of Shareholders;
II. Require administrators to provide monthly information that includes at least a statement of
financial position and an income statement.
III. Carry out an examination of the operations, documentation, records and other supporting
evidence, to the degree and extent that are necessary to carry out the surveillance of the
operations that the law imposes on them and to be able to reasonably render the opinion
mentioned in the following section.
IV. Submit annually to the Ordinary General Assembly of Shareholders a report regarding the
veracity, sufficiency and reasonableness of the information presented by the Board of Directors
to the Assembly of Shareholders itself. This report must include, at least:
A) The opinion of the Commissioner on whether the accounting and reporting policies and
criteria followed by the company are appropriate and sufficient taking into consideration the
particular circumstances of the company.
B) The Commissioner's opinion on whether those policies and criteria have been applied
consistently in the information presented by the administrators.

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C) The opinion of the commissioner as to whether, as a consequence of the above, the

information presented by the directors truly and sufficiently reflects the financial situation and
results of the company.
V. Have the points they believe pertinent be inserted in the Agenda of the sessions of the Board of
Directors and the Shareholders' Meetings;
VI. Call ordinary and extraordinary shareholders' meetings, in case of omission by the Directors and
in any other case in which they deem appropriate;
VII. Attend, with voice, but without vote, all sessions of the Board of Directors, to which they must be
VIII. Attend, with voice but without vote, the Shareholders' Meetings, and
IX. In general, monitor all the company's operations unlimitedly and at any time.
Any shareholder may report in writing to the Commissioners the facts that they consider irregular in the
administration, and the latter must mention the complaints in their reports to the General Assembly of
Shareholders and formulate the considerations and proposals regarding them that they deem pertinent
(Art. 167 LGSM).
The commissioners will be individually responsible to the company for compliance with the obligations
that the law and the statutes impose on them. They may, however, be assisted and supported by the
work of personnel who act under their direction and dependence or by the services of independent
technicians or professionals whose hiring and appointment depends on the commissioners themselves
(Art. 169 LGSM).
The Commissioners who, in any operation, have an interest contrary to that of the company, must
refrain from any intervention, under the sanction established in article 156 (Art. 170 LGSM).
In accordance with the provisions of the General Law of Auxiliary Credit Organizations and Activities
(Art. 8, numeral
1. Their general directors or managers;
2. The members of its boards of directors, owners or alternates;
3. Officials or employees of credit, insurance, bonding institutions, brokerage houses, other
auxiliary credit organizations and exchange houses; and
4. The members of the board of directors, owners or alternates, general directors or managers, of
the companies that in turn control the Multiple Purpose Financial Company in question, or of
the companies controlled by the majority shareholders of the same.
The appointment of commissioners may only fall to people who meet the requirements established by
the National Banking Commission, through general rules. This paragraph applies to SOFOM ER

• Internal Audit: It is the internal control body whose fundamental task is the permanent evaluation of the
operation of the internal control system, plans and executes the necessary control actions to verify the
correct and timely use of the human, material and financial resources of the company. Multiple
Purpose Financial Company, evaluating and verifying the administrative aspects of the use of
resources and assets, as well as the results of the management and execution of plans and programs
in relation to the established objectives and goals.

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2.4. Advisory Bodies

• Risk Unit: It is the body in charge of managing risks of all types that the Multiple Purpose Financial
Company faces, its purpose is to implement the risk control system that allows identifying, measuring,
preventing, controlling and report the operational risks faced by the company, whether these risks are
due to the possibility of financial losses, due to deficiencies or failures in internal processes, in
information technology, in people or due to the occurrence of adverse external events.

2.5. Advisory Bodies

• Legal Advisory Area: It is the advisory body on legal and regulatory matters to senior management and
the other areas of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company, providing comprehensive legal advice on
all types of legal matters, whether civil, commercial, commercial, criminal. , labor, administrative and in
general, in all aspects related to the development of the activities of the Multiple Purpose Financial

• Marketing and Institutional Image Area: It is the area that advises the entire Multiple Purpose Financial
Company and especially senior management in all activities related to Marketing and the promotion of
Institutional Image, in general it carries out all activities that improve the marketing results, placement
of products and services offered by the institution, and everything related to maintaining and improving
the image of the Multiple Purpose Financial Society.
2.6. Line Organs
• Administration Management: Supports the general activities of all areas, supervises and manages the
administrative and operational activities of the entity, such as the Personnel, Logistics, Accounting and
Systems Areas.

• Credit Management: Involves the business activities of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company entity
related to the administration, evaluation, approval and disbursement of credits requested by clients, the
management of employees in the areas under their charge. The Credit Areas and the Portfolio or
Recovery Department are considered in this management.

• Finance and Investment Management: Involves the operational activities of the Multiple Purpose
Financial Company related to financial operations, fund administration, investment operations and
customer service activities. The Operations and General Cash/Treasury Areas are considered in this

3. Structural Organization Chart

Next, the structural organization chart of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company will be presented, which
should take shape as responsibilities and jobs are distributed within the organization.

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The organization chart shown below graphically includes

the organizational structure designed for Multiple Purpose Financial Companies, which includes the
structure of the Head Office and the Headquarters or Main Office.

Two organic structures are presented, the first corresponds to a complete organic structure that could be
applied to a large SOFOM and the second corresponds to a basic structure for a small SOFOM. It
identifies the different units that, according to the size of the entity, the necessary adjustments must be

Sequentially, the structure of the Agency or Branch is broken down, detailing each of the areas that
comprise them, as well as the general structure, which must adopt the different forms of the branch or

Complete Organic Structure of a Large SOFOM

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Basic Organic Structure of a Small SOFOM

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4. Functions and Description of the Bodies of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company

The functions of each of the bodies that make up the organizational structure of the Multiple Purpose
Financial Company are described below:

4.1. Governing Body

4.1.1. general meeting of shareholders

Organ: general meeting of shareholders

Designated by: The Shareholders of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company

Position Objective
The General Assembly of Shareholders is the highest governing body of the Multiple Purpose Financial
Company, the decisions it makes are strategic and corporate. Appoints those responsible for the Board of
Directors and Commissioners, delegating to them powers and obligations, on matters of greatest
importance and making decisions so that the Company operates based on the legal aspects that govern
the SOFOM.

1. The members that make up the General Assembly of Shareholders will participate in ordinary and/or
extraordinary meetings, when called by the Board of Directors and/or Commissioners, to discuss
matters related to the operation of SOFOM.
2. Receive the financial statements and economic, financial and associative reports of the Multiple
Purpose Financial Company from the Board of Directors and Commissioners, examine them and rule
on them, and may arrange for investigations or audits to be carried out if necessary.
3. Elect and remove with justified cause the members of the Board of Directors and the General
4. Determine the minimum contributions that partners must subscribe in accordance with current legal
regulations and at the proposal of the Board of Directors.
5. Establish the emoluments of the members of the councils and committees, as well as the
representation expenses of the President of the Board of Directors for purposes that exclusively benefit
the Multiple Purpose Financial Company with a charge to specifying their use in the reports presented
to the session of the Board of Directors.
6. Approve the distribution of profits at the proposal of the Board of Directors.
7. Evaluate, debate and approve the regulations for sessions of the ordinary general assembly.
8. Approve the opening, transfer or closure of offices of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company.
9. Decide on the strategic and general objectives of the institution at the proposal of the Board of
10. Resolve on the claims of the partners against the acts of the Board of Directors and Commissioners.
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11. Resolve appeals from partners who are excluded by

virtue of resolutions of the Board of Directors.
12. Resolve on the merger, division, dissolution and liquidation of the Multiple Purpose Financial
Company, in accordance with the provisions of the statute.
13. Impose the sanctions of suspension, dismissal or exclusion from the management position, as the
case may be, on the managers who, through their action or omission, have contributed.
14. Determine the corresponding sanctions, in case infractions occur that are not provided for in the
previous section and that are the responsibility of the leaders to impose the measures that correspond
15. Analyze, debate and approve the regulations to be followed during the development of ordinary and
extraordinary assemblies.


As established in the General Law of Auxiliary Credit Organizations and Activities (Art. 8, section V), each
shareholder, or group of shareholders that represents at least 15% of the paid-in capital of a company, will
have the right to appoint a director (SOFOM ER).

The appointment of these directors may only be revoked when that of all the others is revoked, without
prejudice to the provisions of Articles 74 and 75 of the General Law of Auxiliary Credit Organizations and
Activities (SOFOM ER).

4.2. Management Body

4.2.1. Board of directors

Board of directors

general meeting of shareholders

Organ: General manager

Designated by:
Position Objective
Authority Line:
The Board of Directors is the body in charge of determining the general policy
guidelines of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company, as well as supervising its implementation.

Specific functions

1. The Board of Directors exercises the institutional representation of the Multiple Purpose Financial
Company. It is in charge of formulating and/or approving the general policy guidelines of the institution,
as well as supervising its execution.
2. Establish the general policy objectives and annual management plan of the Multiple Purpose Financial

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3. Control the General Manager and learn about the periodic results of the institution, being able to obtain
from it any information it deems appropriate;
4. Comply with and enforce the statutes, internal rules and agreements of the general assembly of
5. Prepare proposals to modify the statute of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company and submit it to the
general assembly of delegates for approval, after analysis.
6. Approve the Organization Manual, Functions of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company.
7. Approve the Procedure Manuals of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company.
8. Supervise the administrative, economic and financial management of the Multiple Purpose Financial
9. Approve the Annual Report, as well as the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Statement and the
capitalization of monthly profits.
10. Approve the Policies of the types of credits that the Multiple Purpose Financial Company will develop.
11. Elect your President and Vice President.
12. Ensure compliance with the limitations to which the operations of the Multiple Purpose Financial
Company are subject, in accordance with the law;
13. Elect or remove the General Manager, prior to compliance with current legal procedures.
14. Assign Managers to their respective command areas, at their proposal, over the Departments,
Sections, Agencies, for full compliance with business objectives, as well as to acquire an adequate
level of specialization.
15. Supervise and control the correct application of the resources of the Multiple Purpose Financial
16. Approve the budgets of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company, as well as its modifications.
17. Approve the regulations that are necessary for the best operational performance of the Multiple
Purpose Financial Company.
18. Decide on real estate transactions intended to serve as premises of the Multiple Purpose Financial
Company, as well as the establishment of agencies.
19. Grant the powers you deem necessary.
20. Grant licenses to the members of the Board of Directors and the General Manager.
21. Approve capital increases.
22. Declare the vacancy of members of the Board of Directors.
23. Approve the policies of the credit programs that the Multiple Purpose Financial Society will develop;
24. Resolve matters within its jurisdiction that are submitted to it by the General Manager;
25. Draft the regulations for sessions of the general shareholders' meetings

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26. Approve the remuneration of the General Manager,

the Internal Auditor, as well as the global remuneration policy.
27. The others indicated by the statute and the rules applied to the Multiple Purpose Financial Company.
28. The Vice President replaces the President in case of leave, absence or impediment, vacancy or
resignation from office. When the President and the Vice President are absent, the oldest member of
the Board of Directors will assume the Presidency, and if there are several with the same amount of
time, the oldest member will do so.


1. The determination of the general policy guidelines and supervision of the economic, financial and
administrative management of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company.
2. Approve the Annual Internal Audit Plan and its modifications.
3. Study and approve the responses to the audit reports carried out on the Multiple Purpose Financial
Company, by the Internal Audit, External Auditors, the Tax Administration Service, the National
Banking and Securities Commission in the case of the SOFOM ER, as appropriate. case of the
Multiple Purpose Financial Company.


1. The President of the Board of Directors, together with another member of the Board of Directors, the
General Manager and the Accountant will sign the Balance Sheet and Financial Statements of the
Multiple Purpose Financial Company.
2. The Board of Directors will receive duly supported reports from management on credits of larger
amounts that require said level for approval.
3. Call an ordinary general assembly, at least once a year and within the first one hundred and twenty
days of the year.
4. The President of the Board of Directors has the following powers:
- Settle the votes of the Board of Directors, in the event of a tie
- Exercise the powers entrusted to him by the Board of Directors.
- Attend the General Assemblies of the federation to which the Multiple Purpose Financial Society
- Exercise legal representation of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company.
- Call the ordinary sessions of the Board of Directors.
- Preside over the sessions of the Board of Directors.
- It has no executive functions.

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4.2.2. General management

Post: General manager

Designated by: Board of directors

It depends on: Board of directors

Authority Line:
All areas of the Multiple Purpose Financial Society


The General Manager assumes the legal representation of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company. It is
responsible for planning and coordinating the administrative, operational, financial and credit activities of
the Multiple Purpose Financial Company. As well as resolving matters that require their intervention
according to the delegated powers.


1. Dictate the provisions it deems appropriate in order to ensure that the activities of the Multiple Purpose
Financial Company are developed in accordance with the policies and plans approved by the Board of
2. Ensure compliance with the Laws that govern it, the Statute, the Manuals, Regulations and Policies of
the Institution and other provisions that affect the Multiple Purpose Financial Company;
3. Comply with and enforce the agreements of the Board of Directors.
4. Formulate and propose to the Board of Directors, for approval, the Regulations, Manuals and internal
provisions that regulate the operation of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company and those that are
necessary for the best development of its activities.
5. Propose to the Board of Directors modifications in the organization of the Multiple Purpose Financial
6. Design and propose to the Board of Directors, for approval, the implementation of new modalities of
credit and financial services, as well as introducing improvements to existing financial services and
7. Prepare and submit to the Board of Directors for approval the short, medium and long-term budgets
and goals.
8. Periodically report and advise the Board of Directors on the economic-financial and administrative
management of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company. To do so, it must periodically present
analysis of liquidity, profitability, delinquency and reports on the evaluation of the execution of the
Annual Operations Program: Plan of placements, the budget of income, expenses and investments, as
well as the cash flow. Implement corrective measures so that performance and results occur according
to plans.

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9. Prepare periodic reports for the Board of Directors, and for the General Assembly of Shareholders on
the equity and financial situation of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company.
10. Timely submit to the Board of Directors the Financial Statements corresponding to each financial
period or year.
11. Prepare the Annual Report.
12. Submit to the monetary supervision, control and regulation institutions the documentation and reports
that are required, in accordance with current legal regulations. (SOFOM ER)
13. Meet in the Management Committee, recording the agreements made.
14. Hire and/or appoint staff in accordance with established policy. The hiring of personnel will be done
after selection through a merit-based competition, through a public call and in exceptional cases; how
to hire experienced or specialized personnel will report to the Board of Directors.
15. Appoint or hire employees in accordance with the results of the competition, reporting to the Board of
Directors and setting their remunerations in accordance with the evaluation and remuneration policy.
16. Propose to the Board of Directors salary increases for Managers or area heads, agency administrators
and Internal Auditor.
17. Set the remuneration of employees and officials not included in the previous point, after evaluation and
in accordance with the remuneration policy.
18. Encourage staff participation in institutional development.
19. Ensure the sufficiency of insurance coverage and general security measures to protect the people,
securities and assets of the institution, clients and third parties left as collateral or in custody.
20. Determine the application of financial resources in the most convenient active operations for the
21. Decide on investments in the financial system of surplus available funds that cannot be used for
placements and monitor the profitability of said operations.
22. Attract the necessary financial resources to ensure adequate development of intermediation activities,
as well as ensure compliance with the obligations contracted.
23. Form the Credit Committee of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company and authorize the credits
requested by clients, within the framework of the rules established for this purpose and within the limits
established by the Board of Directors.
24. Review the evaluation and qualification of the loan portfolio, determining the level of provisions.
25. Sign the Financial Statements, jointly with the directors and the accountant of the Multiple Purpose
Financial Company.
26. Attend the sessions of the Board of Directors of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company with voice but
without vote.

