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Sacred Grids
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Angelic Alchemy LLC
Frequency Infusions

$15 Single
$20 BlendED

BY: Derek Nakamura

- 1 program - $48 each

- 2-5 Programs - $39 each
- 6 of more - $33 each!


card pull


Quantum LEAP
Crystal Grid

Quantum Leap:

-pg. 6

Let Go - Move forward
-pg. 7
inner guidance
-pg 8
-pg. 9
Heart-mind coherence
-pg. 10
connection to creation
-pg. 11
have faith and trust
-pg 12
Mind-body-spirit wellness
-pg. 13
-pg. 13

ClearinG Trauma
-pg. 14


Wealth &
-pg. 16
feminine power
-pg. 17
i am
-pg. 18,19
Peace & Love
-pg. 21
awakening clarity
+ abundance
-pg. 22
find your way home
-pg. 23
-pg. 24
pineal gland
-pg. 25
looking inward
-pg. 26
5 D consciousness
-pg. 27
quantum leap
-pg. 28
-pg. 29

GIFT with purchase:

10 ways to Manifest!
Friendly Reminder
& Disclaimer:

The frequency Infusions within this menu

are for entertainment, informational and
reference purposes only and are not a
substitute for actual health care, treatment
or consultation. Please see your medical or
alternative care professional for any
health/medical concerns.

Purchasing from this menu shows that you

understand and agree with the
aforementioned statement.

Now, let's have some fun!


This Frequency will enable Self love, Self confidence, self

trust, self image, the pure divine love. Ability to trust
intuition and feel inner strenght.

This Frequency Resonates inside our body, releases

emotional blockages and expands our consciousness.

This also allows us to tune into the wisdom of the Universe,

Divine Intelligence, and our Soul. It creates Unity instead of
separation. It expands our hearts and makes us more
compassionate and loving. One thing is for sure.

A person who resonates with love have inner peace – and

this is the starting point for a world where we live in Unity,
Peace and Harmony with each other and Mother Earth.

Contains Mana of the Big Island of Hawaii. Mana is the

spiritual life force energy and restoring power within, that
permeates the universe

Frequency cleanses guilt and fear, liberating you from the

burden of these obstacles that prevent you achieving goals
and fulfilling your potential.

Lowers your emotional defense mechanism and helps

unblock subconscious negative beliefs around guilt for past
actions and fears over what the future may hold.

Clears guilt. Clearing guilt removes obstacles to self-

realization, which in turn, enables you to achieve your
goals easier. It clears and releases guilt and fear by
dissolving what created it in the first place.

Helps to ground, awaken you, returning you to the truth of

what’s for your highest and best good.

Contains Mana of the Big Island of Hawaii. Mana is the

spiritual life force energy and restoring power within, that
permeates the universe.

For Inner Guidance & Intuition.

Moves beyond knowledge to knowing.

Allows us to tap into our inner deepest portal of God's Knowledge.

Syncs our 2 brain hemispheres perfectly and allows us to tap into the
higher intelligence of God.

Allows us to be grounded and stable in our unique knowing and


Clears interference of knowing our true path.

Contains Mana of the Big Island of Hawaii.

Mana is the spiritual life force energy and restoring power within,
that permeates the universe.
The Key to the Universe

In numerology, the pattern of 3-6-9 is often referred to as the

divine code. It represents the energy of inspiration and
creative expression, and for many in the New Thought
movement, it represents the power of conscious creation and

This program has been created to assist in the following areas.

Manifestation of your deepest heart’s desires.

Greater self-love and self-acceptance.

Increased self-responsibility—the strength and trust to speak

your truth and to stand on your own two feet in the world.

Restoring all levels-physical, emotional, mental & spiritual.

Filling you with a sense of peace and well-being.

Profound inner joy.

Increased connection to the natural world.

More freedom; less fear in life.


To open The Portal of Miracles into Your Life, to access the key
to the universe with the 369 manifestation frequency.
To Cleanse Subconscious Mind
Bring Positive Energy Change
Root Chakra Healing

Connection to Cosmic Universal Oneness. This assists in

tapping into the inexhaustible energy of the universe.

Assists in Connecting to Creation. For connecting to the

source — to each other and our original blueprint. Assist us to
step into your higher purpose and relish the opportunity to
expand consciousness and joy.

For Harmony of Heart and Mind. Experience true

harmony with heart and mind synchronization and peace.

To help balance ourselves and improve our relationships with others.

Contains Mana of the Big Island of Hawaii. Mana is the spiritual life
force energy and restoring power within,
that permeates the universe

Connection to Creation 615 Hz- Universal Solfeggio Frequencies

assist us to step into your higher purpose and relish the opportunity
to expand consciousness and joy. Reminding us to trust our inner
core and nature as you experience life; get out of your body.

