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CULTURE AND HISTORY OF ASSAM Culture and History of Assam Copa Governor hicf Minit Aree Late 21°10 Neo 2°56 N Tonge Bowsdaries, Kopou Fhul[Foxail Orchids) ‘Stale Facer Slate Animal Slate Tre State Bind ‘Ste Festive ‘Sto Song (O mor aponar dey State Mato Offi Language is Chey ster ‘Sie Akbar Hydorh First Governor igh Cort Forest Cover fhe Sate 28327 sq an 36.11% of the seats Dist Towns (as yer 2011 Census) “Vitae Panchayats Toul Vita (ayer 2011 Census) Ihe Vilages (asyer 201 Conses) Urine Vie (as yer 2011 Censes) Assam : An Overview Dispur Tagish Mak ‘Srbananda Sonowal 78438 59k 19949" E10 9626 E International Boundary North nutan Wert Bangladesh National Boundary (Sates) East Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland and Manipur West West Bengal North Arunachal Pradesh South Nagaland Manipur, Mizoram, ‘Meghalaya and Tripuea ‘Oneshomed Rhinoceros olang (Dipteocarpas macrocarpas) Deo haan (White Winged Wood Duck) ih (Omy dearest country) Joy aai cxom (Hail mother Assam) ‘Oncamiys (Assamese) Gopinatn Horton (Gauhat High Co (Guwahati ‘geographical area (Aspe Satof Furst Roar 13) sami, 2M 201 26395 aI 118s Population ‘1208576 (asp 2011 Census) Males 13 Femoies 15266133 ‘Ser Ratio 958 ‘Cs Population 715% STS Population rere Urbur Population 410% Density 398 Literacy Rate 719% Male Literacy Rate ‘785% Femole Literacy Rate 667% Init Moray Rate 40 2018) Tak Satta Constiwencley 14 ‘ayy Sabha 7 Constituencies Vion Saba 136 Constituencies legislature ‘Unica Nations Parks 7 Wiki Sancturies 18 Major Tribes Bodo (ncarly half of the total STs population), Miri Mise, Rabo, ‘Kothari ard Lalung, Abor, Santis, ‘Xarby Khamyang, Kheina Mishing River Brahmaputrs, SubansiriButhi hing, Desa a Bberal, Bask Major Festal Bihu, Rongker,AL-A-Ligang, Basha, orig Kherat Rongall Bi, Kat Bik, ‘agh Bins, Elephant, Balsa ‘Major Fo Dances hu, Deodhani, Bagururmba, Bhortal Hal Staton along, “portant Miverals Coal Limestone, Ol and Natal Gs, ‘Silimarite, Cay, lon-oce, Copper, Flspar, Cold, Cupsus Inport Indwiries——_Agrovindestrin, Refineries, Cote, Handicraft Sik Important Crops Rice, te, Tea, Cotton, Oilseed, Seer ae mc tn, Total Rod Lath 343,609 km (2018) “Length of National 3909 hm O19) Highoy Total Ray Lengtt_2519 km 2020) History and the Freedom Movement Pre-History +The land of Assam was referred to by the name Pragiotispura (or simply Fragvotisa) inthe ho epic ie. the Ramayana and the Mahatharat. The first reference of Pragjyotsa inthe Sansht lterature to be fund inthe Ramayane. Als the eae name Pragpoten end Kasarapa was avalablein some Puranas, Upapurinasepigraphs and writings of Kalidasa + Inthe Mahabharata, Bhagadata, the fon of Naraka is describet asthe king of Pragiyotisa, The name of Naraka fas aac been mmtioned 28 ‘Bhumiputra’ (on of Daum’). Noraka, according to Kaikapurana, work of [AD Itcentry, was the son of ‘isha in his boar incarration and he was appointed to the throne of Progyotsa + The ruler of Pragyotsa, a is ai, belonged tothe Danava dynasty (he ‘Asurs) the founder of which was Matiranga Danava, Makirnga was succeeded by Hatakanura, Sombaraura,Ratnagura and Ghatakasura, Ghatakasura, he Ist king ofthis dynasty, was thrown out ty the mighty King Narakasra, the founder of Bhauma-Narake dynasty. + Nacakagua avail existence of Inmrang andl demonic characters in him and became of is divine parentage he became a protgnis of Svism. + Bhagndata, son of Narak alter having his father’ throne of Progivotisn became a hero the Kurukshetta Warof Mahsbharata. He Sided withthe Kauravas inthe bate tnd headed a lange contingent Consisting of Chinese, Yavanns and people living on secoast and fought Tice btte with the Pandavas and ota hero's death «After Bhagat his son Vajadatta Soccede the throne of Prgivotispura, Though there were many other rulers after Vajadata, no itleranc of any major events is tvalable oon any source, «There is also story how the nara Pragiytisa had been changed fo ‘Kamarupa’. A verse in Kalikapurana refers tothe induction of Kamadeva, ‘the God of Love, into ashes by the fiery glance of Siva and then how the ‘ict regained his human form Rupa) in this land by the grace of Siva himself and the place where Kama got ‘back his ‘rupa’ oF original form carne tobe called "Kamarupa’ + The name of Pragiyotisa was changed to Kamarupa immediatly ater Naraka ascended tothe throne of Pragiyotisa, Samudagupta's Allahabad insription AD 4th century ‘was the fist epigraphy to mention the zname of Kamarupa where Kamarupa had been shown as Eastern most kingdom. + Yoginitantra, work of Mth century thas given detailed inscription of Kamarupa’s boundary, According to it the country was divided into four divisions oz Samapitha, Ratnapitha, Kamapitha and Suvarapitha and the entire kingdom extended from Karatowa river on the West to Dikhu {presently Dikhou) onthe East + The description shows that the ‘kingdom included the entire Brahmaputa valley, Rangpur and Mymensingh (presently Bangladesh), Koch Bihar, Nepal, Bhutan ee, The name of Kamarupa is also availabe in Kalidasa’s Raghubangsam. + There was another dynasty named Sankara dynasty ruled over Kamarupa and King Nagasankara ruled in the lst part of the century with Pratapgarh (to the North of present Biswanath) as the capital There ‘were many other rulers who ruled over some small areas in course of ime. Ancient History Next to Bhauma-Naraka dynasty, anew powerful dynasty, Barman dynasty by name, was established. It came ito existence and was established in th century by Pushyavarman. After Pushyavarman, there were Samusdravarman, Balavarman and many others to rule over this kingdom. Bhaskarvarman (AD 600-650) was the famous and powerful king who made his friendship with many other emperors including Harsavardhana. His Culture and History of Assam prosperous kingdom covered almost the whole of Northern India, Hien Tsang, a Chinese traveller visited his kingdom in AD 7th century ‘Salostambhe Dynasty +The Barman dynasty was followed by another dynasty, Salastambha dynasty by name, established by Salastambha This dynasty ruled over Kamarupa from the middle of 7th century tothe end of 10th century. Epigraphic evidence shows that at least 21 rulers of this dynasty ruled over Kamarupa. Shri Harsha Barman and Harjar Barman and his son Banamala Barman were the powerful rulers, Banamala Barman extended his kingdom far and wide Pala Dynasty + Brahmapal, wha became the king of Kamarupa after Tyagsingha, established a new dynasty named Pala ddymasty. His son Ratnapala ruled over this kingdom for about 30 years and was followed by Indrapala as his + They ruled over Kamarupa for about 200 years Prithu (AD 1200-1228), a powerful king came to power Immediately after the fall of Pala dynasty, successfully repealed the first Muslim invasion of Kamarupa, but he was thrown out rom power after the second Muslim invasion in AD 1228, Medieval and Modern History + During that time, rulers of small principalities lke the Chutia, the Moran, the Borah (in the Eastern part of Assam) and the Bhuyans (in the ‘idle part) were ruling over their areas. In lower Assam, a kingdom named Kamata was established. + The Kamata kingdom was established, in 13th century. In due course of time, ‘Chutias, Morans and Borahis kingdom were occupied by the Ahom rulers and inthe 16th century the Bhuyan kingelom went tothe hands of the Ahoms and the Koch Kamatas. Naga "Narayan and Duslabh Narayan were the powerful kings ofthe Koch kingdom. Culture and History of Assam + The Ahoms under the abled leadership ‘of Sukapha, who conquered and finally reached areas between the rivers Dikhow and Disang in AD 1228 He suibdied variows local chieftains and kings and became master ofthe vast area of Upper Assam. ‘By the 17th century, the Anoms: extended their country upto the ‘Manas river in the West. The Ahoms. adopted a policy of reconciliation and ably ruled Assam for 600 years, But the kingdom began to decine and annexed to the British India in accordance tothe Treaty of Yandaboo (2th February, AD 1826) + The Fast India Company already had their eyes in Assam. So, taking the advantage in the name of intervention land expulsion of the Burmese invaders, they ultimately occupied and laid their foundation of ruling Assam. Having seen troubles, the Britishers arrested the patriots and hanged them. ‘They were Gomdhar Phukan, Pi Phukan, Manizam Dewan and any other sufered the punishment in prison + Since that ime, people of Assam. alongwith the rest af India, were revolting for independence till the frst half 20th century and many inching ‘Kushal Konwar, Kanaklata, Bhogeswvar Phukani, Mukunda Kakati and Madan ‘Raut had to sacrifice their lives for independence of India. Ultimately the [Britishers had to leave India in 1947. Ahom Rule + The Ahoms, a Tat geoup, under the abled leadership of Sukapha, entered in the boundaries of Assam in AD 1228, throuigh the Naga kingdom. The foundation stone for 600 years (AD 1228-1826) of the Ahom’s rule was Iaid by Sukapha (AD 1228 -1250), + Ie was Subunginung’s reign (AD 1497-1538), which is counted as one of the most memorable in 600 yeaes of ‘Ahom rule, He assumed the Hindu name Swarganarayan. He is popularly known as Dihingia Raja because he shifted the Ahom capital to Bokota ‘near Desang river. He annexed the CChutiya and the Kachari