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27. Individually assume responsibility for the direct and

indirect planning, direction, execution and control of the command area (Departments, Sections),
which has been delegated to you.


1. Compliance with the objectives and goals set, as well as the good economic, financial and
administrative progress of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company.
2. Optimally resolve the conflict of internal objectives of: profitability versus liquidity.
3. Adopt control measures that guarantee efficient institutional operation.
4. Maintain and improve the good image of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company before its clients,
creditors and its community.
5. Provide security, control and adequate insurance coverage measures for the assets and securities of
the Multiple Purpose Financial Company of clients and third parties left as collateral or in custody.
6. Maintain the assets of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company in real terms.


1. Adopt internal policies that allow the achievement of institutional objectives.

2. Manage the proper use and employment of the financial resources, goods, materials and personnel of
the Multiple Purpose Financial Company, observing that their application is exclusively to achieve its
3. Open, transfer, cancel, affect and withdraw obligations from bank accounts, current accounts, savings
accounts, term accounts, bank certificates and other securities.
4. Sign, endorse and cash checks.
5. Endorse checks in favor of third parties.
6. Hire the necessary personnel according to the personnel assignment table approved by the Board of
7. Sign vouchers, promissory notes, endorse them, guarantee them and discount them.
8. Draw, accept, endorse, guarantee, discount and affect bills of exchange.
9. Endorse Insurance Policies.
10. Enter into contracts for current account credits, documentary credit and other credits.
11. Sign promissory notes, bills and other securities.
12. Deposit securities in custody and withdraw them.
13. Request bail.
14. Giving and taking movable and immovable property for rent.
15. Sign credit contracts of all kinds and, if required, elevate them to a public deed granted by those
accredited by mortgage and/or pledge guarantee to

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favor of the Multiple Purpose Financial Society, to guarantee the credits granted.
16. Sign, together with a director, the deed granted by the Multiple Purpose Financial Company to
mortgage its real estate to guarantee credit operations, which are necessary for the normal
development of the financial operations of the institution.
17. Authorize expenses for general and administrative services, as well as the acquisition of goods and
services in accordance with the budget approved by the Board of Directors and in accordance with
current regulations.
18. Represent the Multiple Purpose Financial Company in all civil, commercial, judicial, administrative and
labor acts, with the general powers of the mandate. Management Secretary

Post: Management Secretary

It depends on: General management

Coordinations for Management: With all areas of the Multiple Purpose Financial Society
Specific functions

1. Attend and provide information to officials, employees and the public who request it, in accordance with
the information policy of the Multiple Purpose Financial Society; For this purpose, you must be
adequately informed about the services provided by the institution.
2. Receive, register, classify and distribute the internal and external documentation and correspondence
that enters the Multiple Purpose Financial Company.
3. Prepare correspondence, present it to General Management for approval, distribution and/or sending.
4. Provide secretarial and documentary support to the different bodies of the Multiple Purpose Financial
Company that require their service.
5. Archive correspondence, as well as documentation originating from the sessions of the Board of
Directors and Management.
6. Archive legal provisions related to banking activities.
7. Keep the book of Management Minutes, Regulations, policies, internal standards and the fee
schedules proposed by the General Manager and approved with the Board of Directors of the Multiple
Purpose Financial Company.
8. Make and answer local and long distance telephone calls.
9. Take dictations, prepare correspondence and documents as assigned.
10. Keep control of Petty Cash fixed funds.
11. Control the use of the Institution's telephones, in accordance with the provisions issued by General
12. Comply with other functions entrusted to you by General Management.
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1. Keep confidential the agreements of the Board of Directors, Management decisions, documents and
information that require this treatment.
2. Ensure adequate control and organization of the file in your charge.
3. Ensure the timely and sending of official information authorized by the General Manager.
4. Ensure the maintenance, conservation and proper use of the goods, equipment and materials in your


1. Serve the members of the Board of Directors and Managers in their sessions, offering them
2. Carry the keys to the confidential file with you.
3. Establish a proper filing system.
4. Organize internal fellowship events among staff.
5. Place orders for supplies and printed forms for use by the General Manager.

4.3. Control Body

4.3.1. Commissioners

Organ: Commissioners

Designated by: General meeting of shareholders.

Coordination Line: Board of Directors and

General manager

Authority Line: Internal Auditor


The Commissioner(s) is (are) in charge of supervising SOFOM in its accounting, legal and financial
policies and practices in general.


1. Review the Work Plan of the Internal Audit Department, know the results of the audits or examinations
that are carried out in the Multiple Purpose Financial Company, sending to the Board of Directors the
reports of the audit department duly supported and analyzed by the audit committee. 1 to act
accordingly, otherwise and if a fact that affects the

Audit Committee: It is not a permanent committee only for necessary cases (discussion of results of Internal or External Audit, Hiring
of External Auditors), it can be formed by the Internal Auditor, the commissioner(s), the President of the Board of Directors. , General

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patrimony of the institution would send it so that the general assembly of delegates decides on it,
being able to convene it for its realization.
2. Verify the execution of the annual control plan and learn about the periodic results executed by the
internal audit body, being able to obtain from it any information it deems appropriate.

Powers and Obligations:

1. Ensure the constitution and subsistence of the guarantee required by article 152 of the General Law of
Commercial Companies, reporting without delay any irregularity to the General Assembly of
2. Require administrators to provide monthly information that includes at least a statement of financial
position and an income statement.
3. Carry out an examination of the operations, documentation, records and other supporting evidence, to
the degree and extent that are necessary to carry out the surveillance of the operations that the law
imposes on them and to be able to reasonably render the opinion mentioned in the following section.
4. Submit annually to the Ordinary General Assembly of Shareholders a report regarding the veracity,
sufficiency and reasonableness of the information presented by the Board of Directors to the Assembly
of Shareholders itself. This report must include, at least:
A. The opinion of the Commissioner on whether the accounting and information policies and criteria
followed by the company are appropriate and sufficient taking into consideration the particular
circumstances of the company.
B. The Commissioner's opinion on whether those policies and criteria have been applied
consistently in the information presented by the administrators.
C. The opinion of the commissioner as to whether, as a consequence of the above, the information
presented by the directors truly and sufficiently reflects the financial situation and results of the
5. Have the points they believe pertinent be inserted in the Agenda of the sessions of the Board of
Directors and the Shareholders' Meetings.
6. Call ordinary and extraordinary shareholders' meetings, in case of omission by the Directors and in any
other case in which they deem appropriate.
7. Attend, with voice, but without vote, all sessions of the Board of Directors, to which they must be
8. Attend, with voice but without vote, the Shareholders' Meetings, and
9. In general, monitor all the company's operations unlimitedly and at any time.
10. The commissioners will be individually responsible to the company for compliance with the obligations
that the law and the statutes impose on them. They may, however, be assisted and supported by the
work of personnel who act under their direction and dependence or by the services of independent
technicians or professionals whose hiring and appointment depends on the commissioners

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11. The Commissioners who in any operation have an interest opposite to that of the company, must
refrain from all intervention, under the sanction established in article 156 of the General Law of
Commercial Companies.

4.3.2. Internal audit

Organ: Internal audit

Post: Internal Auditor

Designated: Commissar

It depends on: Commissar

Authority Line: Audit assistant


1. Prepare the Annual Audit Plan according to the standards issued by the governing entities and
according to the needs of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company;
2. Submit the Annual Audit Plan to the Audit Committee / Commissioner for review and then to the Board
of Directors for approval, budget for its execution and after that, make it known to the control and
supervision entities.
3. Carry out unscheduled actions or activities when deemed appropriate or at the express request of the
Commissioner, Board of Directors or at the request of the General Manager, prior approval of the
Board of Directors when warranted, communicating the fact to the control and supervision entities.
4. Prepare the Work Program for each control action.
5. Supervise the execution of work programs by the audit team.
6. Consolidate audit findings and send them to the people included in them.
7. Evaluate the defenses received from the communicated persons.
8. Prepare the Audit Report and submit it to the Commissioner and then simultaneously to the Board of
Directors and external Control Bodies when applicable, with a copy for the General Manager.
9. Evaluate on a quarterly basis the degree of compliance with the annual Audit Plan and report to the
Commissioner so that he may submit it to the Board of Directors and control entities that require it
10. Evaluate the follow-up to the implementation of the recommendations made by the External Audit,
Federation and Internal Audit.
11. Check that the work papers are duly coded, referenced and filed and contain the minimum information
according to the Audit Manual
12. Periodically review the Internal Audit MOF and propose its update to the audit committee and Board of

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13. Act at the request of the Board of Directors as

coordinator in the process of appointing External Audit Companies and be part of the precautionary
committee. During the execution of your work.
14. Participate in the meetings of the commissioners and Administration as a guest.
15. Permanently coordinate the work with the Risk Unit.
16. Immediately communicate the report on significant events to the commissioner(s) so that they can then
simultaneously forward it to the Board of Directors and supervisory and control entities 2 .
17. Verify the effectiveness of the internal controls implemented for an operation or product in the stage
prior to its launch.
18. Propose, according to the needs, the Personnel, technical, logistical and training resources according
to the magnitude and complexity of the operations, structure and risks faced by the Multiple Purpose
Financial Company, ensuring the strengthening of the Internal Audit.
19. Carry out surveys and inventories in a surprise manner both in the main office and in Agencies.
20. Participate as an observer in the bidding process and public competitions.
21. Perform other functions inherent to their position. Audit assistant

Post: Audit assistant

It depends on: Internal Auditor


1. Execute the Work Program commissioned by the Internal Auditor.

2. Communicate to the Internal Auditor the results of the application of the work programs, preparing the
Draft of Audit Findings, suggesting recommendations.
3. Assist in carrying out surveys and inventories.
4. Keep equipment and documents in a clean and orderly manner
5. Maintain confidentiality and confidentiality on matters of your knowledge
6. Codify, reference and archive work papers.
7. Prepare the Office materials requirement
8. Ensure that the permanent file is updated
9. Perform other functions inherent to their position, by delegation of the Internal Auditor.

Supervision and Control Entities: these are external entities such as the National Banking and Securities Commission for SOFOM

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4.4. Advisory Body

4.4.1. Risk Unit

Coordination Line: Area Managers

Agency Administrator

Unit: Risks.

Post: Head of Risk Unit

Authority Line: None

It depends on: General
Promote the adoption of a Risk Management culture, clearly defining the guidelines to be implemented to
carry out the identification, measurement, monitoring, limitation, control and disclosure of different types of
risks, including credit risks.

1. Prepare reports on the economic sectors of the markets where the Multiple Purpose Financial
Company operates.
2. Coordinate with the cashier or general security guard the minimum liquidity requirements, preparing
the treasury report, daily and monthly liquidity position.
3. Coordinate with system managers the sending and receiving of the confidential credit report
4. Evaluate and report on possible exchange rate fluctuations.
5. Establish control systems for the operational part in order to improve control and reduce administrative
6. Evaluate insurance policies in order to determine whether own and/or third-party assets (seizures),
money, guarantees and others have adequate coverage, informing the General Manager about this.
7. Permanently evaluate the credit area's compliance with the limits, policies and procedures established
for operations, in terms of risk management.
8. Evaluate and qualify the credit portfolio on a monthly basis in accordance with the circulars and official
letters issued by the CNBV, SOFOM ER. determine and propose the corresponding provision.
9. Evaluate operating risks, prior to the launch of new products and in the event of important changes in
the operating or computing environment.
10. Identify training and dissemination needs for adequate risk management.
11. Know and stay aware of the rules, internal regulations, laws and decrees that govern the procedures
for granting, evaluating and monitoring credits.

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12. Recommend corrective measures aimed at improving

control systems that may represent greater security in credit placements in the Multiple Purpose
Financial Company.
13. Formulate the Annual Branch Supervision Plan considering special examinations, unexpected visits or
others entrusted by the General Manager or coordinated with the Credit Manager.
14. Prepare for the General Management, statistics, monthly reports of the examinations carried out under
their responsibility on:
• Failures or errors in the application of internal and external regulations that govern credits (even
when they have been corrected) by type of failure and responsible party, probable causes and
corrective measures taken.
• General delinquency of the portfolio, failures or errors in recovery.
15. Analyze the causal factors of recurring failures or errors, determine their frequency and suggest to
General Management and Credit Management the appropriate corrective measures to take.
16. Respond, in writing if requested, to queries about the internal and external standards that govern credit
criteria, formulated by the personnel responsible for its promotion, granting or recovery.
17. Report any flaws found immediately to General Management, coordinate with area heads the
corrective measures to be taken.
18. Review credit files, in any state thereof, and issue an opinion regarding compliance with the internal
and external regulations that govern them.
19. Regarding loans in arrears:
20. Review the monitoring plans for delinquent loans, especially refinanced loans, and verify compliance.
21. Inform the Credit Management and General Management of notable deviations from the monitoring
plans, of credits in arrears.
22. Verify that the refinanced credit files:
23. Its formal conformity in accordance with the internal and external regulations that govern it.
24. Their already formalized conditions and guarantees comply with the internal and external regulations
that govern them.
25. Occasionally carry out visits and interviews with borrowers, guarantors and other people involved in
the credit files subject to review, when the case warrants it.
26. Other functions related to the review of credits assigned by the General Management.


1. Deliver to the accounting department within the established deadlines the evaluation and classification
of the credit portfolio.

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2. Develop the annual plan of the Risk Unit duly approved by the Risk Committee 3 .
3. Convene the members of the Risk Committee on a monthly basis.


1. Request all necessary information from the business and registration areas in order to carry out their
2. Evaluate and Classify the placement portfolio.
3. Suggest (through the Risk Committee) to the General Manager that appropriate precautions be taken
for risk management in general.

4.5. Advisory Body

4.5.1. Legal advice

(Note: The Legal Advisor may be part of SOFOM's staff, or may be an independent professional hired
according to the requirements).

