Orthopedic Appliances

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It is used for class III, when there is mandibular protrusion in mixed dentition.

The intermaxillary arch anchored in the upper jaw bends, closely contacting the lower incisors, but
with a certain distance towards the upper loops in a U shape. The Coffin spring is closed distally, it
bends contacting the most prominent. The occlusal rests are incorporated horizontally into the
occlusal surface.

In the mandible, the lingual arches bend from the mesio-lingual part of the canines distally between
the canine and premolar, from there they pass interproximally towards the buccal. On the buccal
aspect the wire is bent mesially forming a loop and subsequently bent again distally. Between the
first and second premolar the wire passes lingually again. After an anterior loop, the lingual arch
continues towards the acrylic base of the upper jaw.

Both lingual arches are connected to the lingual acrylic pads by means of a connecting arch with
three zigzag folds.
In the upper jaw, the lateral screens are delimited with wax strips. In the jaw, small acrylic screens
are incorporated in the area of the canines and premolars to anchor the connecting arch.

The finished device has a delicate design so it has to be treated with care for finishing and


ORAL SCREEN OR VESTIBULAR PLATE.- It is one of the oldest functional devices, whose validity has
been revived in recent years. As muscle therapy in patients with incompetent lips or in mouth
breathers, whose problem is due to habit. It is used as a habit interceptor, it consists of an acrylic
or plastic plate that conforms to the anterior anatomy of the arches, extending to the temporary
second molars or, failing that, second premolars and slightly separated from the bottom of the
vestibule. It has a ring in the anterior area that makes it easier for the patient to remove it.

This appliance with functional characteristics is frequently used in conjunction with fixed
appliances when it is desired to produce a protrusion effect on the lower anterior teeth, which
when released from the pressure of the lip are protruded by the intermittent forces of the tongue,
and may also occur. a distalization of the molars by lip pressure. It can also be made as a
removable appliance, requiring good retainers that can reinforce the anchorage of the plate.

Of the countless modifications that the activator has undergone, the bionator is one of the most
used, because it basically performs the same functions, but is less complicated and better
tolerated by patients. It consists of an ovoid-shaped palatal arch, similar to the Coffin spring, which
replaces acrylic in the palate area, extending from a line that joins the distal faces of the first
permanent molars to another that joins the cusps of the first premolars, (1.2 mm gauge wire). A
buccal arch that emerges from the upper arch, in front of the first premolar, contouring towards
the gingival and then backwards, to the mesial of the first permanent molar, descending towards
the gingival of the lower arch and continuing forward, rising to the level of the canines to pass
through the middle third of the buccal surface of the incisors (caliber 0.9 mm). This arch reduces
the action of the buccinators on the posterior teeth, facilitating their transverse displacement. The
spacing of these wire shields is approximately 3mm. The rest of the internal structure is covered
with acrylic; the incisal edges of the lower ones can be covered in those cases where they are well
aligned. Half of the occlusal surfaces of the molars can be covered with acrylic, releasing or carving
it when we want to produce extrusion or movements.

They are bimaxillary devices designed by Dr. HPBimler, which have become very popular and
popular in some European and South American countries. Three basic types of devices have been
described by the author, each with some variations:
For the treatment of Class II division 1 malocclusions, an appliance called Bimler type "A" was
described, which, depending on a series of factors, such as delay in the development of the dental
arches, hypoplastic development of the middle face, severe cases of crowding, over-expanded
upper arches, cases of double profusion and positions of the anterior teeth or molars, was divided
into six variants. For the treatment of Class II Division 2, type "B" was designed, which has 4
variations, marked by the same barrels as those of type "A".
For the treatment of anterior crossbites in Class III type 1 or Class I type 3, 6 variations were also
described, also depending on the same factors as the previous ones. For all groups the first device
or basic device is the standard one, also called the first variation. Then will come the second
variation, called "special", influenced by the development of the arches. The third variation, called
"hiccup", is used in narrow arches and high vaults, with uni or bilateral open bites. The fourth
variation, called "extra", is used when there is very severe crowding due to basal bone hypoplasia
or macrodontia. The fifth variation is called "contra", used when there are over-expanded jaws
that require contracting, while the mandibular arch requires expanding. The sixth variation, called
"bipro", is used in cases of bimaxillary protrusion with tooth spacing. In real practice, many of
these variations are not used and new changes or adaptations are introduced to Bimler appliances
to try to solve dental problems, adding springs, simplifying the designs or incorporating new


This device has fallen into disuse, the essence of its philosophy is still in force, it is a passive device,
which must remain loose in the child's mouth, but which must force the jaw into a new closing
position to bring it to the desired position with with respect to the maxilla. Through the
appropriate carving of the device, changes can be achieved, both in the transverse direction and in
the sagittal or vertical direction. The original challenge consisted of an acrylic block, made on the
patient's models, in which both the upper and lower arches formed a single piece, it has a
vestibular arch, the advancement originally consisted of 2 mm. But now it is more than 4 mm as
required, the interocclusal free space that was originally 4 mm is now 12, 14, and even 15 mm.
Its use was recommended only for nighttime hours, currently its continuous use is recommended.
Numerous modifications have been attempted to improve the design of the activator, placing
screws, springs, sectioning the arches in the device, but the content of its philosophy has not been
able to be modified.


The functional orthopedic device belonging to the group of hybrids, which arises from the
combination of two devices that are basically the Bimler and the flat plates, the problems of which
other devices have drawbacks, mainly in certain stages of ontogonic development. Its main
objective is to try to obtain faster and more stable results, which combined with other techniques
can help their effectiveness.


1.- SN1 (light sliding model)
2.- SN 2 (language maintainer)
3.- SN 3 (lower fins model)
4.- SN 4 (model with screen or shield)
5.- SN 5 (special type of connection with fins)

SIMOES NETWORK I (SN1) LIGHT SLIP MODEL It is indicated in cases of small protrusion, in
netroclusion or slight distooclusion. (not in mesioclusion), it can also be used when we need
transverse development of the jaw and when we want to control the upper transverse

OBJECTIVES: • Allow greater functional oral space • Allow lateroprotrusive movements • Eliminate
the inconvenience of occlusal supports in certain stages of development Facilitate the best
orientation of the eruption of lower premolars and/or second molars. • Allow the inclusion of
accessories (arches, vestibular, S-springs, etc.) • Allow the removal of the Bimler shield, when it
comes to thick-lipped biotypes or when these shields are not necessary.

SIMOES NETWORK 2 (SN2) TONGUE KEEPER • It can be indicated in cases of neutroclusions,

mesioclusions, open or cross bites. • When control is needed in the development of the lower jaw
or stimulation in the transverse development of the upper jaw. • Control is obtained by a device
that gently maintains the position of the tongue away from the lower dental arch.

OBJECTIVES • Touch the tongue to the sides and at the tip to induce it to obtain a different
location in a transverse direction, moving it slightly away from the dental arch. On the sides it
achieves this function through the lateral styloglossus muscles.


It may be indicated in those cases where it is necessary to control the development of the dental
arches, mainly in the anterior direction. • In Class III • In Class I type 3 (pseudo Class III or slight
mesioclusion). OBJECTIVES • Try to change the position of the tongue, slightly varying the position
of the jaw.
These devices have two labial or vestibular shields to try to produce neural excitation in the oral


These devices have two 0.9 mm gauge wires bent in two planes perpendicular to each other,
which slide inside a 1 mm tube that protrudes from the acrylic. • They are indicated to increase
lateral protrusive movements. • They reduce the frequency of rupture. of the dorsal arches, acting
as a force breaker.

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