For Connection to Creation. Helps us to remember the first moment

of creation when we were all connected to the source — to each
other and our original blue print.

Brings us in allignment with our original intention: to be the true

care takers of this beautiful planet.

The Creator shows that creation was intended to flourish together in

a symbiotic relationship where the responsibility of humans was to
see to it that creation thrived, while the gifts of the Creator would
allow humans to thrive.

When our actions destroy creation, we jeopardize the balance of this

symbiotic relationship harming not only creation, but our human
brothers and sisters, and ultimately ourselves, who depend on the
gifts of the Creator to survive.

This frequency is here to assist the Wayshowers in guiding the

planet into 5D and to help all of us to adjust and to thrive in these
new frequencies.

To Have Faith and Trust in your relationship with the Higher Self,
your relationship with the Divine, your connection to the universe.

Releasing attachments to the way you think things should be.

Quieting the voice of your ego so we can hear the voice of inner

Being of service to others that Spirit places in our lives in often

unexpected ways. Finding Aligned Will and Courage in
Surrendering to the Dao.

Contains Mana of the Big Island of Hawaii. Mana is the spiritual life
force energy and restoring power within, that permeates the

I have Faith & Trust!


Contains Mana of the Big Island of Hawaii. Mana is the

spiritual life force energy and restoring power within,
that permeates the universe.

I am Loved!

Feeling of well-being. overall view of inter-

relationships; harmony & balance.

Contains Mana of the Big Island of Hawaii.

Mana is the spiritual life force energy and
restoring power within, that permeates the

For relief from PTSD Symptoms that may

include disturbing thoughts, feelings, or
dreams related to the events, mental or
physical distress to trauma-related cues,
attempts to avoid trauma-related cues,
alterations in the way a person thinks
and feels, and an increase in the fight-or-
flight response.

"I am open and receptive to all the

positive restoring energies in the

Contains Mana of the Big Island of

Hawaii. Mana is the spiritual life force
energy and restoring power within, that
permeates the universe

The Subconscious Mind creates your reality

because it is where previous life experiences,
beliefs, memories, skills, and situations you’ve
been through are stored. These all will
determine who you are, what you’re like
depending on what you’ve been through, how you
make decisions in life and how your mind has
stored them.

The simplest definition of the Subconscious Mind is

that it serves as the intermediary between the
Conscious and the Universal Mind.
Here are some of its functions:

Governs your autonomic nervous system or those bodily

functions that don’t require active conscious control, such
as the beating of your heart, breathing, and digestive

Serves as the repository for all thoughts, memories, and

other data that are filtered into it by the Conscious Mind

Transmits signals or vibrations of your thoughts and

desires to the Universal Mind

Receives signals/vibrations from the Universal Mind and

transforms them into physical reality

Has been created to Be Powerful in your Femininity,

Sensuality, Sexuality and to create a life of Wealth and
Abundance for Yourselves, Family, and Community.

To do this, Frequencies have been put together with intentions

and some are reminders that we are the Creator's of The Life
We Want.


- Karmic Reset -

- Opening of the Heart -

- New Beginnings -
- Activate Awareness -
- Connection to Others -
- Remembering the Light -
- DNA Awakening -
- Spiritual Journey -
- Unity with Self -
- Theta Dimension -
- Connection to Creation -

- Key to the Universe -

- Manifestation Frequency-
- Manifestation Affirmations -

The "I AM" Program contains the following

Pleiadian Solfeggio Frequencies l take you to a place to a deeper

connection with the divine, and with yourself, allow us to unshackle ourselves
from the frailties we experience in our human form. The Divine Solfeggios are
tools to get beyond the physical and truly delve into our spiritual natures.
For to know the divine you must know yourself to know yourself
you must know the divine.


It is time to release these perceived traumas, false beliefs, and judgments

of ourselves and others. What you are experiencing right now is what karma
wants you to experience. Every feeling, every thought, has been painstakingly
prepared especially for you by your angels and guides. Our guides and angels
seek all to release karma as we enter these
times of the heart awakening.

You are a living vortex of light, you are an Emissary of the Heavens,
and it is time to....become the light you are.


For the very first time in the known history of planet Earth, there are a series
of illumination waves flowing onto our planet carrying a specific and pure
frequency of light and love.

This frequency of transformational energy is designed to

realign you through your heart and accelerate your awakening.

This energy works through the heart's energetic field and anchors through
the cells of your heart center, creating a dimensional opening or vortex for you
to re-access a doorway to your natural state of being.

This dimensional opening of your heart gives you the ability to

re-access sacred alliances that are a part of your destiny. The destiny of your
heart carries the light frequency which allows you space to come
home and fulfill your sacred promise.