territories to the Ahom domains. + Suhungmung created a group of three types of ministers ic, Borgohain, Buragohain and Borpatra Gohain. It ‘was during his reign that the first ever censtis took place. The economic scenario of the state was also comprehensively surveyed, During his reign, the Mughals invaded thrice but they could not taste victory. + Susenpha (AD 1601-1641), 2 descendant of Suklengmung, ascended the throne in 113, He took on the name of Pratap Singha, He created 3 new post of Barphukan, to look after the administration ofthe areas beyond the Kaliabor + He also introduced Pyke (common Ryat) system. Under this system, people were divided into groups of 1000-100 and 20 and over groups Officials, Hazatika, Saikia and Bora were elected. Creation of other posts like Rohiyat Barua, Jagiyal Gohain, Kajalimukhiya Gohain is also credited to him, + Supatpha or Gadapani, who assumed, the Hindu name Gadadhar Singha {AD 1681-1696), waged a war against the Mughals, whichis also popularly known as Itakbulir Rann (War of ltakhuli) and captured back Guwahati from the Mughals, He was a saivite and to help propagate this form of Hindu worship, he built ‘Umanand Devaloi’ at Guwahati. He also built the "Dhodar Ali’ a road neat Golaghat. + Gadadhar Singha’s eldest son Lai succeeded him. He (Lai) took on Hindu name Rudra Singha (AD 1696 -1714) and the Abom name Sukruunpha. Inthe honourable ‘memory of his mother Joymoti, he dug the Joysagar Tank, + Other architectural monuments and structures accredited to him are Kareng Ghar, stone bridge built over Namdang river, Kharikatia Ali, ‘Metaka Ali, Rudra Singha gave royal patronage to Bik, + Sutanpha (AD 1714-1744), son of Rudra Singha, took on the Hind ‘name Siva Singha, He became a Shakti ‘worshipper, as he was initiated in the tenets of the Shakti cults by Krishnaram Bhattacharya, who was later appointed as the head priest of Kamakhya temple which is situated top the Nilachal hills + Siva Singha was a weak person who relied heavily on astrologers, which could be explained by the fact that when an astrologer told him that he was in danger of being dethroned, he installed his Queen Phuleswari, who asstimed the name Pramateswar (one of the name of Durga), 8 Bor Raj or Chief King thus, engineering the beginning ofthe end of the Ahom. dynasty. + After Phuleswari died in 1731, Siva Singha married her sister Drupadi or Deopadi and made her the next Bor Queen, with the name Ambika. She was the one who constructed the Shiva Dol temple) of Sibsagar, which isthe highest Shiva temple in Assam, Tt was during hs reign that ‘DhaAli’ was. constructed at Sibsagar. Rule of Britishers + From 1769, disaffected population of the kingdom, under the leadership of their ‘Mahantas’ (religious leaders), took par ina series of uprisings against Ahom rule that devastated Upper Assam. The leader ofthe first uprising was Ragha Maron. His two wives Radha and Rukmini also participated inthe battles against the royal army, + In 1817, the Burmese took advantage ofthe dissensions within the Ahom nobility and over run the Brahmaputra valley. The Burmese who came on the invitation ofthe Bor Phukan (Governor), Badan Chandra, who conspired against the king killed one in 3 persons in ‘Assam over a period of 5 years + Fearing incursions on their own, tertitory, the British drove the Burmese from the Brahmaputra valley and under the conditions of treaty of Yandaboo, between the Burmese and the British, annexed the Ahom kingelom in 1826, with the East India Company taking control of lower ‘Assam and installing Purander Singh as king of upper Assam in 1833. In 1836, all ofthe North-East India bbecame part of the Bengal Presidency of British India + The Britsh dismantled the Ahom ruling structure, made Bengali the official language and staffed administrative and professional positions with educated Bengali Hindus, + The famous revolt of 1857, found an echo in Assam under the leadership of Maniram Dewan and Piyoli Baruah, ‘who vere subsequently hanged in 1558 In 1874, Assam was separated {rom Bengal and was consitted nto a separate province by tel eth its “apital in Shillong + 11905, on the initiative ofthe British viceroy of India, Lord Curzon, the province was amalgamated with East Benga, following the partition of Bengal into the West and the East. In 1912 the partition was naliied and Assam was made a separate province + 1n1913,a Legislative Council and in 1957 the Assam Legislative Assembly was formed in Shillong, the erstvhile capital of the region, Assam’s participation in the nations waves dates back to 1886 tthe second Session of Indian National Congress held at Kolkata, where Debi Chanira Barua, Gopinath Borioli, Kamin Kumar Chades, Bin Chora Pal, Satya Brush, Joy Gobindasom represented ‘Assam. The year of 1921 89 memorable year in the annals ofthe Assam history because ofthe three things, hich ere 1. Gandhi visited to Assam, 2. Strikes by Assamn-Bengal train service and steamer companis, which were the cause of Widespread unrest. 3. Altera period of 63 years ie, 1921, ‘Assam passed into the hands of viceroy, Hus paving the way fora dual seiminitation hich lasted will 1936 + 15.1920, ike the rest ofthe county, Assam also plunged into the [Non-Caoperation Movement lnunched by Gandhi and also joined the Civil Disabecience Movensent of 1930 launched by Gand. + 1n1935,selégovemnance in Assam was introduced, Assam plunged into the Quit india Movement in 1982, which ‘was also popularly knovin as People’s Revolution. Ultimately, the Britshers hha to leave in 1947 Some Points in Brief Pre and Ancient History of Assam + The inhabitants of Assam comprises ‘of the migrants from Burma and ‘China who came from Punjab through Bihar and North Bengal + Assam presents a fusion of Mongal-Aryan culture + The early history of Assam is believed tobe ofthe Varman dynasty + Huen-Tsang visited the court of King Bhaskar Varman, + The Ahoms ventured into Assam in about AD 1228. + During the later part ofthe 16th century, the Atoms revolted a ‘succession of Mughal invasions. The kingdom of the Assam reached its height under Rudra Singha, + The earliest inhabitants of the region are assigned to the Middle Pleistocene period (0.78 million 1 0.126 million ‘years ago) in the Rongeam Valley of Gato hills. + There exist evidence of microlithic culture in the Rongram valley of Gato hills that lie between the Neolithic layers and virgin soil + Early neo-lthic cultures based on the sunifacially faked hand axe in Garo hillsand have developed in line with the Hoabinhian culture and itis. conjectured that this region was the contact point forthe Indian and the Sonth-East Asian cultures. affinities with the spread of the Mon Khmer people of Malaysia and the Ayeyarwady valley. + Some typical sites are Daojali Hading in North Cachat bills, Sarutars in Kamrup district and Selbagir in the Garo hills, + The legendary King Narakasura, whose son Bhagadatta fought valiantly in the Mahabharata War, ruled Kamarupa from his capital at Dragiyotishpura. The site has a famous temple dedicated to the tantric Goddess Kamakhya, + After Bhaskar Varman, the control of ‘Assam passed to Salasthamba, who cstablished the Mlechcha dynasty, + After the fall ofthe Mleccha dynasty in the 9th century, a new ruler, Bhahmapal was elected, who established the new Pala dynasty in Assam, + The last Pala King was removed by the Gaur King, Ramapala in 1110. + Historical evidences prove that the first king who ruled over Kamarupa was Culture and History of Assam ushya Varman (AD 350 380) who was a contemporary of Samudes Gupta + Pushya Varman descendent Mahendra Varman waged a successful war against the Guptas and also performed the Ashwamedha Yagna * Jayapala (AD 1120-1138) was the last ruler of Pala dynasty Medieval and Modern History of Assam + The beginning of Medieval Assam is marked by the rise of the Khen dynasty ofthe Kamata kingdom, established by Pritha in the Western part of the old Kamarupa kingdom, Inthe I6th century, Vishwa Singha of the Koch tribe established the Koch dynasty in the Kamata kingdom. +The first Islamic invasion of Kamarupa took place during the reign of a king called ‘Prthw’, who was killed in a battle by Ttutmish’s son Nasinuddin in AD 128, + During the second invasfon by Ikhtiyaruddin Yuzbak CTughril Khan), about AD 1257, the King of Kamarupa Saindhya transferred the capital Kamarapa nagar to Kamagpua in the West + The King Birpal established his rule at Sadia in AD 1189, Ahom Rule + The King Nityapals failure to rule efficiently gave an opportunity to the ‘Ahom King Subungmung to annex the ‘Ahom kingslom, + The Bhuyan’s were petty chiefs whose principalities were located to the East ff Kamrup-kamata area. Baro (twelve) refers to the twelve chieftains who, even though were not kings, established small kingdoms + shom King Pratap Singha crushed the ‘uprising of the Baro Bhayans Biswa Singha (1515-1540) laid the foundation of the Koch domination and established his capital im Koch Bihar. Nara Narayan’s rule was the ‘most glorious period of Koch kingdom. + The 13th century saw the rise of the Kacharis, one ofthe ancient races of Assam. +The Kacharis claim descent from Ghatotkacha, the son of Bhima Culture and History of Assam + Hidimbapur (sow Dimapur in Nagaland) was the capital of Kacharis, + The Jaintas were a matriarchal