Unit: Legal advice

Post: Legal adviser

It depends on: General manager

Coordination Line: Area Managers

Agency Administrators

Basic Functions

1. Provide legal advice to the Board of Directors, Commissioner, General Manager, Area Managers and
all departments of the institution in order to avoid possible contingencies that put the assets of the
Multiple Purpose Financial Company at risk.
2. Defend in legal processes that the interests and rights of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company are
carried out.
3. Direct, coordinate and control legal activities related to powers, judicial consultations, guaranteeing the
quality, efficiency and timeliness of the services to be provided to the Multiple Purpose Financial

Specific functions

1. Coordinate and inform Management about the status of the judicial processes followed by the Multiple
Purpose Financial Company.

Risk Committee: It is not a permanent committee, it is formed as deemed necessary to analyze the different risks that may affect the
operations of SOFOM in one way or another, it can be formed by the Head of the Risk Unit, the General Manager , the Area
Managers, the Internal Auditor as a guest.

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2. Coordinate with all areas of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company on the various legal issues that
may arise within their functions.
3. Carry out procedures to carry out all the procedures that arise within the processes that are not credit
4. Attend the various proceedings that are carried out in the courts.
5. Review the Pledge Contracts, labor contracts, and external service contracts that the company signs
with third parties.
6. Review documents (promissory notes, contracts, mortgages, among others) that require a legal
7. Interpret laws, decrees and regulations that affect in any aspect the routine operations of the Multiple
Purpose Financial Company.
8. Verify and monitor the registrations of Powers of Managers and/or Officials.
9. Verify the modifications to the statute and its registration and presentation process to the relevant
10. Control of the work carried out by legal assistants in the fulfillment of their duties.
11. Other functions within his competence that are assigned by the General Manager.


1. Ensure compliance with the Established Rules and Regulations

2. Attend meetings called by the General Manager.
3. Organize the internal functioning of the Area, establishing the means to accelerate the judicial
processes in which the Multiple Purpose Financial Company is involved.
4. Inspect compliance with the duties of the Personnel under their charge.
5. Submit verbal and written reports on compliance with the functions and goals set.
6. Represent the Legal Area in meetings with the General Manager and other Areas.
7. Schedule the Training of the personnel under your charge in order to optimize performance in the
fulfillment of their duties.


1. Write or analyze, in accordance with the law, the different contracts that the Multiple Purpose Financial
Company enters into with third parties and with the personnel hired by the institution.
2. Send reports regarding possible legal contingencies in which the institution may be involved.
3. Ensure compliance with all provisions issued by the General Assembly of Shareholders, the Board of
Directors and the General Management

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4.5.2. Marketing and Institutional Image Area

(Note: The Marketing and Institutional Image staff can be permanent SOFOM staff or you can be an
independent professional hired according to the requirements).

Department: Marketing and Institutional Image

Post: Head of Marketing and Institutional Image

It depends on: General manager

Coordination Line: Area Managers

Agency Administrators

Authority Line: Marketing and Institutional Image Assistant

Basic Function

It is the central body for promoting and improving the institutional image of the Multiple Purpose Financial
Society, whose main function is to create and devise innovative business techniques to disseminate the
various financial services or products offered by the Multiple Purpose Financial Society, using criteria
technical to evaluate the opportunities and risks of the different markets where the Multiple Purpose
Financial Society provides its services, in order to improve existing products and create new products.

Specific functions

1. Disseminate the mission, vision and strategic objectives of the Multiple Purpose Financial Society
internally and in the various locations where the institution provides its services.
2. Prepare and propose to the General Manager the annual marketing and institutional image plan.
3. Design penetration strategies for the different markets where the Multiple Purpose Financial Company
4. Prepare and apply surveys to the clients of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company to know their
perception regarding the financial service provided and the improvements that can be made.
5. Prepare market studies to understand the supply and demand of the competition's financial services,
as well as be aware of the satisfaction of its users.
6. Coordinate with the agency administrators the campaigns to be carried out in each of the areas, with
the aim of increasing the volume of intermediation, by attracting a greater number of clients.
7. Coordinate with the Administration Department the preparation of the Department's budget and goals,
control its execution and explain variations in the evaluation of the budget and goals.
8. Promote meetings with the different unions of the various areas where the Multiple Purpose Financial
Society provides its services with the purpose of holding talks to propose the services provided by the

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9. Develop jointly with the Credit Manager the

implementation of new products or credit modalities in accordance with current regulations.
10. Develop jointly with the Finance and Investment Manager the implementation of new products or
investment modalities in accordance with current regulations.
11. Prepare advertising ideas to develop for the launch of new products, improvement of current products,
implementation of new agencies and dissemination of various campaigns.
12. Prepare the advertising and media contracting plan in which the advertising spots of the Multiple
Purpose Financial Society would be disseminated, after studying the level of tuning.
13. Promote the institutional image of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company, via corporate talks and
through the use of various media.
14. Coordinate and carry out the press and propaganda activities planned and approved in the Media Plan
that are developed in the Multiple Purpose Financial Company.
15. Coordinate with the media work related to improving and promoting the Institutional Image of the
Multiple Purpose Financial Company.
16. Carry out information and dissemination activities of the activities of the Multiple Purpose Financial
Company, through different media.
17. Prepare the articles and material to publish or deliver to the media in order to achieve the objectives of
maintaining the good image of the Multiple Purpose Financial Society.
18. Verify and manage the approval by Management of information, communications and similar press
and propaganda, before its printing, publication or dissemination.
19. Organize and coordinate press conferences requested by Management and the Board of Directors.
20. Coordinate with the media, journalists, reporters, advertising agencies and others, the image,
promotion and advertising activities that have been planned to be carried out for the year.
21. Comply with other functions entrusted to you by the General Manager. Marketing assistant

Post: Marketing and Institutional Image Assistant

It depends on: Marketing Manager


1. Support in the preparation and execution of the annual marketing and institutional image plan.
2. Develop the different promotional events scheduled by the Marketing and Institutional Image
department and support those executed by the agency administrators, after coordination with the head
of the department.
3. Actively participate in the execution of market studies.
4. Create and innovate advertising spot projects.

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5. Encourage the participation of workers in the various events organized by the Multiple Purpose
Financial Society.
6. Assist in the design of promotional items.
7. Organize the archive of advertising material and institutional videos.
8. Prepare a directory of the various media outlets in the town.
9. Carry out the necessary coordination for the execution of activities in the agencies of the Multiple
Purpose Financial Society.
10. Propose and execute the dissemination of the institutional image.
11. Others assigned by the Head of Marketing and Institutional Image.


1. Control the execution of advertising contracts in coordination with agency administrators.

2. Coordinate with your boss the execution of the annual work plan.
3. Keep the media directory organized.
4. Organize the implementation of promotional events scheduled by the Multiple Purpose Financial
5. Ensure the perfect state of conservation of the assigned furniture, belongings and supplies.
6. Decisively support the execution of the department's work plan.


1. Attend and solve problems that arise when carrying out promotional events, launching new products or
opening agencies.
2. Coordinate the best customer service techniques with operation assistants and credit analysts with the
intention of offering the fastest and most comfortable service to clients.
3. Request the necessary resources for the normal development of activities.

4.6. Line Organs

4.6.1. Administration area

Area: Administration

Post: Administration manager

It depends on: General manager

Coordination Line: Credit Manager

Finance and Investment Manager
Department of Personnel and Logistics
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Authority Line: Accounting department V - Mar. /10


system Departament

Basic Function

It is the central execution body, in charge of planning, directing and controlling activities related to
Personnel, material and organizational resources, as well as accounting and systems.

Specific functions

1. Establish standards and procedures for the efficient administration of personnel and materials in the
main office and agencies in order to seek efficiency and rationalize their use respectively.
2. Constantly evaluate the organization, procedures and operational mechanics of the Multiple Purpose
Financial Company.
3. Propose to the General Manager the organic-functional and operational reorganization of the different
departments of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company, when the needs of the service require it.
4. Prepare projects for organization and function manuals, procedures and other regulatory documents,
as well as the corresponding organizational charts in coordination with the areas that require it.
5. Formulate and direct plans and programs for the accounting, logistics and personnel areas.
6. Supervise and control compliance with contracts and construction and/or expansion programs of
premises and facilities that the Multiple Purpose Financial Company has contracted with third parties.
7. Ensure efficiency in the provision of the different services provided for the entire Multiple Purpose
Financial Company and that are provided through the areas under its responsibility.
8. Ensure that the Accounting, Systems, Logistics and Personnel departments comply with current legal
provisions that affect their activities.
9. Ensure the timely presentation of information required by the control agencies, banks and offices of
related institutions.
10. Ensure, in coordination with the General Manager, the sufficiency of insurance coverage and security
measures, in order to adequately safeguard the assets, property and personnel of the institution, as
well as the assets left as collateral by clients.
11. Prepare the Annual Budget of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company, in coordination with the
General Manager, area managers, Agency Administrators, taking into account the establishment of
goals: control their execution and explain the variations in the evaluation of the budget and goals.
12. Prepare in coordination with the General Manager the modifications to the Operation and Investment
Budget and Goals and submit them to the Board of Directors for approval, when necessary.
13. Present and propose to the Board of Directors for approval the Monthly Balance Sheet of the Multiple
Purpose Financial Company.
14. Control that the acquisition of Goods and Services are budgeted and that the process of acquiring
material resources and their supply to the different

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areas of the entity, are carried out in accordance with the legal provisions and internal regulations for
the acquisition of goods and services.
15. Direct and control the change of passwords of the Vault doors and Safes located in the premises of
the Multiple Purpose Financial Company.
16. Manage the provision of general services within the institution, in support of the various agencies,
areas and sections.
17. Determine the accounting policy of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company.
18. Direct and control the tax aspect.
19. Control the correct filling out of the forms and declarations on taxes, fees and contributions, ordering
their payments.
20. Authorize and order the payment of salaries, vacations, reimbursements, advances, settlements for
time of service, benefits and others in coordination with management.
21. Integrate and chair the Adjudications Committee 4 .
22. Perform other functions entrusted to you by the General Manager. Accounting

Department: Accounting.

Post: General counter

It depends on:
Coordination Line: Administration management.
Department Heads Agency Administrators

Authority Line: Accounting Assistants and Assistants

Basic Function

Prepare financial statements according to generally accepted accounting principles and in accordance with
financial reporting standards (ENR); and to the General Provisions, issued by the CNBV (ER), and
international accounting standards.

Specific functions

1. Prepare financial statements

2. Record operations in the corresponding accounting books.
3. Review and approve the receipts for the disbursements (payments to suppliers of goods and services)
to be made
4. Control and prepare the forms for tax obligation

Adjudication Committee: It is not a permanent committee, it would only be for cases that warrant it, it can be made up of the
commissioner, the president of the Board of Directors, the General Manager, the Area Managers, technical personnel in the matter in

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5. Prepare monthly explanatory notes and annexes to the financial statements

6. Carry out monthly analysis of the financial statements, issuing an economic and financial report on the
progress of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company for the General Manager and the Board of
7. Inform the Administration Manager about possible deviations from the accounting guidelines and other
standards of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company that are committed in the different areas or
agencies, in order for the pertinent corrective measures to be applied.
8. Validate the accounting information prior to the corresponding registration in order to avoid future
labor, tax and other contingencies.
9. Send accounting information to higher organizations that require it.


1. Prepare the financial statements: Balance Sheet, Statement of Profit and Loss, Statement of Changes
in Equity and Statement of Cash Flows and the corresponding Notes to the Financial Statements,
within the established deadlines.
2. Send monthly within the established deadlines, the Trial Balances in National Currency, Foreign
Currency and Consolidated by the corresponding means of communication and Annexes
corresponding to the area of the control and regulatory bodies.
3. Prepare comparative financial information, annexes to the financial statements, and complementary
information for the Board of Directors.
4. Coordinate with the IT area the sending of the Integrating Digit Balance on a monthly basis to the
corresponding control bodies.
5. Send the corresponding annexes to the corresponding control bodies.
6. Request publication, within the deadlines indicated by the CNBV, ER in the Official Gazette of the
Region, the Balance Sheet and the Profit and Loss Statement, as well as the report on Risk Weighted
Contingent Assets and Credits.
7. Make year-end adjustments.
8. Prepare the Annual Income Tax Declaration of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company.
9. Request backup copies of accounting information to the IT area.

1. Review the voucher account codes, also verifying that the documents supporting the disbursements
(payments) are in accordance.
2. Permanent review of the documents that support the Petty Cash operations of the Main Office and
Agencies; Accounting code, amounts and conformity of supporting documents (with payment stamp,
signed). Return those documents that do not comply with legal formalities. Accounting assistant

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Post: Accounting assistant

It depends on: General counter

Authority Line: Accounting clerk


1. Record and review entries for daily cash operations in both the main office and agencies.
2. Review the conformity of the receipts for the disbursements to be made, in the absence of the
3. Prepare complementary information to the financial statements.
4. Maintain accounting control of fixed assets in accordance with the Logistics Regulations.
5. Others that are entrusted and/or delegated, in accordance with the objectives of the institution.


1. Review the balances of the Cash accounts of both the Main office and the Agencies.
2. Verify account balances: Provisions of goods and services, placements, fixed assets, foreclosed.
3. Carry out, in coordination with the Personnel and Logistics area, inventories of Fixed Assets, on a
semi-annual basis, reconciling the results with Agency Administrators, Area Managers, Managers of
departments and/or section, which is in charge of said assets.
4. Prepare the annexes to the financial statements: Fixed Assets, Balance sheet divided by economic
5. Prepare semi-annual Inventory Sheets for Fixed Assets, Non-Depreciable Assets, fully depreciated
assets and written off by areas and agencies for the inventory of computer equipment with the control
carried out by the Systems-Hardware manager.
6. Review the balances of the uncollected accrued interest accounts on refinanced loans and loans in
disputed portfolio.
7. Review the balances of the punished order accounts of the main office and the agencies.
8. Carry out accounting control in coordination with the Logistics or Systems area of Fixed, Depreciable
and Non-Depreciable Assets, verifying depreciation, change of location of the asset, deregistration,
9. Carry out inventory of the Warehouse Unit in coordination with the Personnel and Logistics Manager.
10. Review, correct and record Fixed Funds.


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1. Practice the cash counts assigned to you.

2. Review the account codes of the vouchers, (in the case of the accountant's absence) also verifying that
the documents supporting the disbursements are in accordance.
3. Permanently review the supporting documents of the Petty Cash of the Main Office and Agencies (in
the absence of the accountant): accounting code, amounts and conformity of the supporting
documents (with stamp of paid and signed). Return those documents that do not comply with legal
formalities. Accounting clerk

Post: Accounting clerk

It depends on: General counter


1. Prepare the Advanced Statistics for which you must coordinate with the Cashier or General Value
Guard/Treasurer and the Administrators of the respective Agencies.
2. Record and review entries for the daily investment operations of clients, both from the main office and
3. Prepare complementary information to the financial statements.
4. Record and review entries for daily operations, both in the main office and agency accounts, pending
placements and orders.
5. Others that are entrusted and/or delegated, in accordance with the objectives of the institution.


