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22 + Their priest is also known as Jonthai" and the chief priest s known as “Gissia’. Theit main occupation is agriculture and butfalo rearing. Hangdao is a cooperative organisation fof the Dimasa youth to help in cultivation. They celebrate Rachani Gabra, Hami Gabra and Basu festivals Tiwas Previously Tiwas were known as Lalung, They are mainly found in Morigaon district. The main God of Tiwa is "Ra-Mahadeo!. They are influenced by Hinduism, Tiwas have 12 different Wali fr Kulat (clans). Bihu, Sagra, Misawa and Wansua are their famous festivals Phake {A Toi-speaking tribal group who lives in Dibrugarh and Tinsukia districts of ‘Assam. They ate believed to have ‘migrated feom Thailand in the later part of 18th century and formed the backbone of the Ahom culture. They are the follovvers of Theravada Buddhism, Khamyang Khamyang, also known as Shyam, are primarily found in Tinsukia district of ‘Assam. They follow Theravada Buddhism and are closely related to Khampti Awards and Prizes State Awards Assam Sahitya Sabha Awards Assam Sahitya Sabha isthe pioneer Which has instituted as many 38 25 or so awards for literature of various kinds. It also gives honours and titles to those who have contributed tremendously towards the Assamese language-literature-culture. Two important titles conferred by the Sabha are Sadasya Mohian and Sahityacharya. Prabin Saikia Award It's instituted in 1999 by Assam Lekbika Sangstha and this award is given toa female writer for outstanding contribution to creative art. The award carries a cash prize, a citation and a twophy. Srimanta Sankardeva Award + The Government of Assam instituted ‘this prestigious award to honour people ‘of eminence in the field of Journalism, ‘Art, Culture and Literate in the hallowed name of Mahapsarash ‘Srimanta Sankardeva in 1986. At present, the award carries an award money of 3lakh, a citation and a gold medal. + The award is given only to individuals ‘0f 50 years of age and above, Associations, institutions or ‘organisations are not eligible for the award. The award does not pertain to any single work or achievement but to ignficant and lasting contribution on a sustained basis over a peri of time, Assam Valley Literary Award * The highest literary award ofthe Assamese literature i Assam Valley Literary Award’. Ii instituted by the Williamson Magor Education Trust. + The award honours eminent writers of {Assam and their work which embodies and upholds human values and dignity ‘The award comprises a specially designed trophy, a citation and €2 lakhs ineach Munin Borkotoky Award + Its instituted by Munin Borkotoky Memorial Trust in 1995, this san annual award and is given to young, and promising writers below the age of 40 years) writing in Assamese for their (published or unpublished) works of literary criticism or of creative literature, + The award carries a cash of €25000 besides a citation and a plaque. The awardees are Arindam Borkataki 2011), ‘Kamal Tanti 2012), ijoy Shankar Barman 2013), Manika Dev (2014), Mridul Hoi (2015), Pratim Baruah carr) Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed Memorial Award + Ttis instituted by the Government of ‘Assam in 2008, this is an Annual National Award to honour the people ‘of eminence for their contribution towards social harmony and national integration. + The award carries an award money of 2 lakhs and a citation. The recipients cof this awards so far are Sunil Dutt Culture and History of Assam (Posthumousloy, 2005), Shekhar Gupta 2006), Shabana Azmi (2007), MY Akbar (2008) and Hema Bharali (2008). Assam Ratna Award ‘+ Assam Ratna isthe highest civilian award in the State of Assam, India. It js being conferred for outstanding contribution in literature, art, culture and social service, The award is ‘offered by the Government of Assam. Recipients + Dr. Bhupen Hazarika was honoured for the year 2009 in Arts field + Mamoni Raisom Goswami was hhonouted forthe year 2010 in Literature * Dr tendra Nath Goswami in 2015 for Science and Technology. Prabina Saikia Award + Tes instituted in 1999 by Assam Lekhika Sanstha, with the cooperation of Chandraprasad Saikia, hhusband of late Prabina Saika, the award is given to a female Assamese ‘writer, for outstanding contributions tocreative writing The award carvies a cash prize of 10000, a citation and atrophy. The recipients of the award so far are Nilima Dutta (1999), Nirupama Borgohain (2000), Nirmalprabha Bordoloi (2001), Suchibrata Rai Chaudhary (2002), Chitralata Phukan (2003), Anima Dutta (2004), Pitee Barua (2005), Purabi Barmuda (2006), Swama Bora (2007), Keshada Mahanta (2), Lakhyabiea Das 2008), Publication Board Award * The Publication Board, Assam instituted in 1973 the scheme of conferring an annual iterary award under the name and style of “Publication Board Award’ upon the author ofthe best Assamese book published during the past 3 years. «This award is renamed as "The Publication Board Literary Life Time ‘Achievement Award” in 2012, “The recipients ofthis prestigious annual savor 30 fr are * Nilamani Phukan (2014) + Dr. Nabin Chandra Sharma (2015) + Dr. Dinesh Chandra Goswami (2016) + Atulananda Goswami (2017) + Dr. Thaneswar Sarma (2019) + Ramesh Pathak (2020) Culture and History of Assam Some Important Events of Assam (Since 1947 to onwards) 138 8 1930 1951 we 9st 1985 1936 ws 39 ‘Gopinath Bordoloi Became the Fist Chief Minister and Sir Akbar Hari became the Govemor of independent Assam. * Guwahati University was established on Ist anuary * All india Radio Center established at Guwahati on Ist faty ‘= Gutwahati High Court was established. {Assam Veterinary Collage was eetablched DT course was introduced at Guwahati University * Directorate of veterinary science was established under Government of Assam at Chenikuthi, Guwahati. 1 Devastating earthquake rocked Assim on 15th August ‘The Assam prohibition of smoking in show House Act, 1951 was acrepted by Government of Asta. = General election was held in Assam. 1 Bodo Sahitya Sabha was formed, * Crude il was discovered at Nehari, + Rondoloi Trophy tournament was started at Guwahati = Assam Sahitya Sabha was held a Shillong = Sangect Natak Academy was formed in Assam, Assam Sahitya Seba was held at Jorhat * Literary organisation Sahitya Academy” was formed 1 The only Arabic College of Assam established at Ranga © Jatindranath Duara become the frst Assamese to be honoured with Sahitya Academy Avrard for his smavlerpiece ‘Banphoo! ' Assam Hockey Association was formed = Assamexe movie Piyali Phan’ received the Certificate fof Ment award siectad By Phan! Sharma, which the first movie to receive thi ward * Krishna Kanta Hondigue was honoured with the prestigious Padma Shri Award. «= Secretariat of cottage industry was established in Assam forthe fist ‘= Farm Research Conte established at Kahiki Govsshat ‘Assamese movie ‘Mak Aru Morony received the ‘Conticate of Merit Award ~ Nalinibala Devi was honoured with Padimashree award ‘Assam Prakashan Parishad was formes. * Cane industry was established at Barvabamungaon of Golaghat district = Regional Research Laboratory (RRL) established at CGuveahat on Tah March «Prabhat Mukherje directed Assamese move ‘Puberun participated in the Berlin lm festival and received the Ser medal from the Presiden oF Indi. Panchayat formed in Assam * Bonudhar Sharma received Sahitya Academy Award for bis ereation “Congress Kochi Roda 7 Assamese gained recopition a ate language. ‘Assam seience society published the magazine Bigyan Jeo ‘+ Dr irendra Kumar Bhattacharya received ‘Saity ‘Academy Avvard’ for hs novel Yasuingan. 