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Universal Education


Upstream means running against the stream

Downstream means with the stream


If x km/hr be the man’s rate in still water & y km/hr be the rate of current then

(x + y) = man’s rate with current

(x – y) = man’s rate against current

Adding, subtracting and then divided by 2 we get

X= (man’s rate with current + his rate against current)

Y= (man’s rate with current - his rate against current)
1. A man can go upstream at 10 km/hr and downstream at 16km/hr find the man’s rate in still water and rate of

Solution: upstream = 10km/hr

Downstream = 16 km/hr

X= (man’s rate with current + his rate against current)

Y= (man’s rate with current - his rate against current)

Man’s rate in still water, X = (16 + 10) = 13 km/hr

Rate of stream, Y = (16 -10) = 3 km/hr

2. The speed of a boat in still water is 2 km/hr. If its speed upstream be 1 km/hr, find the speed of the stream.

Solution: Here in place of man we have boat

Speed of a boat in still water is 2 km/hr i.e. x= 2km/hr (1)

Upstream speed is 1km/hr i.e. x – y = 1km/hr (2)

Substituting value of x from (2) to (1)


Or, y = 2 – 1 = 1 km/hr

3. A boat goes 14km upstream in 56 minutes. The speed of stream is 2 km/. Find the speed of boat in still water.

Solution: Boat goes upstream 14 km in 56 minutes

14 km 14 ×60
Therefore speed of boat in upstream is = = 15 km/hr {converting 56 mins into hours}
56 mins 56

As we know that speed of boat in upstream is given by (x – y )

Therefore (x – y ) = 15

From the question speed of stream is 2km/hr i.e. y = 2km/hr

(x – 2 ) = 15

Speed of boat in still water, x = 17 km/hr

4. A man swims downstream 30 km and upstream 18 km taking time 3 hrs each. What is the velocity of current?

Solution: Man swims downstream 30 km taking time 3 hrs

So, man’s speed in downstream = distance / time =

Man swims upstream 18 km taking time 3 hrs

So, man’s speed upstream = distance/time =

Y= (man’s rate with current - his rate against current)

30 18

Velocity of stream, y = 3 3 = 2 km/hr

5. A man can row 4km/hr in still water and he finds it takes him twice as long to row up as to row down the river. Find
the rate of the stream.

Solution: Rate of man in still water is 4 km/hr. i.e. x = 4km/hr

According to the question

Downstream = 2 times upstream

(x + y) = 2(x – y)

(4 + y) = 2(4 – y)

Or, 4 + y = 8 -2y

Or,3y = 4, Therefore rate of stream, y = 4/3 km/hr

6. Speed of a boat in standing water is 7 km/hr and the speed of the stream is 1.5 km/hr. A distance of 7.7km, going
upstream is covered in

Solution: Speed of a boat in standing water is 7 km/hr , i.e. x= 7 km/hr

Speed of the stream is 1.5 km/hr, i.e. y= 1.5 km/hr

Distance covered going upstream is 7.7 km

Speed in upstream = x – y = 7 – 1.5 = 5.5 km/hr

Therefore time taken to cover 7.7km = Distance/speed = =1.27

7. In a Stream running at 2km/hr, a motorboat goes 10 km upstream and back again to the starting point in 55minutes.
Find the speed of the motorboat in still water

Solution: Rate of stream is 2km/hr

Distance covered upstream is 10 km

So the distance covered downstream will be same i.e. 10 km

Total time taken to go to a point and back is 55mins

Speed in upstream = (x-2 )

Speed in downstream = (x+2)

Using the formula, time = Distance / speed

Time taken going upstream t1 = 10/(x-2)

Time taken going downstream t2 = 10/(x+2)

Therefore total time taken in going and coming back

T1 + t2 = 55mins

10 10 55
+ =
( x−2 ) ( x+2) 60

On solving we will get

( x+2 )+(x−2) 55
10 [ ]=
( x +2 ) (x−2) 60

10 × 2x × 60 = 55( x 2−22 )

It becomes a quadratic equation, Solving for x

X= 22 km/hr

Rule:- A man can ran x km/hr in still water. If a stream which is flowing at y km/hr. It takes z hr
to run to a place and come back. The distance between the two places is
2 2
z( x − y )

8. A man can run 6 km/hr in still water when the river is running at 1.2 km/hr it takes him 1 hr to run to a place and
come back. How far is the place.

Solution: man’s speed in still water 6 km/hr

Rate of river = 1.2 km/hr

Man’s rate downstream = (6 + 1.2) km/hr = 7.2 km/hr

Man’s rate upstream = ( 6 – 1.2) = 4.8 km/hr

Let the distance be x km

According to the question , the man goes to a certain place and comes back

Suppose the direction of the stream flowing is from left to right as shown in the figure

It is given in the question that it takes 1 hour for a man to go to a place and return back.