1. Prepare and send the legal reserve in national and foreign currency with its respective annexes to the
corresponding Organizations in accordance with current legal regulations.
2. Reconcile bank accounts with savings and checking account statements in national and foreign
3. Review account balances and carry out the crossing as well as the corresponding adjustments in
national and foreign currency.
4. Verify the balances of the accounts: Operations in process and Payment Orders, Cash Pending,
Transportation and travel expenses in the personnel and logistics area, of the Multiple Purpose
Financial Company and cashier's checks with the General Cash area.
5. Generate trial balances in national and foreign currency, as well as with the integrating digit; print and
stamp them.
6. Print the daily and general ledger in national and foreign currency. These documents are legalized by a
7. Coordinate with the Systems area to clear and reverse the Balance Sheet balances.

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8. Prepare the annexes to the financial statements:

deposits and placements by Offices, Offices in Operation and number of personnel, Compensation for
time of Service, Deposit Insurance Fund and Lines of Credit granted from abroad.
9. Review the balances of the placement accounts and carry out the crossing as well as the
corresponding entries of provisions in national and foreign currency.
10. File cash payment receipts, keeping them in your custody and in accordance with the tax
administration procedures.
11. Enter the information corresponding to the Purchases, Sales, and Income Registry.
12. Enter monthly information into the Self-Declared Transactions Confrontation program and send said
information within the established deadlines.
13. Prepare the necessary information to make tax objections.
14. Keep file cabinets organized with supporting documents from the main office and agencies.

1. Practice the cash counts assigned to you.
2. Review the account codes of the vouchers, (in the case of the absence of the accountant and
Assistant) also verifying that the documents supporting the disbursements are in accordance.
3. Permanently review the documents that support Petty Cash payments from the Main Office and
Agencies (in the absence of the accountant and assistant): accounting code, amounts and conformity
of the source documents (stamped and paid and signed). Return those documents that do not comply
with legal formalities. Personnel and Logistics

Department: Personnel and Logistics

Post: Personnel and Logistics Manager

It depends on: Administration manager.

Coordination Line: Area Managers

Agency Administrators

Authority Line: Personnel and Logistics Assistant

Security Assistant
Functions – Personnel Area

1. Preparation of the Personnel Allocation table for the year, in coordination with the General Manager
and according to Institutional requirements and growth.
2. Organization of the selection, evaluation and induction processes of the personnel who enter to work
at the Institution, having to coordinate with the General Manager, area managers and agency

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3. Communicate the data of the new personnel to the IT Department, so that they can be entered into the
assistance system.
4. Verification of the Salary Sheet, vacations, bonuses, compensation for length of service, distribution of
profits and other legal benefits.
5. Preparation of the vacation role, having to coordinate with the General Manager, area managers,
agency administrators and department heads.
6. Grant permits to staff, and must coordinate with the immediate superior the possibility of granting
7. Verification of the Tax payment forms corresponding to the Personnel area.
8. Monitor compliance and validity of staff contracts, coordinating with the Administration Manager their
renewal or expiration.
9. Arrange and authorize the sending of administrative-labor communications to the different
organizations related to the Personnel Area.
10. Review the discount authorization documents and debt capacity of the staff, taking into account the
expiration dates of contracts.
11. Supervise the annual updating of personnel files.
12. Verification and updating of the information corresponding to the insurance company, regarding life
insurance, law and personal accidents of the Institution's workers.
13. Coordinate and conduct cultural, social and sports activities that contribute to the development,
identification and integration of personnel.
14. Coordinate, execute and control the training courses organized by the Multiple Purpose Financial
15. Prepare settlements for terminated personnel.
16. Verify the strict control of personnel permits and their permanence in the workplace.
17. Control the expiration of contracts.
18. Keep the personnel movement chart updated.
19. Supervise the functions of the personnel in charge.

Functions – Logistics Area

1. Supervise and verify the execution of the procurement processes for goods and services in
accordance with current regulations, as well as the Purchasing Procedures Manual of the Multiple
Purpose Financial Company.
2. Supervise the adequate provision and operation of the auxiliary services of the facilities of the Multiple
Purpose Financial Company.
3. Supervise and control the fulfillment of functions of the head of security and surveillance of the Multiple
Purpose Financial Company. As well as verifying the security systems of the Institution's facilities,
assets and equipment, you must also keep the keys to the doors of the premises and duplicates of the
transport units in custody.
4. Supervise and control compliance with the warehouse assistant's duties.
5. Supervise and control compliance with the Department Assistant's duties.
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6. Reconciliation with the Accounting Department of the physical inventory of assets, facilities and
materials owned by the Institution.
7. Verification and coordinated work with the accounting department of the annual inventory of assets of
the Multiple Purpose Financial Society.
8. Participation as member and secretary of the Adjudications Committee
9. Maintain adequate custody of the Insurance Policies contracted by the Multiple Purpose Financial
Company, to safeguard the values of the institution and third parties.
10. Sign the respective documentation of the quotes made for the different acquisitions of goods and/or
services, as well as the contracting of works.


The Personnel and Logistics Manager is responsible for:

1. Supervision of compliance with internal work regulations, directives and current legal regulations
directly related to the Personnel and Logistics Department.
2. Prepare the budget for purchases of goods and services of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company,
in coordination with the General Manager, Area Managers, Agency Administrators.
3. Compliance with the payment schedules for taxes, salaries, deposits, utilities and others derived from
the Department of Personnel and Logistics.
4. Compliance with the submission of information established by the institutions and ensure compliance
with current regulations.
5. Compliance with the tasks of the personnel in charge.
6. Strict compliance with updating the Institution's personnel files
7. Comply with the verification of necessary maintenance services in the facilities of the Multiple Purpose
Financial Company and agencies in order to ensure that they are in good condition.
8. Prepare a semi-annual report on expenses and main acquisitions made.
9. Coordinate with the Administration Manager, Department Heads and Agency Administrators, to update
the respective insurance policies.
10. Review and give your approval on the accounting movements derived from the Personnel and
Logistics Department.
11. Inform the Administration Manager on a monthly basis and after receiving the balance sheet about the
current situation, sending their suggestions for better control and adequate development of the budget.
12. Carry out studies of the average consumption of goods used by the entity, reporting periodically.


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1. In coordination with the Administration Manager and immediate superiors, apply sanctions to
personnel who fail to comply with current Work Standards, regulations and Policies.
2. Present written or verbal reports to administration management on important personnel actions
3. Authorize the indicated permits in accordance with the Internal Labor Standards.
4. Request the Insurance Companies through the General Manager to update the Policies.
5. Sign the salary, vacation, and bonus forms. Distribution of profits and other legal benefits for
6. Control the execution of the vacation role of the staff of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company.
7. Decide on the acquisition of any good or service considered urgent, necessary for the continuation of
the work of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company, prior request and authorization of the General
8. Participate in the meetings of the Adjudications Committee as a member of it with voice and vote.
9. Determine dates and support personnel in carrying out the physical inventory of materials and
10. Deliver fuel consumption vouchers for vehicles and generating sets of the Multiple Purpose Financial
11. Review purchase invoices according to current regulations.
12. Verify and control as well as authorize the maintenance of the mobile units of the Multiple Purpose
Financial Company. Personnel and Logistics Assistant

Post: Personnel and Logistics Assistant

It depends on: Personnel and Logistics Manager

Authority Line: Warehouse and Archive Assistant


1. Prepare the respective documentation for job transfers, sanctions, vacations and others requested by
the person in charge of personnel and logistics.
2. Prepare the payroll, vacations, and bonuses.
3. Prepare tax payment forms.
4. Send the respective documentation through different means of communication.
5. Maintain the archive of personnel files of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company, verifying their
periodic updating.

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6. Prepare personnel contracts, after coordination with the Department Manager.

7. Prepare and send quotation requests, tables, minutes and respective purchase orders, in coordination
with the Personnel and Logistics Manager.
8. Carry out month-end checks and surprise warehouse checks.
9. Maintain updated staff attendance records and control
10. Maintain adequate registration and control of the Department's correspondence.
11. Record the purchases made and monitor the process in the acquisition control table.
12. Prepare repetitive purchase orders.


1. Verify the correct development and respective support of staff remuneration discounts.
2. Prepare in a timely manner the corresponding documentation for payments of taxes, remunerations
and others in order to comply with the respective schedules.
3. Keep personnel files and other important worker documents up to date.
4. Keep the list of purchases made updated.
5. Monitor the existence of minimum warehouse stocks
6. Prepare the respective purchase orders or service orders, for the respective verification and referral.
7. Keep the attendance control system updated, ensuring compliance with the provisions of the Internal
Work Regulations.
8. Deliver documentation to staff. (memos, letters, reports, others, etc.)
9. Delivery of monthly attendance reports, so that the boss can inform the decision of the sanctions to be
applied to violators.
10. Assist in carrying out scheduled inspections, supporting the department manager.


1. Carry out surprise warehouse audits, after coordination with the department manager.
2. Grant permits to staff, after coordination with the General Manager, area managers and agency
3. Decide in the absence of the owner on urgent purchases to be made, after coordination with the
Administration Manager.
4. Communicate to the person in charge of the department about irregularities that may occur in the
different personnel and purchasing actions.

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Post: Warehouse and Archive Assistant

It depends on: Personnel and Logistics Assistant

Authority Line: None


1. Receive the goods acquired by the Multiple Purpose Financial Company. verifying the status and
quality of the items, entering the warehouse.
2. Respond to requests for materials through a request form, duly authorized by the Personnel and
Logistics Manager and/or whoever acts in his/her place.
3. Release the required materials from the warehouse, with the applicant's signature of receipt.
4. Maintain the minimum stock in the warehouse, and must inform the Logistics Assistant of the list of
supplies that must be acquired, so that the warehouse is in a position to meet the necessary
5. Inform the Personnel and Logistics Manager of the balances on a monthly basis.
6. Keep personnel control cards updated.
7. File requirement slips, warehouse entry and exit orders.
8. Verify the entry of the seized and foreclosed assets, through a delivery certificate sent by the credit
manager; observing its degree of conservation, characteristic, name of the client and the responsible
9. Inventory seized and foreclosed assets.
10. Verify the departure of seized and foreclosed goods, with authorization from the Administration
Manager and reviewed by the Credit Manager, drawing up the respective record of delivery of the
seized goods, having the client sign the agreement.
11. Keep asset repair and maintenance cards updated, send monthly to accounting and logistics
headquarters, the list of non-depreciable assets and fixed assets, indicating code, description of the
asset, location, state of conservation.
12. Distribution of correspondence in a timely manner.
13. Organize the file system of the Multiple Purpose Financial Society; as well as control the entry and exit
of documents.


1. Inform the Manager of the department about the minimum stock of materials, in order to be able to
supply them.
2. Keep the control cards of the goods and materials in your charge up to date.
3. Keep the file organized and clean.
4. Keep seized and foreclosed assets orderly and clean.

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5. Others designated by your immediate boss.

6. Review the quality of the merchandise received, issuing the respective report if there are irregularities.


1. Reject orders for materials that do not have proper authorization

2. Reject requests for file information from unauthorized persons.
3. Request the Department Manager to carry out the purchasing process for those items that are about to
reach the minimum stock
4. Communicate and keep the Head of the Department informed of possible irregularities that arise
during the performance of their duties.
5. Review and return goods that do not conform to what is indicated in the respective Purchase and/or
Service Order.
6. Prepare records of delivery of documents from the archive, as well as give approval for the return of
the requested documents. Security Assistant

Post: Security Assistant

It depends on: Personnel and Logistics Manager


1. Ensure the physical security of the facilities, material and personnel of the Multiple Purpose Financial
2. Design security strategies for the highest risk areas of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company.
3. Coordinate with the private Security Company on the instruction and training of Security agents as well
as the instruction of SOFOM personnel regarding security.
4. Verify the opening and closing of the Main Office and coordinate the closure of agency premises
5. Verify the use of the office security system.
6. Make unexpected visits to the premises of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company on Sundays and
holidays, drawing up the respective minutes.
7. Advise staff on comprehensive security.
8. Establish mechanisms to safeguard the transportation of values, depending on the magnitude and
9. Verify that the weapons of the security personnel who provide services at the Multiple Purpose
Financial Company are in perfect condition.
10. Plan and conduct training programs for staff, coordinating with the General Manager and Person in
Charge of Personnel and Logistics.
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11. Apply preventive measures to avoid criminal acts such as assaults and robberies.
12. Carry out intelligence actions on criminal action in the areas where the Multiple Purpose Financial
Company has offices, as well as the advance or extermination of subversion.


1. Control, through surveillance personnel, the departure of materials owned by the Multiple Purpose
Financial Company.
2. Check the opening and closing of the vault, making sure that there are no foreign elements in the
vicinity. Likewise, coordinate this work with the Administrators of the Agencies.
3. Witness the execution of shooting exercises and evaluation of security agents.
4. Check the addresses of the security agents and cleaning staff who provide service at the facilities of
the Multiple Purpose Financial Company.
5. Verify compliance with the provisions of the security agents given by your company.
6. Review the correct presentation of agents' clothing and equipment.
7. Verify the weapons and the respective license of the security agents.
8. Check that the assigned materials are in perfect condition.
9. Coordinate the change of password of the vault access doors when deemed appropriate in
coordination with the Administration Manager.
10. Prepare the Institution's comprehensive security plan
11. Verify the maintenance and cleaning of SOFOM premises.
12. Carry out a review of the premises' facilities in order to detect possible foreign or suspicious objects.
13. Activate the alarm system in case of assaults.
14. Prepare safety booklets and check that the facilities have the respective safety signs.
15. Periodically and immediately inform the Head of the Department in case of any situation that arises.
16. Provide security to the officials of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company, during visits they make to
clients and that warrant their presence.


1. Prohibit the entry of unidentified people to the SOFOM premises.

2. Suggest and inform the person in charge of the Department about changes and non-compliance by
surveillance agents.
3. Request the necessary implements to carry out their duties from the Department Manager.
4. Inform the Personnel Manager about irregularities in the entry and exit of personnel, as well as
suspicious acts that harm the institution.

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4.5.3. Systems Area

Department: Systems

Post: Systems Manager

It depends on: Administrative manager

Coordination Line: Area Managers

Agency/Branch Administrators

Authority Line: System Assistant

System Assistant

General Functions

1. Identify the IT needs of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company.

2. Implementation, maintenance and monitoring of existing mechanized information systems and
applications, in coordination with area managers, agency administrators and the General Manager of
the Multiple Purpose Financial Company.
3. Schedule, organize, direct, coordinate and control the electronic data processing activities carried out
with the different areas of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company.
4. Schedule and coordinate the maintenance of fixed assets that are the responsibility of the Systems

Specific functions

1. Propose policies that guide IT activities, providing the necessary directives for compliance in
coordination with the General Manager.
2. Formulate the IT development plan with the participation of the user areas and in coordination with the
General Manager.
3. Issue the necessary technical standards for the rational use of computing equipment and fixed assets,
such as: UPS, generators, stabilizers, communicators, etc., which have been entrusted to the Systems
4. Carry out the necessary coordination for the training and training of the staff of the Multiple Purpose
Financial Company in the field of information technology, in order to maintain an adequate level of
5. Advise the General Manager in the use of computer techniques, in order to support management.
6. Support the mechanization of the administrative tasks of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company.
7. Direct the execution of feasibility studies and investigations and application of mechanized systems.