1962 1968 1965 1967 1969 wa wa rc 23 ‘Guwahati refinery established at Noonmati in Guwabal Inauguration of Saraighat bridge. ‘Chinese invasion ‘Guwahati Nehru Stadium’ yas open forall on 16th July First mobile theatre of Assam ‘Nataraj Theatre’ was sored at Pathsala produced by Achyut Lahkae ‘Assam sate female elucation association was formed Dr Birinehi Kumar Barwa received “Sahitya Academy ‘Award’ for his eeatlon ‘Asomar Lok Sanskrit Dr Bhupen Hazarika directed Assamese film Praidhvan’ received sive med from the Presiden of Indi ‘Assam Condhctors and Tubes Limited was established Dibrugath University was estblished. [Assam Tribune Gro published the daly nesespaper ;Dinik Assam’ bythe ctecton of Redhagovinea Barua Heat electeity produce center established at Narrup. “Ambikagii Roi Chauhary was awarded with he ‘Sahitya ‘Academy Award for his creation Bedonar Uk ‘Assamese player Bhogeshwar Barua won the gold mada in Asian ames ‘Troilokya Nath Goswami received ‘Sahitya Academy ‘Award forhis book ‘Adhunik Galpa Sait’ Krishana Kanta Fandique honoured with Padma Jyoti Chitaban was established at Guwahati NNalinibala Devi was honoured with the ‘Sahitya ‘Academy Award for her masterpiece ‘Alkananda’ ‘Assam Agriculture University established at Jorhat. ‘Atl Chandra Hazarika received ‘Sahitya Academy ‘Award for is work “Manchalekha’ Kalagom DBishnuprasad Rabha was died. ‘Guwahati Tea Auction Center established at Guwahati fon 25th September, Reporter takhiminath Phakan honoured with Sahitya ‘Academy Award for his creation Mahatmar Pora Rupkonvsario [Natasurya Phani Sharma was died on 3st uly ‘Atul Chandra. Havarika honoured. with “Padms.Shrt ‘Award The foundation of Ashok paper mill was started at Fosighopa. ‘Central State Farm was established at Kakilabari of Barpeta district ‘Assim Charukala Paris’ as formed ‘aiynd Al Maik received Sahitya Aeademy Award forhis book ‘Aghar Atmar Kahin College of Home Science established a ooh Wild fe Protection Act accepted by Assam “Manos declared as Tiger Project, ‘Saurav Kamae Chaliha received ‘Sahitya Academy ‘Award’ forhis storybook Golam” Pada Shi’ conferred on Ananda Chand Basua Capital of Assam shifted from Shillong to Dip (Granary Kaciranga was declared as World Herltage Siteby UNESCO. ‘karin Al Ahmed was the first Assamese selected 55h President of Inia Cow-reproduction Farm was established nest Barpeta rod in the co-operation of Inda-Austraia Government. 24 ws 16 wr 9 980 982 983 1985 * Navakana Barua awarded with the “Sahitya Academy ‘Award for his novel Kokadeutar Har ‘= Guwahati Homeopathic College wasstarted as regu college. * Dr Bhupen Hazarika received best muse director's ‘ward for Abdul Macid directed fl ‘Chanel Memaahab = Assam Sahitya Sabha held at Tika © Kohinoor Theatre ist introduce by Ratan Lahkar and Krishna Roy. = Cement factory was established at Bokajan. Dr Bhabendeanath Saskia award with Sabitya Academy Assard for his storybook Shrink” = Assamese flim Sandhyarag’ got the chance to prepa in Indian Panorama, 1 Famous singer Jayanta Hazarika did am 15th October "= Ministry formed by BP in Assam on 12th Mare ' Homen Borgohain received Salutya Academy Award forhis book Pits Puta Fist book fae held at Nagoon, = Assam agitation began on 8th June * Presidents rule imposed in Assam forthe first time on mth December + Bhrendea Kumar Bhattacharya received Jnanpith Award” for his novel Meany’ * United Litertion Front of Assam (ULFA) formed at Bakar of Rangpur. = First Konwar of Assam Bishnuram Medi died on 23nd Apa 1 Theft lady Chief Minster of Assam ‘Anowars Taimur’ formed ministry on 12th December for 7 ‘months only 1 Jogenh Das received “Sahitya Academy Avward for his Morybook ‘rithvir Asaki” ‘+ First Forest Guard School was extablished at Maku. © Airsorvice started between Guwahat + Nilamani Phukan received Sahitya Academy Award for his storybook Kavi De Bhabersranath Saiki crc ln‘Anitban ove the Raat Kamal Aw: ‘= Mamoni Raisom Goswami received ‘Sahitya Academy ‘Award for her novel Mamore Dhora Tate = DrNirmal Prabha Bordolol reclved ‘Sahitya Academy ‘Award for her posty collection Sudlygha Din Aara Ries = Charukamal Hazarika directed film ‘Aalokar Ahan” received Rajat Kamal Award” legal migrants (Determination by Telbunal) Act 1983, twat enacted ‘= Munim Borkotoky was awarded with Assam Prakashan Parishad sand for his book ismnit Byatikram. * Secondary Boatd of Education Assam was formed. ‘Assam Electronics Development Corporation Limited was formed © Broad Gauge alway line was expanded from Bongaigaon to Guwahat. ‘+ AGP Assam Gans Parishad) took over the charge of {governance for the frst ime on 2th December. ‘Assam Accord signed on 15th August 1 Guwahati TV center was established 1986 1997 1988 is 992 1938 1995 1996 1997 Culture and History of Assam Regional Coffee Research Centre was established at Dip, Tithanath Sharma was awarded with Sahitya Academy Award for his enation ‘Benudhar Sharma Kalia Bhomora Bridge, over dhe mighty river Srahmaputra,imugursted at Tezpur an 13th Apri First Lok Adalat opened at Hazo on 12th Decenbe. ‘Assam Sahitya Sabha was held at Paths, Agricultural College was established at Biswanath Chana ‘Kapil Hydro-lectricity project started commercial production ry Sslnce was established at Raba of Governor Bhisms Narayan Singha inaugurated the foundation of Sankardova Kaleketa ‘Two Cental University was established at Tezpur and Silchar The fist corporate hospital Dowa Town’ was established at Guwahath ‘Assam Col Prot Private Limited was established at insu North-East Forest Ranger Collage was established at Jalukba Presiden’ rule imposed in Assam 27th November Sneha Devi received ‘Sahitya Academy Ava for her book ‘Sncha Devir Akuri Calpa Cloth production industzy was established at Sighat ‘new insustral rle was annonces by Government of ‘Assam. Congress Ministry formed under leadership of Hissar Sain om 30 Joe nen Borgahaln was awarded with ‘Assom Valley Literary’ award ‘Bhupen Hazarika awarded with Award Hien Bhattacharya awarded with ‘Sahitya Academy ‘Awan! for his povtry book Sichar Pathar Manuh Monalsha Barua got medal in International Table Tenis competition Noted literary person Nabakants Barua award with “Assam Valley Literary Aware, Prag Hosimy Synthetic Limited” was established in Darang district. Dipankar Bhattacharya won the bes player trophy ‘Guwahati Planetarium established on 17th August. The fnly scence muscu of North eat wae gtaishod a Khanapare, Guwahat CChandiapeasad Saikia awarded with “Sahitya Academy ‘Award fr his bok Mahara Classes were started of IT College st North- Guwahati Ascam Sahitya Sabha wos held at Srthebar of Barpeta dint ‘Nirupama Borgohaln received ‘Sahitya Academy Awan” forher book Abate Ex Chief Minister Hitewwar Saiki was died Foundation stone Ini forthe fourth bridge over Brahmaputra at Boglbee! near Dibrugash. [ilemoni Phukan awarded with ‘Assam Valley Literary Award Janpith Award! winner Birendra Kumar Bhattacharya was di ‘Dada Saheb Phalke Culture and History of Assam 988 1999 2000 2003 2004 2005 * Dipali Borthakur was awarded with ‘Pada Sha award = “Adahya’ an Assamese movie received special ary ward in the Asian film directors eategory atthe “International Fl Festiva’ on 200h January, ‘+ *Naranarayan Set’ Inaugurated on 15th April at Jesighops in Goslpara dist. ‘Sahitya Academy Award’ conferred on Arun Sharma forhis work’ Ashirwador Rng ‘= Mahim Boca awarded with the ‘Assam Valley Literary Award. + Lakapriya Gopinath Bordolo awarded with ‘Bharat stn’ on 30th January ‘+ Froedom fighter Puchpalata awarded