race hich had established their kingdom jnaand around Jayanta hills. Dhanamanik and Jashamanik were the power kings ofthe Jayantia kingdom. * Bijaynarayan was the last Jayantia ruler after whom the kingdom passed {nto the hands of the British alongwith the Ahom kingdom Sukafa, who was the first Ahom king. + Accession of Sudangphas to the throne marks the first stage inthe growth of, [Grahmanical influence among the Ahoms, + Suhungmung, the Akom ruler, ‘assumed the title of Swarganarayan + During the reign of Suhungmung, the first ever census was conducted ‘During the reign of Suklengmung, the war between the Ahoms and the ‘Mughals reached its peak. In AD 1671, a fierce battle took place bbetieen the Ahoms and the Mughals at Saraighat + The Manas river became the line of demarcation between the Ahoms and ‘Mughal territories. The treaty of ‘Yandaboo between the British East India Company and the Burmese King ‘of Ava, signed on 24th February, 1826. Rule of Britishers, + In 1838, all of North-East India became part ofthe Bengal Presidency of British India + Colonial Assam (1826 - 1947) refers to the period of history of Assam between the signing of the Treaty of ‘Yandaboo and independence of India ‘when Assam was under the British colonial rule + The region that came tobe known as undivided Goalpara district eame under British rule after the transfer of the Deewani from the Mughal Emperoron 12th August, 1765, + In the war against the Burmese, the ‘Ahoms di not help the British. + Tn 1828, the Kachari kingdom was annexed under the Doctrine of Lapse after the King Govinda Chandra was Killed. In 1833, Upper Assam became a British Protectorate under the erstwhile euler of the Ahom kingdom Purandhar Singha. ‘The annexation of Upper Assam is attributed tothe successful ‘manufacture of tea in 1897 and the beginning of the Assam Company in 1838, From 1859, Central Indian labour was imported for the tea plantation {In 1830, Dhananjoy Burhagohain, Piyali Phukan and Jiuram Medhi rose {in rovolt and they were sentenced to death. In the Indian rebellion of 1857, the people of Assam offered resistance in the form of non-cooperation and ‘Maniram Dewan and Piyali Baruah ‘were executed for thei roles. In 1861, peasants of Nagaon gathered at Phulagur for raiz mel (Peaple's the Assam region was separated from the Bengal Presidency and Sylbet was added t0 it The capital ‘was at I In 1888, ol was discovered at Dighoi ‘Which giving rise to an oil industry. In 1903, Assam association was formed ‘with Manik Chandra Barua asthe first Secretary. ‘The Partition of Bengal in 1905, was strongly protested in Bengal and the ‘people of Assam were not happy citer Opposition to the party was corordinated by Indian National Congress, whose Presicent was then Sir Henry John Stedman Cotton who Ihad been Chief Commissioner of ‘Assam until he retired in 1902. The partition was finally annulled by an Imperial decree in 1911, announced by the king- Emperor at the Dethi Durbar ‘The Swadeshi Movement (1905-1908) ‘rom this period went largely unfelt in ‘Assam, though it stired some, most notably Ambikagiri Raichoudhucy. ‘The immigration continued in post colonial times, giving rise to the ‘Assam Agitation of 1979 AAs Assam got sucked into the Non-Cooperation Movement, the ‘Assam Association slowly. transformed itself into the Assam, Pradesh Congress Commitee. Under the Government of India Act, 1919 the Assam Legislative Council, 7 membership was increased to 53, out of which 33 were elected by special constituencies, + Under the Government of India Act, 1935 the Council was expanded into an assembly of 108 members, with even ‘more powers. The period saw the sudden rise of Gopinath Bordoloi and Muhammed Saadiulah and their tussle for power and influence. + In 1979, Assam flared into Assam Agitation (or Assam Movement) a popular movement against Immigration. The movement led ‘ASU and AAGSP set an agitational programme to compel the government to identify andl expel illegal immigrants and prevent new immigration. + In 1985, Assam Accord that was signed by the agitation leaders and the Government of india. The agitation leaders formed a political party, ‘Assam Gana Parisad, which came to power in the state of Assam in the assembly elections of 1985, Freedom Movement Yondaboo Treaty and Aftermath + The Yandaboo Treaty of 1826 had brought Assam under British rule indirectly through East India Company causing dissatisfaction to the nobility ofthe Ahom kingdom + First rebelion against the British Company was broke out under the leadership of Gomdhar Kanwar and Dhananjay Borgohain in 1828, but did not succeed. Gomdhar was imprisoned for 7 years and Dhananjay led away to Nagaland and organised the Hilltribes to rebel against the British + Inthe second attempt, Poli Phukan and Jiuram were hanged. Haranath, Rupchand, Deoram and Bon Singpho were imprisoned in Dacea Jail. Besces many of hill leaders revolted against the alien rulers, but were crushed Some of them were hanged and some deported to Andaman. Post Mutiny Situation + Though Maniram Dewan was instrumental in punishing the rebel leaders in 1828 and thereafter he became a changed man by realising T the ulterior motive ofthe British rulers and when he had been to Kolkata in 1856, he learnt about the Sepoy Mutiny, which he understood as a revolt against the British rulers and sent some letters to Altom nobilties to rise against the company government His accomplices Madi Malik, ‘Morongi Gohain and Dutiram Barua were deported to Kakapani; Kamala, Mayaram and Luk Bara imprisoned {or 14 years; Bahdur Gaonburha, Farmud Ali also sent to Kalapani and the properties ofall of them were confiscated. Besides, in order to quell the revolt and to keep the dissatisfied nobles subdued, the Company Government withdraws the pension and properties were contisested ‘The government also enhanced the taxes and reventes, which dissatisfied the peasantry everywhere in Assam. Asa result Raj-mel was held in Phulaguri in 1861 known as, “Phulaguri-Dhewa’ in which one English officer was killed by the people, consequently 39 people were Kalled and many injured in police firing. Three leaders were hanged, 6 were deported to Kaliapani and about 60 peasants were imprisoned. Next revolt ‘was at Parthorughat in which 140 peasants los ther lives in police firing in Ranga he Role of Assam Association ‘The elites of Assam formed the Assam Association in 1903, under the leadership of Manik Chandra Barua to appeal to government for redress of {grievances of the common people. twas a moderate organisation, so it did not take the path of confrontation ‘vith the government. It works for ‘education, social reform, ete. Though the association was led by the patriots subsequently it became passive til 1918. After the advent of Gandhi inthe Indian political scene and took the reins of Indian National Congress, he imported a new technique and corientation of spirit tothe struggle for liberation. He introduced the concept of non-violence and non-cooperation. After the declaration of ‘Non-Cooperation Movement by Gandhij the spirited leaders of Assam, who were connected with the association, formed the Assam Provincial Congress Committee on Jaane 5th, 1821 while Assam Association became defunct slowly. Non-Cooperation Movement ‘The special session of the AICC of September, 1920 endorsed the resolution of Gandhi to start the ‘Non-Cooperation Movernent, In ‘Assam a good number lawyers boycotted the courts, many ‘government officials resigned from the Posts and joined the movement; many students boycotted the schools and colleges, the leaders of Congress established National Schools in every district town where the nationalist students joined. Gandhiji’s Visit to Assam in August, 1921 enthused the people tremendously. Gandhi} preached against untouchability, asked to boycott foreign clothes and use Khadi products to boycott the opinion shops land non-cooperation with government by refusing to pay the taxes and land ‘The impact of non-cooperation paralysed the government work and [government also adopted seriots repressive measures. Non-cooperators ‘were arested, picketers were jailed, processionists were Lathi changed, ress gagged, properties of ron cooperators confiscated. However, burning of 2 policemen at CChoutrichora in UP by the violent mob changed Ganhij’s mind andl he suspended the movement by declaring tha Indians were not fit for non-violence Civil Disobedience Movement In Lahore Session of Congress in 1929 declared that complete Stara will be the goal of the Congress; directed the ‘Congress to unfurl the National Flag, ‘on 26th January, 1930 in public places; asked Congress Government of the provinces to resign and take part in Civil Disobedience Movement, In January 1930, volunteers came forward for picketing in opium, wine and ganja shops in are side and Culture and History of Assam tunfurling of national flag in public places. Once Bhumidhar Bordoloi hoisted the flag in Tezpur District Court on 18th March, 1922, throwing away the union jack Thereafter attempts were made to hoist the flag in Guwahati Court, Dhubri Court, Habiganj Court, etc and many attempts were succeeded and Volunteers were imprisoned. Hundreds of students of Cotton, College and other schools left the insittion to join the Civil Disobedience Movement As per instruction of government the RJ Cunninghum issued a eizcular in 1930, to restricting the students, to join the picketing, and cooperating with the national movement against which the students at lange defied the cireular Was significant development towards freedom movement ‘Satyagraha Against War Efforts The World War Il broke out in September, 1939. Hitler with Nazi force attacked Poland and as such England and Prance declared war against Axis force which comprising of German and Italy and after sometime Japan also joined the Axis force. On the advent of this World War, the British Government asked the Indian people to help war efforts. Congress {demanded independence to enable to Gecide about joining inthe war but the British Government refused. Asa result the Congress decided to oppose the war preparation in India, Gandhij evolved a noble way of Satyageaha, AIC also directed the Congress Government ofthe states which were fn power in 1937 election and jined in Satyagraha. Gandhiji himself selected the Satyagrala, AICC decided to launch the Satyagraha from th December, 1940 and Gopinath Bordoloi offered Satyagraha uttering, anti-wars slogans three times in front of Kamrup DC Court and in presence ‘of 1000 people Bordoloi was imprisoned for one year From the next day all the selected Satyagrahis offered Satyagraha in different places ofthe states and courted arrest. 