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8. Guide and advise the different areas in the

development of electronic data processing activities.
9. Verify that the documentation presented by the Systems area is complete enough to execute the work
without assistance from those who developed the system.
10. Support the preparation of systems and programs documentation.
11. Conduct studies to determine the feasibility of system mechanization and recommend reforms and/or
new techniques.
12. Execute systems analysis tasks.
13. Prepare and approve programs.
14. Direct and advise the implementation of systems.
15. Plan, assign tasks in priority order, designate application managers and the team of programmers.
16. Supervise and report on the production quality of the Systems area.
17. Supervise the preparation of equipment for optimal operation.
18. Supervise the treatment in the reception, verification and storage of information in general.
19. Manage the IT and non-IT teams assigned to the systems area.
20. Suggest modifications to systems in the production phase.
21. Carry out other functions within your competence that are assigned by your immediate boss.
22. Coordinate with area personnel for the documentation of processes, procedures and activities that
pertain to the area.
23. Preparation of Manuals, Training and assignment of personnel for the management of non-computer
24. Organize the contingency and security plan for the area and everything related to software and


1. Manage and control resources and programs for general and specific use.
2. Ensure that the necessary backup copies are made in accordance with the regulations, in order to
safeguard the information correctly.
3. Keep the monthly backup copies of the information systems in external custody, coordinating for this
purpose with the General Manager.
4. Ensure the efficient and orderly running of the Systems area.
5. Monitor and coordinate electronic data processing activities.
6. Ensure the security and confidentiality of documentation, information and data in charge of the
Systems area.
7. Be responsible for updating existing books, manuals in the library and utility software in the area.

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8. Control and take care of the office materials and special programming and control formats that have
been entrusted to you, avoiding their use without authorization and information about their existence in
order to maintain an adequate stock.
9. Create security mechanisms so that the information processed by the Systems area is used solely and
exclusively for the user's purposes.
10. Control data quality.
11. Ensure compliance with maintenance operations for computer and non-computer equipment.


1. Plan, direct, conduct, evaluate and control the execution of the actions of the Systems area.
2. Represent the Systems area in its relationship with the other areas of SOFOM.
3. Schedule and participate in the training of the personnel of the Systems area, as well as the personnel
of the other areas of the Multiple Purpose Financial Society.
4. Periodically change and maintain the security passwords and accesses of the personnel of the
systems, Internet connections and local network resources.
5. Update yourself on technological advances and transmit them to your staff.
6. Assign tasks to the personnel in their area, the maintenance and service tasks of the entire IT
environment of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company.
7. Deactivate unauthorized access and terminals immediately. System Assistant

Post: System Assistant

It depends on: System Manager


1. Make modifications, regarding the System, requested by different areas, departments or managers;
such as:
a) Parameter change.
b) Update system variables.
2. Resolve operational problems that arise concerning the System area.
a) Communications line down.
b) Problems in entering terminals.
c) Problems in user operations.
3. Issue reports requested by Area Managers, for better control of their functions.
4. Issue and process customer ID cards daily.

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5. Update and control of customer information data.

6. Supervision of the quality of the results produced by the System.
7. Preparation of monthly reports requested by areas and departments.
8. Preparation and constant maintenance of the WEB page, in coordination with the areas, agency
administrators or managers.
9. Change of user access to System and Network resources on a bimonthly basis, in coordination with
the Area Manager.
10. Constant communication with agencies and special offices to know their needs.
11. Development and modification of programs, according to the needs of each area, with due support and
knowledge of the Area Manager.
12. Development and execution of specific tasks designated by the Area Manager.


1. That the system and applications are operational and in optimal conditions to be used by the different
departments and/or agencies of SOFOM.
2. Supervise the correct application of the programs.
3. Verify the completion of daily and monthly operations in a normal manner.
4. Answer queries coming from online terminals.
5. Ensure and report compliance with the standards of the Systems area.
6. Accomplish tasks designated by higher levels efficiently and within the expected deadlines.


1. Provide technical opinions that involve the Systems area.

2. Distribute information works for the best use of resources.
3. Coordinate with the respective areas to achieve the best solution to the problems presented. Systems Assistant (Hardware)

Post: Systems Assistant (Hardware)

It depends on: System Manager

1. Turning on and preparing computer systems for the development of daily activities:
a) Switching on electrical safety equipment.
b) Powering on Servers.
c) Control and Loading of attendance control.
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2. Technical support backup.

a) Identify the causes of the problems that arise in the equipment, providing solutions or alternative
b) Provide help and advice in identifying the best technical characteristics for the acquisition of
computer equipment.
c) Preparation of documents that support orders for equipment and materials for the best efficiency in
3. Plan and control available computer resources for their optimal use.
4. Provide help, advise and train the user in the management of equipment.
5. Comply with the SOFOM equipment preventive maintenance schedule.
6. Check the good condition of the electrical and communication circuits.
7. Maintain adequate and strict control of inventories of preventive and corrective maintenance
equipment and accessories.
8. Prepare and condition equipment and accessories for staff use.
9. Keep maintenance instruments and equipment in order.
10. Development and execution of specific tasks designated by the System Manager.


1. That the equipment in general is in optimal conditions for the normal work of the staff of the Multiple
Purpose Financial Company.
2. Maintain and report the minimum stocks of preventive and corrective maintenance materials.
3. Ensure the safety and order of equipment maintenance instruments.
4. Ensure and report compliance with the standards of the Systems Area.
5. Accomplish tasks designated by higher levels efficiently and within the expected deadlines.


1. Provide technical opinions that involve the Systems department.

2. Coordinate with the respective areas to achieve the best solution to the problems presented. Systems Assistant (Software)

Post: System Assistant (Software)

It depends on: System Manager

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1. Shutdown of computer systems at the culmination of daily activities:

a) Server Shutdown
b) Shutdown of electrical safety equipment
c) Control and shutdown of assistance control.
2. Processing of Daily and Monthly Closures of information systems.
3. Control and printing of daily and monthly reports.
4. Sort and classify the reports that are generated in the daily closing, to later deliver them to the
corresponding areas.
5. Advice on the use of systems and applications to staff.
6. Control of the operation of SOFOM systems and applications.
7. Perform daily and monthly backup copies according to internal security standards.
8. Development and modification of programs, according to the needs of each area, with due support and
knowledge to the Head of the department.
9. Plan and control available computer resources for their optimal use.
10. Support, solution and advice on sporadic problems presented by users.
11. Coordinate tasks with the Hardware assistant.
12. Development and execution of specific tasks designated by the System Manager.


1. That the backup copies have 0% margin of error in their processing and date control.
2. Maintain and periodically report the stock of materials for the use of backup copies and stationery.
3. Ensure and report compliance with the standards of the System Area.
4. Accomplish tasks designated by higher levels efficiently and within the expected deadlines.


1. Provide technical opinions that involve the Systems Area.

2. Coordinate with the respective agency areas and administrators to achieve the best solution to the
problems presented. finance and investments Finance and Investment Manager

Area: Finance and Investments

Post: Finance and Investment Manager

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It depends on: General manager

Coordination Line: Administration manager

Credit Manager

Authority Line: Investment and Operations Manager

Cashier or General Value Keeper/Treasurer
Agency Administrators.

Basic Function

It is the central execution body in charge of planning, organizing and executing the financial activities of the
institution and organizing marketing activities.

Specific functions
1. Conduct activities related to raising resources with suppliers.
2. Maintain updated information on the products and investment modalities offered by the competition.
3. Establish business relationships with fund providers and make visits to raise resources.
4. Prepare the budgets and financial projections of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company in the short,
medium and long term, and carry out the corresponding evaluations.
5. Carry out the analysis of the costs and returns of the most convenient investment operations for the
institution and recommend in this regard.
6. Direct SOFOM's financial policy in accordance with the guidelines indicated by the General Manager.
7. Interpret economic, financial, accounting and statistical information to be reported to the General
Manager and the Board of Directors.
8. Prepare economic studies and financial reports for the General Manager and the Board of Directors.
9. Attract the necessary financial resources to ensure adequate development of intermediation activities
as well as ensure compliance with agreed obligations.
10. Propose to the General Manager the budget and Schedule of Activities to be developed in terms of
advertising, promotion and public relations.
11. Integrate the Credit Committee.
12. Member of the Adjudications Committee.
13. Control compliance with treasury service agreements entered into by the Multiple Purpose Financial
Company with other institutions.
14. Carry out other duties assigned to you. Investment and Operations Manager

Post: Investment and Operations Manager

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It depends on: Finance and Investment Manager

Coordination Line: Agency/Branch Administrators

General counter
Personnel and Logistics Manager
Systems Manager
Credit Manager
Authority Line: Cashier or General Value Keeper/Treasurer
Operations Assistant

General Function

Execute the investment policies implemented by the Finance and Investment Manager, aimed at improving
the image of the institution and increasing the degree of market penetration. Carry out control of the
operations and statistics of the section, both in national and foreign currency.

Specific functions
1. Control that all operations carried out in the department are carried out in accordance with established
standards and procedures.
2. Handle all correspondence or queries regarding deceased persons, requests for account statements
and any other situation that is not considered the Manager's, consult with the Legal Area of the Multiple
Purpose Financial Company.
3. Control the level of overpurchase or oversale of Foreign Currency and inform the Manager when the
adequate level is not achieved in order to take corrective measures. Coordinate with Banks or
Exchange Houses to purchase dollars to serve clients, when an oversold situation requires it.
4. Coordinate with the System Manager any modifications that may be made to the platform software in
order to improve the service.
5. Present an Annual Advertising Plan to the Area Manager, in order to prepare the corresponding
Management Plan.
6. Plan the supply of Promotional Items, for a minimum period of three months; in order for operations to
be carried out without problems.
7. Keep control of the accounting account “OPERATIONS IN PROCESS”, both in National Currency and
Foreign Currency, that is:

Pending between Multiple Purpose Financial Company.

Slope with Banks.

Other Transactions to be Settled.

8. Propose plans for customer acquisition campaigns to the area manager.

9. Monitor area development plans.
10. Coordinate with agency administrators regarding customer service and the services provided by the
11. Verify, respond and file seizure documents, coercive collections and requests for reports from the
12. Coordinate with legal advice everything related to transactions of legal entities.

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13. Identify investment accounts that open significant amounts in order to verify the origin of the funds.
14. Prepare the Annexes and Accounting Reports concerning the area.
15. Perform functions related to the payment request area.
16. Other functions within your competence that are assigned by the Area Manager.


1. Enforce all provisions emanating from Management.

2. Work responsibly within the principles of total quality, in order to improve service and customer service.
It is important to achieve and maintain an environment of harmony that is reflected in increased
3. Provide information to the Credit Manager and agency administrators on Fixed Term guarantee, when


1. Using the return authorization key, incorrectly carried out operations can be canceled, as well as the
execution of any transaction that requires said key, in coordination with the agency administrators.
2. Receive cash statements from agency administrators for the final closing of the day, and enter it into
the system, in coordination with the Cashier or General Value Guard.
3. Request from Accounting when deemed appropriate, lists of accounting accounts for comparison of
their balances.
4. Authorize the reactivation or cancellation of inactive accounts in coordination with agency
5. Send welcome letter to new clients and birthday gifts. Cashier or General Value Guard

Post: Cashier or General Value Guard

It depends on: Investment and Operations Manager

Coordination Line: Agency Administrators

Authority Line: General Cash Assistant/Treasurer Cashier or

Value Guard

Basic Function

Conduct and supervise the operational and financial activities of the main office and agencies, related to
credit products and other services provided by SOFOM.

Specific functions

1. Enable the Agencies, through checks and/or deposits, with the cash necessary for the
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normal development of its daily operations.

2. Serve clients by answering their questions and/or payment requests.
3. Prepare and report to the Risk Unit the daily Cash situation, as well as the balances of Bank Accounts
and Accounts in other Multiple Purpose Financial Companies in both National Currency and Foreign
4. Periodically and regularly establish the Weighted Cost of the main Debtors and inform the person in
charge of the area thereof.
5. Maintain in custody the securities (Bills, Bonds, Bank Certificates, Reimbursement Checks, etc.) that
originate from SOFOM operations.
6. Safeguard the checkbooks of the different SOFOM bank current accounts, as well as the correlative
use of the checks. If a check is voided, destroy the signatures and send it to accounting.
7. Permanently coordinate with the Finance Manager, on the available balances in Cash and Banks, as
well as the Foreign Currency Exchange position.
8. Establish, with knowledge and in coordination with the Finance Manager, the Exchange Rate for the
daily Purchase/Sale operations of Foreign Currency, making the necessary variations according to the
exchange market information collected in banks or in the informal market.
9. Certify Payment Orders, after verification and debit into account, and carry out their regularization at
the time of receiving them in exchange.
10. Review and give V°B° to the documentation that supports the day's operations and send the
information to the respective area for accounting.
11. Verify daily closures of operations and general cash, leaving a record in the respective documents.
12. Prepare statistics and respective reports for the area Manager on a biweekly and monthly basis.
13. Comply with and enforce the provisions contained in the circulars, memos and/or regulations issued by
the head of the area.
14. Verify that authorization limits are met.
15. Coordinate with agency administrators in order to obtain the necessary information in a timely manner.
16. Ensure that the results of operations are cross-checked with accounting on a daily basis.
17. Coordinate with credit management the delivery of checks from the institutions with which agreements
have been signed for payroll discounts.
18. Request the Credit Management to confirm that the lists of discount credits or credit withholdings by
agreement are correct.
19. Keep the control books in perfect order.
20. Coordinate with the System Manager any modifications that could be made to the system in order to
improve the service.
21. Resolve queries presented by personnel operating under your command.
22. Authorize transaction returns in the computerized system and at the request of the corresponding
agency administrator. The return is made through a key

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authoritative and before its application the causes of it

must be found out.
23. Serve the public when the demand for the service requires it
24. Carry out quality control of the various products on a quarterly basis, issuing a corresponding report to
the area manager, who will review it and return it for filing.
25. Execute quality control of the work carried out by assistants and auxiliaries, in order to enforce internal
standards and overcome any deficiencies that arise.
26. Propose to the Administration Manager the amount of coverage of the Insurance Policies for cash in
the different agencies of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company.
27. Other functions within your competence that are assigned by the Area Manager.


1. He is responsible for enforcing all provisions issued by Management.

2. That the personnel under their charge, as well as the operation assistants, work responsibly, framed
within the principles of total quality, in order to improve service and customer service. It is important to
achieve and maintain an environment of harmony that is reflected in increased productivity.


