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International Business (INBUSIN)

Consensus plays a vital role in Japanese bu

Activity 2: Cultural Norms parties. Patience is essential during these n

Name Casimiro, Ma. Angelica A. Think about incorporating physical aids into
Class OTEM1
Deadline 31 May 2024, 1800H Decision Making, Nemawashi and Hierarc
In larger Japanese businesses and other ins
Instruction: From the country you chose in Activity 1, submit aculmination
one-pagerofon their cultural
everyone's input. Consequen
norms and beliefs when doing business. harmony rather than being authoritative or th

Country Cultural Norms and Beliefs in Doing Business

A crucial aspect of consensus-building is the
Meetings preparing a plant for replanting by carefully d
Punctuality is highly valued in Japan, and everyone projects by engaging
is expected in discussions,
to be on time for meetings gatheri
and a
individual interests. Additionally,
anticipate a delay, inform your Japanese counterpart politely and with an apology. once a dec
has been established beforehand.
In Japan, the most common form of greeting is a bow, which varies based on the context and th
However, in a business setting with foreigners, Japanese individuals may opt to shake hands. It
manner. Hierarchical structure is significant in the con
group. Seeking consultation and feedback fr
When meeting a business partner for the first time, it is courteous to use formal titles. In Japan,
The most common honorific for addressing someoneSenior memberscontext
in a business within for
a company or institu
the first time is ‘-s
result in the proposal being rejected.
It is considered respectful to greet each person in the room individually, no matter how large the

Business cards are typically exchanged upon first meeting someone.of

The significance The manner in which aand
consensus-building bu
their business. As a rule, handle both your own and to
solvebusiness cards
problems. with they
Instead, respect anda care
follow pro
arises, employees are expected to report it t
When offering a business card, ensure it is in good condition.
resolved. Present it with both hands and a s
faces the receiver. Avoid distributing business cards like playing cards, as this can be seen as d

When receiving a business card, accept it with both Group

hands and a slight
Identity andbow. Thank the person fo
on the table until everyone is seated. Avoid folding the card or putting it in your back pocket.
Collective traits present in Japanese Add
well-defined hierarchical structure delineates
Hosts typically indicate seating arrangements for guests.
and deadlines. individuals
Prioritizing sit closer to
from the entrance. If your Japanese counterpart does not specify
company, andwhere
forsit, choose the seat
achievements is attc
from the same company to sit on the same side of the table, with the highest-ranking members s

Tea may be offered during the meeting. Wait for your Japanese often
Employees counterpart
exhibit to start loyalty
strong drinking
typically recruited straight out of university a
It's customary not to pour your own beverages; instead, wait untiland
competitive someone offers
is largely to fill your
determined bycup
preference for younger employees who can
Using or answering mobile phones during a business in meeting
return forisjob
considered impolite.
security and Keep bene
additional your
career advancement is often predictable, reg
During meetings, it's normal to experience momentscompany.
of silence. Refrain from feeling compelled t

Avoid interrupting or speaking over someone whenever feasible. It's also beneficial to speak slo
You can demonstrate your attentiveness to the speaker
earlyinterjections or nodding
age, Japanese society your h
divided into smaller groups competing for to
employees work as a team with the motivation to outperform
For women, competitors.
attire like
(known as monozukuri), as well as in services like hospitality
Outfits areand
not tight-fitting
and evenor in sleev

For both men and women, it's important to w

Relationship Oriented should be taken off and carried on your arm
Establishing and nurturing relationships form a core aspect of Japanese business culture, where
extensive knowledge about their partners as part of Tattoos have social
this long-term stigmas
approach. Your in Japanese
Japan, so cou
it i
Although tattoos
exchange business cards. Although these processes may appear time-consuming, are not illegal, they are ofte
future business endeavors. Socializing outside of the office, particularly through activities like ev
In the 2020often
may seem formal and slow-paced, nighttime social gatherings Corruption Perception
facilitate the exchangeIndex,
relatively low levels of corruption. Transpare
Asia-Pacific region. However, some sources
Building strong relationships with colleagues and staff of corruption
is a common in Japan.
goal among individuals. Inte
building decision-making process. Managers and employees are expected to maintain open com
it's customary for someone who takes time off work References:
to bring back Scroope,
an 'omiyage'C. (2021) “Business
(souvenir) for the
impolite or inconsiderate. It's essential to note that there's typically a clear distinction between bu
is uncommon in Japanese businesses, and employees Corrupution and anti-corruption
seldom receive in Japan.
special privileges based (2

Gift-giving and maintaining correspondence play a vital role in nurturing various business relatio
A well-chosen gift that reflects thoughtfulness or uniqueness is appreciated, especially if it's som
avoid giving company-branded items, as they may come across as insincere or promotional. Pre
of giving holds more significance than the gift itself. There are other occasions where giving gifts

Other Considerations
In Japan, a registered seal known as a jitsu-in is frequently utilized either in place of or alongside
validity when affixed to a contractual document. Certain official documents, particularly in govern

In numerous Japanese firms, adhering to deadlines is highly prioritized. Occasionally, employers

these rigid expectations are gradually evolving. Meeting expected deadlines is crucial to prevent

A significant number of Japanese workers will stay back at work if their coworkers are doing so.
switching off lights at 10 pm to promote employees to leave for home.

It is customary for departments or small companies to meet for food and drinks after work. Drink
these occasions, a possible disregard for formal rules and conventions is usually overlooked.

English is not commonly spoken in business and government settings, with some exceptions like
require an interpreter. When a meeting does take place in English, it is advisable to speak clearl

As indirect communicators, Japanese people typically avoid direct refusals or negative response
prevent a loss of face (menboku), and demonstrate politeness. For instance, responses like "I w
attention to the tone and body language of your Japanese counterpart and to avoid giving direct

Disagreements that need to be addressed are typically discussed privately and at a later time. If

Traditional business attire for men is typically formal, consisting of a blue, black, or grey suit. It's
associated with funerals.

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