with the Padma Bhushan’ on 25th March * Orang Santuary declared asa national park on 13th Ape ‘= Dulal Roy, Pradip Chale and Praveen Sultana awarded with the Sangoot Natak Academy Aware” for his work ‘Bipanna Samay’ on 23nd December, = Assamese fms Pokhi’ Baibhay’ and ‘Koihatir Dhl’ ‘warded a the 42h National il Festival on 6th July + Seema Biswas awarded with Sangeet Natsk Academy Award «+ Sattiya dance got National recognition on 15th November. ‘+ Assamese actress Chelana Das awarded with ‘Ambedkar ‘Award on Sth December + Apurba Sharma received Sahitya Academy Award! for iis creation ‘Boghe Tapur Rat 1 Sent. Sushane Swaryj inaugurated a 24-houe channel or North-East on 27th Decne * Chaudhary and Jenifer Daniel won gold modal for ‘Aseam at lst National Games held 3 Pt ‘+ Hection held in Assam after» gap of yeas on 27th December. * State Government gave permission to Bodoland ‘Torstoia Council (BIC) * Rssom Goswami was awarded with Inanpith Award! {Fist Wid Animal Rescue Center of India was ‘tablished at Kavranga, = Bhattacharya honoured with "Sahitya Academy Award for hs book Mahat Onihy 1 Barua Pandey died on 27th December = Lama visited the Kamakhy Temple Dramatist and novelist Arun Sharma, musician Prabhat Sharma and Mask artist Kushakanta Goswami were awarded with the Sangeet Natak Academy Award in November, * City bus service was introduced at Guwahati CCarrally was iat ie inaugurated at Guveahat {Sed Annual Conference of Assam Sahitya Sabha was held at Hej = Borgohain received Assam Valley Literary Avward on Tah March ‘Bora awarded with ‘Assam Valley Literary Award © Discussion was held bebsen People's Consultative {Group (PCG) and Cental Gaveerment on 2th October * Llterary person Yeshe Dorje Thongs awarded with ‘Sahitya Academy Avard’ for his creation Moun Oath ‘Mukhar Hrday * One ofthe famous social worker and former Chief Minister of Asam Sarat Chanda Sinha was died on 25th December, ao 25 * Evorgreonanst Aadhya Sharma and dramatist Arun ‘Sharma honoured with ‘Pranab Barua Artist Award” and ‘Assam Valley Literary Awad” acordingly on 31st December ' Sahitvachary, former President of Assam Sahitya Sabha Jatindranath Goswami and dramatist Mahendra Borthakur passed away * Aulananda Goswami received the Sahitya Academy for ‘Chee Jorir Gent Assam hosts the National Games for the frst ime, Assamese scientist De endranatls Gomwam took the responsibility asthe Principal Scientist ofthe ‘Chandrayaai-1 mission, = Assamese fil Basundhars’ was awarded as best regional film inthe 57th National film Awards * Union Minster for Foret and Environment Jara Remosh declared Majlis on ‘ec-semsitve’ oN + The Assam Government reamed North Cachar Hills. a¢ Dima Hasao dsc. Death of legendary Assamese singer or composer Dr Bhopen Hazarika * Chandan Goswami won the Sahitya Academy for Paths Bpare Mor Des ' Renowned Assamese poet Samer Tant has been awarded the prestigious Assam Valley Literary Award ao © Assam bacame the Fs tate i the county to proce ‘over 500 million bg tea for 2 yeas ina row in 2012 and 018 The first Mamoni Raisom Goswami (Dr Toda Goswami National Literature Award, 2014 was presented to famous Bengali writer Mahashweta Devi tehich was instituted by the apex iterary body of the State, Asam Sahitya Sabha, withthe support of the Numaligarh Refinery Led + The Gaubat High Court asked the Central Government and State Government to clar thee stand on granting, ‘STrsatus to the Koch Rajbongshi community. * United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has decided to prepare a Tea Atlas in India's North Eastern State of| + The 1th National Youth Festival was celebrated in Gotwahath, This festival coincides with the 152nd beth “anniversary of Swami Vivekananda. * Fiat goods rain from Lumding to Silchar inthe North Ester ate of Assim was flagged of ‘Assamese detonary for Science and Technology terms was eleased by Dr. Alok Kuma? Buragohain, Vice ‘Chencllor of Dibrugarh University 1 Assam ws awarded asthe Best panchayat stale on 25th April 2015 on the oceasson oF National Panchayati i Divas. Indias fist exclusive hospital for elephants has been ‘slblished in the Kazirange National Parkin Assan The 12th eition of South Asian Gomes (SAG) held in Gotwahat, Assam in February * A team of scontist rom Guwahati (Assam) based Institute of Advance Study in Science and Technology UUASSI) have developed an evorrienly biopolymer sing nanotechnology for war softening and water purification applications. 26 ar 2018 a9 2m0 Assam Assembly passed ‘Assam Ease of Doing Business Bl, 2016 to facia ease of doing bornes in the sat. ‘= Bhartiya Janata Party (BP) and its alles parties won an sbsolute majority in 2016 Assam State Assembly election by winning 67 seas inthe 126 member House, ' Mali became India's frst island district. ont {Assam Goverment lunches ‘Maite Ek Gyan Yatra’ to link primary schools to high Schoo colleges ‘Assam Assembly passed the Assam Amusements and Betting Tax (Amendment Bil, 2016 «Soper computer PARAM ISHAN vos inaugurate at IT Gurvahst * ‘Mukhaymantr Samagra Gramya Unnayan Yojana’ was launched to ring about paradigm shift towards hoist development of villages he sate, ‘+ Foundation stone was id by Prime Minister forthe Indian Agricultural Research Intute at Gogamakh i Assam. * Prime Minister inaugurated India’s longest river brdgethe Dhola-Sadia Bridge in Assan It was renamed ss Bhupen Hazarika Bridge ‘= Theth Intemational Tourism Mart (TT) 2017 was held inGuvahat, Assam, The frst Nemaml Barak Festival held a Sicha in Asam, ‘= The Assam Government wil observe nd September as Rhino Day to generate public awarencess on protection of one homed rhinoceros. ‘Assam Government has published fist draft of Supreme Court monitored National Register of Ctizan (NRC) ‘= ABbMathue was appointed a interlocutor by the Cent Government to hl talks withthe United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA) Global lavestrs Sumit 2018- “Advantage Assam’ held in Guha 1 The Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act (APSPA) a5 removed from Assam, Meghalaya and parts of ‘Arunachal Pradest, 7 ‘= Assam sett have India’s first International Multimodel a 1 The Assam Government are planning to develop Jogighopa, a small township near Brakmaputra river 3s = logis hub or trans shipmont point for cargo moving from Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland 10 Bangladesh. ‘= Assam State Government has approved toexpand the Kaziranga Notional Park by 053 hectares, This would ‘make the Kaziranga National Park and Tiger Reserve to row to 108559 ken (Present core area 430 99, kn) Culture and History of Assam t would help to provide connectivity to Orang and [Nameri National Park ross river Brahmapit. tis also provides connectivity to the ils of Katbt Anglong to the South ofthe park Justice Sudhanshu Dhulia was sworn the new Chief Justice of Gwahae High Court [Guwahati High Cour was promulgated by the ‘Government General of Inciaon Ist March, 1948 after the Govemment of India Ac, 1935 ws posed “The High Court of Assam was established with effect Feo Sth Apel, 1548, ‘On 14th April 2021 the Bohag Bihw Bird Count began in ‘Assam. The Bohag Bihu Bed Count was launched by Bird Count of indi (BCD forthe Firs time Boag ih the traditional ethnic festival celebrated in Assam. Tt marks the beginaing of Assamese New Year HimantaBisca Sharma, the face ofthe BP in Noelh-East Inia, wil be sworn inthe 15th Chief Minister of BJP Party wom 6 ofthe 126 seats in the Assam Assembly lection Italie, Aom Gana Parishad (AGP) and United People's Paety Liberal (UPPL) wom nine an si seats, respectively. ‘Shiva Thapa (Assam Pogilist) put up a fab performance to defeat Nader Odah in the men’s 8 kg {quarter inal tthe 2021 Asian Boxing Championship in Dubs ‘Shiva Thapa isan Indian Boxer Hes the third Indian Boxe to Cinch Goldin the Asian Games, ‘Assam State Government as decided to declare Dehing Patkat Wildlife Sanctuary as the 7th National Park ofthe kis also known as Dehing Path Rain forest, has unique Aral andl faunal veri Nov Assam are the second highest numberof National Park’sim the country ater Madhya Pradesh Assam CM Dr Himanta Bisa Sharma has dedicated CM Sishu Sova Scheme to the srvse ofthe beneficiaries and hand over the cheques of nancial setance to few Beneilaies wha lost thie parents die tocol {As the per scheme an amount to the tune of 781,200 would be parked in the banks as fixed depot in the name ofeach beneficiary PRACTICE QUESTIONS ‘Assam : An overview 1. 