1. Seize counterfeit bills and Review the Counter Retention Records, sending the respective report to the
general manager. General Cash Assistant/Treasurer

Post: General Cashier Assistant

It depends on: Cashier or General Value Guard

Coordination Line: Agency/Branch Administrators

Line of Authority: Cashier or Value Guard


1. Enable, in the Main Office, cash to the Service Windows (Receiver / Payer), for the operation of their
daily operations, also coordinate with agency administrators the return of surpluses or authorization of
money when they need cash.
2. Make withdrawals from the Banks, for the daily operations of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company,
prior authorization at the corresponding level
3. Maintain General Cash Books, both in National Currency and Foreign Currency, recording cash
operations on a daily basis.
4. Record and carry out daily bank deliveries of checks that have been received for both investment and
credit operations.

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5. Maintain Auxiliary Bank Books and keep them updated for the purposes of reconciling bank accounts,
as well as the Payment Order Book for better control.
6. Organize the area's document archive, keeping pertinent information in custody and confidentiality.
7. Sort the documents that support the daily cash operations, for submission to Accounting, along with
the Accounting Report.
8. Register the checks received for subsequent deposit in Accounts of the Multiple Purpose Financial
9. Request the requirement of materials, stationery and forms on a monthly basis, verifying that there is
no shortage in the area
10. Make payments, whether in cash or checks, to suppliers, services, taxes, payrolls, per diem to
directors and for other concepts duly documented and authorized by the Logistics or Personnel Area,
endorsed by the General Manager or whoever stipulates the regulation.
11. Retain, preparing the respective record, any counterfeit bill and/or currency that has been presented
for deposit or payment at any SOFOM window.
12. Prepare and/or review the accounting entry of the daily operations of Cash and Banks, and send it to
Accounting together with the documents that gave rise to the operation.
13. Control the level of cash at counters in accordance with the insured limits.
14. Carry out surprise checks at counters and SOFOM Agencies.
15. Inform the Cashier or General Storekeeper/Treasurer about Insurance coverage needs
16. Other functions entrusted to him by the General Cashier.


1. Seal and sign the cash authorizations made.

2. Payment of suppliers, staff and others according to the documentation presented by the areas, duly
endorsed by management or by whoever authorizes the regulations.
3. Seize counterfeit bills and send them to the Cashier or General Security Guard/Treasurer together with
the Withholding Record.
4. Prepare the Payment Schedule of Debts for better control thereof.
5. Others designated by the General Cashier. Cashier or Value Guard

Post: Cashier or Value Guard

It depends on: Cashier or General Value Keeper / Treasurer / Administrator


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1. Kindly serve the public by providing information on the products and services offered by the Multiple
Purpose Financial Society.
2. Be responsible for the authorized money, as well as prepare the work material at the beginning of
serving the public.
3. Be responsible for the authenticity or falsity of the banknotes and the good conservation of them that
are in their custody.
4. Attend to all operations that come from the products or services provided by the Multiple Purpose
Financial Society; such as:
a. Amortize and cancel loans to clients who request it.
b. Purchase/sale operations of foreign currency.
c. Cancellations and amortizations of credits.
d. Credit disbursements.
e. Operations with other agencies or with entities with an agreement.
f. Purchase and sale of foreign currency.
5. Be responsible for balancing your cash register daily and sending reports to the Cashier or General
Value Keeper/Treasurer.
6. Keep control of the material to be used in the section: Forms, office supplies, etc. required by the
7. Preparation of accounting movements for operations, when requested by the Cashier or General Value
8. Review of agency or office documentation; such as: payment receipts, disbursement receipts and give
them approval for later filing.
9. Preparation and delivery of Payment Orders to clients.
10. Reception and verification of applications for discount credits by payroll and with a Self-liquidating
Guarantee for subsequent approval.
11. Typing credit applications.
12. Verify on a daily basis that the receipts of the operations carried out for the month are complete, in
order to file and package them to be sent to the general file of the Multiple Purpose Financial Society.
13. Control the order and cleanliness of the section.
14. When the case requires it, perform some operations typical of other sections.
15. Others assigned by the agency administrator or office head.


1. Balance your cash register and send reports to the Cashier or General Value Guard.
2. Verify daily that you have sufficient financial resources for the proper performance of your functions, as
well as having the necessary material to perform them.
3. Maintain the necessary level of cash at your window, always taking care not to exceed the coverage of
the insurance policy.
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4. Responsible for the authenticity and good conservation of the banknotes.

5. Provide accurate information (requirements and limitations) on the financial products offered by the
6. Carry out operations according to established procedures.
7. Declare cash shortages and/or surpluses detected in daily closings
8. Send checks received during the day to Cash.
9. Address credits according to established procedures.
10. Kindly and without delay attend to any client's payment requirements for the products and services
provided by the institution.
11. The proper use of the assets conferred by the institution.
12. Verify clients' signatures when carrying out operations with the national identity document.
13. Responsible for archiving area documentation.
14. Comply with all functions entrusted by the Cashier or General Security Guard/Treasurer or by the
agency administrator.

1. Inform clients about interest rates and products offered by the institution.
2. Seize counterfeit bills and send them via agency administrator to the Cashier or General Security
Guard/Treasurer together with the Withholding Record.
3. Directly pay the amounts according to the level authorized by Management.

4.6.4. Agency Administrator

Post: Agency Administrator

It depends on: General Manager Area Managers
Coordination Line: All Agency Staff
Authority Line:
Basic Function
Conduct and supervise the administrative and operational activities of the Agency under their charge
related to the granting and recovery of credits in their various modalities, as well as the administrative part
of the agency.

Specific functions

1. Direct and control the operations and activities of the agency, as well as ensure the effective
performance of the personnel under their charge.
2. Establish relationships and make visits to attract new clients.
3. Serve clients by resolving their queries and/or payment requirements.

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4. Review and approve the documentation that supports

the day's operations and send the information to the Accounting department for registration.
5. Handle and approve checks received for SOFOM operations.
6. Send statistics to Managers and accounting.
7. Control and explain variations in credit acquisitions and placements.
8. Verify daily closings, cash balances, recording them in the respective documents.
9. Keep the keys to the vault and safe deposit boxes under control.
10. Ensure that the cash balances and the value of the items left as collateral are fully covered by the
insurance policy.
11. Prepare the respective statistics and reports for the Managers of the respective areas on a monthly
basis and/or when required.
12. Comply with and enforce the provisions contained in the circulars, memoranda, directives and/or
regulations sent by the General Manager and the area managers.
13. Review and attend to correspondence in general.
14. Report any event or event to the General Manager through written reports.
15. Propose promotion and advertising programs to the General Manager.
16. Coordinate with the various departments in order to obtain the necessary information in a timely
manner to evaluate the growth of the agency and take corrective measures.
17. Reconcile the results of operations with the Accounting department.
18. Maintain the Cash Fund at an optimal level of cash, as well as ensure its custody, ensuring that said
resources are fully covered by the insurance policy.
19. Receive and keep in custody all types of securities (title, contracts or other documents) of the
20. Provide cash to the different sections that request it for the operation of their daily operations. (In
agencies that do not have an administrative assistant).
21. Carry out cash counts and verify daily cash balances in order to have sufficient liquidity for the normal
development of daily operations.
22. Coordinate with the Cashier or General Value Guard on the management of available.
23. Maintain duly authorized Cash and Bank books and keep them updated.
24. Send the preliminary report of needs in national and foreign currency.
25. Send the daily cash situation to the Main Office.
26. Maintain updated information on the types of credits and products offered by the competition.
27. Make backup copies in order to safeguard the information.
28. Monitor the protection of facilities, machines and computing equipment and ensure their operation.

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29. Maintain an updated physical inventory of the

Agency's negligible and non-negligible assets.
30. Implement controls for better development of activities.
31. Encourage staff participation in institutional development.
32. Take control and custody of the promissory notes and protest them in due course.
33. Send credit files for judicial collection to the Head of Recovery to initiate the pertinent legal actions.
34. Make credit settlements for judicial collection.
35. Coordinate the delivery and collect the checks from the institutions with which agreements have been
signed for payroll discounts.
36. Verify that the lists for discounts or withholdings of discount credits per payroll are correct.
37. Authorize petty cash expenses in accordance with regulations.
38. Keep the control and accounting books in perfect order.
39. Manage and achieve the placement or net balance increase goals assigned to your team of Analysts.
40. Compile information on the different financial products and services offered in the agency's areas of
influence and develop innovative strategies that ensure the leadership and positioning of the Multiple
Purpose Financial Society.
41. Direct the Credit Analysts in compliance with the guidelines and goals indicated by the Credit
42. Distribute, organize and daily control the work of the Credit Analysts who belong to your team, public
service hours, Credit Committee meeting schedules, speed in resolving requests, carrying out field
work (promotion visits and analysis visits), and other functions and activities, to achieve placement and
recovery goals.
43. Provide the Analysts under their charge with lists and reports to support their work: Defaults, pending
disbursement, portfolio size, evolution of ratios, number of new clients, re-loans, etc. According to the
44. Support Credit Analysts in visits to special clients that require their presence, both for promotion,
analysis, payment requirements for non-payment, etc.
45. Promote, provide talks and exhibitions about the products and services offered by the Multiple
Purpose Financial Society.
46. Participate in the Credit Committee, especially those where your signature is required for approvals,
according to levels of autonomy. You must review the economic and financial analysis of the credit
operations that are presented to your Committee, in order to determine the levels of risk they entail
and evaluate the performance of the Analysts under your charge.
47. Verify that the amount and repayment conditions of the credits bear a reasonable relationship with the
client's economic and financial situation, previous credit behavior, the nature and value of the
guarantees offered, risk levels, etc., in accordance with the Credit Manual.

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48. Monitor the concentration limits of the credits

granted by your team of Analysts.
49. Elevate and substantiate before the Credit Committee at higher levels, the credit proposals prepared in
accordance with the legal provisions and standards of the SOFOM.
50. Supervise and/or ensure the correct and truthful information that the Analyst presents to support the
credit proposal.
51. Control the preparation of the Minutes of the Credit Committee and Delinquency Committee of the
Agency in charge.
52. Personally visit some clients (according to the amount of the credits, according to Credit regulations) at
their private and commercial addresses to confirm, analyze and evaluate the work of the Analysts and
also to answer credit queries.
53. Keep track of the rejected credits of each of the Analysts under their charge, therefore, they will
request the Analysts to deliver all the documentation of the credits that are rejected in the Credit
Committee or by it, in order to keep control of these.
54. Analyze non-compliance with your team's placement plans and apply the necessary corrective
55. Prepare a consolidated monthly report for the Credit Management to evaluate and analyze the
evolution of the portfolio of each of the Credit Analysts in charge: Loans, delinquencies, approved
loans, rejected loans, refinanced loans, promoted areas, possible operations specify, among other
aspects that you consider relevant.
56. Verify at the end of the day, the issuance of information (if warranted) to exercise control of the
promissory notes issued, credits disbursed, canceled promissory notes, promissory notes sent for
judicial collection, delinquency percentages, lists in general according to the daily activity of the
57. Participate in Delinquency Committees, in order to evaluate whether delinquency problems are
generated by failures in the analysis of clients' ability and willingness to pay and to be able to take
corrective measures.
58. Know and report the variable incentive system with which Credit Analysts will be remunerated and
which at the same time will serve to evaluate management and performance.
59. Coordinate with the Credit Management, the settlement of the variable monetary incentive of the
Analysts under their charge.
60. Carry out the periodic evolution of the analyst and recovery assistant team, and inform the personnel
manager of the results of the same.
61. Know and stay aware of the internal and external rules that govern credits: Policies, Procedures and
Regulations and transmit your knowledge to the Credit Analysts in your charge.
62. Participate as an instructor in training and training programs for Credit Analysts, in accordance with the
policy of the Multiple Purpose Financial Society.
63. Instruct Analysts so that they can explain to clients the credit policies of the Multiple Purpose Financial
Society if their credit is accepted, especially the benefits of paying punctually and technically explain to
clients the reasons why a credit is not approved.

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64. Instruct Analysts regarding the requirements for documents and information in credit files and resolve
their queries in this regard.
65. Request from the Credit Manager the reassignment or reclassification of the portfolio that he deems
appropriate, adequately justifying it.
66. Request the timely transfer of overdue credits to initiate pre-judicial or judicial actions; to the Head of
Credit, in coordination with the General Management.
67. Perform any other function that the General Manager or area managers designate.


1. Direct the operations of the agency in accordance with the provisions and regulations issued by the
General Manager.
2. Sign investment contracts and other area documents.
3. Attend meetings called by the General Manager.
4. Propose to the Administration Manager the rotation of personnel according to the skills and
performance with which they carry out their duties.
5. Ensure compliance with established rules and regulations.
6. Organize the internal functioning of the agency, establishing the means to accelerate operations with
the public and offer an agile and efficient service.
7. Ensure the recovery of credits, verify that financial records and information are kept up to date.
8. Verify the day and night security of the premises.
9. Carry out checks at windows.
10. Maintain adequate control of the Promissory Notes.
11. Make withdrawals from the Bank according to the limits established by the Finance and Investment
Manager, controlling the cash that must be kept in cash.
12. Evaluate the personnel under your charge and send the respective report to the Personnel Manager,
at least once a year.
13. Enforce standards, procedures and policies.


1. Maintain staff harmony by enforcing established policies and standards.

2. Maintain confidentiality of the activities of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company, of everything
related to banking secrecy.
3. Issue verbal or written reports requested by the General Manager or another department of the
Multiple Purpose Financial Company.
4. Safeguard the information of the clients of the Multiple Purpose Financial Society.
5. Enforce the standards, policies and procedures of the operations carried out by workers and clients.

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6. Store in the vault, duly organized and inventoried, the documents that support the operations and the
securities left as collateral to the Multiple Purpose Financial Company.
7. Promote the effective development of the agency, optimizing the material and human resources it has.
8. Execute efficient control of delinquency and credit recovery.
9. Carry out evaluations of the personnel under your charge, maintaining the impartiality and equity that
the case warrants. Agency Administration Assistant

Post: Agency Administration Assistant

It depends on: Agency Administrator

Coordination Line: Assistant and Operations Assistant


1. Attend and provide information to officials, employees and the public who request it, in accordance
with the SOFOM information policy; For this purpose, you must be adequately informed about the
services provided by the institution.
2. Receive, register, classify and distribute internal and external documentation and correspondence that
enters the Agency.
3. Prepare correspondence, submit it to Administration for approval, distribution and/or sending.
4. Provide secretarial and documentary support to the different sections of the Agency that require your
5. Archive correspondence, as well as documentation originating from the agency's activities
6. Take dictation and type correspondence and documents as assigned.
7. Keep control of Petty Cash fixed funds.
8. Coordinate with the Agency administrator, the purchase of snacks for staff who stay to work after
9. Control the maintenance and conservation of the Institution's archive.
10. Periodically update the physical inventory of the Agency's assets, facilities and materials in
coordination with the Administration, reconciling with the personnel in charge of said assets.
11. Keep the file of copies of Agency Invoices.
12. Monitor the existence of minimum stocks of necessary supplies in the warehouse.
13. Receive the material that has been sent by the Main Office, both printed matter, stationery and various
supplies and others that make the operation of the company possible.

