Samle Go NoGo Decision Tool

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RFP Bid/No-Bid Decision Tool

Use this tool to evaluate your company's chances of winning a bid opportunity.
Score each question between +5 and -5, using the scoring system below
Change the N to Y under BLOCKER for any item that is a potential deal blocker.

+5 = Strongly agree
+3 = Somewhat agree
+1 = Slightly agree
0 = Unknown or neutral
-1 = Slightly disagree
-3 = Somewhat disagree SCORE BLOCKER
-5 = Strongly disagree +5 to -5 Y or N

What do we know about this prospect?

1 We understand this prospect's needs, pain points and business drivers. N

2 The prospect has a good idea of our team and capabilities. N
3 Past interactions with this prospect have been positive. N
4 Our approach and values are a good fit for this prospect. N
5 We can expect a fair evaluation process from this prospect. N
6 Price is not the overriding criterion for this prospect. N
7 This prospect has a good reputation for supplier relations and prompt payment. N

What do we know about this project?

8 We have completed similar projects with this or similar clients in the past. N
9 We were part of the planning/needs assessment for this project. N
10 This project is likely to be highly profitable. N
11 We fully understand and can meet the challenges involved in this project. N
12 Our expertise will enable us to add significant value to this project. N

What do we know about our competition?

13 This is NOT a contract renewal OR the incumbent has had performance issues. N
14 None of the other bidders has a next-generation or disruptive offering. N
15 We can be highly competitive against all known bidders. N
16 None of the other bidders is specially favoured by the prospect. N
17 We do not expect a desperation (low ball) bid from another qualified bidder. N

How should internal and strategic factors influence our decision?

18 We have the talent, resources and drive needed to win this bid. N
19 We have a well-qualified team, including bench strength to perform the contract. N
20 We have, or can acquire any needed admin resources or infrastructure if we win. N
21 We will be able to complete this contract without jeopardizing other client work. N
22 There are no conflicts of interest with other clients in taking on this project. N
23 There is no risk to our intellectual property in taking on this project. N
24 This project has strategic potential to improve our capabilities for the future. N
25 There will be negative consequences if we no-bid this project. N


Maximum possible score is 125

Copyright 2012 by Complex2Clear. Users may adapt this for their own use as long as this copyright not removed. Not for resale.
RFP Bid/No-Bid Decision Tool

How to use the tool

1. Customize the questions
Talk as a team about the questions and whether they make sense in your situation. Change, add or eliminate questions until your te

When changing or adding questions, be sure to create statements that constitute “go” votes when answered “agree” (+1, +3 or +5).

2. Reach consensus on new opportunities

When an opportunity arises, complete the sheet together or individually — but always discuss questions that elicit very different sc

Agree on the minimum score that makes an opportunity attractive. Decide how to treat potential deal blockers.

Record the scores for each opportunity for future reference.

3. Compare your scores to bid and project success.

Once you’ve had some experience with the tool have a conversation about your win rate and profit history on projects for which yo

1. How well do scores correlate with success at winning bids?

2. How well do scores correlate with profitability of won projects?
3. Is there an argument for raising or lowering the threshold score for bidding?
4. Is this a useful approach for reaching consensus on whether to bid?

Copyright 2012 by Complex2Clear. Users may adapt this for their own use as long as this copyright not removed. Not for resale.

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