10. 1. 12. 3. Which one ofthe following district of Assam shares the longest international boundary? (@) Kamgan) 8) Koleapar (siren (@) mu tn which year the Assam region was separated from the Bengal Presidency as North-East Frontier? (ay 1828 (b) 1889 87 (@) 1881 . The number of wildlife sanctuaries in Assam is @e ww | wo According to 2011 Census the racy rate of Assam is @rioe —— m)7288% @7Ba% 730% As per Census 2011, the male literacy rate of Assam is (755% soER (72% TOSI 1m which ofthe following year the Guwahati University was founded? ie 1b) 1935 (11980 (on 1948 There is only one fertiliser plant in Assam which is located at (a) Teopur (©) Sonitpur (@Bapea (6) Namnup The fest state which was carved ‘out of Assam as full-fledged state (@) Nagaland B) Meghalaya (Manip {e) Skkm >. The state of Assam has representatives inthe Lok Sabha? ae O86 OH ME n which year Panchayati Raj was formally introduced in Assam? (@) 7962) (6) 1964 fe) 1969 (6) 1970, The state of Assam has representatives in the Rajya Sabha. @5 o2 Er ws ‘The total area of Assam is (ay 7012 km®—) 77901 me (@ 7eage km? |e) 20545 Am? ‘What isthe number of districts in Assain? @3 2 Ce (at 1“ 5. 6. What isthe position (Rank) of Assam in Indi On the basis of area? (a) 97% (15% fe) 10 (4) 7h Whar isthe rank of Assam in fon the basis of population? (a) 95ty (18 fe) 11H (8) 1H Which river is called as the life line of Assam? (@)Brahmapura (Tita (e Manas ()damuna History and Freedom Movement of Assam 1". 6 19. a. 23. ‘What isthe name ofthe first Ahom: ing? (@)Sukapha——_() Sutoupha (@)Suoinpna—(@) Susnampn 1m which year Sir Sadulla's Ministry formed? (a) 1951 (6) 1950 (c) 1957 (1947 ‘Major part of the Kachari kingdom, was accupied by the Ahoms during {he reign of which ofthe following kings: (e)Sukrampha (6) Sutingoha (e)Rucr@Singna_(@) Sunungmung Rani Gaidula, a famous character of Indian movement belonged to Which tribe? (a) The Laing bes of Assam (b) The Naga Woes of Assam (o) Tho xachavt bes of Assam (6) The hart bes of Assam ‘Mulla Gabbaru died fighting, against (aiDet Chung (&) Mr dunia (ey Tua (oh siza Nathan ‘Who was the fitst Abom Monarch toassume the Hindu ttle of ‘Swarganaryan"? (2) Sutugrang, (0) sayadwa) Singha (Sa Singha (o Pratap Srigha {In 640 AD Chinese traveller Hiven ‘Teang visited Assan (Kamrupap. ‘The king who gave him warm reception was (a) Kumar Rud Barmana (b) Swargadeo Rucea Singha (e) Kumar kara Barmana () Bhagacita 2. 28, 30, 3 32. 33. Which one ofthe following was the last capital of Ahom dynasty? (a) Nazi (0) Srasagar (@.Charaideo (6 Jorhat In which year the frst newspaper ‘of Assam ‘Orunodoi as published? (a) 1899) 1824 (0) 1850.) 1846 The ancient name of Assam as mentioned in epics Ramayana and Mahabharata is (a)Incraprashina() Karmup (@ Atom (@)Pragioisnpura Which one ofthe following was the earliest historical dynasty of Assam? (@)Varmans ——(b) Norakas (c)Salestembnas (6) Poise In which year Assam Pradesh Congress Committee was founded? (a) 1909) 1912 (@) 1917) 1921 ‘Which one of the following was the royal symbol of the kings of ancient Kamrupa? (a)Etpnant——&) Lon (9 Toe (6) Frinoceres Who was the frst Assamese person to receive the ttle of Si? from the British? (@) Sr Syed Ahmad (0) Si Akbar Hye (@) Sr Sanya Sadutah {G) None ofthe above ‘The first President of the “Assam Pradesh Congress Committee’ was {@ Gopaain Boro (b) Rabin Chansta Bordo (@)Kuladhar China (a) Tarun Ram Phan Who among the following was the President of the Swaraj Party in ‘Assam during freedom movement? (@ Manta Devan (6) Bichnuram Mach (6) gopinath Bardot (6) Tarun Kumar Phan ‘The only Assamese to become the President of indian National congress I (o)Fokewudiin At Ahmed (b) Navakarta Batu (6) Or Maneshuar Noo (6) Deva Karta Barua 28 7. a ‘The Assamese king who is aso nicknamed as “Bhagaraja’ is (@)Suryaipha. 8) Suampha (@Swyampha (6) Suara ‘Who founded the ‘Mrityu Bahini? during the freedom struggle? (@) Pusmpaita Dos (©) Charora Praona Saitan! (@) Kanata Bava (6) Rani Gaines ‘Who among the following Is known as Gajapati? (@) Surungming. fe) Ruera Singh (@)Praiap Singh (@) Sudangpra Art and Culture “The First cultural assimilation of, ‘Assam took place between and (@) Aisvo-abatc, ano-Seythians (@) Assbo-asatic, Tibet Burman (e) Tbete Burman, rare Soyhiane (6) SinoToetan, Tibeto-Bumnan “tukunl-Patant” Isa raditional costume of which tribe? (alAnoms (©) Koch Rapongshi (©) Sonowa-Kacrars (6) Rabha 9. "Peng Karkli" is traditional festival celebrated by which ube? (@) Twa (b) Mech Kacha (e) Ratha (ob Kato 1. “Rongker” Isa_observed by the Karbi peopiz of Assam. (@) Autumn estab) Harvest etal (@)Speng ostval_() Surener festa Lakshminath Resbaraa is honoured with ‘Rasara’ by Assam Sabitya Sabha in the year (@) 1917 (1922 fe) 1928 (a) 1981 2. Which town is also known as the ‘Manchester of Assam? (a) dora 1b) Suatchs| (Deru (eb gbo« Which language is used by Sankardev to svitien Borgeets (@iAssamese —(&)Sanskat (Bengal (e) Brava ‘Swamnalata’a historical novel was written by (o}Jogesh Ds (6) Drrubajos Bora (@ Tiolekya Bhatacharyya (6) Tietome Misha ‘Namgosa was weltten by @)Sankardev (6) Madhabdev (6) Madhava Kandal (3) None of these a7. st A famous musical instrument of “Assam 'GAGONA’ is made of which material? (a) Cane (6) Buta porn (@Bembco —_(@) Teak woos Which among the following dance form from Assam isa Classical Dance in india? (Satta) By (e)Bo00s (6 Bagunenba Which of the following National Park of India isnot located in ‘Assam state? (a) Manas National Park (6) Dibra Sakrowa National Park {c) Orang National Park (G)daldapara National Park With context to culture of Assam, what isJaapi? (a) Fok dance of Assam (b) Tbe of Assam {€) Conical hat made fom bamboo (9) Sikretesfapres Which tribe of Assam celebrates an agro-based festival ‘AlieAai-Ligang’? (a) Kass (©) Mishing (Naga (a) Bode ‘Kamakhya Temple’ a famous hindu pilgrimage site, fs located in Which district of Assam? (@)Guwahati 6) Dibrugarh (@ Dhabi (sora 2. With context to culture of Assan what is “Ankia Nat’? 3 one act pay nave to Assam (b)armusial nsument (¢) aimoe of Assarn (@)attedsional erat made tom bamboo Which of the following fauna is founel only in Assam state of India? (@) Pygmy hog (b) Cloudes leopard (c) Gee's gooen ang (o) Sto boar Gibon Wildlife Sanctuary is located (9) Orrang (0) Dengan (e)Kotarmar —_(@) Jorma, ‘The Assamese Ramayana by ‘Madhab Kandalis umique in whieh of the following context? (a) modtiad the main etary of the epee {B)Itis the gional vanslaion of he ope (© 1's wansiated in moder Assamese language (@) Nene othe above Culture and History of Assam 57. 