So, time taken to go upstream t1 =

And time taken to go downstream t2 =

Therefore total time taken = t1 + t2 = 1

x x
+ =1
7.2 4.8

X = 2.88 km


Using the above rule

1(36−1.44 )
= 2.88 km
2 ×6

9. Sridevi can row 15 kmph in still water. If in a river running at 3 km an hour, it takes her 40 minutes to row to a place
and back, how far off is the place?

a) 5 4/5 km b)4 4/5 km c) 6 2/5 km d) none of these.

Solution : Speed of boat – 15 kmph ---- B

Speed of stream(river) ---3 kmph – C

Sridevi’s speed downstream = Speed of boat + Speed of river = 15 +3 = 18 kmph

Sridevi’s speed upstream = Speed of boat - Speed of river = 15 – 3 = 12 kmph

Let the place be at a distance of x Km from start.

Time taken to row to x and come back = 40mins

1 hr = 60 mins and 1 min = 1/60 hr

40 mins = 40/60 hours= 2/3 hours

It is similar to the above problem

Or, x/18 + x/12 = 2/3 (40 minutes)

x = 4 4/5 km

10.AK Rehman can row 180 km upstream and 120 km downstream in 28 hours. Also he can row 90 km upstream and 90
km downstream in 16 hours. Find the speed of AK Rehman in still water and the speed of the current.(km/hour)

a) 15,2 b) 18,2 c) 14,2 d) 12, 3

Solution : Let the effective upstream speed be x and the effective downstream speed be y

AK Rehman can row 180 km upstream and 120 km downstream in 28 hours.

Time taken travelling upstream t1 = Distance upstream / speed in upstream =

Time taken travelling downstream t2 = Distance downstream / speed in downstream =

Total time taken for upstream and downstream = time taken travelling upstream t1 + time taken travelling downstream

Or, 180/x + 120/y = 28 …(1)

Also it is given that he can row 90 km upstream and 90 km downstream in 16 hours

Similar to eq 1 we can form a new equation as below

90/x + 90/y = 16 ….(2)

Multiply by 2 on both sides of eq 2 we get,

180/x + 180/y = 32….. (3)

eq(1) - eq(3) = 180/x + 120/ y - 180/x – 180/y = 28 - 32 = -4

-60/y = -4

Effective downstream speed = y = 15

Effective upstream speed = x = 9

Speed of boat can be calculated using the below formula : ( same as speed of man )

Speed of Boat = ( upstream speed + downstream speed ) / 2 = (15 +9)/2 = 12.

Speed of current can be calculated using the below formula :

Speed of Current = (upstream speed - downstream speed) / 2 = (15 - 9)/2 = 3.

11. On Monday Mayawati rows 42 Km upstream to a spot and returns back. While returning she overshoots the starting
point by 48 km. The overall travel time is 8 hours. On Tuesday Mayawati rows 70 km upstream to a spot. Now while
returning she is careful not to overshoot as on Monday. However, she again overshooted the origin by 2 km. The overall
journey time was 9 hours.What is the speed of Mayawati in still water?

a) 18 km/hour b) 12 km/hour c) 14 km/hour d) 16 km/hour

Solution : Note : This question is very much similar to the earlier question except for the way the question is worded.

On Monday she travels 42 Km upstream. While returning she overshoots her starting point by 48 km. This means she has
travelled 42 + 48 = 90 km during downstream. In total for upstream and downstream she has taken 8 hours.

Let her upstream speed be U and downstream speed be D. Then similar to 2nd question, we can form the below equation.

42/U + 90/D = 8 ….(1)

On Tuesday she travels 70 Km upstream. While returning she overshoots her starting point by 2 km. This means she has
travelled 70 + 2 = 72 km in downstream. In total for upstream and downstream she has taken 9 hours.

Then similar to eq (1), we can form the below equation.

70/U + 72 /D = 9 ….(2)

MULTIPLYING eq 2 by 3 on both sides, we get

210/U + 216/D = 27 ...(3)

MULTIPLYING eq 1 by 5 on both sides, we get

210/U + 450/D = 40 ...(4)

eq (4) - eq (3) gives :

210/U + 450/D - 210/U – 216/D = 40 - 27 = 13

234/D = 13

13D = 234

D = 18

Substituting D =18 in eq (1), we get,

42/U + 90/18 = 8

42/U = 8 -5 = 3

42= 3U

U = 14

Speed of boat can be found using the formula ( Downstream speed + Upstream speed) / 2

Speed of boat B = (Downstream speed + Upstream speed) / 2 = (18 + 14 )/ 2 = 16 km/hour

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