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14. Deliver to the requesting units, after coordination with the administration, the required material for the
development of their activities.
15. Control the minimum stock of the material, using control cards and communicate the need for the
material to the Administrator.
16. Respond to requests for photocopies from the Administrator and Agency workers.
17. Have important documents and protests legalized.
18. Make payments for services: Water, Electricity, Telephone and others that are required.
19. Comply with other functions entrusted to you by the Administration.


1. Keep confidential the Agency's operations and information, and documents and information that
require this treatment.
2. Ensure adequate control and organization of the file in your charge.
3. Ensure the timely submission of official information authorized by the Administration.
4. Ensure the maintenance, conservation and proper use of the goods, equipment and materials in your
5. Suggest to the Administrator the purchase of materials necessary for the best performance of the
assigned functions.
6. Inform the Administrator about the minimum Stock of materials, in order to be able to supply them.
7. Keep material control cards up to date.
8. Keep the File in an orderly and clean manner
9. Distribute internal and external correspondence in a timely manner, leaving records through the
respective position.
10. Make payment for services entrusted to you within the established deadlines.


1. Serve clients and/or users of the Agency.

2. Carry the keys to the confidential file with you.
3. Establish a proper filing system.
4. Organize internal fellowship events among staff.
5. Assist Staff with first aid medications.

4.6.3. Credit Area Credit Manager

Post: Credit Manager

Location: Central office

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Boss/position to which you report: General manager

Personnel in charge: Credit Coordinator Head of


Functional authority over: Branch Administrators

Credit analyst
Credit Assistant
Recovery Assistant

Coordination Line: Risk Unit

Marketing and Institutional Image

Position Objective
Plan, direct, coordinate and control the activities of the Credit Area of the Multiple Purpose Financial
Company in its different modalities, manage credit recoveries, using criteria defined in the policies,
regulations and procedures, evaluate credit products and services. trying to obtain the maximum
profitability at the lowest possible risk in the placements. Formulate and control compliance with credit
policies within the legal devices that regulate financial intermediation in the country, as well as the tariffs
referring to credit modifications in coordination with the General Management. Formulate plans aimed at
optimizing credit operations. Comply with and enforce the rules and policies dictated by SOFOM and the
supervisory bodies for the credit operation.

Specific functions

1. Direct, control and update if necessary, the procedures related to the evaluation, granting and recovery
of credits granted by SOFOM.
2. Monitor that the credit operations presented, through loan applications and special transactions,
comply with the current legal provisions and the internal regulations of the Multiple Purpose Financial
3. Provide the necessary guidelines that enable leadership in any type of credit that the institution offers.
4. Control, through reports, the results obtained in each of its areas and when necessary, decide the
corresponding measures.
5. Prepare the Budget and Operational Plan of the Credit Management, propose it to the General
Manager and present it to the Board of Directors if necessary, once approved, control its correct
execution and fulfillment of goals.
6. Periodically prepare comparative financial statements between the projected and executed budget,
permanently evaluating the development of the execution of the budget of your Area.
7. Keep General Management informed about the operational situation of the Multiple Purpose Financial
Company in terms of placements and recoveries.
8. Participate in the Credit Committee according to the established limits.

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9. Evaluate credit requests for larger amounts, presented

by Credit Analysts, authorizing or denying them within the level of authorization that has been granted.
10. Evaluate the monitoring activities of the credits granted and verify compliance with the conditions
stipulated in the credit proposals.
11. Control the statistical reports presented by the credit coordinator.
12. Verify the incentive calculation of each branch and performance evaluation provided by the credit
13. Coordinate with the Personnel Manager the vacation role, the training plan, permits, sanctions,
promotions, dismissals, remuneration schemes, etc., to channel the actions to be carried out.
14. Carry out the evaluation of the personnel in charge and of the branch administrators regarding the
area of their competence.
15. Collaborate in training events by contributing your experience in order to achieve full understanding
and knowledge of the philosophy and technology applied to the target sector, of the Policies,
Procedures and Regulations for the products and services of the Multiple Purpose Financial Society.
16. Develop and propose the incentive system with which Credit officers will be remunerated and which at
the same time will serve to evaluate management and performance. The credit coordinator and branch
administrators must train the incentive system, to clear up doubts in this regard.
17. Carry out a random control of the formalization of approved credits, in accordance with the rules and
regulations of SOFOM, and the provisions of the control bodies.
18. Comply with the monthly reports established in the Money Laundering Prevention Manual.
19. Comply with and enforce the rules established in the Money Laundering Prevention Manual.
20. Ensure that the maximum amount of credits granted to a single natural or legal person does not
exceed the limits set by current legal provisions.
21. Keep track of the actions carried out by the recovery area to control overdue credits and initiate the
pertinent actions for the timely recovery of the credits, informing the Credit Committee about the
debtors' payment proposals for its decision.
22. Address the observations or objections made by internal or external audits on the credit function in
general, evaluating their observations and recommendations.
23. Prepare special reports requested by the General Management and governing bodies of national
financial economic activity.
24. Establish the pertinent coordination regarding the allocation of resources for the disbursement of the
credits and the new lines that will operate.
25. Approve the timely transfer of overdue obligations to judicial collection, ensuring that they do not lose
their executive merit and that the corresponding provisions are made.
26. Participate in arrears committees in the main office and when possible in the agencies.

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27. Participate or delegate your participation in the auctions of foreclosed assets, safeguarding the
interests of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company.
28. Represent the Multiple Purpose Financial Company in public events, as well as in litigation and take
an oath in trials, complying with summonses for appearances or confessions in matters within its
jurisdiction, in accordance with the powers conferred by the Statutes, the Board of Directors and power
29. Authorize judicial payment agreements, interest condemnations, release of guarantees, conversion of
debts from foreign currency to national currency or vice versa, in accordance with what is approved or
regulated by the Board of Directors.
30. Coordinate with the Credit Coordinator and Branch Administrators the procedures for granting,
monitoring and recovering credits granted in the branches.
31. Develop and implement new products or new credit modalities in coordination with the General
Management and the Marketing Area.
32. Coordinate with the Systems Area the operation, maintenance and development of the Risk Central
and Credit Systems.
33. Monitor that the credits granted under financing agreements signed by the Multiple Purpose Financial
Company with National and International Financial Organizations comply with the conditions agreed in
said instruments.
34. Manage and coordinate with the respective bodies the regularization of credits whose recovery is not
carried out within the deadlines granted to the debtors for their pronouncement.
35. Control the Legal Advisory reports on the situation of credits in judicial collection, amount of debt,
status of the trial and situation of guarantees.
36. Verify that credits granted to clients who are under observation are approved in accordance with the
provisions in force for this purpose.
37. Represent the Multiple Purpose Financial Company in the Offices of the Court Clerks to authenticate
the authorized signatures in judicial resources.
38. Evaluate the credit portfolio in accordance with the current stipulated standards.
39. Propose rules or regulations for the granting, control, supervision of credits, recovery of credits, with
the necessary levels and powers for Management, Branch Administrators, Recoverers, Legal Advisor
and Credit Analysts, delegating representation.
40. Rule on the correct content of the documents in the client's file.
41. Other functions entrusted to you by the General Management within the field of its competence. Credit Coordinator


Boss/position to which you report:

Personnel in charge:
Main office
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Credit Manager
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Credit Analysts

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Functional coordination: Branch Administrators

Recovery Manager

Purpose of the position

The objective of the position is to manage, organize, direct, control and evaluate activities related to the
granting and recovery of credits, emphasizing the quality of service and personalized attention;
collaborating in the promotion, evaluation, monitoring and administration of Credit products and services.
He has the responsibility of preparing and proposing the detailed budget for Credit placements and
achieving adequate productivity of his work team, achieving the established goals. Therefore, you must
also design and propose the commercial strategy to achieve the portfolio projections.
You must be aware of the activities of the Analyst teams of the different branches, monitoring and
supporting the fulfillment of goals. You will be responsible for reporting to the Credit Manager the results
and requirements of the credit staff, as well as proposing growth strategies in the branches in each area.
You must participate, when possible, in the Credit and Delinquency Committees of the Credit Analysts. He
will preside over the Credit Committees in which he participates with voice and vote.

Specific functions

1. Plan, organize and direct activities related to the placement of financial resources of the Area under
their charge, as well as control the development of operations in the administrative and credit fields,
within the applicable regulations.
2. Collaborate in the definition of the characteristics and attributes of the products and services offered
(price, terms, conditions, guarantees, etc.), you must also collaborate and/or propose to the Credit
Manager new processes that mean improvements in issues related to the commercial area. .
3. Propose to the Credit Manager the policies and standards necessary for adequate operation in
customer service and management within the scope of its competence.
4. Compare the strategies used by the competition and those implemented by the Multiple Purpose
Financial Company, in order to develop improvements and innovations in the quality of the products
and services offered.
5. Maintain updated information on the products and services offered by the competition.
6. Control that the publication of interest rates and other costs of products and services is kept updated,
for the knowledge of clients and all officials in the credit area.
7. Comply with internal and external regulations in the area of its competence,
8. Promote and supervise the correct attention to the clients of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company,
ensuring that the good institutional image is preserved.
9. Attend and/or respond to complaints submitted by clients of the Multiple Purpose Financial Society
within the scope of its jurisdiction.
10. Receive and analyze suggestions from users and credit area personnel, presenting proposals for
improvement for customer service.

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11. Conduct, organize and disseminate promotional campaigns in order to achieve the objectives set
regarding credit operations at SOFOM.
12. Direct and control the correct development of credit operations.
13. Authorize credit approval operations with an access code, according to the level established by
14. Verify compliance with the established deadlines of the mortgage constitution contracts.
15. Propose advertising campaigns in the various institutions that SOFOM has an agreement, at fairs and
representative festivities of each region.
16. Eventually, support in the promotion activities of products and services as well as in the activities of
requesting payment from clients in arrears, carrying out field work with Credit Analysts and Branch
17. Support in the commercial negotiation that is required (agreements, credits, etc.).
18. Prepare and propose to the Credit Management, the placement goals of the different products,
detailing the growth projections by: Products, Quantity of Operations, Average Amount of Operations,
Currency, Geographic Areas, Branches, Branch Administrators, Analysts Credit, among others; that
allow monitoring of Commercial Management. Subsequently, take care of the implementation and
19. Authorize discounts on collection expenses or forgiveness of default interest, within the levels
authorized by the Board of Directors.
20. Authorize the unlocking of Investment accounts presented as collateral for the granting of credit.
21. Verify and approve the documents within your jurisdiction before sending them to the competent
22. Schedule and direct the process of issuing invitation letters to clients of the Multiple Purpose Financial
23. Supervise the timely delivery of daily and/or monthly reports to the corresponding areas and especially
to the Branch Administrators so that they have the necessary tools to carry out their work.
24. Prepare reports and/or statistics for control and analysis and those requested by the Credit
25. Comply with the monthly reports established in the Money Laundering Prevention Manual.
26. Comply with and enforce the rules established in the Money Laundering Prevention Manual.
27. Carry out random visits to Clients to verify the data and information declared by them, complying with
the standards established in the Credit Manual.
28. Ensure that the granting of credit is subject to the established credit conditions.
29. Give opinions on the granting of credit, early cancellations, refinancing and other credit matters that
are within and outside of its approval autonomy.

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30. Review and sign contracts and/or minutes within your jurisdiction up to the limits established in the
Credit Manual.
31. Register and control the expiration of insurance policies of those guarantees that warrant.
32. Review in the computer system refinancing, rescheduling and
credit restructuring, verifying that they meet the required requirements.
33. Collaborate in the organization and direction of the recovery of expired credits, in
collection judicial and written off credits together with the Administrators of
Branches and credit analysts.
34. Reach administrative and extrajudicial agreements with the Clients when be
35. Randomly supervise the correct registration of promissory notes at the time of credit disbursement.
36. Supervise that the securities are delivered in a timely manner to the operations area of the Multiple
Purpose Financial Company.
37. Verify compliance with the preparation of the Minute Books of the Credit Committee and the Default
38. Control the maintenance of a projected cash flow for the disbursement of weekly and monthly credits.
39. Carry out coordination with the operations area for the disbursement of credits and thus availability of
cash for the normal service of credit clients in all branches.
40. Inform and motivate credit area personnel in meeting the set goals.
41. Evaluate the performance of credit area personnel within their competence.
42. Participate in social events that are considered important to enhance the image of the Multiple
Purpose Financial Society.
43. Raise the observations made by the internal and external control bodies, within the scope of their
44. Authorize or reject, in coordination with the Credit Management, the reassignment or reclassification of
the portfolio requested by a Branch Administrator, and inform the appropriate person to make the
changes in the computer system.
45. Maintain adequate control of portfolio reallocations and/or reclassifications, as well as refinancings that
have been carried out and prepare a detailed monthly report for Credit Management.
46. Control the statistical reports of each branch for the calculation of incentives and performance
47. Coordinate with the Credit Manager the vacation role, the training plan, permits, sanctions,
promotions, dismissals, remuneration schemes, etc., to channel the actions to be carried out with
Human Resources.
48. Collaborate in training events by contributing your experience in order to achieve full understanding
and knowledge of the philosophy and applied technology, Policies, Procedures and Regulations for
SOFOM products and services.

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49. Know the incentive system with which Credit officers will be remunerated and which at the same time
will serve to evaluate management and performance. You must be able to explain the incentive
system to clear up doubts about it.
50. Ensure the adequate supply of logistical material for the correct performance of the credit area
51. Comply with other functions assigned by the Credit Management through documents
internal regulations. Credit analyst

Credit analyst

Post: Main Office / Branches

Location: Credit Coordinator - Branch Administrator Position Objective
Boss/position to which you report:

Personnel in charge: None

The work of a Credit Analyst is basically in the field. It is necessary to constantly visit prospects and clients
in markets and commercial areas that are often remote. Work inside the office is minimal. The profile
requires a particular mix of a sales personality (credit promotion), analytical (assessment of payment
capacity) and intuitive (assessment of willingness to pay) personality.