59, et. 62, 63. ‘Who among the following is known as the “Father of Assamese Prose’? (@) Macha Kardal (b) Sankardeva| (©) Brataceva (rem Barua ‘The famous Assamese novel *Banduka Behar’ which was written by Medini Chaudhary is based on which legendary personality? {@) Liv of Si Sankardova (0) Lie! Sr Manaceva (¢) Lie Bish Racha (@) Lie of Brupen Hazara ‘The famous ‘Rang Ghar’ was constructed in Assam during the reign of (@)Praratta Sgn (b)Rajeswar Singha, (6) Sw Singha (o) Fucra Singha ‘The autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi My Experiments with ‘Truth’ has been translated in Assamese by (a) Ao Mali (0 yotraead Agawala (6) Aniyo Kom Das (o) None atte stove ‘Who among the following has written ‘Asomiva Sahityar Buran’? (a) Devendranath Bezbarva (©) Gunsohram Barun (©) Nathan Bon (@)Jatrdranath Duara ‘The famous book ‘Assamese- Its Formation and Development’ was written by {@) Dr Manoshar Neog (0) De Par Sain {c) Hem Barua (@) De Bankanta Kako Architecture ‘Who among the following built the temples at Basisthasram? (@) Godadhar Sgn (b)Fajestwar Singh (6) Naransrayan (6) Rucka Singh ‘Which ofthe following temple Is situated on the peacock sland in (a) Nevagiana —(e) Kemabhya (©) Umananda (6) None of hese Culture and History of Assam 64, or. History of Assamese 1. 75. ‘Who built Joydol on the bank of JJaysagan tank? (@)Fucra Singha) Sva Singha (@\Gadapani (6) None of these ‘Who was the builder of Umanand Devaloi at Kamrup? (@) Gacacrar Singh Rudra Sgn (6) Rajestwar Singh () None of ese [Navagraha Temple is situated at which Hill of Gawabat? (@iChiracnal fo) Meonachal (@Smachal ——_{@)Vinanchal Which Ahom King was built the ‘Navagraha Temple? (@)Rajeshwar Singh (©) Gadchar Singh (@)Fucra Sigh (6) Viuen Sogn How many ancient temples ate there in Assam? (495 512 ear 725 9. Which place is known as the ‘Heart of the Assamese Neo-vaishnavite Culture’? (Maju (b Jerhat (Bupa e) Swasogar Which one ofthe following was the capital of the kachari kingdom in Assam? (@\Deraour——&) Rangour (@)Mushalpur—_(€) Golagnat |- Garakhia Temple at Nazira was bolt by (@) Prat Srgha_&) Rudra Singha (@ Vishwa Singha. () None ofthese The Siva Temple of Sibasagan....... metre high, @aom 60m aon (ot5m Cinema “Halodia Choraye Baodhan Khai” Won the National Film Award for [Best Feature Film in the year (@) 1985 (1988 (e)1990. (6) 1901 Who among the following was the first Assamese actress to win the est Actress Avvatd in the National Film awards? (a) edule Barua (©) Dr Sorana Bordolt (@ Malaya Goswami (@)None ot hese ‘The frst Assamese film wo win President's Silver Medal for Best Feature Film was 76. 7. 78. 1. a 83. (a) Shakrtats (b) Ronga Police (e)Poberun (0) Manram Dewan ‘The first female Music Direct of an Assamese film (a) Adeo Hanoque (Al Armes (@ Brupen Hazara (o) Manisha Hazanke ‘The first Assames (2) Joymat (eo Devdas Te first Assames National Aviad w (@) Pal Prukan (b) Smt Paras (o)EraBater Sur (6) Pubewun Which Assamese film was first time ‘make an entry inthe Berlin Film Festival? (a) Puberun (b) Ranga Potoe (@ Pyat Phakan (6) Shaka Who was the Producer and Director ofthe film Shak . fllm was (©) indamati (@)Funum film, win a tala in 1961? (@) Brupon Hazara (Prawn Sharma (o Aran Palak (0) Debaumar Basu Which film was won the Best Feature Film award atthe 65 National Film Av ars? (a) Vilage Rockstars (b) Ramdhery (@)Mission Cbna (@ Tum Aahibane ‘Which Assamese film was selected for India’s official entry 091" ‘Acaemy Awards? (a] Vilage Rockstars (b) Naya (Rag Brag (c] Apatoopa Tourist Places {In which hill top, the Kamakhya ‘Temple i located? (a) Miacnal (b) Chirac it (c)Sanchyachal at (9) Joon Hi ‘The Naranarayan Setu connects the Paneharatna Town with which city? (@) Kalibor (6) Bongsigaon (6) Tezpur (1 o9¢ropa 85. a7. m1 92. 93. 94. 29 ‘Which toven is also known as the Manchester of Assam? (a) omat (@) Suasucrs (Doh (9) Digooi Kamakhya Temple was rebuilt by which one of the following Koc King? (@)BiswaSngha _(b) Raghu Deva (@\Naranarayan (6) Prananarayan Which one ofthe following places Js the confluence of three highly revered pilgrimage for the Hindu, ‘Muslim and Buddhists? (a) Parashuram Kuga (6) Dekathowa Namghar (Ha (@Barpata ‘Bahari Satra is situated near by which town? (a) Dati (e) Barpeta (Guana (0) None of nose ‘who founded the Bah Satra? (@)SuSiHaideva (0) Sankarceva (e)Maghawovs (6) Mahipal Parihareswar Shrine is one among the 48 Shrines. Its Situated in which village? (@)Barpeia (0) Onuon (oSw () Dubi Siddeshwar Mandir is enshrining an image of Durga with ten arms, Where itis situated? (@)Sienar (b) Halakanat (©) On the boundary of Sicha ant Halakhand (oo Kraspue “in this temple Goddess ‘Kamakhya knocked off the head (of Kendal, the rist of ‘Naranarayana. The Koch king built this temple o perpetuate the memory ofthe priest. Which temple is mentioned above? (@) Swa Bhubaneswar Tempe {b) Siceswar Temple {e) Muradeor Tome {Nove ofthe above Sil Surya Paar and Tukreswatt Devalyais situated in which town? (a Goiaghat (0) Gaopara {e}Bongalgeon {a} Dibrogamn Koviranga National Park Is 3 tourist attraction spot, itis famous for which animal? (a) white Toor {Rhinoceros (@)inaian Bone (© Great nian Busters 30 97. 100. 01. 102. 103. 108. 108. 106. ‘When was the Kaziranga National Park is established as reserve forest? (@) 1901 1b) 1903 (1905 (6) 1908 ‘Mauri, the largest riverine Island in the world is the 2nd sub division of which istrict? (@)domat (b)Barpeta (Darang) Dhemay ‘The ancient Siva temple of ‘Umananda i situated on the peacock island in the middle of ‘which river? (@)Swoanen ey Brahmapura f@tant (None of hese ‘Assam Stale Museum was started which year? (@)1912 (1820 (@) 1899 (6) 1941 1. Which isthe Assam’ only hill station? (@) Dono (ey Hatlong (@Maborg (Suzi ‘The Hayagriva Madhava Temple of ajo is located in which bill? (@Aengam Ht (0) Neachal Hit (@ Monat Hi (oy hi Whiet one cty is also known as “Fea City of India”? (@)Devugarn 4b) Jorhat (@Svasage ——(@) Gouaghat ‘Nameri National Park is situated in which disiciee @Sontpur——w)Barpeta (el domat (6) Uda Tribes of Assam ‘The bal communities of Assam have thei individual (@llanguages By ts and rivals (Geuturalvats 6) Alot ese ‘Which of the following tribes are belong wo Assam? (@Mshing ——&) Deo (@Thengal eh Aol these ‘Which of the following tribes is not related to Assam? (@) Sonewa Kachar (@) Lang (o Thaw (@Mech According to 2011 Census, how ‘many tribes are notified as schedled Tribe i Assam? ae wat oz 25 +07. 108. 109. 110. a. 112. 113. 114. 116. 116. 417. 118. According to Census of 2011, What 's population of Scheduled Tiibe in Assam? (asiieser2 —(o) coveoua7 (3208870 (@) 1505875, ‘uodo tribe resdes in which ofthe following district? (@\Goapara—) Naber (@Kemnup——_(@) Alot hese Which plant represents the symbol of Hoda’ God Bathow? (a) Sal (0) Siu (c)Sreesnam (6) None ofthese Which tribe has five ‘Kur (clans)? (a) kerbs | (e) Bodo (odours (6) Sonowal Kachas Deuri tribe is mainly found in (a)Lakringur—(b) Sbsagar (Q@)ed@) (None ofnese 1m whlch tbe democratic system. is followed? (amar (0) Bodo (@Mishing (0) Phake Which of the following festivals in Assain, ate celebrated by Mishings? (a) Magh Binu—&) Bohag Bh (@)Nersinga Bhu (a) Al of hese ‘Which tribe's main occupation was sieving gold from the river Suwansiri during the rule of ‘Ahom? (a) Mir (Bodo (c) Sonowa Kachars (g Alot these Which of the following puis are related to Rabhas tribe in Assam? (a) Kraken Pua) Maro! Pua. (QlongaPua —(@) Alot those Which tribe's woman are active and also they help in the field of. Cultivation as well as households? (a)sonowals (Deus, (eRabnes (Twas Which of the following Tribe is hamed after river? (aTwa (6) Pave (om ()imasa ‘The priest of Dimasa wide (a)Gissia (b) sont (e)Rachan (o) None ofthe above known Culture and History of Assam 119, 120. a1. 