Contains frequencies for

Mental and Astral Projection,

Endorphin Production, used with electroanalgesia

Release of Endorphins,
Happiness Booster, Feel Good, Known as
Runner's High

Feelings of Euphoria

Good Feelings, security, well-being, balancing

The resonance of the Moon. It represents love,

sensitivity, creativity, femininity and anima (The
anima and animus can be identified as the totality
of the unconscious feminine psychological
qualities that a man possesses or the masculine
ones possessed by a woman).

Replicating the effects of M*rijuana

Feelings of Well-Being, Harmony and Balance


Brings feelings of Euphoria

Theta/Delta brainwave range - crystal clear meditation, lucid
dreams, enhanced inner awareness, "facilitates easy access to
inner resources and creates space for inner peace + self-
renewal". awareness of the external world stops, and we
become suspended in the deepest levels of
our subconscious mind.

Shamanic State Of Consciousness/Tibetan Buddhist chants

allows us to move beyond knowledge to knowing, show the
vision of growth needed; "Inner Guidance".

Inner Guidance, intuition, heat generation Centering,

doorway to all other frequencies; frequency of earth resonance
(Hercules - a researcher); Centering, mental stability,
transitional point, time seems faster.

Stimulates mental clarity;

Throat/Vishuddha chakra (Color=Blue) (Body Parts=Thyroid,
Lungs, Vocal Cords) (Effects=Expression/self in society)
(Note=G) this frequency enhances Mental and astral
projection; Endorphin production/used with electroanalgesia.

LSD Effects -Enhances the release of Endorphins Associated

with the top of the head
(Effects=spirit, liberation, transcendence)

- Activates Enkephalins, Extrasensory Perception Astral

Projection, Telepathy, " Seduction of mindset"
Catecholamines. Subconscious Problem Solving -
- Ayahuasca Ceremony Stimulator -
- DMT Activation Frequency -

This frequency Ayahuasca Ceremony Stimulator.

All frequencies Contain Mana of the Big Island of Hawaii.
Mana is the spiritual life force energy and restoring power that
permeates the universe.

Contains these 6 frequencies

Bio-rhythm Body
Awaking, energizing, invigorating Speaks the entire
body to sacral chakra feet to the navel. Where felt:
Around the heart.

Bio-rhythm Mind
Mental clarity, vigilance, attention, observation, mind,
logic, concentration solar plexus sacral chakra. The
biorhythm mind affects everything that concerns the
mind and mental power. Where felt: Lumbar vertebrae
to the neck, solar plexus.

Bio-rhythm Soul
Calms thoughts, causes mystical calm. Creates
connection between inside and outside.
Where felt: Heart to the forehead area.

Come to Yourself

Inner Peace

Self Connection

Wealth & Abundance

Feeling of Well Being, pituitary stimulation to release
growth hormone; overall view of inter-relationships;
harmony & balance
Centering, doorway to all other frequencies. Centering,
mental stability, transitional point, time seems faster. To
stimulate mental clarity.
Find Your Way Home
The Hara is the foundation of the energy system. When the
Hara is strong, the restoration that we receive will be more
effective, lasting, and even transformative!
Theta Wave for Catecholamines, vitality for memory &
learning. Stress and p*in reduction. Improved memory.
Subconscious learning and problem-solving. Regeneration
and healing.

(Effects=speech, creativity)

Mental & astral projection, accelerated learning &

increased memory retention. (reduced) Anger + Irritability.
(Effects=the seventh sense, final decision)
Information-rich task processing & high-level information
Moves beyond knowledge to knowing shows vision of
growth needed - "Inner Guidance"

Self & purpose; guided meditation; creative thought for art,

invention music, etc.; contact with spirit guides for
direction; entry into meditation.

Ask for more information on cognitive clearing


This is the world of the unconsciousness.

Waves generated in between just falling asleep
and deep sleep.

These waves are subtle in nature and quite

powerful and effective for creativity and you can
experience the future as vivid dreams and
visualization in the present moment.

And with this deep visualization, you can create

your own reality, where the power of your
subconscious mind begins.

Reprogramming your subconscious mind during

these theta waves are effective because of the
enormous energy released for activities you
carry on.

This program is designed to Decalcify, Restore, and

Activate the Pineal Gland

Many people believe that the pineal gland/third eye

functions as a stargate that can see beyond
space and time.