779 Congress workers bffered Satyagraha in Brahmaputra Culture and History of Assam Valley which stirred the anti-war efforts toa great extent Quit India Movement + The special session of AICC held at Bombay Gwalior in ‘Tattk Maidan on Sth August, 1942 in which Mahatma Gandhi by a resolution urged the British Government to {quit India immediately which was endorsed by the Congress leaders present. In order to distur’ Congress strategy, the British Government arrested Gandisji and other all India leaders during the right and sent them to undisclosed destination. Gandhi lea slip with aseeretary inscribing ‘Do or Di Gopinath Bordoloi and Sidhinath Sharma from Assam attended the sessfon and then, left Mumba for Guwvahat, while arrived at Farkutting were they arrested and sent to Guwabati on 11th August. On 10th, fand Ilth August meeting processions were held ‘everywhere in Assam, Government has started severe repression measures, arrested the state and districts leaders and kept in jails ‘Hartals and picketing were held, students boycotted the schools and colleges, lawyers boycotted the courts for a Jong period + A'mass movement ensured in which people in large ‘number destroyed government properties in daylight in the beginning. Government had declared Congress ‘Committee and its subsidiary institutions illegal and locked the offices Processions were Lathi charged and jails had been filled ‘up. Large scale repression of police and Gorkha army competed some of the underground workers to take spans. ‘Some Important Events Police Firing (in 1942) Following patriots were killed in potice firing Jongal Balahu On 28th Augus Ga 1942, Hemaram Bordoloi land Gunabhi Paar were ills in police iting ‘On 26th August, 1942, Kalai Koch and Hlemaram Bora wer killed ‘On 28th August, Tak Deka was killed while ‘guarding the village. ‘On 18th September, hogeswari Phukani, Lisa! Hazarika, Boo Sutand Thagl Sut were ‘community feast. Gohpur On 20th September, Kanablata Barua and Munda Kaka wer led ehile attempting to hoist national flag on Gohpur Thana Dhekiajuli_ On the same day Manbar Nath, Kuali Devi “ilesivar Barua, Moniram Kachav, Mahicam ‘Koch Saruram Chutla, Dayal Nath Paniba, Khahali Noth, Maugal Kueh, Levela Bora ‘with another to persons were shot desd by poli 9 Goalpara On 28th Sepiember, Nidhan Rejborshi was shot dead for faled to pay the colsctive fine Patheala On 2th Soptomber, Madan Barman and Routsram Boro sere ied while marching in procession, Train Derallment and Other Cases [Altogether eight cases of tain derailment was caused during “Aughist and November in 1942 iyt of which in Sarupathar 3 ‘huge number of army personnel died on 16th October and in this case Kushal Konwar, a Gandhian Congress worker was falsely implicated and hanged on 15th June, 1945 at Jorhat j Four other were ordered to be hanged but reduced to 10 years imprisonment on appeal (On 24th November, 1942, an army train proceeding to upper ‘Assam was derailed at Panikhaity in which huge number of military were killed. (On 31st August, 1942, a half constructed Aerodrome for war purpose was destroyed by fire on the bank of Beki river near Sarbhog. Police and army caused Lathi and Bayonet charges everywhere {injuring peaceful demonstration but on 24th February, 1943 police resorted to severe Lathi charge within Jorhat jl injuring 8 huge numberof political prisoners Many government buildings, railway properties, telegraph lines, bridges were destroyed to retaliate the government repression. Supply of materials were also to the army camps stopped for sometimes, ‘Kamala Miri died in Jorhat for refusing to sign the undertaking, fon 22nd April, 1983. Art and Culture Festivals of Assam Assam isa homeland of varied ethnic group migrated from dlfferent pars of the religion in different peviod of history and so thas various cultures with distinct characteristics. In Assam, there are three broad types of festivals viz agricultural religious ana social estos Agricultural Festivals Bihu + Bil is a festival related with agriculture. Living an aboriginal life, when man started to live on agriculture the festival took shape either as pre-harvesting or post harvesting festivals. ‘The rights and traditions ofthe festivals are therefore related 0 the fertility cult. At the beginning of anew agricultural cycle, ‘when natire becomes pregnant with sprouting leaves and ‘looming flowers, men and women in a jubilant mood dance and sing invoking for good crops, ‘The ‘Bihu’ festival of Assam is an ancient cultural heritage of the Assamese people, the origin of which is dificult to trace ‘out. Etymologiealy, ts roots can be traced to Vishuvat’ a Sanskrit term refering tothe Vishuva Sankranti, Ofcourse, the use ofthis word is not confirmed in Assamese society. There are three types of Bihu namely ‘Bohag, Bu’, Kati Bur andl ‘Magh Bie’ 10 Bohag Bihu Bohag Bihu or Rongali Bik is one of the greatest festivals ofthe sate + The Assamese community celebrates its national festival Bohag Bilhu with teaditional gaiety and enthusiasm. * The Rongali Bihu starts on the last day of the month of Choit or Chaitra, ‘This day is called the ‘Goru Binu’ day ‘because on this day people bath their cows and oxes, feed them cakes and tie them with new ropes and perform several rites for their welfare. The second day is the Manuh Bihu and this is the first day of the month of Bohag, ‘The ceremonies performed on this day. are mainly concerned with and intended for each other and youngster pay respect and homage to their elders and take new Gamochas. Though these two are the main days of Bohag Bihu but it is celebrated for 7 days. The ‘other 5 days are Tator Bil (for loom), Gosain Bihu (for God), Nangalor Bihu (for plough), Bihu for domestic animals and Chera Bihu (concluding, day ofthe Bihu), Koti Bihu + The Kati Bihu or the Kengali Bi is celebrated during the month of Kati ‘when almost every article becomes scarce. People light earthen lamps near Tulsi (black basil plants and in their fields and silently pray for a good harvest and a full granary Magh Bihu + Tebegins on the Ist day of the month uh and ends on the first day of Magh. This Bihu is called ‘Bhogali Bik" because it is held after the annual Iaevest and is a festival enjoyment (Bhog) mainly of food. he day before the first day of Magh Bihu is Uruka day. On this day people eat huge feast in the evening and pass the night amid merriment beside fire inside camps, known as “Bhelaghar™ ‘which made of bamboo and straw Next morning they light huge bonfires, known as'Mejs’ and offer prayers to the God of Fire Social Festival + The various communities of Assam traditionally celebrate their own social festivals, Some of them are mentioned asSuddhi, Annaprashan, Churakaran, Tolani Biya, Upanayan, Joran, Biya {wedding}, Aath Mongla, ete Religious Festivals + Assam isthe land of anthropological ‘museum, Diversity is the main character in greater Assamese national life, civilisation and culture. Many tribes and castes ae inhabitant in Assam, + Mythological and legendary faith related withthe Assamese Civilisation since ancient times. On the basis of mythological and legendary faith, different castes and tribes celebrate different religious festival in Assam. So, we try to include here afew informations of some religious festivals which are celebrate in Assam, Theseare Bash Puja * Its religious and folk festival celebrated by the ‘Hajong’ and "Rajbongshi’ at undivided Goalpara district in the spring season, The cleaning bamboos are represented as the symbol of God “Madan and "Gopal’ In this festival, females are not allowed. ‘The young and the old men together pperform songs and dances with ‘various musical instruments to satisfy the God, ‘Bash’ worship is divided into four parts as ‘Madan Kam, ‘Kamdeva’,‘Satali Bash’ and ‘Akal Bash’ Bathow Puja * Itis.a religious festival celebrated by the ‘Bodo’ tribes. They believe and ‘worship ‘Bathow" oF ‘Sibrai’ as thelr Prime God. The ‘Siu’ plant