122, 123. 124, 125. 126. 127. 128. 128. ‘Which of the following cooperative ‘organisation ofthe Dimasa youth to help in cultivation? (@)Hergdso (0) Bako (Misawa (6) Alofthese “Tiwas are also known as fa) Mir (0) Bods (©) Lang (Phas The main God of Tiwa is (a) Hengdso—_(b) FaeManadeo ()8anow (6) Sia ‘Which of the following tribe follow ‘Theratada Buddhism? (@)Kramyang (0) Twa (e)0masa (0) Rabhas Awards and Prizes ‘Who isthe frst Assamese to received ‘Jnanpith Award? (@ Inara Goswami (b)Bironcra Kumsr Bhatacharya (¢) Brupen Hazara (63 Hemenancia Barus “The first book to wwin Sabitya [Akademi Avard is (a) yarangam —(b) Bonghoot (e)Aawanaanda (6) Pa Pua Moloya Goswami wins the National Film Award for Best [Actress inthe Assamese film (a) Agnisnaan (Feng (6) Sra (6) Bator Logos Prabin Saiki Avvard is given to___for oustanding contribution to creative Art {@)Malewrter (0) Female writer (©)(@)and (0) (6) Nene ot these Srimanta Sankardeva Award is instituted in which year? (a) 1984 (o) 1985, (6) 1986 (@ 1087 ‘The first recipient of the Assam. Valley Literary Award? (a) Hiren Bhatacharya, (b) Apu Snarma (6) Sanaa To (@) None a te stove Fakhruddin All Ahmed Memorial ‘Award is instituted by in year {a) Government of Assam, 2008 {©} Cental Government, 2004 (6) Manin Burkotoky Mernora Tost, 2008; (69 Wagon Magor Education Tus 2008 Culture and History of Assam 120. Which isthe highest civilian award, 131 132. 133. 134. 135. 126. 197. 138. 129. inthe state of Assam? (a) Manin Berkotoy Auras (&) Assam Valey Literary Award (6) Assam Rana Award (@ Assam Sarvochna Ratna Dr Bhupen Hazarika was honoured ‘Assam Ratna Arvard in 2009, He was conferred in which field? @)Lieranze (©) Spons. ome (6) Science Prabina Saikia award was instituted in__- (@) 1000 1b 1908 (9 1997 (ch 1999 ‘Who was the fst recplent of Prabina Saikia Award? (@)Ntima Duta (©) Niupama Bogohan (@Nemabprabra (@ Nana Avast Publication Board Award is te (@) Lay Aware (@) Puaisning vara (@iFim-cne Avara (6) None ofthe above ‘The Publication Board, Assam was {instituted in| 1970 (wy t97 (1073 (oy t975 ‘What is prize money of Srimanta Sankardeva avvarl? @rsian (@)F4iakn (orsiann (6) None of the above Which of the following award is given young (below the age of 40 Years) writers of Assamese? (a) Assam Yale Literary Avr (6) Prabi Saiki Ana (6) Assam Sahiya Sabha Award (6) Munn Borctoky vars ‘Who is first recipient of Bharat Ratna from Assam state? (@) Bhupon Hazara (@) Gopinath Bordo (e) ta Boro (6) None of the above Who was the frst Assamese recipient of Sahitya Academy? (@) Bhogeswar Barus (@)datnernath Duaron (@)Bimala Prasad (6) Monaisa Meda 4140, Who was the first Assamese to be honoured with Padma Bhushan? (9) Bimala Prasad Chana {b) Broncra Kumar (9 Rabo {) Mamen Raiser 444. Which ofthe following tithe is conferred by Assam Sahitya Sabha? (o) Ssdasya Mobian (o) Sontyacrana (@xd (6) Neher) noe) 4142, Which ofthe following awards is not related to Assam state? (a) Kalidasa Samman (0) Assam Raina (c)Prabina Sina Aware (6) None a the above ‘Some Important Events. of Assam (Since 1947 to on words) 143, When Majuli is formally declared asa district in Assam? (a) Septbe, 2016 (b) November 2016 (Januar, 2017 () Maren, 2017 444, Which one district is declared as the first carbon fre district im Assam (Also in India)? (@) Dnomay (Maj foNcrits (6) Kare Anglong 148. In which year, Kaziranga was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO? (ay 1982 (o) 19885 (1987 (1992 146. According tothe 2017 elephant census, cola numberof elephants in Assam is (aso (4829, (ser (asri9 447. The Bodoland Territorial Council was established in the year (a) 1998 (2001 (2008 (2008, 148. In which year sattriyals recognised as classical dance by Sangeet Natak Akademi of India? (a) 1998 (b) 2000, (2000 (2008, 149, Who was the fist Assamese to get the Arjuna Award? 150. 451. 152, 153, 154, 155, 158. 487. 158, 159. 31 (@) Hoicharan Narzay (b) Monatsa Baruuh (6) Brogeswar Bauah (@) Dipankar Bhanaonajoe Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed was the President of India, om (os en (om In which year Bharat Ratna Award ‘was given to Gopinath Bordolot posthumously? (a) 1998 (0) 1999) (©) 2000 (2001 Sarbonanda Sonowal isthe CChiet Minister of Assam, fia wis wie” or" Syed Abdul Malik won the Sahitya [Akademi Avard in 1972 for which fone novel? (a) Pith Akh (w)Goan (6) Koka Dortar har (6) ghar Aimar Kahin In which year, Anwara Taimur Dpecome Assamn’s fest and only female Chiel Minister? (a) 1979 (0) 1980 (6) 1981 (1982 ‘The first even Lok Adalat at the GGauati High Court was held in the year (a) 1987 (ey 1988 (6) 1990 (1991 ‘Agalist which team, Assam played their first Ranji Trophy Match in the year 19492 (@)Bzoda xi) Holkar xd (e)Bomoay fe) Mysore ‘Who is appointed asthe first ever sports ambassador of Assam? (@) Hina Das )Ankushea Boro (©) Shiva Mapa. (@) Manacev Deka ‘Who s the frst Assamese woman to win international Gold Medal in sports? (@)Hima Dos (Ankita Boro (e) Mt Barua (@) Monalsa Barvah Motta ‘The Bogibeel bridge connects the Dhemajidistrit-wvith whieh one dlisiict? (a) Tesukia (0) Jorhat (©)Lashinpur—(@) Dibrugarh 32 Culture and History of Assam 160, which ofthe followings nota (o Hem Bana wc lo we e500 Tecplent of adina Sh award in (GhOnreona Kala Solo Bo ma 5b zoe? 465, the Manas bioreservewas created 56 < 57) 5B 9 BC {a Pratta Govinda Baan Triheyear Oo ete ae es {Pyar Kear Data aor cto wie leo ee we (Sra mara ae Sis tai No Rs Bb me Be Draenor melee (© Bisa 166. indian institute of Technology % a |7 «| a |79 a 161. The 10 anna special session of (tit) Guvshatvasesisblshedin 81 9 @ oo a4 85 the Assam ain Sab 2019 theyear tea cae ao 90 heitin (3) 1082 (1004 1996 (1008 Sc mc bo ws (Kop 9pm bes ob wc mb 1 467. How many seats are wins in Assam erma one by BharatjaJanata Party in 2019 101 9 12 o 103. ¢ 104 g 105 « 162. The Police Training College was Pees foe 2 toy con 109 6 Ho first established in the year I948at | Gg D(H Me NC BG AM cS (Saenbat bynmartae hie coy sta) 19 9 10 (Nera (€) Gauripur (Answers) 121 6 122 o 1b 1m & 1b 168. In hich year Doordarshan Kenda tae lr ¢ |un ¢ fas @ [uo ‘was established in Assam to Vd|2 c)/3 6/4 a/5 o Wc 12g 13g 1 9 135 tecastprgimmeinasamee | 6 ¢|7 4/8 o[9 cli | 3 ¢\HB¢ [ms 2 tm o ts c language Ncw alm oso MS Ws ee eo Mo GBH e191 tH IM I oo wl we MG Me Me I 6 M5 a 164, Who was the first member of Nic | a |B c |e dg jas a 151 b 152 g 153 d 154 155 D Parliament from Gurvahati Lok 26 4 (27 ba |29 2 30 ee een 158 9 160 0 Saba constinency in 1951? He R se Bowe so ee ee ee ee (© Deena Na Sama wes wl g we We Me {© Ronin Kamar Chaudry nome aoa cee History and Culture of India Ancient India In Ancient India, before reading about Indus Valley civilisation, we need to study four ancient ages. These ancient ages are Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic and Chaleolithie Age Paleolithic Age + People in Paleolithic age were hunters and gatherers ‘They were dependent on hunting for their livelihood and used to travel from one place to another depending on the availability of natural resources for survival + They developed sharp weapons of stone for hunting purpose. They survived on hunting wild animals and birds, fishing and collecting fruits and nuts Mesolithic Age It was the age between Paleolithic and Neolithic period ‘The main tools ofthis age ie miroliths were made of + During this period, people were sill hunter-gatherer, but