Specific functions

1. Prepare a daily work schedule (roadmap) and coordinate with the Credit Coordinator - Branch
Administrator the activities to be carried out regarding the promotion, analysis visits, payment request
visits to delinquent clients, credits to present to the Committee , etc.
2. Complete your daily promotion tracking sheet.
3. Properly complete the credit forms and formats for each client or potential client.
4. Carry out the promotion of the products and services of the Multiple Purpose Financial Society.
5. Carry out presentations and talks to clients comparing the products and services offered by the
Multiple Purpose Financial Society, highlighting the advantages over the competition.
6. Facilitate the subscription of credits by applicants, guiding and helping them regarding the
documentation they must present to manage their credit.
7. Act quickly and efficiently in responding to requests from clients and potential clients.
8. Manage the budget goals assigned to you and their monthly achievement.
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9. Visit, qualify and objectively and exhaustively evaluate

the economic unit and the company to be financed, in order to timely detect risks and adequately
estimate the capacity and willingness to pay of clients and potential clients.
10. Report on applicants and clients with overdue obligations, which appear in the SOFOM Internal Risk
Center and in the External Risk Centers, adopting the appropriate precautions to safeguard the
interests of SOFOM.
11. Prepare credit files with all the required information and with sufficient and appropriate documentation
to be presented to the Credit Committee, duly organized and legible handwriting.
12. Execute the credit policy of the Multiple Purpose Financial Company, in harmony with the provisions of
the governing entities of the national financial system, as well as stay updated regarding the
development of operations in the local and national financial sphere, evaluating alternatives and
proposing them to the levels corresponding
13. Carry out visits after granting the credit depending on the destination of the credit, with the aim of
reducing credit risk, determining new needs and evaluating the possibilities of new credits.
14. Provide timely attention and technical support to the client, informing truthfully and transparently about
the financial products that the Multiple Purpose Financial Society offers, seeking their loyalty.
15. Communicate to clients the result of the Credit Committee's resolution, guiding the steps to follow in
the credit disbursement process.
16. Prepare and support the response to customer queries or payment requests in coordination with your
Immediate Manager.
17. Thoroughly evaluate the economic unit, business and/or company to be financed by the applicant, in
order to determine the client's payment capacity, timely detect credit risks, estimating the willingness to
pay, thus applying the credit technology of the Sociedad Financiera de Multiple Object.
18. Carry out the analysis and interpretation of the financial statements presented by clients and potential
clients of SOFOM, as well as the projections of said statements.
19. Present to the respective Committee the proposal for granting credits, duly documented (based on
quantitative and qualitative information from the applicant), applying credit technology,
20. Present to the Branch Administrator, credit applications in their different modalities, including
extensions, rescheduling, restructuring and refinancing, for approval or denial according to the levels
to which they correspond.
21. Verify that the entry into the computer system is carried out under the conditions established in the
resolution of the Credit Committee.
22. Communicate in a timely manner and technically explain to clients the reasons why the credit was not
approved or the decisions of the Committee, which indicate change in deadlines, decrease in credit
amounts, new guarantees, etc.
23. Participate in the Delinquency Committees, both to discuss their experience of credit management with
colleagues, and to analyze the causes that led to the default of their clients, the recovery measures
applied and offer some alternative solution so that the default is regularized. payment or proceed to
initiate prejudicial or judicial actions.
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24. Participate in the default committee for cases that will resolve to become uncollectible.
25. Take note of the administrative or extrajudicial recovery agreements and monitor their compliance.
26. Assume responsibly the quality, reliability and veracity of the information presented and supported
through the credit file before the Credit Committee designated according to the approval levels.
27. Select, evaluate and verify the guarantees presented for the credit proposal (location, area,
constructions, valuation, owners or others) according to current regulations, monitoring for their
formalization if applicable.
28. Complete the follow-up sheets for delinquent clients, according to the payment request procedure
established in the Credit Manual.
29. Carry out monitoring, control and recovery of delinquent and overdue loans in accordance with the
Credit Manual.
30. Support the Recovery Area in monitoring loans in the pre-judicial and judicial stages.
31. Permanently maintain a healthy portfolio, meeting the goals in balances, numbers of current loans and
level of arrears.
32. Comply with the standards established in the Money Laundering Prevention Manual, within the scope
of its competence
33. Prepare or report the corresponding information, when requested by the Control Bodies.
34. Maintain and preserve the assigned materials and equipment in good condition for the best
performance of their work.
35. Maintain and preserve the assigned vehicles in good condition for the best performance of their work,
in compliance with their internal regulations.
36. Stay informed about the characteristics of SOFOM's financial products with the purpose of
disseminating them to the general public.
37. Schedule visits to those clients who are finishing covering their credit to offer them new operations.
38. In case of portfolio reassignment, Credit Analysts have the obligation to visit the clients reassigned to
them to understand the reality of each client: Know their business and address, determine if the
previous evaluation was well carried out, verify the information contained in the file (such as
guarantees, fixed assets and declared merchandise) and especially establish a commercial
relationship with these clients so that the link with SOFOM is not lost.
39. Collaborate with new colleagues, who are in the training stage and carrying out Analyst-in-training
40. Know the variable incentive system with which you will be remunerated and, at the same time, will
serve to evaluate your management.
41. Carry out other functions assigned by your immediate or assigned boss through internal regulatory

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Post: Credit Assistant

Location: Main Office / Agencies-Branches

Boss/position to which you report: Agency-Branch Administrator

Personnel in charge: None

Position Objective

The objective of the position is to fulfill a support function in the review and ordering of pre-applications and
credit applications. The Assistant must manage the file files and issue risk center reports. It will be in
charge of entering the credit files, from the application to the approval or denial of the credit, according to
the resolution of the Credit Committees. It will verify the commercial, financial and/or banking references
declared by the credit applicant, and will support the loading of information into the computer system.
It will not be the responsibility of this staff to regularize the signatures or documentation that the Credit
Analysts must present so that their files are analyzed by the Credit Committee.

Specific functions

1. Enter the Pre-Requests in the computer system, assigning them to the corresponding Analyst, taking
care that the location area of the applicants' business is in accordance with the work area of the
Analysts and according to the branch where they work.
2. Deliver the Pre-Applications to the Credit Analysts.
3. Make inquiries to the Risk Centers defined by SOFOM, regarding the banking and financial references
of applicants for Credit for renewals.
4. Support in the verification of commercial references carried out by Credit Analysts, calling contact
people by phone.
5. Support customer service by providing information about the credit products and services of the
Multiple Purpose Financial Society and fill out the basic application when necessary.
6. Assist in entering the information collected by the Credit Analysts into the Computer System in the file
of each credit applicant.
7. Verify that the data entry is correct and in accordance with the information available such as activity,
destination of the credit, type of credit guarantee, guarantees, analysis of payment capacity, balance
of financial statements, among others.
8. Issue control and verification reports on the entry of files into the system.
9. Archive the files when the process has been completed until they are disbursed.
10. Serve clients, providing them with information about credit products, trying to resolve any doubts they
may have about the procedure to be carried out, requirements, guarantees, payments, interests,
additional costs, late payments, etc.

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11. Perform secretarial work and administrative assistance in office tasks, to the branch administrator and
to the Credit Analysts within their scope of action and powers.
12. Receive, register, classify and arrange for correct distribution, communication and sending to
whomever corresponds, facilitating the response to the notes received from applicants who require a
resolution, keeping their file in an orderly manner.
13. Support the executives of the recovery area in the coordination of the issuance and sending of
payment request letters to clients in arrears, as well as the collection and recovery efforts of delinquent
14. Support in the supervision of the correct compliance of operations,
15. Support in the entry and updating of data from credit files, in order to expedite the granting of credits.
16. Stay informed about the characteristics of SOFOM's financial products in order to disseminate them to
the general user public.
17. Perform any other function assigned by the Branch Administrator, within the field of competence. Recovery Manager

Post: Recovery Manager

Location: Main office.

Boss/position to which you report: Credit Manager.

Functional Coordination: Credit Coordinator

Branch Administrator

Personnel in charge: Recovery Assistant

Position Objective

The objective of the position is to work in coordination with the Credit Area, so that clients with delinquent
loans regularize their situation.
Their collaboration does not imply that the Credit Analysts are disengaged from the responsibility of
recovering loans with arrears. Recovery Staff will exert greater pressure to get clients with defaulted loans
to pay their debt; and finally, if a solution is not achieved through administrative means, they will be in
charge of the necessary processing for collection through prejudicial or judicial means.
They will participate in the Delinquency Committees, in order to share the experience of the cases that
have been presented and also to coordinate and control the follow-up work carried out by the Credit
They will carry out the registration, control, monitoring and recovery of loans that are in difficult collection
situations, disaffecting the portfolio of the Credit Analysts.

Specific functions

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1. Carry out payment collection tasks for clients who

have credits in critical arrears and in prejudicial or judicial collection. For these purposes, he will make
payment request visits to the commercial and/or private address of the client and the joint guarantor,
accompanied by the responsible Credit Analyst, when deemed necessary.
2. Plan collection visits, in coordination with the Credit Manager / Branch Administrator and the Credit
3. Review, together with the area staff, the daily lists of delinquencies and installment payment due dates
and organize the work to manage the regularization of overdue credits.
4. Coordinate the issuance and sending of notification letters to clients in default, for which you must
coordinate with the Credit Manager/Agency Administrators, Credit Analysts and visit those clients who
deserve direct management.
5. Prepare files in default situation for transfer to legal counsel who must protest the promissory notes.
6. Record expenses in the computer system, sending the sales receipts issued by the Notary to the
Accounting Department.
7. Review the monitoring plans for delinquent loans, especially refinanced loans and those with a
commitment to regularization, and verify compliance.
8. Suggest and request from the Credit Management, the timely transfer to prejudicial or judicial
collection of overdue obligations, taking care that they do not lose their executive merit and that the
corresponding provisions are made.
9. Receive the credit files that go to prejudicial or judicial collection and deliver said files to the Legal
Advisor, attaching the securities.
10. Ensure the documentation for monitoring arrears in each credit file with arrears, in prejudicial or judicial
collection and ensure its filing and custody.
11. Collaborate with the Legal Advisor in the monitoring of credits that are in judicial process, observing
the procedural progress of the cases initiated against the debtors and in the processing of judicial
resolutions that order seizure in the form of retention on funds, assets or any other modality, that the
debtor may have in the case.
12. Keep track of overdue credits and initiate the pertinent actions for the timely recovery of the credits,
informing the Credit Management and the General Management about the payment proposals of the
debtors for their pronouncement, and defining solutions to the problems of delinquency.
13. Prepare for the Credit Management reports on the periodic control of delinquencies by Branch, by
responsible Analyst, by amounts, etc.; with separate mention for refinanced loans.
14. Prepare statistics, monthly reports of the controls carried out under your responsibility, on the general
delinquency of the portfolio, failures in the granting of credits and in the recovery of the delinquent
portfolio, by range of amounts, by range of arrears, normal credits , refinanced loans, by Credit
Analyst, among others.
15. Prepare periodic reports and statistical tables of prejudicial and judicial collections, by range of
amounts, by range of arrears, normal credits, refinanced credits, by Credit Analyst, among others.

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16. Keep track of payments on account, made by clients with late payments that are difficult to recover.
17. Leave a record of payment commitments and the results of the actions taken with respect to delinquent
clients and their joint guarantors.
18. Propose alternative solutions (change of payment days, postponement of payment of installments,
refinancing, restructuring), to solve the delinquency problems presented by clients, after analyzing
each case, together with the responsible Credit Analyst.
19. Report on the progress in the recovery of credits from the prejudicial or extrajudicial agreements that
have been agreed and request information from the Legal Advisor on the actions carried out with those
clients who have moved to your Area.
20. Perform another function assigned by the Credit Management, within the field of its competence. Recovery Assistant

Post: Recovery Assistant

Location: Main Office / Branches

Boss/position to which you report: Branch Administrator

Functional Coordination: Recovery Manager

Personnel in charge: None

Position Objective
Carry out actions to negotiate the recovery of credits according to the instructions of the Branch
Administrator in coordination with the recovery manager.

Specific functions
1. Receive the files sent by the Recovery Manager / Branch Administrator and add to them the
documentation corresponding to the recovery actions that are carried out, ensure their filing and
2. Support in the verification of the veracity of the guarantee Registrations in the Public Registries.
3. Carry out notification and administrative negotiation actions for delinquent borrowers.
4. Carry out the prejudicial recovery actions indicated.
5. Take note of the administrative or extrajudicial recovery agreements and monitor their compliance.
6. Inform the Branch Administrator / Recovery Manager about non-compliance with pre-judicial or extra-
judicial agreements.
7. Carry out the notarial and other judicial procedures indicated by the Recovery Manager / Branch
Administrator necessary for the recovery of overdue credits, as well as the execution of their

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8. Support in the procedures to process the award to the

Multiple Purpose Financial Company of collateral or seized assets when the case requires it.
9. Inform the Branch Administrator / Recovery Manager about the progress of the recovery of some files
with problems.
10. Send the Notarial Letters that are required.
11. Prepare Recovery Reports for the Branch Administrator / Agency Recovery Manager according to their
12. Prepare the charges on the borrower's account, the fees and expenses incurred in recovery, in
accordance with the provisions of the Credit Regulations.
13. Prepare charges to borrowers' accounts for fees and expenses arising from recovery actions.
14. Other functions within your jurisdiction as assigned by your immediate boss.

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Annex 1: Update and Approval Sheet

Organization and Functions Manual

Produced by:

Approved by:

Session of:

Minutes No.:


Update No.:

Produced by:

Approved by:

Session of:

Minutes No.:


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Annex 2: Glossary of Terms

Activity: Set of tasks performed in an entity or section thereof. The activity is made up of several actions
carried out by more than one person, with a preferably characterizable result.
Attribution: Each of the powers that the position they hold provides a person. Assign a person something
or task, as their responsibility.
Client: In singular or plural, any natural or legal person who uses the services provided by the Entities or
carries out Operations with them.
Commission: The National Banking and Securities Commission. (For SOFOM ER)
Committee: Group of people that meets periodically to discuss and resolve problems of common interest
or attend to certain functions with a predetermined purpose or objective, so that they can carry them out
Control: The ability of a person or group of people to impose, directly or indirectly, decisions on general
meetings of shareholders of partners or equivalent bodies; appoint or remove the majority of the directors,
administrators or their equivalents of a legal entity; maintaining ownership of rights that allow, directly or
indirectly, the exercise of voting with respect to more than fifty percent of the share capital of a legal entity;
direct, directly or indirectly, the administration, strategy or main policies of a legal entity, whether through
ownership of securities, by contract or by any other legal act.
Coordination: Process of integrating the administrative actions of one or several institutions that aims to
obtain from the different work areas the necessary unity of action to contribute to the best achievement of
the objectives, as well as harmonize the actions of the parties in time, space, use of resources and
production of goods and services to jointly achieve the established goals.
Organizational Culture: Way of life, system of beliefs and values, accepted form of interaction and typical
relationships in the entity.
Logo: Brand or distinctive that characterizes and identifies a company or organization, used as an element
for communication with the public.
Position: Position or specific place in the organizational structure. It is characterized by a set of powers,
duties and responsibilities inherent to the person who holds the position.
Secretariat: The Ministry of Finance and Public Credit.
Task: Fraction of work that must be executed to carry out a specific action.

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