In essence, by activating your pineal gland/third eye,

your perceptions go beyond this physical world and
your mind awakens and connects to this plane of
existence where time doesn’t exist, and
from this, there are a number
of fantastic benefits:

- Greater Awareness/Becoming
AwakePsychic/Empathic -

- Laws of Attraction/Cosmic Ordering -

- Vivid Dreams/Lucid Dreaming -

- Astral Travel/Astral Projection -

- Imagination/Creativity -

When we feel a little lost every now and then,

that’s when Looking Inward comes in handy.
There are times when people feel hopeless, and
the inability to take the burden of being human
can become too much to bare...

Being Human means our foremost duty is

towards ourselves. This is where spending time
alone with yourself becomes the most crucial
part of an individual’s life.

- Give you Clarity -

- Make you Wiser -
- Make you Soulful -
- Liberate you from Anxieties -
- Help you Understand Yourself -
- Helps You Become an Empathetic Person -
- Centering - Which Stimulates Mental Clarity -
- Connection of Personality and Spirituality -
- Inner Awareness of Self and Purpose -
- Helps you Grow as an Individual -
- Shamanic Consciousness -
- Broaden your Horizon -
- Which Reduces Fear -
- Past Life Regression -
- Coming to Yourself -
- Self Knowledge -
-Feeling Unity -

Allows us to vibrate in our natural state which is the frequency of Love.

As we are experiencing the transformation into the golden age of
consciousness, we become more aware of the battle between light and
dark. By Vibrating in this Higher frequency we break the chains of the
dark fear based controls system that has engulfed
the planet/solar system.

Assists in using the power of our minds to have enough faith in

ourselves and allow ourselves to create the reality that is the best and
highest good of all, not just the life we want but the world we deserve.

Helps you to have Faith and Trust and in your relationship with the
Higher Self, your relationship with the Divine, your Connection to the

Helps our Spiritual growth by releasing attachments to the way you

think things should be and quieting the voice of your ego, so that we
can hear the voice of inner wisdom. HAVE FAITH AND TRUST

Helps remind yourself that when you ASK , You Shall Receive. The
Angels are here for you! You just need to ask, and give them
permission. Give them your fears and your worries. Then be open to
receiving in unexpected ways. ASK AND YOU WILL RECEIVE

Reminds us that our connection to the Angelic Realm is leading us

along a Divine path as they commend our courage and commitment to
bring forth the light and dimensional changes at this time of great

Initiation into the Fabric of the Universe.

Releasing/ Completing Karma A natural anesthetic. Removes pain

physically, energetically, and karmically. Gifts your organs with a
sense of security, safety, peace, and love, inspiring them to function
optimally. Affects us on the lowest plane, namely that of our
physical body and energy.

Quantum Remembering

Release from Belief Systems.

Christ Consciousness, hypersensitivity, Pyramid frequency (inside).

Instantly stimulates the Pineal gland which is our Third Eye.

Dimensional Openness.

Facilitating Change. Just as guilt and fear can be an obstacle along the
path to growth, so too can the traumatic experiences we’ve gone
through that weigh heavy in the back of our minds. Washes away
negative memories and influences from our mind and soul, helping us
change our perspective and face the present moment with renewed

The “MI” tone is the “love frequency.” to return human DNA to its
original, perfect state. central to the creation and to restore inner
equilibrium, increase awareness, repair DNA, and stimulate
transformation. Returns your DNA to its original, perfect state,
repairing DNA. When used with intention, miracles will happen.
It increases the amount of life prana, life force energy, clarity of mind,
higher awareness, spiritual awakening, and enhanced creativity.
It also enhances deeper peace, joy, dance, and celebration.

Open to enlightened spiritual experiences and returning to spiritual

order your true self, helping you live more authentically.

Becoming The Ultimate Creator of your Life and Connect To Creation

Divine Sound, Attract Positivity, Luck Abundance

Infinite Possibilities, Walking through the Abundance Gate

Contains Mana of the Big Island of Hawaii. Mana is the spiritual life
force energy and restoring power that permeates the universe.

The cycle of karma and control have greatly influenced

the events here on Earth we are experiencing right now. If
we can find the insight into how, then it can help people
realize what they're dealing with in their day-to-day life,
and ease the path through the karmic plane. There can be
nothing more impactful than shattering the ties to the
karma from the past that no longer serves us.

The Intent of the Karmic Energy

Restoring program is for:
Releasing/ Completing Karma

Karmic Contracts-A karmic contract is a contract our

Higher Self commits to during or before entering this
current lifetime. It’s meant to teach us lessons that will
help our souls grow.

- Cellular Rejuvenation -
- Supreme Consciousness -
- Miracle Tuning -
- 9 Solfeggio Karmic Scales -
- Karmic Balance -
- Karmic Reset -
- Karmic Release -
- The Fabric of the Universe -
- Karmic Truth - Sirius Solfeggio Scale -
- Releasing/Completing Karma -
- Karmic Relationships -

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