were possibly starting wo stayin one place Domestication of animal canbe seen in this age Neolithic Age + The Neolithic age contributed in the social and technological development. tone tools and weapons ‘were alo further modified and were sharpened by fine shedding ofthe stones Neolithic age also contributed greatly in the field of transportation by an important invention ofthe wheel Chalcolithic Age +The people of Chalcolithic age practiced agriculture They used tools made up of copper and stone + Painted pottery was the most d all Chalcolithic cultures. nguishing feature of ‘The later Chalcolithic period saw an emergence of an ancient civilisation, which eam to be known as the Indus Valley Civilisation. Indus Valley Civilisation It sone of the oldest civilisations of the world. It flourished along the banks of Indus river, Indus people produced wheat, barley, peas, seasum, rice and’ mustard And they were the first to produce cotton. The people of this age worshiped mother goddess and the bull. The important sites of Indus Valley Civilisation are Mohenjodaro and Harappa Mohenjodaro +The town planning was in a systematic manner based on grid system. Houses were made of burnt bricks. + The towns were divided into two parts: Upper part or Citadel and Lower part + The most important feature at Mohenjodaro was the Great Bath Which was used for eligious bathing. + Numerous objects were founded in excavation which include seated and standing figures, copper and stone tools, carved seals, balance-sales and weights, and chile’ toys Harappa + Harappans were familiar with bronze age people and they were fond of ormaments and dressing up. Goddess of Earth and Pashupati Mahadeva were their main deity + Barter system was prevalent inthe Harappan Civilisation, + Animals known to Harappans were oxen, sheep, bulfaloes, oats pigs elephants, dogs, cats, asses and camels. + The Harappan culture flourished till bout 1800 BC. There are many reasons for its decline like extemal aggression, epiciemic, climate change, flood ete. Vedic Period + Vedic petiod came after the destruction of Indus Valley Civilisation. This period is called vedic because the four Vedas were composed during this time + In this period, it is believed that the Aryans came to India There are many conflicts about the origin of Aryans. + During this time, there were no big kingdoms. People lived in the tribal groups or small kingdoms. + Four vedas are Rigveda, Samaveda, Yajurveda and Atharaveda Rigveda is the oldest religious text It contains the prayers of God and Gayatri mantra, Samaveda deals with the music. Yajurveda has the procedures for the performance of sacrifices Atharvaveda deals with medicines. ‘Agriculture and cattle rearing were the main occupation ofthis period. Women had a respectable place in the society. They had the right to education and to participate in religious ceremonies, 4 Later Vedic Period * In this period, Aryans expanded from Punjab over the whole of Western Uttar Pradesh covered by the Ganga-Yamuna Doab, Soclety was clearly divided into four varnas ie ‘Brahmana, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shula. + The institution of Gotra appeared forthe first time and. Prajapati became the supreme God of this period. Sacrifices, rather than prayers, Became more important in this period. Jainism and Buddhism Jainism and Buddhism came into existence around 600 BC. The main causes being the reaction against domination of Brahmanas and spread of agricultural Jainism + There were 24 Trthankaras in Jainism. Rishabhadeva 1was the first Tirthankara and Mahavira being the 24th, ‘Mahavira was born in 540 BC in Kundageam near Vishal, ‘Mahavira rejected the authority ofthe vedas and did not believe in existence of God. + He believed inthe attainment of salvation by extreme penance and dying of starvation. He believed in “universal brotherhood (equality) and non-belie in caste system * Later Jainism divided into two sects called Svetambara and Digambara, Jain Councils Council Chairman Developments) First Sthulabhadra Compilation of 12 angas (G00 Bo) to replace 1 purvas Second (512 AD) Deveidht Final compilation of Kehmasramana 12 angas and 12 upangas Buddhism * Buddhism was founded by Gautam Buddha who was born in 563 BC at Lumbini (Sakya tribe of Kapilvastu). is father Suddhodana was a Saka ruler and his mother Mahamaya of Kesalan dynasty died early. Gautam ‘Buddha brought up by stepmother Gautam + Gautam Buddha married to Yashodhara and had a son. Rahul + He followed middle path for attainment of salvation and believed in the concept of non-violence. + Lord Buddha's image sometimes shown withthe hard gesture is called "Bhumisparsha Mudra + Tesignifies Buddha's calling of the Earth to watch over ‘mare and to prevent mare from disturbing his General Knowledge ‘meditation and Buddha calling ofthe Earth to witness his purity and chastity despite the temptations of mare, + Later on Buddhism divided into Mahayana and Hinayana. Buddhist Council Council Chairman Royal -—=—Development Place Patron 6 First MahakassappaAjatashatru Compilation of — Rajgive asec) Satta Pita by Ananda and ‘Vinaya Pitaka by Upalt Second Sabakami—-Kalesoka Monks split into Vashali GSC) Sthaviraada nd Mahasanghiks ‘Think Mogalipotta Ashoka Compilation of Patlipats 2508) Tis ‘Abhithomea Pika Fourth Vasumitrn Kanishka Divisionof Kashmir (D7) (Chairman) and Buddhists into Ashivaphosha Hinayana and (Wee Chaieman) Mahayana Phases of Buddha's Life Phases of Buddha's Lefthome a the age 0f28 Known as Mahabhinishkramana ‘Meditation under Poepal Attained knowledge tree at Hoch Gaya at the age of 35 First sermon DDharmachak-parvartana Death ‘Mahaprinivana Similarities between Buddhism and Jainism + Both believed thatthe way to liberation o¢ to enlightement is self liscipline and accepted Dhamma ot Dharma is the way. + Both Gautam Buddha and Mahavir belonged to princely families and not to priestly families. Both deny the existence of God Both have accepted the theories of karma, rebirth and moksha Both said emphasis on meditation, selfimprovement, compassion and non-violence to attain inner peace. Dissimilorities between Jainism and Buddhism * According to Buddhism, a man attains moksla when he ends all ‘the desires and can attain it while living inthe world. But according to Jainism, moksa is freedam from miseries and ean be attained only after death, + Buddhists do not believe in the existence of soul whereas Jainism belioves the existence of soul in every living being. + Bueldhism emphasises the eight noble paths whereas Jainism emphasises Tet Ratna + Most ofthe Jain texts are in Sanskrit and Prakrt, whereas Buddhist texts are in Pali + Buddhism spread to foreign countries, whereas Jainism did not travel outside the boundaries of Indi, General Knowledge Dynasties of Ancient Era ‘There were many important dynasties who ruled over India during the Ancient age. Some important dynasties of ancient era are ‘fet Belons Haryanka Dynasty + Bimbisara was the founder of this dynasty. He expanded the Magdha kingdom by annexing Anga. The earliest capital of Magadha was Rajgit, which was called Girivraja at that time. ‘Bimbisara was succeeded by his son. Ajatasatru between 492-160 BC. Ajatasatru killed his father and seized the throne for hime Ajatasatru was succeeded by Udayin (460-444 BC). Udayin temporarily shifted the capital to Vaishali, Shishunaga Dynasty + Shishunaga was the founder ofthis dynasty. He was succeeded by Kalashoka (Kakavarna), who transferred the eapital from Vaishali to Pataliputra, * The Shishunagas were sueceeded by