is represented as the symbol of their Prime God “Baithow. Generally, they celebrate this festival two times in a year Under the Sija plant of the Altar, they offer around stone and eggs of hen for their chief Baithow. They also offer ‘wine and meat for their God Deodhani and Kherai dance are also ‘performed by them to satisfy their God, Fokuwe or Doljatra + Isa religious and seasonal festival, Ibascally celebrated at springtime, The Culture and History of Assam great Vaishnavite saint, Srimanta Sankardeva, first intraduiced Dol or Fakuwa festival in Assam. DDol festival is widely celebrated in all the Bishnu Devalayas and Satras of Assam. Special songs are sung inthe festival known as ‘Holy Geet’ The Dol festival of Kirtan Ghar of Barpeta is ‘most colourful and popular. Kher + Ik isthe seasonal and religious festival related to the cultivation. Bodos traditionally and widely celebrate the Baithow puja and represent the Siu plant as their Prime God below the Bathow. Kherai dance festival is a part of Bathow Puja. ‘Kham, Chifung’ ‘Ring’, ‘Bama’ ‘Owa’, ‘Khowang” ‘Bangana’ etc are musical instrument which are used in Kherai dance. Its believed that Kherai festival ean satisfy the Goddess and increase the production of cultivation, Maho-he Its one of the folk festivals basically celebrated in lower Assam. The Assamese people believe that after this festival ‘mosquitoes’ are decreased. To drive out the mosquitoes, the youth ‘celebrate the Maho-ho festival at Poornima night of the Assamese month Aghon, Maho-ho songs and dance are performed by the youths in every home in the Poornima night of Aghon. Pachati tis celebrated on the Sth day of the bieth anniversaries of Lord Krishna. Itis ‘celebrated in all the Satras and temples ‘generally by the women with great joy ‘and enthusiasm, The women keep fasting the whole day and celebrate Pachati at night. In this festival ‘Naam’ ‘and Bhaona’alko are performed by the Tusu Puja + Itisone of the religious and female based festivals celebrated by the tea tribes of Assam, “Tus is a Goddess of Tea Tribes + This performed in the Assamese month ‘Mag’. A colourful dance known Thumue’ is also performed with great joy and enthusiasm asthe part of "Tusu’ Puja Culture and History of Assam + In addition to the abowe mentioned religious festivals, Assamese people also celebrate the bieth and death anniversaries of Srimanta Sankardeva, Madhavdeva and other Vaishnavite are widely celebrated with Satsiya dance, Naam, Bhowna, et in all the Satras and temples of Assam by the Vaishnavite, Ashokastami, Durga puja, Sitala puja, Deodhani puja, etc. Baiswagu It isthe Bodo Kacharl version ofthe Bohag Bik. This famous festival of colours and mirth is the most cherished festival of the Bodo tribe: Like Bohag Bihu, Baiswagu is a spring. time festival celebrated in mid of April (Bohag isthe first month of Hind calendar) + The frst day begins with the worship ‘of cow and the second day with young people seeking blessings from elders, The Baiswagu draws no lines or bars. ‘The musical instruments used in dance are Khu (drum), Jotha (Manjari), ‘Khawbang (Taal), Mouth Ongan and Siphung (flute). The supreme deity [athow or Lord Shiva is worshipped luring the festival. The festival ends by offering prayer at Garjasali Bohaggiyo Bishu + Its the most fascinating spring festival of the Deotis of Assam, one of the four divisions of the Chutiyas. The term ‘Bish’ must have originated from the Chutiya word ‘Bi’ means ‘extreme’ and ‘shw' means ‘teoicing’ Bohaggiyo Bishu is also observed luring mid of April ofa stretch for 7 days, + The Deoris observe the Tuesday as ‘Uruka and the following day begins with offering prayers at ‘Than Ghar? and performing sacrifices of animal as ‘well Deodhans Nrtya Rongker It's the biggest festival of the Karbi community. It is essentially a spring festival beginning with the onset of the cultivation season, The main function of the festival involves propitiating different Gods and Goddesses forthe welfare of the village. People offer prayers to the deities to keep avvay all diseases and natural calamities of course for having a good harvest. Porag * Ttis another important Mishing. festival associated with agricultore ‘The festival marks the harvesting time of paddy. It is organised by ‘member-yame (organisation of young adults). Murong (dormitory) is ‘essential forthe performance of Porag. + A Mibbo (priest is summoned for ‘prayer. Offerings are made to the reator Chedi melo, Doynee (Sun) and Polo (Moon). The festival continues for 3 days and ends with a prayer dance (Pont-umam, Rajni Gabra and Hasni Gabro + These are two main festivals ofthe Dimasa tribe of Assam, These festivals are celebrated annually before starting, new cultivation. Raji Gabra begins ‘with Konang or the village gate, propitiating the family detty + The function of Harni Gabrais held at night when the presiding deity is ‘worshipped. An interesting feature of these festivals is that ifan outsider centers the function after the gates are closed then the entire proceeding is considered spolt. Baikho Baikho or Khakst isthe biggest festival of the Rabha tribe of Assam. It isa spring time, fertility festival celebrated to propitiate the Goddess of Wealth “Baikho’. The festival is mainly. celebrated for enhancing the fertility of soil. I begins with eeigious ballads cculogising the heroie past of Rabhas. Chomangkan Iisa special ceremony ofthe Karbis performed for the eternal peace of the deceased, This shouldn't be mistaken for the funeral ceremony. It is performed at the later date and is one of the most expensive socio-eligious ceremony of the Karbis, ‘The Brahmaputra Beach Festival tis held every year on the beautiful riverine beaches ofthe Brahmapustra river during Magh Bihu. The festival offers a perfect biend of traditional contest like elephant race, kite fying, ‘moder adventure sport like wind surfacing, rafting, canocing kayaking, para-dropping, hot air ballooning, beach volleyball and beach cricket. The festival 11 {gives a scintillating outdoor experience fone can ever have, Elephant Festival + The Forest and Tourism Department and Government of Assam jointly ongonise the ‘Elephant Festival every year at Kaziranga National Park, ‘mainly intended for the conservation and protection of Asiatic elephants + The festival aims at creating awareness about the envionment amongst people and to find out a solution tothe ever increasing man-elephant conflict. Itis one ofthe largest elephant festivals of India and a huge crovd-puller Dehing Patkai Festival + The Government of Assam organises the Dehing Patkai Festival every January at Lekhapani, 70 kms from Tinsukia town. The festival derives its name from the lofty Patkal range and the mischievous Dehing river. + Itoffers elephant safaris into the uncorrupted wilderness, as well as a trip to Stilwell road that was once the passage to the Golden land of Myanmar. Tea Festival + Itisa unique festival celebrated in ‘Assam, Ie isa festival where business meets pleasure. Iti celebrated every year in November in Jorhat. This festival i all about tea, music and merriment. Tea isan indispensable part of the festival Jangal safaris and tea garden visits are arranged. Various sports are aslo organised like golfing, rafting, angling, ec. Majuli Festival Majlis, world’s largest riverine island, Which holds the Majuli festival every year during the winter. The festival is {ranged on the bank of Luitriver in a ‘backdrop of spellbinding landscape at a distance of 5 kms from Garamur, the ‘sub-divisional headquarters of Maj Me-Dum-Me-Phi tis the most important festival of the ‘Ahoms.Itis celebrated annually on 31st January at some common venues. Itis mainly about worshipping the ancestors, Devotees dressed in traditional fineries take out colourful processing on the 12 ‘occasion, This helps in developing social contacts and community feelings amang Ahoms, Fairs of Assam Ambubashi/Ambubachi + Ttis the most important festival of Assam, Itis also known as “Aamati’ “Aamete of ‘Sath'in lower Assam and “Sathlaga’ in upper Assam, At the time ‘of Ambubash, al the religious works are stopped. + The Ambubashi Mela is held at Shake temple of Maa Kamakhya temple which is also famous in india, The devotees of different places gather at Kamakhya temple during the Ambubashi mela Jonbeel Mela + Jonbee! of fagiroad is host to one of the most spectacular and popular fairs in ‘Assam. Tribes and communities ike Tiwea, Katbi, Khasi, Jaintia come down with their products for this mela. This is perhaps the only fair in India where barter system is sill alive + A big market is organised during this fair and people from various tribes and communities exchange theit podicts. But before the fair opens fire ‘worship or Agni puja is performed. Cuisine + Though influenced by Cuisines of the aeighbouring regions, the Cuisine of ‘Assam has its own luscious taste and. flavour. Exotic herbs and vegetables are used to impart a great taste to the dishes, Rice forms a staple diet of the majority of Assamese. ‘+ Fish curries and pork dishes are the ‘most common and most preferred snon-veg food. A typical Assam fall course meal starts with Khar and ends ‘with Tenga. At the end of a meal, paan ‘or betel nat is chewed by people. Ditikas are side dishes, which are prepared from steamed or roasted vegetables. Art