the Nanda. Nanda Dynasty + Nanda dynasty was founded by Mahapadma Nanda, The Nandlas were the first Non. Kshatriya rulers inthe history of India Nanda’s were also the first empire builders in the recorded history of India, + The last ruler ofthis dynasty was hana Nanda, Alexander attacked during Dhana Nanda reign Dhana Nanda was overthrown by Chandragupta Maurya, thus founding ‘Mauryan Empire in 321 BC. Mauryan Dynasty Important rersof Mauryun dynasty were Chanerogupta Mourya + Chandrapupta Maurya was the founder ofthe Mauryan empire and ascended the throne atthe age of twenty-five Chandragupta with the elp of Chanalya, started building the famous Mauryan Empire. + Chandragupta defeated Seleucus Nikator the general of Alexander (304 BC). Later Seleucus sent his ambassador, Megasthenes, to the court of Chandragupta Maurya, Mogasthenes wrote an elaborate account (Indica) of the army and power fof the king, + Addrama called Mudrarakshasa was written by Vishakhadatta and deserbes about mechanisation of Chanakya’ against Chandragupta’s enemy. ‘Chandragupta adopted Jainism and ‘went to Sravanabelgola with Bhadrabab, Bindusara, + Bindusara was the son of ‘Chandragupta and was referred toas Amitraghata by Greek writers. + Bindusora further expanded the Mauiryan Dynasty tothe South + Bindusara appointed his eldest son Susima or Sumana as Viceroy of Taxila and Ashoka at Ujain, Ashoko + He was the son of king Bindusara and ‘Maharani Dharma (also called Subhadrangi) Inthe early life as an emperor, he got engaged in war with ifferent states. Ashoka was the first king to maintain direct contact with ‘people through inscriptions, ‘The war of Kalinga (BC 261) was the turning point of Ashoka’s life. The ‘mass death of the war changed his ‘mind and he became a follower of Buddhism, He made Buddhism his state religion, He build lion stambh’s to spread. Buddhism. These stambh’s are now called Ashok Stambh. “Ashok Stambh of Samath was adopted as "National Emilem oF fndia Besides Ashok stambh, Ashoka had build many constrictions-Dhamek Stupa (Sarnath, Uttar Pradesh), Bharhut stupa (Madhya Pradesh), Mahabodhi ‘Temple (Bika), He died in the year 232 BC. The Indo-Greeks ‘The most famous king among the Indo-Greeks was Menander (165-145 BC) also called Milinda. His capital was Sakala (modern Sialkot) in Punjab. + He was converted to Buddhism by [Nagasena as per the Milndpao, + The Grovks were the fist to issue coins attributable tothe king. The Sakas + The Sokas are referred to a8 Scythian. ‘The Sakas came to India through the Bolan pass and fist settled in lower Indus fegion. The first Saka king in India was Maues or Moga, who established Saka power in Gandhara. + The most famous ruler ofthis dynasty was Rudradaman 1 The Kushanas, + Kushanas were the nomadic people from the steppes, + Kanishka was the greatest of the ‘Kushanas who started the Saka Era in 78 AD, Kushanas were the frst rulers to issue gold coins on a wide scale known for metalic purity Kanishka was the most known and ‘greatest of all the Kushana kings. + Kanishka ascended to throne in 78D and he founded the Saka Era ‘The Sunga Dynasty + The Sunga Dynasty was established by Pushyamitra Sunga. They were basically Brahmins, + This period saw the revival of Bhagvatism. Patanjali wrote ‘Malabhasya a this time. + Bhachut stupa is the most famous ‘monument ofthe Stunga period, The Kanva Dynasty * Devabhuti, the last ruler ofthe Sunga dynasty, was murdered by his ‘minister Vasudeva, + He illegally took over the throne and founded the Kanva dynasty, They were replaced by the Satavahanas. The Satavahanas (or Anchros) + Simuka (60-37 BC) was the founder of the Satavahana dynasty. + Under the Satavahanas, many chaityas (worship halls) and viharas {monastries) were cut out from rocks. + The official language of the Satavahanas was Prakrit. + The Satavahanas issted coins of lead (mainly), copper, bronze and potin CGaulamiputza Satakarni was a famous king ofthis dynasty 6 The Pandyas The Pandyas were frst mentioned by “Megasthenese. Their capital was Madura famous for peas. The Cholas + The Chola kingdom, also called as Cholamandalam wos situated to the North-East of Pandya kingdom between Pennar and Vella rivers. + The capital of Chola rulers was Kaveripattanam/ Puhae ‘The Cheras Their capital was Vanji also called Kerala country). They had important trade relations with the Romans. Sangam Age Sngam isthe Tamil form of Sanskrit ‘word Sangha’. Sangam was an academy of Tamil poets. According to tradition, the first Sangam was founded by sage Agasthya Gupta Period “The important rulers of Gupte period were Chandrogupta + He was the first Gupta rte o acquite the title of Maharajidhitsa, He was, rmarvied to Lichehhav princess Kumaradevi + Chandragupta was abe to establish his authority over Mogadha, Prayaga and Skt, Somudragupte + Samudragupta succeeded his father CChanadragupta Tabout 310 AD. +The Allahabad pla inscription gives 4 detailed account of Samudragupla. Harisena (one ofthe officials) composed this inscription whichis engraved onthe Ashoka's pillar at ‘Allahabad. + Samudragupta was a great military sgenoral, Head a long ist of the Kings nd rulers whom be defeat + Samudragupta assumed the titles of “Kawitaj and Vikram Chandragupta It + Chandrapupta Il was the son of Samudragupta and Dattaderi and he was chosen by his father as his + Under Chandragupta I, the Gupta Empire reached its highest glory, both in terms of territorial expansion and cultural excellence, + After the victory over Sakas, ‘Chandragupta Il adopted the tile of Vikramaditya.’ He was the first ruler to ise the silver coins in the memory of vietory over Sakas. Kalidas (the great Sanskrit poet) was ‘one of the Navratnas of CChandragupta’s If court. Fa-Hien (the Chinese Buddhist pilgrim) visited India during his reign Kumaragupta | + Chandragupta Il was succeeded by his som Kumaragupta L He was the ‘worshipper of God Kartkeya, + He founded the Nalanda Mahavihara, which developed int a great centre of lesening ‘Skandagupta + Skandagupta was the lst grea rer of the Gupta dynasty. + During his reign the Gupta empire ‘was invaded by the Hunas Pushyabhuti Dynasty + The Pashyabhuti dynasty is also known as the Vardhana dynasty It ruled parts of northern India during 6th and 7th centuries. + This dynasty reached its highest point under its last ruler Harsha Vardhana reign. Famous Chinese traveler Hieun ‘Tsang visited India during Harsha \Vardhana reign, + Banabhata, who wrote Harstachavita and Katamari was a member of Harsha Vardhana’s court. MEDIEVAL HISTORY Medieval history of India relates with the rise of Islam in India. It began with the conquest of Sindh, one of the provinces ofthe present day Pakistan, ‘Among the Muslims, the first to conquer the territories of India were the Arabs. It ‘was under the leadership of Mohammed bin-Qasim, that Sindh was conquered. After Arabs, Turks conquered India ‘Mahmud Ghaznavi was the founder of ‘Turkish rule in India. He led as many as General Knowledge 17 expeditions into India, His expedition against the temple of Somnath was the most important ast gave Mahmud 2 vast treasure, He patronised Firdausi AL-Biruni (scholar), who wrote Kitabul-Hind and tb (court historian). The Delhi Sultanate “The state set-up by the Turks towards the end of the 12th century in Northem India, gradually developed into a powerful and highly centralised state By the end of the 12th century, Mohammed Ghori was successful in ‘occupying Delhi and started a dynasty of rulers which, together with some later

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