and Crafts of Assam Assam has a rich tradition in art and craft which also stands as 9 key factor ‘that attracts the tourists to the state and which have a high demand in the country and as well as abroad +The state is significantly rich in various eraftsman works in some places ofthe state which are well Known in all over the country Since the time immemorial, it has been Jnown tat the weavers, potters, goldsmiths and bamnboo works, wood, Cane and the ivory workers have been reflecting their artistic talent and craftsmanship through thei wor this media or platform. + The ancient half and fll slot sculptures associated with temple art can providea good example oftheir arise skills, The wood carvings of Satra Institutions can claim tobe the test specimen o the South-East Asian tradition of ood carvings. + The Assamese craftsman ofthe region stil etans some of the good works of ‘the past through many such activities such as weaving, Bamboo, cane, bal metal, pith, lay and wood works and ivory carvings + These works ofthe weavers reflects the distinctive color scheme and artist design which are the trademarks that belongs to this part of the world. Assam also has the tradition of producing three diferent types of silk stich as that of the Pat Ext and Muga stk which are very poplar ‘within the country ag well in rest of the world Cane and Bamboo Cane and bamboo being quite common allover, are used to make a variety of products Cane furniture of Assam fs ‘uch sought ater both in the national sd intematonal markets. Bamboo ‘used mostly to-make domestic products such as Calan eve), Kula (ovinnowing pan), Khor (small basket te The fancy bamboo Jap (hat) ‘with ts colourful design and Mott is ‘worn by the Assamese peasant while ‘working inthe fed Handloom Weaving + Ttis a way of life in Assam. The ‘number of looms in the state stands at around 8 lakhs which works out to ‘around 16% ofthe looms in the entire ‘country. More than thity thousand Tooms operate exclusively in silk. Cotton, muga, paat (mulberry silk) and edi are the basic raw materials for hand-woven fabrics in Assam. Culture and History of Assam + Sualkucht isthe biggest centre of sill production and weaving in the state. There are more than 3000 weavers in tnd around the township. Sualkuehi is Known as the Manchester of Assam’. Muga silk has a natural golden colour and rare sheen that becomes more Tuastruous with every wash, En is a warm silk suitable for the winter. + The designs used in Assam are mostly stylised symbols of animals, human figures, ereepers, flowers, birds, channels, cross borders and the galaxy. Each ethnic group of the state has its own distinctive design and style, + Assamese weavers produce beautiful designs on the borders of traditional garments such as the mekhela-chaddar ‘and riha and also on the gamosa (towel). The Laichangphi, produced traditionally by the weavers of Cachar istrict, ts a popular quilt sought after because ofits warmth and softness. The tribals make beautiful shawls. Brass and Bell Metal + Brass and bell metal products of ‘Assam are also famous for their beauty and strength of form and utility. Brass isan important cottage industry with highest concentration in Hojo of Kamrup district The Ssrthebari area of the same district i well known for its bell metal cra. + The principal items of brass are the Kalah (water pot), Sarai (a platter or tray mounted on a base), Kahi (ash), Bati bowl), Lota (water pot witha Jong neck) and Tal (eymbals). God, silver and copper too have formed part of traditional metalcraftin Assam and the State Museum in Guwahati has a Fich collection of items made ofthese metals, Gold however is now used only for ornaments, Woodwork + Ttisan ancient Assamese craft Exquisite wood carvings are seen mostly on doors, walls, beams, ceilings and the splendid carved sinhasans tused in prayer houses. Decorative panels in the royal Ahom palaces of the past and the 600 years old Sattras or Vaisnavite monasteries are intricately carved in wood. A spectal class of people who excelled in wood Culture and History of Assam carving came to be known as “Khanikar. The painted woodwork of Golaghat is a folk art. Modern-day Khanikars have taken to producing articles of commercial value, including figure of fone-homed rhino and replicas of the ‘world-famous Kamakhya temple two items heading the list of demands from visitors Fibre Weaving Kuhila Koth or fibre weaving isa famed handicraft of the Batadava area ‘of Nagaon district. Kuhila is woven on a simple loom-like gadget made of tvood and bamboo poles to prodiice seats, mats and cushions. Kuhila raft is also an important cottage industry in the Gauripur area of Dhl district in Lower Assam. Pith or Indian cork has also been used for tay-making since centuries in Assam. Such toys are chieflymade in the Goalpara region and they include figures of Gods, animals and birds. Ivory Products Ivory produets such as combs, bangles, walking sticks and smoking pipes were made in the district of Barpeta. Their production has however been stopped Since a ban was imposed on making and selling of ivory products asa conservation measure. Combs made of the hom of oxes are also a specialty by two communities of artisans in Assam, the Hira and the Kumar. The Hiras make household articles using the compression method. ‘The Kumars use their potters wheel to make images for worship and clay dolls and toys, West Assam has long been proficient inthe craft of Terracotta, Asharkandl, a village in Goalpara district is famous for its graceful clay dolls Jewellery + Tehas been a tradition in Assam. Gold twas available in many ofthe rivers ing down from the Himalayas, In particular tribe of people, the Sonowal Kacharis, were engaged only in gold washing in these rivers. ‘The Assamese jeweller (sonari) make exquisite lockets (doog-doog, bana, jon-biri, dhol-birt) earrings (thuriya, Toka-paro, keru), bracelets (gaamm-kharu), necklaces (gal-pata), ete Toys + The toys of Assam can be broadly toys (i) pith (i) wooden and bamboo toys (iv) cloth and mud toys. While the shuman figure, especially dolls, brides land grooms, is the most common ‘theme ofall kinds of toys, a variety of animals forms have also dominated the clay-toys scene of Assam. Clay traditionally made by the Kumar and Mira communities, they have often depicted different animals too, While Gods, Goddesses and other mythological figures also find ‘importance in the work of traditional aris Pith oF Indian cork has also been used for toy-making since centuries in “Assam. Such toys are chiefly made in the Goalpara region and they inchide figures of Gods, animals and birds, the last of which again dominate the overall output ‘Wood and bamboo on the other hand have been in use for making toys for several centuries and like the other ‘mediums, come as birds, animals and ‘human figures. + Toys of cloth as also with a mixture of cloth and mud too have constituted ‘part ofthe rich Assamese toy-making tradition. While the art of making cloth toys have been traditionally handed down from mother to daughter in ‘every household, the cloth and mod toys are generally used for puppet theatres Masks + Masks have ben widely used in folk theatres and Bhaonas with the materials ranging from Terracotta to pith to metal, bamboo and wood, + Similarly, among the tribals too, the use of masks is varied and ‘widespread, especially in their colourful dances which again revolve chiefly around their typical tribal myth ‘and folklore Painting of Assam + The tradition of painting in Assam can ’be traced back to several centuries in 13 the past. The gifts presented to Hixen Tsang and Horshavardhana by Kumar Bhaskara, the King of Kamrupa, inclucled a number of paintings and painted objects, some are done on exclusive Assam silk + Assamese literature ofthe medieval period abounds in reterences Chitrakars and Patuas who were expert painters, Locally available material stich as felgol ar itl were used for painting. Ahom palaces, Satras and Namghar are replete with brightly coloured paintings depicting various stories and events from history and mythology. + Itisoften said that folk dance is the best manifestation ofthe culture and tradition of a particular place, The best cexample to this statement can be seen inthe various ethnie dance forms that are prevalent in the different corners oF Assam, * Thestate is home toa number of indigenous tribes and races, exch of which has its oven fairs and festivals This has led to the propagation of fnnumerous dance forms throghout the region. The different dance forms inthe state can be broadly categorised tunder two headings, vi classical dances and folk dances. Dances of Assam Bhoona + This dance form is basically performed inthe village Namghars and Satras, in order to promote the Vaishnavite culture in Assam, It is actually a theatrical depietion ofthe one-act play ‘Ankiya Nat, initiated by Sankardeva. ‘An integral part ofthe dance is the Sutradhara, who recites the slokas, Sings, dances and explains the various stages of Bhaona in detail, je Pat Its a classical dance form of Assam, representing the rich tradition and cultural heritage ofthe state. Oja and Pali are actally the groups of chorss singers and dancers, with Oja as the leader and Palis as his assistants, Atal of three or four Palis may be required for the dance and the principal one among them is called ‘the Daina Pali’. Apart from dancing, 14 they also sing and play small cymbals which relating to stories from the epics and the Puranas, ‘Jumur Nach This is atypical folk dance performed by the tea communi inthe state, locally called ‘Chah Baganar Jumur Nach’ or the Jumur dance of tea garden. Boys and girls hold each other's waist and dance to the tunes of the Jumur dance, with exact precision of foot work. Watching them sway to the tunes of the song is indood a very pleasant experience All AiLigang Dance ‘The Mishing community of Assam performs a dance while making an offering to their deities during the Ali Ai Ligang festival. This form of dance is seen only inthe North-Eastern parts of the state, namely Sonitpur and Lakhimpur. Deodhani + Its a dance form associated with the worship of the snake Godless Manasa. This dance is performed by a gil who in a trance-like inspired state, goes on dancing to the beats of the Ciphung (flute) and the Kham (drum), + Atone stage ofthe dance, she even takes a sword and a shield performing a virile war dance, honoring various Gods and Goddesses, like Shiva, Lakshmi ete Barpeta’s Bhortal Nritya This form of dance is mainly a propagation of the Sankari culture of Assam and was originally developed by the well known Satriya artist, Narahari Burha Bhakat. During the festivals in the Barpeta and Guwabati regions this dance is performed by a group of 6-10 dancers who are equipped with eymbols, Bodo’s Bagurumba This is one ofthe best folk dances performed by the Bodo community of Assam, A number of Bodo gitls, dressed in colourful apparels, dance tothe tune ofthe tribe's traditional ‘musical instruments, with slow steps and outstretched hands. This is commonly seen in the Kokrajhar, Bongaigaon, Nalbari, Darang and Sonitpur districts of Assam, Khamba Lim This is atypical folk dance of Assam, performed by two groups of men and women, who stand in two Fo%s. Bihu Dance Its the most popula folk dance of Assam and as ts name suggests, iis elated tothe Biba festival, which is celebrated with pomp and glory within the state. The festival is mainly a celebration ofthe different phases of cultivation and is ‘observed by all the Assamese, irrespective of their caste and creed, Sattriya Dance + Teis a renowned classical dance of Assam, which was introduced by Srimanta Shankardev to propagate the religion of Vaishnavism. Culture and History of Assam + This form of dance is one ofthe eight principal classical dance forms of India and has a great cultural significance in the socal scenario of the state, + The basic aim of the Mahapurush, behind Satriya dance, was. to preach tothe common people the religious teachings that ‘were commonly inaccessible to them, ‘Some Popular Folk Music 1. Goalporiya Lokageet 2. Kamrupiva Lokageet 3. Tokari Geet 44 Baramahi Geet 5. Malita 6. Borgeet 7. Zikies and Jai (sung by Assamese muslims) 8. Ojapali 98. Bordhol 10. humur AL, Dikanaam, 12. Aainam 13, Holi Geet 14, Deori Mosala Musical Instruments Diol Gogona Pepa Taal oka Xululi—_Khal__Mrklanga Madol DotarsDogor Bao (Fe Nagera xtra Bhortia Doba ah jones (Boo sound) Zr tals Kali Bortala Karis Datars Architecture Famous Historical Monuments. Navagraha Temple + These are devoted to Navagraha or ine celestial bodies according to Hinds astronomy. Some ofthe temples of South India contain a Navagrata shrine, however Navagraha temples refer tothe group of 9 temples each dedicated to individual Graha. + The Navagraha temple of Guwahal in Assam was built by “Ahom King Rajeshwvar Singha during end of I8th century. “The temple was enovated in 1923 + Its adorned with 9 Shivalingas, which ae representing the 9 Grahas. They are covered with a coloured coth typical of cach Graha, A Shivalinga in the center which represents the presence of Sun Umananda Temple + This Shiva temple is beautifully situated on the Peacock island, whieh is tucked at center of Brahmapatra river in Guwahati, Iti located on the mountain called Bhasmacala Culture and History of Assam and it can be accessed by boats from the bank of the Brahmaputra river, + This temple built by Ahom King Gadadhar Singha a devotee of Shiva, in the period of 1681-1696 who dedicated to the presiding, deity Umananda. Walls ofthe temple are decorated with exclusive sculptures and portraits of Hindu Gods, which are engraved in the rock walls, + Asper local belief, worshipping this Godt on Amavasya falling on Monday brings lots of prosperity. A colourful festival is celebrated every year in this temple on Chaturdasi, Hordes of devotees rush to this temple during this festival. Poa Mecca + Temeans a sect of Mecca which also called Barmagam, isa Muslim pilgrim center located on the Garurachala hills + This mosque was built by an Iraqi preacher Ghiyasuddin Auliya in AD 12h century. The prince tened preacher brought a lump of soil from Mecca and placed ita the spot, where the mosque was supposed tobe built ata later stage. + This place is named as Pon Mecca because a devotee offering prayer at this place, acquires one forth (Poa) spiritual enlightenment compared to ‘hat one gets at Mecca Agnigarh + This the fortress built by Banasura for keeping his daughter named Usha in isolation, Banasura described in Ramayana was a thousand armed son of Bali and a horstying demon. + Everybody including the Gods was afraid of Bana, who was a Shiva fllower. The name of the fort is derived from Sanskrit words Agni and Gach Itis located in Tezpur. Agnigath literally means residence amidst fire. Once a fortress on a hillock, presently itis a well landscaped garden om the hill with amazing statues tobe viewed along its length and breadth, Rang Ghar + Of Sivasagar’s famous Ahom ruins, the Rang Ghar is a double-stoied, oval shaped, amphi-theater with a roof shaped like an inverted boat + Le wos constructed by Swargadeo Pramatta Singha. The Rang Ghat is sad to be ‘amongst the largest of amphi-theaters + The roof of the Rang Ghat is shaped like an inverted royal Ahom long boat. The base of the monument has a series of arched entrances, while a top the roof sits a ecorative pair of carved stone crocodiles, Kamakhya Temple + The first epigraphic notice of Kamakhya is found in the th century Tezpur plates of ‘Vanamalavarmadeva of the Mleccha dynasty. There is enough archaeological Famous Monuments/Sites of Assam 15 ‘evidence of a massive Sth-sth ‘century temple. ‘There isa tradition that the temple was destroyed by Kalapahar, a general of Sulaiman Karrant (1566-1572), though the latest historical findings favour instead an ‘earlier destruction during Hussein ‘Shah's invasion of the Kamata {kingclom (1498) then ander Nilambar. The rns ofthe temple was said to have been discovered by Vishwvasingha, the founder of the Koch dynasty, who revived worship atthe site but it was during the reign ff his son, Naranarayan, that the temple reconstruction was ‘completed in 1565 Kareng Ghar/ The Garhgaon Palace + is located in Rang, 4am from present-day Sivasagae, in upper ‘Assam, Of all Ahom reins, the Kareng Ghar is one ofthe grandest examples of Ahom architecture Rajeswara Singha added some more stories tothe palace, making it seven-storied edifice The upper four stories are known as Kareng Ghar, while the 3 tnderground floors are collectively called Talat ‘Ghat. Even today, the7 storied palace stands prod an tall in the Sibsagar district of Asam. District [Name of Monuments / Sites Location cachar © Cachari ruins Khaspur {A Small Unfinished Dwelling House &t Roredard ii East Wall, fv. Singh Darwaza ‘Temple of Ranshandi and 7 and 8 two smal temples it Shan Manir Date = gah Rangamat ill + Rangamat Mosque Rangamati Hill Goalpaea © Sei Suryapahar Ruins Dasabhula Devasthan * Monument over he grave of MB) Stove Goalpasa Tomb of Lt Cresswell Goslpara opigaes ~ Ancient Caves /Tombs| Fositors Golaghae = Monolith, Kasomad Pathar KasomariPathor Sado, Neghiting Nest Kamrup Carvings, Inscriptions and Par ‘UrvasIland, Guwahatl 16 Culture and History of Assam District [Name of Monuments / Sites Location Rocket Seulpures repecsenting Vishnu Janardon Guwahati = Stone inception inside the Poa Mecsa Moog’ + Se Kedar Temple © SeiGenesh Tempe, Hijo * Sei Kamenwar Temple Hap, + Dunngarila Reck inscription Kamaktya Hill * Hayegsiva Madhava Temple, Hazo Hazo = RocksulFigurex {Dancing Bhaiave Kemokhya Hill ti: Figuresof Canes? si, Figure of Narokanar |v. Fourhended Bhairav ‘Miniature 5khara Shine si sivalingasi2 vit Stone Catoway ‘il. Two-handed Bhairav NowhCachar tl + Rocco! Temple Maborg = Twonscfed Stones Mabong + Bolsson Group Manos ‘Noth Cachar His = Dersbava Group Monolhe ‘Noh Cachar is ‘Kharong Group of Monlths ‘Nowh Cac i + Kobak Group Meats Nowh Cacho is Sihosee + Group of four Mais Nowh Cachar Hills Chacsideo = shor Ra's Palace Gashgaon, * Vishnudl,Gauriagar Gavriagar + Devil, Gaunngor Gauragae + Svadol, Gauge Gourtagar * Gaursogur Tak, Gauriagar Cawragar + Vishnudl Joysogar Joysagar + Devil Jovsgar Joysagar 7 Ghansehyans hose apse Joysagar + Golgharor Magazine House, Jojsgar Dstt SIgAr ——_Joysagar ~ Kerengghr ofthe Ahem hing lyse soya + RongharPavalionsfoysneat Jeysagar + Sivadlosagar Joyragar + Rongnatvol Melek Meteka = Vishnu Stag Situ = Devil Sagar Sibagar * gh Carnons of he Abom period onthe bank of he SBSAGATSibagar Ta Sega + Svalo Star Sitsagat sonitpur *ordot Temple, Bhat ishwanath of L Laws Van Sada, Banat Bshianath ~ Grave of Lt Thmmes Kennedy, Bhonath Bshianath + Rooknown 9 Sakrenwron the lind. Uatman Bihaath Bishwnal + Rock kon Bihan "Sialing’Bishwanath Bishoanath = Dhl Tempe NC Karaya, INC Kamaoyat * Ruin Sing HEL Sing Culture and History of Assam [Name of Monuments / Sites ‘Masonry remains on dhe Bomunt ills, Tezpur * Mound and runs ofthe Stone Temple, Dahparbata * Reck inscription on the bank ofthe Brakumaput « Seulpturesin the Chummery Compound, Tezpur Tin Shia + Gun ofthe Emperor Sher Shah Sadia + Two Sisve gunsbelonging to the Mughal Nawwars, Sadia History of Assamese Cinema Origin of Assamese Cinema + The origin of Assamese cinema can be traced back tothe dreams and imagination of a revolutionary visionary ‘Rupkonwar Jyotiprasad Agarwala, who was also a distinguished poet, playwright, composer and freedom fighter. He was instrumental in the production ofthe first Assamese film ‘Joymati’, under the banner of Critrakala Movietone, + Due tothe lack of trained technicians, Jyotiprasad while ‘making his maiden film, had to shoulder the added. responsibilities as the script writer, producer, director, choreographer, editor, set and costume designer, lyricist, and musi director. The film completed with a budget of 16000 and was released on 10th March, 1935, * The picture failed miserably. Its unfortunate that like so ‘many carly Indian films, the negatives and complete prints of “Joymati” are missing, Notwithstanding the failure of his venture, yotiprasad made another film after a lapse of 2 years titled ‘Indramalat (1939). It was his second and last film, The eminent composer and singer of Assam De [Bhupen Hazarika, played a stellar role inthe play. + With the passing away of Jyotiprasad, the Assamese film scene witnessed a temporary full for about a couple of years. Bt things changed with the onset of war, taking Advantage ofthis, the late Rahini Kumar Barua made a film ‘on a relevant historical topic called ‘Manomati (1941)’ Tt ‘was followed by films like Parvati Barua's Rupahi (1946), Kamal Narayan Chaudhary’s Badan Barphiskan (1947), Phan Sharma’ Sj, Asit Sen's Biplabi,Prabin, Pluk’ Parghat, Suresh Goswam's, Runumi et Remarkable Films. + The most remarkable film of the 50s was ‘Piyali Phukaw’ ‘which went on to win a National Awaed: In 1935, a new talent Nip Barua made his directorial debut with Smait, Paras. His subsequent films Mak Aaru Moram and Ranga Police bagged many state awards and the silver medal at the national level. + Dr Bhupen Hazarika also produced and disected his frst film Era Batur Sur. Prabhat Mukherjee made a film on the universality of motherhood, Puberan (1958), which was shown in the Berlin Film Festival + The next memorable production was Lachit Borphukan by Sarbeswar Chakraborty. Dr Bhupen Hazarika made his 17 Location Tesper Dahporbatia Tezpur Tezpur Sadia Sadia “Tezpur unforgettable musical lore Shakuntala (1961), which proved equally successful with riies and the press It also won Presidents silver medal. Following this, a chain of films went into regular production and got released which included Nip Barua’s Narakasur, Anil Chaudhaty’s Matr Swarga, Brojen Barua’s Itt Stu Bahuto and Multa land Anwar Hussain’s Tefmala, Assamese Classic Movies * Joymati The first Assamese movie Joymati, directed by Jyotiprasad Agarwala was released in the year 1935. + Rupahi The fourth Assamese movie Rupabi, produced and directed by Parbati Prasad Barua was released in 1946 ‘Screenplay, dialogue, lyrics and even the music ofthe movie ‘was composed by Parbati Prasad Barwa himself. + Siraj This is another remarkable Assamese movie directed by Phani Sarma, Sir isthe sixth Assamese movie released in 1948, The film speaks about the unity among the ‘people of Hindu and Maslim community. Bishnu Rabh3 ‘and Phan Sarma, inspired by the story named ‘Sir’ tvritten by Lakshidhar Sarmah, Print Media in the State So, Someone Language Published From The Asam Tribune Frglish — Guwahat 2 TheSentnel English 3. TheTeleraph Enis (HO-Kolkat) 1 Amar Awan Asan Guwahas 5. Dain Assim Anmee Gua 6 Asamiya Pntin—Asamee _Guirhat 7. Dak Agradoot ——Asamese —Guwaha aA ‘Asamee Cuwaha 9. Asamiya Khabor — Assmee Guat 10. jr assam Asamee _Guvahat 11, DafvkJonanbhuni Asamese Guwahat 12 Drink Assamese Gawaha Tanassdharan 1B Senin indi Gawaha 14 Porvanchal Prohah awa 15. Drink jgasniha Boga Schae/ Cowal 16. DainikSamayik Bengali Schar/Guwahat Prosange 18 [Name of the SNo. Language Published From Newspaper swags V7, Dainik Sonar achar engali Silchar 18. AjirDainik Bator’ Assamese Guwaha 19. Dainik Parveday Hindi Guwahati 20, TheNorthFastTime English Guwahati 21, Pratah Khabar Hindi Guwahati + The First Assamese newspaper was Dainik Bator, publishes from the Thengal Bhawan, & km from Jorhat town on 128 ‘August, 1935, Tea baron Shivaprasad Barua started the paper. Earlier too, he had managed a paper called ‘Sadinia Bator.” ‘When the Dainik Batori was started, Bogmibor Nilmoni Phukan was appointed as its editor * Miles Bronson, an American missionary was the frst 0 compile a dictionary of the Assamese language. is dictionary published in 1867 at American Baptist ress Sibsagar, is out of print now ‘+ Hemchandra Barua (1836-1897) was the first Assamese to compile an etymological dictionary called ‘Hemkosh of the ‘Assamese language’, published in 1900 under the supervision fof Capt. PR Gordon, ISC 33 years after the publication of the Bronson dictionary. It contained about 2246 words. It was published and is stil under publication by the Hemkosh Printers. In 1873, he wrote a first Primer of the Assamese Language for which he obtained a reward of $500 The first Anglo-Assamese dictionary was compiled by 2 suident of Cotton College in the year 1910, Makhan Lal CChaliha of Chiring Chapori which was found in the British, library by a researcher ofthe Jatiiya Sikha Samanay Parishad, + The Assam Sahitya Sabha with sts motto ‘Chiro Seneli Mar Bhaxa Jononi’ was established in 1917 forthe propagation of the Assamese language and took up the publication of various books in Assamese It still publishes important books in Assamese. + The Publication Board of Assam established in 1958 by a legislation of the Assam Legislative Assembly with the vision fof publishing and editing books in the languages ofthe state {including Bodo, Mising, Kachari and other such languages), as well as English. Tourist Places Bahari Satra * Tes situated at about 20 kms from Barpeta town. Itwas founded by the great Saint Sri Sti Harideva in 15th century + The Satra namghar bears the Pillars of Tulsi, the big Gur: Asana with a Sahasra-Banti Gocha (oi-lamps). Bus service to and from Bahari to the important places of Assam {8 availabe, Dubi Shrine + Dubi isa small but ancient village near Pathsala town in lower Assam, Parihareswar Shrine is one among the {ourty-eight Shrines which remind the visitors of historicity. The Siva Linga is said to bea discovery of the sth century. Culture and History of Assam + The copper plate inscriptions prove that it dates back to the time of Kumar Bhaskar Verman of AD 17th century. Besides observance of daily rituals to Lord Siva, Durga Puja, Lakshmi Puja, Bihu festival and other festivals are ‘celebrated ceremoniously here Cachar District + Dobak Kho! itis a deep cave, Its situated at Siju village by these of the Somestvari river. Some pillars with good ‘workmanship exist here. + Kaspar Its the last apital of the Kacharis: Ancient remains exist at the site + Phulbari Ruins These remains are not far off fom the Dhulbari Dak Bungalow. A few Siva Lingas and stones are ying atthe sit * Siddheswar Mandir tis situated on the boundary of Silchar and Hailakandi, The temple is enshrining an image of Durga with ten arms, * Siva Bhubaneswati Bigraha Remains of an oll temple exist here, Images of Hara-Parbat are found here Its said that these Belem tothe time of Kacharnalers Muradeor Mandir Itisat Kalaigaon, Its said that Goddess Kamakhya knocked off the head of Kendukala, the priest of Naranarayana here. ‘The Koch king buill this temple to perpetuate the memory of his priest Ashari Kandi ‘The village Ashari Kandi is today better known for its terracotta and pottery works throughout the country and abroad because of is outstanding quality of terracotta which are compared to the terracotta of Mohanzodaro and Harappan Civilisation. Bagheswari Temple Itstands on East South comer of Bongaigaon town. An image of goddess on a tiger, a sword placed on a pedestal is rogonded as the goddess. ‘There isa hil, known as Bageswari in the Fast-North side of the temple. SriSuryaPohor tis situated at only 13 kms from Goalpera town. A good ‘number of Siva lingas, cock-cut images, stone inscriptions ‘etc. are here atthe site. Archaeological ruins and a Buddhist Stupa are the objects of tourist attraction. Its also known as the Sata Parbat” Tukreswari Devalaya tis situated at Tukreswari hill which is 24 kms from Goslpara town, It isa Siva temple, Festivals like Durga Puja, Basanti Puja ote are observed here, According to the tradition, Sat’s tongue was dropped here, Kaziranga National Park + The world famous Kaziranga National Park is situated at 80 kms from Tezpur. Tezpur eannects this park by a3 kms bridge over Braltmaputea and on the South in the town

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